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Tales of Harem Slave
by Shadith
Prologue Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven - Nine


She moved swiftly, if awkwardly through the night. Tired she 
struggled against the pain that threatened to overwhelm her, along 
with the storm. She both blessed and cursed the sudden squall. It 
slowed her progress, while providing much needed cover. After what 
seemed like days she made it out of the swamps. She stood drenched 
and shivering, doing something she'd never done before. She prayed.

When the headlights grew from the mists, she cried out in thanks. 
Stumbling she raced to the approaching car. Her body wide, ungainly 
as she squirmed into the cab of the truck. Wiping water, and sodden 
hair from her eyes, she turned to her savior and wailed. Male'volent 
smiled, she whimpered backing against the door. The viciousness in 
that smirk enough to burn her heart. He spoke, mockingly. "Did you 
really think you'd get away, Cat'tiva. Really, you should know 

He reached out slowly, stroking her cheek," Come, now. It's 
only balance. Think of the thousands you yourself have slaughtered 
with glee. The innocent blood you've bathed in, in ecstasy. And you 
did it with a smile on your face, and a song in your heart." Cat'tiva 
turned away huddling against the door, eyes shut tight against the 
flood of memories. Memories that didn't entirely disgust her. 
Male'volent laughed harshly. "So, now your good. I don't think so. 
No, you've got other motives for wanting those brats of yours to 
survive," he said placing a clawed hand on her rounded belly. "No 
matter. You can't escape us. We're family, sis." She rode in silence, 
withdrawn into herself.

Months passed as she sat alone, locked in her rooms. No visitors, no 
help, no hope. Left to grow mad in isolation. Alone and... anything 
but broken. A mage warlock of the highest caliber. Art and skill 
learned in black magick, honed in bloodletting. She'd lived thousands 
of years, killed ten times as many, human and demon. No, she was not 
broken. She was thinking and waiting.

When the first contractions started she climbed from her bed quickly. 
Knowing they'd be coming. She would be ready. Magic swirled through 
the air strong, and thick. Power that had gone unused for months. The 
spell weaving itself slowly, intricate and deadly. Despite the 
urgency, she worked carefully, plodding. There must be... There would 
be no mistakes. Ignoring the wrenching cramps, she dropped to her 
knees drawing runes on the floor, burning them into the wood. When 
the last symbol was done, she cut swiftly letting the blood run from 
her fingers onto the glowing insignia. She waited, a predator for its 

She felt them before she saw them, a wave of malicious power. She was 
ready. When Male'volent stepped through the door, she stood serene, 
undisturbed. Her brother circled her, a cat toying with a trapped 
mouse, as the others gathered around. "No sense, pretending. We know 
the brats are coming. They'll die so that we may live. Still she said 
nothing, merely turning her back on him. "It is for the best 
daughter. We are eternally evil, we would not survive their coming of 
age," said Mal'ig, reaching for her daughter, who avoided her touch. 
And still silence. "Enough," cried Vis. "She knows the prophecy. The 
twins of night and day can not be born." The elder stepped forward, 
his foot knocking aside the rug, as he reached for Cat'tiva. 
Male'volent's eyes locked on the sign, then shot to his sisters'. His 
eyes widened, as she grinned wickedly. "No!," his voice rang out, 
startling everyone but it was too late. 

Cat'tiva's hands clamped down on Vis', as an ancient chant rose from 
her lips, "Domine Deus, Adiuva Me. Factum est illud, fieri infectum 
non potest." Crimson silver flames leapt into existence surrounding 
them. Vis struggled in her grasp as she sucked power from him. As the 
flames leapt higher forming a dome over her, she thrust Vis away, and 
soon was swallowed by the crimson silver fire. Her triumphant 
laughter rang through the house, as the flames exploded outward, 
sweeping over everyone. When the flames died, there was nothing left 
but the smell of blood and ashes. 

An anguished scream shattered the silence, as lightening split the 
sky. Silver crimson fire shot across the desert sand, scorching the 
ground. The flames died away leaving a battered body. Shards of 
almost unbearable pain lanced through her, the night echoed with soul-
tearing shrieks. Straining, she fought the urge to push, as she 
stumbled along the deserted highway. Contractions ripped through her 
tiny frame. Struggling she kept moving, as something broke. Agonizing 
pain ricocheted through her, and she collapsed as blood ran down her 
thighs. Sobbing, curled into a fetal ball she awaited death.

Cat'tiva woke slowly, dazed and disoriented. She focused suddenly, 
beginning to panic, when she realized her babies were gone. She 
fought vainly to sit up but couldn't move. Then hands were stroking 
her brow. "Shh," said a soft voice echoing with power. "My babies!! 
Where are they? Please," she sobbed. "Hush the little one's are fine. 
So you truly care for them?" the voice asked curiously. "Yes their 
*MY* babies. I love them don't hurt them... please." A flash of 
silver caught her eye as something passed by her. Then she could see. 
The creature curled around her and the babies. Half feline, half 
dragon, and all deadly. An elemental, one of the strongest but most 
neutral of the three main branches of magic. Weak she knew she had 
not a chance against such a creature. "No. I will not. The powers are 
in turmoil over you kits, and I care not a whit for either side. My 
kind have existed since before time, and we will exist after it. But 
when one such as you, and yes I know who you are Cat'Tiva, but as I 
said when one such as you changes, sacrifices, not for power, wealth, 
or position but for love... I feel for you. So, I give you this... my 
strength to hold you in this realm a little longer, so you may say 
your goodbyes and assurance that I will send the kits somewhere far 
from here, where they will be hidden from those searching for them."

Almost instantly she felt strength returning to her body. Scrambling 
up she raced to her children. Sobbing she held them close, feeding 
them for the first and last time. "Oh my babies... I'm sorry... so 
sorry... Love you so much... so much... my precious ones... my 
darling boy... my sweet girl... I give you this may your hearts find 
*true* love and finding it, keep it for all *eternity*... I don't 
wanna leave you, even though I have to... be safe my lovies," she 
wept, heart broken. Pulling off her amulet, she whispered a simple 
spell, splitting it in two, before placing one in each basket. A wave 
of numbness rushed over her, as she slid slowly to the ground. 
Darkness beckoned behind her eyes, even as she fought it. "Hush, now. 
There is no need to be frightened. It is time to rest, child. Let go. 
Rest." Cat'tiva's eyes drifted shut as her heart slowed. Her last 
breathe an exclamation of love,"good-bye, my babies." Cat'Tiva 
Maverick, Mage Warlock 1st level, Destroyer of Innocence, was no more.

Part One  


Spike slouched against the counter, stunned by the amount of rampant 
stupidity in the watcher's apartment. He watched them time and again 
dismiss the boy, despite the fact that he'd saved them all. The 
longer he listened the angrier he got. //Bloody stupid chit, actually 
thinks she defeated, Tepes.// Spike smirked, time to yank the blondes 
chain. //sod it all, if it even compliments the whelp.//

"Slayer, how'd you get Vlad's fangs outta your neck?" Buffy scowled 
at the vampire. "He got distracted." "Umm-hmm and 'ow was that?" 
Buffy shifted, uncomfortably. "Xander might have helped." Spike 
turned to look at the whelp, certain one of his patented goofy grins 
would be spreading by now. But no grin. //wat's this then// Xander 
sat staring off, obviously not listening. His hands moving, as he 
twisted the ring he wore around and around. Spike brow 
wrinkled. //that's new then// 

"Well yes, Xander helped," said Riley, "but he got us into trouble in 
the first place." Spike didn't even bother to respond. It'd be 
useless to tell Iowa boy, that if Xander had been strong enough to 
throw off Vlad's mind control long enough to distract the vampire, 
then he'd probably not been under his control at all. And that idea 
definetly intrigued the brit. He ignored the others, caught up in 
watching Xander, who was becoming more and more agitated. Before 
anyone could speak, he was up and moving to the door. "Listen, I'm 
sorry I got in your way Buffy, but I gotta go." Then he was gone. 

Willow shook her head, sadly. "He's just gets more and more 
incompetent. I'd hoped he wouldn't turn out like the rest of is 
family. Oh well." Spike bit back a vicious snarl, heading to the 
door," Oi, 'ow the lot of you can be this fucking stupid is beyond 
me... wit out his *incompetent* ass you'd be up shit creek. Stupid 
bloody fucking..." The door closed, muffling the still cursing 
vampire. Spike hurried down the dark, deserted streets. Before long 
he'd caught up with Xander. Silently he followed the preoccupied 
mortal, certain he was headed the wrong way. //unless 'es not 
going 'ome//

Xander shuffled nervously down the street, he could feel Vlad calling 
him. And he was suddenly a lot less certain, than he'd been last 
night. But then he'd been saving his *friends* lives. He snorted 
softly. Pausing, he stared back at Giles', remebering what landed him 
in this mess.

