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Little Blue Plus Sign 
by Scorpio 

When we last left our Intrepid Duo; Spike was enmeshed in the vampire version 
of overprotectiveness caused by Xander's human "frailty" and refused to let 
his lover up out of the bed, even to go to the bathroom. Let's all pause a 
moment while we picture a naked Xander being pampered by a sweetly nervous 
[read as: totally freaked out] Spike. Ahhhh! That's better! Now... on with 
the show... 

The ringing of the phone grabbed Xander's attention from his anime marathon 
and as reflex he began to push himself up so he could answer it. A low 
warning growl from Spike stopped him with his butt hovering a full three 
inches up off of the couch cushion and a blur of black denim, red silk and 
platinum blonde hair rushing towards the kitchen caused him to sit back down. 

The ringing stopped only to be replaced by the throaty half snarl of Spike's 
normal telephone greeting. 

"Who the bloody hell is this?" 

Xander rolled his eyes and tried to valiantly tune out the one sided 
conversation that he could hear. It was easier on his nerves that way. 
However, as much as it pained him to consider what nastiness his lover might 
be inflicting on some poor unsuspecting caller, at least *he* wasn't the 
focus of the blonde vampire's attention at the moment. 

And for that, Xander would gladly sacrifice the delicate sensibilities of 
telemarketers and bill collectors everywhere. 

Closing his eyes, Xander pondered his newest favorite, or least favorite 
subject. It depended on the mood of his lover and the various things the 
vampire was subjecting him too at the time. Spike was... different now. At 
least in how he acted to and around Xander. With everyone else he was pretty 
much his normal not-so-charming self. 

But Anya's curse *had* changed him. She had told Xander and Spike that the 
vampire's only concern would be Xander's happiness, and in a way, it was. 
However, as a Master Vampire and soulless demon, Spike's idea of mortal 
happiness was... skewed. 

For one, Spike was convinced that Xander could not *possibly* be happy if he 
was hurt, injured or in any sort of danger at all. This perception was mostly 
true, but Spike took it to insane extremes. Xander figured that it was all of 
those decades of torturing humans that put that belief into the blonde's 
head. After all, Xander didn't think that Spike had too many victims that 
said 'Oh *thank you* Mr. Pointy Teeth! Please rip my other arm off! It was 
*such* a lovely experience!', so... Now Xander was being... coddled. 

What's more, Spike tended to see humans, all humans and not just Xander, as 
very easily breakable. Compared to vampires they were, Xander was the first 
to admit that, but once again Spike was taking it to extremes. The vampire 
had never really cared about a human being before, so he was a bit ignorant 
on what could actually go physically wrong with one, but his concern and 
devotion to Xander was slowly changing all that. 

Now, Spike was doing research about all sorts of "human" things. And his 
"research" was doing little more than freaking him out and making Xander's 
life a pain. He was *seriously* considering banning the vampire from watching 
any more episodes of "ER" or "Chicago Hope" and that damned medical program 
on the "Discovery Channel" as well. And maybe the evening news. After all, 
Xander *seriously* doubted that he was *really* going to catch a case of the 
Hoof and Mouth disease that was spreading through the herds in England. Even 
*if* Spike was convinced he would. 

Although, he had to admit that Spike's idea about wearing a kevlar vest while 
on patrol, *if* Spike ever let him patrol again, was actually a good one. 

Suddenly, Xander realized that Spike was still in the kitchen and on the 
phone. He also realized that he couldn't hear the vampire snarling and being 
a general ass to whomever was on the other end. That was actually a bit 
frightening. After all, there was a *very* small list of people that Spike 
wouldn't growl at the top of his lungs at and Xander wasn't sure he wanted 
*any* of them to come over. 

Xander was almost tempted to go find out what was going on, but then he 
remembered the last conversation he'd listened in on and blushed all over 
again. He'd come out of the bathroom to find Spike talking to his boss from 
work over the phone. Spike had proceeded to tell Barney that Xander wouldn't 
be in for a day or so because he'd gotten caught cheating on his "demon lady" 
and that the confrontation had been "uglier than a pitbull with rabies" and 
did Barney know how to get "bloody scorch marks" out of the carpeting. 

Xander had a feeling that he was going to end up as a legend at work since 
the guys there were sluts for "top this" type of stories. It didn't help to 
know that if he actually told them the truth that he'd beat them all out for 
sheer weirdness. 

Xander was pulled out of his woolgathering when Spike sauntered back into the 
living room and flopped down on the couch next to him. There was a brief 
tussle for the remote before Spike managed to claim it and then Xander's 
anime marathon was switched over to the movie channel. It was showing The 
Terminator which Xander knew was one of the films that his lover enjoyed. It 
had a high body count. 

