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Captain of the Squad
by Shadith

Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Reporting Live Part Eight Part Eight B Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen Part Fourteen Part Fifteen

Part One  

Present -- November 2000

"Why me?" cried Wesley backing away from Cordelia, Gunn and Angel.
Desperate he turned sprinting for the door.

"Get him," yelled Cordelia as Angel and Gunn raced after him.

After a brief struggle, Wesley sat tied to Angel's office chair. He
glared mutinously as the three tried to explain his *sacred* duty.

"Listen. *No* one is going to buy Angel as a male cheerleader," said
Cordelia looking pointedly at the vampire. "I mean nobody."

Angel looked insulted. Or he tried he wasn't used to more than one or
two facial expressions, so it was really hard to tell.

"Gunn," began the seer.

"Ain't doing it. That's it. Wes ol' buddy that only leaves you," said
the vampire-hunter.

Wesley considered protesting more but realizing the futility, gave
in. Wolfram and Hart's involvement with UCLA's cheer-leading squad
was unusual, and more than likely not good. And if finding out what
they were up to meant he had to go undercover as a male cheerleader...

Wesley shuddered.

So be it.

He nodded once.

Cordelia eyed him, then gestured for the others to untie him.

He rubbed at his wrists, sighing dramatically.

"If I must. The things I do for you people. I knew there'd be
sacrifices but I'd bloody well almost prefer *being* sacrificed to
doing this."

Cordelia dismissed his objections with a wave of her hand, then
shoved an envelope at him.

"Here you go, College boy. Your already enrolled. All you have to do
is show up."

Grumbling the ex-watcher snatched the package, making his displeasure
know as he stomped out of the office.

Cordelia typed away at the computer, while Gunn leaned against the
counter sharpening his newest ax.

Angel flipped through the mail, diligently trying to fight the smirk
that made its way onto his face.

Cordelia glanced up and seeing the smirk was unable to help the
snicker that escaped.

Gunn coughed then let out a loud howl, followed closely by the others.

Until finally the three collapsed onto the floor laughing


"There he is," shouted Willow. "Grab him."

Xander yelped in surprise, struggling to keep from dropping his books
as he was collared by the slayer.

"Give a guy some warning. Would ya." he said trying to extricate
himself from Buffy's hold.

Ignoring his complaints, Willow and Buffy dragged the protesting male
into the lunch room.

"Yay, and?" he said glaring at the two women. "I'm sorry we haven't
been spending as much time together as you'd like but my courses are
just as important as yours."

//Geez can't believe the two of them. They ignore me for a year. And
now that I'm too busy for them they want to get offended.//

"Please, Xan. You've got A's in all your classes," pouted
Willow. "Heck. Spike sees you more than we do."

Not wanting the two to start thinking about that and still mostly
unwilling to hurt Willow he quickly relented.

"All right, all right. Cutting one class won't hurt."

Willow squealed happily, pulling him down onto the bench next to her.

"So what have you two lovely ladies been up too," he asked. Smiling
as he pulled a twinkie out of his backpack

Oblivious to Xander's lack of attention the two girls chattered on.

He bit into the cream-filled snack letting his mind wander. He
couldn't believe he was finally in college. One little letter and
suddenly his life had purpose.

Two Months Ago

Xander gaped slack-jawed at the letter in his hands. Mind wandering
in dazed circles as he made his way to the Magic Box.

Willow glanced up concerned when he entered. She and the others had
been trying to include Xander. But it was hard. He worked all the
time and they were trying to get ready for the new semester. She
hated not seeing her best-friend all the time. So when he came in
looking as if he'd been sucker punched, she hurried to his side.

"Xan, what's wrong?" she said tugging at his arm to get his attention.

He said nothing just waved the letter around. Grabbing at the piece
of paper he held, her eyes flew over it. Stunned she froze then began

Buffy, Giles, Tara, Dawn and Riley raced into the room.

"He got in! He got in!" she shrieked. Waving the letter at the
others, while trying to hug Xander at the same time.

Puzzled Buffy's brow wrinkled in thought. But it could have been
pain. Her headband was extremely tight.

"Got into where," asked Dawn.

"UC-Sunnydale. Their office screwed up. He was... is eligible for
their Liberal Arts-English program. He's got a full scholarship and
everything," she cried dropping the letter to hug him closer.

The girls rushed forward to be included in the hug, wrapping their
arms around him. The air filled with sounds of girlish giggles.

Picking up the letter Giles grinned proudly. He and Riley only smiled
in acknowledgment refraining from the group hug. Neither male wanting
to get to close to the boy. For the past week they'd found themselves
inexplicably drawn to Xander. Making them both uncomfortable around
him. Riley more so than Giles.

Giles just shrugged it off. Figuring it was simply a sign of mid-life
crisis. An urge to reclaim lost youth. He'd always found the boy
attractive but merely in the way one always appreciated beauty. He'd
decided long ago he was too old for the boy. Maybe he'd call Ethan.

Riley on the other hand was troubled. He struggled to ignore the urge
to grab Xander and screw him until he was cross-eyed. He was fairly
certain Buffy wouldn't appreciate it. Carefully he let his gaze
travel over the lean, well-muscled body.

//First thing to go is those clothes then... Bad. Bad, Riley!//

He shook himself, shoving the thoughts to the back of his mind,
suddenly realizing Buffy was talking to him.

"You'd show Xan around wouldn't you, Ri?" Buffy said gazing
expectantly at her boyfriend.

"Sure." Riley suppressed a shiver.

"I'll be fine. Besides I have to meet with a..."

Giles handed him back the letter.

"Ms. Donovan... the Dean of Students of the College of Liberal Arts.
Geez that's a long title."


Xander frowned finally focusing on the voices buzzing at him.

"Say again."

Willow and Buffy glanced at each other then back at Xander.

"We joined the cheer-leading squad. Tara too."

He choked on his mouthful of twinkie. Clearing his throat his shook
his head in dismayed amusement.

"Do we not remember the last time you tried this?"

Buffy poo-pooed his concerns.

"That was high school. College is so much more mature."

Xander snorted.

"So says the woman who got wasted on evil beer, caught in a sex spell
at a frathouse..."

Noticing the dangerous glint in Buffy's eye, Willow leaned over
clamping a hand over his still moving lips.

"We get the idea, Xan."

Xander quieted catching the not so serene look Buffy was giving him.

"But that's not what we wanted to talk about." said Willow sitting
back down. "We haven't seen much of you. Let me reiterate. *Spike*
sees more of you. So we have an idea."

Buffy nodded.

"This way we can see each other practically everyday," she said
grinning happily.

//God. No.//

"How?" he asked, smile hiding a pained grimace.

The girls looked at him.

"We want you to try out for the male squad."

//Could this be any more emasculating.//

Part Two  

Sheila glanced up from the stack of paperwork on her desk.

"You, again." she sneered.

Xander smiled politely.

"Nice to see you too, Sheila."

He was going to win her over even if he had to kill her with kindness.

"Yeah, right." she said going back to her work. "Just go in."

Shaking his head, Xander pushed open the door.

Bianca shushed him before he could speak. He watched the agile woman who
stood poised by the open window. Her luminous eyes locked on a sparrow,
just outside.

Slender fingers shot out. They came back cradling the frantic bird between
two deceptively soft hands.

His gaze never wavered when her face shifted, as she swallowed the bird in
two quick bites.

Pulling a wet-wipe form the drawer, she cleaned her face and hands.

"Sorry, just get the urge for a fresh kill sometimes."

She licked her fangs delicately, shifting back.

"How is my favorite student?"

Xander grinned, dropping into the chair across from her. He'd become
quickly used to her various quirks in the months since he'd met the regal
demoness. Especially since every spare moment of free time was spent with
her or Spike. She acted like the mother he'd never really had.

"Well there is..." he began.

She sat eyes fixed attentively on him while he spoke. She was silent for
several minutes as if contemplating the fate of the cosmos. Xander pulled
out a ho-ho, waiting for her answer.

"I think you should do it."

The brunette choked on the sweet.

//Got to stop eating when talking to crazy people.//

"WHAT?," he yelped when he could breathe again.

"It'd be good for you. All work and no play..."

"Makes Xander a student with a scholarship," he finished.

She pouted then grinned.

"I know just who to call. She's been out of commission awhile, but I'm
sure she'd be willing to help."

Xander watched helplessly as the dean began going through drawers.

She stopped, clapping her hands excitedly.

"Oh this will be fun... Maybe we'll finally beat UCLA this year."

The ebony-haired woman danced around her office.

"Umm I did not agree to this."

She went on as if she hadn't heard him, leaving the desk to search the

Xander sat bewildered, and a tad disgusted.

"You can't be serious."

"Hmm..." she said not looking up from the book in her hands.

"Now where was that spell..." she muttered softly.

"Spell," squeaked the suddenly nervous male.

"Well, yes." she said quirking an eyebrow. "How else am I going to get
Catherine to help you."

Bianca snorted in disgust.

"Sheesh she had to get a big head. Always knew that ego of her's would get
her in the end. Ahhh..."

Xander shook his head.

//No ahhhs. Ahhhs are bad.//


But his small protest was too late. The dean slash demoness was already


Xander gawked at the flesh and blood woman standing in front of him. She
hadn't aged a day since Giles had banished her. Worry finally wormed its
way into his brain, and he backed away slowly.

Her eyes turned to track him, as she stepped forward. Then froze not able
to move any further. Her eyes snapped to Bianca.

"Donovan, what are you doing..."

The violet-eyed woman smirked. "Don't try it Madison. I know you know
what's up, so let's cut the crap and deal."

Catherine Madison stared at the woman whom she'd known all through

"All right what's the deal?"

"Simple. Show Xander some moves guaranteed to get him on the squad and
maybe beat UCLA. Plus promise to play nice. Or back in the statue you go."

Catherine pondered her options. There was no way she could out magic
Donovan. It was either back in the twice damned statue or being good. She
really had no urge to regain her youth anymore.

Trapped in a statue, watching a bunch of hormone crazed teenagers for
three years had soured her on the whole idea. So...

"Deal," she said holding out her hand.

Donovan shook it breaking the circle.

Xander stood trying to decide who was craziest. The witch, Bianca for
setting her free, or him for still being there.

//Me. It's me. Cursed, I am.//

"Xander don't be rude. Say hello to your new coach."

//Sometimes it sucks being Fate's bitch.//


Xander walked to the Magic shop in a daze. Bianca and Catherine had spent
the entire afternoon planning his "training" schedule. Between the two of
them he hadn't gotten a word in edgewise.

What was even worse was Catherine had taken one look at his supply of
sweets and confiscated them... all of them. He'd been informed that he was
to have *no* sweets, and he didn't want to know what'd happen if she
caught him eating any.

His outraged protests had been met with one concession. He was allowed to
drink Coke. *Diet* mind you. Xander paused staring up at the sky wondering
how he'd gotten roped into this.

He shook his head in amusement. He knew how. It was the direct result of
one Ms. Bianca Donovan: Dean of Students of the College of Liberal Arts.
She'd pretty much taken over his life since they'd met.

Two Months Ago

Xander stood fidgeting as he waited for the woman to look up.

Finishing her nails, Sheila finally acknowledged his presence.

"Yes..." her tone one of annoyed resignation.

"Umm... I'm to see Ms. Donovan," he said quietly.

The office unpleasantly reminding him of high school.

"Name," she snapped.

"Alexander Harris," he said quickly.

"Go in. She's waiting."

He knocked politely, walking in.

"Close the door."

He jumped uncertain where the voice had come from but obeying.

Turning he flinched startled by the woman seated behind the desk. He was
certain she'd not been there before.

She flashed him a grin full of sharp white teeth.

"You must be Alexander Harris. Pleased to meet you," she said offering her

He stepped forward it. Fingers long, slender and usually soft clasped his
then let go.

"Let's get started."


Xander rested his head in his hands. He didn't know whether to laugh or

"So what your saying is... you thought I was a demon."

She nodded.

"So you accepted my application hoping to help your own kind integrate
into the human world better."

She nodded again. "Exactly."

"I guess this means I don't get in."

"Not at all. Your a wonderful young man I think you'd be an asset to this
college, and the non-human community. We're not *all* bad you know."

He snorted.

"The hellmouth tends to attract the worst elements," she shrugged. "Some
of us actually work for the Powers That Be."

He sat motionless trying to process it all.

"I meant what I said, child. You've got a way with words. I'm going to be
your advisor, and we'll see about get you started right away."

All his instincts said this woman was sincere. He nodded unable to stop
the grin that spread across his face.


He was glad he'd listened to his instincts even if she wanted to humiliate
him in public. Xander grinned as he walked into the shop.

//So this is what it's like to have a mom.//

His good mood wasn't to last long.


"Ri is going to get you in and that's it Xander. If you actually tried to
try out you'd ruin everything," said Buffy giving an exasperated sigh.

Willow nodded.

"Tara's an alternate. She didn't try out either."

Xander's eyes narrowed in frustrated anger. He couldn't believe what he
was hearing. After all their talk about being better friends, they still
treated him like shit.

Despite Bianca's evident enthusiasm he'd had no intention of joining the
squad but now...

Giles eyed the boy who'd grow into such a remarkable young man.
Unfortunately the others couldn't see it.

//Oh well maybe Buffy will finally get that long overdue bitchslap.//

"Well I'm certain you can work this out yourselves. Goodnight."

Knowing an explosion was eminent but for once not caring he left. Ethan
was waiting for him.

No one paid attention to the disappearing shop owner. Riley was too busy
trying to get closer to Xander without the others noticing.

"What are buddies for, Xan?," said Riley moving to stand only inches away.
"I can get you in. No prob."

//Especially if it means getting you in the locker room.//

A sudden image of Xander in the showers filled his head. Riley bit back a
groan, fighting the urge to reach out and run a hand down his body.

//Wet, Xander. Hard, slick, Xander.//

Riley shuddered.

//Buffy! Must think about girlfriend. Not her attractive, edible,
well-hung.... Gods stop it.//

Panting he backed away from the other man.

Oblivious to Riley's... problem. Buffy and Willow were too busy trying to
get Xander to see sense

Xander fumed silently as they told him why he needed Riley to get him on
the squad.

"Xander he's already on the squad, and he's the current captain's
lieutenant. It'll be so much easier." said Willow sensibly.

"Plus that way they won't see how unco-ordinated you really are," said
Buffy picking at her nails.

Both women missed the flash of fury that shot across his eyes.

"Thanks. But I'll take my chances," he said storming out of the shop.

Riley watched him go, hungrily.

Part Three  

"Can't believe the two of them. God how can they be so..." he sputtered

Still trying to think of an appropriate adjective for his two *friends* he
pawed through the backpack looking for his keys.

When arms yanked him into a tight embrace he reacted without thinking. One
hand clamped onto the wrist holding him as he shoved backwards then jerked
forward dropping to one knee at the last minute.

His attacker flew over his head with a familiar curse.

"Bloody hell."


Xander gawked for a moment then rushed to help his lover up.

"What are you doing here?"

Letting Xander pull him to his feet, Spike grinned.

"Admiring my protege's talents. Good throw, pet."

Xander blushed, peering at the vampire from beneath lowered lashes.

"Thanks. Not like I had anything else to do without you around."

Spike leered at him.

"'Ope that wasn't all you missed, luv."

Xander's blush deepened as he turned away to unlock the door, hesitating a
second before inviting the vampire in.

Spike watched him stalk nervously around the dorm room. He'd missed his
Xanpet, but there'd been things he'd had to do. The mortal had said he'd
understood, however he doubted it.

Not if the uncertain, doubtful glances Xander kept shooting him where any
indication. Spike let Xander pace for another minute then reached out,
yanking him close.

The vampire didn't say anything, simply holding his human close.

Xander's voice was low and shaky.

"Why'd you leave?"

The immortal didn't even consider not answering him honestly. In the five
months since they'd become involved he'd been happier than he could ever
have thought possible.