After their first disastorous encounter with Vlad, he had noticed 
something. The vampire seemed to completely ignore him, no matter 
what. It was as if he was the immortal's blind spot. He'd tried to 
use that advantage last night, but for some reason it hadn't worked. 
He'd fallen prey to the vampire's traps like the others. Or so he'd 
thought. It wasn't until later that he realized he was the only one 
who hadn't been fooled by the vampire's tricks. Tepes had mesmerized 
the slayer, after distracting Giles with the sisters and leaving 
Riley to wander around aimlessly. He'd been the only on not to 
succumb to the vampire's illusions. It had seemed like hours, before 
he'd finally made his way through the maze like house. Armed with 
only a cross, he'd gone looking for Buffy and Vlad. That's when it 
all went fucked. Xander shivered as the memories dragged him under. 


Vlad held the slayer close, reveling in the heady taste of her blood. 
She lay limp, an unresisting in his arms. As her heartbeat slowed, 
something itched along his senses distracting him from his feast. 
He'd started to ignore it, then it was just there. Sweeping over him, 
pulling him under, taking him in. A wave of magic so powerful... so 
sweet... it nearly brought him to his knees. Vlad dropped Buffy, 
moving towards the door waiting...

Xander slunk quietly through the halls, grateful he hadn't run into 
anyone. Sensing Tepes behind the doors, he gathered his courage, and 
walked in. The vampire froze, awed by the beauty before him. His 
thoughts raced like quicksilver, as he tried to understand how he 
could have overlooked this splendid creature. Magic radiated from him 
like light from the sun, his entire being glowed with life.

They stood staring at each other, both hesistant to break the 
silence. Vlad stepped over the slayers still form, hand held out to 
Xander, "Come to me... Come to me, child." Backing against the door, 
Xander held up his cross, "No way. Not having the urge to be a happy 
meal." The immortal glided a few feet closer, before the cross 
snapped back up. "No beauty. You'd be mine forever. Now... Come to 
me!" Xander shook his head, "And still I'm thinking... no." Dracula 
stood stunned, "That is the second time you've refused me without 
hesistation. How? No mere mortal..." Vlad stopped sniffing the air, 
shifting quickly he flowed around Xander, a white mist. Xander swiped 
at the clinging fog, then stared as it reformed into the vampire only 
a foot away. Tepes looked as if someone had told him he'd won a 
lifetimes supply of slayer blood. He considered saying so, but 
survival instincts kicked in. Still, he couldn't help saying 
something, "Don't we look like the vamp, who drained the bloodbank." 

The vampire smiled softly, and he shivered. "You want to save your 
friends, yes?" Xander nodded," That would be of the good." Tepes 
began circling him, a shark like grin on his lips, "Then you and I 
will strike a deal. Give yourself to me willingly and I will let them 
go and leave this place." Xanders eyes threatened to fall out of his 
head, shocked would be an understatement. //Don't ask... Don't ask... 
Don't ask...// "Oookay, I see what I get out of this but what about 
you?" //Ohhh just brilliant up there. Give the guy a chance to change 
his mind.// 

Stopping in front of the mortal, Vlad stared into his eyes. Almost 
mesmerized by the dark gaze, the vampire watched as intelligence, 
power, and life swirled within them. "You are... different. I would 
know why... but I would learn with your surrender. Do you agree?" 
Part of his mind shrieked warnings about deals with the devil, while 
the rest just wondered. "Agreed, on conditions," he said, quietly. 
Knowing it was the only way. "Excellent... I will let them think I've 
been defeated. Do not let them know of our agreement or..." He 
nodded, as Vlad walked back to the slayer, lifting her with 
ease. "I'll let them think you were my bug eater, you can stumble in 
and distract me." Vlad laughed, the sound a seductive caress. "I do 
so love to play games, this one shall be...interesting." Xander 
turned to leave, pausing when the immortal spoke again. "Soon, 

Then Buffy seemed to wake up. Soon, she and Dracula were trading 
blows. After she'd *defeated* him, they'd gathered near the mansions 
front door. The smug smiles on Buffy and Riley's faces had been the 
final slam, on his already frayed nevers. He'd had it an wanted 
everyone to know it. When he finished venting, he glanced up and had 
to bite back a snarl. Nothing... it was like they hadn't even heard 
him. They acted as if his anger was nothing... less than nothing.

As he'd sat listening to them, at Giles' he'd grown more and more 
disturbed. The only *person*, who'd seemed to even notice his 
contribution was Spike. *Spike*, William *fucking* 'The bloody', 
soulwess bloodsucking well ... ex-bloodsucking... fiend. Something 
was seriously fucked with that picture. Shaking his head, he started 
heading towards Vlad, again. //not as if I've got anything else going 
for me// Shrugging, he resigned himself to his fate.

The vampire stood waiting at the edge of the cemetry, lips curved in 
a wickedly sensual grin. "I knew you would come, beauty. Now, let us 
be gone from this place." Xander jumped back, "Wo-woah now, batboy. 
Hold up. That was not our agreement." Vlad snarled," You agreed to 
give yourself to me." 

Spike fought to keep from rushing to the mortals side. He'd known 
that something was going on, but for the boy to have given himself to 
Vlad Tepes was... unthinkable. //now just why is that... shutup// It 
just was. He couldn't let the boy do it, he'd have to stop it somehow.

"Yeah on conditions," he shot back. "Fine, shall we say a year." 
Xander paled, "Umm, I was thinking more like a five...ten minutes, 
you drain me, maybe try not to kill me." Vlad shook his head, "Not 
enough time, beauty. Six months." Xander sighed, "How bout four days, 
Drac." "Three months." "A week." "Two weeks." "Two weeks." Xander 
reached to shake Tepes' hand, and was knocked aside by a very angry 
master vampire. "No! Vlad, he's mine," hissed Spike. "William," said 
Vlad slowly, "It's been ages. But now is not the time to renew our 
aquaintance." Spike moved in front of Xander, before answering, "Fuck 
you, Vlad. This is a challenge. The boy's mine."

Part Two  

Xander turned a brand-new shade of red, all the while stuttering 
incoherently. "Excuse us," he said yanking Spike back. "What the 
hell..." Spike glared at the mortal. "Saving your ass, chubs." 
Xander's embarrassed shock faded, quickly replaced by a wave of 
anger. "I don't *need* to be saved, fangless. I'm not helpless. You 
really...hold up... Why the hell do you care anyway? And don't give 
me any shit about Buffy, cause you know and I know you don't give a 
damn about what she thinks." Spike shrugged, unable to explain. He 
just couldn't let Tepes have him. The whole idea was just wrong. But 
there was no way he was telling the boy that. //so what are you gonna 
tell 'im...// 

Finally, "Bloody hell, your the only git I can stand, 'round 'ere. 
Leave me wit slutty, and her puppies and I'll 'ave to stake me self 
to keep from going as loony as Dru." Xander smirked, he'd known that 
they shared the same sense of humor, but he'd never expected the brit 
to admit it. Even if he'd seen the vampire smirking whenever he'd 
made some off comment. Never mind how often he'd had to bite back a 
grin, when the vamp started in on slut...Buffy. "So, ok I amuse you, 
you'll find someone else." Spike shook his head, looking everywhere 
but at the mortal. "Too late, whelp. Challenge issued, an' all 

"So, you just forfeit, renege, whatever." 

"Don't think you want me to do that, pet. I forfeit it's your life."

"WHAT! Spike... how... you... I..." Xander grew more and more 
incoherent as he yelled. "Calm down, chubs. You'll give yourself a 
heart attack. I know what I'm doing," said the smirking vampire. 
Xander paused in the middle of his rant, forcing himself to at least 
appear calm. "I don't know why or how, but I know you did this on 
purpose." Spike grinned, as he turned back to Vlad, "Now why would I 
do that Nummy." Leaving the still sputtering mortal, Spike faced 
Tepes. "Here, now and no gypsy mojo. Just you an' me." A nasty grin 
spread across Tepes face, "Done." Watching the two immortals sizing 
each other up, Xander backed away slowly. "Not good... this is so not 

The vampires circled each other, slowly. Tired of posturing, Spike 
struck first, going on the offense. They fought with an animal 
intensity. Nothing like, the dance Vlad led Buffy through, or even 
the street fighting Spike often resorted too. Nothing but claws, 
fangs and brute strength. A violent descent into pure savagery.