Looking over, Xander eyed up his relaxed and lounging "better half" and 
sighed. He would be the first to admit that Spike was easy on the eyes, hell, 
the guy was the epitome of male beauty, but he was *still* one of the most 
frustrating and annoying creatures that ever walked the earth. Even when he 
wasn't trying to be. 

"So... you gonna tell me who was calling on the phone or do I get to guess?" 

Spike turned to look at him, the expression of fierce bloodthirsty enjoyment 
over the movie instantly morphing into helpless adoration and love. 

"Oh, right. Red called. Said to tell you that she'll be over in a bit, just 
has to collect a few things from the store. Babbled something about a test or 
some such rot. Hard to tell really. She really needs to learn how to speak at 
a normal rate of speed. S'not natural what she does to the language and I'm 
bloody surprised she doesn't asphyxiate herself half the time." 

Xander blinked. Then, using his years of experience at translating 
Willow-babble and his months of experience at translating Spike-sarcasm, he 
latched onto the most important part of what he was hearing. 


Spike nodded and grinned at him. 

"Yeah. Test. To see if Anya's curse worked and you really are pregnant." 

With an unconcerned smile, Spike turned back to his movie and wrapped an arm 
around Xander and pulled him in close to his side. Wordlessly, Xander allowed 
the snuggling, it helped to distract him from the sudden urge to panic. 

"Oh. And Red also said for you not to go pee before she gets here. She wants 
to collect your urine or something like that. Sounds a bit kinky if you ask 
me. I didn't know she was into that kind of thing, but still, could be fun... 
as long as she realizes that your *mine* and that she's not allowed to 
actually *touch* and all..." 

Suddenly, the snuggling wasn't enough of a distraction. Xander was officially 
feeling panicky. 


It wasn't even a half an hour later when Willow arrived laden down with 
several plastic bags from the pharmacy. When Spike opened the door for her, 
she breezed in on an almost visible wave of cheerful perkiness. Her excited 
and happy smile helped to calm his nerves a bit, but he was still a little 
shook up over what was about to happen. 


He was suddenly engulfed in a warm vanilla scented hug. Relief that his best 
friend was still his best friend in spite of the current craziness washed 
over him and he hugged back tightly. After a long minute, a low rumbling 
growl echoed through the room and Xander felt Spike's cool hands gently 
unwrapping their arms from around each other. 

"Enough of the sticky-gooey hellos now. S'my Xander you're squishing." 

Xander rolled his eyes at the possessive display, but he let go of Willow and 
stepped back until he was leaning against Spike's chest. Flashing a wrinkly 
nosed grin at Willow, he clapped his hands together and bounced on the balls 
of his feet once. Twice. 

"So... What's up? With the gang, I mean. The Buffster still stake happy and 
chanting for Spike's blood?" 

Willow's grin dimmed a little and her eyes grew serious and a touch harsh. 
Her green eyes sparkled with just a hint of her own inner power. 

"No. Actually, she's over her shock. That's what most of that... whole... 
angry pacing threatening... thing was. Now she's focused on the cause of this 
whole... mess. Anya, I mean. Buffy's pretty much wanting to disassemble her 
for hurting you." 


Xander felt a frown forming on his face even as a wash of sadness rolled 
through him. It still hurt to even think about Anya let alone talk about her. 
Then another thought hit him. 

"But... wasn't she, you know, jealous? Of Spike and me, I mean. After all, 
Spike *did* sort of have a, um... thing for her." 

Spike snorted in disgust against his neck and Willow flashed a sheepish 
little grin and shrugged. 

"Um. Not really. She never really liked Spike to begin with and I think that 
his chasing her was more of an... ego boost for her. I mean, Riley left and 
her Mom...." 

Xander and Willow exchanged a pain filled glance and then Willow rushed on 
past the still lingering grief as quickly as she could. 

"...and everything was just pressing down on her and I think that it just... 
helped her to feel, I don't know... desired. You know?" 

Xander nodded. He *did* know. 

The moment stretched awkwardly for a moment and then Willow snapped out of it 
with a little cry of excitement and a perky bounce. Turning around, she 
reached out and grabbed at one of the white plastic bags. Moving over to 
Xander's coffee table, she up ended the bad, dumping the contents across it. 

Xander watched with an odd mixture of mild fear and utter fascination as 
Willow's personal diary/spellbook tumbled out alongside of various ziplock 
baggies filled with herbs and spices, a clear plastic cup with lid and a 
previously opened and then resealed over-the-counter pregnancy test kit. A 
shiver raced down his spine at the sight of the white and yellow paper box 
sitting in with a bunch of Willow's magicy stuff. Spike wrapped his inhumanly 
strong arms around Xander's waist and he clutched at them, using them as an 
emotional support more than a physical one. 

