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The Xanth In Xan
by Shadith and Wren
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Part One  

Xander stared around somewhat dazed. One minute he'd
been arguing with Spike the next 'hello' blackout and
was that Spike on top of him? Not moving. Great, of
course he was covered by an unmoving corpse. Ignoring
the rather pleasant sensation he none too delicately
shoved the vampire off him. Looking down he could see
the bruise on the side of his temple. Looked like he
was on his own for now.

He looked around curiously. He felt rather like Alice
falling down the rabbit hole. It was dark; he could
barely make out the slimy walls of the cave. It was a
large... very large cavern. Muttering at whatever
deity was currently toying with him he set about
trying to make the vampire comfortable. Not that it
would do any good what with the damp and all. But for
some reason he just couldn't leave him lying there. 

He quickly took off the knit, leaving him in only his
skintight white T-shirt. He bunched up the sweater and
gently lifted Spike's head laying the sweater down as
a pillow. He arranged Spike's arms and legs more
comfortably. 'Not copping a feel, nope not me!' he
thought to himself. By the time he was done his white
T-shirt was soaked.

"Ugh," he muttered tugging at the uncomfortable top.
He'd have to find some way to warm them up and soon.
He ignored the images of cuddling up to the vampire to
conserve heat dancing in his head. He needed to do
some reconnaissance. 'Way to go soliderxan' he thought
as he made his way to the opening of the cavern.

Well, that was odd. When they had fallen through the
cave it had been nighttime and now it was daylight. He
didn't think he'd been knocked out. Well at least he
could warm up in the day light. As he stepped out
side, making sure to pay attention for any movement,
he noticed the grass was a bright red with purple
polka dots. 'That's not right' he thought staring at
the fashion-challenged greenery. Xander blinked.
Once... twice... Then shook his head. "Toto we are not
in Kansas, anymore."

He looked back the way he had come. Instead of the
cave he expected he saw a tree with a large hole. 'Ok,
this is too weird.' He walked around the tree. It
didn't take long, how could that huge cavern be inside
this small tree? And why was the tree trunk blue? 'Man
only I could get myself into a mess like this.’ And
what was the Big Bad going to say when he woke up.
Great another Xander screw up.

Just as he got ready to go back into the cave... err
tree. A low sobbing caught his ear. Now anyone with
any sense would have gone the other way. But since
when had anyone every accused him of having sense? He
headed off in the direction of the noise. A path
opened up before him, twisting and turning around. He
thought he should be getting close to the sound but
the sobbing sounded just as far away now as it had
before. Xander stopped to listen. He heard it off to
his right, as he stepped off the path he heard a
snicker above him. He looked up and saw a huge cat
lounging in another blue tree, grinning down at him.

"I don't suppose you could tell me who's crying and
how I can get to them... and oh my god I've finally
snapped, I'm talking to a cat." The leopard rolled its
eyes. Then spoke. Xander shook his head slowly. "Gods
I must have hit my head harder than I thought. Cause
for a second there I actually thought you spoke." The
cat's grin got larger. "I did." 

Xander looked around wildly. What he once took for a
blue tree was just a blue beam sticking out of the
ground, almost like a pillar. "What are you?" Xander
asked. " And where the hell am I?" The cat's grin got
wider. "Why I am a cat-a-pillar silly boy, as for
where you are," the cat stood and stretched. “Why you
are here, of course."

For some reason that answer not only made sense to
Xander but it seemed familiar as well. There was
something niggling at the back of his thoughts. Before
he could try again, a shape began to take form beside

"Oh please tell me that you are from Mundania." The
little girl pleaded as soon as she turned solid. "I
called and called. Humfrey told me that his
replacement was Xan from Mundania. Your him, right?"
As she spoke her hair turned from bright red to moldy

The cat-a-pillar snickered. Xander glared at it before
turning to the little girl. Despite the odd hair thing
she had going on, it was obvious she was just a child.
A highly upset one at that. And if there was one thing
he hated it was upset children. "Well my friends call
me Xan. Tell me why did you call, how can I help you?"
Bright violet eyes suddenly dried up. "Oh I knew you'd
help. C'mon and I'll take you to see Humfrey he can
tell you what's wrong."

