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Tales of Harem Slave
by Shadith
Prologue - Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten
Part Seven

Mikhail sighed, as the very familiar sound of glass shattering filled the
throne room.

//Tenth mirror this week. At least...//

High pitched ringing sounds, danced through the air. Mikhail cringed.

//Nope... there goes the crystal//

His wife had been searching non-stop for over two weeks. Still nothing.
She was not happy, and when Jade was unhappy . . . no one was happy. She
didn't do it intentionally, but somehow no one could help being upset if
she was. Mikhail shook his head, sadly. Nothing was going to get
accomplished. Not when she was like this.

He stood, drawing every eye in the room towards him. Despite the
continuing sounds of fury coming from somewhere in the palace.

"Today is not a good day, my people."

//Like there's been any of those lately.//

"We will adjourn until . . . sometime later. You are dismissed."

Mikhail left, thoughts all ready on how to calm his love.

Tossing crown and robes onto the bed, he headed to Jade's workroom. Broken
glass littered the floor, as smoke rolled across the ceiling. And Jade . .
. Jade stood staring out the window.

Eyes shadowed, crimson flecks smoldered in her gaze. The normally full
mouth pressed thin, strain lines beginning to form. He could see how close
to the edge she was.

"Hey, love."

Only silence greeted his words. Moving further into the room, he stood
just behind the tense woman.

"Look, darling. You have to stop this. Your only hurting yourself."

She opened her mouth to object. He stopped her, biting at her lower lip.

"Your viewing spells aren't working, neither are the seek and find spells.
There has to be a reason, but your so focused on getting it to work that
your ignoring everything else."

Mikhail stopped, turning her to face him.

"You need to stop and think. So you're going to relax. I want you to
visit the harem. You haven't been in weeks. Everyone misses you."

Jade pulled away, looking stubborn.

"Ah-ah. Just go... shoo," he said pushing her out of the room, before
closing the door behind them.


The blue-eyed wolf watched as a group of young humans and demons were
herded onto the floating ship. It ignored the stench of death, tainting
the air. The wolf snarled softly. Anyone looking would have sworn they saw
contempt in it's eyes.

An urge to rip open the offensive creatures had him moving unconsciously,
before he caught himself. He'd waited four days already, he would not
throw it away now.

Hiding in the shadows, the wolf eyed the transport ship as it was locked
down and spelled tight. He growled, knowing there was no way he could get
in. But unwilling to return empty-handed to Shadith.

When the ship began to fade he did the only thing he could, he leapt. The
animal hit the deck hard, knocking him unconscious. The limp form skidded
across the smooth surface, landing behind a stack of boxes.


Shadith strode toward the Magic Box, her persona altering dramatically as
she approached. Anxiety rolled of her in waves, as she knocked at the

When an older-looking male answered, she stared up at him with huge
worried eyes.

"E-e-excuse me, sir. Are you Giles?" she asked timidly.

A slight frown flickered across the ex-watcher's face as he stared at her,
before nodding.

"Yes but we're very busy at the moment..."

She stepped forward forcing him to step back.

"I need your help. Xander's in trouble."

Giles stopped sputtering and ushered her into the shop.

"Everyone this young woman has information about Xander..."

Buffy shot up, knocking her chair over.

"You mean that coward who bailed on us."

Willow made a half-disgusted sound.

"I never thought he'd actually cave."

Tara nodded, agreeing with the red-head.

The silent young man, with a chiseled jaw uttered one word.


Tuning out the still ranting slayer, Shadith's eyes wandered around the

She watched as the female member of a group of brunettes huffed loudly,
and was silenced by the brunette vampire. She turned hearing a low
snarling sound. Coming face to face with an icy-eyed blonde.

Shadith shifted nervously under his intense stare, playing her part. She
turned as Giles tried to quiet everyone.

Buffy just would not shut up.

"And anyway why should we care? He didn't care enough to stick around.
Besides good riddance. He was a useless, idiot..."

Shadith's eyes narrowed, dangerously. She started to speak, then her jaw
snapped shut.

"Excuse me," she hissed, leaving without another word.

Spike's gaze followed the dark-haired woman as she stormed from the shop.
Something was familiar about her, but he couldn't figure out what. Not
that he had time to concentrate. What with trying not to slaughter the

His eye's narrowed, focusing on slutty. She still hadn't shut up and if
someone didn't shut her up... He was going to reach out and rip her lying
tongue from her head.

"Oh will you shut-up, Buffy." cried Cordelia, finally.

"You act like Xander's never done anything right. When we all know he's
managed to save your oblivious ass."

Angel shook his head at Cordelia, quieting her before she could really get


Shadith stood outside panting harshly.

//Not going to kill them. I'm not. Xander needs help. Killing them won't

Looking down at her outfit, she sighed.

//This is not working at all.//

Shrugging, she yanked off the sweat suit, then gathered the mass of black
hair into a tight bun. Her entire persona shifting. Gone was the anxiously
worried big sister. In her place a disturbing nothingness.


Spike glanced up, attention locking on the woman striding in. His
curiosity was aroused. This wasn't the woman who had first entered, yet it
was. Her aura screamed killer.

//Like 'er.//

"Where's Riley?" she asked loudly.

Buffy stopped bitching, and started sobbing. Graham got up to comfort the
slayer, as the witches cooed soothingly. Giles just pinched at the bridge
of his nose.

Willow turned, radiating fury.

"Riley died because of Xander. A vamp..." she stopped abruptly.

Too late. The assassin's curiosity was peaked.

Opening the rarely used bond between her and Vlad, she stared into the
young witch's eyes. Willow jerked puppet-like, speaking mechanically.

"Riley went out on patrol alone the night Xander left. He was slaughtered
by a vampire. He was tortured, raped, then drained. Someone left his body
on Buffy's porch."

Stunned silence followed her confession. Then Buffy wailed louder, as the
others began shouting.

Leaving Spike unnoticed by everyone but her. She stared at the vampire,
forgetting the still open bond.

A wicked grin was spreading across Spike's face. Eyes closed as if
savoring some unforgettable moment.

Remembering that night, he couldn't help smirking. The ex-solider had come
crying to him about Graham. The commando had ended their relationship,
unwilling to compete with the slayer.

He'd proceeded to comfort, and pleasure his new *friend* then he'd
pleasured himself.

Shadith moaned as the flood of images swamped her mind.

//Blood spilling across torn flesh as a whip flew.... a glittering blade
sliced through a heavily muscled chest.... his mouth open in a terrified
scream, as a brunette vampiress let the bloody cock fall from her lips...
same vampiress licking blood-stained fangs... red liquid gushing as he
struggled uselessly between the two as he was drained...//

Spike was moving before she was even fully aware. Reaching for her throat,
only to be thrown back. Screams and cursing filled the air. Shadith
watched impassively as they took up defensive stands.

Her eyes locked with the blonde's as he stalked forward.

"Vlad," he hissed stopping just short of the energy vibrating from her.

"I beat Dracula," said Buffy arrogantly.

"You beat, Vlad. No way. You barely stopped me," said Angel.

Buffy scowled, not believing him.

"I did too. Even after Xan screwed up."

Spike ignored the arguing group.

"You stink of Tepes. What did he do with *my* Xanpet?"

She smiled.

//Not so indifferent, huh? If Xan hadn't...//

Head cocking to the side, she stared into the vampire. Eyes widening.

//Aww! Fuck all... he loves him... I'll be...//

She sighed deeply.

//Silly child.//

"Everyone calm down," she began.

Spike pressed closer.

"I want an answer. Now!"

She shook her head cutting off the bond. She hoped it would calm the
enraged vampire.

"Please. There's been a misunderstanding. Truce and we discuss this like
civilized individuals," she asked looking pointedly at Spike.

He nodded, then turned to the still arguing slayer.

"Shut the fuck up and sit," he roared.

Staring at the vamped out creature the others settled quickly.

"You," he snapped "talk."

Nodding she hopped onto the counter.

"It's simple. Xan was hitching, gave him a lift. We got to talking. He
told me bout how y'all treated 'um."

Her eyes shifted locking on Spike.

"And how a certain someone ripped his heart to shreds."

Spike growled fighting the urge to apologize to the accusing eyes. He'd
never meant to hurt his kitten. But the urge to make the slayer pay, the
need for vengeance, and the old instinct to please Dru had blinded him.
He'd never expected him to leave.

"Thought it'd be good for him to relax... mindless fun and sex... among
other things. So I called Vlad."

She snickered at the various shocked gasps, and the murderous glare from
the blonde. Not exactly how it happened. But she liked her version of the

"Something went wrong. Vlad finds me a couple weeks later. Tells me Xan's

Spike hit her before she finished. No shield this time, and she lands
hard. Still she was on her feet, moving before the others can react. Spike
flew at her, then howled.

Legs buckling, he collapsed as she snatched the blade back out. Angel
leapt up, followed by Wesley.

Shadith looked up from where she knelt by the blonde vampire.

"No one move!" she screamed.

