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by Shadith 

//God... how could I have been so stupid.// 

Everything was moving like clockwork. Giles' plan was a true 
masterpiece. The three of us worked well together. Should've known it 
wouldn't last. Things went to shit fairly soon. In the tunnels I 
could hear them fighting above us. A wail like nothing I'd ever heard 
tore through the air. Somehow I knew it was Dawn. My stomach heaved 
at the thought of the little girl I loved being hurt by that 
creature. But there was nothing I could do. Not until the bomb was up. 

Giles left us once he was sure we'd be able to find our way back. I 
worked in the dark... Time seemed to freeze then speed up in fits. 
One moment I'd barely started, next it seemed as if I'd been working 
for hours, and the next I was done. Spike and I went running for the 
surface right into... chaos. 

We'd underestimated her. No, we'd underestimated the numbers she'd 
gathered. It looked like thousands, must of been less either way 
there wasn't even a second to take it all in, before we were swept 
into it. Spike and I fought side by side until somehow we were forced 

That's when it began to fall apart. Even in the frenzy, we kept an 
eye out for each other. And I saw... I *saw*... It's how I know that 
treacherous *bitch* did it on purpose. No accident. She fucking meant 

I saw the hateful murderous gleam in her eyes. I could kill her but 
there's no time. She meant to keep us apart. Looks like she's 
succeeded. Oh gods... I should've know... I'm sorry I couldn't 
protect you... 

//I should have known.// 

Buffy can't let go. Could never accept the flaws she thought she saw 
in others. Never mind the landfill of faults she has. No... God 
forbid she be anything less than perfect. Or so help whoever 
questioned her. And it's as much my fault as hers. Her watcher.. her 
guardian... I knew but I never stepped in. Thinking... hoping... 
she'd outgrow it. Not wanting to play favorites... 

I should never have let it get this far then maybe this wouldn't be 
happening now. But I didn't and even now when I see clearly, I am at 
fault. I knew she wasn't taking it well, but I told myself she'd 
learn to accept it... him. I was fooling myself. Spoiled, self- 
righteous bitch... And what can be said? She was doing her *job*... 
staking a vampire. Her duty. I *know* what she did... I saw her... 

//Bloody 'ell. If I could I'd rip that Bitch's throat out.// 

I knew slutty wasn't going to let it go. I could feel the murderous 
glances she shot us. You'd think she'd be more concerned about the 
fact that her ex had been fucking her best-friend, and never saw fit 
to tell her. But... N-o-o-o... The souled bastard can do no wrong. So 
she focuses her rage on us in general an' me in fuckin' particular. 

Xan and I came rushing up from the tunnels. Before I know it we're 
almost on opposite sides of the room. I couldn't help grinning at my 
pet. Soaked in blood he swung the ax he'd picked up like he'd done it 
all 'is life. 

Argggh! I should 'ave killed the skanky twat the minute I laid eyes 
on her. There were any number of times I could 'ave done it, but I 
didn't. Now it's too damn late... 

Thought I'd 'ave more time with my pet... S'not fair... It would 'ave 
been so good... But times up an' the stakes are flyin'... Damn... I 
don't even get to say good-bye... 

* * * * * 
Evergleam and I know why God is good and Jesus loves me 
Heaven lives and I know where 
Sounds to me a not so easy chair falling free and living down 
* * * * * 

It happened fast. Anyone who listened could have heard Death's clock 
ticking. The slayer for once was holding her own with Glory. While 
she was distracted, Giles moved forward quickly, snatching a barely 
whole Dawn from the altar. 

Willow, Tara, and Wes managed wipe out a large amount of the demons 
while injuring others. Spell after spell flowed from their lips, as 
Cordelia rushed between them trying to keep the materials coming. 
Riley, Gunn, and Angel cut a bloody path through the rest. A brutal 
dance of blood, and death as they fought to survive. 

And the blonde vampire... 

Spike backed up he slayer. Not because he gave a damn whether she 
lived or died. No... her victory insured his pet's safety. The long 
black duster floated behind him as he attacked. Xander had never seen 
anything so beautiful. 

Buffy fought Glory to a draw, as they danced on the edge of the pit. 
With a graceful backflip, Buffy's leg shot out sending Glory 
careening into the pit. 

* * * * * 
Stringing out and over and happy 
* * * * * 

I didn't even think... I hit the detonator as Spike and Buffy raced 
away from the edge. Shock waves knocked almost everyone to their 

And then my world shattered... 

Off balance -- Spike was thrown against the slayer. She hissed, 
leaping for him. I heard Angel cursing as he reached for her, but he 
was too late... too late... 

***** Evergleam and I know why it isn't real and I'm not going to 
break. Not going to break.***** 

All I see is him. Blue blue eyes locked on mine. All I know is him. 
If he dies, I don't want to live. 

Angel... always to little to late... 

//God's when will I learn not to take on slayers.// 

Apparently I won't ever, not if the stake in my chest is any 
indication. I don't think I screamed. I think I should, but I'm not. 
Someone else beat me to it. It sounds familiar, why... It takes a 
minute... but I know who it is. 

//Spike, *my* Spike. Still alive, not dust. Fucking whore didn't get 
him. Wonder why not?// 

I gasp as a wave of pain rips through my chest. 

//Oh... yeah. She got me.// 

For some reason that strikes me as funny. I think I laugh but stop 
because it's making Spike howl louder. Wonder why? Could be because 
I've started spitting up blood. Try to wipe it away... don't wanna 
tempt my vampire. 

Blondie's yelling at me... hard to understand what he's saying. Have 
to try for him... huh? doesn't want me to move... stay still... Cool 
arms wrap around me... love feeling him around me... but... 

"I can't stay still... nope... too many things I have to do before I 

//Did I say that out loud? Shit, I think I did.// 

***** Don't die, don't give in to it. No way, no way. Don't die. 
Please don't leave me.***** 

"Oh no-no-no-no... Xan hold on luv... hold on..." 

Tears pouring down his cheeks. Never meant to make him cry... he 
taught me that... taught me not to stay with someone who hurt me... 
opened my eyes and saw him... 

//Might not be too smart but smart enough to grab onto Spike. Hah...// 

Didn't let love pass me by... 

//Did I say that out loud? Want him to know...// 

It's getting harder to keep my eyes open... think I've been passing 
in and out.... somethings not connecting... if I could I'd laugh... 
cause I think he's trying to say something... and it's funny how he's 
having trouble speaking and I'm the one with a stake in his chest... 

And I'm trying to tell him about the pretty colors, the glowing white 
shapes but he just cries harder... 

"Don't cry, Spikey." 

Pale flash of arm and something wet and red... pleading voice telling 
me to drink... then he's gone... spikey don't leave me... someone 
screamed... The world starts spinning faster.. as the colors run 
together... quiet but not... wailing in the distance... 

**Evergleam and I know how pulling hair and breaking voices. 
Giving in won't stop the noise. Spinning wills don't give you 
Give away the spark inside you, give away the shining prize. 
Evergleam and I know how it isn't real...** 

Suddenly it doesn't hurt anymore... but there's something... have to 
tell him... only for him... give away my heart... and it's 
important... necessary that I say it... cause I'm feeling like I 
won't be here later... 

"Love you... love you spike... love y..." 

did I say it... was something else... not important... least not 
important as the lights... gleams everywhere.... evergleam... wonder 
if it's real... 

* * * * * 
Evergleam, everywhere, ever weird, everyone 
Evergleam, everywhere, everything 
I won't see you there 
No way, no way, no way 
I'm not going away 
* * * * *