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A Circle of Flowers 
by TJ

Humming, the blond smiled as he gently swept aside the scattered 
dirt from the black marble headstone. Discarded candy wrappers 
gathered up in one hand, the vampire placed them carefully in 
the plastic bag pulled from one of the numerous pockets dotted 
around his ripped and torn leather duster. Once all the empty 
chip packets joined the sticky brightly coloured bits of paper 
and foil inside the bag, he twisted the top closed in a tight 
knot. Bag replaced in the only servicable pocket, Spike set 
about pulling the headstone upright again. 

Tongue clucking as he wondered just how the heavy block had 
ended up laying on its back again, he effortlessly heaved the 
stone into its usual position. He really had no idea why it 
always fell over, it just did. Rather like the way his 
perfectly planted flowers were scattered around the damp grass. 
Asters, violets, pansy's, snowbells, all kinds of pretty little 
flowering plants. Must grow legs and try to walk to a friends 
place. Sometimes they swapped places with other friends, 
especially when it was cold. There would be constant green 
plants trying to escape their moorings when it was cold. 
He liked the flowering ones the best, they were good friends, 
they always listened. A small plant was gently gathered from 
the numerous others that hadn't walked too far. It must have 
gotten too tired to go far this time, not like the times 
everything had disappeared. Too many times to count now. 

A quick intake of not needed breathe and the vampire shook his 
head, smiling as he gave the dark salmon pink flowers a hesitant 
brush. Long slim fingers plucked off the twisted leaves before 
placing the naughty plant back safely in its rightful place. 
Humming resumed, he repeated the process with each plant. 
Mauve, purple, blue and light pink, each flower was freed from 
any dirt that dared disrupt the beauty they provided. Once all 
done, Spike wiped his fingers against his shirt, his digits 
cathcing in the ragged seams. A broad grin broke through his 
humming as he surveyed his work. It was good, he was pleased. 
With a careful step over the edge of the ring, he sat himself 
down in the centre of the circle of flowers. 

Eyes closed, the vampire breathed deeply. Nose raised to the 
slight wind, he ignored every scent that didn't belong to the 
plants surrounding him. He identified each blooming plant and 
its unique flavour that wafted softly through the air. So nice, 
it was calming. Only a few minutes more to wait. Catching a 
strong female scent, his nose wrinkled as he tried to remember 
just why that particular smell bothered him. Hers was a scent 
that upset him but for the life of him, he couldn't remember 
why. All he ever got from it was fading images of a small 
blonde, who it was, he wasn't too sure. 

The female paid no attention, he hummed as he waited. Just one 
more minute to go. Left hand resting on his knee, Spike held 
his right hand out. Playing with the numerous threads hanging 
off his thin jeans, he felt his heart leap when the mug made 
contact with his outstretched palm. Hand closed around the 
handle, he lifted the blood filled mug to his mouth, drinking 
deeply. The flood of warmth that filled his empty belly was 
ignored as he savoured the presence of his friend. He didn't 
dare open his eyes to see if it was really Xander standing 
infront of him. He had done that once but all he had seen was a 
strange redheaded girl. She had just stared at him when he had 
started to cry. Spike had yelled at her for scaring Xander 
away. He hadn't meant to make her cry as well, he had just been 
scared that Xander wouldn't visit anymore. 

Sometimes he thought he could feel the strong warm fingers 
brushing against his when the mug was placed in his hands. 
Spike knew that for as long as he held onto the mug, Xander 
would listen to him talk. He knew that Xander listened to him, 
he often heard little sighs and moans when he told the boy how 
Spike wished to be able to hold him. No matter how far forward 
he leant out of the circle of flowers, he could never stretch 
his arm out far enough to be able to touch Xander. It was just 
one thing that he pleaded to be able to do. One little kiss, a 
quiet word to be heard. He could hear the grass crunch 
underneath the boys feet on occasions, the warm presence 
circling the vampire. Always out of reach. 

"I love you Xander" 


"Are you safe?" 

(grass crunching) 

With a sniff of the air, Spike smelt salt intermingling with 
sweet fragrance of the flowers. Head shaken, he begged for the 
boy not to cry, to be brave and not to worry about the vampire. 

"Please don't cry Xander, it's alright. Everything is just 

(sniffle, sob) 

"I made everything pretty again, just the way you like it. I 
don't mind cleaning up after you but you shouldn't eat so much 
candy, its not really good for you. It will probably make you 

(sigh, sniffle) 

Spike babbled the last of the words, knowing that in just a few 
minutes his mug would be taken from him, signalling the end of 
Xander's visit. 

"Can I touch you pet? Please, just once?" 

(rustle of grass) 

"No, your'e right, I shouldn't keep asking. I can't help it 
though, I miss you so much. It hurts my chest when I think of 
you. Sometime it feels like my breast bone is crushing my heart, 
I don't think its ever going to go away" 

"I know you have to go now...I'll talk to you tomorrow night, 

Mug held out for Xander to take, he gasped as he felt his cool 
fingers brushed with much hotter ones. Resisting the urge to 
grab at them, the vampire forced himself to be happy that Xander 
had given him that much. It just proved how much Xander loved 
him. Hearing the rustle of the grass fade as the boy walked away 
from him, the blond allowed his own tears to course down his 
sunken cheeks. He never allowed himself to cry infront of the 
whelp, just wouldn't do for the boy to get upset. Once he was 
sure that Xander was gone, he asked the one question he always 
wanted to but could never bring himself to ask the boy. 

"Will you come back home with me?" 

the end.