The crystal blade glittered dangerously in her grasp. What had Spike and
Angel worried was the gleaming wooden one in her other hand.

"Don't move. An no one gets hurt."

Everyone stilled.

Three sets of brown eyes watched her every move as she crouched beside

"Listen to me, sugar. Vlad didn't want *anything* to happen to Xan. The
Kil'rath are working with humans. He was taken during the day, when Drac
couldn't help. But... he's searching now."

Spike stopped growling, and stilled. The worry in her voice finally
sinking in.

Staring into her gaze, he tried to size her up. She looked back letting
him in. Shadith knelt, absolutely still beside him. Eyes an empty, dead
black. Reminding the vampire of a sharks'. Like a shark they belonged to
what appeared to be a living weapon.

Yet she was trying to help his Xanpet.

//Wouldn't need to help if she 'adn't got 'im into trouble... though 'e
probably would've gotten into it anyway.//

"Truce," he snarled.

The entire room seemed to sigh in relief.

Shadith stood backing away from the creature.

"Does anyone not get what's going on?"

Buffy raised her hand.

//What a surprise.//

Cordelia giggled, until Wesley elbowed her.

"Xander's been taken by slavers. We need to rescue him. End of story."

Dark eyes flicked to the slayer, who still looked puzzled.

"Yes, slayer?"

"Who are you?"

Spike forcibly stopped himself from reaching out and strangling the blonde
ditz. Angel groaned quietly. Embarrassed to have ever wanted the poster
child for dumb blondes.

Wesley exchanged sympathetic looks with Giles, who just cringed slightly.

She stared at the bewildered slayer.

"Not to bright are ya?"

Buffy screeched lunging up. Yelping in surprise when Spike shoved her back

"When and where is, Vlad," he spat. "supposed to meet you."

"Hey I had a question..." said Buffy.

Spike glared at her until she quieted.

"Anything not directly involved wit rescuing Xan is irrelevant."

Buffy muttered. Pouting sullenly, when almost everyone agreed with Spike.

"He's supposed to contact me."

She surveyed the group in front of her.

"I'm in charge. Anyone disagree?"

Seeing the murderous gleam in Spike's eyes made Buffy remain quiet.

"Good. Two groups. Spike, Angel," she stopped waving at the two brunettes.



"Your with us too. Giles takes everyone else. I'm going on the assumption
this is going to be an assault. Unless Vlad tells us something to change
it. Til then we wait for Vlad."

She held up a hand silencing Spike.

"Know ya don't wanna wait. But it's useless to even consider entering the
"Dead" streets. You two," she said gesturing at the vampires. "are too
well known. Humans would either be killed or.... well no need to get into

She stopped looking at the slayer again.

"What, slayer?"

"Umm... what are the dead streets, and why can't we just use magic?"

She stared at Buffy then turned to Giles.

"Does she know anything?"

This time Wesley snickered, until Cordelia elbowed him in retaliation.
Taking pity on the confused slayer, she explained.

"The "Dead" streets are controlled by demons. LA's version of Hell, if you
like. As for magic... Think, child. Their capturing humans and *demons*.
Magic is being used to catch them and control them. So any magic unless
extremely powerful would be useless."

"Willow..." began Buffy.

"Is a child pretending to be a wiccan. She has no control and very little
power compared to these creatures."

Through explaining, she turned back to Spike.

"Vlad will be back as soon as he finds anything. Til then we wait."


The noise level was deafening as she pushed through the doors of the
harem. Jade smiled sadly, as they crowded around her. The oldest, Lynn,
shooed the others away tugging her to a couch.

"Sit, Mistress. Relax."

Collapsing onto the couch she watched as Lynn ordered everyone around.
Marc snuggled against her side.

"Why don't you come down anymore? Did we upset you?" he asked worried.

"No, love. I've just been preoccupied. Searching for someone who needs my

Nick stared up at her from where he sat at her feet.

"You'll help him, like you helped us." he said certain.

Marc just burrowed closer.

"Hey, munchkin. What's wrong?"

Marc chin quivered.

"Is he gonna take my place?"

Jade shook her head quickly. Pulling the boy onto her lap.

"Your mine. No one will ever take your place. Here your free. You can stay
or leave when..."

She stopped staring bewildered, when he wailed and buried his face in her
chest. She looked to Lynn. Reaching out, she slowly stroked the quivering

"He's worried, Mistress. You've not been to see us in weeks. He thought
he'd done something to displease you. And that you'd send him back to the

Lynn shrugged.

"It's still new to him... to a lot of us. You know the life we had. Now,
suddenly we're safe. And cared for by you and Master. Treated like

Jade made as if to speak.

"No, Mistress we are. I'm from this country. I know how other provinces
are run. Your not like that... you treat us like treasured gifts. Taking
nothing we do not eagerly give."

Justin nodded.

"We are not merely a breeding ground or pleasure pit. We are educated and
trained until we are the best. Then you let us leave, or stay. The other
kingdoms aren't like this. And we love you for it," she finished leaning
forward to place a kiss on her forehead.

Nick nuzzled his face into her thigh before speaking.

"When those *things* snatched me from the streets in New York, I thought I
was dead. And I was... glad. It meant I'd never have to go back home. Let
her hit me, or him fuck me. Then I realized I was going to be sold, I was
terrified," he paused staring up at her.

"Then you bought me... making the last three years of my life Heaven. But
for the longest time I was so scared... at first that you'd hurt me...
then later.... that you'd get tired of me and make me leave. Marc's only
been here a couple months. It'll take time for him to believe."

Rick plopped onto the divan behind Lynn, kissing the older woman on the
back of her neck.

"Especially since here he's never abused or ignored. Doesn't have to sell
himself for food or shelter. Which is wild since we live in a harem."

Lynn giggled elbowing the bouncing young man.

"See he doesn't get it yet... That you know all about that shit... and
just wanna help us. He thinks if you don't hurt him or fuck him he's done
something wrong. But like Nick said he'll learn in time."

Jade sighed her lost ones were so fragile.

"You know I love you, right?"

The nods were slow, but they came.


"We know, Mistress. But you did stay away so long."

Jade reached out stroking his cheek.

"I'm sorry. Won't do it again."

"Good," he said.

"Lynn's right. We aren't like other harems. However, that doesn't mean you
won't learn what everyone in a harem should know. We'll teach you but not
till we think your ready. Partly to combat the bad experiences, partly to
teach you something pleasurable," she said staring into space.

"I learned all this stuff a long time ago. I was taught how to be the
perfect harem slave. And it's helped a great deal. When I was first...."
her voice trailed off.

With an excited squeal she leapt off the couch, scattering the slaves left
and right. She whirled around giddily.

"That's it. That's it. Damn and Hell! I've been so blind."

Marc eyed her warily.

"Mistress," ventured Lynn.

"Slavers. The Kil'rath. The only one's who could possibly block my spells.
Warlock enforced shields."

She frowned.

"Knew I should have let that old warlock teach me but.... Damn! He gave me
the *fucking* creeps!"

Marc gasped, while the others giggled. Their mistress rarely cursed. Said
it was for the ill-mannered.

"Weird... he's a little old to be taken. Whatever," she muttered.

"I'll be back later, darlings," she yelled over her shoulder as she ran
from the room.

Part Eight

Shadith sat meditating, Indian-style on the counter. She hadn't had a
kill in days, and was stressed. The assassin was never stressed. Not
over something as simple as inactivity. But they were driving her

Her eyes drifted open as the slayer and the others entered. She was
going to snap and kill someone soon. Preferably the slayer.

//Be doing the world a favor if I got rid of her.//

//No you won't.//

Her mouth fell into a slight pout, as she argued with herself.


//Xander needs them.//

She heaved a put-upon sigh.

//Oh all right. And Vlad thinks I have no restraint.//

Watching the group from beneath lowered lids, she began listing her
targets in order of difficulty. Attempting to distract herself from
thoughts of gutting the whining blonde. Shadith shuddered, closing
her eyes again. So much stupidity in one being unnerved her.

"Giles... it's been four days already. We can't keep doing nothing."

"Buffy... she said it would take time. So..."

"Shut yer yap," snarled the blonde vampire. Who stalked over to the
silent woman.

She never moved. He growled low in his throat, but there was still no
response. Angel watched his childe, trying to intimidate the
mysterious woman. He didn't see it happening. Four days and aside
from her initial speech she'd remained silent and unmoving.

There was something going on between his childe and the woman. What
he didn't know. He intended to find out.

Spike stared at her, intrigued and infuriated. When she arrived she'd
smelled of death and blood. Now she smelled of... he leaned forward
sniffing at her. Repressed violence an impatience. He couldn't help
grinning at her moxy, he knew she was aware of him.

In fact, he was certain she knew the moment he and his sire had come
in. She wasn't quite human, regardless of how she appeared.

//Bored. Bored. Bored. What to do... what to do...//

Her eyes flew open startling him. He jerked back from the intense
gaze. Onyx eyes stared at him, sparkling with mischief.

"Was it good?" she asked voice low, naughty.