"Wait. I didn't come alone. My friend is injured back
in the cavern. Inside the err... pillar tree thing."
Xander was not too sure about leaving Spike alone for
too long. He was unsure of how badly injured Spike
really was. "Oh! You brought your mate. That is good!"
She gushed with more tears. "You are the One."

Xander sputtered wildly for a moment. "M-m-mate. NO!
No. He's a friend. Err... more like acquaintance...
umm yeah...." The little girl giggled. "You’re so
funny. You’re a lot cuter than the Humfrey. I think
you'll be a great Good Magician. Now let's go get your
mate." Xander sighed, as the cat seemed to laugh again
before heading back the way he came, with the child
trailing behind. 

When he saw the blue pillar tree thing with the almost
man sized hole he stopped and turned to the little
girl. "Umm... sorry I didn't get your name. You might
want to wait here while I go and get him. He might not
be in such a great mood." Xander definitely didn't
want her to hear what ever Spike had to say. He was
sure that it would not be pleasant. He almost didn't
hear her reply. 

"My name is Inia. I'm queen mommies daughter," she
said trying to curtsey. Xander reached out a hand
catching her before she tipped over. "Umm does your
mommy have another name?" The girl nodded eyes big
with tears again. "Tara." Xander dropped his head into
his hands. This was going to be a long day.

'Eee... Gods, surely not Tara Tara. Man where the Hell
am I?' He stooped slightly and stepped through into
the cave. He couldn't see any thing until his eyes
adjusted to the darkness. As he walked over to where
he had left the blond menace he saw his sweater and
nothing else. "Spike, are you here man? " he called
out. The chamber echoed slightly. 'are you here man...
here man....' He saw movement out of the corner of his
eyes, but when he started to turn something hit him in
the stomach almost knocking him down.

Spike stared up from where he'd landed after trying to
tackle Xander. "Oi where the 'ell 'ave you been.
Something in 'ere tried to eat me," he paused head
cocking to the side. "Or cop a feel. But I swear it
was some sorta plant." Inia's little voice piped up.
"Probably a feeler bush. Their very naughty." 

Xander dusted himself off then extended a hand down to
Spike. "I just thought I would do some exploring. Inia
meet Spike. Spike meet Inia... Tara's daughter." As
Xander lifted Spike to his feet with one great
pull--'youd've thought a big bad like Spike would
weigh more'-- he over pulled and Spike ended up flush
with his body. 'Still not copping a feel. Nope not
me.' He pushed Spike away before he embarrassed
himself. He turned back to Inia and asked. "So where
is your mommy?"

"Humfrey said mama’s lost and she’s forgot us or else
she'd come home," Inia's voice trembled as she bravely
fought back tears. "But everything's gonna be ok now
cause your here. Your gonna stop the Mundania's from
stealing our magic, and beat the evil demon
Inse*cur(ity) and be the bestest Good Magician ever."

"Wait a minute here. Wot are you two goin' on about?
Where the hell is Mundania? Where the hell are we?"
Spike demanded. Xander couldn't wait to answer this
one. "What do you mean where are we? We're here!!" He
was going to leave it at that when he heard a low
growl and decided to give a real answer. "Well I don't
know where we are really. It seems like I should but
every time I really think about it, something else
happens." They all jumped at the loud noise that
filled the room. "See. It's like we never left the
hellmouth. You say it and it happens," he shouted over
the roaring noise. It was growing louder.

"Uh-oh" whispered the little girl. Both heads whipped
around to stare at her. "Wot's wi' the uh-oh kid,"
asked Spike as they slowly backed up. "Think this
might be a goblin's cave." Spike's eyes narrowed.
"Goblins aren't real." Xander looked at the horde of
miniature golem like creatures with blinking red eyes.
"Tell them that."

