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Some Assembly Required
by Shadith
Part One Part Two

Part One  


Staring at the grave, Buffy sat playing with a yo-yo. "C'mon, 
Stephen. Rise and shine." Angel quietly slides up, behind her, "Hey." 
Buffy gasps, whirling around. "Is this a bad time," Angel asked. 
Buffy stares at him speechless, for a minute. "Are you crazy? You 
don't just sneak up on people in a grave yard. You make noise, when 
you walk. You stomp or yodel." Angel glances around, "So, you alone?" 
Buffy shrugged, "Yeah. Why?" Angel looked away, "Just thought you'd 
have some one with you. Xander, maybe." Buffy looked worried 
briefly, "Nope. No, Xander. Been back to school for awhile now. Still 
no Xander-shaped person. Will's starting to freak a little. Do you 
think you could..." Buffy's voice trails off as she walks beside the 
vampire. "Sure," Angel stopped glancing around, "Buffy?" "Down here," 
Buffy gagged, "Someone's been digging up corpses. We should..."

New Orleans

Drusilla hummed softly to herself as she set up her pet's 
prezzie. "Oh, Miss. Edith, he's going to feel such pain. It's such a 
beautiful *red* prezzie. Spike would..." Drusilla's voice trails off 
as she tilts her head towards the porcelain doll listening 
intently. "But, Miss. Edith Spike loves his Drusilla. I'm his 
princess he'd never hurt me." Drusilla stares at the doll, vamping 
out. "Naughty! Miss. Edith. There shall be no tea for you. Spike 
would never take mummies little Alexander away. Now hush. I must 
finish little *daddy's* prezzie." Drusilla floats around the room 
moving and tugging in various places. "Come now, Miss. Edith. Mummy 
can't stay mad. I've been having such fun. Maybe we won't tell Spikey 
just, yet. Yes we'll wait until we go met Daddy to tell him. Then 
we'll be one big happy family." Hugging the doll close, she slipped 
form the room, hiding in the shadows of the courtyard she waited for 
her pet to come home. Never noticing the darkness that trailed after 


Spike stood half hidden, watching Drusilla as she mumbled contentedly 
to herself. She'd been dissappearing for the last two months, and he 
was tired of it. Especially after she'd come back to their lair 
smelling of blood and sex. He'd decided enought was enough, and 
followed his dark goddess into the night to see for himself what she 
was up to. 


I think I'm paranoid.
And complicated. 
I think I'm paranoid.
Manipulate it.


Xander stalked down the streets of New Orleans. His body a confusing 
mix of movements. Half predator, half prey. He moved eyes constantly 
shifting, searching the shadows for danger. //C'mon, Xan. there's 
nothing there. Nothing other than the usual ghouls, vampires and... 
Ok. scary thoughts bad, something else... like the fact that you're 
losing your mind... It was a toy, only a toy and you have a screaming 
fit. Yeah but the last one wasn't... Still doesn't make you less 
nutty... And this conversation... just proves our point...// "That's 
it all of you quiet..." Spike watched as Drusilla stalked the 
confused mortal. He wondered idly if she was changing her hunting 
techniques. When the expected screams, didn't come Spike glanced up. 
Stunned he watched as his princess spoke to the mortal boy.

"Alexander... Alexander..." Xander's head shot up, and he 
froze. //That voice...// "Who's there?" He eyes darted around the 
courtyard, and he clutched the stake and cross. Suddenly she 
appeared. Brunette waves cascaded around her pale shoulders, as the 
ivory white dress floated around her ankles. Xander stared at the 
vision before him. She glowed in the pale moonlight, her eyes shining 
mirrors of his. "W-who are you?" Drusilla giggled at his stutter, 
Xander shuddered, at the sound like breaking glass. "I'm going to be 
your new mummy, the stars told me so. Shhh," she said, drawing 
closer. Xander stood mesmerized, until she stood right behind 
him. "Shhh.. you can hear them too. Can't you, Alexander." Xander 
shook his head, then started backing away, holding the cross up. He 
knows she's a vamp. Terror courses through him, and he begins to 
scramble back. Drusilla catches his arms, knocking the cross and 
stake aside. She holds him stll with almost no effort. "Can't stay 
long, my pet. Cause Spikey is coming, but I'll give you a kiss." 
Drusilla moved faster than he could follow, her teeth sunk in his 
neck before he'd even registered movement. He cried out, feeling her 
nuzzling his throat. Drusilla paused lapping at the torn flesh, then 
dropping him she took off. She moved like lighting as she raced into 
the night. Surprised Spike hesitated, staring at the fallen mortal, 
before chasing after his princess. 

Xander lay dazed from the blood loss, unable to climb to his feet. 
Opening his eyes is almost impossible, but hearing a noise he 
struggles to accomplish the feat. Staring down at him is the manager 
of the hellhole he currently lives in. "Boy, what are you doing out 
here?" Xander can barely manage an eye roll. "Enjoying the view. Now 
could you help me up." He misses the managers answer, blacking out as 
the lack of sleep and blood loss finally catches up with him.