"Um... Wills? What's all that... uh, stuff?" 

Willow's blinding smile turned slightly sympathetic at the tremor in his 
voice and she visibly tried to contain her excitement. Xander appreciated the 
effort, but he knew that she was enjoying this. He just couldn't understand 

"Oh, well. I enchanted the pregnancy test kit. See, Tara and I were talking 
with Giles and he said..." 

Xander's fingers dug a little deeper into Spike's arms as he watched Willow 
try to find a way to actually say what she needed to without upsetting him 
further. It didn't help. He knew Willow too well. 

"What did the G-man say Wills? I need to know." 

Willow nodded once and then rushed on. 

"Well... he still seems to think that the child, if there's a child, might 
not be fully human. Which makes sense in a way. See, Anya could have made it 
all human, like you. *Or* Giles thinks she might have made it a Vengeance 
Demon... like *her*. Sort of a child for her to, ya know... have you raise. 
The third option, which *I* think is most likely, is that her curse somehow 
combined both you and Spike to make the child. If *that's* the case, Giles 
said it would be a w'amphrii. So... that's why I had to enchant the pregnancy 
test. It'll now work, even if the baby isn't human. See?" 

Xander nodded his head even though he *didn't* see. This whole situation felt 
unreal to him, almost like a dream or a hallucination. After all, *Spike* was 
the Big Bad! He *didn't* go around quoting accident rates and medical 
statistics as a means of persuading people to take better care of themselves. 
And men could *not* be pregnant. It was physically impossible. Couldn't 
happen. *Shouldn't* happen. Even on the Hellmouth. 

But here he was, leaning against the undead chest of his own personal 
doom-sayer who had spent the last 24 hours trying to turn him into a 
hypochondriac. And here he was, watching as his best friend set up a 
store-bought and magically enhanced home pregnancy test. For him. 

With a slight shudder of revulsion, he watched his own hand reach out to take 
the sterile plastic cup with lid from Willow's hand when she gave it too him. 
Stifling both the urge to giggle insanely and cry hysterically, he turned to 
walk towards the bathroom with Willow's instructions to wash his hands and 
then "fill it on up" before coming back out. He could vaguely hear Spike 
quizzing Willow on whether or not this would harm him as he shut the bathroom 

Unzipping his jeans, Xander tried very hard not to actually think about *why* 
he was doing what he was doing. It was difficult enough to pee on command, he 
didn't need the extra pressure of an imminent mental breakdown on top of it. 

So, with as much aloofness and clinical detachment as he could muster, Xander 
gently pulled his penis out of his pants and concentrated on his aim. He 
honestly didn't think he could handle it if he missed the cup and had to try 
again later. 

Five minutes later, the cup was full, his jeans were adjusted and he had run 
out of ways to stall and delay the inevitable. With a forlorn little sigh, he 
picked up his cup of still warm yellowy yuckness and left the bathroom. Only 
to find both Spike and Willow staring intently at him, one with anticipation 
and excitement in her green eyes and one with worry and adoration in his blue 

"'Bout time pet. Thought you might have figured out a way to flush yourself 
down the lou." 

And somehow that little bit of absurdity made him feel better. It was nice to 
know that even in the midst of the ultimate strangeness, that some things 
never changed. Willow was still the wonderful and supportive best friend 
she'd always been and Spike still had a knack for saying the most outrageous 
things. He grinned. 

"Naw... Considered trying for a moment, but I figured that Wills would just 
magic me back and that would be one plumbing disaster I'd want to miss." 

Trying for casual, but knowing he missed the mark by a mile, Xander walked 
over and carefully placed the full cup on the coffee table. Then, his courage 
failing him, he headed straight for his lover and curled up on the blonde's 
lap. Strong arms wrapped around him and pulled him closer. 

Together they watched as Willow took out what looked to be a small eyedropper 
and used it to collect a few millimeters of his urine. Then, she held it up 
over a small plastic wand and carefully dripped exactly three drops into the 
little built in well. Placing the empty dropper onto the cup's lid, she 
leaned back and began to chant softly while drawing an invisible symbol in 
the air over the plastic wand. There was a sudden soft flash of pale green 
light and a brief gust of warm air that swirled through the room. Then Willow 
leaned forward to look at the wand. And squealed happily. 

"It's a little blue plus sign!" 

Xander blinked in confusion and turned to look at Spike. His lover looked 
just as stymied as he felt. They shrugged at each other in unison and then 
turned to look at the madly grinning witch. 

"Um... what exactly does a little blue plus sign *mean* Wills?" 

She looked up at them with a Megawatt smile. 

"It means that I'm going to be an Aunt! Congratulations Xander! You're going 
to be a mommy!" 

For the second time in as many days, Xander fainted in his lover's arms.