Still he'd been worried as well, leading him to leave. Not only for his
sake but Xander's also.

Tugging Xander with him he moved to what he figured was the bedroom. He
collapsed onto the bed pulling the warm body against his chest as he
leaned against the headboard.

Spike wrapped his arms around the larger frame, not wanting to give him a
chance to break free. Minutes passed in silence as he tried to figure out
how to break the news to Xander.

Never having been good at lying or subtlety, he went with what he knew.
Blunt truth.

"I got the chip out."

It was a testimony to the depth of their relationship that Xander didn't
even flinch.

"And," was his quiet reply. A wealth of insecurity, worry, and hope in one

"Do you remember what we talked about that night?"

Xander nodded letting the memories that no longer hurt come to the


Five Months Ago

Staggering into the apartment, the dark-haired male gave a sigh of relief.
Work had been hellish. The company had an important contract they had to
finish before fall, so he was on call 24-7.

Anya stood, turning off the tv.

"Xander we need to talk."

//Oh no. Nothing good ever comes after those four little words. I'm too
tired for this.//

Xander shuddered, inwardly.

"Can't this wait, An'."

The currently blonde woman shook her head.

"All right," he said tiredly, collapsing on the sofa.

"We have to break up."

Xander shot up, all weariness gone.

"What! Why?"

"I've been thinking," said Anya pacing.

//Oh... God!//

"This is going to sound harsh, but it's for the best really."

Xander sighed.

//That's what they always say... right before your ripped apart.//

"I need to understand my needs, before I can take care of yours."

"An', you've been watching too much Oprah."

Anya shook her head again.

"I don't watch Oprah anymore, too boring. Besides Jerry makes more sense,
I've learned alot from him. I learned that I need to be me. But I can't do
that until I've had lots of sex with many different men and women, then
get pregnant by some good for nothing bum. So, I can go on tv and tell how
I finally straightened my man out."

Xander blinked, dumbfounded.


"I intend to start tonight. I'm leaving with a friend of mine. He's a
chaos demon and..."

Xander stopped listening after he heard chaos demon.

//And the loser award goes to.... Well it can't get any worse.//


Xander stared blankly at the blaring television. His thoughts moved in a
painful spiral

//Why can't someone be satisfied with just me?//

Trying to distract himself from the building grief, he grabbed his jacket
deciding to drink himself to sleep.

The phone stopped him before he'd even made it to the door. Suddenly tired
he dropped his jacket onto the floor then grabbed the phone.

"Xan. Is Anya there?"

He sighed heavily.

"No. She's probably barefoot and pregnant by now."

"WHAT!," the red-head shrieked, sounding slightly hysterical. "W-w-why
would you say that?"

Xander stared at the phone, a little unnerved.

"Black humor, Wills. Anya's not here. She broke it off. Said she had to
find herself."

"Ohh... Xan. I'm sorry. Are you ok? Of course not that skank just ripped
your heart out. I *knew* she'd do it. I should turn her into a toad. No...
a bunny. Or better yet lock her in a room full of them and then..."

Xander interrupted the irate witch, before she could really get started.

"I'm o.k. Really. I'm just gonna drown my sorrows in chocolate and
mindless television."

"Maybe you should come over..."

There was a long pause.

"Or maybe you should be alone tonight... and then we can get together
tomorrow. O.k.?"

"Sure, Wills."

Tired and somewhat hurt his answer was less than enthusiastic.

There was no response except the sound of an open line.

Dropping the phone onto the hook, Xander glanced around the dismal
basement. Unbelievably weary he turned to the bed, stopped by the pounding
on his door.


Staring at the vampire in front of him, he couldn't work up any
irritation. Shrugging Xander just turned away dropping out his bed.

Spike stared at the mortal, unwillingly concerned. The life that usually
radiated from him was depressingly dim. Something nagged at the back of
the vampires brain, Xander reminded him of someone... but he couldn't
think who.

When the boy still hadn't said anything even after Spike had made himself
pretty much at home, the vampire felt compelled to speak.

"Demon-bitch dump ya whelp?"

It wasn't the best thing he could've said but it worked.

Xander shot up, striding over to the vampire.

"Listen you biteless, freak. Get the fuck outta here!"

Spike blinked stunned by the amount of rage emanating from the mortal.
Staring into the blazing brown eyes, he suddenly remembered who Xander had
reminded him off.

Himself... right after Dru had left him. He'd felt the same rage and
overwhelming sense of helplessness... grief. Despite himself the small
part that had already accepted his caring....

The vampire shuddered.

about Xander, wanted to comfort the boy.

"So she did, huh? Bloody stupid if you ask me."

Xander froze, eyes widening.

Spike shrugged, inwardly giving in. With a small sigh he accepted the
feelings the boy aroused in him.

//Even the damn demon likes 'im. Might as well go wit it.//

Xander watched the still vampire warily.

Spike grinned feeling as if a huge burden had suddenly been lifted. Having
finally accepted his fate, Spike set out to pursue his prey the same way
he did everything...


Xander backed up suddenly nervous. The grin on the vampires face was one
he'd seen before. Not recently though...

It was a *pc* grin. Pre-chip. One that screamed evil intentions, but
promised you'd die happy.

"Where you going, pet?" said the vampire.

Xander shook his head.

"Nowhere just... get out Spike. Please..."

"No can do, pet. Can't let it 'appen again. I might 'uv done it but your
not," he said looking around the room.

Confused Xander watched the vampire search his room.

"Do what?"

"Give up just cause some slut dumped you," he said spotting what he'd been
looking for.

Reaching out he grabbed a startled Xander and his jacket at the same time.

"There will be no drunken stupors," he said dragging the boy to the door.

"At least not over women," he grinned.


"Never just been friends. It's always sex first."

"Least yours 'ad the decency to leave ya before cheating."

A bottle of tequila, JD and two shot glasses are set on the table.

"Angelus was a prick. But he was mine. 'ate 'im."

"Anya was... different. But she loved me. Gods I hate her."

Loud snort. Sound of glass breaking. More drinking.

"I'd pick you over Angelus any day, Spike."

"Twat let a good thing go."

Last call. Two unsteady bodies lean against each other as they stumble
from the bar. An oddly intimate stagger home. Caressing fingers. Falling
clothes. Sudden withdrawl.

"Just once I'd like to be friends first."

"I can do that, luv."


Bleary eyes squinted against late afternoon sunshine. Xander groaned,
stumbling from the bed.

//Gods what died in my mouth.//

Eyes finally open, he froze. In his bed lay a pale, familiar shape. And
suddenly he found himself staring into an intense blue gaze.

"Are we, pet?"

The voice was softer than he'd ever heard. Uncertain whether it was a good
idea, but damned if he didn't want it.... Xander nodded, moving back to
the bed.

"Did you really mean it about Dru?"

Spike nodded.

"Did you mean it about Angel?"

Xander nodded.


Out of Flashback

Resurfacing from the swell of memories the dark-haired man grinned up at

“And I’ll still drown him in a holy water bath if he ever hurts you

Spike’s gaze turned serious as he stared at Xander. Unsettled the mortal
turned in Spike’s arms, burying his head against the cool chest he began
to slowly stroke the vampire wherever he could reach.

Spike nodded to himself. He’d picked the right one. There’d never really
been any doubt.

“I went to see Dru. I found ‘er just before some big law firm did. I
staked ‘er.”

Xander made a choked sound sitting up sharply. Spike pulled him back down,
and he went back to stroking the vampire.

“I thought it would ‘urt more. Truthfully I didn’t even think I could do
it. But it was easy believe it or not. When I saw ‘er, there was nothing.
I didn’t love ‘er or ‘ate ‘er. She was nothing.”

Xander moved closer, pressing his lips to the still chest as if he could
breathe life back in.

“More ‘un a ‘undred years... and I could’ve cared less. I wasn’t going to
stake ‘er. But she didn’t like the *kitten* taking ‘er place. And all I
could think was if she ‘urt you I’d...”

Xander shushed him. Sliding up the lean body, he placed warm lips to cool
ones. Sitting back in he stared at the man... vampire... demon... who’d
made his life better simply by being...

“I love you.”

Spike’s eyes flew open. Xander pressed a finger to his lips, silencing
what he knew would be a flood of questions.

“You are my friend. I want you to be my lover as well.”

Steady brown eyes met questioning blue.

Spike stared into the dark eyes seeing what he’d unconsciously hoped for
but never thought he’d have.

He couldn’t give him the permission he asked for, at least not in words.
Excitement and fear mingled in a wild rush that closed his throat. So
instead he slid his hands up, around Spike’s neck

Sitting up just enough to straddle the half prone body. Spike moaned
feeling the heavy weight of Xander’s erection, rubbing against his.

Leaning forward he closed his arms around Xander, diving into the wet heat
of his mouth. A cool tongue mapped every inch of his mouth, Xander eagerly
followed that same tongue back.

Tasting smoke, blood and beneath it all Spike. Xander squirmed trying to
get closer even as Spike held him still. Quick, efficient movements
stripped them of clothes.

Then he was staring up at the vampire. Long slender fingers probed at his
entrance, as Spike licked, teasing the hard brown nubs. Xander gasped, the
blood running hot and thick through his veins, making his cock harder.

Tugging at the blonde’s head, he devoured his mouth barely aware of the
second finger sliding into his tight hole.

Spike grinned down at the writhing body beneath him. Searching fingers
found the hidden bundle of nerves.

Cock wet, slick pinned between their bodies, friction making him wetter.
As those long fingers drove him insane.

“Spike,” he screamed, body trashing beneath the double stimulation. Xander
whimpered at the loss of Spike’s fingers. He moaned as Spike eased the
head of his cock in.

Xander wiggled trying to get the vampire in deeper.

“Easy, luv.”

Slipping an arm under Xander’s hips, Spike pulled him closer sinking into
him slowly. Xander hissed at the fullness, the slight burning.

Spike held himself still giving him time to adjust. Quickly the pain
faded, leaving only the sensation of being filled. Xander hooked his legs
around Spike’s waist, tilting his hips to force him deeper.

He breathed in short, heavy pants. Concentrating on thick, hard length
inside him he thought he couldn’t bear it if he moved, but was certain
he’d explode if Spike didn’t.

Moving experimentally he clenched his muscles, pulling the vampire in
deeper. Spike growled, surging forward slamming into his prostate. Xander
wailed, bucking into the movement.

Spike forced himself to stop.


Xander arched upward, digging his nails into Spike’s back.

“Pleaseeee, Spike. Pleaseee.”

Spike groaned then slammed forward, burying himself in Xander. Pulling out
he moved, deep rocking thrusts. Xander bucked beneath the assault, clawing
at Spike.

Mewling he tilted his head to the side, offering his throat. Spike hissed,
sinking his fangs into the curve of flesh gleaming with sweat.

Xander screamed, pleasure crashing over him. He sobbed, crying out again
as Spike rode him through it. He came coating them with streams of warm

Spike forced himself away from the sweet warmth of Xander’s blood, howling
as his lover clenched tight around him. The lean body stiffened, then he
shuddered spurting deep into the heat of Xander’s body.

He collapsed on top of his lover’s exhausted form. Xander stared down at
Spike from beneath lids heavy with pleasure.


“Me too, pet.”

Xander sighed letting sleep claim him, the vampire following after.

Part Four  

Xander sighed watching the arguing couple. Four weeks of practice. Four
weeks of torture. And still they couldn't get along. Or maybe they just

"You can not cheer to the Sex Pistols!," yelled Catherine. "And that's

"And the bloody golden oldies ya got him cheering to are any better,"
sneered the vampire.

Xander didn't say anything. He'd learned the hard way not to contradict
Mrs. Madison.

"Golden Oldies!," she screeched.



Xander clutched the animal to his chest, making sure it was covered with
his wind-breaker. Didn't want the poor thing to get hurt.

It was absolutely adorable. Pale little nose wiggled. The color of early
morning sunshine.

"Sheila, is Bianca in?"

Sheila nodded eyeing the creature in his arms. She licked her lips.

"Can I see it?"

Hesitant but wanting to be friendly he held the animal out.

"Fuck!" screeched Sheila snatching her hand back.

Glaring at the creature she sucked on her finger.

"Oops! I forgot to mention he bites. My bad."

Sheila hissed at them both before storming out of the office.

//She's never gonna like me now.//

Xander sighed, pushing his way into Bianca's office.

She was on the phone.

Bianca hung-up slowly and stared. Her mouth twitched. Once... twice...
then she was laughing hysterically.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! My Goddess. Oooh let me see. Innit precious?" she cried
reaching out for the bunny rabbit.

She held him cooing at him as he wiggled in her grasp.

"A vampire bunny," she snorted. "Ahhh... Look at the little fangs. He's

Unable to hold back anymore he snickered, then giggled and finally laughed
until tears gathered in his eyes.

He was gonna pay for it later, but at that moment he couldn've cared less.

When the two had laughed themselves out, Bianca placed the rabbit on the

"Invetum Revertum."


"I'm gonna kill that effin' twat!" screamed the newly restored vampire.
"I'm gonna rip out 'er witchy tongue, then use 'er internal organs for
voodoo practice and then..."

"And then your going to apologize for whatever upset her. So she'll
continue to let you watch Xander practice." said Donovan calmly.

Spike snarled.

"Oh? So you don't wanna watch Xander. Muscles rippling, ass flexing..."


"Not apologizing," he hissed.

"Fine. Just don't aggravate her."

Spike grunted once, then dragged Xander from the office.

Leaving behind a giggling dean.


"Hey, Sheila."

A disgusted snort. She didn't even bother to look up.



Spike snarled at the recalcitrant secretary. She hissed at him.

Xander shook his head, pulling Spike into the office.

Bianca glanced up. Eyes dancing between two of her favorite people.

"Good. Your here. Means I don't have to search for you."

Grinning he leaned back against Spike.

"Wouldn't have to look far. Just listen for the abusive screams. I'm
certain you've heard them. Ya know 'You call *that* a kick? My
*grandmother* can get more height."

The vampire nipped at the pout that appeared on Xander's face.

"I mean what does that woman want. I spend almost a third of my time
working my ass off for her."

"And a lovely ass it is, pet."

Xander paused, blushing.

Bianca watched the two of them inordinately pleased.

"I needed to talk to you about winter break..."

"Don't worry. I know the scholarship doesn't cover boarding over break. So
I was gonna bunk with Spike in his crypt."


"No?" he asked puzzled.

"If you think I'm going home to face my family *alone*... think again. You
two are coming with."

Overwhelmed Xander could only stare, leaving Spike to voice his thoughts.

"You want to spend the 'olidays wit me an' the whelp."

Spike grunted after Xander elbowed him.

"Duh. What did you expect your family. Sheesh some people."

Dazed and thrilled Xander listened as she rambled on. She *just* finished
giving her orders... umm... requests, when she found herself with an
armful of Xander.

"What you think I'd leave my boys alone for Christmas?" she asked stroking
his back.

"Mom wants to meet her grandchildren. She'd kill me if I left you. Besides
you guys are gonna take some of the heat off me."

For a second her arms tighten around Xander before she backs away. Stunned
the vampire stood still trying to figure out how he ended up in her
crushing embrace.

Laughing she released the startled vampire.

"Now. Go. Pack. I'll pick you up tomorrow after sundown."

Part Five  

Which is how Xander found himself trapped in the BMW roadster barreling
down a highway. With one vampire, and one demoness who drove worse than

Xander dragged his eyes away from the speedometer when it began inching
over a hundred.

"Who's going to be there? Will they be upset cause you brought a mortal,"
he asked trying to distract himself from impending death.

"Human," she said briefly.


"Mortals can be human or demon." she answered looking back at him. And
away from the road. Which he definitely didn't want.

"Road," yelped Xander.

She turned around just in time to yank the car out of its collision
course with a semi.