Part Two  

The little girl shouted, "RUN!" So they did. Back
out into the daylight with the polka dotted grass.
When they finally stopped running they were all out
of breath. "Now what the hell was that?" asked
Spike. "Were they goblins?" asked Xander. "They
stopped when we got out into the sunlight." The girl
looked stricken. "Oh, no. They where much worse than
goblins. That was a larm cave." Spike and Xander
looked more confused then ever. "A what cave?"
Xander asked. "A larm. You know they don't really
belong in a cave. They hate it when you sleep. Your
mate must have made them angry." Spike looked ready
to say something as he glared at Xander. Xander
jumped on her words to stall whatever comment Spike
was thinking. 

"If they don't belong in a cave where do they

"In a clock," she said, "You know in a larm clock."

Something dawned in Xander's brain but it quickly
went back to sleep. Xander shook his head at Spike
who looked like he was getting ready to really let
him have it. "Ok, Inia. You said there was someone
who could explain." She nodded. "Well then what are
we waiting for? Let's go." Xander let her get a
couple paces ahead of them before turning back to

Xander looked at Spike he looked different in the
sunlight. Wait sunlight? "So Spike, how do you feel
about walking around during the day?" Xander
couldn't believe how the sun made Spike's eyes so
much bluer, and his hair.... He was brought out of
his thoughts on the blond when said blond snorted.

"About the same as I feel about 'aving a pulse,
whelp" growled the vampire. "Long way from 'ome wit
a whole new set a rules. Course I still got these,"
he said shifting back and forth briefly. Xander
mentally berated himself for the tiny thrill that
went through him every time the vamp flashed his
fangs. "Huh," he said realizing he'd missed the
vampire's last comment.

"I said we're loosing the little bit. She isn't
waiting for us." Spike rolled his eyes. He could
smell the arousal rolling off the boy in waves.
"Come on whelp. I for one do not want to be lost in
this rainbow jungle." Spike walked on, leaving a
still confused Xander staring after him. "Wait. What
do you mean a pulse." Xander shouted as he ran to
catch up.

"I mean a pulse, heartbeat, palpitate." A bubbly
giggle startled the both of them. "That's telling
'em, cutie," said the woman leaning against a tree a
few feet ahead of them. Xander froze staring at the
stunning specimen of womanly womanhood. Inia was
frowning at her but Xander couldn't sense anything
dangerous about her. She straightened up sidling
closer to Spike. "And who might you be, imp?" 

Spike growled, "Imp." She waved a careless hand.
"Fiend, monster, incubus." Xander finally caught on.
"Vampire." She pouted. "That's what I said."

Inia pushed herself in between the growling vampire
and the stunning demoness. "You just leave them
alone Metria, they need to see Humfrey." The little
girl's hair changed colors wildly as she spoke. 

Tears brimming in her eyes even as she fought to be
a big girl like her daddy said. "Humfrey will sic
the Gorgon on you if try to hurt them," she said
fiercely. Metria shrugged causing interesting bits
to jiggle. "I have no wish to harm them. In fact do
you mind if I tag along on your fare?"

Spike and Xander both closed their mouths with an
audible snap. Their eyes jumped from Metria's
jiggling chest back up to her face. Spike recovered
first. "I don't care who the hell goes but can we
get a bloody move on?" He thought that sounded
enough to pass. Although as he glanced at Xander's
still stunned face he thought the effort might have
been wasted. He elbowed Xander in the side. "Oi, you
gonna stare all day?" 

Xander reluctantly looked away from the demoness.
"Sure." With that said they began their journey
again. Xander cast a sidelong glance at the woman.
"Why do you want to tag along?" Metria looked
wickedly eager. "I've had dealings with your
benevolent before. Your always fun." Xander stared
blankly. "My what?" 