Spike blinked, confused.

Smiling savagely, she whispered, "Riley... was it as good as I saw?"

The look of stunned panic on the vampire's face made Shadith giggle.

"Someone's been a naughty boy," she said leaning closer. "I wonder if
I could still taste him on your lips..."

Spike growled, backing away.

"'Ow the 'ell..."

The wicked grin spreading across her face, told him he wasn't getting
any answers.

//This is fun...//

Shadith fixed her eyes on the sulking vampire. Wondering what else
she could do to stir him up.

//Not as fun as killing... but nothing is. Well... maybe sex. Oooh
now there's an idea...//

Before she could really start in on the vampire, a familiar tingle at
the base of her spine distracted her.

Her eyes snapped to the door, then back to Spike.

"Remember truce," she said sliding off the counter. All eyes followed
her to the shop's door as Vlad entered.

"Lose something, William?" asked Tepes.

Spike hissed. Vlad smirked. Spike lunged for him, stopping short of
the wooden blade as Shadith stepped between them.

"Enough! Vlad you *will* behave. Spike *you'll* calm down if you want
to save Xander."

She gave them both a look before settling back on the counter.

Tepes moved to stand beside her.

"The auction is on the upper east side. There is no way we can get in
uninvited. Too many wards, too many guards. It's locked down.
Storming it will only get some of us slaughtered. I suggest we wait
for the auction."

"What if someone buys 'im first," snarled Spike.

Shadith grinned nastily.

"Then we take him."

Spike's grin was just as evil.

"I like you."

Ignoring the others the three, threw themselves into battle plans.


"Hurry up, Mikhail."

The green-eyed man stuck his tongue out, then went back to packing.

"Are you sure he's at this auction?"

Jade nodded as she hurried by.

A few minutes later both were ready to go.

Mikhail closed his eyes, jaw clenching.

Jade giggled.

"After five years you'd think you'd be used to this by now," she said
grabbing her husband's arm. Laughing silently, she uttered the spell
that would take them to California.


"You three are gonna flank us," said Shadith. "Vlad, Spike, and I are
going in. If we don't get him... we'll mark whoever does. You attack
from the front, we'll come from behind."

Angel nodded. Watching the three of them plot and plan had stretched
his nerves to the breaking point. Now all he wanted to do was take
his family and go home. But he couldn't do that until he helped his
childe, and if that meant going along with three very unstable
persons so be it.


Jade prowled outside the slave pens. He wasn't in any of the normal
holding areas.

Ril'vian demons stood outside the entrance to the reserve pens.
Harmless looking creatures at first glance, which was usually the on-
lookers last. Whipcord thin, an unassuming beige even their skin was
deadly. Used by demons to terrorize their own.

She moved passed them, dismissing their presence as she made her way
to the special cells.

The smell hit her hard. Slamming her into a past long buried.

//Dragged from the abandoned building... legs lashing out, drawing
blood, breaking free... panicked running... caught, held down...
blaze of crimson flames... Screams, smell of burning flesh... running
again... tall, thin man with kind blue eyes... pain like a branding
iron... black lightening... silver engraved with runes... cold so
cold... terrified lashing out... power rebounding... agony like no
other as her power turned against her... stench of death, fear...
white whip, red with blood... torn, weeping...//

Gasping she wrenched herself out of the remembered pain. And there he
was. She moved to stand in front of his cell. Isolated from the
others. Like she'd been. A lesson and a precaution all in one.

The broken body suspended from the ceiling no real surprise. His
chains could have been the same ones that had held her. Long,
glittering shades of silver. Etched with ancient runes guaranteed to
hold a young or untrained warlock.

He'd struggled hard, despite them. Like she had. She could see the
lash marks, making her wonder if the whip was still white. She

His defiance was both good and bad. Good in that it meant he probably
hadn't been subjected to the repeated rapings, they'd be to afraid of
him escaping to risk unbinding him for pleasure. Bad because it meant
he'd only be available to those with the power to control him.

Not that it really mattered. If she couldn't buy him, she'd take him.

The guards watched her leave. Her very presence making them uneasy.
The smile that lit her face put them on edge. Making well-honed
instincts scream to get away.

"Don't worry... m'cast. Gonna get you outta here."

Eager to be gone she hurried back to Mikhail. Missing the dark-eyes
that stared after her.


"Found'em. I should level this whole fucking place," she hissed.

Mikhail watched her pace. Thinking it better for her to get it out

"I can't. Shit! Too many warlocks in one place. Two... three... I can
handle. Hell... eight even. Twenty'll only get me killed."

Mikhail let out a sigh of relief. Sometimes his wife was occasionally
a little too 'damn the consequences'.

"Could've done it if I'd let Versan train me. Wouldn't of learned
anything, though. He stank of evil, couldn't stomach him."

When it seemed she'd run out of steam, Mikhail asked the question
that had been plaguing him since the beginning.

"Why are you drawn to him?"

Jade gave a half-hearted shrug.

"Don't know. He's a warlock but from what I could tell he's like me.
I could sense tremendous power despite all the wardings and enchanted
bindings. And as far as I know that could be it. I mean I've never
heard of another warlock with power equivalent to my own."

Concerned Mikhail pulled her close.

"Then how are they..."

"Keeping him here? I don't know. When I was younger... any warlock
could have beaten me," she paused a look of hate flashing across her

"But now... those chains wouldn't hold me. Hell they couldn't even
get'em on."

"Is it possible he's untrained?"

Jade shook her head.

"I'm don't know. I'm untrained and..."

It was like a light went off in her head.

"But if he's never used them... if they were dormant. He wouldn't
know how... I've been using them for as long as I can remember.
Little things. But when I was caught my magic went wild reacting to
my emotions... a lot of power but with no training. Easy prey for any
real warlock."

He hadn't wanted to tell her but there was no way out now. Turning
her slightly in his embrace he pointed to a slender young man with
soft blue eyes.

"We might have a problem," he said.

Her eyes flew wide, and a credible growl rumbled from her throat.

"I'll fucking kill'em," she cried lunging forward.

Mikhail's grip on her the only thing keeping her from cutting a
bloody path through the crowd.

"We don't have time for you to trip," he said hugging her closer.

"Trip! That bastard nearly killed you and..."

Flames began rising in her eyes. Several people standing near them
started edging away.

"I'll burn this place to the ground. And kill everyone here before I
let him have him."

Mikhail eyed his normally gentle wife, watching the crimson burn out
any hint of the innocent brown eyes.

//This could be bad.//


"You know they're going to make our lives miserable."

Wesley and Angel nodded.

"You couldn't have stopped the three of them from doing what they

Angel and Wesley shook their heads.

"Just checking."

They waited for the inevitable giggle.

"I wonder what Buffy's mom'll say, when she finds them tied up like

The brunette woman was quiet for several minutes.

"Angel, why are we here again?" asked Cordelia hovering between her

The vampire sighed. He wasn't sure how to explain it any better.
Since he'd already tried several times before.

"Spike asked," he said finally.

Cordelia snorted.

"The same Spike who used you for a live pincushion."

Wesley could sympathize with his annoyed lover. However he also
understood why Angel and subsequently they were helping.

"Cordy... Spike is Angel's childe. Soul or no... If he needs him as
his sire he'll be there."

Cordelia glared at him.

"And you agree with this... ridiculousness.. After what he did?"

Wesley shook his head.

"No but I understand. It's how it is Cordy. You don't need to
understand, just accept," he paused looking over at Angel. "That's
not to say that if Spike ever tries that trick again I won't make
what he did look like child's play."

Cordelia sighed.

"This is some weird vampire thing... right?"

Both men nodded.

"Fine, but he tries that poker thing again and I'll ram it up his

Angel grinned at his lovers. They were more than he deserved, and
everything he needed.


Shadith watched the auction eyes narrowed. She ignored the urge to
firebomb the whole damn place. Slavery was one of the few things she
actually believed was morally wrong. She couldn't help grinning at
her own twisted logic when a familiar feeling drew her attention.

Eyes darting around the room, she searched for the source. There.
Near the slave pens. Moving forward she tried to see past the man
blocking her view. Her eyes flew open in surprise.


The ebony-haired woman moved forward unconsciously.

//It can't be her. Can it?//


It took Vlad a minute to realize the immortal had disappeared.

//Damn! Schizoid woman.//

His eyes darted around the room, searching for her.

//There she is...//

Vlad froze.

//It can't be...//


Spike was enraged. Every slave he'd seen had been... used. The
vampire was having a hard time keeping from slipping into gameface.
His head snapped back towards the stage at the MC's next words.

"All right folks. We have a real beauty here. A chocolate-eyed, ivory-
skinned warlock."

Xander hung suspended in mid air, blood dripping from his torn back.

Spike was unaware of the patrons who scattered out of his way, as he
stalked to the stage. He howled stopped short by the shield
surrounding the stage.

//Fuckin' 'ate magic.//

Suddenly aware of all the eyes on him, he forced himself out of
gameface. Only to drop back into when he realized Shadith and Vlad
had disappeared.