Spike grinned flipping the driver off, when the angry trucker laid into
his horn.


Spike peered at the mortal who was turning a new shade of green.

"No questions unless she promises to keep her eyes on the road."

Spike glanced over at Bianca then shrugged. Who shrugged in return.
Neither being had any idea what could be bothering Xander.

Thinking he might be worried over her family's reaction she tried to
assure him.

"Don't worry, love. My family doesn't mind humans. Don't know many but
we're pretty

He paled as she darted between several lanes of traffic. Barely missing a
school bus, a truck full of rednecks, and finally...

//Oh God! She didn't...//

Xander turned around drawn to the carnage behind him. Not wanting to look
but unable to fight the morbid attraction.

Spike watched as he began to hyperventilate.

"Easy, pet. Remember you have to breathe."

Wild-eyed he couldn't help yelling.

"Spike! She just clipped a state cop. Made his squad car the center of a
six car pile-up. *AFTER* he did a 360."

Spike grinned bouncing in his place of honor, shotgun.

"Great wan'nit. Cor, never realized 'ow fun it was from this seat," he
turned facing her.

"Drive better 'un me even."

Laughing she glanced back at Xander. He sat eyes screwed shut, clutching
his seat belt.

"Maybe some music would help."

Leaning down... she pawed through the CDs scattered across the floor.

"Oh Shit!" screamed Xander as a corvette moved to cut them off.

Bianca popped back up waving what was currently her favorite CD.

Her grin turned feral as she spotted the oncoming car. With a jerk of the
wheel she forced the 'vette beside her back into the other lane.

"Share the damn road," she hollered out the window.

Eyeing the flames behind them, Xander whimpered. Before shutting his eyes

Sliding the CD in, she gunned the engine as the music pounded from the

~ Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Give it to me now. Give it to me now. I wanna
li-li-li-lick you from your head to your toes and I wanna move from the
bed down to the, down to the, to the flo' and I wanna ah-ah. U make it so
good I don't wanna leave but I gotta kn-kn-kn-know wha-what's your
fan-ta-ta-sy~ ~

Spike turned to leer at Xander over the head-rest, eyebrow arched as if to
ask 'What his fantasy was?'

Xander began praying feverently as they blew past the road sign.

^Montana -- 600 mi.^


Ignoring the noises from the back, she searched for an exit.

It was her own fault. According to Xander, anyway.

She had to admit she should have know how the vampire was going to react
to the last few verses.

~ I wanna get you in the back seat windows up. That's the way you like to
fuck ~

Singing along to her favorite lines an' playing road tag, she hadn't
noticed the changing scents. At first.

~ Clogged up, fog alert. Rip the pants and rip the shirt. Rough sex, make
it hurt. ~

It hadn't taking her long to notice though. Especially when Spike's eyes
went from blue to pure gold.

~ Whips and chains, handcuffs smack ya little booty up wit my belt. Scream
help, play my game. Dracula, man I'll get my fangs. ~

Then Xander was yelling.

"Spike. Don't!"

The sound of a zipper sliding open filled her ears, and the scent of
pre-cum filled her sensitive nostrils.

Xander moaned.

//Fuck it.//

She pulled off onto the shoulder. Leaving them in the car, she sat on the
embankment staring out into the night.


She let the vampire drive. As she leaned her head out of the window,
letting the cool night air fill the car. Erasing the heavy scent of sex
from the interior.

She was irked mainly cause Spike's purring egged on her own urge to purr.

Still she wasn't angry. In fact a little tension was worth getting Xander
to stop complaining and cringing at every little thing.

He was much more relaxed now.

//Here's hoping he stays that way.//


Donovan glanced over at Spike sighing. He hadn't stayed relaxed very long.

"We're going to have to stop."

They both turned to look at Xander. Who was currently huddled in a corner
of the back seat, a light film of sweat glistening on his pale face.

Her nose wrinkled.

"Car sickness... ewww."

Sympathy quickly replaced the disgusted look. Whipping the car across all
five lanes, narrowly avoiding the truck full of livestock.

Xander flew forward, then was jerked backward as she slammed on the

"Whaa," he yelped.

The look of unholy glee on Spike's face clued him in.

He stared from Spike to an equally wicked looking Bianca.

//You hate me. Don't you?//

His hands flew to his eyes. Still he couldn't help peeking. It was a
morbid comfort to see what was going to kill him.

3... 2... 1...


Spike glanced back at Xander.

"Go on," she said shooing him.

The vampire clambered over the front seat, settling beside his pet.

Xander stared blankly at him. Spike pulled him into his arms, grinning as
he immediately relaxed.

" 'E's fine. Just shock."

Bianca nodded at the relieved expression on the vampire's face.

"Wasn't like we killed anybody," she snickered.


Xander grinned. He felt better than he had since they'd begun their little
Excepting the little moment with Spike. Taking a swallow of his diet Coke
he eyed the
upcoming sign.

^Welcome to Montana.^

Glancing at Bianca he gestured at the road.

"Where to next?" he asked calmly.

"Left at Raindale."

They continued on in silence.

"Hey, Spikey. Okay back there?"

"Fine," he growled.

More silence.

"Listen. You asked what would make me feel better," he paused looking up.

//Yup. Raindale.//

"Me driving. Makes me feel better."

His passengers grumbled but the revolt he'd been expecting never came.

//Probably cause their worried I'll throw up again.//

The wave of guilt is short. If it kept either of them from driving he'd do
it again.


Three hours later they pulled in front of a huge brownstone deep in the
Montana woods.

"Oi if it's dark enough let me outta the bloody trunk."

"Sorry, Spike." said Xander hurrying around the car.

Stretching the vampire eyed the mansion in the middle of nowhere.

"If I hear banjos we're *gone*."

All eyes focused on the front door as it swung open. An older, matronly
version of Bianca
came down the steps.

Raven-black hair liberally streaked with silver was cropped short. Topping
a round face
with well-earned crow's feet crinkling at her eye's. Deep creases on
either side of her
mouth attested to the frequency of the huge smile she was currently

A single cry rang through the air.


Spike and Xander glanced at each other. Both mouthed one word. "Binky?"

Bianca, blushed.

"I am about to behave in a way that would provide enough ammo to make me
for the rest of my life," she glared at them.

"However I suggest you never use it. Not if you value your lives cause
I'll kill the both of

Finished she began a transformation that shocked the two men. Her eyes
went anime huge
as she squealed. Throwing her arms wide she raced up the stairs.

"Mommmeee!!," she cried throwing herself into her mother's arms.

"Oh Binky, darling. I missed you so. I really hate that you moved to the

Here was the woman who practically ran their lives. Who terrified the
student body,
work-studies, employees, and quite a few of the faculty.

Sobbing like a baby. And being called *Binky.*

Xander giggled, Spike snickered.

Finally letting her daughter go, Mrs. Donovan turned to her guests.

"Well, young men. Where are my hugs?"

Xander gaped, Spike snarled a response.

"See 'ere. I'm a bloody demon, pet. I don't..."

His protests were cut short as he found himself smothered in an
overabundance of bosom.

Flushed and embarrassed Spike stood dazed as she repeated the process on

"Well don't just stand there," she said moving to the door. "Get your
things and come on
in. Time to get to know the only grandchildren my youngest has seen fit to
give me."

Mrs. Donovan paused at the door.

"Welcome home, children."


Xander stared at the dark-eyed, pig-tailed teenager. 

“I was certain that a cross-wired detonator augmented with plastique would
be very

Wednesday nodded.

“It would but it’s still ever so much fun.”

Xander grinned.

“Remember you promised to show me the Valken setup before break ends.”

Wednesday smirked.

“Well you remember I’m supposed to come visit.”

Bianca shuddered.


“Yer saying the older vampires never lost their souls.”

Mr. Donovan nodded.

“The first Dracula. Gods rest his soul. Was a wonderful man. A bit bloody
but he
mellowed in his old age.”

“How come...”

Spike paused mid-question, staring wide-eyed at an enraged Bianca chasing
a dark-haired
man through the house with a sword.

The young man was having a hard time getting away, despite the apparent
because he kept breaking out in giggles every few steps.

On their third run around the huge kitchen table, Mr. Donovan reached out
snatching the
sword from his youngest child.

“Bianca you know better! What if you had slipped? Methos could have been

Bianca glared at the still laughing man, then stomped out of the kitchen

Spike was certain he heard her mumble 'no better for him if he was.'

After catching his breath the immortal hurried after her.


Mr. Donovan grinned.

“Now... how come you young’uns lose yours? Well its like this...”


“Give it back.”

Erica stuck out her tongue and took off.

“I’m gonna kill you.”

Bianca screamed racing after her sister.


“I love your family.”

“Better than me own.”

“I hate my family.”


“Spike,” hissed Xander.

He moaned twisting in his lover’s arms.

Movements rushed, hands stroking and pleasure poured through them.

Dark eyes staring at them. Wicked smirk.

“Spike and Xander sitting in a tree. K-i-s-s-i-n-g.”

Xander groaned burying his face in Spike’s shoulder.

“Bloody ‘ell! ‘Ow does that chit, sneak up like that?”


Xander eyed the purple tentacle creeping towards him. He moved before the
third eye
could spot him, smacking the tentacle with his fork.

“Gran gave me the legs special... Get your own, Earl.”

The blue beak snapped and squeaked at him several times.

Xander paused. Deep in thought. It would be a good idea. He eyed his
drumsticks. He
could give up one.

“Deal. But I want a slice of pumpkin *and* sweet potato pie.”

Cousin Earl gave a few more clicks and snaps but finally agreed.

“Now you’ve not been seeing anyone since that delightful Connor Macleod a
hundred years ago. Your such a workaholic... really, dear...”

Bianca squirmed under her mother’s attention.

Spike giggled. Astounded he clapped his hands over his mouth.

//Didn’t just giggle. Not me.//

Bianca shot him a deadly glare, letting him know she’d heard.


“William, dear. Would you like another glass of bloodwine. Or perhaps a
nip from cousin
Methos,” said Mrs. Donovan patting the younger demon’s hand.

Methos sighed, sounding aggrieved as Spike shook his head.

She called them both by given name, and treated them like babes. Neither
objecting to her presumptuousness. They loved it. And would die before
admitting it.

“Did everyone get enough?”

Most of the heads, tentacles, tendrils nodded or waved in agreement.

“Alexander, love. What about you?”

Finishing his fourth slice of pie, Xander glanced up considering. Three
helpings of
everything and three different desserts. He nodded.

“I think I’m gonna explode.”

Mrs. Donovan laughed.

“Good, dear. That means I did it right. Melvin be a dear and clear the

“Of course, my heart.” said Mr. Donovan.

No one blinked as the table suddenly reset itself.

Xander heaved himself up, leaning against Spike as everyone made their way
to the living


“You mean to tell me you have a new beau and you didn’t bring him,
Methos.” said Mrs.
Donovan eyes almost disappointed.

Methos squirmed beneath her gaze. 5000 plus years and she still made him
feel like a

“I promise to bring him for the fourth of July picnic.”

“Good,” she said.

“Now what has my baby been up too?” she asked looking over at her
daughter, who lay
sprawled across the hearth.

“She does this every year. Eats like a horse, fights with her siblings,
shifts, sprawls in
front of the fire and falls asleep.”

Mrs. Donovan sighed then grinned.

“At least this year she brought me you two. So tell me everything.”


“Then Bianca called a witch...”

“She’s the only one besides Sheila who knows about Spike...”

“Professor was picking on Xan. Bianca called the twat a graceless cow...”

“Spike and Bianca are really my only family....”

“Xan made Bianca turn her back...”

“You know your welcome here anytime...”

“Slutty doesn’t appreciate *my* Xanpet...”

“You boys *are* coming back up for the 4th...”

“Was the chit a ‘andful...”

“She got stuck in feline form for several days once... Turned her sister
into a newt...”

“Methos out with some of those wonderful stories of yours...”

“Earl if one more tentacle touches Spike, I’m feeding you to Wednesday’s

Outside snow fell gently, inside soft murmuring faded as the fire burned


Mrs. Donovan paused outside the door, on her nightly check. She smiled
softly at the
beautiful couple curled together. Light and Dark, literally and

It gave her hope. Maybe one day human and non-humans would live peaceably.
Plus it
meant even her daughter could find a mate.


“Thanks. Mr. D. You’ve been a real ‘elp.”

“Bye son. You take care of the little one, kay?”

Spike nodded, watching Xander say good-bye to Wednesday and Earl.

“Later, Methos.”

“Later, Spike.”

Xander hugged Mr. Donovan quickly before turning to Mrs. Donovan.

“Bye, Gran.”

“Bye, Mrs. D”

Mrs. Donovan gave the vampire a hard stare.

“Bye, Gran,” he whispered ducking his head. Secretly enjoying the hug she
pulled him

“Oh now... little one don’t cry. You’ll make me cry too...,” she cried
hugging Xander

“You remember... *we’re* your family now. You need anything... we’ll come

Finally she let him go shoving the both of them towards the car.


“Yes, mother?”

Was the tired reply from somewhere inside the car.

“I love you. Call more.”

“Yes, mother. Love you too.”

“You driving Xanpet?”

“Binky says she has a headache,” said Xander smirking.

Spike snickered.

“I’m warning you two...” she growled as the car pulled away.

Only Spike heard her last muttered comment before Xander pulled off.

“And they wonder why I moved to the Hellmouth.”

Part Six  

Cursing Xander hurried across campus to the dorms. His schedule for the 
new term made him cringe. Not only was he full time but squad try-outs 
started in January as well. 

Caught up in trying to figure out what had possessed him to take a night 
class he missed the two women waving at him. 

Buffy huffed annoyed. Xander’s recent indifference bothered her 
considerably. He was her slayerette his life was supposed to revolve 
around her. 

Dragging the red-head behind her she raced after him. Reaching out she was 
totally unprepared for what happened next. 

Willow gasped as the slayer went ass over tit. Xander froze staring down 
at the bewildered slayer. 

Buffy shot to her feet. Brain unable to comprehend that *Xander* had just 
managed to defend himself. As per usual she ignored anything that she 
couldn’t understand. 

Disregarding it as a fluke. That settled she started in on his most recent 

“Where were you during break?” she demanded. 

Xander gave a sigh of relief realizing she was to self-absorbed to catch a 
clue even when it knocked her on her ass. 

“Went to visit family,” he said gathering up the books he’d dropped. 

Buffy snorted. 

“You don’t have to lie Xander,” said Willow condescendingly. “We know 
about your family. They’re usually to drunk to notice your there. Why 
would Christmas be any different. 

Xander slowly counted to ten. Once, twice... Before he could even respond. 

“Yeah, fine. Whatever. Why do you want to know?” he snapped. 

Buffy looked at him as if he was the clueless one. 

“We needed you to watch Amy and Willow’s kitten. Your the only one with no 
one to spend the holidays with,” said Buffy as if it should have been 

“Do you know how hard it was changing plans when we couldn’t find you.” 

Seeing red Xander gave in as his temper snapped. 

"Damn it! You know what? I'm sick of this crap. I'm sick of you assuming 
I'm going to just lie here and let you walk all over me,” he snarled. 

“As of this moment, it's over. I'm finished being everybody's 

"Check. No more butt-monkey," said Buffy shrugging. "Now we need you to 
watch Dawn tonight..." 

Her casual dismissal of him had Xander itching to slap the little blonde 
bitch. Giving a credible imitation of a growl he abruptly turned and 
stalked off. 

Willow and Buffy stared after him confused. 


Spike watched Xander storm through the apartment. He’d been expecting it. 
Happened every-time he had a run-in with Slutty. 

When his lover started playing Patsy he went into the bedroom. 

“What’d she do this time?” 

“They had the nerve to be mad at me cause I wasn’t here to pet sit Ms. 
Kitty ‘fucking’ Fantastico and Amy the Rat. Dismissed the idea somebody 
wanted to spend Christmas with me.” 

