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Home Again
by Shadith

Spike prowled the streets of Sunnydale, still avoiding the slayer. After the debacle with Adam, he was whipping boy for the slayerettes. And Slutty tended to take her frustrations out on him. //Stupid cunt, she acts like it was a huge surprise, the vampire betrayed her.// Spike shook his head watching, as the slayer dusted another fledging, after it tried to make a meal of her boytoy. Spike ignored the demon, howling for her death, as he stalked her. He determinedly ignored the real reason he was following her, insisting to himself that it was just a way to figure out how to kill her and get rid of the chip.

Buffy smiled holding open her arms, as Willow ran towards her. Squealing like pigs, they hugged each other. Spike grimaced. //They get any louder, they'll start the dogs to howling.// Then he grinned, as the stuttering blonde joined them. //Won't they be surprised, when they find out what she is.// Tara waved at Buffy. "When'd you get back?" Willow asked moving to hold her girlfriends hand. "Umm..Two weeks ago. You?" "Last weekend," said the redhead, ducking her head, blushing. "And I'm just now seeing you," Buffy said grinning, "my what have we been up to?" Tara's face turned bright red, and Willow's blush spread faster. //Com'on you stupid chits, enough wit' the small talk.// Tara glanced around, Spike slid further into the shadows. Seeing nothing, she turned to catch up with the gang, hearing Buffy's chattering clearly. "And then we spent the weekend with his parents before coming home. What'ja do?"

"The usual educational tour of England," Willow said looking bored,then smirking, "until I ditched my parents and went clubbing. You wouldn't believe some of the things..." Spike growled, tuning the girls out. Startled by the sudden silence he looked up, realizing they'd walked to the watcher's. He resisted the urge to just demand they tell him what he wanted to know. Hearing the name he'd subconsciously been waiting for, Spike slid closer. "...was supposed to be home, a couple weeks ago. Have you seen him, Buffy?" The slayer shrugged. "Haven't heard from him in months. Probably broke down in Oxnard again," she smirked, "Maybe he decided to got to Fort Dixs after all." Willow laughed, glancing up to knock on the door. "Maybe Giles has heard from him." Spike waited until everyone was inside, then darted around the corner, dropping beneath the back window. He had no urge to go in after what had happened the last time. Buffy and Riley settled into the armchair. "So, how does it feel to no longer be a man of leisure," said Willow as she and Tara took the couch. "Good. It's not good for me to have too much free time. I get into trouble or a least I used to," he said carefully polishing his glasses. "So, no big bad while we were gone?," Buffy asked. "No, everything was relatively normal," Giles said settling into the other armchair, "except..." "Except what? Giles," Buffy said leaning forward. "Well, Xander," he began, looking slightly confused. Spike's attention immediately focused, and he leaned closer. "You've seen him? Did he tell you where he went? Where's he now?," asked Willow in a rush. "See, that's what's strange. I saw him in town...about two weeks ago. He looked different..." "Different how? Like vamp? or something else?" "He's not a vampire, Buffy. It was during the day. He just seemed changed." "I hope he hasn't gotten possessed again," said Willow glancing at Buffy. "Possessed?," said Riley, clueless as per usual. //Possessed. Not good. Pet attracts the weirdest things// Spike grinned, present company included. "Oh yeah, when we were in highschool, Xander got himself possessed by a hyena spirit. It was awful. He was totally different, confident, aggressive, pack leader and very dangerous. Nothing like our Xander." Spike snarled, resisting the urge to bleed the slayer dry. //Blind cow. Serve 'er right if he was turned, she'd be dead before she knew what 'it 'er. Well that explains why pet sometimes acts like the hunter instead of the hunted.// "Well, if he is you and Giles can just fix him again," said Buffy "anyway moving onto more important things..." Losing interest in anything not having to do with Xander, Spike wandered off.


Xander shoved the last bag into the trunk, slamming it shut. Glancing around he wondered if the girls would show up to see him off. He didn't think so, they hadn't the last time and he hadn't seen them in more than two weeks. He refused to think about the other person he wanted to see before leaving. Sighing he swung open the caddy's door, then froze when he felt *him* coming up behind him. Turning around he stared into the crystal blue gaze. Xander stood afraid of speaking, remembering the last time they'd seen each other. The screaming, hurtful insults, angry accusations and unspoken regrets. Spike shifted unsure and angry, wanting to pull the mortal into his arms and beg him not to leave, wanting to hurt him for this new pain. Finally, they stepped forward embracing each other, both acknowledging the depth of caring.

Pulling back Spike mumbled "When you get back..." praying to whatever gods would listen to a creature like him. "When I get back..." murmured Xander hesitant yet eager to try again with the vampire. Moving away, Xander slipped into the drivers seat, shutting the door behind him. Driving away, he glanced back to see the immortal standing where he'd left him, the red light of his cigarette glowing in the darkness, as he disappeared from view.

As Spike shook off the memories, he realized he'd made his way to Xander's place. //I refuse to call this a home.// Knocking at the door the vampire tried to ignore his anxiety, wondering what it meant that Xander'd been home two weeks and hadn't come to see him. Hoping it didn't mean what he feared it meant. The vampire bit back a snarl, as Xander's father opened the door. "Is Xan in?," Spike asked almost trembling with the need to rip the man's throat out. Xander's father sneered at the vampire. "The little bitch moved out. Glad he's finally gone, worthless shit." Spike stood shocked. "Gone ... where ... when?"