Spike cursed as he paced through the lair, Dru had led him on a wild 
goose chase the entire night. He'd finally given up, returning to the 
lair with the rising sun. only to find Dru lounging in their bed, 
talking to Miss. Edith. He'd been unable to discover what she was up 
to with the mortal. Despite his inventive questioning. Sighing he 
collapsed on the bed, ignoring Dru's whimpers. He didn't know when 
he'd grown so impaitent with his pet, but now he was tired of her 
incessant ramblings. //Tomorrow, I'll find Dru's new toy.// Day 
dawned, and swiftly passed as Xander slept on unaware.


Xander stretched as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. He had no idea 
how long he'd slept or even the vauguest recollection of how he'd 
gotten into bed. Uneasy, he tried to remember the night before, but 
all he got was a series of fragmented memories. He shrugged, and 
reached for the lamp, bumping into something beside him. Terror 
gripped him, and he bit back a scream as a urgent sense of foreboding 
flooded him. Inhaling deeply, he leaned out catching the light 
switch. He blinked at the bright light unable to see, as his eyes 
adjusted the room came into focus. 

Screams shattered the unnatural silence. All over the motel people, 
and demons alike paused in their activites. Heads popped out of 
doors, as the day manager raced down the hall. Even as he banged on 
the door, the screams went on. Mind breaking shrieks of madness 
echoed through the halls. Cursing, Jake leaned back kicking violently 
against the door. The locks shattered, slamming the door against the 
wall. Jake stepped inside, and immeadiately threw up. He backed out 
of the room, dropping to his knees in the hall unable to do anything 
but shake. Voice raspy with strain, Xander kept screaming as he 
stared. His mind kept refusing to put the pieces together. The room 
looked as if it had been painted red, an explosion of blood and 
flesh. And he was in the center of it. Dried blood spread out from 
the bodies in every direction, as if when they were moved they'd 
leave perfectly pristine outlines.

Somewhere between the first and last screams, something broke inside 
that would never heal. He felt strangely empty, as if floating. He 
stared off blindly, and then everything went black. It was too much, 
it was if someone flipped a switch his mind shutdown. He sat unaware 
in the middle of the carnage, utterly still even as the police 
arrived. He was almost silent now, something had torn in his throat. 
The only sound he was capable of making, was a piteous whining. Which 
he'd been doing since his voice gave out. Officers swarmed around the 
room, several of the junior officers were unable to remain in the 
room. Detective Allison staed everywhere but at the bodies, and the 
young man sitting between them, drenched in blood. "Captain, sir. Do 
you..." Allison's voice trailed off as he gestured at Xander. Captain 
Perkins shook his head, "He didn't do this..." he paused. "Nothing 
human could have done this."

"Do we know who?" said the captain. "Yeah," said Allison, "His 
parents." Allison glanced at the scene again. He'd never seen 
anything like it. The bodies looke as if they'd been gnawed at, 
teethmarks, and missing flesh marred both bodies. He prayed they'd 
been done after they'd died, but he didn't think so too much blood. 
The man's genitalia had been removed, they now sat in his mouth. 
While the woman's eyes had been gouged out, they now lay staring 
sightlessly at his mouth. Allison fought back the urge to gag, trying 
to ignore the bitter sweet smell of death that filled the room.

A junior officer hesitantly stepped forward, "Captain, sir. We're 
done here. What do we do about him?" Perkins sighed, as he stared at 
the boy. He'd seen strong men break from sights less horrific. He 
looked shell-shocked. "Child... Xander..." he waited, nothing. 
Finally he rached out touching the boy's face. He shuddered when he 
met his eyes. The look in them was the emptiest he'd ever seen in 
another person. As if when he looked at him, he wasn't seeing them at 
all. Not that he thought he was blind, he saw something, Perkins was 
sure but not what. Not him, not a cop. Something else, his own 
twisted version of reality. He sighed, poor child. Catching his hand, 
he pulled lightly, taking him away form the horror.

Drusilla giggled softly to herself as she hunted. She was having so 
much fun. She shivered remembering the horrorified look on his face, 
after she'd left him his last prezzie. She'd laid them out so nicely 
in his room, all red and open. He'd screamed so sweetly, when he'd 
seen them. She was going to pay a visit to her pet now, at his new 
place. Dropping the body, she'd just drained, she danced off into the 

Part Two

Spike paced the lair, unsure for the first time in over a hundred 
years. His Dru was behaving oddly... No, she was behaving like... 
Spike cursed... like *Angelus* the twisted bastard. He'd watched her, 
as she watched him. After he'd seen what she'd done to the boy's 
parents, he'd known what she was up to. Angelus had done similar 
things to her, driving her mad just before turning her. Spike sighed, 
he knew what she was planning. He just didn't know what he was going 
to do about it. If she was just wanting a new toy, or someone to 
share her *pathetic* ramblings with, well then good on her, but if 
she was aiming for a new Angelus or childe. He'd stake the poor git 
himself. Snarling he stalked from the lair, to hunt. 