“That’s right, pet.” he said turning off the stereo. 

“You got lots of someone’s who want your time and attention. Starting with 
the one right in front of ya.” 

Xander sat up anger, sadness rapidly fading. 

“Right in front of me, huh?” he said pulling at the vampire’s t-shirt. 

“And what would we be doing with this time?” 

“Why don’t I show ya instead?” 

Soon the apartment was filled with the sounds of lovers who know each 
other’s bodies very well. 

Spike hissed feeling his lover’s heat sliding into him. He loved it when 
Xander rode him. What felt like fire moving in and out of his slick hole. 

Xander moved slowly savoring the feeling of tightness gripping him. 
Spike’s hands pulling him close as he buried himself in his lover. 

“Harder, pet.” 

Giving himself up to the urgings in his blood he slammed into his lover. 
Stroking hard and fast he fucked his lover. Bodies sliding across the 
sheets, headboard thumping. 

Each straining towards that peak, aware of the same burning in their 
partner. Spike came first crying out Xander’s name as his lover’s human 
teeth dug into his flesh. 

Muscles clenching around his leaking cock dragged Xander over the edge. He 
came howling out Spike’s name. 


Angel paced. 

Cordelia eyed the brooding vampire. Looking up as Gunn entered, she shook 
her head but he missed the motion. 

“Where’s Wes?” 

Angel’s eyes narrowed. Snarling he stalked into his office, slamming the 

Gunn’s eyes slid from the disgruntled vampire to the seer. 

“What’s his riff?” 

Cordelia sighed. 

“Wes has been... Are you sure you wanna hear this?” 

Gunn nodded settling onto the counter beside her. 

“Apparently Wes has made quit a name for himself on the squad.” 


Cordelia shrugged as puzzled as the vampire-hunter. Who knew? 

“For almost the past two months he’s been unavailable. All his time is 
spent either ‘training’ or ‘bonding’ with the squad.” 

Gunn tossed the pile of mail he’d been going through aside. 

“And? Isn’t that what we wanted. He’s worked his way in, and when they 
hold the tryouts at the end of January he’s sure to be on the squad.” 

“That’s not the problem. At least *I* didn’t think it was, but ‘Oh 
Brooding’ one doesn’t like the *bonding* part of the equation.” 


Cordelia’s eyebrow shot up. 

Gunn snickered. 

“Boss man’s *jealous*.” 

Cordelia nodded unable to stop smirking. 

“If that tantrum he threw the last time Wes was here is any indication.” 

“Tantrum?” This was the first time he’d heard of it. 

“Wes, came in hung-g-g... over. Seriously. Angel came out of his office. 
Got like within ten feet of Wes and froze. He cornered him, sniffing. Then 
he started yelling.” 

Gunn looked at her. 

“Ok. Ok. Not yelling but close. He definitely got *loud*. Wes took offense 
and hasn’t been back since. It’s been a week.” 

Gunn held his hand out. 

“Need rescuing?” 

Before she could answer Wesley came in. Her eyes darted from the 
ex-watcher to Angel who had appeared almost instantly. 

Grabbing her purse, she practically ran for the door. Gunn followed at a 
slower pace. He paused just inside the door. 

“Got you groove on, huh?” 

Grinning he disappeared after Cordelia. 

Angel growled, coming forward he slowly circled Wesley. 

Wesley turned trying to keep the vampire in his sights. 

“Having fun, Wesley?” 

“Actually, I rather am. Does it bother you?” 

“You acting like a whore? Yes!” 

Wesley hissed at the insult then stilled. 

“What is it to you if I fuck the whole squad?” 

“If my friends...” 

Wesley snorted loudly. 

“If that’s all. Then let me assure you *friend.* I’m fine. Perhaps I like 
being a whore.” 

Angel flinched wanting to take the insult back. 

Wesley stared hard at the vampire, then threw up his hands. 

“This is hopeless,” he said turning to leave. 

“Please don’t,” the vampire said catching his arm. 

“Look, Angel. It’s not your fault--” 

Angel shook his head. 

“It is. I shouldn’t have said that. It’s just.... the thought... of 
someone else touching.... Touching what’s mi--” 

Angel’s jaw snapped shut. 

The ex-watcher moved forward as Angel moved back. 

“Touching what, Angel,” said Wesley reaching out to trail a finger down 
his cheek. 

Taking a chance Wesley moved until he was pressed against the vampire. 

“Touching what’s yours.” 

Angel nodded. When the words registered his head shot up, eyes locking 
with Wesley. 

“Mine,” whispered the vampire uncertainly. 

Wesley pressed even closer. 


Part Seven  

“What the bleeding ‘ell is your problem,” yelled the vampire ducking the 
book that was thrown at his head. 

“GET OUT,” screamed Xander searching for something else to hurl. 

When his lover picked up the crystal vase Bianca had given them as a 
house-warming gift, Spike decided retreat was the better part of valor. 

“Fine whatever, whelp,” he muttered slamming the door on his way out. 

The sound of the vase shattering reached his ears even as he left the 


Spike paused outside the door listening. 

//Still awoke. ‘Ope whatever crawled up his ass is gone.// 

He’d expected another screaming fit, maybe something thrown, silence at 
best. He got neither. 

Spike staggered under the unexpected weight as his lover launched himself 
off the couch and into his arms. 

“I’m sorry. Don’t leave me. Please...” begged Xander tears streaming down 
his face. “I’ll do anything.” 

Speechless the vampire could only tighten his arms around his distraught 

“Not going anywhere, pet. Take more than a little argument to get rid o’ 
me,” he said reassuringly as he stroked the bedraggled strands of hair 
from Xander’s face. 

Carrying him to their bedroom, he undressed them both before sliding into 
bed beside the still weeping mortal. 

Spike lay awake long after he’d fallen asleep wondering what the hell was 
wrong with his lover. 


Xander hummed softly as he waited for his toast to finish. His stomach 
rumbled just as it popped up. 

Sitting with a delighted groan, he proceeded to demolish his lunch. 

Spike gagged trying not to watch his lover as he inhaled the strange 
concoctions on his plate. 

His eyes flew open as he reached to snatch the glass from Xander, but was 
too late. 

“Hell, luv. Do you know what you just drank?” he croaked trying to ignore 
the drop of red liquid that clung to the curve of Xander’s lip. 

“Duh, Spike. It’s awful. Your gonna have to start buying human blood,” he 
said grabbing his toast as he headed out the door. 

The vampire stared after him; denial running rampant. 

//No way in bloody ‘effin ‘ell. No fuckin’ way.// 


Spike held Xander as breakfast made its way back up. Brushing the sweaty 
locks of mink brown hair away from the pale face the vampire eyed his 
lover worried. 

“Are you sure you should be going to these tryouts, Xan?” 

Xander nodded, slowly pushing himself up. 

“It’s nothing, Spike. Just nerves.” 

Spike nodded reluctantly, wrapping an arm around his waist just in case. 

“I’m fine, kitten. Honest,” he said grinning at Spike. Knowing the pet 
name would distract the vampire. 

Spike growled, giving Xander a playful shove. 

“Didn’t I tell you not to call me that. You wanker.” 

Xander smirked, nodding. 

“But if your gonna purr... what ja expect? Or do you prefer bunny?” 

Xander jumped back, barely escaping the lunging vampire’s hands. 

“Un-unh. Don’t have time. See you tonight.” 

Gone before Spike could lure him back to bed. Spike stared after the 
retreating male before picking up the phone. 

Reporting Live  

The blonde ran her fingers through her curls one last time. She gave a nod
to the camera-man.

"Gwen Vang reporting live from the scene of a horrible crime. Witnesses
say it was like a something from a movie... A horror movie."

The blonde reporter moved to stand beside a lanky teenager.

"I'm here with..."

"Rob," he said waving at the camera.

"Can you tell me what happened, Rob?"

"It was wicked. See, I was in the back of our truck cause the 'rents said
I had to stay there until I behaved. And I see this decked out Roadster...

"Excuse, me. I thought the police said it was electric blue."

Rob looked at her.

"Can I finish? Okay. I meant it was sweet... Anyway the driver, this hot
chick, comes flying across all five lanes and onto the exit ramp," he said

"Then she slams on the brakes. The car *leaps* off the exit. Effin sweet.
She made that baby purr. So I look around trying ta see what changed
honey's mind. I spot this poultry truck. One minute she's behind six cars
the next," he paused for effect.

"BOOM!," he yelled.

The reporter jumped startled.

"Blizzard of white. Feathers, eggs, chickens every-friggin-where. I don't
know how but the driver landed smack dab on the shoulder perfectly safe."

Rob grinned.

"Too bad bout 'is truck."

"Can you describe the occupants of the car?"

"Yeah. Like I said there was this hot chick with violet-eyes, raven-black
hair. Sharp, white teeth. She was grinning from ear ta ear. Umm... a
blonde guy. Pale... all angles. Weird eyes... think he had those special
contacts in. He was laughing so hard it sounded like he was *howling.*"

Both turned as his name was called.

"Moms. Gotta go," he said walking away.

He stopped turning back.

"Almost forgot about the kid."

She started to interrupt but stopped at the look.

"Brunette... dark-brown eyes... Poor guy. He looked kinda frantic. I think
he yelled 'help me' when they roared by but I can't be sure."

"You heard it here first, folks. Channel 8 Nevada's news network. Back to
the studio.

Part Eight  

Liz-Marie lounged against the bleachers, her attitude one of complete and 
utter boredom, waiting for the coach to call the rowdy group to order. 

As head captain her input was essential to picking the male backup. She 
only wished it counted for something during the women’s tryouts. 

If she’d had her way the blonde bitch, the red-headed twat, and the washed 
out blonde wouldn’t have been allowed on the floor let alone on the team. 

//But nooo.... stupid co-lieutenants vetoed me. *Me*.// 

She sighed looking out over the crowd made up of mostly fraternity guys. 
She hated frat guys. Particularly those from Lowell house. 

They all seemed like mindless drones to her. Plus they were all brawn and 
no brain with sweaty paws. Especially their ring leader, Riley Finn. She 
glared at him from beneath lowered lids. 

//Inbred hick.// 

If he made captain she was gonna hurl. 


//God I hate Januarys.// 

Mike Verner eyed the new candidates. He nearly sighed. If one more of 
those military guys showed up he’d scream. He hated having them on the 
team. Who knew grown men could be prima donnas. 

The head coach shouted for silence. Slowly the group of young men turned 
to listen to him. 

“Welcome to SU’s cheer-leading try-outs. I’m Coach Verner and this is 
Liz-Marie,” he waved towards the attractive brunette slumped on the bench. 
“She’s going to explain to you how our team works.” 

She stood grimacing slightly. Bleachers were not made for people with legs 
like hers. 

“1st... I am in charge, after coach Verner. 2nd... for those of you who 
don’t know there’s an A squad and a B squad. I run A and the captain of B 
reports directly to me,” she said glaring at the crowd. 

“A is the primary squad. It’s the girls team. B is backup. You guys 
support us,” she continued. 

“I’ve run this show for the last three years. Unfortunately I don’t have 
absolute power,” she pouted. 

A low rumble of laughter ran through the room. 

“My lieutenants, picked by the previous leader, can veto me. But that’s a 
rarity so don’t cross me,” she finished dropping back onto the bench. 

Coach Verner stood again. 

“Thank you, Liz. Ok we’re doing something new this year. Our co-captain’s 
are retiring and normally we’d take the lieutenant’s but we’re not doing 
that. Instead we’re going to audition for a single captain.” 

Verner nodded at the young guy on his left. 

“My name’s Eric. What we’re going to do is a general tryout for the team. 
We’re going to do this in pairs, to move things along quickly.” 

He sat down and the last guy stood up. 

“My name’s Mark. For those of you who’ve never been to tryouts before 
there are five parts. An interview, your entrance, a cheer, jumps then a 
chant,” he paused glancing down at a clip board. 

“For those of you picked to try out for captain we’ll assign you a 
partner, then you’ll design and execute a routine to be judged by only the 
coach,” he said eye’s darting to Riley. 

Riley worried but only for a minute. He knew the coach tended not to like 
the military members, but what were the chances of one of the new recruits 
being good enough to make captain. 

Before long appearance order and partners were assigned. 

“Allens. Harris.” 

Xander glanced up to see his new partner. He grinned glad Spike wasn’t 
there. He’d be having fits if he could see the cocoa-colored hunk making 
his way to Xander’s side. 

“Name’s Derek,” he said holding out a hand. 


“Done this before?” 

Xander shook his head. 

“No. I’ve trained though. My coach had me do traditional stuff, but a 
friend suggested not so traditional stuff.... step shows etc.” 

“White boy stepping,” said Derek with a grin. “Got to see this.” 

Xander smiled back at the laughing green-eyes. The two continued talking 
as the others were paired off. After instructions were finished they were 
dismissed to change. 

Everyone aside from the remaining members of the original squad headed to 
the locker rooms. 


The interview had been remarkably easy. He just did what Spike called his 
“Innocent routine.” Bright grin, lowered lashes and sly wit had them 
eating out of his hands in no time. 

Of course it should have warned him, he thought. But it didn’t. So now 
here he was about to have a nervous breakdown. 

Xander gaped at his bag in disbelief. He pawed through it again, as if the 
clothes would magically reappear. 

//Nope still not mine.// 

Staring at the black leather he tried to figure out what happened. After a 
few minutes his mind supplied the answer. 

A Few Days Ago 

Xander groaned sore in almost every place imaginable. He grinned 
remembering why he was sore. 

//Definitely better than being sore from cheer practice.// 

Getting up he looked around for his lover. Surprised when he not only 
couldn’t find him but his gym bag either. They still had a couple hours 
before his night class. 

//Umm... hope he gets back soon.// 

Shrugging he moved to the fridge, grabbing a diet Coke drinking it in two 
long swallows. 

He found himself wrapped in a cool pair of arms before he’d put the can 
down. He moaned feeling the long wet swipes of Spike’s tongue along his 

Shuddering when his mouth finally settled over his adam’s apple, sucking 
hard. Pushing against the denim wrapped thigh Xander opened his eyes to 
see hungry blue ones staring up at him. 

“Love it when you do that, Xan.” he growled still eyeing the strong curve 
of throat. 

“Where’d you go,” he asked maneuvering the two of them towards the 

“No where, pet.” 

Spike grinned wickedly. 

Xander pulled back glaring down at him. Wondering what mischief the 
vampire had gotten into. His eyes moved from Spike to the door and back. 

His thoughts absent-mindedly noting the return of his gym bag before 
Spike’s hands made his brain shut down. 


Xander groaned. There was nothing else he could do. He *had* to wear them. 
Sighing he pulled out the outfit with matching boots. He shuddered. 

//I’m gonna stake him. *Not* kidding this time. He is *so* dust.// 

He stared in dismay at the aresesque ensemble. 

//What does he think this is Xena?// 

“Move it, Harris!” 

Xander sighed again, putting on the outfit. 

//Is it abuse if your lover deserves it....// 


The seemingly endless monotony of the trials made Liz want to pull her 
hair out by the handful. Nothing new. Same tired routines repeated over 
and over; making her gray eyes glaze over. 

Dark-hair, chocolate brown eyes, and pouty lip; knocked her out of the 
serious contemplation of her belly-button. 

Her eyes locked on his body as he... //Surprise. Surprise.// executed 
several kick ass stunts flawlessly. 


Taking a deep breath, Xander gave himself over to the driving beat. 
Letting the music pulse through him. 

~ Bring in the noise. Bring down the house. We came here to turn the party 


Verner’s eyes widened in stunned arousal. As did just about everyone who 
got a look at the boy running onto the gym floor. He groaned watching the 
stretch of muscles as his thighs flexed. 


Eric licked his lips, unconsciously. Staring at the man in the outfit that 
promised so many things. Sex, violence, and heat being foremost. 