Leaning against a tree, Xander debated his choices. // I could take 
off, leave'em here to beat each other senseless. Get Wills to do an 
uninvite for Spike, but that'd only last as long as the 'rents are 
sober. So, nope. Stake'em while their distracted... nope can't 
stake... Did I not say no going there... sorry...// Glancing up at 
the fighters, Xander winced as Spike delivered a particularly painful 
blow. He couldn't decide whether he wanted to cheer the blonde on or 

Vlad hit the ground hard, but managed to catch Spike's booted foot 
before it reached his head. Yanking he dragged the younger immortal 
down with him. For a minute, nothing can be heard but harsh grunts, 
and the sound of tearing flesh as they fought in such close quarters. 
No quips, no fancy moves, just the single minded and desperate 
attempt to destroy the other. Then they were rolling away from each 
other. Vlad gaining his feet faster, backhanded the younger immortal. 
Xander moaned in sympathy as the vampire hit the headstone shattering 
it. Nervously twisting the crimson ring around, an'round. Mentally 
urging Spike on, he sighed in relief when the vampire rolled dodging, 
Vlad's leap. And then he was up and moving in fast. His demon enraged 
at the thought of losing his mate taking over. He moved, living 
death. Tearing at Vlad, beating him into submission. Blood flew, as 
Spike tore into Tepes. Xander flinched as blood splashed across his 
face. Half repulsed, half awed at the lethal rage of Spike's attack. 
The vampire's unrelenting fury appealing to him deep inside. Torn 
between happiness and fear at the depth of emotion such passion 
seemed to show.

Howling in triumph, he moved in for the kill. Then roared in outrage, 
when Tepes vanished. Vlad quickly gained the upperhand, vanishing and 
reappearing faster than Spike could follow. Striking fast and 
vicious, Tepes began tearing into the struggling vampire. Not knowing 
what he intended to do but powerless to stop, Xander moved towards 
the battling vampires. And screamed when Vlad appeared behind Spike 
severing his spine. The mortal and immortals screams mingled and 
merged in agonized harmony, as Spike collapsed. Vlad stood, grinning 
smugly down at the still snarling vampire. "Did you really think I'd 
let you win? Honour is for fool's, boy." Tepes said mockingly, as he 
dug his claws into the vampire's chest. Spike bit back, a scream. 
Instead growling, he said "This isn't the end, Vlad..." Tepes 
laughed. "For you it is." The immortal screamed as Vlad's claws 
punched through his chest.

Terrified Xander raced towards Spike, only to stop frozen as Vlad 
tore into the vampire's chest. Eyes wide, he struggled to breathe his 
heart threatening to shatter if....//Nononononono// And suddenly he 
was moving and screaming, "Nooooo!" Vlad looked up just as wall of 
silver slammed into him. 

"Spike... Spike... please be all right." Dropping to his knees beside 
the broken vampire, Xander pulled him onto his lap. "Spike... 
Spike... c'mon..." Staring at the ashen vampire, Xander sobbed. 
Fighting off hysteria, when no response came. He hadn't thought about 
how he'd feel if the vampire was gone. He hadn't expected to feel 
this wild sense of despair. "Fuck Spike... don't do this to me... 
please no..." Fighting the urge to scream his hands danced over the 
still vampire. The sudden pulse of glowing crimson, caught his eye as 
he brought his hand to the vampire's chest. He froze staring at the 
strange amulet, with the winking ruby eyes. Desperate he pressed the 
ring against Spike's chest, praying to whomever would listen to 
him... Silver waves of light flowed from his hand into the vampire's 
chest. Stunned he watched as silver streaks of lighting, sealed the 
tears, leaving behind unbroken flesh. 

Spike woke slowly, vaguely disoriented, as something worried at his 
conscious. A familiar heartbeat pounded beneath his ear. He lay, mind 
racing as he tried to figure out why Xander was holding him. He 
shuddered as his memories returned in a painful rush. His eyes flew 
open, but he made no move to leave Xander's arms. He lay still, not 
wanting to alert Vlad to his awakening, as he scanned the cemetery 
and nearly died laughing when he caught sight of Tepes. He watched 
amused as the vampire raged inside a silver sphere, trapped several 
feet off the ground. He looked extremely pissed. And Spike thought 
that was just bloody wonderful. The vampire's laughter seemed to 
break the spell. Xander shook himself slowly, as the bubble collapsed 
dropping Vlad on his ass. Spike started to speak, but stopped when 
Xander shook his head. Knowing somehow that he wanted to wait until 
Dracula was gone.

Vlad shot to his feet, stalking towards Xander and Spike. Spike 
tensed, struggling to stand, but was stopped by a grinning 
Xander. "I've got this. Look batboy... you lost... deal... no one 
won... well I did... So, begone or I'll drop a house on you." Vlad 
gazed at the smirking mortal, wanting nothing more than to claim him. 
But the aura of power radiating from him, had more than doubled. He 
posed more of a threat to him, than any other had in centuries. Vlad 
snarled, flashing his fangs, "Till next time, beauty." Xander 
watched, as he shifted floating away. "Not if I see you first." 
Sighing, he reached down helping the weakened vampire to stand. 
Silently making their way to Xander's. 

Spike watched as Xander paced aimlessly around the basement. He had 
several questions for the boy, but he'd give him a chance to calm 
down first. Xander stopped, facing him. "I don't know." He eyed the 
nervous mortal. He could see what had attracted Vlad. Something 
seemed to glow from him. He'd sensed it in small quantities before, 
but now it practically blazed from him. Life, power, heat... seemed 
to roll of him in seductive waves. And the smell... Spike shuddered 
forcing back his gameface. "You don't know how you helped or why?" he 
said slowly. Xander shrugged. "Both... sorta... I mean... I guess... 
Hell you were gonna help me, even if it was for your own twisted 
reasons. Besides... who else could I share my sparkling wit with," he 
said quietly. Spike grinned, happy with that small 
acknowledgment. "They say great minds think alike." 

"God, I hope not." Spike moved, allowing Xander to flop onto the 
other end of the sofa. "'nough chit chat. What do you know...or think 
you know?" Xander was up and pacing again. "Look I got a theory, but 
it's out there... but then again this is Sunnyhell..." he said voice 
trailing off, as he grew more agitated. Spike watched letting him 
pace for a few minutes. "Out wit' whelp. Can't be that far out." 
Xander stopped staring at the vampire, fidgeting with the ring. "Ok 
but no interruptions. I get this out now or not at all." He paused as 
the vampire nodded. "I can't remember a time when my parents were 
proud of me, ever. But for the longest time I didn't really care. 
Because I had this whole world made-up in my head, about how I was 
special and they'd stolen me from my real family... pathetic... I 
know... but it kept me going. Anyway the whole fantasy revolved 
around this ring. I'd had it for forever, and whenever things got 
really bad, I'd take it out of my hid..special place and just hold 
it. It always made me feel better. One day I was... careless... my 
*father* saw it. I tried to hide it but it was too late... when I 
came home from school the next day it was gone... just gone." He 
stopped, ignoring the sympathetic looks from the vampire, taking a 
steadying breath. 

"He never said anything... but I knew he'd taken it... Figured he'd 
pawned it or something. But last year, day before graduation, I was 
searching for my favorite jeans. Wanted something cool to die in," he 
smirked. "Found'em but they were dirty, had to wash'em, went through 
the pockets and there it was. I wore it that day. Gods... did I feel 
great. Next morning I couldn't find it anywhere. It was like losing 
it the first time, all over again. Then it showed up again, just 
before that whole Adam bit. This time something made me hide it, and 
then I forgot about. Hadn't thought of it in months.. then..." 

Spike stared at Xander, his entire frame nearly vibrating with 
energy. Power spilled from him in waves. So, engrossed with this new 
Xander, the vampire missed the last bit of his story. "Oi, didn't 
catch that bit Xanpet. Say again" Xander glared disapprovingly at the 
immortal. "I said after meeting Dracula and having him ignore me, I 
figured I'd do a little surveillance... expect something made me put 
on the ring. And suddenly batboy's all over me." Spike snarled 
remembering the possessive look in Vlad's eyes. "So whats so special 
about the ring?" Xander glared at Spike again. "If I knew that would 
I be talking to you." Spike shrugged, "Maybe. Let me see it." 
Reluctant to part with it, Xander held his hand out to the vampire. 
Spike's eyes flew open, and he caught Xander's hand in a bruising 
grip. "Bloody hell... this ain't some cheap parlor magic Xanpet. This 
is a warlock's 'effin ring." Xander paled. "A warlock's ring... how'd 
I get it and please tell me he's not coming to get it back." Spike 
pulled a panicking Xander down beside him on the couch. "Relax pet. I 
don't think she's coming for it... not after twenty years... besides 
there's something weird about it..." "*Weird*." 