When Dru slipped out for the third time that week, Spike had had it. 
He was going to end it tonight. Following inbehind his princess, he 
watched as she moved silently through the shadows. Until reaching a 
dilapidated plantation. Pausing outside the doorway, he looked up 
reading the sign. Saint Agean's shelter for the Mentally Disabled, it 
read. "Fuck," he muttered. Hiding across the hall from his pet, he 
watched as she entered a room at the end of the corridor. He'd gone 
through half a pack of smokes by the time she came out. He stared at 
her, unable to believe what he was seeing. Mouth stained with blood 
and semen, she licked her lips hungrily, humming happily to herself. 
Spike bit back a howl of rage, his kitten was fucking the whelp. He 
would die.

Xander sat huddled in the dark, waiting... praying... for death. He 
was so tired. He only wanted it to end. He was going crazy, and he 
couldn't even get that right. This was worse than being insane, 
because he was still *here*. Sometimes... most times... the outside 
world was a vauge, dim memory. But then there were the times, when he 
was Xander again, those were the worst. He could see himself, 
cowering in this hellhole, unable to function and he prayed for an 
end. So, when the door slid open and it was neither his doctor or 
*Her*, he thought his prayers had been answered.

Spike watched the mortal boy who looked up at him, not in fear but 
with a mix of hope and resignation. Shocked he shifted out of 
gameface. "I should kill you. Now," he hissed. Xander struggled 
upright, "Please... please... do it," he begged, offering the vampire 
his throat. Bewildered, Spike stared at him, hating the rush of 
uncertainty. Angry, he grabbed the boy yanking him close. He bent to 
rip out his throat, and their eyes locked.

Bend me, Break me
Anyway you need me, all I want is you
Bend me, Break me
Breaking down is easy, all I want is you
Bend me, Break me
Anyway you need me, as long as I want you baby
It's all right.

Xander stared, he'd never seen such a beautiful creature, the vampire 
reminded him of the white tiger he'd seen at the zoo, once. Eyes such 
a clear blue, like sapphires bathed in moonlight, born predator. He 
was sad and happy, all at once. Glad he'd had a chance to see such 
beauty, and sad he'd never see it again. Spike couldn't look away 
from those eyes, so deep, warm, soothing like hot coco. He hadn't 
felt such comfort in a long time. He couldn't help seeing the 
intelligence gleaming in them, he sighed realizing he couldn't kill 
the mortal. There was no way he'd survive seeing the light in those 
eyes go out. He roughly shoved him away. Xander stumbled almost 
falling, before catching himself on the bed. "You're not worth the 
effort," Spike snarled, turning to leave. 

"No!," cried Xander, catching Spike by the arm. "You have to kill me. 
I can't live like this. Shifting between maddness and sanity. I 
can't... it hurts... please..." Spike turned, and something in him 
twisted. He didn't want anyone to hurt this beautiful child. Slowly 
he reached out, to stroke the pale cheek. Xander whimpered, pressing 
his face into the cool hand. "Please... please... kill me..." He 
stared into the dark chocolate eyes, and couldn't do it. "No, pet. I 
can't..." Xander sobbed, "Can't or won't..." Turning away, he dropped 
to his knees, head bowed finally defeated. Unable to help it, he 
moved forward, crouching beside the mortal. He hesistated before 
pulling him into his arms. 

"Don't cry, pet. It'll be ok. I'll get 'er to leave you alone. 
Then..." Xander looked up at the vampire, "Then what... I'm losing... 
I've lost... hell I'm just not all here anymore. I can't live like 
this... It'd be different if I was completely psycho. Hell, I'd 
prefer it but I'm not. And I never know when I'll fall." Spike shook 
his head. Something in him wanted to hold and comfort the mortal more 
than he'd ever wanted to help Dru. "It's ok. Pet. I'll be here when 
you fall." Xander stared sinking into that azure gaze. Spike shivered 
staring into the boy's suddenly blank face. He looked like Dru, when 
she was listening to her voices.

A soundless noise whispered, ceaslessly in his mind. He drifted 
watching the colors vaugley aware of the whispers. Then the stars 
were talking to him, they told him about the past, present, and 
future. An incoherent rush of mindless thoughts. Trying to get away, 
he scrambled back, sinking into the red ocean. Suddenly, he was being 
hauled back. Shivering, he started floating again. He could feel the 
new voice surrounding him, it was like the stars but different. It 
told him things that would help him. It was quieter than the stars 
too. And somehow he knows if he didn't have that little bit of 
sanity, he wouldn't hear it. Xander listened intently, as the voice 
whispered beneath the whispers of the stars.

Spike watched as the blank look faded from his face. Spike sighed 
knowing that the *sane* part the *aware* part, he'd been talking to 
was gone. The dreamy look on the boy's face, reminded him eerily of 
Drusilla when she was about to start rambling. "Shhh," said Xander 
placing his finger on Spike's lips. "The quiet voice told me. You are 
good for me. You will help me... love me... Do you know the way blood 
flows, down and over clothes... watch me as I go." Spike sighs sadly, 
watching as the mortal withdraws. Kissing him softly on the forehead, 
he places him on the cot, pulling the thin blanket over him. "Night, 
pet," he said softly, opening the door. "The name's Xander." Spike 
whirled around, but he'd already drifted away.
