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When She Was Bad
by Shadith

Part One Part Two

Part One  

Willow sat legs crossed watching Cordelia Chase, painting her nails. 
Shaking her head in disbelief she said, "It's your turn." Glancing 
up, Cordelia waved her hand in the air. "Okay,...They're heeeere." 
Willow laughed, who would've guessed Cordy was a closet horror movie 
fan. "Poltergiest." "Good! Now, you." Willow shook her head, she 
didn't watch many scary movies. "Um, oh, okay, I got one, (imitating 
Jack Nicholson)Heeeeeere's Johnny."

"I will not even dignify that with a guess," said Cordelia, nudging 
Willow over. "I couldn't think of anything. I don't like scary 
movies, real life's weird enough." "I know. But what else are we 
gonna do. You won't let me make you over, Xander's gone, and 
Buffy's..." Before Cordelia can finish Willow shushes her spotting a 
shape outside the french doors, grabbing a bat Willow moves to one 
side and Cordelia the other.

Before either girl can react, the door's fly open, Cordelia screeches 
and Willow swings. Buffy catches it, knocking Willow of balance, "Hi 
guys. Miss me?" Looking up from the floor, Willow grins and 
nods. "Like a root canal," said Cordelia helping Willow up. Closing 
the french doors, Willow turns, "Buffy, when'd you get back?" She 
shrugged, "Just now. Dad drove me over. I figured I'd see what you 
losers were up to. Imagine my surprise when I heard Cordelia." Willow 
settled onto the bed, beside a reclining Cordelia. 

"Don't worry normally, I wouldn't grace you with my presence, but my 
parents after promising to take me to St. Croix backed out. So here I 
am travel-less." Buffy opened her mouth to respond, but Willow 
quickly jumped in. "Well, it's been a slow summer and Xander still 
hasn't gotten back from vacation with his parents," she said making a 
face. "Interesting look there, Will. Cause you went mental when?," 
said Buffy sitting in the computer chair. 

"Oh, it's nothing. Just that Xander always has the *worst* luck on 
vacation with the 'rents. Something bad always happens. Like once 
they left him in Iowa for a like a week before they noticed he was 
gone and another time..." Before she can go one to list the trials 
and tribulations of a Harris vacation Cordelia interrupts. "So, what 
did you do? Slay anything big and ugly, well aside from your hair?" 
Ignoring Cordelia, Buffy turns to Willow. "Ready for classes?" Willow 
nods eagerly. "I hear there's this great new teacher and...."

2 1/2 mths ago

Xander sighed, it was bad enough when his parents used to lose track 
of him before, but now knowing what's out there makes it worse, 
somehow. Shrugging his shoulders, he carried the tray of dishes to 
the kitchen. At least this time he hadn't ended up in a foster home 
or jail. He'd hit a growth spurt, filling out, and gaining a couple 
inches. He couldn't wait for Buffy to see him, she'd forget all about 
Angel. Xander snorted. Yeah and my parents actually care about me, he 

He guessed Angel was an all right guy for a vamp, but there was just 
something about him Xander didn't like, never mind his being a 
memember of the undead. Xander wandered back into the diner 
absentmindedly clearing tables, picking up dishes and tips. Starting 
suddenly, Xander glances around. He can feel the eyes on him, and 
they're hungry. Seeing no one he decides to make it an early night.
Throwing his apron into the locker, he calls out to his boss, then 
heads home. 

Xander pauses, on the treelined street. He can't help but stare at 
the magnificent architecture in the French Quarter. Whirling 
suddenly, he can feel the eyes again, he hopes to catch whoever it is 
in the act. But once again, there's no one. Sighing, he dismisses 
his paranoia. Resuming his walk he heads for the rundown motel he's 
been crashing at. The shadow following him drifts into the light. Mad 
eyes glow in the streetlight. She stands head cocked, holding a doll. 

"You were right, Miss Edith. He's a like a little version *Daddy*. I 
can have my own little *daddy* to love. And when we go home, I'll 
have two daddies. Ohhh, What do you mean he's not like *Daddy*, Miss 
Edith?" The vampiress holds the doll to her ear as if listening 
intently. "You're right again, Miss Edith. But I can make him like 
*Daddy*. I remember aaalll the games *Daddy* played with me, and 
we're going to play them with little daddy. The stars tell me we will 
have such fun and pain." Giggling madly, Drusilla rushes off to start 
her plans, for soon she'll have a new *daddy*. 

Part Two

New Orleans

Rick watched the kid jump for the hundredth time in less than twenty 
minutes. He shook his head sadly, he'd seemed like such a nice guy, 
but lately he'd been acting like a junkie. Twitchy, nervous, pale, 
eyes wild, and peaked. Rick grimaced as Xander dropped the tray of 
glasses he'd been carrying. He was going to have to let him go if he 
kept this up.