"Yeah, look I don't know much 'bout gypsy mojo or magic. But anyone 
that's got any survival instincts knows 'bout warlocks. At least 
enough to make sure you don't cross 'em. They are entities, like no 
other." "What..." Spike stopped him, placing a finger over his 
mouth. "This time no interruptions from you pet." Xander nodded. "The 
master didn't get stuck by accident like the watchers say. It was 
payback from a warlock he'd betrayed. Angelus told us about it to 
make sure we were careful not to offend them. See, warlocks are 
human, but their born with unbelievable amounts of power. Blood like 

Spike shuddered, "The master killed a warlock, caught him at a weak 
moment, plus he was a young one." Xander started to ask a question, 
then stopped. "Right pet. He did die, but his wife, a mage warlock, 
who was even more powerful cursed the master. Nothing happened, so 
everyone forgot 'bout it. Till he tried to do magic, then whoosh he's 
suddenly a cork in a bottle. And later he's slayer bait. Angelus told 
us what to look for, cause mostly they look human. But there are tell 
tale signs like; their eyes-sometimes you can get trapped in them, 
auras--generally give'em away, or amulets--pins, rings, circlets an' 
the like. Really powerful warlocks have amulets that are familiars." 
Xander yelped, trying to snatch off the ring, but Spike held his hand 
tighter. "Pet, stop that. It won't 'urt you. It would've by now, 
believe me. Now I don't know the 'ole story but their s'possed to act 
as identifiers in the supernatural world. Heirlooms, often 
representing status, rank, family, power... whatever the wearer 
chooses. Angelus said that the most powerful one's have amulets that 
are sentient. And I think this one is..." 

Xander and Spike stared down at the crimson ring, wrapped around his 
finger. It flowed around his finger, like blood warm and vital. The 
ruby eyes of the feline, stared up at him. Shimmering as if it knew 
something he didn't. Xander struggled to sort out his cluttered 
thoughts. "Look pet, no sense panicking, now. Specially since it 
looks like the rings 'elping you." Xander sighed knowing Spike was 
right. His theory supported it, but that didn't mean he wasn't still 
uncomfortable with the whole idea. Deep in thought he never noticed 
Spike settling them onto the foldout. He fell asleep, still thinking 
in Spike's arms.


Anya stopped at the bottom of the stairs, mesmerized by the sight 
before her. Xander lay cuddled against Spike, despite being two 
inches taller than the vampire. Spike's arms curled possessively 
around the mortal. When Xander whimpered slightly, Spike hugged him 
closer. Anya bit back a sigh. At least now she wouldn't feel so 
guilty. Fingers clutching the newly returned amulet, she made her way 
to Xander's desk. She wrote quickly and decisively. Putting the note 
on the television where he was sure to see it. Turning to leave, she 
paused beside the mortal and the vampire. Leaning forward, she 
brushed a kiss across his forehead. 

Spike watched her from beneath half slitted lids, as she paused again 
at the bottom of the stairs. "Take care of him for me, Spike. He's 
the only person who's ever given a damn about me, demon or exdemon." 
And with a whisper the chip was in her hand. "Hurt him and you'll 
spend what's left of you unlife learning what pain really is." With 
that the vengeance demon disappeared. Spike lay stunned, mind 
whirling trying to comprehend the rapid changes. Then Xander 
whimpered again, and the vampire forgot everything to comfort the boy.

Part Three  

Xander blinked slowly, as sleep faded away. Feeling better than he 
had in years, he stretched only to find himself trapped. His eyes 
opened slowly, and he had to stifle a squeak before he could 
move. //ok this is not of the good...we're warm and safe what's not 
good...umm maybe cause it's with an evil demon...not that evil...ok 
see now that's what gets us in he's the big bad your--
friends...we won't dignify that with a response// Xander froze as the 
vampire shifted beneath him. //OK everybody shutup til I get us outta 
this.// Xander slowly began moving out of Spike's arms, again. //see 
now this is why will's called us a demon magnet...who cares he's so-- 
fuckable...Were the hell did that come from?...ummmm...No one's 
owning up to that one, huh?// Xander stilled, as he shifted 
again. "Pet could you quit thinking so loud, an let a bloke rest."

"Umm, Spike you do know where you're at right?" "Sure, Xanpet. On 
your lumpy excuse for a bed. Now let me sleep." Xander struggled to 
say something anything. "Spike, you have to leave before Anya gets 
here..." "Chits already been 'ere" Xander shot up, "What?" Spike 
sighed, finally getting up. "Yeah demon girl, left you a note its on 
the telly." The mortal stared at Spike, trying not to panic. 
Shuddering he moved to the tv, anticipating threats of painful 
vengeance. He'd read the note five times, and still it wasn't sinking 
in. He collapsed on the couch, staring at it. The vampire reached 
over, snatching it from his fingers. "Mind if..." Xander shrugged, 
maybe it'd make it real somehow. 

Dear Xander,

I have never written a dear jane letter before, so I don't 
know how its supposed to be. Well, anyway here's how I'll do it.
1. I got my powers back, and I was figuring out how
to break it off.
2. I'm glad your not going to be alone, because that 
would've made me feel bad.
3. I still love you, but you deserve someone who 
loves you the right way.
4. I never would have thought it would be Spike, but 
hey it's all good.
5. I hate your friends, never did like them. And not 
just cause they didn't like me.
6. I know this is cliched but I still want to be 
friends. There's an incantation on the back to 
summon me whenever you need help or just wanna 

Love, Anyanaka
Ps. Don't freak cause Spike's a guy, your stupid parents are 
pps. Oh, the reason they're not all eviscerated corpses is 
because I knew it'd freak you out.

"Always did like that chit," said the vampire grinning. Xander slowly 
beat his head against the back of the couch. "C'mon pet. I'm not that 
bad am I." Xander stared at him. "Your a vampire... I don't do 
vampires.. see.. vampires are of the bad... and as such undoable." 
Spike shook his head. "Ahh pet. You know you like me I'm very 
shaggable. And we all know you're a nummy treat." 

Xander grinned, then frowned. "I don't do guys, let alone vampires. 
So why are we even having this conversation." Suddenly a wave of 
sadness and relief swept over him. He sighed softly. "Pet?" The dark-
haired man looked at him sadly. "I did love her. It's just something 
wasn't quite right." The vampire eased closer to the mortal boy. He 
ignored the demon screeching in his head to keep quiet. "So, pet. Am 
I right?" Xander watched him from the corner of his eyes, as he 
thought about the vampire's question. 

//see now is where you say NO!... what harm could there be in telling 
the truth...listen just stop right there...Anya saw something, you 
know it had to be obvious for her to see it...just let it go...what 
have you got to lose... respe-- lov-- dig-- ok umm...see, 
nothing... ....No more comments from the peanut gallery? Hey, 
voice of reason?... umm he's right... OK when reason agrees with 
insanity its time to give it up.//

"Maybe," he said softly. The vampire smirked, yanking the taller man 
closer. Mouths met one hot, one cold... tonuges twisted, plunging, 
and stroking inside a warm chocolate flavored cavern... plundering, 
caressing, darting over sharp fangs... Xander's mind went blank, 
protests forgotten. Instead he leaned greedily into the kiss taking 
as well as giving. Drowning in the cool, slightly tangy taste of the 
vampire. Spike pulled back slowly, as he lay panting for 
breath. "Least we know we're compatible pet," said Spike grinning. 
Looking up at the smug vampire, all he could think of was getting 
closer. "Not quite sure about that... maybe we should try it again... 
just to be sure..."


Xander bounced into the magic shop, grinning madly. His world had 
been turned upside down in less than a month, and he couldn't be 
happier. Ok... so there were a few *problems* but they seemed so 
insignificant... Who cared if his *friends* couldn't tell when 
something was wrong with him. So what he was having a couple of bad 
dreams. He had Spike. Maybe their *relationship* was... Xander 
paused mid bounce. //Little help here guys... indescribable... 
certifiable... Either way its good// Shaking his head, he wandered 
further into the shop. "Hey, G-man." Giles glanced up from his 
inventory. "Hello, Xander. You seem well. And I've told you not to 
call me that." Xander nodded, and went back to poking through a stack 
of books. "Got my own place. Great job. All is of the good. Hey, was 
wondering if you had anything on warlocks?" 