"Hmmph. Came round here bout two weeks ago with some freaky black bitch, he packed his shit and left. Ain't seen him since," he said shutting the door on the stunned vampire. Not only was Xander home but, he'd moved out of that hellhole with some woman. Spike finally came out of his daze, consumed with anger. //No! He's *MINE*. I will kill my rival.// Spike snarled, eyes flashing yellow, fangs descending. //*MY* Xander.//

Spike stalked down the streets of Sunnydale, aware but unaware of the humans that scattered out of his way. Deep in his thoughts. Mind circling and dodging the reasons for his almost uncontrollable rage. Approaching Willie's, he finally gave in and surrendered to his feelings. Xan was *his* mate, even if he didn't know it, and *no one* was taking him away. Shoving open the doors, Spike headed directly for Willie. "Hey, Spike," Willie stutters nervously. "What can I do for you. A glass of..." Spike cuts him off abruptly, "Willie, I might not be able to physically hurt you, but I know people who *can*. So, you tell me if you've 'eard about anything strange coming into town a couple of weeks ago. Or anything 'aving to do with the slayer, and 'er cronies. Then I'll decide whether or not to arrange for some *very* nasty accidents," Spike growls, eyes shifting from gold to blue.

Willie stares into the icy gaze, and decides it'd be good for his health to tell what he knew. "Listen, I don't know much. But a couple of weeks ago, that Xander kid came back with a woman. Don't know her name or what she is, but she's scary. At least, she's scared some of my patrons, they'd say something about her before leaving or vanishing." "Well, what'd they say?" "Something about her being, *The One* and heralding the end of days." Spike was suddenly uneasy, his Xanpet could be in real trouble. "Who was talking vamps? Chaos? What?" Willie shook his head. "Nope, that's what really has alot of my customer's spooked and ready to bolt. These were ancient one's, servants of *The Atavil'S*"

"Impossible," Spike snarled, nearly roaring. He was beyond worried, now. "*The Atavil'S* is over five millennia, a creature of pure evil, it knows no fear." Willie grimaced. "I'm just repeating what I've heard, and truthfully I'm thinking about a little vacation." Spike ignored the little man, deep in thought. //Damn, whelp. What has 'e gotten himself into. I knew I should 'ave made him stay, or at least tracked 'im down. Now, 'es in trouble. Probably panicked and jumped the first female he could find, and with his luck she's some kinda major demon. Probably planning to sacrifice, my pet. 'effin hell, I can't just go chargin' in, not like this. Ahh, bloody 'ell. I'm gonna need the slayer.// Spike pauses thinking harder. //That might not be such a bad idea. I plan this right she just might rush in and kill wit' out thinking. And I win whether it's a demon or a human. Now, how am I gonna...// Spike wanders toward his crypt happily planning the death of his soon to be extinct rival.

*********** Xander rolled over, stretching. He glanced over at his kitten, smiling softly. He hated to disturb this calm, but reality called. Actually in screeched in the form of Buffy and Willow, but same thing. He'd seen Buffy and Riley doing patrols a couple weeks ago, but he hadn't been willing to disrupt his new life so soon. Content, he watched his kitten sleep. Pale sheets contrasted dramatically with the cafe `au lait of her skin. He remembered, when he first saw her, wanting to lick every inch of exposed skin to see if she tasted like the milk chocolate she resembled. //I love watching her sleep. I think it's my second favorite pasttime.// Her sleep was always so hedonistic, loose-limbed, her movements languid, and unrestrained. Long caramel colored limbs wrapped around his waist or a pillow. He smirked watching her as she rubbed against the silk sheets, stroking her flesh like she was begging to be petted.

Leaning over, I catch her bottom lip between my teeth. He grinned when her tongue swept out and across them. They'd slept the day away, like to well-fed and satiated cats. "I'm going to go meet up with the gang, maybe go on patrol." She nodded, saying nothing. "Listen, Kitten. I'm not ashamed of you, nor do I want to hide you...Okay maybe to keep away the competition or so your really accessible when I want to... Okay of track. I just want you to be safe, and Buffy tends to not be safe. I couldn't bear it if she hurt you. So I'm just gonna see how things are, then introduce you. 'Kay?" I watch her intently, hoping she understands.

//My poor Cariad. He's so worried that he'll do or say something to make me go away. And there's no way that's gonna happen, I just wish I could make him understand that.// I sit up quickly grabbing his face, placing soft kisses along his chin until I capture his mouth. //Ummm...So, sweet...he tastes of heat, male and chocolate. Ummm...I could live off this.// Easing back I smile to show I understand. He smiles, one of his genuine ones. I love it when he smiles, lights up my soul. Shoving him out of bed, I watch as he gets ready to meet his friends. //I'm glad he want's to wait, I don't think I'll like his *friends*. In fact, I'm damn sure I won't. Especially the slayer.// He finishes dressing, leaning over he places a soft kiss on my head. "Later, baby." I watch him leave then stretch back out onto the bed.

//I'm not worried about his *friends*, no just one...Spike. We talked before getting to Sunnydale, or actually he talked I listened. He told me all about Spike, holding nothing back. There's almost nothing I don't know about him. And yes I admit it the whole Spike thing *freaked* me out, not cause he's a male but cause he's a *vampire*, neutered or not. It took me a couple of days, but I understand and I accept his feelings, I just wish it wasn't a *vampire*. Enough! No more thinkin' Sleep.//
