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An Interlude
by Shadith

Ethan sighed, there was a time when something like this would have 
thrilled him. Now all it did was make him worry, not for the kid but 
for Rupert. After he'd escaped from the Initiative, he'd gone home 
to try and figure out why he continued tormenting Rupert. It took him 
a while, not to figure out why but to admit it and decide what to do 
about it. He'd never been a coward but Ripper was his one fear. He'd 
berated himself even as he headed back to Sunnydale. But he knew only 
one thing'd make him happy, and he'd do what he have to, to get it.

Coming down the stairs, he shook his head. "Not my doing mate," he 
said slipping his arms around Giles. "I promised that night, 
remember. And I maybe able to do many things but I could never really 
lie to you. Besides I thought the boy had potential, I could find 
*much* better things to do with him than give him to a witch." Giles 
nodded leaning forward to kiss him gently. "I know that, I just had 
to ask." Sighing he pulled Ethan to the couch, settled back tugging 
him onto his lap. "Something's not right. I can feel it. It's been 
building for awhile. It's big but I can't tell what." Ethan turned to 
face him, "I feel it too, there's magic crawling through the air. 
Wether it's *good* or bad, don't much care, but it's major stuff." 

"The power is," Ethan paused trailing his fingers up Giles leg to his 
crotch, "intoxicating, alluring." Giles moaned, as Ethan's skilled 
fingers played with him. He glanced at his watch, "The kids won't be 
back for a couple hours." Ethan smirked at him, "And?" Ripper 
growled, yanking Ethan up, "Upstairs. Now." Ethan stared into his 
eyes, shivering at the barely banked lust. He pushed up against 
Ripper, feeling him hard, full. Giles pulled Ethan in, swallowing him 
in a deep kiss. Breaking off, Ethan backed towards the stairs. He 
knew what was coming. He smiled watching Rupert stalk after him. The 
next couple hours were going to be brutal. He grinned he liked Ripper 

Ripper growled, knocking Ethan backwards onto the bed. Ethan 
shivered, quickly discarding his shirt. He reached to unzip his 
pants, and was stopped by Ripper. Kneeling over him, Ripper leaned 
forward catching the warlock's mouth in a bruising kiss, as he rocked 
slowly...purposefully against his groin. Ethan moaned into the kiss. 
Grinning wickedly, Rupert rained biting kisses down his face, tongue 
darting out to soothe the sharp stings. Burying his face in Ethan's 
throat, he inhaled the scent of the man he'd know for--what seemed 
like--forever. He groaned, at the scent of scotch, male and power.

Slowly his tongue bathed a spot on the curve of flesh before him, 
visibly marking the area. His hand's slipped down the warlock's body, 
unfastening his jeans. Grasping the head of the column of flesh, he 
mimicked the motions of his mouth. His thumb brushed lightly over the 
head, soft faint touches, then long hard strokes. 

Ethan shifted beneath Rupert, body silently begging for more contact. 
His hands drifted down towards Rupert's groin, Ripper caught his 
wrists in a strong grip, pinning them above his head. Rupert shifted 
to the side, pushing his knee between Ethan's thighs, nestled against 
his crotch. Ethan squirmed uselessly in Ripper's grip. The ex-warlock 
ran his blunt nails underneath Ethan's straining cock.

Rupert paused, bending down, he found another target for his teasing 
tongue. Looking up at Ethan, he slowly licked the head of the 
trembling flesh. He bucked and Ripper's grin grew. Lapping at the 
head he caught, an savored the salty precum. Curving his tongue, he 
slide his mouth down the hard cock. He teased and tormented the cock, 
he'd swallowed. His hands kneaded the warlock's sack, pulling, 
squeezing, learning and relearning their feel. Ethan panted, feeling 
Ripper's touch dancing over him, he struggled his body tense with 
pleasure. He wanted to lock his legs around Ripper, and ride him 
until they both lay sweaty and exhausted. He tightened his thighs 
around Rupert's leg, thrusting up he rubbed against Rupert's hard 
dick. Ripper pulled back quickly pinning Ethan's body once again. 

