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Nervous & Weird
by Shadith

You know I want to be the way you want me to
Big hearted and tall enough to cover you 
I would break in half if you said it out loud
Splinter out of myself just like mercury

Xander stood in the graveyard, rocking back and forth. He
didn't want to be here, in fact he wanted nothing more than to
leave. Forget he'd ever come here. He half started to walk away,
then stopped. He shook his head slowly, going back to his
apartment wouldn't make it stop. No all it would do is remind him
about everything the vampire had ever said or done for him. 

He hadn't meant to be cruel, but he had been. And he knew it.
And couldn't help it. The look of hope... of understanding... of
things he wasn't sure he'd ever known... in those blue eyes
always made him feel like... //I can't be the way he want's me
to. Too much has happened.// 

But an overwhelming urge to apologize, haunted him since their
last conversation. Sometimes he wished... he wished it'd been
Spike... Cause even if he hadn't saved him, he was almost certain
being dead would have been better than what had been... But like
like his ma said if wishes were horses beggars would ride. //Gods
why does it have to be him...// 

He hated seeing the vampire..... there was no escape from the
knowledge in that steady gaze. Knowledge of a not so distant
past. A past he'd barely escaped, one he'd only escaped because
of the blonde. One that despite all he'd feared, had never become
public knowledge. //Enough... you'll apologize, and leave. That's
all there is to it. No conversation, no tense silences. Just say
it and leave.// 

Steeling himself, he reached for the door. 

"Not off savin' the world tonight, pet?"

Startled he couldn't stop the screech that slipped out.
"Gods... can't you make noise when you walk? Get a fuckin'
bell or something."

Spike smirked at the irritated mortal. He loved the fire in
his eyes. // Fuckin' bastard didn't get all of it.// Spike bit
back a snarl, then turned to shove open the door of crypt.

Xander backed away quickly, "No just wanted to say I was
sorry. So... sorry. I'll be going now." Spike didn't say
anything, just watched him. Watched him with that solemn gaze.
Xander dropped his eyes, he couldn't stand that look. 

Spike shrugged. "Why be sorry, pet? You said what you
meant. It's me own fault if it wasn't what I wanted to
hear." He didn't know what to say to that simple statement.
So he didn't say anything, just stared at the ground. Wanting to
leave, but not wanting to. //can't even make a simple choice...
when did everything get so hard...//

Spike watched him. Not really upset, at least not anymore.
//Least the whelp cared enough to say something... more than the
prick ever did for 'im.// 

He was better now, than how he used to be. Not as jumpy, no
more constant flinching from even the slightest movement. //Ok
yeah 'e jumped, but so would I if some git snuck up on me in a
graveyard.// "Look, pet. It's ok you can toddle away now.
You've fufilled your obligiation. Done your bit for charity and
all." Spike turned away, but froze at the hesistant words.

"Say again pet. "

Xander cleared his throat, looking up at the blonde then away.
"I said... if you didn't have any plans for new year's you
could come over. But you don't have to... I understand if you've
got other plans... and...."

Spike grinned. "None a'tall pet. It'll be you an me. 'ey
I'll even bring the JD."

I think it's better now than how it used to be
You were lying in bed and I would levitate
I think it's better here, than where we used to be

Xander nodded, then turned walking away quickly. //did you
just do what I think you did... invited Spike over tomorrow...
check... that's it... through with you... fucking disaster
waiting to happen... couldn't you just do what I told you...
you'll never learn... Shut up, just shut up.... Yeah, he knows
but he's always known and he hasn't said shit... I owe him, and
if I'm still afraid even now... Then what I did, meant fuck
all... I refuse to let that be it...//


I think I'm better now than how I used to be
Always nervous and weird, scared most of the time
I think it's better now than how it used to be
Always up in the night afraid to live in the day
Afraid of being afraid
Afraid to live in the day
Afraid of being afraid 


He stared around the apartment. He was still amazed that he'd
gotten it. He'd been worried about keeping it, but his new job
was working out better than he'd expected. He wondered what Spike
would think of it. //Ahh right on time... Hello fear, nice to see
you again guilt... Nope we're not gonna do this... No.//

Just as the panic started to build, he heard the knock. 

Spike blinked, staring at the agitated boy. Who looked like he
was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. He hoped he'd get inside
before he could change his mind. "Eager to see me,

Shaking his head, Xander stepped back. "Come in

"Nice, pet. It's got a 'ole just starting out feel. Roomy
too, in case you wanted to 'ave a couple of yer mates over,"
said Spike, moving through the apartment. When he spotted the
bags of blood in the fridge he grinned. //Human too. Wonder w'ere
'e nicked 'im from.// 

Spike turned back to Xander, who was still standing in the
doorway. "Gonna stand 'ere all night? Or we gonna watch some
telly. Personally I'm all for the telly. Mine's busted. Got used
to watchin' that stupid ball drop. Dru always liked it said it
was like a star coming down or some rot."

"Umm... television.. Yes, that's good... I'll
just..." Xander stopped at the amused smirk from Spike. He
hated that smirk. //you hate the way it makes you feel... Didn't
I say... just stating a fact...// 

"Look, fangless. You're not a guest so if you want it on
then turn it on," he said moving into the kitchen. He'd
decided not to order out. He hadn't cooked in year's, not
after... //Let's not think about that, shall we...//

"If I'm not a guest want am I, luv?" 

Xander looked up from his inspection of the fridge. Spike
frowned at the suddeny deadly serious look on his mortal's face.
"A... a potential friend... if this works."