Mikhail gapped. The resemblance was uncanny. Same ivory skin, same
dark-eyes. Features almost identical down to the full lips, that had
first caught his eye.

Even the hair was the same. The colors were different granted. Jade's
being a blood-red streaked with silver but it was obviously the same
texture. Lush, thick and silky.

He didn't know how... but this man was his wife's twin.

Mikhail glanced over at Jade to see how she was taking it.

"S'rdce, he looks just like you."

"You think? No... maybe the eyes," she said vaguely.

Mikhail began to worry. She didn't seem to see the resemblance. It
wasn't like her not to see things.

//Maybe after we get him out of here.//


Vlad caught Shadith's arm.

"It's not her."


"C'mon we have to get Alexander."


The crowd watched the three parties. The tension between them thick
and deadly.

"1 billion," hissed the blue-eyed warlock, Serpe.

Spike nudged Vlad.

"Can't that's more than I have instant access to."

The three looked at each other.

"Then we wait."

Jade eyed him debating over whether she could get away with killing

"1 and 1/2."


"2 and 1/2"


"Fuck it. I will match Serpe's final bid and double it."

An audible gasp made it's way through the room.

"6 plus a year of my services."

The crowd held it's collective breath.

"Useless if your dead."

The auctioneer eyed the flame-haired beauty.

"What do you mean?"

"The boy's a warlock. The minute he gets out of those bindings he'll
slaughter the lot of you. You know that. That's why your selling him
to other warlocks. But Serpe won't be able to handle him... not right
out of the bonds. He'll need to expend some energy before Serpe can
transport him."

Jade smirked nastily.

"Guess where he's going to expend it? You'll all be flash-fried. I on
the other hand can transport him the instant his bindings are gone."

"Kalen is this true?" asked the auctioneer turning to the young
elemental soothsayer.

The reptilian-eyed, and feathered creature nodded.

"He'd probably kill almost everyone here. Cepting a few."

"Is she one of those few?"

Kalen nodded.

"Sold to King Lysan for 6 billion."


Shadith and Vlad exchanged worried looks.

"What," hissed Spike.

"We might not have a chance," said Shadith slowly.

"Bloody 'ell! Now you tell me."

"Look... I'd put myself up against almost any warlock. But that one
she... We have to regroup. I've got nothing here that can handle her."

"No," snarled Spike.

"She's *not* leaving wit 'im," he roared stalking off.

Vlad glanced at Shadith.

//Stupid mortals. That's what I get for being concerned.//

She sighed then shrugged. She tilted her head at Vlad before heading
off after Spike.


Mikhail eyed his wife warily.

"Do you think it was wise letting the other's know how strong you've

Jade shrugged, uncaring.

"Not a matter of how strong I've gotten. I've always been more
powerful and they know it. And they're not worried. They have no
cause to be. They know I'm not trained. So while a serious threat to
a few, I'm not dangerous to the whole."

She glanced up at her husband. Seeing the worry in his eyes she
wrapped her arms around his waist.

"It's a dangerous balance, I know. And... eventually it'll come
crashing down. I'm gonna make *damn* sure we don't."

Jade hissed pulling herself lose from her husbands arms. The boy was
even bloodier than before.

"What did you do," she cried hovering beside his still form.

"He killed some of the guards when he was caught. Just making sure he
wouldn't do it again," said the smirking vampire.

"You harmed *my* property," she screeched before letting a bolt of
crimson lose.

No one said anything about the smoldering piles of ash, as Mikhail
typed in his account number.


Carefully Jade eased the chains off the unconscious male. So focused
on him she never noticed the commotion behind her.

Mikhail's quiet whisper was the first inkling she had of something
being wrong.


She looked up eyes flashing when she saw the dark-eyed woman with the
blade to her husband's throat.

"We don't want any trouble just give us the boy, and we'll be gone."
said Shadith quietly.

Jade shook her head.

"You let Mikhail go and I'll kill you quickly."

Tired of the waiting, frustrated and unable to think of anything but
getting to Xander the blonde attacked.

It could have ended a lot worse. Would have if Xander hadn't regained

Their long dormant bond snapped open. And Jade was filled with love,
worry, and fear for the vampire's safety.

The deadly flame lost some of its intensity. Only throwing the blonde
backwards. Tired, confused and pissed she barked out several phrases
in Latin.


Angel stared down at the heap of unconscious bodies. He didn't want
to run into whatever was capable of taking out Spike, Vlad and the
mysterious Shadith all at once.

"What are we gonna do with them?" asked Cordelia.

"Make them work for us until they can pay back the money we spent."
said Wesley half-seriously.

"We bring them back with us. Something tells me this is a lot more
complicated than we thought."

Cordelia and Wesley nodded in agreement.

"I'm gettin' the truth outta me darling Wil, if I 'afe ta beat it
outta 'im."

Part Nine

Shadith moved to stand in front of the blonde. Lifting shaky hands, she 
cupped his face between them. 

"I'm sorry, Spike. I just can't." 

When the vampire made as if to turn away she held on. Staring hard into 
the golden eyes burning with rage. 

"I like Xan... I do. And that's rare. Ask Vlad," she said trying to make 
him understand. 

"Haven't liked *anyone* in a very long time. I want to help... I do 
really. But this is too much." 

Her grip tightened. 

"She wiped the three of us out without breaking a sweat. We're alive cause 
she spared us.There's nothing I *can* do to help." 

Releasing him, she stepped back. 

"The magic I do know... not enough. The contacts I have... would vanish. 
And my immortality would be non-existent. I'll not risk the wrath of such 
a creature," she said moving to the door. 

Pausing she looked back at them. Cordelia eyed her with disgust... Angel 
had already dismissed her... and Wesley looked at her with a inkling of 

"If it helps... I don't believe he'll come to any harm. I know evil and 
she isn't it. He'll be fine." 

She sighed softly. 

"Vlad can stay or go. Whatever." 

With that the assassin walked away. Vlad looked from one face to another 
until his gaze settled on Spike. 

"William, I..." he shrugged unable to finish. 

"Go," roared Spike as he struggled not to vamp out. 


Tepes paced silently beside Shadith. Her eyes locked on the stars never 
wandered. After several minutes of quiet he gave in. 

"Why didn't you tell them what you suspected?" 

She shrugged. 

"Would it have helped? If they are or aren't Cat's children... he's gone." 

Silence descended again as they moved deeper into the city. 

"You aren't really scared. Are you?" 

She stopped looking at him then back to the sky. 

"I really was, Vlad. I've been immortal a long time. *Very* few things 
could actually kill me. I was taking a chance with the warlock's last 
week. They may or may not have been able to kill me. But for Xan I was 
willing to risk it." 

She started walking again. 

"I know, I know... if I'm immortal I can't die. Truth is few things are 
really immortal. Vampires, demons... Hell even gods can be killed. Yet 
they're called immortal." 

"But warlocks... Warlocks *are* with one or two exceptions. Young ones are 
extremely vulnerable. However, if they make it to their twenty-third 
birthday they've cleared all but two major threats. Elementals.. though 
not really a threat cause their neutral. But the other is their own kind." 

She paused in her movement shuddering. 

"And I've *seen* them slaughter each other at will. No law but Darwin's." 

"Survival of the fittest," he said. 

A sudden understanding made Vlad freeze. 

"If a warlock more powerful than the one who gave you immortality was to 
attack you...You could..." 

"Die," she finished quietly. 

"It's been millennia since I've seen anyone as powerful as Cale. But her 
*gods* ... it practically spilled from her in waves. Serpe, evil fuck that 
he is, might have been a threat to me. I was willing to risk it though. 
*Her*.... no chance." 

Vlad moved to stand beside her. 

"Still... that wasn't the only reason... right? I mean you wouldn't have 
just left Alexander without a fight..." he half asked, half stated. 

She grinned at him. He knew her almost as well as she knew him. 

"You mean aside from the not wanting to die one," she nodded moving away 

"Two others. First... he's better off with her than anywhere else. The 
kid's got power but its screwed up. She can help him... teach him. 
Second... he's safer with her." 

Vlad nodded. 

"Other warlocks," he said. 

"Serpe," she hissed. 

"Twisted fucker. Yeah most warlocks tend to get rid of the younger one's 
but theyd've usually reached their 23rd. Not really a match... Not really 
innocent any longer either. But him..." 

Shadith's mouth twisted in a disgusted sneer. 

"He hunts for those whose powers sometimes haven't even manifested yet. 
Children more likely than not. Usually tries to capture 'em. Then uses, 
rapes, and drains 'em. Been doing 
it for centuries." 

"Why haven't..." 

"The others stopped 'em," she shrugged. 

"They might not condone it but they don't care. Personally, I'da thought 
they'd be worried bout the power he gains from draining 'em. Must not be 
much though cause he's not much more powerful than the last time I saw 

Shadith walked on a pensive look settling over her face. 

"He's been doing it for a long time. Cat always thought he was backing the 
slavers. She figured there was no way they'd be able to get away wit what 
they did wit out a warlock's help." 