"Your compassionate, gentle, humane," she said
crossly. "Oh you mean my kind," he said catching on.
"Whatever. So what brings you here, bipedal?" Spike
looked up. He'd been wondering that for the past

"Yeah Rainbow, or whatever your name is, just what
the bloody hell are we here for?" Spike half growled
at the little girl. Without turning back to look at
him she answered. "Your mate was called. Magician
Humfrey needs him. So I called him." Spike was even
more confused and just a little irritated. "Why the
hell do you keep calling the whelp my mate? We
aren't even friends." He glanced towards Xander to
see if the kid had an explanation and was caught off
guard by the blush on his face. 'Oh soddin' hell' he
thought. The whelps MATE, no effin' way.

Xander blushed at the frank regard on the woman's
face. Ignoring for the moment the small tinge of
hurt Spike's blatant dismissal caused. "Give it up,
fangboy. That's all she'll keep saying. Anyway,
apparently we're here to stop magic from leaking
into our world, help bring Inia's mom back, oh! And
stop a demon." Spike snorted. Leave it to the whelp
to be a white knight wherever he went. "Let's hurry
then," he snapped. The faster they did this the
sooner they could get back to Sunnyhell. And away
from that female who was eyeing his nummy like a
woman after centuries long famine eyed a steak --

As the small group marched on the landscape began to
change. The grass was no longer polka-dotted having
turned a deep almost blood-red. The trees had taken
on a more sinister look, almost like they where
leaning in, looming over the path. The group was
walking single file now that the path was narrower.
Xander was again bringing up the rear, moving slower
than the rest. He looked over his shoulder just in
time to see the tree branch reach out for his leg.

Something told him he didn't want that branch to
touch him. While he was looking at that one several
other vines began to creep toward him. Before he
knew it his legs were trapped. Instinct had his
hands up before he'd even thought about it. 

Part Three  

The air rippled in front of him and suddenly the vines were on fire. Spike
froze hearing the scream from behind him, whirling around, fear making him

He stood in game-face gaping at Xander. The boy was soaked with sweat, his
T-shirt was molded to his body but it was the look on his face that really
had Spike staring. Xander looked terrified and he was staring at a burning
tree. "Pet, what is it?" he asked, shifting back to his human mask.

Xander shook his head unable to answer. He stared in disbelief holding his
hands out in front of him. Worried that something had hurt him the vampire
reached out grasping his hands. Fingers still slightly cool, despite the
pulse, trailed over the larger hands. Xander shivered, glancing down at
Spike's bent head as the vamp examined his hands. Inia peered around
Metria. A little grin lit her face. She'd know he was 'The One.' And now
his mate was taking care of him. They were already doing much better than
when they were in that horrid Mundania.

Spike looked up at Xander. "I don't see any thing," he said softly. "What
happened?" Spike looked past the boy to the burning tree. "What did that?"
Xander didn't bother looking back, he was transfixed by the sight of Spike
so close he could smell him. "I... I did that. It was attacking me and....
I just threw up my hands. It just... just burned." He was almost
breathless by the time he finished explaining. Spike looked stunned. The
tree Xander had burned was catching the trees around it on fire. "We need
to move, pet. Pretty soon the whole place will be on fire." Xander just
nodded. Metria giggling in the background broke them apart. "Don't they
look dainty, attractive, adorable...." Inia supplied, "Cute." Metria cut
her eyes over then back to the men. "...together."

Ignoring the demoness Spike hustled Xander and Inia along. "C'mon,
Rainbow. We've got to move before we're toasted." Xander allowed himself
to be pulled along as the girl once again took the lead. "The kiss-mee
river should be just ahead."

Xander was still lost in his own world when a sound caught his attention.
"Spike is that you?" Spike was pulling him along by the hand as if afraid
to let go. Xander glanced down at their joined hands and squeezed.
"Spike." " What? Yes ok that was me. I haven't eaten in like years you

Inia looked behind them. She was certain they were far enough ahead of the
fire that they could risk stopping to eat. She slowed to a stop leaving
her two companions on the path. Spike looked up startled at the smell that
reached his sensitive nose. He hurried over to the girl. "Little bit where
are you hurt?" Inia giggled. "Not hurt. You smell this," she said holding
up a heart-shaped mass. "It's from the blood-red maple tree. I thought
you'd like it. The vampire bats seem to." Xander made a face.