Giles dropped the book he was reading, turning to stare at him. "What 
did you hear something? Or..." "Don't go postal, Giles. Just thought 
it'd be cool to hear about a little hocus pocus." The ex-watcher 
sighed, impatiently. "Really, Xander. That is inappropriate. I 
thought you'd learn by now.." Xander shook his head. "Not doing 
magic... just needed something to do since Anya's gone... and I 
finished the shelves, an the stuff for the training room," he said, 
looking pathetic. Giles looked at him sympathetically. "There should 
be something in that pile over there, " he said waving dismissively. 
Xander went through the large pile quickly, picking out the ones 
Spike had named and a few that called to him. "Thanks, G-man." he 
called as he left. Giles never looked up from his books.


Buffy sat cuddled up with Riley on the couch. He'd been quiet since 
he'd come back from his talk with Graham. She sighed softly, maybe he 
still missed his friends from the Initiative. She'd have to spend 
more time with him.


Spike sat up cursing. //Bloody Fucking 'ell// The vampire stumbled to 
his feet, heading for his stash of JD. Tipping the bottle, he downed 
a good fifth. Letting the fiery liquid burn thoughts of the slayer 
out of his head. Why she'd suddenly appeared instead of his nummy he 
couldn't understand. Especially since for the past month all he'd 
thought about was nummy. He straightened suddenly, feeling the 
presence of another vamp. Turning he grinned at his dark goddess, 
pushing aside his doubts. His princess came back because she loved 
him, not because she couldn't stand to see him happy wit his kitten. 
He ignored the disturbing thoughts, certain he still loved his dark 
princess. Instead he concentrated on one wonderful fact. He was once 
again the Big Bad. 

Drusilla grinned at her Spikey. The stars had whispered someone was 
taking her place, so she'd come back to make sure that wouldn't 
happen. At first she'd thought it was that nasty slayer, that's why 
she'd given her daddy the bad dream. But now she knew who it was. The 
little kitten. She'd just have to fix it. "Spikey, we have to make 
them hurt for being mean to daddy. We shall water the ground with 
their blood, and it will grow such pretty thorns." The vampire 
grinned, ready for the bloodshed his demon howled for. "Sure 
princess. But we're going to do this carefully. Don't want the slayer 
knowing, I'm all better now. That's why we let her think the chip was 
still in, princess." Dru pouted. "Why can't we just kill them, 
Spikey." Spike sighed. "Because ducks. We come on all brawn and no 
brains, we'll get staked. And I got plans. Starting with Iowa boy." 
The wicked grin, promised a great deal of fun, at least for Spike.

Part Four  

Dark eyes stared up at the gray sky. //so cold...why is it always so 
damn cold...// A bitter laugh spilled from the too young mouth, 
tainting the obscenely husky voice. When the snow finally fell, the 
slender form shivered in resignation before heading across town. Hand 
poised to knock the twelve year old froze, disgustedly forcing back 
tears. A slew of emotions slid across the child's face... anger... 
hate... disgust... tired resignation.... //stop it... just stop it... 
fucking deal and move on...// The pounding was quick and decisive.

The door swung open, and bright gray eyes stared down at the child. A 
younger, healthier version of Santa grinned at the kid. Shuddering in 
disgust, the skinny form darted past the older man into the warm 
house. //its only for a little while... he'll stop after he's...// 
Choking back tears, chocolate brown eyes fixed on the mirror...

Gasping Xander shot up, his body jerking wildly. Broken shards of 
glass sprayed out, as the glass hit the floor. He stared numbly at 
the spreading stain, as the urge to vomit rose. Fighting back sobs, 
he raced to the restroom. He hugged the john, as his stomach tried to 
climb out of his throat. Sliding to the floor, he drew in great gulps 
of air. Remembering the caress of the phantom hands, had him hugging 
the bowl again. 

Climbing to his feet, he stumbled out of the stall. He moaned, trying 
to get rid of the images that invaded his mind. //I don't need anyone 
else's pain... have enough of my fucking own...// Slowly he moved 
towards the sink, needing to rinse his face. Glancing up he froze, 
staring into the eyes from his dream . . . his own.


Shadows crept across the sky and the skinny twelve year old crept 
outside with a sleeping bag. //please don't rain... please...// 
Whimpers spilled from the too young mouth, pain tainted the husky 
voice. When rain drenched the bag, the slender form bit back a sob 
before heading down the street. Hand poised to knock the child 
paused, thin fingers swiped at wet eyes. He didn't like crybabies. 
Patterns of moonlight danced across old scars, making them glow 
sliver in the dark. //not fair... why don't they love me...// The 
knock was quiet but insistent.

Blood-shot eyes stared down at the thin frame, huddled on the door 
step. Booze, and stale cigar smoke floated out into the night. 
Shivering in shame, the kid bolted into the dry house. //bad... so 
bad... my fault...// Stifling sobs, chocolate brown eyes fixed on the 

Jade screamed, eyes flying open. Stumbling from the bed, she raced to 
the bathroom. Tears dripped down, as she crouched over the commode. 
Sliding to the floor, she choked back ragged cries. Feeling the hands 
again, had her retching harder. She moaned, as the images refused to 
leave. //don't want this... buried it... past best forgotten...// 
Strong hands lifted her away from the john. Holding her close Mikhail 
pulled her to the sink. Glancing up she froze, staring into the eyes 
from her dream... her own.


Xander slid back into the booth, ignoring the hungry gazes. The 
nightmare images, forcing their way beneath his lids. A wave of 
revulsion swept over him as he remembered the hands on him... except 
it couldn't have been him. Not unless he was a woman, and no one had 
bothered to tell him. //gods *please* tell me I'm just trying to 
distance... that... *please* don't let this have happened to her...// 

Still, he knows that's not it. He knows its happened to him... to 
her. Shaking himself, he stood heading back out to hitch a ride 
closer to LA. //need to find her... girl with my eyes... tell her... 
tell her she's not alone... make it better..//

He shoved open the door, stepping out into the light. "Hun, wait up." 
A voice heavy with sex called to him. Xander turned, looking for the 
woman that voice had come from. He stared, disbelievingly at the 
woman before him. She was plump, and bubbled with giddy energy. A 
battered Tiger's cap, covered a scruffy ponytail. Onyx eyes, twinkled 
with an inner joy, from behind coke-bottle glasses. 

Everytime she moved they slid down her face, to rest precariously on 
her nose -- til she pushed them up again, unconsciously. 

"Listen, hun." she said moving to stand in front of him. "I seen ya 
hitchhiking, an' I don't think that's such a good idea. I mean you 
being so pretty an' all. Now, I'm headed tuh LA, but not til later 
tonight. Got a job, I gotta finish up. If you can wait, I'd be 
pleased as punch to give ya a ride." 

Xander stared at the woman -- dressed in a faded U of M sweat-shirt, 
jeans, and raggedy tennis shoes. She looked like a plump elf, 
disguised as somebody's big sister. He looked around the dinner. He 
really didn't want to catch a lift with any of the truckers, not with 
the way they'd been leering.

"Sure, I'd really appreciate it," he said -- voice low, husky. Moving 
in closer to her body. She held up a hand, stopping him. "Ya ain't 
got to do that hunny. My offers free of charge. You just lay low, an' 
be here when I come back round here bout 12:00 a.m." Xander blinked 
several times. He couldn't believe she didn't want anything. 

"Are you sure, " he asked -- eyes downcast, voice soft and hesitant. 
A flicker of sadness, dimmed the elf eyes for a moment. "Baby, not 
everyone wants tuh hurt you." she said, running her fingers down his 
cheek. "Now, I'll see ya later." Her grin was back, as she bounced 
out of the diner. Xander watched her, stunned, certain this good 
thing was just another way to hurt him. Like everything good in his 
life had done. He jumped, when she stuck her head back in. //Here's 
where life kicks you in the slats. Yet, again.// "Name's Shadith, 
hunny. Yours?"

"Alexander, but my friends call me.... Xander." 

"Xander it is then, hun." 


Jade paced restlessly around the bedroom. Mikhail watched her, his 
eyes filled with concern. She hadn't had the nightmares in almost 
three years. He didn't like them coming back. Not now... not when 
everything was so right. Jade glanced up, dark eyes wide to hold back 
the tears. "Oh, my love. It's all right to cry..." 