Ethan whimpered at the loss of Rupert's mouth. "What do you want, 
Ethan?," Ripper asked his voice harsh, and low. Ethan twisted beneath 
him, as he continued to stroke the engorged cock. "What, Ethan?," he 
whispered. Ethan whined incapable of producing any other sound. "Do 
you want me to do this?" Ripper leaned down, catching his lips he 
plundered his mouth. His tongue stroked, teased in time with the 
stroking of the warm flesh in his hands. "Maybe, this." He pulled 
back suddenly, grasping the cock tightly he squeezed hard once, 
twice, then sucked just the head between his lips, thrusting his 
tongue into the slit. Ethan howled, pumping hard into Ripper's hand. 
Rupert sat back, releasing the quivering dick. Ethan cried out at the 
loss. Ripper chuckled, enjoying the sight of his mate pleading 
beneath him. Bending down, he emphasized each word with a hard 
suck, "" 

"Fuck me...fuck me...please...Ripper," he screamed. Ripper grinned, 
as he grasped the throbbing flesh, he stroked hard and fast. Ethan 
yelped as the grip on his wrists tightened, then moaned at the 
constant firm pressure on his dick. Pleasure roared through him,as he 
came screaming Ripper's name. Cum spurted in long streams his cock, 
warm seed spilling onto Rupert's hand. Ethan lay gasping beneath a 
smirking Ripper. The ex-warlock looked at the sticky trails of semen 
coating his hand, then with long, slow licks he cleaned his fingers. 
Ethan whimpered staring, he shuddered as Ripper stripped them both in 
three quick movements.

He groaned feeling the long blunt fingers, wet with semen, and spit 
slip inside him. His legs lock around Ripper's waistt, as the ex-
warlock's finger's slowly stroke, and stretch him. He moaned at the 
loss of the fingers, then shivered feeling the large head pushing 
against his hole. Grasping Ethan's thighs, Rupert eased his thick 
cock into the warm tunnel, he growled deep in his throat as the tight 
flesh closed around hard around him. Bracing himself, he pulled out, 
then yanked one of Ethan's leg's around his waist, and pulled the 
left over his shoulder. With a growl he plunged back in, Ethan mewled 
as the thick cock hit his prostate. Arms straining he reared over 
Ethan, his tongue plundering the wet warmth of his mouth. Soft 
brushes, turned to bruising kisses, as Ripper nipped and bit at 
Ethan's mouth, wanting to mark, needing to claim his mate. Ethan 
whined pushing back against Rupert hard. Pleasure coursed through him 
as Ripper rode him hard, his cock slamming deep within him. Ripper's 
thrust grew fiercer, harsh grunts escaping from his throat. 

Suddenly Ripper stilled, Ethan cried out...incoherent pleas and 
mewling he tried to continue fucking. Ripper pulled 
out, then thrust back in slowly, "What..." he pulled out, "do..." 
back in slowly, "you..." out, "want?" Ripper slammed back in, Ethan 
howled his name. "YOU...Ripper Rupert...only you...please...please..."
Ripper smiled savagely. "Mine," he hissed head darting forward he did 
want he'd wanted to do since taking Ethan back. Ethan shrieked as 
Ripper's teeth pierced his flesh, then wailed as he lunged forward 
burying his dick deep in his ass, slamming his prostate. Ethan jerked 
beneath Rupert, his muscle clenching...unclenching spasmodically. 
Rupert shuddered feeling those tight muscles gripping him, pulling at 
his twitching cock. He threw back his head, cumming with a roar. 
Ethan sobbed, whimpering as waves of searing pleasure crashed over 
him. Ripper moaned as his orgasm rolled over him. He bucked, once... 
twice... as the aftershocks slowly faded, before collapsing on a 
quivering Ethan. 

Rupert lovingly licked at Ethan's collar, as soft pleased sounds came 
from his throat. Ethan curled against him, as his body drifted in the 
afterglow. Rupert stared at the bite, deep and clean, carved into the 
base of his neck. The slight twinge of guilt, was quickly overwhelmed 
by his pleasure at the sign of his ownership. He grinned Ethan was 
going to be pissed, when he woke. He pulled him closer, as he 
smirked. Looking forward to the argument, almost as much as the 
makeup sex afterwards. Sated, he drifted into a light doze.