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by Shadith 

[Maybe I went too far this time I just go crazy
when she says no... ]

There was no struggling, not anymore. Not even when the hands
encircling his throat, began squeezing. He wouldn't struggle.

He gasped painfully as he was flung down, and pinned to the
bed. Whimpering, he rolled onto his back, curling slightly and
pushing himself into a somewhat upright position. Looking up at
his lover's face, he paled at what he saw there. Lust, rage..

Xander felt himself grow cold with horror. He knew what that
meant. He thought about trying to get away, but that would only
make him angrier.


"Do you see what you make me do?" The voice was strangely
soothing, even as his hand connected with Xander's jaw, the crack of 
flesh resounding in the early morning quiet.

His hand flew again, and Xander's head snapped back and forth
as each strike landed. Dazed, his head pounding, Xander blinked
in confusion as the blows ceased. He could barely focus, seeing
nothing but a blur of movement over him. He felt himself turned
roughly, his legs spread. Taking enough time only to yank the
pants past his knees, he spread the boy's legs and parted soft
cheeks, gazing at the tiny pucker revealed there. 

Xander bit back a scream, as claws slashed through his flesh.
"Mmmm. My boy. So tight an' hot. Love to see my marks on
you." He ran his hands over trembling flesh, pinching
cruelly and raising vicious red welts.

He leaned forward, using his weight to hold Xander down.
Lacing his fingers through dark hair, he pressed the boy's face
into the bed, licking, biting gently at his chin, then dragging his 
fangs down the side of his neck hard enough to draw blood. He smiled 
at the hitching breaths Xander was dragging in. Standing he
stripped, quickly climbing back onto the still form.

Shifting slightly, he plunged inside. Xander mewled as he was
forced open. White-hot pain speared through him as he was
impaled, and his hoarse cry echoed through the mansion. He howled
as something inside him tore, and he could feel a flood of warmth
trickling out his ass and down between his thighs. 

Xander's lover groaned in ecstasy as he felt himself
surrounded by tight, burning heat. He looked down at where they
were joined, reveling in the sight of the scarlet fluid that
rushed out to stain his own skin. He growled at the thought of
tasting that sweet liquid. As his lover's length invaded him
repeatedly, Xander thoughts fragmented. Disjointed pleas for

//Don't... please...//

Mind refusing to deal with what was happening *again*, he shut
down completely. Meanwhile, his lover continued his strokes
relentlessly. Xander's body went limp with exhaustion, and pain.
His total submission merely spurred him on, and his pace
increased. As his orgasm neared he gripped the still hips,
pulling them up brutally as he forced himself into the loosening
channel over and over. Leaning forward he sank his fangs into the
beckoning flesh, drinking greedily.

After what seemed an eternity, he flung his head back, letting
out a howl of triumph. He spilled his seed deep inside his
lover's ravaged body, then collapsed on the still back, purring.
For a while, that was the only sound in the room. Slowly he sat
up, licking gently at the trickle of blood, still purring.

Xander rolled away from the still form. Only vaugely aware,
when the body above him collapsed on its side. The throaty purr
in his ear is what brings him back. The smug, satiated pleasure
in the rumbling sound eating at his soul. Screams clawed their
way up his throat, but he lay silent forcing them back. Staring
with empty eyes, at the blood that stained his thighs. 

[Angel turns away, pulls her dress back down, slowly washes her 
face... ]

He stood slowly, hobbling to the bathroom. His eyes avoid the
bruises, and cuts as he runs the washcloth over his body. Wiping
away the blood and dead seed, but not the shame. He pulled the
still, miracuously, clean pants up. He walked back into the
bedroom, ignoring the vampire who sat watching him. Without a
word, he turned to leave. 

"I'll see you later, lover." His voice was eerily
gentle, yet it rang with a violent love.

Xander stumbled, but kept moving. 

[Takes the bus to her job downtown
She said: "I'm ok, don't worry about me"
Now she thinks to herself: "Hey what just happened to me?" 
I told him that I thought it was over told him that I wanted to
leave. He used to touch me so nice when we first met
I never dreamed he would hit me I never dreamed he would hold me
down ]

Xander sat staring numbly out of the bus window. His body
screamed in protest at every jolt, but it was drowned out by the
litany of denial from his mind. 

//Nothing is wrong. I... I just shouldn't have...// The bus
rolled to a stop.

Xander stood slowly, climbing off at his stop. He stared up at
the school, shaking himself once before going in.

//I'm OK//

Maybe if he said it enough times it would be true.


[She said: "Don't worry about me I won't worry
about you"
"I don't want to be friends", she said, "I'm ok"
"Just leave me alone, just leave me alone" ]

Crystal blue eyes gazed into wounded brown eyes. He had no
idea why he gave a damn. Maybe because he reminded him of
Drusilla. Maybe it was the stubborn courage, when he was offered
up as a snack. Maybe it was the beauty of the soul that lay
trapped in it's own hell. Maybe... But one thing was certain. It

"E's going to kill you, mate. Or turn you. Either way
your dead, if you stay," said the blonde vampire. He sat
watching the dark-haired mortal as they waited on Angelus'.
Xander stared down at the wheelbound vampire. 

"He won't. He... he loves me. I just... I just make him
mad. He doesn't mean to." His voice a bare whisper.

"Yeah, right. He doesn't mean to. Sure. What's yer 'effin
problem?" snarled the blonde. "Are you blind or just
terminally stupid?"

"What do you care? He just does it for my own good. I
shouldn't have said I was leaving. He saved me and...and..." 

When it was obvious the boy wasn't going to continue, Spike
rolled over to him. "And what pet? You deserve it? It's how
you know he cares? It gives 'im the right to treat you like


Spike reached out, running his fingers across the bruised
cheek. "Don't 'ave to stay with someone who makes you cry. I
know your nervous, but listen to me you deserve so much more than
what he gives you. Don't hold on to your pain, just let it

They both turned at Drusilla's delighted cry of, "Daddy."

Xander backed away from the vampire quickly. "I don't
know what your trying to do but I don't need your help. I'm fine
everything's fine. Don't worry about me, I won't worry about you.
I don't wanna be friends. I'm OK. Just leave me alone."

[She said: "Don't worry about me I won't worry
about you"
She said: "I'm ok don't worry about me"
"I don't want to be friends"
"Just leave me alone, just leave me alone..."]

Xander turned to the door, trying to gage his lover's mood.

Angelus smiled gently at Xander. "Come here, lover. I'll
make it all better."


[Don't worry about me, don't worry about me ]

Crystal blue eyes watched, as the mortal hurried to the older

//Can't 'elp it pet.//


Crystal blue eyes watched, as the mortal walked away.

//Still can't 'elp it.//