Riley gaped in disbelief. The man currently moving across the floor in 
smooth, flowing sexually charged movements was *not* Xander. 

Riley shook his head in denial. Xander was *not* dressed for his own 
personal strip show. 

~ Lose your mind. Let your body take control. You got ta feel it in your 
s-o-o-oul. ~ 

He was *not* wearing a pair of black leather pants that were so tight they 
looked like they’d been painted on. 

There was *no* flesh peeking from X shaped cutouts down the sides of his 
thighs, and he was definitely *NOT* wearing a vest that left his arms and 
most of his chest bare. 

//Yeah. Sure... and He *hasn’t* been starring in all your wet dreams...// 

Riley stifled a groan. Denial was a beautiful thing. 

//If he hadn’t before he damn sure would now.// 

Everyone watched the sleek young man executing a routine that was half 
cheer-leading, half strip tease. 

~ I got that feeling baby. You know it drives me crazy an’ all I wanna do 
is hit the floor. ~ 

When he did the required toe touch, all eyes locked on his ass. Several 
spectators and participants discretely adjusted clothing. Liz bit back a 
moan, head tilting to follow the curve of his ass. 

Concentrating on his technique Xander was oblivious to the stir he caused. 
Moving out of the toe touch, he cartwheeled across the floor. Body moving 
in easy, graceful motions. 

His voice was loud, clear in the chants he was giving. Not that it 
mattered no one was listening to him, anyway. 

~ So c’mon c’mon let’s raise the roof. Oh yeah the roof. So we can get 
loose. ~ 

With one final push he moved into a back handspring, landing with cat-like 

The air hung heavy with silence. Then with a loud roar, the air rang with 
applause and wolf-whistles. 


Hormones shrieking Liz-Marie watched as the dark-haired man left the floor 
to screams of approval and demands for more. 

When her ability to think coherently returned she shot up; pausing to 
discretely check the bench for a wet spot before hauling ass toward the 

He *would* be captain of the boy’s squad. She licked her lips 
unconsciously, thinking about all that black leather. //He will be mine.// 

She cornered coach Verner a predatory gleam in her eye. 

//Oh yes he *will* be mine.// 


Amidst all the noise one voice in particular caught Xander’s attention. 
His head whipped around to find the one person he hadn’t expected or 
wanted to see. 

“Go! Xan.” 

He turned too frazzled to notice what she was holding. 

Derek moved to his side. 

“Damn! I know you said you’d trained but that was....” he shook his head. 
“There is no way your not making captain.” 

Xander grinned at him trying to sneak away from the stands. 

Derek paused noticing the woman making her way over. 

“Who’s that,” he asked pointing 

“My mom,” he said turning a brilliant shade of red. 

Derek eyed the black woman with the violet-eyes waving excitedly. 

“Your mom,” he said incredulously. 

“More than my birth mother,” he said harshly. 

Derek nodded. He got it. Wanting to ease the sudden tension, he tried 
changing the subject. 

“Did you know she was filming you?” 

Xander’s head snapped up. Turning his eyes focused on the camcorder in 
Bianca’s hand. 

“Oh gods... no... why...” 

The answer wasn’t long in coming. 

Short of breath she hurried to him grinning widely. 

“That was great Catherine is so proud.” 

“Bianca why do you have a camcorder?” 

Confused she blinked. 

Xander waved at the camera in her hand. 


“Yeah. That.” 

“Spike wanted to see. Since his little allergy prevents him I said I’d 
film it,” she waved the recorder. 

“He’s gonna love it,” she smirked. “Especially that outfit. That wasn’t 

Xander growled tugging at the leather vest. 

“Spike,” he hissed. 

Bianca laughed at the disgruntled look on Xander’s face. 

“Oh... I’d better go. Time for captain tryouts. Don’t know why, you’ve got 
it hands down,” she said kissing him on the cheek, before hurrying back to 
the stands. 

//Could this be more emasculating.....// 


The sun was setting by the time things had begun
drawing to a close. The candidates dispersed; moods
varying from person to person.

Derek reached out punching Xander on the arm.

“Hey, man. You should be celebrating, not looking

Lost in thought Xander didn’t hear his new friend. He
really hadn’t expected things to turn out like they

//She’s going to kill me.//



“Dawg, you made captain. Us lowly freshmen will be
running the squad,” he said throwing his arms wide.

“So what’s your grief?”

Xander sighed.

“The ex-lieutenant, Riley.. He’s a friend of mine’s
boyfriend. He wasn’t exactly happy, being demoted. So
she won’t be happy.”

Derek eyed him.

“You wanna make him your lieutenant instead of me?”

Xander shook his head quickly.

“No way.”

“What’s she gonna do? Make your life miserable?”

Xander sighed.

//He had no idea.//


“I don’t like this,” snarled the brunette vampire.

“It’s not like I asked for it,” snapped Wesley.

Cordelia and Gunn eyed the arguing couple. They’d been
snipping at each other ever since Wesley had been made
a lieutenant by Byron, UCLA’s captain.

Cordelia decided to interrupt before blood could be

“It’s what we wanted, right? They trust Wes. He’s in
good. So what if he has to do a little side trip to

Angel glared at her.

“I don’t like him going off with Lindsey’s fuck-toy.
It’s not safe.”

Cordelia gave an indelicate snort.

“Yeah, right. Jealous much. You just don’t want him
near anyone but you.”

The seer waved off the vampire’s awkward explanations.

“Oh don’t even. We all know you two have been getting

“W-we haven’t um..” stuttered Wesley turning red.

She held up her hand “Don’t care, long as there’s no

“But really this is *our* job. So Wes *will* go. We’ll
let Giles in on it and he can keep an eye out.
Especially since its in his territory.”

Angel growled stalking off. Wesley made a hesitant
move to follow him, looking back at the others.

“Go,” said Gunn.

Turning to the seer he watched her flip through her

“How do you put up with that?”

Dropping the book, she slid into his arms.

“Got something that makes it all worthwhile. Even if I
do get the urge to open the shades sometimes.”

Gunn leaned forward capturing her mouth.

Pausing for breath, he looked at the phone.

“What about...”

“Later,” she said tugging him up to the spare room she
sometimes slept in.


Worried about Buffy’s reaction; he wasn’t in the best
of moods. Leaving Derek to celebrate with the new
members of the squad he headed home.

Slamming the door behind him he stormed into his
dorm-room, pausing only to toe off his shoes.

He had every intention of ripping into Spike. But that
was before Spike saw him.

Xander stood still watching the vampire watch him. He
could feel the eyes tracking his every move.

Intense gold-flecked eyes pinned him where he stood.
Spike prowled closer, circling the human. He’d known
Xander would look good in the leather but this was...


The way Spike was eyeing him, made his mouth dry. Made
parts of him go hard, and tight.

Spike slid closer trailing cool fingers over his
nipples before burying his face into the curve of
Xander’s neck.

He hummed at the way his blood pulsed beneath the
surface running hot and fast. Slowly he licked at his
jugular, fangs skimming over the throbbing vein.

The hunger in Spike’s eyes wouldn’t let him look away.
Instead he was drowning in the golden gaze.

“The smell of you moves me like a drug... makes me
want to sink myself in you... fangs and cock... bury
myself so deep you’ll never be free of me.”

The words didn’t make Xander catch his breath. They
made him catch, and hold it, forgetting to breathe for
several seconds. When he did it was with a
half-strangled gasping moan.

With one sharp yank Xander landed against the
vampire’s chest. The world spun as Spike moved.

Xander found himself staring up at Spike from where
he’d been dragged to the floor. Spike crawled up his
sprawled form.

He leaned in, hands still on either side of Xander’s
face. He kissed him. Lips pressed against Xander’s a
cool fire. Tongue diving in, as Xander moved into the
kiss only to be held still.

Molding his lean form over Xander’s the vampire
deepened the kiss. Tasting him with tongue and teeth.
As if he was trying to swallow him from the mouth

Xander shuddered in his hold. Eyes closed, hands limp
at his sides, letting him do it all. His hands slid,
very slowly, from the mortal’s face. The kiss never
stopped as Spike jerked open the vest.

He stared up at the vampire, panting. Eyes widening at
the unwavering greed burning in Spike’s.

Xander gave a strangled cry, when he pulled away long
enough to yank off the vest. The vampire tossed it,
uncaring were it landed. Hands already busy again.

Slender fingers teased at the waist of the skin-tight
leather pants. Sliding slowly, so slowly upward.
Pinching, then pulling at the hard peak of his

Finally breaking the kiss, the vampire dropped his
head latching on to a nipple. His tongue flicked
across it, fast, hard, wet.

He fought back a cry as Spike pulled back slowly
nipple still caught in his teeth, tugging it. Letting
go, he moved to the other, harsher this time, using
more teeth. Biting at it, the rolling it with his

Frustrated Xander struggled against the constricting

Spike growled, and he went still.

Understanding suddenly that he was being truly

Since they had become lovers, he and Spike had made
love frequently and eagerly. Everytime a rapturous
joining. But this was beyond that...

He was being claimed... possessed... owned... and he
understood the need. He felt it everytime he looked at
Spike. Wanting to mark him, show everyone who he
belonged to.

Complacency gone. A need to claim as well as be
claimed filled him. Pushing against the vampire,
Xander knelt between his thighs. With a jerk he ripped
the t-shirt off the vampire.

Leaning forward he captured Spike’s mouth, thrusting
his tongue deep. Moving closer, grinding teeth and
groin on the lean form.

A stray thought had him raking his nails down the pale
chest. Spike hissed pulling back. Grinning Xander bent
his head to lick at the wounds he’d inflicted.

When the immortal pushed against his tongue, Xander’s
grin widened before his mouth locked over the wound,
keeping it open. He suckled eagerly, the strangely
metallic taste filling his mouth, making his nerves

Spike shuddered as Xander fed from him. The need to
sink himself into his lover overwhelmed him.

Pushing him onto his back, he reached out snapping the
laces. When the last one broke, he pulled the pants
off in one smooth motion, his own following shortly.

He froze staring down at his lover, spread wantonly
before him. His lover was a work off art.

Broad well-muscled chest, winter pale, hard brown
nipples. Eyes feasted on the toned frame, thighs that
unconsciously spread wider.

Coming to rest on his lover’s glorious cock. Full,
heavy, already slick with pre-cum and trembling.

Xander pushed himself onto his elbows to stare down at
his lover. Before he could speak, the vampire
swallowed him down.

Back arching, his head snapped back. A low wail filled
the air, as lips wrapped tight around his cock pulled
back slowly to the head.

Slender fingers held his thighs in a bruising grip, he
reached out grasping the blond head. With one last
twirl of his tongue, he let the cock fall from his

Xander groaned, bucking up towards the missing mouth.
Spike chuckled then holding on with one hand, the
other moved between them. A cool finger slid inside

“Please, Wil, please. Please.”

Spike growled then swooped down engulfing his lover’s
cock. Xander thrust up, fucking his throat. He
clutched at the blonde head, trying to bury himself
inside the wet haven.

Xander howled, coming in torrents when the vampire’s
throat muscles flexed around him.

Spike pulled back wanting to taste his lover, his seed
burning the back of the vampire’s throat, spilling in
little rivulets from the still sucking mouth.

Pleasure shot through him in a golden rush that left
the world hazy and surreal.

Slowly he came down, focusing on Spike. Seeing his
lover’s state his thrust his hips at him, spreading
his legs in invitation. Still needing, still wanting.

“Fuck me, Spike. Fuck me, please.”

Wiping the remains of Xander’s semen from his mouth
and cock, Spike used the fluid to coat his already
slick member.

He moved, until he was eye level with Xander, holding
himself up on his arms. Spike slid inside him, hissing
at the tight, heat.

Xander groaned feeling every inch of him, as he worked
his way in. When he was buried inside, he paused
staring down at him.

Spike’s eyes shifted, turning a brilliant golden
yellow. Slowly he worked in and out, once, twice,
three times, gently as if making room. Then his hips
caught a rhythm.

He reached out grabbing at Spike’s ass, fingers
digging into the pale flesh. Spike thrust harder, as
Xander raised his hips to meet his body.

They rocked, a wave of movement, heat and muscles
moving together. Both making strangled gasping noises,
as the pleasure built.

Spike stood still buried inside Xander. Xander howled
as his lover’s cock rammed his prostate when Spike
flung them onto the bed. Spike moaned as his lover
jerked, making him thrust harder.

He whined as very thrust sent a electric tingle that
raced through him like lightening. Making his body
tighten around the cock pounding in him.

Spike cried out, but didn’t come. Dragging himself
from the sexual fog his lover caused, Xander stared up
at Spike. He wanted to make him lose all control,
wanted to make him scream.

He moved quickly, flipping his lover onto his back
before he could resist.

“Gonna make you scream, lover.”

Xander whimpered as he slid down onto the thick organ.
He was almost too big from this angle, almost too
much. But only almost. Xander moaned as he settled

“So good. Feel so good.”

Spike hissed as he slowly began to ride him. He moved
above him, Spike so deep inside. He thought he could
taste him.

His hands moved to grasp his waist, holding on as if
to keep him there forever. He rode him slowly at
first, then faster. Forcing him in, deep, hard and
fast. Until he wasn’t sure if it felt good or hurt.

Xander looked down watching as his lover vamped out
beneath him. He grinned loving the sight of his lover
losing all control. Spike let go, clawing at the

Sheets ripping beneath his claws. Neither heard or

Xander could tell he was close to cumming. He could
feel it growing in a blinding rush. Spike was taking
unneeded breath’s, and he knew he was close too.

“Not yet,” he whined. “not yet.”

Unable to hold back, the vampire lunged up sinking
fangs into his lover’s throat. Xander wailed. Spike
drank greedily.

“Love you, Wil. Love you,” cried Xander before he bit
deeply into the curve of the vampire’s throat.

Spike howled against Xander’s neck cumming in blinding
waves. Xander’s came hard, spine arching under the
pressure. Both mortal and immortal swamped in a
mind-bending roll of pure pleasure.

Xander collapsed against Spike, remaining conscious
only long enough to hear his lover’s whispered

“Love you too, Mine.”


Spike lay watching his lover sleep. There was no
denying it now. And he wasn’t sure how his lover would
take it. Hell he wasn’t even sure how he was taking

It was impossible. But it was.

Now all he had to do was tell his lover.

//Fuck this ain't gonna be pretty.//

Part Nine  

Dawn in Sunnydale saw something it hadn’t seen before,
a vampire awake and coherent. Spike glanced into the
bedroom to see Xander still asleep. He dialed the
number with an unconscious familiarity. This was a
first for him and back up was definitely needed.

He didn’t think he had the skill to deal with this on
his own. And there was always the possibility it’d
sound better coming from somebody else. Somebody
like... his mother.

throaty purr.... “Domanitrix Donovan’s House of

giggle... “has temporarily relocated to Hawaii. With
the three S’s; sunshine, sex, and spanking. I’m
currently tying up a few loose ends.”

“mistressss...” low hiss...moan

“If you wish to speak with me, ON YOUR KNEES like the
dog you are, AND Beg.”

whimper...mewl... “pleaseeee....”

“And I might consider granting you an audience when I
return. You may start your supplication after the
beep. Oh if this is the kids, be back at the end of
the week, lovies.”



The vampire stared at the phone in his hand as if it
had turned into a cross while he wasn’t looking. That
had been... different, to say the least. He hung up
confused; torn between whether what he’d heard was a
good thing or a bad thing.

Either way there’d be no help from that quarter. So
he’d have to tell Xander himself and soon. He couldn’t
not tell him... could he? Not that he didn’t want too.
It was just... ugh.

Spike fought the urge to sigh. Trying to ignore the
fact that he was almost acting like the ‘Grand Pouf’

The vampire stilled at the muffled sounds from the
bedroom, when Xander quieted down he began digging
through the papers in drawer beneath the desk. The
slip of paper with the number almost leapt into his
hands. The vampire shifted nervously as the phone


Spike froze unable to voice anything resembling
intelligent speech for a second.