Spike was a bit leery at first but it did smell right. As he shifted to
game-face he sniffed at the fruit again. His hunger overcame him and he
took a small careful bite. It tasted just like fresh human blood. He had
to force himself not to gorge himself on the plant. Xander watched with
rapt fascination. He had seen Spike feed before but he had never really
paid attention. Spike looked ready to orgasm. It hit him again just how
much he wanted Spike. God this whole mate thing was really getting to him.
He adjusted his jeans and shifted away from the object of his lust. As he
turned away he saw Metria watching Spike as well.

Metria eyed the demon before her. He'd make a fine mate if she could get
rid of the soul... bipedal... darn! human. Xander was unable to ignore the
little bursts of jealously hitting him. If he didn't know better he'd
swear they were coming from the green-eyed insects flying around him. He
was unaware of the little ripples of air starting to build around him.

Metria shifted closer to Spike, purring softly in her throat. "If he isn't
your friend, lover, companion, mate I would be happy to.... " That was as
far as she got before being hit with a blast of heat from behind. Spike
was looking at her as if she had gone insane when he felt the air currents
change. His first thought was of Xander and his mortal's safety. The anger
on Xander's face would put any vampire to shame. Spike approved
whole-heartedly, but not when he was in the path of the mortal's wrath.

Metria yelped letting herself dissolve to escape the flames. Spike backed
up quickly. The vampire needn't have worried, as the flames seemed to only
wrap around the space where the demoness had been.

"Shit! Spike are you ok. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean.... Metria, Metria!"
Xander called out. He felt terrible, he hadn't meant to loose control like
that. He put his hands in his pockets. Spike quit backing away. He could
smell the fear on Xander and wanted it to go away, but he was also a bit
wary of the boy now.

The demoness slowly reappeared. "You... you... may a basilisk lay its egg
in your hat!" Having no idea what she was talking about Xander could only
stare bewildered. Inia however, leapt forward. "Serves you right, Metria.
Don't you worry Xan she deserved a lot worse."

"Um... I really am sorry." Xander muttered under his breath. He started
walking ahead. Choosing not to deal with the look on Spike's face. That
look of not quite fear. Inia caught up with him before he got to far
ahead. "Xander, don't worry about it. We all go through it. When our gifts
first appear no one can control them. Really," she said as though soothing
a hurt child. "But you really do need to practice it. So something like
that won't happen again." Spike had been listening to the soft-spoken
child and agreed with her. Xander did need to practice this new ability,
but how and on what?

Never ask the universe questions, especially in Xanth.Cause more than
likely it'll provide answers.

Part Four  

Spike slowed to a standstill as an odd whirring sound filled the air.
Inia's eyes widened in fright as she stared at the approaching shapes.
"Oh, no harpies," she cried ducking behind Spike.

"What the hell are those?" Spike asked. "Oi, Rainbow care to explain
before they get here." Inia was busy pulling them all behind a large moss
covered rock. "You don't know what harpies are?! Xander do something." Oh,
Harpies Spike thought well there was something Xander could fry.

"Whelp, you gonna fry them or what?" Xander finally took notice of the
approaching menace. Xander watched in amazement as the foul words spewing
forth from the harpies actually turned the air blue. Cordelia wasn't even
in the same league.

Standing he held up his hands, then ducked cursing when nothing happened.
Spike nudged him. "Get on with it whelp." Xander looked frustrated. "I
don't know how." Metria shook her head in amusement. "Humans! Just point
and will it bug-wit."


"Flea-wit, wasp-wit...." Spike rolled his eyes. "Nit-wit. Now do
something." Xander stood up again, willing the fire to come. This time the
air rippled as streams of flames shot from his fingers.

As Xander began taking aim at the harpies Spike had his hands full of a
crying Inia. "Hush now. Xander's a white hat he'll take care of it."

"You..."she sniffled, softly. "You believe in him?" Inia knew that he did
but she needed for him to realize it. "Yeah pet. If there is one thing I
know about the white hats, it is that if they are protecting you, they
won't give up until you are safe."

