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Fate Works In Mysterious Ways
by Shadith

Summer 2000

Bianca Donovan grabbed her ears, as the phone rang for what sounded like
the thousandth time. The shrill noise drilling at her nerves.


No answer except the rustling sound of paper moving.


Sounds of more paper falling.

Muttering several earburning curses, Bianca shoved away from her desk.

"Damnit, Shelia I..."

An irrate Dean of Students of the College of Liberal Arts froze, staring
around disbelievingly at the mess before her. Her executive assistant
stood in the middle of a blizzard of paper.

"What the *hell* is this?"

Sheila Olnes shrugged, blinking owlishly.

"The new Dean of Admissions brought all this over. Said the old dean had
been losing applications. Now, we have to determine whose still eligible
for admission to the new programs."

Bianca groaned burying her face in her hands.

"Why me?"

Sighing, she bent to help Sheila gather up the mess.

"Get some of the workstudy students in here to help," she paused dropping
a stack on her assistant's desk. "We need to finish this before the new
year starts. Gods... do I have to do *everything*!"

===Several Days Later===

"Ms. Donovan," called Sheila.

Bianca stuck her head out from her office door, eyebrows raised in

"This student's application is two years old."

Bianca interrupted, cutting her off.

"If he qualifies send him an admission letter. If he doesn't then ditch

"But," the younger woman began hesitantly.

"Good lord! Give it to me," she said snatching the application.

Donovan clutched her head. The throbbing threatened to drive her insane.

"This is why some people should be drowned at birth."

Mumbling to herself, she logged onto her computer.