Vlad eyed her then pulled her into his arms. 

"She's not Cat." 

Tears trickled down the assassin's cheeks. 

"I know... just wishful thinking. But those are her kids. I know it." 

Vlad nodded. 

"Wouldn't doubt." 

Suddenly she pushed herself away from the vampire. 

"Gahh! Look at me. Getting soft," she said dashing the tears away. 

"Enough! What is, is. If Xan needs me he'll call. Till then life goes on." 

Her voice fading away as she strides off into the dark, leaving Vlad to do 
as he would. 


"Angel!," yelled Cordelia. "Hurry you guys! You *have* to see this." 

Leaning down the brunette turned up the volume as the others crowded 
around the TV. 


Jade shrieked loudly. Limbs thrashing as she struggled to breathe. Her 
feet kicked helplessly as she slowly calmed down. 

Mikhail watched her. Shaking his head he couldn't help grinning. 

//Gods she's lovely when she's malicious.// 

Jade sat up slowly wiping the tears from her eyes. Unable to control 
herself the reporter's solemn tones kept causing her to break out in 

Mikhail shook his head. 

"So that's why we're still in this god *forsaken* country?" 

She nodded then leaning forward turned off the television. Silencing the 
reporter's comments on the mysterious fire on the upper east side. 

"Couldn't let Serpe think I'd forgotten about his ass. Plus there's 
nowhere to shop in *your* godforsaken country," she said smirking. 

Mikhail pouted. 

"I thought you liked my godforsaken country." 

She shook her head, grinning wickedly. 

"Nuh-unh. Like who runs the godforsaken country." 

Mikhail grinned back, then pounced. Knocking them both back onto the bed. 
Staring down at her his humor fled, replaced by a familiar hunger. 

She lay sprawled beneath him. The heavy mass of crimson, sliver hair split 
across the black sheets like blood and moonlight. Ivory flesh gleamed 
against the midnight silk. 

He bent to kiss her only to find himself flat on his back. Staring up at 
her, literally. His eyes followed her movements as she landed gracefully 
beside the now open bedroom door. His gaze never wavered as she looked 
everywhere but at him. 

"I've got to... go. I forgot... There's... I have to pick up somethings 
before I take us back," she finished quietly. 

"I thought you said you'd finished," said Mikhail sitting up. 

"I just remembered somethings. I'll be back later." she muttered before 
scurrying out the door. 

Mikhail collapsed back onto the bed with a heavy sigh. She'd been avoiding 
him for the past month. Anytime he attempted to touch her she withdrew. 
And recent events were only making it worse. Knowing it was only 
resurfacing memories making her reluctant to make love didn't make it any 

//Fuck. Knew this was gonna cause problems but... Should've just... Just 
what idiot...// 

He shrugged restlessly. Unsure what he could've done to make it easier on 
her. He pushed himself away from the bed. There was no use lying there 
berating himself. Sulking never solved anything. But pacing always helped. 


Jade hovered over the still sleeping male. Tentatively she reached out 
carding her fingers through the mink brown hair. Already showing hints of 
silver. Her fingers traced the oddly familiar features. 

//Why does he seem so familiar... not just the memory sharing... it's like 
we're the same... 
could Mikhail be..// 

Her thoughts cut off abruptly. Refusing to deal with anything remotely 
connected with her husband. The peaceful mood destroyed she hurried away. 
Leaving Xander to his healing sleep. 

She paused outside the suite doors. Knowing Mikhail was just on the other 
side. She hadn't meant to upset him... She just couldn't deal with it 
right now... Shuddering at the old memories she turned and fled the hotel. 


Winter green eyes tracked the path Mikhail was wearing in the floor. He'd 
been called by his master who then proceeded to ignore him. When he 
started to go cross-eyed he figured it was time to interfere. Reaching out 
he caught Mikhail's arm. 

"Look as attractive as you might look brooding an' all, your making me 
dizzy. Master." 

Mikhail looked over at the red-head. He looked nothing like the boy Jade 
had first rescued. 

"What did I tell you about that, Scott?" he asked slipping an arm around 
the trim waist. 

"You've been here what five, six years now... told you to call me 

Scott laughed dragging him over to the bed. 

"Now what kind of example would I be setting for the newbies," he said 
pushing him onto his stomach. 

Strong hands began kneading at the tight knot of muscles in Mikhail's 
back. He moaned in pleasure. Scott paused looking down at his master. 

"You obviously called me for something. Jade's not here so sex is out... 
To tense to spar...Which begs the question why?" 

Scott's brow furrowed as the muscles beneath his hands immediately tensed 
back up. Mikhail grunted at the steady pressure. 

"Jade," sighed Mikhail pillowing his head on his arms. "She doesn't want 
me touching her 
and I understand after what I did but.." 

Scott leaned forward, quieting the flow of words with a finger over his 

"She doesn't hold you responsible." 

Mikhail was silent for a moment. 

"I know. We worked this out a long time ago. But now..." 

Scott began kneading again. 

"Now all this has brought back a lot of painful memories. And its a 

He nodded. The worry on his face evident. Scott paused locking eyes with 
him. He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Decision made. 

"You know there's things she's never told you. And I can't... won't...tell 
you either. Partly 
cause it'd be a betrayal of trust and partly cause you could never know 
what she's 

Mikhail sat up, knocking Scott over. 

"What's not to understand? She was abandoned, left to fend for herself, 
raped and abused. 
Before she was finally sold into slavery. She's been through hell and I'd 
give anything for 
her to never have suffered." 

Scott sighed. 

"I'm sorry but.... Understanding isn't *knowing*. Tell me do you still 
hate the scars on her 

Mikhail turned away hissing. 

"Yes. I don't see why..." 

"She won't just make them disappear." finished Scott. 

"It's because you don't *know* You understand but you don't know. Their 
not just scars. 
Or an ugly reminder. Their proof that she's survived. That she couldn't be 
broken. That 
despite it all she's fucking *here*. " 

He moved to face Mikhail. 

"She could make them disappear with a thought. Wipe away the evidence that 
*any* of us 
ever suffered. But we wouldn't want that. Their a testimony to all we've 

Mikhail dropped his gaze. 

"I understand. You want your wife back. The one who turns to you without 

He nodded. 

"I can't tell you what to do. Jade's hell is her own. But as someone who's 
been through the 
same shit... I can tell you what I *know*...." 


"I remember.... being helpless. No control over my own damn life. Fighting 
to make it 
one more day." 

Scott began pacing. 

"Fucking humiliated, demeaned. Used by anyone and everyone. At the whim of 
had the power. Treated like less than shit. Bent to the whims of whatever 
twisted *fuck* had me!" 

He froze. Squeezing his eyes shut he struggled to regain control. 

"You have *no* idea what it's like. You've never been powerless. No idea 
how it feels to 
finally gain safety and spend every moment wondering whether its gonna be 
away," he whispered. 

Mikhail moved forward wrapping his arms around him. 

They stood together as Scott's bitterness slowly faded away again. 

"For the longest time I worried about losing *this*... I know *now* I 
won't but that worry 
will never leave completely. I'm betting that's how Jade feels. She's 
suddenly powerless, 

"How do I make her see..." 

He shrugged. 

"I don't know. But there has to be something behind this fear besides old 
memories. Find 
and fix it... the rest will follow." 

Turning he made his way to the door, he stopped when Mikhail called his 

"I'll need your help." 


"Everyone, ready?" called Jade from where she stood at the front of the 

Scott quieted and soothed the new slaves as he made a head count. 

"Glen cut that out," he said before turning to Jade. "All accounted for 
and ready to go, 

Lynn settled the various packages more securely then gave her a thumbs up. 

"Good to go, love," said Mikhail from where he stood beside an unconscious 

Her eyes darted past him, returning to the rest of the room. 

"Be still." 

Was the only warning the group had before the room began to dissolve 
around them. 


Xander woke slowly. He stretched feeling better than he had in ages. He 
froze as memory 
flooded back in. Lying still he let his senses reach out into the room. 

The lack of chains and the feel of silk making the largest impression on 
him. He sat up, 
eyes widening at the view. 

//Damn. Most of ended up with somebody wealthy.// 

"So you finally decided to join the land of the living." 

He whirled hands up and lighting flying before he'd even seen the 
intruder. Scott 
grimaced as he glanced down at his singed clothing. 

"Shit. This is my favorite outfit." 

Xander blinked wondering why his attack hadn't had any effect. 

"Listen. You've probably got a ton of questions. And I've got the answers. 
So just let me 
explain without interruptions. If your still confused we can have a 
question and answer 
after the lecture." 

Xander nodded slowly. Grinning at the confused look he waved at the 

"There are clothes in there. But your free to stroll around au natural if 
ya want." 

Xander blushed then darted for the closet. 

Xander stared in disbelief at the overflowing wardrobe. 

"You can't really expect me to wear this," he said. His face turning a 
bright red as he held 
up the silken pieces of cloth. 