Xander was stunned and elated as he brought another harpy out of the sky.
He was concentrating on what he was doing and almost missed Spike's
comment. When he heard Spike say that he believed in him, he got warm and

He'd had no idea Spike had that much faith in him. Something deep inside
him grew a little with that knowledge. Before long he'd pretty much
removed the threat of the harpies. Inia settled back in Spike's arms.

Despite her maturity she was still a child, and this was the first time,
in a long while, she'd had to just let someone else take charge. Still
they had to keep moving. Someone didn't want them to reach the castle;
harpies would never come this far east on their own. She'd get up in just
a minute.

Xander slumped back against the boulder as the last of the harpies fell.
Looking over at Spike he was reminded of home, Spike had Inia cuddled up
on his lap. 'So much gentleness from a demon.' The only time he had seen
Spike like this before was with Dawn. "Hey," he said quietly, so as not to
disturb the dozing girl," Spike umm thanks. You know for believing in me."
Spike rolled his eyes before responding.

"Don't let it go to your head. Just wanted to calm the girl down." Xander
knew it was a lie but let it go, better to give Spike his pride then make
him face the truth! And besides he knew! Spike liked him. Metria could
keep quiet no longer; she was a demoness after all.

"This is really rather tiresome," said Metria half-fading. "I tagged along
because you're interesting in your assorted naivetes and idiocies and it
amuses me to watch you tackle things you know nothing about. However," she
paused looking from Xander to Spike. "The two of you together are more
than I can belly." She rolled her eyes at the twin looks of confusion. "Ya
know gut, tummy, paunch..."

"Stomach," muttered Inia, sleepily. Metria nodded sharply before turning
her attention back to the males. She slid closer to Xander stretching
ghostly hands toward him. "Maybe I'll keep you with me for a while, so I
can entertain myself. It's been a while since I've toyed with a mortal

At Spike's growl she dropped her hands. "Or maybe not. I should just go
and find a more entertaining specimen," she sighed. "Too right you
should." Spike said through gritted teeth. Xander looked back and forth
between the two demons, with a half smirk on his face. Clearing his throat
he said, " Maybe we should get moving. I don't want to be here if these
things have friends." He attempted to stand only to fall back on his
heels. Using his power had apparently drained him more than he knew. "Ok,
maybe we should stay here for a while."

Metria sighed 'ah well there were more pisces in the ocean'. "If your
gonna camp here for the night, one of you should be on guard. There are
fee around here. Oh and the night-mares have been especially restless of
late." As if in response to her words, Inia sat up with a startled yelp.

"Stupid mares," she grumbled. Not willing to move from her spot she turned
to Metria. "If your gonna stay make yourself useful. Go and pick some
pillows and see if you can find a bed of blankets."

The sun was just setting when Metria returned with the requested items.
She huffed, a bit put out at the sight that greeted her. The three of them
were cuddled up together against the boulder. Spike and Xander shoulder to
shoulder with Xander's head cocked to the side resting on Spike's

Inia was curled up in the vampire's arms with her legs thrown across the
nummy human. 'Humph, no room for me well that is just fine. I have a comfy
bed just waiting for me at home. Maybe I'll just wink back in the
morning.' She threw the pillows and blankets that she had picked on the
ground in front of the small group and faded out.

Part Five

Xander snorted softly burrowing in closer to the vampire. Suddenly he
blinked staring around the open plain. What now, he wondered. Turning
slowly he searched for his companions. A soft neighing had him whirling
back around. A beautiful black mare stood waiting patiently.

She lowered her head and shook her mane furiously, pawing the ground then
looking back at Xander. He walked to her with his hand out stretched. He
wasn't afraid exactly. He had never actually been this close to a horse
before but she looked harmless enough. He gasped out loud when she knelt
in front of him.

