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The Gangs All Here
by Shadith

Xander knocked cautiously at the door. Then smiled at the man who 
opened it. "Hey, G-man how ya been?" Giles looked carefully at 
Xander, then stepped back from the door. "I have asked you not to 
call me that." Knowing Giles is trying to see whether he'd been 
vamped or not, Xander walked right past him without an 
invitation. "Sorry," he said grinning unrepentantly. He watched as 
the girls squealed, running to embrace him. He couldn't help 
comparing their behavior to his kitten and Spike's. 

Their loud proclamations of joy and welcome were nothing, to the 
subtle acceptance and love his vampire and kitten gave him. "So guys, 
any big evils, a foot. Why do they say a foot anyway? Why not a toe?" 
Buffy grinned settling against Riley, this was *their* Xander. "None, 
except registering for classes, something you don't have to worry 
about. So, what'd you do?" Xander leaned against the door. "Oh, this 
and that, drove around. Nothing much." Buffy smirked, "So, you got 
stuck in Oxnard again, huh?"

"Nah." Willow leaned forward, "What's with the clothes, Xander?" He 
looked down, at the black jeans, doc martins, white T, and leather 
jacket. "Umm, these? You wouldn't believe it. There was this freak 
fire in my room. Every last stitch of clothing I had gone up in 
flames. The hotel felt responsible so they offered to pay, and they 
sent this woman to cover the costs. Well, she refused to let me buy 
what I wanted. She claimed she'd never seen such horrible taste, and 
wallah new wardrobe," he said spreading his arms. "What d'ya think?" 
Willow shook her head you look different, not you." 

"Yeah," agreed Buffy. Xander grinned his trademark grin, the one that 
screamed can't-be-helped-to-stupid-to-know-any-better. Seeing that 
grin, Buffy and Willow gave a sigh of relief. This was still the same 
old reliable goof. The only ones who weren't convinced were Giles and 
Tara. Giles because for a second he'd seen something dark glitter 
behind those suddenly downcast eyes. Tara, however, could almost 
smell the changes in him. Shrugging,Tara dismissed it if Willow 
wasn't concerned she couldn't careless. Watching Xander grin and joke 
with the girls, Giles resolved to watch him closely.


Spike sulked, if a 130 yr. old Master vampire could be said to sulk. 
Things weren't going as planned. Xander had been *officially* home 
for two weeks and still no sign of the elusive woman. He'd wanted to 
*question* Willie again, except he'd actually made good on his word 
and vanished, little sneak. He had shit, and it was really beginning 
to irk him. He also hadn't seen Xander at all, and he was starting to 
worry. Oh, he'd seen him at the scooby meetings but, the boy avoided 
him. Though that in itself was nothing. Xander seemed to be avoiding 
all of the gang, lately. He always disappeared after patrol, and was 
always working. But slutty and the other's were so preoccupied with 
themselves, it never dawned on them that more often
than not Xander was gone. 

Something was wrong. Even if the bastard and Willie hadn't confirmed 
it, he'd have known. His Xan was different, and no one seemed to 
care. Some of the changes were subtle, some were not. Like his 
predatory behavior. No matter how many times Xander held himself back 
or resorted to jokes, Spike could see it, creeping out. Not that the 
slayer noticed. Spike couldn't believe she didn't see it. 

<'ow self-absorbed could one girl be. Though to give 'er credit, the 
cunt had sensed somethin' during last night's patrol. Still, she 
should 'ave been all over, my pet. He dusted four vamps without a 
struggle.> His movements had been beautifully lethal. When the slayer 
called him on it he'd given her his trademark grin, and said "Are 
they getting dumber or what?" Spike snorted at their stupidity, he 
couldn't see how they kept beating him. <Still, I can't believe they 
bought that. pets gotta secret> He thought then frowned. 
<'ell he even *smells* different.> Spike snarled, he was sure it had 
something to do with the demon bitch. 

Unable to settle down, he headed to the Bronze. Figuring he might as 
well make some easy cash, maybe grab a beer, before tracking down 
Xander. Enough was enough, he was tired of the hunt, he would claim 
his mate. Wandering to the bar, Spike's eyes focused on the crowd at 
the stage, a predator watching easy prey. "What the 'ell is that 
about mate?," Spike asked pointing towards the group with his beer. 
The bartender looked at him in disbelief. "You can't be serious. You 
haven't heard about *her*?" "What's so special 'bout the chit?" The 
bartender shook his head, "You'll see." 

Spike watched curious, as a hush fell over the crowd. The lights 
flicker, and go out thrusting the club into total darkness. Wary, 
Spike straightened. His eyes adjusted quickly, as he scanned the 
crowd for a threat. Then his eyes were drawn to the stage, he gasped. 
He'd known beauty, his dark goodness or any number of wenches in his 
many years, but never before had he seen perfection made flesh.

She stood tall, wild, sun-warmed chocolate. A loose-limbed barefoot 
stance, adding to her earthy sensuality. Her lips stained a reddish 
purple, as if she'd been eating black cherries. But what drew Spike 
were her eyes, he'd never seen anything like them....liquid shadows. 
Darker than obsidian, pupils indistinguishable from the iris'. White 
velvet clung to her curves. A goddess given form, and Spike trembled 
before her power. Snarling he shook himself, he was no fledgling to 
be trapped by glamour yet he found himself enthralled. Heaven danced 
before him, and someone must have really screwed up because now he 
was inside, that voice pulled him in.