Scott sighed, shaking his head. It never failed. Everyone balked at the 

"It's standard wear for concubines," he said gesturing at his own attire. 

For the first time since Scott had entered Xander's eyes focused on him. 
He gawked 
briefly before yanking his gaze away. Scott grinned at the embarrassed 
young man. 

"Your just so cute." 

Xander began sputtering uncontrollably. Until Scott finally decided to put 
him out of his 

"Don't worry. New slaves are strictly off-limits though..." he paused his 
eyes traveling 
leisurely over the body before. "I'm certain that won't be for long." 

Smirking at the thoroughly flustered look on Xander's face he turned to 

"Change and meet me downstairs" he said glancing down at his ruined shirt. 

"Sheesh she coulda warned me about the propensity for magic." he muttered 


Xander froze staring down at the land stretched below them. 

"Beautiful isn't. Wasn't always like this. Oh the land was always there 
but the beauty.... 
Jade brought it." 

Xander cast an incredulous glance at the older man. In the hours they'd 
spent roaming the 
grounds he'd learned alot about him, and his new prison. His instincts 
told him the man 
was easy going but quick-tempered, sarcastic, perhaps a bit too cynical 
but above all 
honest. So it surprised him that he could praise the woman who'd bought 
them like they 
were nothing more than property. 

"How can you be so enamored of someone who *owns* you... uses you for 
sex... I mean a 
harem for gods sake. She's as bad as the rest..." 

Scott hissed softly fingers clenching before he caught himself. 

"You have no idea what your talking about," he snarled. "Look I know what 
it looks like 
but Jade buying you is the best thing that could have happened to you. 
Now, I'm gonna 
give you some advice." 

Moving closer he held Xander's gaze. 

"Don't say shit like that where the others can hear you. Cause some of 
them don't have the 
restraint I do. And any insult to Jade will not be tolerated." 

Scott stepped back sighing at the incomprehension and disbelief on the 
younger man's 

"I'm gonna show you the harem but we're gonna go in invisble. Maybe 
that'll help you 

Xander watched the older man struggling to put aside his anger. He hadn't 
meant to upset 
him. Despite everything he'd found himself liking him. 

"Hey... I've never been a slave before," he said quietly. "It's put me off 
my game. Why 
don't you finish showing me around?" 


"And this is the harem," he said quietly voice husky after several hours 
of showing off. 

"Normally with this many slaves Jade would be here to train them. But..." 
his voice 
trailed off as he considered just what to tell his mistress's new 

He knew Jade had a special interest in him. He also knew he wasn't to be 
placed in 
regular training. Which led him to believe Xander'd end up being as close 
to Jade as he 
himself was if not more so. Decided Scott lead Xander over to an isolated 
corner of the 
main room. 

"Normally Jade herself would conduct the majority of training but this 
whole thing with 
you has thrown her for a loop. Mikhail decided to kidnap her. They left me 
in charge." 

"How could I throw of somebody like *her*" he asked as he avidly watched 
the other 
occupants of the room. 

Scott shrugged. That was something he didn't fully understand. 

"Might be because of the memories you were sharing. Or the fact that you 
look like 
identical twins. Your like a male version of her." 

They stood quietly letting the flood of new information settle in. Half 
aware of the 
struggles Lynn was having trying to rein in the younger ones. Each man 
lost in his own 

'So you gonna give me a hard time about this or what?" asked Scott 
breaking the silence. 

He didn't have to many options. In truth he wanted nothing more than to go 
home to 
Spike. But he was nothing if not a realist. And it didn't look like he'd 
be doing that 
anytime soon. So... 

"When do we start?" 


"You can't go." said Angel for what seemed like the thousandth time as he 
pulled his ax 
out of the duffel bag. 

Spike said nothing. Just continued re-packing what Angel kept taking out. 

"Maybe he should, Angel." said Cordelia. She'd been watching the two 
vampires for the 
last hour. They'd been doing the same thing the entire time. If something 
wasn't done she 
was going to get whiplash. 

"Your not helping Cordelia." 

"But she might be right." Wesley ventured. "We've been searching for 
months and we've 
got bugger all. Yes... going back to Sunnyhell will be dangerous but its 
the best chance 
for finding Xander we have." 

Angel shook his head. 

"She'll stake him. One of us should go." 

Cordelia snorted. 

"Un-unh. It's not like she's that fond of us at the moment." 

Wesley nodded in agreement. 

"Spike stands the best chance. You can't go because you don't have an 
invitation into his 
place. Cordelia.." 

"Isn't pissing off bitchy without serious backup." she finished. 

"And none of us have any idea where Xander could have put the note," he 
said moving to 
pull Angel away from his childe. "Leaving him as best suited for the job." 

Angel sighed. They were right Spike was the best choice. He could get in 
Xander's, find 
the note, and be back with the least amount of fuss. But he still didn't 
want his childe 
anywhere near the volatile slayer. 

"You don't go near Buffy or the others." 

Spike snorted. 

"As the idiot slayer would say duh, Peaches." 

His terse reply lacked any real heat or concern. Which was exactly why 
Angel was even 
letting him go through with this ridiculous plan. The vampire had lost the 
fire that had 
always seemed to burn behind the crystal blue eyes. 

No one suggested it might be a futile endeavor. That Xander might not be 
alive. Or that 
he might not want to be found. Not in Spike's presence. At the least he 
tended to react... 

The vampire was broodier than Angel. With a helluva shorter fuse. There 
was no way he 
would let even the slimmest chance escape him. 

Cordelia and Wesley looked at Angel then each other. 

"We'll be ready in fifteen." 


"Oh my God!" 

"It's not that bad." 

"Oh my God!" 

"We can fix it. We did the spell, now we just have to... fix it." 

"We?! What we?! *We* didn't read that book. I told you not to play around 
with that 

"Alright then.... me, me, me. I read the book, I did the spell and I'll 
fix it." 

"How?! You have no idea what your doing. I only know basic spells. Which 
is why I said this wasn't a good idea in the first place. So tell me 

"It's simple. We'll just have to find another spell or something..." 

"There goes that *we* again. Not me, I am outta here!" 

"Fine! Desert me in my hour of need!" 

Scott sighed. Trying to avoid the kicked puppy-look. It's what got him 
into this mess in 
the first place. He should have just said no. But he'd looked so sad... 
and he could 
understand the need to see his lover... ..three months was along time... 
so he'd mentioned 
Jade's workroom. 

That's when it all went fubar. 

"Alex you can't use magic to clean up magic. It'll just cause a bigger 
mess and..." his 
voice trailed off as a familiar feeling made itself known. 

"Oh no..." 

Xander looked up from the decidedly large hole in the floor. 


"They're back." he hissed. 

"You said they wouldn't be back for at least three more months. That's 
what you said." 

"How the hell was I supposed to know they'd cut it short!" yelled Scott. 

"They aren't supposed to be back. That's why I wanted to do the spell. I 
didn't want to 
wait that long to see Spike. So their not back." 

"Alex, I love ya but your on your own." 

Xander watched slack-jawed as his partner in crime made a hasty retreat. 

"Wimp!" he yelled before turning back to the mess he truthfully had made 
on his own. 

//Guess I'll see just how much of what Scott's been telling me is real.// 

Xander settled on the only still whole piece of furniture in the room to 
await his fate.

Part Ten  

Jade paused just inside the castle’s foyer. Scent of magic and taint of
fear reaching her several floors away. She gave something between a sigh
and a snort. "Mikhail find Scott and bring him to my workroom." Used to
his wife's clipped speech and abrupt ways he merely nodded before heading
in the opposite direction.

Xander looked up warily, staring into the eyes of the woman who actually
owned him. An eerie silence filled the room as they locked gazes. Jade
moved closer, almost hesitantly, words frozen on her tongue. She reached
out tentatively; Xander mirrored the gesture.

Flames danced across her palm, pulsing in time to the flashes of lightning
that skittered over Xander's fingertips. The silence grew impossibly
louder as they drew closer. Crimson, silver bands of glittering energy
wrapped around the two. Pain, longing and a flood of images swamped them
as the whispers from a breaking heart filled the air.

"Oh my babies... I'm sorry... so sorry... Love you so much... so much...
my precious ones... my darling boy... my sweet girl... I give you this may
your hearts find *true* love and finding it, keep it for all

Skin crawled beneath the warm rush of desperation tinged power. Unbearable
sadness, need... Unbidden thoughts of warm sweet kisses mingled with the
tingling bite of fangs.

"I don't wanna leave you, even though I have to... be safe my lovies."

Wet slide of warm tears, hurricane like storm of unending love, brush of
lips soft and nurturing. Glint of light off of something shiny. Icy
void... terror... separated... alone... alone... screams... screams...

"Jade! Jade!"

Her head snapped back and forth as Mikhail shook her. She stared somewhat
dazed at her husband, slowly coming out the grip of whatever had just held
her... them. Turning she looked at her brother, her twin, Pr'es C'ast, her
other half. Xander lay in a similar position, held by Scott. His eyes
already turned to her.