If he hadn't been a vampire, the rush of pleasure at those
words would have turned him red. "Well then, pet. Let's make
sure this works then. Cause I'm sick and tired of living all


Now I sit alone when you're not around
I read aloud just to hear a friendly voice
I see your scary dolls they always look at me
From the corner of my eyes I see them shake their heads
You know I want to be the way you me to
Big hearted and tall enough to cover you 


He eased out of the huge bed, slipping past the sleeping
vampire. He bit back a groan as his muscles screamed. The pain
from the earlier beating, catching him unaware. Still he made no
noise. He'd gotten really good at that, in the last few months.
He hoped he'd have time to recover from the last beating, before
the next one. He doubted though. Not when he was leaving after
Angelus had told him to stay. 

But he'd promised Buffy he'd help her patrol. To look for
Angelus. He snorted softly, then stopped praying the vampire
hadn't heard him. He flinched, seeing the open eyes. Sighing
inwardly, when he realized they were only Dru's dolls. Moving
quickly, he made his way past the few minions still in the

Pausing in the courtyard, he slid on his shoes.

"So off to save the world. 'ey, pet?"

Startled Xander whirled around, barely repressing the girly
squeal that tried to escape. Thrown off balance, he started to
fall. Strong hands caught his wrists, pulling him upright.
"Spike," he hissed, trying to pull away from the
vampire's hold, "what the hell are you doing out here... and

Spike didn't answer. Ignoring the struggling boy, he dragged
Xander away from the mansion. He fought the entire way, cursing
the blonde the entire time. Growling, he shoved the boy onto the
bench, just outside the cemetery. When Xander tried to get up, he
held him down.

"You are going to listen to me, pet. Whether you like it
or not. I tried to do this without force. You get 'nough of that
from him, " he spat. Xander stilled, staring up into the
furious blue eyes. Spike had never hurt him, unlike Angelus. He
didn't really think he would, he'd seen him with Drusilla.
Sometimes he wished... Angelus would be like that with him.

"Look, Spike I know..." Spike cut him off, sliding
his hand over his open mouth.

"You don't know, pet or you wouldn't be 'ere. Listen to
me... I'm not 'aving that bastard ruining me unlife, or yours. 'e
wants to bring 'ell on earth. Psychotic bastard," he

"Personally, I think it's a effin' stupid idea. I mean
there goes our food supply, and we get shot down to the bottom of
the food chain. I don't plan on lettin' that 'appen. I suggest
you don't be around when everything goes down." 

When it looked like Xander was going to protest, Spike shushed
him. "You can do better than 'im." Shaking his head,
the vampire ignored the little voice that cried *me*.
"You're going to have to. Unless you want yer little slayer

"He won't hurt her, he promised me," whispered
Xander, looking anywhere but at the vampire.

"Yeah, like 'e promised not to 'urt you again."
Reaching out he grasped the boy's chin. "You're going to
have to make a choice. Them or Angelus." Letting go, the
vampire backed away slowly. "Fuck, pet. You deserve better.
Open your eyes. Don't stay with no one that's gonna make you

Xander watched the vampire disappear into the night.

"You know I want to be the way you want me to. I wish I
could go out just to be alive in the day... to be alive in the
day," he whispered.


Spike could feel the boy's eyes on him. He hadn't meant to
remind him of that night. He hadn't realized he'd repeated that
same phrase verbatim. Not until Xander had stared at him with
that familiar look of pain. But he hadn't said anything instead
he'd went back to preparing dinner.

After a few awkward moments, he'd simply turned away. But
hearing him moving around in the kitchen made the vampire
curious. So leaving the idiot box blaring he'd gone to have a
look. And was surprised to see the boy making something that
looked a hell of a lot more than simply edible.

"When'd you learn 'ow to cook, Xanluv?" he said
peering into the stirfry. He snatched out a peapod before Xander
could catch him.

"Learned a long time ago. Just got out of the habit.
Angelus didn't like.." he stopped, turning back to his
cutting. Spike sighed, he hadn't wanted to get into talking about
his bastard of a sire. But if they stopped everytime it touched
that topic, they'd never finish a conversation. "So the
prick didn't like you cookin'. Why not?"

Xander glanced up briefly, "I made dinner for Giles once,
was staying over to avoid my parents." Turning away he
tossed the meat into the pan before going on. 

"Told Angelus I couldn't come over that night, didn't
tell him I was cooking for *another man*, " he spat.
"At least that's how he saw it. I couldn't grip anything for
a couple a weeks, after he sliced open my palms. You remember.
Anyway that was the last time I cooked anything," he paused
looking over at Spike. "Till now."

Spike smiled. Not the smirk, or the snarky grin. Not the
'I'm-about-to-wreck-bloody-mayhem-and-havoc' smile. No, this was
the smile he'd seen him give his dark princess sometimes. One
that made him more than beautiful, made him ethereal. He'd never
seen anything more... magnificent. //And that's why you're doing
this... gods you never learn... Spike's not Angelus... no but
he's still a souless bas... Don't he's better than Angelus with
or without the soul...//

Spike could almost see the battle going on behind his mortal's
eyes.//Don't want him backtracking. Not now..// 

"So, luv. When do we eat?"


Now they were sitting there silent, in front of the
television. Watching Dick Clark. Xander sat only inches from him.
That fact made the vampire grin. Especially since they'd started
out on opposite ends of the couch. He knew when the boy had
turned to watch him.

"You were right, then. Every day stressed out in every
kind of way... sick inside and tired of my life. I really was
sick and tired of living all alone." Spike stared at his
Xanpet, then said quietly, "I think its better now than 'ow
it used to be. I think its better 'ere than were we used to

Xander nodded, reaching out slowly to catch Spike's hand in
his. Silently they turned back to the tv, and watched the ball

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

"Happy new year, Xanluv."

"Happy new year, Spikey."