Mikhail reached out to her, only to have her dodge his arms. He 
blinked slowly, hurt filling his eyes. She'd never avoided his touch 
before. Not even in the beginning... when she had every right to fear 
him... hate him... He stopped, forcing back the uncertainty... the 
hurt. This wasn't about him... it was about her, and whatever was 
hurting her. But he had to ask. 

"Jade, laska. Was it something I did... did I make you think of... 
then... or.. --" She cuts him off, shaking her head. "No... no its 
not that. In fact, its not anything to do with my life. Past or 

"Then what..." he asked, voice trailing off, as she resumed pacing. 
She stopped staring, at him -- but through him. "I don't *know*," she 
said distraught. And she was moving again. Finally she stopped in 
front, of her changing table.

"Someone's hurting him... *hurting him*..." Mikhail winced as her 
voice grew louder, "*Hurting him*... " and louder.

"*Hurting Him*... *Like They Hurt Me*..." 

Until she was screaming, *LIKE THEY HURT ME*.... *LIKE THEY HURT 

Dodging the objects that had begun to fly through the air he reached 
for her. This time he doesn't let her get away. Yanking her close, he 
rubs her back in slow soothing circles. Murmuring gently to her. 

"Shush darling... *nothing* can hurt you now. Shh... Shh... *NO ONE* 
will ever hurt you again., my heart." Jade slowly began to 
calm down. 

"W-we have to find him, Mikhail. We have to make it better... cause 
somehow I *know* he's still hurting. We have to.. he's so alone....," 
she sobbed.

"We will darling. We will." He pulled back to look at her. Her 
chocolate brown eyes were red with tears, wide with another's pain. 
She looked like the scared little girl she'd once been. "But not 

Jade started to object, but stopped when he placed a large hand over 
her mouth. "Not tonight, m'srdce. Your exhausted, and drained. Not up 
to your usual. And I *know* you want to be at your *best*, when you 
look for him. So no spells until tomorrow. Promise?" He moved his 
hand away from her mouth, catching her chin. He tilted her face up. 
Rebellion flickered, then disappeared. The cold logic that had helped 
her survive asserting itself. 

"Tomorrow. I will find him... and *Nothing* will stop me." Crimson 
flames flared in her eyes, blotting out the chocolate orbs for an 

Part Five  

Shadith moved through the crowd with a predatory ease. All the 
bubbliness gone, silent and seductive she stalked her target. The 
body that was plump in jeans, and a sweatshirt, was voluptuous in the 
indigo velvet sheath. She snuggled into the big man, batting heavy 
black lashes freed from the glasses. 

Senator Jonathan Stone grinned down at the piece at his side, then 
whispered in her ear. She giggled, voice like silk sheets, and 
nodded. The married politician turned, pulling her with him. She 
followed -- making sure no one saw them leave together. She watched 
him, waiting for a twinge of something. When nothing happened, she 
shrugged. She didn't know what she'd expected, maybe something other 
than the intoxicating anticipation. //Must have just been the kid.//

The senator guided her into the room, locking the door behind them. 
She grinned, ferally. He was making this too easy. The sound of 
footsteps made her swing around. Eyes wide she watched the second man 
size her up. 

"Why Jonathan, you brought us a little toy."

Jonathan grinned, pulling her towards the bed. "Well, Phil ... I just 
couldn't let this little peach get away."

As they collapsed onto the bed, she rolled staying on top. Phil 
climbed on behind them, hands grasping her breasts. She straddled the 
senator's hips, the velvet inching up her thighs as his hands roamed. 
He stopped looking puzzled, as his hands brushed leather. 

"What's that?"

A dark light, flooded her eyes, and the man beneath her 
shuddered. "Your death," she crooned.

Before either man could react, she whipped the blade backwards, then 
down. All in one smooth practiced swing. Phil clutched at his throat, 
dazed as she plunged the knife through Jonathan's heart. He stumbled 
back, falling as he tried to scream, feeling the blood fill his 
throat. The senator stared up at the dark-eyed woman. 

"Why? What did I ever do to you?"

Shadith shrugged. "Why does everyone think its me? . . . I'm just 
doing my job. Can I help it, if I enjoy my work?" 

She sat waiting as he drew his last breath, eyes tracking Phil's 
crawling form. Hopping up she stalked over to him, yanking him 
backwards. She read the question in his eyes. Laughing wickedly, she 
leaned down licking the blood from his neck.

"You weren't part of the hit . . . just icing on the cake," she 
whispered, plunging the knife into his chest. 

With a content sigh, she watched the life drain from his eyes. A 
sweet lassitude filled her, as she stretched, satiated for the 
moment. Leaning down, she cleaned the crystal blade on his shirt. 
After one last contented purr, she quickly made her way back to the 
party. The indigo of the dress hiding any blood stains.

"Everyone I give you Senator Stone." 

Shadith looked around, as bewildered as anyone when the senator 
didn't appear. As security rushed through the hotel, she moved 
swiftly down the front staircase. Striding outside, she waited calmly 
for the valet to bring her car around. Smiling flirtatiously at the 
valet, she accepted her keys. Climbing into the car she blew him as 
kiss, before gunning the engine as she speed off. 

* * * * *

Xander glanced up as the bell above the diner's door jingled. He let 
out a sigh of relief, as Shadith bounced in. 

"Hey hun, ya weren't worried were ya?"

He shook his head, "Nah... not really." 

She grinned at him.

"Come on, let's blow this joint."

* * * * *

Shadith stared over at the boy beside her, concern filling her 
normally blank face. He whimpered softly, crying out at some unseen 
threat. She couldn't believe anyone would hurt someone so sweet. It 
made her want to track whoever it was down and rip their hearts out. 

"Spike. . . don't please. . . what did I do. . ."

Her hands tightened on the steering wheel, knuckles whitening from 
the pressure. He'd been crying out about this Spike, almost since 
he'd fallen asleep. She'd hurt him first. When tears began to slide 
down the pale cheeks, she couldn't take anymore. Reaching out she 
shook him gently. He woke quickly, jerking away from her.

"Easy there, hun. You're safe." 

Xander forced himself to calm down.

"Listen, hun. I know its none'ah my business. . . but what's eating 
at ya had best be talked 'bout before it hurts ya even more."

Xander laughed bitterly. "It couldn't hurt anymore." 

Shadith growled, repressing the urge to do something violent. "Tell 
me anyway." 

Xander stared out the window. "My boy. . . this guy. . ." 

"Hun, got no problem wit'ya having a boyfriend. Nah go'n an tell me 
the whole thing."

Xander sighed, but started again. "My boyfriend, Spike, left me. . . 
which wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't left me for this guy 
who'd hurt him before, Riley." Xander paused, breathing harshly.

"Even then I wouldn't have cared if. . . if he'd just paid the 
littlest bit of attention to me. . . I'd have taken anything he was 
willing to give. . . But he wouldn't talk to me. . . ignored me. . . 
I'd have done anything for him. . . and he didn't even care. . . I 
don't understand why. . ." he sobbed.

Rage boiled through Shadith, as she wrapped her arm around the crying 
boy. "It's ok, baby. It's ok."

Xander buried his face into the curve of her neck. "No its not. . . 
it'll never be ok. . . it's my fault. . ."

She stroked his back slowly, "No it's not, baby. But tell me why ya 
think so."

Xander shook his head. "You'll think I'm crazy. . ." 

She gave a throaty laugh, "Baby, I don' seen some weird shit. Ghosts, 
vampires, Hell hounds . . . ain't nothin ya go'n say, go'n shock me." 

Xander stared up at her, tears glittering in his dark eyes. She 
nodded at him. 

"It started after Vlad showed up. . ." 

Xander stopped, as she jerked. He knew, he shouldn't have said 
anything. Shadith fumed. "That bastard owes me uh 100 quid." 

Xander's mouth dropped open in shock. She smirked. "I told ya, ya 
can't suhprise me. Nah go'n."

Xander snuggled into her again. "He wanted to take me. Said I was 
different. I got him to back off after he tried to kill Spike. 
Actually the ring did all the work," he said waving it in front of 

Shadith gasped, grabbing his hand. "Oh my. . . That's a warlock's 
ring. I ain't see on of them in almost two decades. Not after 
Cat'Tiva disappeared. She was one of the best a that lot. . . was 
sorry for her when her husband died. . . broke her heart it did."

Xander bounced up excitedly, tears forgotten. At least for a 
moment. "Youknowaboutwarlocks?Tellmeplease.Idon't 
knowwhereIgotthisringandthebooksarenohelpandI'vebeengoingnutsand. . ."

"Calm down, hun. Breathe. Nah could ya repeat that."