A slow smile slid across the handsome face.

"Sister," he said softly, awed.

"Brother," she answered just as softly.


Bleary red-tinged eyes stared at the group of people on her porch. She
vaguely recognized the blonde one from when he'd stayed with her errant

"Whaddya want? Alexander's not here," she muttered already moving to close
the door. Spike snarled ready to kill Xander's drunken sow of a mother.
Cordelia elbowed him sharply, stepping forward.

Mrs. Harris frowned a vague memory stirring in the pickled recesses of her
mind. The girl was familiar too.

"Mrs. Harris we know Xan's not here but um... we need something from his
room. It got left...."

The woman cut her off, her liquor soaked brain supplying her with answers.

"Your Alexander's little girlfriend, right? Well get whatever it is you've
left and go," she said turning away. Wesley clamped his hands over the
seer's mouth before she could protest the woman's erroneous assumption.

Once invited in Spike didn't bother wasting any time. He strode through
the familiar surroundings intent on the one thing that would bring his
Xanny home.


"And I'm learning this because," Xander snapped, eyeing his sister in
disgust. She rolled her eyes, tugging the pants back in place.

"Because its what I *know*. Besides its proved invaluable. The sheer
magnitude of patience needed to learn and develop the skills of a harem
slave is only the beginning."

When he looked as if he would protest again, she held up a hand.

"Trust me."

Still he pouted. Mikhail eyed the two wondering how his wife could even
deny that pout. //Has natural immunity. Probably cause she's got one just
like it.//

"Anyway you might as well learn something while you wait," she said
grinning. Mikhail tensed; waiting for the inevitable. The enforced
separation from his lover was the only thing the two siblings clashed
over. He frowned in confusion when the usual round of cursing and
screaming didn't surface.

Instead the tiny shy grin his brother-in-law got whenever he thought about
the blonde vampire crept out.

"Did I miss something?," he asked eyes dancing between the two.

"William has found away to come after Xan," she said looking smug. Xander
frowned at the look; her decision was still a bone of contention.

"He shouldn't have to prove himself to you, so we can be together."

Jade sighed, forcing herself not to snap. Things were going too well and
she didn't want to ruin the moment.

"I'm not making him prove anything. He needs to do this for himself as
well as for you. He needs to feel like he's not helpless or unable to
protect you. Plus... well damn!"

She paused waving one hand at him emphatically.

"You are gonna be a target, even if the other's never put two and two
together and realize who... what we are. Your young, untrained and as much
of a liability to him as he is to you; *If* you don't let me see what I
need to work on with the *both* of you," she said voice restrained.

Noticing the effort she was putting forth to remain civil, Xander still
buoyed by Spike's recent success, decided to let it go.

"C'mon. I think I got it this time."

Grinning he lifted the veils into place. Jade turned the music back on.
Mikhail sighed contentedly, settling back to watch one of the most erotic
sights he'd ever seen, as the twins commenced their belly-dancing.


Anyanka growled as she dropped onto the bed, dead tired. She'd forgotten
how tedious the job was. And her replacement being an incompetent ass
hadn't made it any easier. She ignored the almost sub-audible hum of her
summoning mirror. Dragging the pillow over head, she let sleep take her.


Angel lay petting Wesley's thigh as Cordelia snored softly beside him.
Wesley caught the restless hand, stroking softly.

"How long has he been at it?" he asked quietly.

"Three months non-stop. I'm... afraid...."

He stopped, clutching the ex-watcher tighter. Wesley burrowed into the
larger man, running soothing hands down the broad back.

"He'll be..."

He stopped himself unable to even finish the well-intentioned lie. Xander
had been gone for over half a year, not even counting the time he'd spent
with the slavers. It ate at the younger vampire, wearing him down.

"He's never been like this. Xander is..."

Angel's voice trailed off. Unable to put into words what Xander meant to
his childe. And truly afraid for him when it finally became apparent to
his childe Xander was gone.


Spike ignored the whispered conversation between his sire and his bedmate.
Their worries meant nothing to him. Instead he lit the candles again,
tossing the handful of herbs in the chalice, and began the summoning chant


"Fire in the hole," bellowed Jade as she hit the ground, followed by
Xander. Frightened screams rang through the palace. Mikhail closed his
eyes. Counting to ten... twenty... thirty.... He gave up after fifty when
he still hadn't calmed down. Ignoring the panicked crowd, he moved to the
large bay windows of the audience chamber.

He didn't have to look far. Crimson and silver flames blazed from a gaping
hole in the roof of the turret at the other end of the castle. Exactly
where Jade's workroom used to be. Cringing at the amount of destruction,
he turned back to the gathering with a sigh.

Audiences had turned into a spectacle lately, and it was quickly becoming
bothersome. He really needed to talk with his wife about that.


Jade sat up brushing debris from her hair. She cast an eye at Xander. Who
smirked. She bit down on her lip trying to keep the amusement at bay.
Xander glanced up at the still burning remains of the ceiling.

"Does your insurance cover acts of stupidity?"

Jade choked, then let go. Her laughter rang through the room, soon joined
by Xander's. Mikhail glanced down at the laughing pair waiting for them to
calm down. Jade glanced up at her husband, her eyes wide with feigned

"Sorry, Miky. Didn't think that would happen," she said batting big brown

Xander snorted, then glared when she elbowed him. Mikhail ignored his wife
knowing that any straight-forward answers would come from her brother.

"Alexander what?"

Xander stood pulling Jade to her feet with him.

"Seems together we kick ass."

Mikhail rolled his eyes at the half-answer.

"Will someone please...."

Jade moved away from Xander to run a calming hand down her husband's back.

"Shh, luv. It's easy enough to fix. And what happened is simple," she said
tugging him away from the lingering flames.

"Xan's come so far in his studies that he's nearly at a level with my own.
He's already better than a lot of warlocks."

She pushed him along gently but firmly.

"Cause he's doing so well, I wanted to see how we'd work in concert. I
pushed when I shouldn't 'uve."

She shrugged sheepishly as they moved through the hall-ways trailed by

"Both of us are not used to working in tandem plus Xan only being newly
initiated, throw in our immense powers... Well it was just a bad
combination all-around."

She only slowed down long enough to shove open the harem doors, giving
him a little nudge inside.

"Now don't you worry. We've got everything under control. You just relax,"
she said quickly shutting the doors, before he could protest. The siblings
turned heading back the way they'd come. Xander paused glancing back at
the harem.

"Ya think he noticed the flames weren't anywhere near dying down."



Anyanka crashed onto the bed groaning at the thought of all the messages
waiting for her. She considered ignoring them in favor of catching some
serious down time, but didn't. Three months of ignoring the thing was a
bit much. Half-way through the summonings fear crept into the vengeance
demon's heart.


Cordelia watched the silent blonde, wishing her men would hurry back. She
worried nervously at the hem of her shirt. Something was coming. She could
tell. Call it women's intuition... whatever...

The sudden blinding flash of light had her diving for the cross-bow Wesley
kept beneath the counter. Her head snapped around as she swung the bow up
even as she tried to blink away the spots from her eyes.

"Why have you summoned me, girl?" snarled Anyanka, worry making her temper
flare as she searched for Xander's presence.

"Not her Anyanka, me." Spike said moving into view.



"Only Xander," moaned Anya shaking her head in disbelief. "What can I do,
Spike? I'm no match...." she said sadly.

"Don't 'ave to be. Just find 'im an' get me as close to 'im as you can
get," he said pacing back and forth. Anyanka nodded. She could do that.

"You do know..."

Her voice trailed off as his eyes locked with hers. In the crystal depths
she could see. What she saw was so beautiful it hurt.




Xander bit back a curse. He loved his sister but she could be such a hard
ass. He climbed to his feet, dropping back into the crouch she'd taught
him. This time the foot didn't catch him off-guard. Hands snapped out,
twisting even as he backed away. Jade flew back, Xander winced in
anticipation of what would be a hard landing.

"No fair." He pouted as she bounced on a cushion of air a few bare inches
from the floor.

Jade grinned from where she lay hovering above the floor.

"Is too. Combat training. Gotta learn how to handle both the mystical and
physical aspects."

She bounced up, like she had springs.

"You *must* learn focus and control in a fight. And we're gonna train
until you can do both without thinking."

She stopped pacing and faced him.



Spike ignored the other demon's in the bar, as he pretended to focus on
the drink before him. Anya had only been able to narrow down Xander's
location to somewhere in Russia, more specifically the hidden valleys in
the Siberian plains. He'd been in this frozen wasteland for over a week,

He let it slip that he was searching for somebody with power for a
profitable venture. Nothing specific just enough to catch the attention of
the local grape vein.


Xander moaned softly, settling back between his twin's thighs.

"Now I understand why Mikhail likes this so much."

Her fingers worked against skin. Xander moaned again; Jade giggled.

"Feels good dunnit. Always liked it from that end. Never figured I'd like
it from this one too," she said tapping his nose. Xander caught her hand
putting it back.


"All right, pushy."