"Good Magician Xander, as a favor, I have come to tell you to make haste.
The time draws near when Xanth's fate shall rest upon you and your
beloved." Xander groaned. This was ridiculous. "Look I know you all think
I'm some kinda hero but..." The mare interrupted him before he could
finish. "I am but the messenger. And here is the message: three challenges
you shall face before gaining the knowledge of your destiny. Come tomorrow
press onward, relying on what your red-heart tells you. I have spoken
these words as they were given me, so say I, Mare Imbrium."

With a start Xander was jerked out of sleep. The sunlight hitting him in
the face blinded him for a second. He turned to look at Spike who was
still fast asleep. Spike looked so young in sleep, so almost human. Xander
took a deep breath then let it out slowly. He remembered the dream, but
was it really a dream? It felt like it was real, so that meant three
challenges. Great. Why couldn't it be simple for once? He sighed deeply
again, getting ready to wake the dead. Before he could nudge the sleeping
vampire though Metria appeared before him. "Well what are you waiting for
biped, human, mortal? Are you all going to sleep the day away?" Her voice
woke the rest of the group. Blue eyes blinked up at him through insanely
long lashes. The sleep filled voice saying his name made the blood rush
from his head to his groin. Not that he could think around Spike anyway.

Spike stretched lazily, enjoying the feel of the boy's eyes on him.
Knowing he was the cause of that lovely color creeping up Xander's neck.
Spike laughed silently when Xander finally looked away. There was hope
yet. "I don't know if I've finally lost it but a talking horse told me
we're to face three challenges today." He conveniently left out the
red-heart comment, leery about what or whom it meant. "Oops-- forgot about
that," said Inia looking around their campsite. "Humfrey won't just let
anyone in the castle, not even another magician," she called over her
shoulder as she ambled over to the Pie tree.

While they ate their breakfast Inia told Xander about how the challenges
where different for each person who entered the castle, so she couldn't
tell them what to expect. Only that the challenges would fit the people
and or situation. Spike was not pleased to hear that and made it known
rather loudly. He ranted until Xander walked over to him and put a hand on
his arm. "Spike, calm down please. It will be ok. We've been through worse
than this. I mean the two of us, we live on the hellmouth." Spike's arm
burned from Xander's body heat. His boy didn't usually touch him so this
touch told him so much of how the boy was feeling.

Xander was pleased that Spike didn't move away from his touch. He'd always
wanted to run his fingers over him. Okay so he only had a hand on his arm,
it was a start. "Whatever, lets go." Spike gave in grudgingly still he'd
seemed almost reluctant to move away.

Soon the four travelers were off again, this time with Spike in the lead.
Not that he knew where he was going but he figured that he must have been
going in the right direction because the rainbow-haired girl didn't
correct him. As they walked he thought about his reactions to Xander.
Yeah, ok. The boy was attractive and he was a gift from his Sire, but how
did he feel about this mate thing? He was confused but determined not to
brood about it.

Ok so, my demon likes him. Hell my demon thinks it owns him. He snorted to
himself. And I ... I like him ... arrghh stop thinkin' about it. He told
himself firmly. You'll give yourself a soddin' head ache. While Spike was
arguing with himself, Xander was starting to worry about the challenges.
"So Inia, how long until we get to the castle?" He glanced sideways at the
young girl. She was chewing her bottom lip.

"Umm... that depends. I mean -- I know where it is in a general sense of
the word. But its a magician's castle. It moves, it hides." Xander glanced
around as if the castle would suddenly appear. "Then how do we find it?"
Inia looked at him as if he weren't quite all there. "When we finish the
challenges it'll be there." Xander frowned. Her answers were almost as
logically illogical as the cat-a-pillar's. He considered then decided
against it. Xander looked up as Spike stopped. "Problem," he said peering
at the huge chasm with no end in sight.

"Yeah, I guess I'd call that a problem." Spike replied with a barely
contained sneer. Xander looked at Inia. " So, is that supposed to be

Inia shook her head looking ready to cry. "No it isn't supposed to be
here." Xander processed that to mean they had finally gotten to the
challenges. "Great, any ideas anybody?" Spike swore softly. "You are the
Magician here mate, you decide." Xander looked over the edge again.
Crap... it was a good thing he loved heights. NOT!