Xander forced himself to settle down. Taking a deep breath he began 
again. "You know about warlocks? Tell me please. I don't know where I 
got this ring and the books are no help and I've been going nuts 
and. . ."

Shadith shook her head. "Hun. I don't know that much. I try to avoid 
that lot, like the plague. I'll tell ya what I know but it ain't 
much. Basically there's two types of magic. Creatures that are magic -
- elementals, fey... whatever and Creatures that learn magic -- 
humans, demons... so on. Warlocks are a breed of their own. 
Completely human, yet almost infinitely powerful. Rare."

She stopped as if trying to see something she'd forgotten a long time 
ago. "True ones are born... some never gain more power than what 
their born with... some gain more as they grow older... and some are 
simply power in human form. Those are the rarest. The closest this 
world has ever come to anyone of that power are one or two of the old 
ones... and a few born very close to that level. Which is a good 
thing for humanity. Cause warlocks are evil. Oh there are some good 
ones, but their a very, very small minority."

A delighted smile, settled on her face as she remembered. "Cat'Tiva 
was one of the three born with that much power. I met her about 
fifty. . . sixty years ago. Doing a job I was, an we crossed paths. 
As evil as they come, got on we did. Stayed in touch. But then some 
vamps killed her husband. Nah he was a good one, don't know how they 
got together. Her vengeance was swift, and deadly. I helped. After 
that she went into mourning."

Xander sat listening, speechless as the woman he'd thought was human 
continued speaking.

"Sometime later she disappeared, around the same time something wiped 
out a whole slew of warlocks. I only heard about it when I went to 
see her. It'd only been about twenty years, but there was no one at 
her old place. And the only person who'd talk to me kept babbling on 
about the twins of night and day. Didn't make no sense, so I just 
paid my respects and moved on.

Haven't thought about Cat'Tiva in a while, but there's 
something 'bout that ring that reminds me of her. Like it used to be 
something else." Shadith shook her head as if clearing away old, and 
painful thoughts.

They rode along in silence for a while. Xander shook his head, 
slightly. "You're not human are you?" 

Shadith laughed. "Sure am, hunny. Did a job for one of the old one's. 
Got 'gifted' with a type of immortality. Nah, enough 'bout me. Finish 
ya story, hun." Xander shuddered, remembering what they'd been 
talking about. 

She reached out pulling, him close again.

He spoke quickly, as if the faster he said it the less it would 
hurt. "After Vlad . . . I started having dreams. . . nightmares. At 
first they were about this woman. . . eyes like fire, hair like 
liquid silver. She's beautiful but she's so scared. Terrified... 
always running, but she can never get away..." 

He stopped breathing heavily. Shadith watched him, knowing somehow 
that this was what had started it all.

"But the worst part, " he whispered. "The worst part is she turns 
into this little girl and... and... *bad* things happen to her." 

Shadith cooed gently at the sobbing boy, urging him silently to 
finish it. 

"After one *really* bad one... when he's touching her..." he stopped 
gagging at the remembered touch. Shadith rubbed his back gently. 

Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to finish. "I went to find 
Spike. I wanted... I needed... "

"Comfort." Xander nodded. 

"Yeah, even though he'd been ignoring me for the past two weeks. I 
thought... I hoped... but he and Riley... he was... they were..." 

Growling softly, she hushed him. "Tell me where this Spike guy lives. 
Maybe you could *talk*."

Xander began to whimper. "No... not gonna... hurts... just wanna go 
lick my wounds..."

Pulling him closer, she glanced down before turning back to the 
road. "Ya don't have to do anything ya don't wanna do. But I do wanna 
know where ya from... cause I'm just plain nosy." 

Xander yawned as the sleepless nights caught up with him finally. He 
snuggled in closer before answering, not even stopping to think about 
it. "We live in Sunnydale. Spikes got a crypt in Northwoods cemetery."

She smiled down at the boy falling asleep against her side. She was 
going to have to pay this Spike a visit. 

Part Six

Xander woke abruptly, something invading on his first decent night's 
sleep in weeks. He looked around sleepily, before realizing the car 
was no longer moving. Neon lights shone into the interior of the 
convertible. Sitting up he glanced around, vision blurry. He jumped 
when Shadith stuck her head in the window. 

"Sorry," she grinned. "Didn't feel like driving anymore, so I got us 
a room. We're 'bout fifty... sixty miles outside a LA. Didn't wanna 
deal with early morning traffic either. I figured we could wait 
till 'bout 11... 12 before heading back out. That ok wit'ya." 

Xander nodded wearily. "Com'on ya dead on ya feet." Xander climbed 
out of the car, following the bouncing woman into the hotel room. He 
collapsed onto the bed.

"I wanna have a look around. I'll be in, in a while."

Dead to the world before he could even say thank you, he didn't hear 
her. Shadith shook her head, then pulled the cover over the still 
form before leaving.

* * * * *

Dawn had begun to creep across the sky by the time Shadith returned 
to the hotel. She rolled her shoulders, a lazy bone deep contentment 
filled her. She paused hand hovering over the doorknob, listening to 
the silence. Moving quietly she slipped the nine from the curve of 
her back, before opening the door. 

Eyes adjusting quickly, she focused on the dark shadow hovering over 
the boy. Cursing vehemently, she kicked the door shut. The intruder 
straightened with a jerk, turning to her. 

"You," he hissed. Shadith sighed, slipping the gun back into 
place. "Nice to see you too, Vlad." 

"What are you doing with the child."

She grinned up at him before tossing her blood-stained leather jacket 
onto a chair. 

"Question is what are you doing with him," she said heading into the 
bathroom. "Heard he kicked your ass but good, sugar."

Tepes snarled. "That was an aberration. I was not prepared. It will 
not happen again."

"Damn, right," she called from the bathroom. She stuck her head back 
out, looking at the mortal on the bed. She sighed in relief, when he 
only snorted softly. "He's dead to the world, still. Ya do that?"

Vlad shook his head. "Was like that when I came in." 

She rolled her eyes, going back into the bathroom. Her voice floats 
above the sound of running water. "Ya can't have'em, sugar." 

"Why not? Because you want him? He'd be more fun alive... or undead." 
Splashing water is the only sound for a moment.

"Not gonna kill'em. I like'em"

Tepes eyes widened in shock. "YOU *like* him? Not just your usual 
spot of bloody fun and violence? Isn't he the type you usually . . . 
play with? So you're not going to kill him... did I miss something? I 
mean isn't that what serial killers normally do?"

Shadith pouted, as she entered the room. "I am *NOT* a serial killer. 
I *AM* an assassin and I do not play with my targets..." She paused, 
tugging at her bra. "Ok... maybe a little. But I always do the job 
right before amusing myself." 

Vlad snorted. "Serial killer. Assassin. What's the difference?"

"There's a difference," she said, haughtily. 

"What? You kill for fun. You pick your victim... Sorry target. By 
your own admission. What's the difference?"

Shadith glared at the vampire before yanking her underwear off. She 
sighed, staring at the blood stained items. She'd really liked that 
set. "A serial killer has no restraint, and doesn't get paid." 

Shrugging, she tossed them in the trash. Vlad stared at the nude 
woman, as she rifled through her bag.

"Psycho... You're just psycho."

Pulling on the clean underwear, she grinned at him over her 
shoulder. "Didn't say I wasn't, Sugar." 

Vlad cursed again, before dropping into the other chair. "Why do you 
want him? You've never had much to do with anyone besides yourself. 
Why this one? Why the sudden interest?"

Shadith stopped tugging at the leather pants. "Cat'Tiva"

Vlad shuddered, at the name. "What does that evil bitch have to do 
with him?"

Fastening the leather, she chuckled. "You're just mad cause she bound 
you to me all those years ago." 

Vlad nodded sharply. His voice losing it's genteel accent, the 
angrier he got. "Damn right. Bad enough I'm addicted to your blood, 
but to be... to be.. under your control." 

She leaned over petting his check. "It saved your life. She was 
enraged when Alzaeer killed her husband. Just trapping him wasn't 
enough. She killed a lot of his offspring, and pretty much anyone she 
felt was even vaguely responsible. If I hadn't asked..."

Her voice trails off, as she turns back to the suitcase. "Anyway, " 
she said looking through the bag. "I don't ask for much. I let you do 
your thing, and I do mine. Sugar." 

Vlad sighed. The conversation was an old one. It never changed. 

"So what's your deal with the child?" he said pouting. He'd given up 
on any chance of getting the boy. Fate apparently had it in for him.

She pulled the leather halter over her head, then turned. "I want you 
to kidnap him."