“Hello.” Concern tinged the heavy male voice.

“Umm... is grandmotherdonovanin?”

“Speak up, son. Couldn’t quite hear you.”

Spike stifled an embarrassed sigh.

“Grandma Donovan, is she there?” he asked, trying to
ignore the indignity of a demon having something as
human as a grandmother.

There was a short pause.

“William, is that you son?”

He rolled his eyes even as a pleased blush tried to
form. “Yes, sir.”

“Well you just hold on. I’ll run and get Vi for you.”

Settling on the desk, he took a quick peek into the
bedroom. Xander lay there oblivious to the tremendous
changes taking over his life.

“William, dear. How are you?”

For a moment he was to confused to speak, before
remembering that she was talking to *him*.

“I’m fine. It’s Xander that I’m calling about.”

Violet Donovan’s response was sharp and to the point,
“Does he need help? I can be there in minutes.”

“No, no. He’s fine,” he hurriedly reassured her “Well
as fine as can be expected under the circumstances.”

Violet waited patiently for Spike to explain those

“He’s.... well he’s.... This is gonna sound...”

“Out with it, dear,” she said calmly.

“He’s preggers,” blurted the rattled demon.

There was silence at the other end. When minutes
passed with no reply, Spike began to worry.

“Granma Vi,” he said hesitantly, finally he heard a
soft sniffling. Then...

“I’m gonna be a great-grandma,” she wailed. “Oh
Melvin, dear. Isn’t that wonderful! William this is
just... oh! There’s so much to do: baby showers to
plan... a wedding... the
naming ceremony... meeting the family... and....”

Spike interrupted quickly, knowing if he was rattled,
all this would definitely send Xander round the bend.

“Wait, wait... there’s a problem.”

“Problem,” she snapped, worry underlining the

“Bianca’s gone. Something about S’s.... Was kinda
hoping to get a little advice, cause I 'aven’t told
Xan. I don’t know how! And this isn’t supposed to
happen! Human males *don’t* get pregnant!”

Spike’s tone had begun to edge toward hysterical as
his rambling wore on. Violet recognizing the signs of
incipient panic set about soothing her worried

“Hush now, dear. You just listen to grandmum, I’ll fix

Spike slowly calmed as a cooler head prevailed.

“First things first you have to tell Alexander. Now
remember you have to assure him, you still love him.
And that you’ll be there no matter what.”

Spike nodded before realizing she couldn’t see him,

“Maybe you could practice first...”

Spike grabbed a pen, and began scribbling in one of
Xander’s many notebooks.


Lindsey bit back a laugh watching Byron practicing his
cheers. Wolfram and Hart were nothing if not
unpredictable. Who in their right minds would believe
the End of Days would be heralded by a bunch of

There was something intrinsically right about the
whole thing. There was no way in hell Angel and his
flunkies would expect this.

He ignored the tiny voice in his head that screamed at
how far he’d sunk (some would have called it a

“Come here.”

The tall blonde cheerleader stopped his chants rushing
over to where Lindsey lay sprawled on the love seat.

“Yeah, Lin,” he whimpered settling on the floor
between the brunette’s legs.

“Everything’s good to go?” he said eyeing Byron,

Byron nodded eagerly. Lindsey felt a twinge of guilt
but got over it quickly. Anyone this stupid deserved
what they had coming.

“Good. Don’t even worry about the competition. You’ll
be at the finals in Sunnydale no matter what.”

The blonde grinned up at him, sliding surprisingly
soft hands up the widespread thighs. He peered up at
Lindsey from beneath lowered lids.

“Then we can play,” he asked, hands moving to cup the
older man’s growing erection.

Lindsey smirked, “definitely.”

Byron tugged at the slacks, until they settled around
Lindsey's thighs. He stopped staring up at Lindsey, a
smirk on his lips. Lindsey groaned reaching for the
blond head hovering over his cock.

Dropping his eyes almost in submission, Byron lapped
at the swollen head. Coating his tongue with Lindsey's
precum. Smiling slightly he swallowed the head, taking
it easily.

He pulled back, letting the straining flesh fall from
his mouth; slowly he began to lick the hard cock. His
agile tongue stroking the length, bathing it in his
saliva. He darted down to nuzzle the full sac,
breathing in the warm musky scent. He worried them
lightly, nipping and tugging at his balls.

Byron pressed his tongue firmly, insistently against
the solid flesh, dragging it up to the head. Then
pushing into the slit, sucking... swiping up every bit
of Lindsey's flowing precum. Lindsey thrust against
his tongue, eager to fuck the hot mouth teasing him.
The boy might not have brains, but he certainly had

Lindsey bit back a growl, as Byron's tongue rimmed the
tight ring. The muscle probing at his hole, making him
buck beneath the assault. Lindsey reached, grabbing
Bryon's head pulling him toward his engorged member.
He relented, engulfing the older man’s penis.

Growling Lindsey's fingers gripped the blonde’s head,
holding him still as he began to fuck his mouth
roughly. Working his throat muscles, he took short
panting breaths as Lindsey thrust in and out.

Byron whimpered around the cock pounding into his
throat, his own dick leaking cum.

Lindsey's thigh's tightened around him nearly crushing
his ribs, as he threw his head back screaming his

He shuddered as Lindsey's cum flooded his throat,
sucking greedily trying to catch it all. Lindsey
collapsed back on the sofa, as Bryon cleaned him.

Lindsey sat up slowly, casting a satisfied look at the
man before. Strong hands that moved to stroke the
younger man’s still hard cock. “I’m certain we can
find something to do with this...”


Wesley lay sprawled across the bed, moaning softly.
Large callused hands were driving him to distraction.
Especially since they never landed right where he
wanted them to.

“Angel,” he whined thrusting his hips towards the

“Ah-ah, this is just an innocent massage. We’ve got to
keep this body nice and flexible.” Angel said
smirking. The ex-watcher groaned resigned to this
session of torture.

“So…” drawled Angel. “Heard anything from Byron?”

Wesley bit back a grin at the vampire’s barely
concealed jealousy. “Yes and no. There’s definitely
something going on but I’m not sure what. He’s hinted
at it. Nothing outright though. Something to do with
the finals in Sunnydale. And we both know the evil
that the hellmouth draws.”

Angel paused mid stroke. “Not in a hurry to go back
there.” Wesley rolled over to stare up at Angel.

“He said we’d be at USC. We’re bound to run into them.
It’s best we just join forces and get it over with. No

Angel sighed, “Fine. Nothing else?” Wesley buried his
face in the curve of his arm hiding the grin that
refused to die.

“Hey that’s a lot more than anyone else on the squad,
outside of his little flunkies, knows. It’s only cause
he likes me that I got even that much.”

The brunette ignored the vampires’ low growling. “I
could probably find out more if I’d agree to go out
with him. Maybe I sho--” Angels grow deepened. Moving
quicker than the mortal could follow he pinned the
younger man to the bed.

“Mine, “ he snarled. Then set out to prove it. Wesley
only moaned in agreement thanking the gods for his
lovers’ possessiveness and his innate creativity.


Xander watched Spike in distracted amusement. The
vampire had been behaving strangely the past few days.
He could have sworn he heard him talking to the teapot

And the day before that the toaster oven.

He was never quite sure though, his lover would always
be mumbling to low for him to catch anything useful.
He thought he heard 'up the spout' once but since it
had looked like he’d been talking to the teapot….

He frowned slightly worried, sighing. Whatever was
bothering his lover he’d give him a few more days to
brood then drag it out of him. He snickered, thinking
of how Spike’d react to the accusation of brooding
like his sire.

For now he’d leave Spike to his traumas and deal with
his own. Namely one Buffy Summers. He’d been avoiding
the gang since the try-outs. But that wouldn’t work
for long.

Especially since practice started today. Things were
bound to get ugly. He figured it was best to deal now.

The vampire looked up distracted as Xander leaned
close. Brushing a kiss across the lips Spike’d been
worrying for the last five minutes. “Practice tonight.
See you at eight?”

Spike nodded carelessly. Xander ducked out before the
vampire could question him.

There was no need to tell him he was going to see the
gang. It’d only worry him.


Spike plopped down onto the floor in front of the
recliner. With Xander gone for another couple hours
now was as good a time as any. Leaning forward he
gripped the arms gently.

“Xan, luv. You know I love you. You’re up the spout.”

Spike groaned that was horrible. It’d never work...
send the kid into hysterics it would.

“When two people love each other….” The vampire rolled
his eyes in self-disgust.

He sounded like a bleeding hallmark card. This was
turning out to be even more painful than he’d thought.


Derek sped up spotting the dark-haired man as he left
the auditorium.

“Hey, Xan. Hold up.” Xander slowed to a halt as he
waited on the younger man. “Hey, everything of the
good?” The green-eyed man grinned smugly.

“Meeting this shorty later, at the coffee place on
main before practice tonight. You?”

Xander shrugged, carelessly. “I’ll be down that way
around the same time. If you finish in time,” he
smirked. “We can walk back together.” Derek nodded.

“Later then, dawg.” He said touching fists with Xander
before taking off.

Part Ten  

Outside the doors of the Magic shop, stood one
reluctant scooby. Dreading the upcoming confrontation,
he bounced nervously on his heels. Even knowing he had
to face them sometime, his stomach rebelled at the
thought of going inside. He took several deep breaths
to calm the queasy feeling in his gut. Pushing open
the door, he froze.

“Angel,” he yelped, voice strained in shock. He winced
at the guilty sound, quickly moving upwind of his
lover’s sire. Clearing his throat he tried again.

“Deadboy, what brings you to our lovely, scenic
hellmouth?” Angel grimaced, face tightening at the
hated nickname. Wesley stepped forward before he could

“We have reason to believe that a dark power is
rising in Sunnydale.”

Xander snorted softly, “And where else would it rise?”

Giles moved over to the bookshelves, already preparing
for the sleepless and other-less nights. "Do we know
who or what’s involved?” he asked peering over his
shoulder at his fellow Brit.

Wesley blushed embarrassment at the absurdity of the
situation and his own involvement making the pale
skin flush a bright red. “Wolfram and Hart
mumblecheergrumble,” the watcher muttered

“What,” snapped the irate slayer when she finally
stopped glaring at Xander.

Wesley cleared his throat and started over. “It seems
that Wolfram and Hart are using cheerleaders to
attempt some sort of ritual to bring forth ancient

“Cheerleaders,” snickered the blonde as she eyed the
ex-watcher with what she thought was disdain. In
actuality it made her look cross-eyed. “Get real. No
wonder you couldn’t hack it as a watcher. Not if this
is the best you can come up with. Evil cheerleaders,”
she snorted. “What next killer clowns?”

The brunette’s blush deepened as he cringed back at
the flood of sarcasm from his ex-slayer. His eyes
darted around the room noting the reaction of the
others. He sighed in relief at Giles’. While the
watcher’s expression was amused it wasn’t intolerant
like the slayers’ nor disbelieving like Willow’s and
Riley’s. Angel’s reaction was familiar and welcomed.
He could tell his lover wanted to retaliate for the
slight but with a whispered reassurance he calmed
somewhat. Turning he caught sight of the younger man
and wondered what he was thinking. Xander’s was the
only one he couldn’t read. Wesley could tell that he
was deliberately keeping his face blank.

Xander however was shocked, not by the Englishmen’s
words but by the body language that screamed between
the two men. Angel had stiffened all but growling at
the slayer’s tone as she attacked Wesley. He grinned
inwardly. It seemed like he and Spike weren’t
the only one’s bumping uglies. He fought to keep the
insane urge to laugh inside at the image that
particular thought created then choked remembering
exactly who he was thinking about.

“So Deadboy, kill any puppies lately,” he blurted
out then groaned at the surround-sound looks of
incredulity he got. Before anyone could react Buffy
spoke up.

“Look Xander we don’t need your brand of stupidity at
the moment, we’re doing perfectly fine with Wesley’s
as it is.” Angel growled almost inaudibly
as he stepped forward to hover protectively at his
lover’s side.

Xander stared in disbelief at the slayer; rage
holding him paralyzed for a moment. Then…
CRACK. Giles jaw dropped as Buffy’s head rocked
backwards. He sighed moving to intercept before things
could get ugly. He ignored the urge to snicker; he’d
seen that bitch-slap coming a mile away. Too stunned
to react, Buffy’s hand came up to rest against her

“Your are such a spoiled little bitch. You have no
concept of gratitude or even a grasp of basic human
courtesy. They might keep putting up with,” yelled
Xander as he waved at the rest of the scoobies. “But I
for one have had e-fucking-nough of your shit!”
Willow gasped unable to believe this was her Xander
spouting such cruel words. “And another thing,” he
said, ignoring the others as he moved closer finger
jabbing at the slayer. “I am heartily sick of how you
treat Spike…”

Buffy’s head shot up as she snapped
out of the daze Xander’s behavior had created.
“Spike,” she shrieked. “He’s responsible for this.
You’d never…”

Xander shook his head. “Oh shut up! Just cause your
boyfriend can’t act without having his head up your

He never finished his sentence. The whoosh of air as
it rushed out of his lungs was loud in the sudden
silence. Wesley cringed knowing that blow had to hurt
yet Xander straightened up quickly seeming to shake it
off almost immediately. The boy offered Buffy a
condescending smirk.

“That’s how you solve all your problems isn’t Buffy.
Angel goes evil kill ‘im. Faith turn’s on you stab
her. Violence and death are the only things you know
how to give,” he said as he turned and walked to the
shop's door. He paused looking over his shoulder. “I’d
be careful if I were you Ri,” he said then left.


Derek’s eyes widened as he caught sight of his new
captain outside the magic shop. Cursing he took off at
a run, leaving the dark-haired woman to follow.

He crouched beside the pale looking older man,
glancing around anxiously before focusing on him.
“Xan, what happened?” he asked worriedly looking for
cuts or blood. He didn’t see anything serious.

Catching up Liz-Marie, immediately began to coo over
the injured male. Derek tried not to roll his eyes at
her. She’d see soon enough, what he’d seen. “You all

Taking a deep breath Xander nodded, standing slowly.

“Did something attack you?” he asked glancing around

Xander’s eyebrow quirked. “Something?”

“S-someone,” stuttered Derek trying to cover his

Xander grinned ignoring the pain in his side. “It’s
cool. Not everyone believes that gang shit.

Derek snorted. “PCP my ass.”

Confused Liz eyed the two men warily. “What are you
two on about?”

"Nothing," was the simultaneous reply.

Eyeing his new friend closely, he noticed the way he
was favoring his side. “Don’t think you should go to
practice, dawg.”

Xander started to object, when a wave of nausea
changed his mind. “Ugh... maybe not. Guess, I’ll just
head home.”

Liz-Marie shook her head moving closer. “You
shouldn’t be walking home alone. I’ll take you,’ she
said, batting intense gray eyes. Xander turned a
desperate gaze to Derek, who sighed.

“Marie shouldn’t you be at the very first practice.
Seeing as your the captain, ya know.”

Her brow furrowed and a silky pout settled onto her
mouth. She hated it when he called her Marie but she
wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of letting
him see it irked her.

“Don’t call me that! Its Liz or Liz-Marie, freshman.
And Phhht... I say when I need to be there. Now c’mon
Xander.” She shrugged; she couldn’t always be mature.

“Look. I really don’t need any help,” he protested
backing up, only to sway dangerously before gaining
his balance. Derek snorted moving to catch his arm.

“Marie is right,” he smirked.

Ignoring his mocking tone, she turned to Xander.
“Right then. I’ll...”

“We’ll,” said Derek holding him steady. She frowned
but didn’t say anything else. Xander leaned against
the bigger man unconsciously as they made their way
back to

“What clued you into the nightlife?” asked Derek
trying to keep Xander awake and aware. He suspected he
might have a concussion. And the hospital was looking
like a good idea.