She resumed running the brush through the lush mink waves, making sure to
work from the scalp down to the very ends. Her movements slow and steady
as she brushed her twin's knee length hair. It was another startling
similarity, her husband thoroughly enjoyed. Xander'd made the same deal as
her. To let his hair grow if someone else took care of it once it got past
his shoulders.

She could see why Mikhail liked her's long now. There was something almost
Zen-like about brushing the long tresses. Pulling the hair into neat rows
she quickly braided it into one long plait.

"Done. Now do me."

Xander began tugging the comb through the thick red hair silent for a

"Can we...."

She nodded.

"But this time you do it. Remember focus."

Xander paused still needing to, at least initially, focus only on the
working. The large mirror above the dresser wavered, colors swirling
wildly inside the frame. Before steadying as the picture took shape. Jade

"He's close. Only the next kingdom over."

Xander frowned waving a hand at the scene.

"Isn't that Grendel's land."

Jade nodded; poking him in the leg until he began combing again.

"Aren't you enemies?"

Jade nodded again, relaxing into the strokes. Xander glanced at the mirror

"Be careful, Spike."


Spike cursed as he raced through the woods. Ignoring the urge to turn and
fight. It galled him to have to run even though he was outnumbered. And
his pursuers were exceptionally pissed bout the four guards he'd
dispatched. A slow grin lit his face at the memory of the shock on the
faces of the remaining guards after he'd ripped through the first few when
they'd tried to capture him.

//Soddin' pricks like to see 'em try and stick me in an 'effin harem.//

The vampire hurried towards what he hoped was the borders of the next
kingdom. Said kingdom belong to one king Lysan and present location of his
Xanny. So intent on escape the vampire missed the shapes slipping up on
him until darkness descended with a muttered, "Ahh... fuck!"



Xander howled almost snarling as little flicks of multi-hued lightning
arced over him. His eyes flashing silver. Mikhail and Scott looked from
one sibling to the other, then at each other. As one they stood and beat a
hasty retreat.

"He *needs* help," growled the dark-haired male.

"Interference would be considered an act of war," barked Jade tired of
trying to be reasonable.

"They'll kill him."

She looked up then, locking eyes with her brother.

"So be it."

An outraged scream shattered the palaces' unnatural silence. Jade
straightened slowly shaking off the daze. Her eyes tracked from her
brother to the wall with newly acquired spider web pattern of cracks from
where her body had slammed into it. Crimson began to seep into the brown

"Why you..." she hissed.

Xander growled scrambling up from the floor and trying ignore the ringing
in his ears. The pain from hitting the ceiling was doubled by the hard
impact with the floor. Angry, frustrated cries rang through the air as the
two warlocks clashed. Mikhail cringed at the thought of the damage the two
would undoubtedly wreck upon his poor home.

"C'mon, Scott."

The slave glanced back at the door.

"Shouldn't we?"

He gestured helplessly.

Mikhail shook his head.

"Never get between bickering siblings. They'll turn on *you.*"


Xander raged inside the crimson sphere, she'd trapped him in; too upset to
appreciate the irony of the situation. The red-head lay panting on the
marble floor. Sweat-soaked hair clinging to her neck. Her robes torn, a
couple parts singed. He stopped suddenly, collapsing into sobs.

Jade dropped the bubble, crawling over to her distraught brother.

"Sorry, Xanny. I sorry," she muttered over and over cuddling him close.
"He'll be okay. He will. He will."


He was buggered. // No if, ands or bloody fucking buts about it.// Spike
thought as he paced the cell. However, a hundred odd years of life...
unlife wouldn't let him give up. As the daylight hours faded a desperate
solution presented itself to the vampire, in the form of another prisoners
advice. By nightfall he'd resigned himself to the nearly non-existent

He felt the restraint he showed in not attacking the guards, who dragged
him from his cell, should have been commended. Before he could be
sentenced the vampire invoked challenge rite. It being a condemned slaves
right to battle for his freedom in a warrior's ritual.


Grendel eyed the vampire before him demanding challenge. He'd just decided
to deny it as the vampire was an outsider when Vilnel, Chief Commander of
the Guards, stepped forward.

"Since the creature deems himself as equal with his betters I demand the
right to face him in challenge to avenge the deaths of my men."

The crowd rumbled with muttered approvals. Grendel eyed the loathsome
commander, knowing of the plotting between Vilnel and his heir against
him. Maybe he'd get lucky and they'd kill each other.

"We approve."


Spike waited head bowed, sword unsheathed in a lose grip. He'd passed the
trials of intelligence and skill with ease. Leaving only a battle of
strength. The vampire wasn't worried. The commander may have been larger,
stronger, he smirked and uglier. But Spike was smarter, meaner.


They danced around each other: testing skill, limits, strengths. Spike
easily deflecting the majority of the larger demon's blows. He knew he'd
have to end the fight quickly, because his opponent had the superior size
and reach. If he drew it out too long Spike knew he'd eventually tire and
slip up.

He had no intention of letting that happen. Subtly maneuvering the larger
man around the room, he grinned catching site of the enormous chandelier.
Launching himself upwards, he was followed by Vilnel but not before he'd
managed to force the steel of the blade mostly through the moorings of the
huge fixture.

Vilnel went on the offensive hounding the vampire. Spike let himself take
the blows, tumbling to the floor below. The commander bore down on him
even as the vampire rolled away, coming up in a crouch.

The larger man loomed over Spike grinning in triumph. As Vilnel hefted the
weapon for its final descent, Spike flung his straight up. The hall rang
with laughter as they watched, what they assumed was acceptance of defeat.
A horrendous shrieking tore through the room, as Spike flung himself

The noise making those unprepared grab at their ears as the huge light
tumbled to the ground. Spike clambered to his feet, smirking as his
opponent was pinned beneath the fixture. He stalked over to crouch beside
the feebly struggling Vilnel.

Slipping the switchblade out of his boot, Spike grinned down at him. "Ta,


Spike growled as he paced the *guest* room. He'd won and fucked himself
but good. Still it'd be easier to escape from the rooms than the dungeons.
He had no intention of putting in an appearance at the banquet in honor of
his *freedom.*

//First things first. Getting outta this bloody room.//


Mikhail glanced up as Jade muttered beneath her breath from where she sat
watching the mirror.

"Oh that's just not cricket! Locking him in with magic. We'll just see
about that."


"Fuckin' stupid gyspy mojo shit," howled the enraged vampire after kicking
at the door for the thousandth time and it still refused to open. He froze
staring in disbelief as it swung open slowly.

He glared around wildly when a voice just like his nummys' whispered in
his ear.

"Hurry! They'll know someone's been using magic."

Spike didn't take the time to question the voice. He hauled ass.


Everyone was to preoccupied with the on-going preparations to notice the
departure of their *guest* of honor until it was too late. The vampire
having slipped across the borders long before his guards had begun trying
to find him.


Xander opened sleepy red eyes to see Jade perched at the bottom of his
bed. She gave him a brilliant smile.

"He made it."

He blinked once... twice... then whooped loudly, swinging Jade off the bed
into an ecstatic bear-hug. She laughed as Xander danced around the room.
She couldn't help the smug grin as she told him, "He'll be here soon.
Don't you wanna get ready


Spike had no doubts where Xander was. Even if he hadn't felt a pull deep
inside the palace, just visible from his two night hike, was the only
place he could be.


Spike prided himself on his lurking abilities after all he'd learned from
the best, even if he was a great poof. So the git suddenly appearing
beside him mid-skulk definitely put him off his game. His reaction or lack
of one could be excused.


Scott grinned appealingly at the blonde vampire. Xander had excellent

"Mr. Bloody, King Lysan requests your presence. If you would follow me,"
he said taking Spike's arm as he lead him to the floating carriage.
Spike's eyes bugged as it glided towards them flinging open its doors.

Scott bit back a laugh, merely tugging the vampire in with him as he
directed the carriage back to the palace.


"Is this really necessary," whined Mikhail, tugging at the neck of his
formal robes. "I mean really...."

"Shhh! We're just having a little fun," said Jade straightening Xander's
harem pants. "After all he went through he deserves a little treat."

She grinned cheekily at her brother. "Riding in to save Xander like a
prince in a fairy tale. All he needs is a white horse."

She wrinkled her nose at the image. "Maybe black."

Xander ignored her moving to stand in front of the mirror, giving one last
glance at his appearance.

"Relax! You look simply edible," she said moving behind him.

And he did, Mikhail had to agree. Knee-length mahogany-colored locks had
been brushed until they shone; the strands of silver, that had appeared
with the manifestation of his powers, glimmering in between the darker

The outfit he wore was the softest Chinese silk money could buy. Ivory
skin stood in sharp contrast to the midnight black cloth. Even the jewels
Jade picked out seemed to emphasize the male's beauty, the onxy and rubies
glittering with a life of their own

Mikhail's eyes flicked from Alexander to Jade.

//Gods it's a good thing he's coming to get his mate cause it just now
seems possible to od. on beauty.//