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Paranoid Blonde Psychotic 
by Scorpio 

When we last left our Intrepid Duo; Willow suggested a pregnancy test, Giles 
was pondering the possible child's species and Buffy was suffering from a 
mixture of fear for her friend and hurt at being dissed. Then, just to 
complicate matters, Xander fainted in Spike's arms. Let's all pause a moment 
while we picture a trembling Xander swooning against a leather clad Spike's 
delectable chest. Ahhhh! That's better! Now... on with the show... 

Slowly, little by little, Xander became aware of his surroundings. It was 
quiet, warm and... soft?! Slightly confused, and just a touch wary, Xander 
peeled open one eye. And saw that he was back in his apartment and lying on 
his bed. 

He had no idea how he'd come to be here since his last memory was at the 
Magic Box, but home he was. What's more, he was lying in bed, propped up by a 
mountain of pillows and cushions and fluffed up old sheets with what seemed 
to be every single blanket he owned spread out over top of him and then 
tucked up under his chin. 

With one confused eyebrow rising up in search of his hairline, Xander shifted 
around in his bed. Or at least, he *tried* to. The few small wiggles that he 
*could* make let him know two facts. One, he had been stripped down naked 
before being put to bed, and two, the multiple layers of blankets over top of 
him *also* happened to be tucked up underneath the bed's mattress. He was, in 
essence, trapped by warm fluffiness. 

Turning his head to the side, since it was the only part of him that he 
*could* move freely, Xander noticed that he was also alone. A frown formed on 
his face and mild claustrophobia began to set in. Besides, he had to go pee 
and he was unable to get out of his bed. *Not* a good combination in his mind. 

"Um?... Hello?... Ahhh... is anyone out there?..." 

Xander's frown deepened suddenly and he muttered to himself. 

"Great. Now I'm channeling Pink Floyd songs. Just what I need to convince 
myself I'm not going crazy..." 

However, before Xander could convince himself that the past day really *had* 
been a horrible hallucination brought on by an overdose of pop-culture 
combined with too much sugar and caffeine, Xander heard quick heavy footsteps 
from the other room. They were heading directly for his bedroom door. 

Xander wondered briefly who it was that had brought him home and tucked him 
in to bed with every woolly and fleecy piece of blanket shaped fabric he 
owned when the door swung open and Spike practically flew across the room to 
perch on the edge of the bed, his long fingered pale hands fluttering 
nervously as he attempted to straighten the blankets a bit. Xander looked up 
into worried blue eyes set in a face who's expression was one of helpless 
adoration and sighed. Figures. It was his newly cursed "husband", Worrywart 
the Bloody. 

"Xan-Luv? You okay? Still feel... um, wobbly?" 

Xander shook his head no. On reflex he tried to reach out with his hand to 
soothe the agitated vampire, but he couldn't get his arms out from under the 
blankets. His squirming must have alerted Spike to his dilemma, because the 
bleached blonde carefully drew back the blanket, but only enough for Xander 
to work free that one hand. Then, Spike smoothed back the blankets again. 

"Um... no. I'm... fine. No wobbles here, but... uh, not too sound stupid or 
anything, but... why am I in bed? I mean, with all of the blankets and all?" 

Spike gave him a look that was equal parts "duh" and "isn't he adorable". 

"Pet... luv, you humans are a fragile lot. I've broken enough of 'em in my 
time, so I should know. Must admit that I don't know *too* much about taking 
care of one, but I *do* know some stuff that I picked up here and there, 
don't I? You fainted from shock pet, and everyone knows you have to keep 
shock victims *warm*." 

Spike screwed up his face in thought and his bright blue eyes searched the 
ceiling for a brief moment, but before Xander could argue that he was more 
than warm and was heading towards overly hot, Spike tilted his head to face 
him again. 

"Do you need me to go get you some orange juice? Broke into the local Red 
Cross one night to nick me a bag or two of A positive a while back, and I 
heard some bint in a white uniform tell some bloke to drink up all the orange 
juice in her cup so that he wouldn't end up face down on the tiles again." 

The absurdity of the situation began to press down on Xander and he couldn't 
have stopped the silly grin which erupted across his face even if Principle 
Snyder himself up and walked through the door only to sit down beside him so 
they could discuss rebuilding the school back over the Hellmouth. Reaching 
out with his one free hand, Xander grasped hold of one of Spike's nervously 
fluttering ones and gave a gentle squeeze. 

"Spike, I'm *fine*. Honest. I have to pee and I'm sorta hungry, but there's 
no need to worry. It's just... stress. Honest." 

Spike nodded in agreement for about half a minute and then he frowned and 
began to shake his head in the negative. Xander was confused. 


"S'not fine Xan-Luv. I mean, the hungry part we can fix right enough, but the 
stress... that's not good for you humans. Leads to all sorts of nasty 
things... like heart attacks and strokes and ulcers and what not. S'not good 
for our baby either." 

At the very mention of "the baby" and Xander's possible pregnancy, he began 
to tremble again. Not as bad this time, but enough that it was obvious to 
vampire senses. Spike, however, misunderstood his anxiety and began to try to 
pet and soothe him. 

"Shhh... luv, shhhh... Don't worry yourself about it. Spike's here and I'll 
take care of everything. Don't you get yourself in a tizzy over that mean old 
nasty Watcher. Chip or no bloody chip, I won't let that tosser hurt you *or* 
our child! The Slayer neither!" 

Xander shook his head and reached up to shake Spike's shoulder. 

"No! I mean, what if it's *true*?! What if Anya really *did* make me preg... 
preg... pregnant?! And if she did, what the hell is the child going to 

Xander's own frightened eyes looked up into big blue adoring ones marred only 
by slight confusion and mild worry. 

"Why, we simply go on with our lives... or unlife as the case may be. We live 
and love, pet. It doesn't matter if the baby turns out to be human or vampire 
of w'amphrii, we just love it anyway the best we know how." 

Xander just lay there, silently soaking up as much of Spike's easy going 
acceptance as he could. He suddenly found that he needed his lover's silent 
strength and ability to push on in the face of overwhelming trauma and 
bizarreness. He basked in the love and attention and caring and absolutely 
refused to ask what in the world a "w'amphrii" was... 

"Um... Spike? I, uh... still have to go pee." 

His bleached blonde lover looked down at him and smiled. Then the smile faded 
into a look of worry. 

"What with you humans being so fragile and all, maybe you shouldn't be up and 
walking about just yet... Oh! I know, I'll bring you an empty jar!" 

With that, Spike leapt up off of the bed and dashed out of the room. Xander 
struggled to free himself from the restraining blankets even as he heard 
Spike muttering and swearing while he banged around in the kitchen. With a 
sigh of resignation, Xander figured that he'd have to have a long talk to 
Spike about how *not* frail and weak he was. 

A wave of dizziness washed over him then and he leaned back against the 
mountain of pillows. Later. He'd talk to the blonde psychotic about his 
paranoid tendencies later.