“Vamps at my old high-school,” he answered panting

His frown widened. Xander was too healthy to be
breathing heavily from such a short walk. Maybe the
hospital was a good idea. He was just about to suggest
it when a shadow melted out of the falling darkness.

Derek froze staring at the leather clad stranger
hidden in the shadows. His nerves screamed danger.
//Vampire! Vampire! Shit!//

Fighting the urge to drop Xander and flee he glared
at the demon. “Move,” he snarled, hoping it made them
look less like an easy meal. Before he could move the
vampire had snatched Xander.

“What the fuck did you do to him,” growled the
creature through a mouthful of fangs. Derek swallowed
heavily certain this was his last night on earth.

Liz-Marie glared at the man holding Xander tightly.
She didn’t like it at all. “Hey. We found him like
that outside some cheap-ass magic shop,” she snapped.
“We were taking him home. Mr. Oh-so-lacking-manners.”

Spike’s eyes narrowed; the golden iris’s burning.
Derek cursed vehemently as he slipped the cross from
his back pocket.

Fortunately Xander chose that moment to speak up.
“Leave’em alone, Spike. They were just helping.”

Spike glared but quieted, slipping out of game-face.
He began sniffing along Xander, running his fingers
over his body, searching for injuries. When he
couldn’t find any he leaned back. “What happened,

Derek blinked in shock. This was *Spike.* His friend
was dating a vampire. //Good lord, only in
“Umm... we’ll just be going now,” he said grabbing
Liz’s arm, backing away.

Liz glared at him then at the bleached blonde. “We
can’t leave him.”

Spike ignored them both concentrating on Xander, who
still hadn’t answered him. And continued to look
everywhere but at him. His silence confirmed the
vampire’s worries. “Slutty,” he hissed, eyes flashing
golden until he’d regained control.

Xander sighed not even bothering to deny it.
Truthfully he wanted Spike to do some serious damage
on his behalf, but he really didn’t want Buffy and the
others dead.

Watching the two, seeing how intimate they were
convinced Derek it was time to go. He briefly
considered leaving Liz to fend for herself. Cause he
really didn’t think the blonde would appreciate her
trying to move in on Xander.

But he didn’t. Liz was down for a white girl. He
figured she’d be a pretty cool shorty, if she’d just
forget about hitting it with Xan. Who at the moment
was looking as pale as his undead lover.

“Uh, Xan? You sure you don’t wanna go to the

Spike turned to glare at the humans before turning
back to Xander. The mortal was right: his pet did not
look all that good. However the hospital was out of
the question. Not with what was going on.

He’d have to take him to Bianca’s. And hope there
was something there to tell him where to find her. At
any event it was better than going back to the dorm
room, there was bound to be something there that'd
help Xander.

Liz-Marie frowned she hated being ignored. Okay,
usually she could care less but not when she was
honestly concerned.

“Look, you undead freak! Quit wasting time; he
should be going to the ER.”

All three males turned to stare at her in disbelief.
“What? I’m supposed to be stupid? He’s a vampire,
duh!” she snapped moving to stroke Xander’s arm.

Spike hissed wondering if he could kill her without
losing his hold on his lover. Seeing the homicidal
gleam in his lover’s eyes, Xander turned pleading eyes
to Derek, who sighed heavily.

“Marie. Lets *go.* He’s not gonna let his boyfriend
die,” he said latching onto her arm. Liz’s protests
were ignored as he dragged her away.

Relieved Xander straightened, ready to just go home.
“Umm... Spike much as I enjoy being swept off my
feet.... I’m fine, put me down,” he said sounding
amused at the vampire’s over-protectiveness.

Turning to face him he frowned. That look was back
on his face. Except this time it was more worried. A
lot more worried.

Spike cradled him close as panic tried to take over.
He’d nearly lost Xander because of his own cowardice.
A sick feeling made him squeeze harder as that one
thought burrowed into his brain until he couldn’t hear
anything else.

“Spike. Spike.” Xander breathed a sigh of relief
when the vampire finally snapped out of it.

“What’s wrong, kitten?”

Part Eleven  

“Your pregnant,” he yelled not thinking. The stress pretty much having
made the vampire snap.

Xander stared at him incredulously. Then snickered. Tears rolled down his
face as he bent double laughing despite the ache in his side. He’d had
such a shitty day. He’d need that.

“Gods, Spike. Your insane,” he gasped wiping at his face with the hand not
currently attached to the vampire. Glancing up at his lover, an uneasy
feeling came over him.

Spike wasn’t laughing. Not a hint of amusement touched his features. Not
even the familiar mocking grin. “No, Spike. Your kidding right?”

Xander shook his head struggling in his embrace. He let him go not willing
to risk aggravating whatever injuries the slayer had inflicted.

“Xan...” he began quietly; knowing he had to be the calm one.

“No! Say your kidding,” he screamed backing away. Spike followed. “No,
Xanpet. I don’t know how... But when I drank from you I tasted *life.*
Life besides yours. Now I can
hear a faint echo of your heartbeat.”

Xander blinked rapidly trying to absorb what his lover was saying. Flashes
of light danced behind his lids as he squeezed his eyes shut; rubbing at
them he fought of the waves of dizziness.

This wasn’t possible. It wasn’t. He struggled to breathe as his heart
tried to leap out of his chest. It wasn’t. Swirls of darkness danced on
the edge of his vision. It wasn’t. The pavement rushed up to greet him. It
wasn’t. It wasn’t.

Spike lunged forward sweeping Xander into his arms as he collapsed.


Tara looked up as the door to the dorm swung open. Her eyes danced over
her lover quickly taking in the red-head's distress. She leapt off the bed
hurrying to Willow's side.

"Wha-what happened?" Willow wrung her hands as she turned to face her
girlfriend. "I followed... Heard... Xan... the spell... I didn't... oh

Confused the blonde stared at her as her brain slowly translated the
incoherent babble. Tara's eyes widened in horror as understanding crept
over her. That stupid spell!
But it had been months! She shuddered as fragments of forgotten memories
flooder her mind.

...willows' voice as the words of the spell drifted through the air... the
drunken haze... the substituted herbs... frantic calls to buffy... hiding
what they'd done from xander...

Guilt followed quickly on the heels of understanding. How could she have
let things come to this? It went against every belief she held as a
Wiccan. Goddess!

"Stop it," snapped Tara. "Don't you dare cry. As if your the injured one."
Stunned the red-head wiped hastily at her face. "This is our fault. My
fault. I've let you treat the craft
as if it were your play toy. That ends now!"

The younger woman gasped in disbelief at the steel in her lover's voice.
"What are we going to do," she whispered staring up at her lover.

"I'll tell you what we're not going to do.... We're not going to beg
forgiveness or bake cookies," she barked as she began pacing. "Like some
contrite child." Ashamed (and truthfully contrite) Willow relinquished her
control of their relationship as her formerly shy girlfriend did an about

"What we are going to do is help Xander in any way we can. We are going to
support him, comfort him. No matter what!" Tara turned to the light of her
life. For once not blinded by the immense love she felt. She could now see
the dark path the younger witch was headed down. Once she'd blindly
followed but not anymore. This ended here.

"First thing tomorrow, we are going to Xander's to confess. And another
thing no more spells unless I or Mr. Giles okays them." She cut her eyes
to the red-head as she started to protest. Willow shut her mouth as the
normally gentle blue
eyes hardened like shards of glass.

"You reading me here, lover?"

Willow nodded quickly.

"Good. Now do we know who the father is?"

Willow's panic rose again.



Bianca shifted trying to ignore the pounding in her head. Sitting up as
she realized it wasn't in her head, jostling the bodies on either side of

Muttering dire threats she crawled down the center of the bed. Not even
bothering to pull on a robe as she marched to the front door.

"Somebody better be dying," she yelled, yanking open the door.

Spike paused mid-kick then just shoved his way inside. Bianca hurried
after him worry making her growl unconsciously.

"What's wrong? Were you attacked? Is he hurt?"

She hovered pelting question after question at the vampire. Spike finished
settling Xander on the couch before turning to the worried woman. He
paused considering the best way to
say it. He shrugged there was *no* best about it.

"He fainted when I told ‘im he's pregnant. Not that it helped wot wit
Slutty hitting 'im," he hissed, kneeling beside the stirring male.

Bianca's eyes bugged as her eyebrows tried to take flight. Sticking a
finger in her ear, she wiggled it around. Then said, "Come, again?"

Spike sighed. Too worried about Xander to even enjoy knocking her off
balance. He hoped it wasn't going to be a repeat of his talk with Xander.

"Pregnant. Knocked up. Expecting. Bun-in-the-Oven," he said enunciating
slowly. "How many ways do you need me to say it?"

She shot him a glare. "Until it makes sense," she barked. She moved toward
Xander's line of sight as his eyes flickered, but was stopped by the

"What," she asked irritably.

"Not that I don't appreciate the view, but I think the whelp'd pass out
again," he said not even able to give a half-hearted leer. She glanced
down, lack of attire just now becoming noticeable.

"Well, shit." She headed back to the bedroom.

Quickly pulling on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt; she moved to the bed
poking at its still oblivious occupants.

"Get up you bums," she said tugging at the covers. Grinning wickedly she
leaned closer; fingers entwining in the thick hair she gave a sharp tug.

The dark-haired man shot up, with a yelp rubbing at his abused
chest-hairs. Seeing he was up she turned to his partner, hands tickling at
familiar sensitive areas.

Half asleep he scrambled away, cursing when he fell off the bed. Bianca
giggled when he shot her a disgruntled glare.

"C'mon need your help," she said walking away.

Part Twelve  

A glowing ball of red light crackled over the larger man's hand. Slender
fingers wrapped around his wrist.

"Don't she'll win. Then we'll be slaves for a month. And not the fun kind
either," he said
tugging his lover out of bed. Clothing appeared on the couple as they made
their way into
the living room.

Xander blinked slowly staring around the familiar room. Something teased
subconscious. Bolting up his eyes locked with Spike's, pleading.

Sympathy, terror, love and unbidden joy shone from the blue gaze but not
the much
needed denial. Approaching footsteps drew his eyes away. Taking in the
look of panic,
she hurried to her child's side.

"Now, Xandy. It's O.K. Momma's here," she said holding him tight. She only
away when the vampire began growling.

"Spike, luv. Knock it off. They won't hurt, Xan," she said voice almost
scolding. Still the
vampire growled.

Turning she watched as Spike glared at the couple leaning against the
couch close behind
her. She laughed softly as realization dawned. Her child obviously did not
like his mother
having *company*.

"Hush, Spike. I'm almost 8,000. I know what I'm doing," she said turning
back to Xander.

Brow furrowing she stared at him. There was damage to his abdominals, plus
was simply off. A snarl rumbled from her throat as she finally absorbed
everything Spike
had said.

Xander lay unresponsive in her arms. His mind alternately racing and
freezing. Because there
was no way he was... His mind stuttered to a stop, balking at the very
word, let alone the reality. He sighed. Spike wouldn't lie about it. He
was p-p-p... He took a deep breath, steadying himself. He was pregnant.

A sharp slap rang through the room. Xander's head snapped back and he
stared wide-eyed
at Bianca. She shook her head, wavering between amusement and worry.

"You were hyperventilating, love. Now lay back so I can see what's up,"
she said pushing
on his shoulders.

"I told you," said Spike moving to pull Xander's upper body onto his lap
as he settled
behind him on the couch. "He's preggers."

Bianca smiled calmly. "Know, luv. But I need to check a few things," she
said pulling up
Xander's shirt.

Pressing her palm to his firm belly, a soft white light began emanating
from the area. Her
eyes closed as everything seemed to slow down. She bit back the urge to
curse and simply
fixed the damage.

Spike's never wavered from her hands as his fingers carded through mink
brown hair.
Xander never looked away from her face. 5....10... 15 minutes passed.
Spike moved

Bianca's eyes flew open and time speed up again.

"Don't know how it happened, but you my child are now the proud papa of a
healthy set of
twins." A bright grin spread across her face as she shook her head. She
squealed happily
bouncing in place like a child. "My baby's having babies!! I'm gonna be a

All worries temporarily forgotten she leapt of the couch, spinning around
estactily. She
bounced around like a rabbit on crack doing her own version of the 'dance
of joy.'

Xander slumped into Spike's lap, shock making him pass out again. Spike
frowned at her. She
shouldn’t be making his Xanny upset. It wasn't until the vampire growled
at her that she
realized her son had fainted.

"He's fine," she said straightening his clothes. "I don't know who or why
but a spell's been
cast on him." She stood.

"Actually it's more like the side effects of a primary spell. Either way
it primed his body,"
she called from the kitchen. She came back with a cool cloth and stroked
it tenderly over
his face. Smiling down at Xander as he came around.

"The babies are perfectly healthy. They won't affect your body until the
last two months
of your term. Then your body'll shift into overdrive to accommodate their

She sighed then waved a hand; a glass appeared on the coffee table.

"Drink, Xandy. The spell is damn good. Their shouldn't be any adverse or
effects," she held up a hand quieting Spike. "Oh he'll have the mood
swings, the nausea,
cravings etc. But he won't be in any danger."

Spike finally relaxed, releasing the tension from his wired nerves. The
terror that had gripped him since his discovery finally abating. "So how'd
this happen?"

Bianca's eyes narrowed.

"That's what I want to know. Far as I can tell the babies were conceived
sometime in
November. But he was primed months before that. Xander," she said
gesturing for the
larger male of the couple to come nearer. "This is a friend of mine. I
want him to check you, see who did this Kay?"

Xander eyed her then the dark-haired man. He nodded trustingly even as
Spike growled
threateningly. Bianca shot the vampire a look, taking Xander's hand.

"O.K. Ares get to it."

Part Thirteen  

The god of war smirked then placed a hand on Xander's

"Concentrate on the time period before November,"
barked Ares.

Xander flinched. Spike growled louder. Joxer slapped
his husband on the arm. "Ignore
him. It's just easier on him if he doesn't have to
shift through all your thoughts."

"Found it."

"Show us," said Bianca.

A large gold-framed mirror appeared mid-air. For a
second all it showed was them
grouped around the couch. Then it shifted as new
images filled the screen. All eyes
watched the scene play out.

May 2000

"Willow I don't know about this..." he said nervous
and rightly so.

Xander hung just outside the witch's room, unable to
calm his nerves.

"Please, Xan. We really haven't been spending anytime
together. This bonding spell will
be great, I promise. Please...."

Her huge green eyes glittering with as yet unshed

//Not going to do it... no way... not giving in... and
not the begging eyes.//

"All right, Will," he said moving all the way into the
dorm room.

//Oh yeah... way to hold out.//

Willow squealed, closing the door quickly behind him
as if preventing his escape.

"Look everyone. Xan's here," she cried, dragging
Xander behind her. Like a sacrificial
lamb he thought morbidly.

However, several hours and beers later, Xander was
much more relaxed. He was actually
having a good time. Of course it had to end.

Willow giggling, pulled out her spell-book.

"Ok. I've wanted to do this bonding spell for a long
time and now's perfect."

Xander glared at her. Or tried to as his beer soaked
brain tried to tell him this was not of
the good idea. He opened his mouth to say exactly
that. Except all that came out was...


Before the others could object --not that anyone was
any condition to-- the red-headed
witch began chanting. Buffy oohed and aahed as the
rings of light drifted over them. In no
time everyone was exchanging hugs, apologies, and
promising to really be better friends.

Willow laughed giddily, shoving the spell-book back
into her trunk. No one noticed the
spell was for women, or the fact that the red-head
made a few drunken substitutions at the
last minute.


Groaning Xander buried his head in his hands. He'd
known that spell was a bad idea.

"Idiot bint," yelled Spike. Bianca whacked his arm
tilting her head towards Xander. Spike
forced himself to calm down for his love's sake.