Xander glanced up, hoping no one had noticed the avalanche of 
shattering glasses. Seeing his boss staring at him, he sighed. He 
knew he was going to lose this job too. He'd lost three jobs this 
week. He couldn't understand what was happening to him. He'd at first 
thought a vampire was stalking him, when he wasn't attacked he'd 
dismissed the idea. Now, he didn't know what to think. The voices 
which had started haunting him at night, now followed him into the 
daylight. The one place he'd thought would be safe. It started with 
that first voice, dark as the ocean at night. It whispered softly, 
insistently in his mind. Promises of pleasure, and pain beyond 
imagining. He tried to block it... but it was invasive, enspelling... 
trapping him. Soon he'd lost the will to ignore the voice as it 
chased him in the dark. Always telling him he'd never be alone again, 
if he would just let go. And some twisted part of him wanted to, to 
simply let it all drift away... but he was Xander Harris. And despite 
what others thought, he was not a quitter... strong willed it would 
take more than that to break him.

Drusilla smiled watching her little *daddy* heading towards that 
nasty motel. He heard her in his head. Miss Edith had said he would. 
She'd said he was special like her, but it was deep, deep because of 
the pain. But she would find it, dig it up. She drifted slowly behind 
him ready to start the next phase of her seduction.

Sunlight glinted off the mirror in the diner's bathroom. Xander 
stared into not even noticing the glare. He snorted at the image 
staring back at him, he was paler than deadboy. He hadn't slept in 
days, and he was running out of places to hide. New job, new motel 
every two days, but no matter what *she* found him always. And though 
he'd never seen her, he was sure it was a she. The voice... the 
gifts... he shuddered uncontrollably. The gifts... even when they'd 
been normal, there had always been a sinister undertone to them. It 
was just a matter of time, and sure enough... psychoville was the 
next stop. They had gone from unsettling to a mavlevolency he'd never 
seen before. The last one had burned itself into his brain, he 
couldn't close his eyes with out seeing it. So, he didn't close them, 
which only made it easier for the voices to call him. He'd tried 
calling the gang but... no answer... no help... nothing... he was on 
his own. There was nothing he could do, but pray it went away. Xander 
snorted, again. Not fucking likely. Turning away from the empty-eyed 
reflection, he left the bathroom. As he cleared the tables, he could 
feel Patty's eyes on his back. He hadn't done anything, yet. Though 
it was just a matter of time.

Sooner or later he'd start answering the voices whispering in his 
head, or he'd see her and the screaming would start. When his hands 
started to shake, he put the tray down quickly. He hadn't destroyed 
any property as of yet, he planned on keeping it that way. "Hey, 
Xander." Xander tried not to jump, still his shoulders 
twitched. "Yeah, Mark." "Package for you in the back. Looks like 
someone's got a secret admirer." Xander shuddered. There was no way 
in hell he was opening another thing from that demented bitch. 
However, everyone gathered around him urging him to open it. "Come 
on, Xander. Let us see what your sweety sent you." He really didn't 
want to do this... especially since it looked just like the last one. 
That box had also seemed innocent, sitting on the foot of his bed. 
Same purple 6x6 box, wrapped with silver ribbons. He'd reached for it 
just like he was reaching out now. The same eerie feeling, descending 
on him. An urge to fling the box as far and fast as he could. Morbid 
curiosity compelled him to open it. His hands unwrapped the silver 
bow, lifting the simple lid, he reached in. His fingers touched 
something soft, and warm. Fragmented pictures assaulted his mind, as 
he stared at what he held in his hand. His mind shifted, as the slick 
red liquid stained his fingers, the smell of blood flooding his 
senses. A terrified shriek erupted from his throat as he dropped the 

The sound of flesh hitting flesh, startled him almost as much as the 
sharp stinging in his face. A stunned silence settled over the room. 
Xander blinked staring at the woman in front of him. "What the hell 
is wrong with you," cried Patty. Dazed he stared at the plush heart, 
lying at his feet, certain it had just been wet, real. Glancing 
around he realized only he and Patty were still in the backroom. So 
caught up in memories come to life, he'd never noticed the others 
leaving. Patty watched him struggle to get back to reality. "Xander, 
I think maybe you should go home now." "Please... don't--" "Hush, I'm 
not going to fire you. I just think you need to get some rest, honey. 
Take the weekend off. Ok." Xander sighed, "I'm sorry. Really." Patty 
gave him a gentle push, "That's all right, honey. Go on, now."


Buffy walked into the classroom, stopping when she sees Willow and 
Cordelia. Turning to see what's distracted Willow, Cordelia sees 
Buffy too. Dismissing her Cordelia starts talking again. Buffy 
cautiously head over to an empty desk next to Willow. "Hey, 
Buffy." "Hey," she said quietly. "We saved you a seat," said Willow 
gesturing at the empty spot. Cordelia snorted, "She saved you a seat. 
I'm still reserving judgment. I hope you've spanked your inner moppet 
or whatever..." Buffy sighed sitting down, "I've gotten over 
my 'tude, as you put. I'm sorry." "That's ok." "Whatever," said 
Cordelia shrugging. "So what were you guys talking about?" Willow 
looked worried, "We were kinda wondering where Xander is. I mean I 
know his parents are kinda not parents but even they should've 
remembered school has started." Cordelia waved her hand, 
carelessly, "Dork boy will be here soon enough. What are we doing 
this weekend?" Willow smiled, "I thought we could..."


Collin looks at all the damage Buffy had done. He stares at the 
pulverized bits of bone. "I hate that girl."