Vlad blinked, then stared up at the grinning woman. A mischievous 
sparkle, gleamed in the onyx eyes. "What?"

Shadith calmly began tucking weapons into her outfit. "You're going 
to kidnap him. I'm going to be the helpless chit that witnesses it. 
I'll run to Sunnydale to tell his friends. Then his boyfriend, this 
Spike will come rescue him."

Tepes shook his head. "I don't think that'll work."

She shrugged, making the jet black hair swing around her 
shoulders. "If it doesn't... I'll just kick his ass, and drag him 
back to Xander."

Shadith sighed, "Might have to kill this Riley guy, first. But hey we 
all have to make sacrifices." 

Her grin widened, wickedly.

"Yeah, sacrifices. I'm sure," snorted Vlad. "Why all of this for 
him," he said gesturing at Xander.

Tucking the last stake into her pocket, she moved to stand in front 
of the vampire. "That ring something 'bout it bothered me... While I 
was blowing off some... steam. It came to me."

Reaching down she caught Vlad's hands. "That's Cat'Tiva's amulet. 
It's changed drastically, but still something of her lingers. I can 
feel it. I.... I owe her. She did so much for me. And one of those 
things is you. She gave me you... Yeah, I know you hate it, but I 
don't.... I need.... I need... at least one constant in my life. I..."

Vlad stopped her, reaching up to place a finger over her lips. He 
pulled her down onto his lap. "I understand. We are creatures outside 
time. We *need* something that doesn't change. 

I'm not really angry.... at least not at you," he said smiling gently 
at the tense form. 

Shadith stared into his eyes, her own wide with rare emotions. 
Reaching out she grasped his neck, pulling him forward.

"drink... my lover.... my enemy.... my friend... my companion through 
time.... drink," she whispered.

Vlad groaned burying his fangs in the warm flesh of her throat. Her 
head dropped forward, as the vampire suckled greedily. 

"I would not stop for death, but he gladly stopped for me," she 
whispered before passing out.

* * * * *

Sunlight beamed through, the open curtains. Bathing the room in a 
bright warmth, as rays of light inched across the bed. Shadith 
squinted against the annoying presence. Blinking she sat up, hand 
automatically touching her neck. No wound as usual. Glancing at the 
empty space on the bed, she shook her head. //Always so very 

Moving to the open curtains, she yanked them shut, ready to catch a 
few more z's. She cursed feeling the vibrations, from the silent 
pager. Glancing at the number, she reached for the phone dialing 

"You pick'em. I stick'em." She laughed delightedly at the shocked 
silence. //Gods I'm so morbid.//

* * * * *

Across two continents and an ocean, tempers flared. It wasn't a 
pretty sight.

* * * * *

Shards of glass glittered in the pre-dawn light. Remnants of the 
shattered antique mirror, that lay smoking on the stone floor. The 
crumpled mass, all that's left of the viewing mirror after her spell 
failed again. Mikhail glanced down at the twisted heap, then back at 
Jade. She was pissed. Royally pissed, in fact. He laughed, softly at 
his pun. Quieting quickly when the crimson eyes locked on him. Not 
good, he thought staring into the enraged gaze.

* * * * *

A scream shattered the silence. As the blonde learned of the slayer's 
triumph. There had to be a way to get ride of the little bitch. Even 
if she had to do it herself. She needed that key.

* * * * *

Drusilla watched as Spike brooded. Spikey was pissed. Enraged would 
be more like it. She couldn't understand why. Slowly she drifted to 
stand beside him. 

"Spikey, princess wants to know what's wrong? The nasty green man who 
put the chip in daddy's head is gone," she paused remembering what 
fun they'd had. The screams had lasted for hours, and the blood 
flowed so prettily. "The icky slayer doesn't know you did it. She 
even thanked you for saving her. And the kitten's gone..." 

Blood trickles from her split lip. Spike stared at the cringing 
vampiress, barely aware he's knocked her across the room. He hadn't 
seen Xander in weeks, then the slayer'd told him he'd skipped town 
several days ago. He wasn't happy. He'd been so wrapped up in his 
plans to destroy the scooby gang from the inside, he'd pushed his pet 
aside. Not because he didn't care... but because he cared too much. 
There was no way in hell he was letting anyone hurt his kitten... not 
the slayer... not his parents... not even his princess...

Now Xander was gone, and he didn't know where or why.

No. He wasn't happy. 

* * * * *

"Hello, beauty."

Xander shot up, staring around wildly. //Gods why me?// 

"Drac, nice to see. Sorry about before and all."

//way to go... yes let's remind him about his humiliation while in 
his clutches... clutches?... shutup...// 

Xander looked around warily. "Hey! Where's Shadith? If you..."

Tepes moved closer. "She's fine. In fact, she asked me to show you 
around. Take your mind off things."

Xander paled. //Please don't let her have told him about...//

"Spike's a fool."

//There's that hope.//

"Anyone who can't see what a treasure your are, doesn't deserve you," 
the vampire whispered easing closer. 

Xander squirmed away, then stopped staring into the eerily seductive 

"Really?" he asked hesitantly. //oh no we don't sound pathetic... 
want Spike... Both of you shutup.//

"Truly beauty if not for your face, then for the gentle soul that 
shines from within you." Vlad settled onto the bed beside Xander.

"Listen, I will not force you to stay. Shadith and I are... old 
acquaintances. She thought you needed a vacation, and a little 
mindless lust."

Xander blushed, eyes dropping to his lap. Vlad grinned. "I'm willing 
to supply both. But if you only want one I can do that too." 

Xander smiled shyly up at the vampire. "I'd like that.. I mean the 
vacation part... not that you're not... I'll shut-up now." 

Vlad stood, moving to the door. "You have the run of the house. 
Please feel free to come and go as you like. It's morning so'll be 
retiring, just ask the servants for anything you need." 

Xander sat staring at the empty doorway. //Demon magnet... shadith 
wasn't a demon... so she said... at least she didn't eat you... vlad 
wants to... -disgruntled silence- ... sorry//

Xander slid out of the huge bed. There were things to do.

* * * * *

Vlad cringed. She was going to kill him. Maybe he could just 
disappear for awhile. No he wouldn't do that to Alexander. He 
couldn't leave the boy to his fate. There was no telling what would 
happen to him. Sighing, Vlad opened the link between him and the 
immortal woman. Feeling her presence, he shifted impatiently waiting 
for nightfall. She was going to pitch a bitch. 

* * * * *

Shadith sat back with a contented sigh, watching the patterns the 
slowing flow of blood made. He'd been the best she'd had in weeks. 
He'd fought well, if futilely. Stretching she stood, then froze. 
Someone was out there. Easing away from the rapidly cooling body, she 
crouched ready. She frowned, as the vapor began to shift. //What the 
hell is he doing here?//

Vlad tried not to cringe, as she glared at him. She couldn't know.. 
could she?

"What the hell are you doing here?"

She didn't know. He couldn't decide if that was a good thing or not. 
Not. It meant he still had to tell her. He thought about moving back, 
but didn't. There was no distance large enough to escape the immortal 
woman's fury. Taking an unneeded breath he began to explain.

"Xander's been kidnapped."

Shadith stared at him as if he'd lost his mind. "No, duh. Ya 
kidnapped him." 

Vlad shook his head slowly. "No. I mean he's really been abducted." 
He paused. "By the Kil'rath slave traders."

Her eyes narrowed. "Ya not shitting me. Are ya?" 

Vlad shook his head again. 

"How the fuck did ya let that happen?" she snarled. 

"It was during the day. My regular driver fell ill, the company sent 
another guy. He was working with the slavers." 

Vlad twitched as she began to pace, fingering the stake in her 
hands. "Where?"

Vlad growled in distaste. No self-respecting vampire would go 
anywhere near the area. "He dropped Xander of in LA's version of 
Hell. Less than a block away from the Dead streets." 

She froze, staring at him. "The *DEAD* streets." 

He nodded. 


The vampire waited to see what she would do.

"Did ya find him? NO! Obviously. What about the driver?" 

Vlad grinned nastily. "He's currently roasting over a hell pit 
awaiting my return. Apparently no one told him who or what he was 
working for."

"Good," she snapped. "Find out when and where the next pick up is. 
Then follow on foot if you have to. Track the boy. Find out where 
their keeping him and when's the next auction. Come to me as soon as 
it's done."

"Where are you going to be?" 

Her mouth twisted into a vicious snarl. "I gotta see a slayer about a 

Cursing she strode to the door.

She stopped looking back at him. "Vlad don't fail me.."


Part Seven - Nine