"Still doesn't tell me enough," she said looking
puzzled. "They should've realized
something was wrong, and reversed the spells effects.
Arry can you show any other
events connected with the spell?"

The god frowned then nodded waving his hand again. All
attention returned to the mirror.

June 2000

Willow gaped open-mouthed at her spell-book.

"Tara," she called frantically. "We didn't do this
spell did we?"

Tara moved to stand behind her, resting her chin
against her girlfriend's shoulder.

"Uh-oh... I think so. Not good. Not good... we have to
tell Buffy and Anya," she said
hurrying to the phone.

Willow nodded dropping the book onto the trunk.

"It's a good thing Riley's still out of town or we'd
be in trouble. And we might still *be* in
trouble," she said quietly, dialing Buffy's number.

"Hey, Buffy. Um.. ah.. Do you... ah... remember...

"Just spit out, Wills."

Willow took a deep breath.

"The bonding spell has a couple of side effects. One
uh... would be making the
participants extremely fertile."


"Don't worry," she rushed to assure her friend.

"One simple chant will take care of everything. All


"Really, Buffy. So just come over, it won't even take
five minutes. And ahh... lets not
mention this to Xan. Already feeling a lack of
confidence there... no need to add to it."

Buffy nodded then said, "No telling of the Xan-man."

Willow hung up then called Xander.


Buffy swiped ineffectually at the herbs clinging to
her clothes. Giving up she glanced
over at the witches.

"Can't say I'm sorry to see her go. But poor Xan, he's
such a loser with women. We have
to make sure he doesn't feel left out or like a third

Tara and Willow nodded enthusiastically. Settling onto
a chair she glared at the two.

"By the way... exactly what would have happened if you
hadn't fixed it."

Tara got up retrieving the book.

"S-see its a sisterhood spell. It enhances the bonds
of sisterhood. B-but its side effects
also increase other female aspects. Most noticeably
the ability to get pregnant."

"Anyway the effects would last for about six months.
You'd revert back to normal. Unless
you'd gotten pregnant."

"What would it do to Xan?"

Tara shuddered slightly.

"Nothing. U-u-unless certain herbs were used instead
of the ones in the spell. Even then
nothing really serious."

Willow quickly seconded her. Still not wanting to be
told on.

"His scent would change for the first few weeks making
him very appealing to males.
Umm might be a little more sensitive but just
physically. But other than that nothing

She stopped blushing as red as her hair.

"Ok there seem to be a lot of unlesses. So, spill."

The rest spilled out in a rush.

"Unless he had sex with a guy. Any sperm would be made
immediately viable. His body
would slowly adapt inside. You wouldn't be able to
tell just by looking at him. Not until
two or three months before he was ready to give birth
then BOOM..." she said waving her

Buffy eyes flew open. "He'd blow up!"

"No no. He'd," Tara blushed, eyes fixed on the kitten
sleeping innocently in her lap. "His
body would go through major changes all at once. I
think he'd grow a v-v-v..."

Unable to quit stuttering, she pointed at Buffy's

With a shriek the slayer fell off the bad laughing

"Oh ohoh... I can just see Xan... ohoh.." she
sputtered loudly not able to control herself.

Before long the two witches were laughing as well.
Neither remembered Willow's spur of
the moment changes.


Seeing the vampire's growing rage, and imminent loss
of control, she hurried to keep
things from taking an unpleasant turn. Glancing at
Xander who was too dazed to object.

"Arry, would you put Xandy in my bed," she asked
pulling the vampire from the room.
Sliding the huge glass door shut, she released him.
Spike cut loose. Vamping out he spat
a string of curses so vehement she swore the air
turned blue.

"I was just gonna slit that bitch’s throat. Wasn’t
even gonna bother with the witches.
*Now*... fucking cunts... deceitful... no decency...
actually laughing... I'm gonna.."

She let him rant for several more minutes, before
grasping his arm.

"Spike." Her voice was low but he heard her, and

"Xander is fine. He's gonna give you two beautiful
children," she said reassuringly.
Forcing his anger aside; he reached out trailing a
finger across her brow, and down her

"Then why are you worried," he asked quietly. She
shook her head wrapping an arm
around his waist.

"Not worried. Concerned. The spell is good but," she
paused staring past him into the
night. The vampire's fears came flooding back. Sensing
the growing strain she ran a hand
up and down his arm soothingly.

"He's still going to have to be cut open. I've never
done it before. Arry's had it done but
he's never done it. Hera... hell most of the gods and
I don't get on."

She heaved a huge sigh, shuddering. Worried Spike
pulled her into his arms. "What?"

//Gods there's no one else.//

She dropped her head on his shoulder. "I'm going to
have to call my mother," she groaned
melodramatically. "She's done this more times than I
can count."

Spike growled at her not pleased at being made to
worry for nothing.

"Damn! Good news is we won’t need her til like a week
before he goes into labor," she
grouched tugging the vampire back into the house.

"As for those bitches.... well you just leave them to
*me*." She held up a hand stilling his
protests. “Don’t worry. I’ll save Slutty for you.” She
stopped short in front of her bedroom

"Now go comfort Xander. And don't come back out till
you can tell me when your going
to make an honest man outta him," she said then shoved
him inside before closing the

Part Fourteen  

The god of war smirked then placed a hand on Xander's head.

"Concentrate on the time period before November," barked Ares.

Xander flinched. Spike growled louder. Joxer slapped his husband on the arm.
"Ignore him. It's just easier on him if he doesn't have to shift through all
your thoughts."

"Found it."

"Show us," said Bianca.

A large gold-framed mirror appeared mid-air. For a second all it showed was them
grouped around the couch. Then it shifted as new images filled the screen. All
eyes watched the scene play out.

+++++ May 2000 +++++

"Willow I don't know about this..." he said nervous and rightly so.

Xander hung just outside the witch's room, unable to calm his nerves.

"Please, Xan. We really haven't been spending anytime together. This bonding
spell will be great, I promise. Please...."

Her huge green eyes glittering with as yet unshed tears.

//Not going to do it... no way... not giving in... and not the begging eyes.//

"All right, Will," he said moving all the way into the dorm room.

//Oh yeah... way to hold out.//

Willow squealed, closing the door quickly behind him as if preventing his

"Look everyone. Xan's here," she cried, dragging Xander behind her. Like a
sacrificial lamb he thought morbidly.

However, several hours and beers later, Xander was much more relaxed. He was
actually having a good time. Of course it had to end.

Willow giggling, pulled out her spell-book.

"Ok. I've wanted to do this bonding spell for a long time and now's perfect."

Xander glared at her. Or tried to as his beer soaked brain tried to tell him
this was not of the good idea. He opened his mouth to say exactly that. Except
all that came out was...


Before the others could object --not that anyone was any condition to-- the
red-headed witch began chanting. Buffy oohed and aahed as the rings of light
drifted over them. In no time everyone was exchanging hugs, apologies, and
promising to really be better friends.

Willow laughed giddily, shoving the spell-book back into her trunk. No one
noticed the spell was for women, or the fact that the red-head made a few
drunken substitutions at the last minute.


Groaning Xander buried his head in his hands. He'd known that spell was a bad

"Idiot bint," yelled Spike. Bianca whacked his arm tilting her head towards
Xander. Spike forced himself to calm down for his love's sake.

"Still doesn't tell me enough," she said looking puzzled. "They should've
realized something was wrong, and reversed the spells effects. Arry can you show
any other events connected with the spell?"

The god frowned then nodded waving his hand again. All attention returned to the

+++++ June 2000 +++++

Willow gaped open-mouthed at her spell-book.

"Tara," she called frantically. "We didn't do this spell did we?"

Tara moved to stand behind her, resting her chin against her girlfriend's

"Uh-oh... I think so. Not good. Not good... we have to tell Buffy and Anya," she
said hurrying to the phone.

Willow nodded dropping the book onto the trunk.

"It's a good thing Riley's still out of town or we'd be in trouble. And we might
still *be* in trouble," she said quietly, dialing Buffy's number.

"Hey, Buffy. Um.. ah.. Do you... ah... remember... uh..."

"Just spit out, Wills."

Willow took a deep breath.

"The bonding spell has a couple of side effects. One uh... would be making the
participants extremely fertile."


"Don't worry," she rushed to assure her friend.

"One simple chant will take care of everything. All gone."


"Really, Buffy. So just come over, it won't even take five minutes. And ahh...
lets not mention this to Xan. Already feeling a lack of confidence there... no
need to add to it."

Buffy nodded then said, "No telling of the Xan-man."

Willow hung up then called Xander.


Buffy swiped ineffectually at the herbs clinging to her clothes. Giving up she
glanced over at the witches.

"Can't say I'm sorry to see her go. But poor Xan, he's such a loser with women.
We have to make sure he doesn't feel left out or like a third wheel."

Tara and Willow nodded enthusiastically. Settling onto a chair she glared at the

"By the way... exactly what would have happened if you hadn't fixed it."

Tara got up retrieving the book.

"S-see its a sisterhood spell. It enhances the bonds of sisterhood. B-but its
side effects also increase other female aspects. Most noticeably the ability to
get pregnant."

"Anyway the effects would last for about six months. You'd revert back to
normal. Unless you'd gotten pregnant."

"What would it do to Xan?"

Tara shuddered slightly.

"Nothing. U-u-unless certain herbs were used instead of the ones in the spell.
Even then nothing really serious."

Willow quickly seconded her. Still not wanting to be told on.

"His scent would change for the first few weeks making him very appealing to
males. Umm might be a little more sensitive but just physically. But other than
that nothing unless..."

She stopped blushing as red as her hair.

"Ok there seem to be a lot of unlesses. So, spill."

The rest spilled out in a rush.

"Unless he had sex with a guy. Any sperm would be made immediately viable. His
body would slowly adapt inside. You wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at
him. Not until two or three months before he was ready to give birth then
BOOM..." she said waving her hands.

Buffy eyes flew open. "He'd blow up!"

"No no. He'd," Tara blushed, eyes fixed on the kitten sleeping innocently in her
lap. "His body would go through major changes all at once. I think he'd grow a

Unable to quit stuttering, she pointed at Buffy's crotch.

With a shriek the slayer fell off the bad laughing hysterically.

"Oh ohoh... I can just see Xan... ohoh.." she sputtered loudly not able to
control herself.

Before long the two witches were laughing as well. Neither remembered Willow's
spur of the moment changes.


Seeing the vampire's growing rage, and imminent loss of control, she hurried to
keep things from taking an unpleasant turn. Glancing at Xander who was too dazed
to object.

"Arry, would you put Xandy in my bed," she asked pulling the vampire from the
room. Sliding the huge glass door shut, she released him. Spike cut loose.
Vamping out he spat a string of curses so vehement she swore the air turned

"I was just gonna slit that bitch’s throat. Wasn’t even gonna bother with the
witches. *Now*... fucking cunts... deceitful... no decency... actually
laughing... I'm gonna.."

She let him rant for several more minutes, before grasping his arm.

"Spike." Her voice was low but he heard her, and subsided.

"Xander is fine. He's gonna give you two beautiful children," she said
reassuringly. Forcing his anger aside; he reached out trailing a finger across
her brow, and down her nose.

"Then why are you worried," he asked quietly. She shook her head wrapping an arm
around his waist.

"Not worried. Concerned. The spell is good but," she paused staring past him
into the night. The vampire's fears came flooding back. Sensing the growing
strain she ran a hand up and down his arm soothingly.

"He's still going to have to be cut open. I've never done it before. Arry's had
it done but he's never done it. Hera... hell most of the gods and I don't get

She heaved a huge sigh, shuddering. Worried Spike pulled her into his arms.

//Gods there's no one else.//

She dropped her head on his shoulder. "I'm going to have to call my mother," she
groaned melodramatically. "She's done this more times than I can count."

Spike growled at her not pleased at being made to worry for nothing.

"Damn! Good news is we won’t need her til like a week before he goes into
labor," she grouched tugging the vampire back into the house.

"As for those bitches.... well you just leave them to *me*." She held up a hand
stilling his protests. “Don’t worry. I’ll save slutty for you.” She stopped
short in front of her bedroom door.

"Now go comfort Xander. And don't come back out till you can tell me when your
going to make an honest man outta him," she said then shoved him inside before
closing the door.

Part Fifteen

"You're so bossy," said Ares from where he sprawled across the couch.
Joxer nodded in agreement from his seat on his husband's lap. Bianca
rolled her eyes then began pacing. Unable to help it she zeroed in on
her bedroom and the occupants within.


When he walked into the room Xander glanced up, eyes wide with panic.
He watched his lover work at the blanket, shredding the fringe
anxiously. Remembering his grandmothers advice he reached for Xander.
Easily overpowering him when the mortal tried to turn away.

"Xander, luv. Listen to me. You don't have to do this. Love you,
nothing will change that. If you don't want this..." The vampire
paused, clearing his throat. "Then we don't do it. I'm sure Bianca
knows how to make it all go away."

Xander squirmed in his arms turning to look in his mate's eyes. "But
you...." Spike interrupted him quickly. "Love you more than anyone or
anything. Long as you love me, no matter what, I'll love you."
Xander stared hard into the mostly serene gaze.

"I'm scared," he whispered burying his face in the curve of the
demon's neck as tears rolled down his face. The vampire tightened his
arms around him.

"I swear, it'll be all right. I'll take care of you, not going
anywhere. I'm here." Xander nodded too exhausted from the day's
events to do more than that.

"I want this... them. Their yours... ours... No matter how they came
about." Spike let go the breath he hadn't known he was
holding. "Whatever you want, luv. Whatever." He rocked the warm body
in his arms until the boy fell asleep.


Bianca eased away from the door muttering an incantation. Ares ears
pricked up, he relaxed realizing it was only a simple adjustment
spell. Still... "Shouldn't he come to terms with this in his own

Bianca shook her head. Not in negation but in understanding. "Xan is
very adaptable... there's no doubt he'd accept this eventually. It's
not like I changed his mind around. All I did was speed up something
he would have done naturally."

Ares nodded but frowned. "So he'd spend a few days confused. Maybe a
little scared... angry... maybe it's for the best?"

Bianca shrugged, "I'm a mother. If I can ease a few doubts... remove
baseless worries.... I don't like seeing my baby hurt, sue me."

Ares relented in understanding. If he could have done the same for
Cupid he would have and if he was truthful he had done the same with

Joxer stared at Bianca despite the joy on her face she was tense,
agitated. "What's wrong, old woman?"

"There's something funky about this. The timing is just too
coincidental. And not one but two day-walkers... I *don't* like it,"
she growled deep in her throat.

"It stinks of prophecy. Fucking watchers 'll be all over this. Plus
that twat Glory... Hope whatever she's calling herself now, is in
town," she glanced over as the reclining god and immortal suddenly
shot up in fear.

"Don't worry, nobody's stupid enough to try and bring Dahak back. But
he's gonna need protection, even if it's nothing. There's still other
vamps, demons and Slutty the vampire layer."

Ares snickered.

"Not that she's gonna be a problem for long. She must've sensed the
kids. Not that it matters. Watcher's had better hope they can get the
other one out of jail, cause I'm giving Spike carte' blanche on her
anorexic ass."

Her growls had grown loud enough to wake the neighbor's cat. His
howls matching the fury in her's.

"That cunt hurt him. He could've lost the babies. If Spike hadn't...
If I weren't... Fuck her! Athena'll just have to deal."
Joxer leaned out stroking her arm as she passed. She smiled faintly,
forcibly stopping the growling.

"I want you to stay alert. Maybe tell a few of the others. But no one
who's likely to start a panic. Kay guys?"
Joxer saluted as Ares nodded. The war god's gaze drifted to the
closed bedroom door.

"Guess that means we're through for the night."

Bianca shook her head hurling herself onto the couch then wiggling
between the two males.

"Un-unh. Zap us to Olympus big boy."

Joxer's laughter filled the room as they disappeared.