It slid out into the crowd like it was alive. Pouring over the crowd 
like hot fudge. Spike moaned, he felt the bloodlust rise. He could 
smell the heady scent of arousal racing through the club. He heard 
them whispering her name, a chant...a prayer...Adaire. Spike surged 
forward, cutting through the crowd like a wolf hunting prey. Wanting 
to hold her, sink his fangs in deep drowning in the blood that would 
flow from her. He could *taste* her, moonlight and champagne, jasmine 
and musk. Rage tears through him without warning, that *smell*. Spike 
bit back a angry roar. 

*Her* her smell on his Xanpet. <She dies. Tonight.> Growling deep in 
his throat he backed towards the stage entrance. He would wait until 
she left, then her foul blood would spill across his fangs. Spike 
stood panting as reason tried to reassert itself, she might still be 
human. He stood stock still arguing with his demon. Cursing he tried 
to calm down. What had Xander gotten into now? he wondered. His rage 
shutout the siren call of her voice. Spike angrily avoided watching 
the rest of the show, as he waited to finish this.


Xander watched her perform spellbound. No matter how many times he's 
seen her, he's as bespelled as the rest of the crowd. When he'd asked 
how she did it. She'd only shrugged and said, "I don't know. It's 
just what I am, and since I don't know what I am...I can't tell you 
how I do it." Then she'd looked so sad he'd pulled her into his arms 
and rocked her to sleep. Dismissing the painful memories, he watched 
her fade from the stage. Turning he walked over to the side entrance, 
they always left directly after she was done. Xander couldn't believe 
his luck. She'd been working at the Bronze, for almost a month, and 
they still hadn't run into any of the scooby gang. He only hoped it'd 
hold out a little longer. Xander sighed knowing it wouldn't. He could 
*feel* it. <Calm before the storm. Yeah right. My luck it'll be a 

Spike moved through the crowd, a wolf through sheep. She was there 
just ahead. He watched barely hanging on to his human mask, as she 
slipped out the side door. He followed quickly, stopping abruptly 
when he saw who she was with. Spike stood frozen...shuddering, 
fighting the urge to rip into them both. *His* Xan walked down the 
alley, arm draped around her waist, laughing as her finger's moved 
across *his* property. Spike stood watching as they moved further 
off, fighting a losing battle. His demon howled for blood, demanding 
he teach *his* mate his place. Then show the woman exactly why he was 
William 'The Bloody'. With a angry snarl he gave in, racing after 
them game-face on. Moving swiftly he was soon three...two...then only 
a block behind them. He'd be on them shortly after turning the 
corner. Spike moved fast and brutal, then howled at the empty street. 


Someone's following us, I glance at my kitten to see if she's 
noticed. Yep, she's tensed. Searching the shadows, I catch a glimpse 
of...platinum blonde hair. Shit...Spike. I'm not ready for this. No 
big surprise there. This is not of the good, I haven't been able to 
talk to him since I got back. Partly because I'm scared he won't care 
anymore, and partly because of kitten. She said she understood and 
accepted, but I still get this vibe off her whenever I mention Spike. 
A mix of rage and fear and buried beneath uncertainty. 

I'm greedy, I want them both. And despite what she says, I feel like 
I'll lose her. She gets this look on her face that scares me 
sometimes. There's something....FUCK...I can hear it now. Snarling 
deep, enraged. I *know* that sound. It's been four months but...
Shit..Shit..Shit..he's gonna attack, I know it. No way to avoid 
this...there's no way...they can't meet now...I haven't had a chance 
to explain...this is so fucked.

Xan's panicking. I can smell it on him, someone's following. And yes 
I know its Spike. I'd know *that* scent anywhere. I could smell him 
on Xan after almost every scooby meeting. Despite what I told Xan, 
everything in me wants to destroy the vampire. I want to whirl, 
m'lann extended razor sharp edge slicing through flesh and bone, 
severing his bleached blonde head. Or better yet rip through his 
chest shredding muscle to tear out his heart and watch him, as he 
explodes in a shower of dust. Angry, me? Yah, think? 

It's not just his prior claim on m'cridhe, though that's the majority 
of it. He's competition, rival for my love's affection. Plus, he was 
first. Still as a general principle (g.p.), I want him dead. He's a 
*vampire*...a demon...his kind *destroyed* my life, slaughtered my 
family. I will *never* forget *never* forgive. I itch to turn and... 
The only thing stopping me is Xan, he'd be so hurt. Ignoring 
instincts, I offer Xan a way out, "M'cridhe, I can get us away from 
here, before he get's here." Xan starts at the sound of her 
voice,"How?" She shakes her head, "No time to explain. Trust 
me?" "Always"


Standing on the roof 20 feet above Spike, I watch as he searches 
infuriated. I knew it'd be here sooner or later...guilt right on 
time. I'll tell him Saturday, after I get back. I just need a little 
more time to think. I turn to my kitten and...ohhh..not liking 
this. "Kitten" She stares at Spike. "Kitten." I don't want to alert 
Spike, so I reach over and grasp her chin, turning her to face me. 
Just before her eyes focus, he sees the fury burning deep in them and 
shivers. "Adaire, please..." his voice trails off, he doesn't know 
what he's asking for. Shaking herself she offers a tiny smile. "I 
won't hurt him." Sighing, I resolve to end this and soon. Before fate 
can intervene and really fuck us up.

Spike cursed, as he searched the alley. He couldn't see how they'd 
gotten away from him. Turning to leave, he pauses inhaling deeply, 
magic he can smell it now tinged with musk. Stalking from the alley, 
he tries to dampen his rage. But his demon cried for her death, and 
would not be silenced. And suddenly everything's clear. Spike grins 
sauntering out of the alley. He can almost see her broken corpse.

Irish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic