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Channel Alaska
by TJ
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five  Part Six  Part Seven  Part Eight  Part Nine  Part Ten  Part Eleven  Part Twelve  Part Thirteen  Part Fourteen  Part Fifteen  Part Sixteen  Part Seventeen  Part Eighteen  Part Nineteen  Part Twenty 

Part One  

23 September, 2000.

6.37 pm

With a swear at stumbling over a hidden root, Xander
dragged what was left of the bags out of the car.
Quick glance around and he saw that everything was now
out of the rusty commodore. The impatient blonde
gestured for the tall brunette to open the door to
what would be their home for the next two years.

Bags lugged to the cabin door, the younger man dumped
them none too gently on the black dirt outside the
wooden door. Stomach rumbling in both hunger and the
excitement of being in their final destination of
almost two weeks driving, the key was turned in the
slick lock. Door pushed open, the two males stood and
looked into the wooden cabin.

"Ok, not too bad! Few colourful rugs and hanging
things, you know, that sort of thing will make it look
a lot better" said the boy as he took in the pretty
bare confines of the two bedroom log cabin. When
picking up the key to the cabin along with the final
directions, guide book and starting date of his job,
Xander had been stunned to find out that he had been
given a two roomed cabin for the same rent rate as a
one bedroom. He had requested a one bedroom after
stating that both he and his cousin, William Lavelle,
would be in single beds and more than happy to share a
bedroom for a reduced rate in rent.

After a few stutters at the smiling girl behind the
desk of the company he now worked for, it had been
explained that Cryon Building Co. was happy to give
him a reduced rent, almost an incentive it seemed if
he would sign on for two years, not the one year that
Xander had originally wanted to go for at first.
Thinking it over for a few minutes while the happy
secretary chirped into the phones, he wondered what
else he could get away with while the company was
happy to throw things at him, only briefly wondering
why it was doing it. Secretaries attention caught
once more, he nodded his agreement to the cabin and
asked if there was anything more that was being

With a wide smile in his direction, she explained that
the company was excited that such a young man as
himself was taking an interest in building up Alaska
and hoped that by sweetening the pot, he would
consider staying beyond his contract and settle and
did his cousin want a job as well? Apparently there
really was an abundance of positions going, Xander
felt slightly odd and wary of this fact, not really
knowing why. Why was it so hard to fill positions in
Alaska? Asking that question to the girl now handing
him his contract, he was told that the long winter was
hard on most of the older people who tended to come
looking for a new start/different job in the still
awakening state of Alaska. Hesitating before he
signed, he was informed that most of the people who
came to the state, left after experiencing only one
winter but that he shouldn't worry because this one
was going to be really mild.

Sigh and a quick scribble that was his signature
later, he was congratulated on his choice of two years
guaranteed employment. Handed the key, instructions
of how to get there, information book on Alaska and
Fairbanks in particular and his starting date in his
new job, he was informed that he was lucky because his
cabin was attached to the phone, electricity, water
and gas grids. He was really lucky in fact because
his cabin also had a generator outside and a new wood
heater after the old one had fallen apart when
delivering his goods to his cabin. When he asked if
anyone would have stolen anything from his cabin, he
was laughed at and informed that it was Fairbanks and
that no-one would do that.

Driving back to the camping ground he had left the
vampire in, he had thoughts of if it was too late to
get out of the contract. He didn't like the sound of
the winters. Curses ringing around the white
commodore interior as he berated himself for not
reading up on Alaska and what it was like during the
seasons. He knew that it snowed, but it couldn't
really be that bad could it? Surely the girl was only
trying to scare him.

Car parked at his designated spot in the camping
ground, he gathered the reading material and strode
over to the sun proof tent. The large teal coloured
tent had two separate rooms, the first being a tiny
little pocket that just had enough room for a single
standing person separated from the larger main part by
a single zipper. Zippering open the outside and
stepping into the little foyer like entrance, Xander
turned on the bright torch and set it on the ground by
his feet so that he could zipper up the front before
opening the main room. Tent completely dark apart
from the torch beam as the shop assistant had
guaranteed, he warned Spike that he was going to come
in. The two men couldn't work out what type of
material had been used to make the tent sun proof but
they had been glad of it the first morning that they
had had to use it. Not having reached a motor inn an
hour before sunrise, they had been forced to pull over
alongside the road and put up the tent a few paces
into the tree line.

Spike had been weeping in fear as he had felt the
sunrise begin, Xander holding him close while stroking
the soft hair had prayed that Willy had been right and
that the tent would do the job.

Shoulder shaken by a cool hand, the brunette was
brought back from the memories of the earlier day from
when he had gone back to the tent to read the
information and receive a blow job from the blonde
before setting off again once it was dark enough to

Bags kicked out of the way to clear the pathway to the
door, Spike walked the short distance to the bedrooms.
Both doors were open and in each one was a single
mattress still wrapped in plastic laying on the bare
floor, on top of them lay packets of flannel sheets,
matching pillowcases and what looked like new doona's.
A glance at the brunette opening the curtains in the
large common room from which the kitchen and bathroom
were situated off and the blonde stood in the middle
of the small second room holding what looked like a
gift basket from the company that the whelp worked

~Oh my god! Only in Deliverance country would the
giving of Spam be an appropriate welcoming gift! ~

Snort and quick twirl around the room, the basket was
dropped on the floor with a loud clang. Two years he
thought to himself. He had read the information on
Fairbanks and the great state of Alaska as the whelp
had recovered from the blowjob. Truly if he had known
what the summer months had entailed, bloody almost 21
hours of fucking sunlight each shit of a day, he would
have staked himself. Well, if the brat would have let
him that is. On the upside he had read about the
around four or five measly hours of sunlight in
winter, the rest of the hours being in total darkness.
That he could cope with.

Leaving what he declared to himself as his room, he
walked in to the younger mans just as small room. The
bedroom was just barely big enough to hold a double
bed, chest of drawers and cupboard. At least he
thought that they were, little hard to tell with just
a mattress on the floor and a single one at that.
Quick look around and he left that one too after he
had snorted again when he spotted the second gift
basket sitting in the corner. Rewarded with a hot
couple of kisses when he brushed against the younger
man while on his way to check out the bathroom, pulled
away as the brunette walked to check out the bedrooms.

Shower over the large old fashioned bath, sink and a
toilet all in a lovely wood panelled room to contrast
with the floor boards running through out the cabin.
Turned around to face out of the bathroom door, he
looked directly across a small hall and into the small
also wood panelled kitchen. It was an open planned
one, no real boundaries apart from the large bench
separating it from the common room. The place was
slightly bigger that Xanders old apartment by about
half of one of the small bedrooms.

~ Fucking hate wood panelling. Maybe I will go mental
in Summer and not notice it? Can always hope, can't
I? ~

Now back in the common room after checking out the
empty kitchen cupboards and the glaringly obvious
empty place of where the fridge should be, the
disgruntled vampire sat on the surprisingly
comfortable provided couch and watched the boy drag
the mattress from the front bedroom and into the one
directly next to it. Separate mattresses of course
because cousins couldn't sleep together legally
outside the Deep South. He had laughed hard at the
whelps reasoning for the two mattresses, nodding at
the explanation of just pushing them together to form
the one bed. Hadn't really expected to get a bed all
to himself anyway and he honestly didn't want one
after sleeping with the whelp for so long. Didn't
want the nightmares that he still had to get worse
without the comforting heat next to him and the
knowledge that he could grab the larger hand at
anytime during the night and feel safe.

"Damn! The electric blanket didn't arrive. We'll need
one during the winter apparently. Have to go back
Pennington tomorrow and check out the mall." shouted
the brunette to the vampire only sitting a short
distance away from him. Realising the level he had
shouted at, he looked sheepishly at the grinning
blonde as he tore the plastic off the two mattress and
formed a ground cover to prevent them getting dirty on
the floor. With a gesture, he beckoned for the
smaller man to help with making the beds. Spike
joined Xander on the floor opening the pale yellow
flannel double sheets, raising one eyebrow, he pointed
at the single mattress and then back at the size of
the sheet.

"Oh, they suggested to get doubles anyway for the
extra warmth. So no, I don't think they suspect that I
am going the whole carnal knowledge thing and fucking
my male cousin!" smirked the brunette as he shoved a
pillow into the soft casing. Leaning over the now
opened arctic doona, he softly licked at the pale
lips. The moans from the vampire encouraged him to
deepen the kiss, firmly thrusting his tongue into the
welcoming coolness of the others mouth.

Part Two  

24 September, 2000

1.36 am

Snuggled deeply into the slumbering brunettes strong
arms, the smaller male sighed. He was still awake
after the slow lengthy fuck on the new mattresses he
had received after giving the whelp a blowjob that
ended up in him being partially claimed again. Xander
had stopped the deep throating just before coming,
causing the thick off white fluid to cover his entire
chest and only partially his face. The smell was
vile, humans having such useless noses really didn't
know how off the smell was. Trying not to gag on the
aroma, he had patiently waited where he was, kneeling
on the second bedroom floor, as instructed while the
younger man went to the bathroom to get some of the
single roll of toilet paper they had found to clean
him up. Face and chest gently wiped at with the soft
paper, he was led by the hand to the shower and told
to get in and that Xander would join him in a minute.

Twiddling the knobs of the shower, he turned them both
on and had leapt back fast when the pure brown water
had sputtered out. Nose wrinkled in disgust, he had
grunted for the taller man to come quickly. Xander,
having heard the two toned grunt that had eventually
served for his name, had gone into the small room
filling with steam to find a vampire plastered against
the panelled wall staring at what looked like pure
dirt coming from the shower head. Expressing disgust
at the quality of what was swirling around the bottom
of the bathtub, the brunette told the vampire to just
let it run until it ran clear.

With the steam filling the small cabin quickly, they
had gone back to the second bedroom and finished
making the bed up with the sheets and new doonas.
Laying one underneath them and then the other one over
the top of the pale yellow sheet, they had forgotten
about the shower when Spike had started to nibble on
one of Xanders hot nipples. Completely forgot about
the shower all together hadn't they.

~ Bugger! now I have to get up and turn the sodding
thing off. Don't want to. Too warm and comfy where i
am right now ~

A few more whines later, the now stone cold but
thoroughly clear water was turned off. Air sniffed,
he wondered what the sweet smell was. More sniffing
lead to the conclusion that the water was the cause of
the fresh un chemical like smell. Very nice was the
thought running through the vampires head. If
everything was going to smell as nice around the
place, he thought that might be able to put up with
the local yokels that both he and the whelp still had
to meet and sort through.

Eyes scanning the darkness, he took a leisurely look
around the common room as he sat his naked form on the
kitchen bench. One three seater couch, two bar stools
for the kitchen bench, wobbly coffee table and a ratty
looking faded red throw rug on the floor boards.

~ At least they got the colour right, hate to see what
the whelp would have gotten for us if he hadn't signed
on for the two years. ~

Head shaken at what he thought was sheer stupidity for
the signing on of two years, he would have thought the
young man had the sense to see what a year was like
before signing up for that long. As long as they were
far enough away from the ex-soldiers, it didn't really
matter where they were.

~ Oh well, I suppose a job is a job. Guaranteed money
for the length of the contract, so the whelp has been
told. ~

Xander had come back to the tent after getting his
keys and had told the vampire of the job offer for him
from the company. The boy, after reading about the
hours of darkness in the winter, had concluded that
maybe the blonde could do seasonal work in the winter
only. Aghast at the thought of working once again,
the shocked smaller man had stared at the younger man
as if he was mad to even suggest such a thing. He, as
a former Master Vampire and part of the Scourge of
Europe, hadn't officially worked since they day he had
been turned.

Going down on the boy had been the only way he could
think of that would take his mind off the whole idea.
Once he had started rolling his tongue around the hot
tip of the ready cock, the explanations of why he
should get a job died on the other males lips.

With a sigh at the thought that Harris was most likely
going to be right and that some time down the track he
was going to have to get a job if only to pay for his
blood which was turning out to be a lot more expensive
than Sunnydale, he wondered what the hell sort of work
he was going to do.

Covers of the bed peeled back slowly and softly so as
not to disturb the snoring brunette, he climbed into
the warmth that came from the other mans body. He was
still worried about how all the hours of sunlight in
summer were going to affect him. Some vampires that
he vaguely knew of years ago had lived around Alaska
only during the long winters, claiming to enjoy the
almost total darkness. What they had done for blood,
he really didn't know. Alaska wasn't even remotely
populated enough to support a group of vampires for a
few winters. Maybe that was how the willing blood
donors had started up. If that was true, then most
likely the population of Fairbanks was like Sunnydale,
knowing that there was something strange going on but
choosing to deny it until it directly affected them
and even then choosing to deny it still.

With a sigh and a rollover that brought him closer to
the whelp who had turned himself to face the vampire,
he edged closer again until he had embedded himself
firmly against the wide large chest. Thankfully it
was coming up to winter and that meant he didn't have
to think of the revolting summer hours of sunlight.
Tomorrow or really that late morning, Xander was going
to check out the town of Pennington and where he was
going to work. They had thought that they would be
situated in the new town itself but were actually
around 20 minutes away from the beginning town and
only around a little over an hour from the outskirts
of Fairbanks. Fairbanks was pretty spread out for a
major city, to get right into the heart of it would
take another good 25 minutes again.

Arms tightened around the cool body, Spike relaxed
into the possessive grip and closed his eyes, nervous
at the thought of being left in a strange place by
himself when Xander went into Pennington to shop.

Part Three  

24 September 2000,

around 2.30 pm

Xander stood in what was so far the pride and joy of
Pennington, the mall. Slowly turning around to view
numerous shops closing for the day, he hadn't thought
that they would close so early on a Saturday. He had
only been there for about 2 hours since getting up
late and finally having the delayed shower from the
night before. Thankful that he had gotten most of
what he hoped that he needed for the bare cabin, he
pushed the trolley back to where the car was parked.
With a wish that he could have brought the vampire
along with him to show him what the town looked liked,
he finished putting the last of the bags into the
overloaded car. Trolley back in the rack, he opened
the creaking door and climbed inside.

The fridge had been the hardest thing to arrange,
having argued with the owner of the second hand store
as to when it would be delivered to the cabin. The
owner, Cyril Banks, had argued that it would take 3
days for it to arrive. Firmly stating that it was
only around 20 - 25 minutes from his cabin to the
store, Xander had been slightly put out to find that
it would take that long because there was no trailer
to load it onto until the local wood chopping bee was
done. And that would apparently take another 3 days.

Cyril had been more than willing to throw in a load of
fire wood once he had known that Xander would be in
the local construction of the town if he would wait
that long. Not having much choice, he had agreed and
hoped that the few blood packets back home in the esky
wouldn't go off in a hurry. He had been told that
almost all the firewood was chopped at this time of
the year so it could have a chance to dry out before
winter, henceforth the reason of no trailers. Cyril,
having gotten Xanders address, told the boy to mention
his name when visiting the other stores for a better
deal on the items he wanted.

After leaving the store with a second hand good
quality tv that he had placed in the car straight
away, he had then gone to buy pots and a large frying
pan, cutlery and a cheap crockery set. So far
everyone had been nice to him, easing up on the
suspicious looks he recieved when first entering the
stores as soon as Cyril 's name was mentioned.
" Oh, your the new one then, are you?" asked the
elderly pair of twins manning the registers at the
grocery store where he bought essential items such as
tinned goods, soap, washing liquid and towels.
With a nod of his head, he thanked them for the tinned
Spam they shoved into his shopping bags. Asked if he
had any Pilot bread at home, he shook his head and
smiled at their tuts. More items tossed into another
bag and handed to him, he wondered what the hell it
was with Spam. Told that it was best eaten with
pickled salmon, he nodded and thanked the elderly
ladies again for their help, trying not to throw up at
the thought of pickled salmon or any fish at that.

Once again with the bags placed into the car, he had
gone back to the smaller than first thought mall and
looked around for a carpet store. He wanted to buy a
couple of rugs, one for the bedroom floor , kitchen
floor and the common room floor. Spikes opinion of
the one provided by the company had comprised of a
snort and gesture of sticking his fingers down his
throat. In total agreement with the bleach blonde, he
had promised to get another one as well as a throw rug
for the couch.

Car started, he turned his head and looked at the
rolled items laying along the back seat of the
commodore. Indicating to go right, out of the almost
empty parking lot, he drove onto the main road that
would take him back towards his cabin. Lumber mill
passed, he saw the sheer size and wondered how many
people worked there. He was sure that he had maxed
out his credit card already with the days purchases.
All one and a half thousand dollars of it. The card
only had a limit of $2000 and he wasn't sure if the
payment for the things already in the cabin had gone
through or not yet. Monday would see him down at the
major bank in Fairbanks and arranging a transfer of
his bank account from Sunnydale and into a new Alaskan

The mall had a auto teller for the Bank of Northern
Stars, a large banking group. He had wanted to do it
before leaving Sunnydale but according to bank rules,
he had to apply for it in person. The car parked
outside the little post office that Willy had put down
on the list for blood supplies, Xander wondered just
how he would ask for it. Deep breath and door pushed
open, he stepped through and took a look around the
tiny inner of the office. No-one around, he rang the
brass bell on the counter and waited for some-one to
come and help him.

"New one huh? Thought that you would be older,
thought that you were a blonde?" came the gruff voice
behind him.

Twirling around, heart beating fast at the sudden
sounds behind him, the startled brunette looked to the
large black man .

"Uh, yep. Not blonde, that is my cousin, William
Lavelle. I'm Xander Harris, good to meet you" replied
the boy, extending his hand towards the non moving man
before him. Eyed suspiciously for a few minutes
before his hand was enclosed in a bear like grip,
Xander wondered again just how he was going to ask for
a packet of blood.

"What do you want? Newspaper, start up a mailbox,

"Ok here goes nothing and I so hope that Willy's info
is right" thought the nervous boy. With stutters and
lots of blushing, he started to explain about his
cousins phobia of sunlight and his bodies lack of
natural iron. Large hand held up infront of him,
indicating for him to stop waffling. Mouth snapped
shut, the boy wondered if he was going to be choked to
death for speaking what had sounded to him like a pile
of crap.

" Lukas Teuke, got something in the back that you may
just want, come with me." with that, Xander was led
around the tiny post office counter and towards the
storeroom. Back door opened, it revealed a small room
with a set of stairs leading downwards. Heart beating
faster at the thoughts of being a human sacrifice
running through his head, he followed Lukas down the
stairs that stopped in front of another door, this
time a solid cast iron one. A really old oddly
engraved one thought Xander. Fingers tracing the
designs, he was asked by Lukas what blood type he

Jerked back to reality, the embarrassed boy asked the
large man to repeat the question. Once he heard the
question, he wondered if Spike really did have a
preference for blood type and if that was one of the
ways that vampires chose their victims. Shoulders
shrugged, he asked about animal types and got the list
of caribou, pig, cow and moose. The next question
asked was how much for each was it.

Arms crossed, leaning back against the odd door, Lukas
looked at the flushed younger man in interest.

" Caribou is $3.00, Moose is $3.50, cow and pig are
both $5.00 each and human is $50.00 per bag, no
difference for blood type unless there is a shortage."
counted off the curious older man. If the newcomer
was buying for what he thought he was, why was he
asking about animal?

Back turned to the deciding male as Lukas opened the
iron door, he asked if his cousin had been to Alaska
before. Nervous coughing and a stuttered "no" later,
he told the still deciding boy that if his cousin
wanted to stay in optimum health, he should have a
human bag every second day at least through the

Startled at the advice contradicting what Giles' had
offered to him, Xander asked why summer and not
Rummaging through the stacked freezer of blood bags,
Lucas pulled out a bag of each animal type and shoved
them into a silver lined frozen medical ethicals box,
along with a few handfuls of ice to top them off. Box
shoved at Xander, he indicated the boy to get out of
the way while he closed the door. In summer
apparently due to the abundance of sunlight, people in
his cousins condition usually went into an almost
coma, really only waking for the four or five hours of
darkness and sometimes not even that. They were
usually slow and sluggish, finding it difficult to get
motivated. The human blood being just the right blend
of iron, minerals and vitamins to help the affected.

That explained by Lukas, the still confused boy
followed the man up the stairs again clutching the
cold box to his chest. Asking how the other man knew
so much about his cousins condition, he was told that
he had a phone call from an old friend that he had
helped set up in business somewhere around California.

"Ah!" thought Xander. That of course explains
everything. Then again was anything clear? Shrugged
shoulders again, he fiddled with his wallet, trying to
get out the correct amount so that he could pay the
helpful large man with the green cats eyes.

Green eyes ?

"Aaacckk!" shouted Xander as he jumped backwards and
into the door as he tried to put as much distance
between himself and the smiling man in front of him.

"Don't worry, Willy told me that you grew up on the
Hellmouth. Friend of the Slayer huh? Wouldn't spread
that around though." chuckled the now dark eyed man as
the frightened boy bent down to pick the dropped box
of blood bags.

"Not much of a demon community here, usually picks up
in winter every couple of years when Rhonda, her mate
and current minions come for a holiday."

Xander still plastered against the door, sighed at the
thought of once again the Hellmouth invading his life.

"Let me guess, Rhonda and friends are vampires?" he
replied sarcastically to that bit of information from

"Yeah, they only come around every three years or so.
Allows us time to stock up on the human supplies
again. Compulsory to give a litre a month in Fairbanks
and surrounding areas. Smart for a vampire. Just
about everyone else would hit a town and drink
everyone dry so that every year a few towns would
close and never open again." explained the still
smiling Lukas.

"Oh, ok then, so they drink human but in bags? What
about the biting thing they all like to do though?"
wondered the calming boy. "Why the other bags in the

Walking towards the youngster, the dark man reached
behind him and opened the door, stating that Rhonda
was smart enough to know that they could wipe out the
whole of Alaska in around four years and not wanting
to do that, the compromise was put into effect over 62
years ago. If she didn't go around killing for sport
or food while around Fairbanks, she, her mate and
whatever minions accompanying her were given their
fill of blood. The caribou and moose sometimes mixed
in the minions blood to supplement them when winter
got too hard a grip and it was impossible to have a
large supply of human blood.

Seat belt buckled around him once again, blood filled
box on the seat next to him, it was explained that
vampires weren't the only type of demon to enjoy a cup
of blood. With that, a pat on the car roof and the
advice to bring the magically enhanced cold box back
with him next time, Lukas walked back into his little
post office. Xander, momentarily stunned, realised
that he hadn't asked what type of demon the friendly
man was.

Shudder and the car started, the wigged out brunette
drove back towards the cabin once again. Thinking
that Spike would be begging him for gossip after
spending the whole day cooped up inside with nothing
to do, he wondered if the mattresses would still be in
one piece or scattered around the bedroom.
Accelerator applied more firmly, he thundered down the
single road.

Part Four  

27 September 2000

around 1 pm

"Yep, thats great, thanks for bringing it. See you
later." Xander thanked the delivery man who had so
kindly brought the fridge inside and had then promptly
started to stack the firewood alongside the cabin.
The young man had gone out to help, leaving Spike
inside what was now called the main bedroom. Asked
for a tarp, he had gone inside to get the plastic from
the mattresses to place over the stack of wood to stop
it from getting wet. Told by Stuart that if his
cousin helped, it would be easier, the brunette had
babbled something about Spike being a little ill at
the moment. It was something he had wished he hadn't
said, Stuart had gone on and on about the types of
illnesses that first winter people experienced.

Nodding and wishing the man would just lug wood faster
and shut up, he "Ooohhed and Aahhed" in agreement with
the bald round man. Shorter than the vampire, Stuart
reminded Xander of a fat ferret but with worse teeth.
Once done, he walked the man back to the car with the
promise to give the ailing blonde daily doses of cod
liver oil. Trying not to stare at the rotten teeth,
he had agreed that only the real oil and not the
capsules would do the trick and that he would see
Steph in the local chemist to get some.

Stuart gone, he walked back up the gravelled drive,
past the two empty cabins and back to his own. His
was the third one in the row and the only one so far
occupied. It was weird not to have people close to
him, the nearest neighbours were almost a quarter of a
mile away, he could sometimes see the smoke coming
from their chimney at the clear night time.

"He's gone. I'll close the door and you can come out"
said the young man. Front door closed just as a
bedroom door opened, the blonde came out and sat
carefully on the blue throw rug covering the brown
couch. Arse stinging from the dry fuck he had been
given after the hissy fit of discovering no lube, he
tried not to jolt his sore insides. The boy had
slammed into him with one great shove, annoyed at the
thought of delaying something that was rightfully his
just because there was no lubricant to make it easier.
He had been fucked not just dry but hard as well,
being virtually impaled upon Xanders thick cock when
the boy had decided to slam the vampire down onto his
cock so that he had sat in the lap groaning in pain as
the whelp clutched him tightly around the waist, his
back rubbing against the heaving hot chest of the
younger man.

The boy being true to his emerging nature had gone
harder the more the smaller man had yelped. Having
only been done not even an hour and a half ago, his
insides were still protesting from the treatment.
Little smile in the direction of the male coming
towards him with a microwaved mug of caribou blood, he
waited for the apology he was sure was going to come
out of the whelps mouth.

~ Don't know why he fucking apologies, not that he's
never going to do it that way again. As soon as the
boy comes to terms with himself being a dom in the
making, my unlife gets harder and the apologies are
going to stop. ~

Blood being sipped slowly through the descended fangs,
Spike leant into the caressing hand gently stroking
his un gelled hair.

" I'm sorry Spike, I didn't mean to hurt you. You
know sometimes I just get a bit angry." A move closer
so that Xander was sitting next to the blonde, rubbing
thighs, he smiled when the vampire nodded at his

~Buy me human blood and next time I'll sodding well
impale myself on your cock, you prick ~

The bleached blonde knew full well that the male
sitting next to him wasn't even remotely sorry and it
was just a well rehearsed apology that he was now
receiving. Something that the brunette was still in
the habit of giving whether he really meant it or not.
A sniff at the person beside him confirmed his worry
that he was about to get another ride even if he
didn't want one. Last of the salty blood that tasted
better than pigs and according to the whelp, was a lot
cheaper, he put the mug down on the chipped coffee
table. Turning so that he was facing the aroused
youth sitting beside him, he wondered just how this
one was going to go as they still had no lube in the

"There is olive oil in the cupboard, will that do?"
asked the husky voiced male as he watched the smaller
man walk to the kitchen. What he said next rocked the
vampires world.

"Have you ever been fisted?" came the innocently
worded question.

The cup that he had been holding, fell from his
fingers and smashed onto the wooden floor. Spike,
nostrils flaring and starting to shake just from the
question, took one look at the almost black eyed boy
getting up from the couch and ran to the bathroom,
locking himself in before the taller male could reach

~ What the fuck does he mean? Stupid me, I know
exactly what he means. I go out and I either get a
large fist up my arse or a severe belting from running
from him. ~

On the floorboards, hugging his knees to his chest
with tears running down his face, the blonde knew that
if he was lucky, he would only get a slapping and the
fisting would be left to another day.
He could hear Xander knocking gently on the other side
of the door, telling him that he had only been joking
and to come out, he wasn't going to hurt him.

~ Yeah right! Sure thing you won't hurt me. Lull me
into a false sense of security, get me to let you in
and then WHAM, a belting for denying you what you
want. ~

"Spike, let me in please. I'm not going to ask nicely
again, if I have to ask again, I will give you a
right fucking slapping" came the calm voice tinged
with rising anger.

Head shaken from side to side, the blonde knew that it
was a guarantee already to get the slapping. Whether
it would be that night or from some flimsy excuse the
next day. He had only been fisted a few times before
and that had been when he was being punished by his
Sire, Angelus for daring to backchat his Grandsire,
Darla. The bitch had sat on a chair, laughing and
encouraging his Sire to go harder. Her tinkling
musical laughter had been drowned out by his own
guttural screams of agony as his large handed Sire had
ploughed into his torn arsehole slick with the blood
pouring out of it.

Another louder banging on the door chased away the
pain filled memories of experiencing something that
made you damn sure not to do what it was you had done
to deserve such treatment again. Hand shaking as the
tears were wiped away, Spike got up fearfully and
unlocked the door, springing back as he looked into
the furious face of the younger man.

" Well, I told you that I would give you a slapping if
I had to ask again didn't I?" came the very overly
calm voice. " Don't worry, I've changed my mind"

Almost dropping to the floor as his knees started to
buckle underneath him, the vampire whined as he saw
what the brunette produced from what he had been
holding behind his back.

The bottle of olive oil and a heavy black leather

Putting them down on the floor in front of the
shivering male, Xander told the blonde that he had ten
minutes to choose which one he was going to get.
Either a fisting or a whipping for locking himself in
the bathroom. The fisting was promised to be quick,
the whipping however was going to be numerous and if
he chose that one, each extra minute was going to add
7 lashes to the unspecified starting count.

~ Oh my god! What the fuck do I do? The belting, yeah
good idea. I'll take the belting ~

Snivelling, he bent down and picked up the heavy belt.
Deep breath, trying to calm himself down before he
went into the bedroom, he wondered where the hell the
whelp had gotten the idea of fisting from. Something
that he had never thought would enter the young man's
mind. On wobbly legs he made the short distance to the
main bedroom where the brunette was waiting for him.

" Good, I was hoping you would choose that one, don't
want to fist you just yet. I only asked, you know?"
exclaimed the boy as he ordered the vampire to strip
of his boxers and to lie on the mattress on his front.
Cock twitching at the sight of the the pale globes
presented to him, he gently stroked the soft skin,
eliciting gasps and tiny tremors. Belt double looped
over one fist so that the buckle was enclosed in the
large grasp, he ran it slowly up and down the shaking
vampires back.




another pause as Xander noticed the tears start to
well in the staring blue eyes. Smiling down at the
vulnerable male, he ran a finger along the high

" I forgot to tell you the starting number is 30 and
you took 3 minutes to get here so that makes 51 all
to gether but with those three it leaves only 48, Ok?"

Tears gushing at the pleasantly voiced words, the
vampire was upset more at the humiliation than the
actual pain that was going to begin. As he nodded to
the question, he braced himself for what was to come.
The boy was strong, and he probably wasn't going to
disappoint with the strength of the blows.


The sobbing started a little harder.


The sound of solid leather coming to meet soft flesh
filled the cabin.


Pale hands twisted the yellow sheets as he mentally
counted down the blows that continued to rain down on
his back, buttocks and upper thighs.

~Jesus this whelp is strong, no where near as strong
as a vamp, but this is fucking hurting. ~

With a yelp as the corner of the belt finally cut into
the bright red skin, Xander could feel himself
becoming more and more aroused as he continued to lay
into the smaller man. Seeing the blood starting to
flow as he dealt the last ten blows to the squirming,
yelping male, he dropped the wet belt on the floor
next to the bed. Cock grasped in one sweaty hand, he
ordered the still whining vampire to stay where he was
and walked into the bathroom to grab the oil from its
place on the floor.

~ Oohhh, thank god its finished, this is so
humiliating. A Master Vampire being disciplined by a
sodding human and one who is getting off on it as well

Moaning as he heard the whelp leave for a minute, his
senses were assaulted a new with the heavy tang of
arousal mixed with his own blood when the brunette
came back to kneel between his spread legs. A large
finger coated in oil brushed his clenched hole, forced
into the small opening. Teeth gritted, the vampire
hurriedly tried to relax as the second finger was
introduced to his tightness.

" Get onto you knees. Now." ordered the panting
younger man. Two fingers working into the coolness of
the vampire, he waited impatiently as the sore male
rose shakily to his hands and knees. Third finger
shoved into him as he regained his balance set him off
crying again with a squeal. A few minutes of rough
sawing and not enough oil to lubricate, and the
invading digits were replaced with a larger hotter
Hand pressed along the welts upon his back in a
steadying manner and he felt a hard shove. With half
the whelps cock inside him, Spike continued to grit
his teeth, thinking that in the future he would
hopefully be used to such treatment and that it
wouldn't continue to upset him so much.

Another hard shove and his whole cock was buried in
the tight coolness up to his pubes. Waiting for the
smaller man to get his balance corrected, he slowly
started to drive in and out of the sobbing male.
Speed picked up, he slammed into the groaning vampire
knowing that it was going to be over very soon. The
room filled with soft groaning and louder harsh
panting, a few minutes later it hosted a reverberating
yell as a tall brunette came hard into a tired sore

Cock pulled out with a wet pop, Xander grabbed the
still sobbing male and dragged him by the upper arm
into the bathroom and turned the shower on. Getting
in, he helped Spike get under the warm water. The
sobs broken by hissing as the water stung the broken
welts, the brunette gently kissed the blonde and
hugged him close to his own hot body as the shaking
and sobbing slowed down to dry heaving.

" You won't lock the door again will you?"

Blonde wet hair rubbed against his shoulder in a no
gesture, the two males stood under the water until it
started to cool.

One wondered why he was getting off on the whole
hurting another person thing and worried that the fact
that it did make him feel hot and horny, why it didn't
feel wrong like it was supposed to.

The other one wondered when his lucky day of having a
fist fuck was going to come and if there was going to
still be a lock on the bathroom door come tomorrow

Part Five  

27 September 2000

around 4 pm

Spikes point of view

My back is bloody hurting. I think that my arse and
thighs have gone completely numb, I cant feel them.
Laying in this fucking bed with the whelp banging
around the kitchen. He won't let me get up. Don't
want you to hurt yourself, he says. Of course not,
that would take away his fun.

I'm thinking why don't I just sodding well leave when
this long winter comes up. I can't though. Bloody
well addicted to the cuddling and soft whispers of
comfort the boy gives me after a belting. Sure, this
was the worst so far and how's this for a joke? Turns
out that he was only fucking joking about the whole
fisting thing. Only belted me to teach me not to run
from him he said. Gonna leave the lock on the door
because he trusts me not to do it again.

Read about it didn't he, smart little thing isn't he,
he can read! In one of Old Stuffy's books first and
then in a hardcore porn magazine a few nights ago he
says that he grabbed by accident at the newsagents.
The boy had apparently gone to buy his first gay rag.
I would have laughed at him if it hadn't been the fact
that I had already received a real whipping. Looked
through a few in my time, even when I was still in
Sunydale living with the whelp. Made sure to throw
them out before he got a whiff of them. Didn't want
him to go mental, think I was implying something and
then belt me around.

Only the boy could stuff up buying a fag rag. After he
had settled me back into bed, he had shown me the
magazine. Have to say, it was full of ideas for the
still green lad. Most of them not very nice things
for a human, for vampires, they were pretty much
ordinary everyday things. Even the fisting, some
vamps I know really get off on it. Angelus sort of
put me off that little kink well before I even knew
that people did it for fun.

I wrote him why he had gone out for a fag rag. The
whelp was so quiet at first, I thought that even
though I couldn't smell any anger on him that I was
going to get another belting. He told me that he
thought he might be gay. Pretty much blown away by
that I was. Knew he was in denial over being at least
a bi-sexual but then again the lad doesn't hold back
when he gets his mind into something. I mean really,
Alaska? Wrote him that I at least thought that he was
a bi due to the fact that I could smell his arousal
whenever a girl showed interest in him.

The tension that left the body as I looked on was
massive. Gave me the idea that half the beatings were
in frustration over the fact that he knew he was
attracted to guys but with parents like his, he had
hidden it so deep that it was only the claiming that
had allowed it to start emerging. Now totally away
from that effing wanker gang, it had finally entered
into a full bloom. He had been worried that he was a
total gay, but after I wrote him about smelling him
around girls, he was looking at the idea with lot more
acceptance. Maybe less beltings for me but I think
the emerging dom factor is still a worry.
Don't blame him for keeping it hidden, who could he
have talked it over with? Giles', the Wanking Hair or
even myself pre mute? I don't think so.

I don't know why but the fact that he had the guts to
tell me that made me feel all gooey despite the
fucking belting he had just given me. With that, I
wrote him about what Angelus had done to me. The
anger that poured out of him while he read what I had
wrote was unbelievably strong. Apologised for even
threatening me with a fisting and swore to me that he
would never do it or threaten me with it again.
Almost vomited on him in relief over that, the boy
meant the apology this time. Every fibre in his body
was screaming regret at me. Nodded, smiled and kissed
his yummy lips.

Every time he hugs me, rubs my earlobe between his
thumb and forefinger or just holds me against him
after a yelling at or a beating, I just melt into his
Don't have to forgive him, he's my claimant. Reminds
me so much of Angelus with the temper and the
punishments, not as sadistic of course. When it came
to dealing out the punishments, that Poncy Fuck was in
a league of his own. It's the little smiles and soft
kisses that get me every time, it's what separates him
from my Sire. It's his own style and his only,and I
think that I am coming to love it.

I like the boys sarcasm, I like that he buys me things
just because he can, the bad jokes and vile dress
sense. He gets me upset, makes me cry and bleed, makes
me squeal in agony but I don't care about that the
instant he puts his arms around me.

I think that I am coming to love him.

Part Six  

27 September 2000

around 4 pm

Xanders point of view

I know what made me buy that stupid magazine. Ended
up getting the wrong one anyway, nothing like the
Harris luck to fuck up at the appropriate time. Ever
since I started fucking Spike, I haven't really been
able to deny the attraction that I have for him. Now
in Alaska, away from all my old friends and the
expected role that I always had to play for them and
my parents, I'm thinking more and more about other
guys. I only meant to pick up a really tame gay thing
out of curiosity mostly. Almost died when I got it
back to the car and found out that I had gotten the
wrong one. Couldn't take it back because I had
already torn off the plastic cover, and I wouldn't due
to the embarrassment factor anyway.

Sat in my car horribly fascinated by the whole thing. 
I didn't even know you could do half the things they
had pictures of. It was the fisting that had really
caught my attention, I just can't believe people get
off on that type of thing. It seemed so off and
violent that I had the odd thought that maybe it was
something that vampires were into. You know, the more
pain the better deal. Hadn't meant to scare Spike
with the question. I was just curious to know if he
had done that sort of thing before, didn't even cross
my mind that he had been the taker in a few sessions.

I'm not even going to deny myself the truth that I
like it when Spike whines and yelps as I fuck him.
Should probably take it slower with him but it's so
much hotter when he makes those breathy grunts. 
Didn't know that I had really hurt him when I fucked
him before Stuart came with the fridge. Anya always
liked it hard in that position, sometimes she would
make me fuck her hard so that she cried. The first
few times I wasn't so sure about it but the idea grew
on me as she used to do the same little sounds like
Blondie does but hers were always a lot louder.

I can't believe that I enjoyed belting him so much. 
It was so exciting when he was squirming around and
whining. When he started bleeding, I thought that I
was going to come all over him right there. Pretty
sick but I can't help it. Mostly it's the thought
that he can't fight back that makes it so hot. Would
never dream of doing it to Anya or Cordelia, they
would probably rip me limb from limb just for the
thought although Anya would go for it just to try it.

He won't permanently scar and he will always heal, I
won't ever do enough damage to him so that he will be
physically scarred. I didn't know that vampires could
be emotionally scarred though, especially soulless
evil ones. After I showed him the magazine, he asked
me why I had gotten a fag rag as he so delicately put
it. So I told him the truth that I can no longer deny
to myself, that I thought I was gay. It was some
relief when he told me that the smell I gave off
around girls meant that I was more than likely bi. 
Not too bad, I suppose. Should have figured that one
out for myself though, a couple of the girls in the
mall had given me a semi hard on.

We had sat in quietly for a few minutes until he had
scribbled a few sentences in his almost used up note
book and had then handed it to me. The anger I felt
at what was written completely overrode the guilt I
felt at terrifying the bleach blonde. As I had read
what was written, I realised that even for something
that had happened so long ago, it still had the power
to affect the vampire. If I had known about what that
prick Sire of his had done to him as a "punishment",
there was no way I would have even mentioned the
fisting to him let alone threatened him with it. I
was so relieved and angry at the same time that he
ended up choosing the belting. There was no way I was
going to let him get away with locking himself in the
bathroom and I had figured that I had to teach him a

He belongs to me and I have to be the protector in
this relationship. It's weird but since leaving
Sunnydale and my friends, I have taken a real shine to
Spike. Maybe its because he is the only person who
knows the real me or the fact that I can show who I
really am and I'm no longer under the influence of
Giles and the others. I have to make up my own mind
now and not rely on the others to do it for me, I
don't have to go along with everyone else just to keep
the peace and prevent a Slayer temper tantrum. I'm
starting to see him in a different light, no longer
coloured by everyone elses perceptions.

The way Spike cuddles into me at night is nice. He
moulds himself to my body, he fits just right. I like
to touch him, hug him. He has nice ear lobes and
sometimes I think I can almost hear a purr from him
when I rub at them while watching the t.v. After I
have yelled at him or given him a slapping for
whatever reason, I can't help but gather him into my
arms and hold him. My heart flutters a little when I
catch him looking at me sometimes.

He still really shits me at times. I get annoyed and
angry with him when he won't shut the tears up on a
bad day. I make him cry a lot though myself. Can't
help but slap at him. Shouldn't though. It's only
really hit me how sensitive he is now. Nice to be
needed and Spike does need me. He relies on me. I
hope that it continues. I've never felt like this
before. Starting to really like him and I have to
admit that when he isn't crying, his company is
enjoyable. I like being the one in charge.

Part Seven 

2 October 2000

6.30 pm

"Jesus, I'm totally stuffed!" sighed Xander as he
staggered through the front door and headed for the
couch. With his body thrown heavily upon the soft
furniture, he thought of how out of shape he already
was after only about 3 weeks off from working. Cool
hands slipped around his waist as the couch sunk from
the weight of the blonde as he settled next to him.

Spike leaned against the brunette who had just come
from his first day at work, he could tell how tired he
was. He could also smell how hard the boy had worked,
he reeked of sweat and he didn't need a vamp's extra
abilities to know it. Both sitting for a few minutes,
the vampire got up and tugged at his claimants hand.
Gesture towards the bathroom, he held his nose and
pointed at the laughing younger man.

" Gee, you reckon? Very hard day, doing a bank just
around the corner from the mall." replied the already
stripping male. Clothes dropped on the floor on the
way to the bathroom, he grabbed a fresh towel from the
bathroom cupboard and flung it over the edge of the
bath away from the reach of the water. Water turned
on and the bathroom starting to steam, he could hear
the blonde rattling dishes and opening cupboards in
the kitchen. Not being bothered to ask what was going
on, Xander climbed into the hot jets of water, moaning
as the warmth eased his tense tired muscles.

It had been a hard day. He had met his new work
mates, nice bunch of guys so far. Bit quiet until
they had found out that he had signed on for two
years. Apparently they were used to newcomers leaving
again only a few weeks after they had arrived. He was
the only non Alaskan born guy on the brick crew and in
fact, the whole building crew apart from another large
Fijian, Josessi. The laughing self proclaimed joker
of the crew had explained that he already knew who he
was from Lucas Teuke, a fellow Fijian himself. Mind
boggling at just how not one but two Fijians ended up
in Alaska, he wondered if Josessi knew what type of
demon the other man was.

He had been pretty much ignored by all bar Josessi
until lunch when they had been happy to talk to him
after learning about his contract with the company.
Introductions all round, he was welcomed to the state.
There had been talk about what he did back home, did
he have a girlfriend/wife, where was he living and why
wasn't his cousin working as well. They had been
happy at his explanation of working in construction
for over a year and a half, he was single but not
looking, renting from the company and that his cousin
had a sunlight phobia. The 3 man brick crew that
included Josessi, stood around nodding at his words,
stating that once winter came up, maybe the long hours
of darkness would allow his cousin to get a job.

Xander had expected more than a few snide remarks
about Spike and the "phobia" but had been pleasantly
surprised that it was taken all in stride, a few of
the guys promising to think about where the blonde
could get some work. Work had been hard due to the
crew being so small for the size of the job, everyone
had to do almost two peoples work load to ensure that
the building would be up in the scheduled time frame.
Apart from the brick crew, there were only 4 other
guys for the cement and inside building fitting.

Mind shut off to the thought of work, the relaxed boy
poured some body gel into his hand and proceeded to
lather himself up.

Spike banged around the kitchen, looking for the pots
and pans. He hadn't taken much notice of where the
whelp had put them, only used to one mug and that was
it. Fry pan found, he slapped it on the gas stove and
opened the fridge to see what he could throw into the
stupid thing for the boy to eat.

~ Don't want the boy to get run down and sick, been
doing nothing around here. Soooo gotta get me a
hobby. At the moment even a sodding job would be
welcome, glad he's home now though ~

A snort at just what job he would be good at, the
vampire grabbed the mushrooms, onion and tomatoes
vaguely remembering that the whelp had once done
something with the three vegetables together in a pan.
Hesitating before deciding to peel the mushrooms, he
chopped the peeled onion while wincing at the acrid
aroma that tried to poke out both of his eyes.
Vegetables all chopped and chucked into the pan with a
bit of oil, he turned on the gas and hoped for the
best as the mess started to sizzle.

~ I hope I don't kill the brat. Wouldn't go down too
well with the landlords ~

Quick snigger at the thought of explaining his cooking
skill to a local sherif, he poked at the bubbling mass
with a wooden spoon. A another look in the cupboard
produced jars of chicken stock, basil and oregano.
Jar of minced garlic pushed aside and then after a
brief inner struggle, thrown in the bin, the smelly
herbs and stock were added to the simmering red

"God that smells great, I didn't know that you could
cook?" exclaimed the brunette as he walked out of the
bedroom clothed in baggy sweat pants. Stomach
rumbling, he leaned close into the blonde and with a
long wet kiss, sniffed the air once he broke away to

~Can't actually, just don't die on me and we'll be
right. ~

Smile plastered wide across his face at the whelps
rumbling stomach and obvious impatience to eat, Spike
clung tightly to the taller man, relieved that the
other male was home at last. He had been nervous and
jumpy all day from the moment the car had roared off
down the driveway. Stuck inside with only the tv and
the stupid book that they still had from the Watchers
place, he had been able to do nothing but count the
minutes until the boy had gotten home. It wasn't as
if he could just call someone up for a quick
conversation or go over to the neighbours and
introduce himself, with an offer of a cup of tea.

He hadn't really been too worried when the whelp had
left him to go to the mall or get blood, knowing that
the boy would be gone only a few hours. Today,
neither of them had known when the boy would get back
thus leading to the minor panic that the blonde had
been in all day with nothing really to distract him.

~ Missed you, like it now that your home. Don't like
being alone. ~

Snuggled into the warm bare chest, the vampire watched
as the brunette stirred at the almost ready mixture.
Herded to the couch, Spike continued to watch as the
young man boiled some water and added 3 minute pasta
noodles to the saucepan. Two plates pulled out of the
cupboard, Xander quickly grated cheese ontop of the
steaming pasta and tomato. Plate and fork handed to
the blonde as he sat down next to the vampire. Eating
as quick as the hot food would allow him to, Xander
was amazed at the great taste. Once finished, he put
the empty plate down on the coffee table alongside the
other one.

"That was fantastic! No-one has ever really done that
for me before, I mean Mom stopped cooking for me once
she knew I could work the microwave. Willow's mum
used to phone up restaraunts for delivery whenever I
went over for dinner."

Embarrassed and happy at the thought of such a small
thing pleasing the boy, Spike was excited when he was
gently pulled up from the couch and led towards the
bedroom. Soft kisses and warm hands slowly undressed
the cool body. Placed carefully on his front, he
moaned and squirmed to the feel of large hands
stroking his back as he was raised to his hands and
knees. A long lube filled preparation had him eager
to take the whelps cock, rocking himself back to meet
the slow thrusting. Prostrate hit each time the boy
filled him, the vampire came with a few strokes of his
hand on his cock, a minute after feeling the hotness
well up inside him. Both men lay curled into each

Part Eight
6 October 2000

Saying goodbye to Josessi and the others, Xander
headed to where he had parked the old white comamdore.
Sea tbelt snapped on, he started the engine and
headed off along the main road to go and see Lucas and
pick up some blood before going home to pick up Spike
and visit Fairbanks for some sight seeing. Fairbanks
had late night trading up until 10pm at night and the
brunette wanted to get the vampire out of the cabin in
which he was more or less going stir crazy. Five
minutes down the double lane road and he pulled into
the post office. Lip bitten at the sign that said
"closed", he wondered if he should still knock and see
if Lucas would be there.

Deep breath, Xander banged loudly on the door and
waited for an answer. Hand raised to bang again at
the solid white door, he almost screamed in fright
when a bag was shoved at him from behind. Whirling
around, heart jumping out of his chest, Xander faced a
laughing Lucas.

"Sorry, but you humans are just sooo easy to scare!"
chuckled the large man as the wild eyed youth snatched
the plastic bag out his hand.

"How the hell did you know that I was coming for this
and don't ever do that again, next time I think I'm
going to shit myself." Xander replied, disgusted at
himself for being so lax. If that had happened in
Sunnydale, he would have been either drained or turned
by now. Then again, not having to watch ones back
every single moment tended to make you a bit relaxed.

"Your cousin drinks what, 2 or 3 a day right? I
expected you this morning but when you didn't show,
then I figured that it would be around now that I
would see you." Still laughing at the younger man,
the demon started to walk off back behind the house
that was attached to his little post office.

"What sort are you?" asked the boy, cursing himself
straight after for being so rude to a invaluable
contact. Flushed and embarrassed by the question, he
steeled himself for either a "get stuffed and don't
come back" or a truly horrible visage to appear.

Lukas, suddenly serious, turned slowly back towards
the nervous lad. Small smile, he waited until he got
right up and close to the brunette. "Kava Demon"

"A what?" Xander asked ignorantly, yet again wondering
what was wrong with his idiot mouth. Watching as the
dark brown eyes turned into slitted green cats eyes
completed with what he thought was a khaki all over
green tinge to the mans body. He could only see the
man's face and hands, but he assumed that it was all
over. Forked tongue flicked out to lightly trace the
lips. Nose disappeared from the face to leave only
small slits to breathe from.

"A Kava Demon. Fijian gekko related demon. In the
good old days, we used to run around and eat all those
who dared invoke the Kava drinking ritual and didn't
finish it by morning. Happened quite a lot actually,
still does on a small but regular basis." explained
the smiling man as his nose rose again out of his face
and once again became a prominent feature.

Arms folded against his chest, one hand clutching the
blood packet filled plastic bag, Xander was fascinated
at the relatively non icky demon face that lay under
the dark skin of Lukas. Not enough people doing the
Kava ritual anymore, tourists were doing it more than
the locals now but they tasted weird. Didn't have a
lot of flavour apparently and the tourists
disappearing was a worry to the craft trade in Suva
and the little islands. Head nodding as his stomach
churned at the explanation given to him, Xander
apologised about asking the demon the rude question.

Apology waved off, Lucas invited both him and Spike to
dinner the next night. Didn't really get to hang
around with the local demons much, the ones he usually
hung around with were the owners of the local chinese
restaraunt and a pack of Veronkif's who were probably
on the coast looking for polar bears to play kiss
chasey with at this very moment, Rhonda and co.. not
being back for another two years at least.

Astounded at the very thought of any one kissing a
bear, Xander agreed to the dinner and relieved that he
wouldn't have the stress of worrying about the
vampires for a couple of years. Plenty of time to
worry about what to do with Spike when the time came.
He knew that somewhere along the track, he would have
to deal with a vampire taking a shine to the blonde
and issuing a claimant challenge. Better not to think
about it until it happens, that thought shoved right
away so that it spun around in one little corner of
his "must think about later" mind, the two men agreed
to 7pm.

Door opened in front of him before he could even use
his key, Xander was dragged from where he stood and
feverishly kissed by an excited smaller man. Cock
hardening at the sight of the blonde, he pushed the
man away as he closed the front door ensuring more
privacy. Knowing that Spike had been cooped up with
pretty much nothing to do all day, he continued to
kiss his way to the small kitchen that held the
fridge. Cool hands groping his rock hard dick, he
moaned into the wet mouth of the vampire.

Spike could smell the boy's hard on and a few lengthy
gropes later, he could feel it as well. Hurriedly
undoing the black leather belt holding up the dirty
jeans, he slid a long fingered hand into the tenting
boxers as he worked the jeans down around the firm
lower thighs. Tongue meeting the hot wet lips of the
whelp as he heard the heartbeat get faster. A thunk
on the floor as the bag was dropped onto it.

"Fuck Spike, just blow me already will you!" Xander
moaned when he felt a gust of cool air blown across
the hot head of his cock. Wetness wrapped around his
penis, making his eyes cross. Hands tangled in soft
cat fur like hair, the brunette lost himself to the
pleasure of his cock sliding in and out of talented
lips as his sac was rolled and squeezed by a cool

The vampire felt his hair being gripped in large hot
hands, deep throating the throbbing member as the grip
got tighter. Head now firmly clutched still, he
relaxed his throat only slightly panicking as the
thick shaft of the whelps cock was thrust into his
open mouth with firm grinds of the taller man's hips.
Eyes closed, he could feel the thrusting become harder
the more he played with the balls in his hand.

"Fuckfuckfuckfuck, this is sooo fucking great!"
Bottom lip bitten as he rammed into the cool mouth,
Xander pumped once, twice, three times more, yelling
as he gushed hot cum down the blondes throat. Pulling
out, he dragged Spike up from his knees, kissing him
with tongue tasting the strange tang of his essence on
the other mans lips. Taste of himself rolled around on
his tongue, Xander explored every inch of the vampires
cool mouth. Pulling back as he remembered that he had
to breath, he once again wondered at the strange

It wasn't too bad at all, not quite what he had been
expecting. Briefly he wondered what Spikes cum tasted
like, before a resounding "ick" went through his head.
The smaller man watched as the brunette tried to take
in what he tasted like. He, himself, had never gone
anywhere near another man before being turned and was
curious as to how semen tasted to a human. It smelt
to high heaven to a vamp and before the chip, he had
never thought to ask the numerous humans he had forced
to swallow his cum before draining them.

Vampire clasped tightly to his still heavily breathing
chest, Xander told him about the dinner invite with
Lukas. Bag picked up from the floor and blood bags
shoved into the fridge, the brunette told the blonde
to get a coat as they were going late night shopping.
Virtually shoving the younger man out of the way in
the hurry to get his coat, Spike ran to the bedroom
and grabbed one for the whelp as well. Anything to
just get out of the fucking place.

~ Need a goddamned hobby, just something to do. At
least in Sunnyhell, I had the option of going
somewhere. Here, nothing around, no fucking sewers or
enough shade anyway.~

Knowing full well that he hadn't taken the opportunity
to get out, he had been secure in the knowledge that
there always had been the option of going some where
via the sewers when he had been living with the whelp
in Sunnydale. With the thought of just what hobby or
thing he could do during the day when the boy was at
work, he handed the brunette his thick lumber jacket
while slipping his own on that the scooby gang had
given them both for a going away present. His had
apparently been an after thought by the gang after
Joyce had mentioned the fact that Spike would also
feel the intensely cold winters. Smelling annoyed and
guilty, the witches had come around to the apartment
and given him a red checked jacket to match the
whelp's blue checked one the following afternoon.

He had resisted the urge to give them the "fuck off"
finger and had snatched the parcel out of their hands
before slamming the door in their faces. Spike liked
Joyce and had secretly sneered all round at the looks
of guilt, annoyance and embarrassment that had
miraculasly appeared after that little gem had been
mentioned. Joyce, he liked because she had been the
only understanding one when he had first been upset
over Dru leaving him. He had smirked to himself when
to the horror of the Slayer, her mother had planted a
kiss on his cheek and promised to write to him once he
was settled in their new home.

~Yeah, might just do the writing back thing. Give me
something to do I suppose. ~

Door locked behind them, the two males walked to where
the car was parked next to the woodpile. Strapped in,
car started and they were off towards what was now
termed the "Big smoke". Laughter rebounded in the car
when Xander mentioned this to the vampire, the
interior filled with soft grunting and louder peals of
humour. The car was stopped only the once on the way
to Faribanks when the notebook Spike had been writing
in was shoved into this face. Quickly reading what
was scrawled across the page, the boy also started
wondering what things the blonde could do during the
day. If it was something that could earn money, it
would be all the better. After winter was gone, the
cost of supplying human blood for Spike during the
heavy summer would be ultra expensive.

Thought pondered, the brunette was brought back to
reality by the vampire gently tugging on his jacket.
Head turned towards the smaller man, he followed the
pointed finger and looked out onto the road and into
the beam of light provided by the car's headlights.

It was snowing. Both men getting out of the car, they
were shocked at just how quickly the temperature had
dropped to allow the snow to begin. Amazement crossed
both faces when the realisation hit them. They were
in Alaska and now the snow was starting, the
possibility of being snowed in during the long winter
was real. Breath from the one male steaming into the
frigid air, the car was started again with the descion
to take a quick peek around the Fairbanks shopping

Car parked as close as they could get to the entrance,
the blonde and the brunette took in the sights of the
much larger mall that housed numerous shops. Xander
grabbed the latest magazines, only just avoiding a
full body blush when he spotted the vampire fiddling
around the gay erotica section in the news agency.
The small smirk that had appeared on the bleached
blondes face as he walked out of the shop brushing
past the taller man, saw Xander almost throw his money
at the sales assistant in the hurry to get out.
Spike, waiting for him outside the shop, gestured to
the large supermarket reminding the whelp that he had
to get new notebooks and some more pens.

Xander had stopped in front of a community board for
the local college and was reading all the notices put
up after a flyer had caught his attention. Bored, the
coloured piece of paper had declared. Wanting to do
something while snowed in? had followed the title.
Curious, he read some more and discovered that it was
an information leaflet listing the short
correspondence courses that one could do. Quick look
around and the boy tore down the flyer that had the
college phone number on the back.
With a feeling of dread deep in the pit of his
stomach, the blonde watched as the brunette came
towards him with the aqua piece of paper clutched
tightly in his hand.

Staring wide eyed at the smiling youth in front of
him, Spike slowly read the aqua paper and what was
typed across it. Blue eyes meeting dark brown ones,
he wondered if he had gone completely Dru like in the
thinking that maybe one of the courses mentioned would
keep him amused for a while.

~ Who knows maybe after I've become a fucking
secretary, I could go and replace the pom pom bint in
the Poncing Poofs office ~

Bottom lip starting to tremble at the thought of
spending the rest of his unlife typing and filing in
an office, he wondered just how far he had left to
keep falling from his once lofty perch as a part of
the Scourge of Europe. Xander, seeing the vampire
trying not to cry in public, gently took one elbow in
his hand and guided the blonde back to the white
commodore. The note books and pens could wait until
the next day he figured.

Part Nine
7 October 2000

Saturday night around 9.30 pm

Dinner finished with the two plates and an empty mug
pushed back from the participants, all three men
sighed at the feeling of full stomachs. Spike was
revelling in the taste of human blood for the first
time in what would be months, he had tried to sip at
the warm thick liquid as slowly as possible until
Lukas had told him that if he wanted, he could have a
second bag. Not even considering the cost of the
blood to the large Fijian, the blonde had nodded and
grinned ferally as the second bag was presented to

Xander had watched the vampire almost combust with
pleasure as he drank the blood, slightly slurping in
his haste to consume all that the full mug offered.
He hoped that the other man wasn't going to lose out
in any way by giving the human stuff to the blonde.
His own dinner consisted of a roast leg of pork, apple
sauce and other roast vegetables. Lukas was a great
cook and he wondered if he hosted dinner at his house
often. He couldn't ever recall having a roast
anything in his life, not even when Joyce had invited
him over for dinner a few times.

A loud cough broke into his thoughts. Blushing, the
brunette looked at the two faces peering back at him.
Spike was now back in his human face only still a
little yellow around the pupils of his eyes. Lukas
had taken one look at how the two men interacted
together and had come to the conclusion that they were
indeed sleeping together, he could smell the human all
over the vampire but funnily enough not much of the
vampire was on the younger man which meant that in
this case, the vampire was the receiver and the human
was the giver. Not being able to work out why, he had
invited the two into the house.

All during dinner, the Fijian had tried not to stare
at the way the human and vampire acted towards each
other. The way the bleached blonde was submissive to
the taller dark haired male was astounding. It wasn't
as if it was overtly displayed, it was just a few
looks and gestures here and there that gave it away.
Lukas wanted to ask why a human was allowed to display
dominance over a vampire and even why there was no
evidence of biting on the brunette.

Spike was humiliated, he knew that the Kava demon was
just dying to ask what the hell was going on with his
relationship with the boy. He couldn't help but look
at Xander for approval sometimes and he knew that the
dark man had caught every look he had sent Xander's
way. The vampire was sure that the other demon had
never seen a vamp pairing like this before, he was
sure because he himself had never seen one either or
even heard of one. With Xander back in the land of
reality, the men walked over to the armchairs and
couch in the living room, each holding a beer.

Soft snorting grunts and loud booming laughter echoed
throughout the small house as Lukas regaled his guests
with just how he came to be in Alaska. Apparently
Josessi on a whim had started a Kava ritual that
hadn't been finished by the following morning so Lukas
had been dispatched by the elder demons to go to
Alaska and teach the lone Fijian a lesson.
Unfortunatley, it had been winter and he had gotten
lost on the way to Josessi's place, stumbled onto the
little post office and the original owner dead on the
doorstep, having frozen to death after tripping on
something and breaking his leg. Lukas had taken
shelter in the post office and while there, he had
eaten the owner before discovering the large cast
iron door that Xander had seen the first time.

It had taken a few days for the door to be opened
however, because much to his surprise the door was in
itself a sentient being and hadn't recognised the Kava
demon as it's owner. After numerous explanations and
dragging what was left of the owner down to the door
for it to see, the door had apparently given in to the
demons demands for it to open. That had been almost
12 years ago and he still hadn't punished Josessi for
not finishing the kava ritual, but with much laughing,
he said that one day he would. He was enjoying
himself too much in the cold land, never seeing snow
before and was fascinated by it. Once he had
punished the fellow Fijian, he knew that he would be
called back straight away and he wanted to get as much
time in the State of Alaska as possible.

Tears of laughter being wiped away from both the
vampire and the brunette, having just heard what was
possibly the weirdest story ever, they both finished
the beer and nodded when Lukas asked if they wanted
another one. Xander was suddenly nervous as he knew
that sooner or later he would be expected to tell his
and Spikes story. That he would do with lots of stuff
being left out. Lukas back with the beer, asked the
dreaded question of how the two of them got to be in
Alaska themselves. Not missing the slight flinch of
the blonde on the couch, he was surprised when the
younger man reached out a hand almost unconsciously
and patted at the black clad thigh reassuringly.

Interesting story this would be, he thought and he
knew that he wouldn't be getting the full story
tonight. Going for the big leap of faith, the demon
told the two men that if they were "together", it was
fine by him.

Suddenly speechless, Xander snatched his hand from the
vampires cool thigh as if he had been burnt. With a
stutter and blushing, he asked what Lukas had meant by
that. Told that the other man could smell them over
each other, the brunette was informed that it was
probably for the best anyway. Asked again what was
meant by that statement, the two newcomers were told
of the woman shortage in Alaska and of the annual
teams of women who turned up in the cold State each
year looking for "real men" to marry. Due to the
abundance of single men, it wasn't unusual for the
ratio to be 4 men to every single woman and that good
looking men such as themselves usually found their
faces involved in a multitude of fights. To even up
the competition, so to speak.

If they announced themselves as a couple, they were
more likely to be accepted as such and left totally
alone when the annual woman drive began. They might
get a ribbing or two but once the other guys realised
that they were out of the competition, they would no
longer pose a threat to a lonely old wood miller
looking for a wife in winter.

Stunned looks on both faces told Lukas that neither of
them had even considered such an action. The vampire
had a world weary look to his eternally young face
while the youngest male in the room had a embarrassed
expression. Stating that the company wouldn't care or
throw them out of the cabin after Xander started
making his objections known, the dark man told them
that even though the vampire had been passed off as
the younger mans cousin, the others would understand
once they had given them both some shit about it.

Reluctantly agreeing in the end if only to save the
vampire a few beatings from strangers, Xander and
Spike waved goodbye to the dark man and climbed into
the car without having given their own story on how
they had arrived in Alaska. Quiet all the way home
during the 15 minute drive, the boy wondered just how
he was going to start establishing the fact that he
was gay and already in a relationship after telling
his work mates that he was single. Lukas telling him
to go the gay route because stating that he was in
fact bi would still pose a threat and in Alaska,
either you were straight or gay, no in between.

Both climbing into the warm bed, the two men snuggled
into each other too caught up in their own thoughts to
do anything but think of what the future was going to
bring them.

Part Ten
12 October 2000

around 8 pm

Spike was nervous and the pacing was surely indicating
that. The whelp had been in a mood since the previous
Saturday night ever since Lukas had suggested telling
his work mates about being gay. Easier said than done
really. Xander had chosen tonight to tell his
friends, it being payday, they were more than likely
going to be in a good mood and all. They didn't
really have much time to stuff around as the annual
womens run was about to start. The first of the women
were due in and around Fairbanks early the next week.

Around 200 females of all age groups were due to
descend upon the town. Xander had already mentioned
that the guys were getting a bit nasty at him, a small
comment thrown his way here and there. The comments
had done nothing of course to improve the mood of the
boy when he arrived at home both exhausted from the
job and mentally tired from trying to ignore the
The vampire had been walking on egg shells ever since
the dinner with the Kava demon. He had made the
effort to make dinner for the whelp each night,
something the boy said that he appreciated. Truth be
told, the blonde just didn't want to become a punching
bag until it was too late. He would get a belting,
that he was sure of, but if it could be put off until
later then so be it.

Xander had taken him pretty easy all week so far,
something that the vampire had really enjoyed. A
glance at the kitchen clock told him that the boy
should be home soon, around 9.30 - 10 pm he had been
told. Throwing himself down on the comfy couch, he
leaned over and flicked on the tv to try and make the
time pass quickly. A few minutes later, the t.v. not
doing its job, he reached for the aqua brochure again
and re-read the courses listed on the paper. He was
pretty sure that he was going to do the woodwork
course, all it really meant was that he was sent plans
on how to build things, he built them, took photos and
sent them in after he built the required items as well
as a few of his own choices.

The whelp had mentioned that if he did do the
woodwork, maybe he should build a complete bedroom
furniture set that included a cupboard, bedside tables
and even a base for the mattresses. Their clothes
still residing in bags and strewn on the floor along
with the mattresses, it had been a good suggestion.

~ Yep, woodwork that's what I'm going to do. Look out
Jesus, here I come! ~

Oddly enough, he was really looking forward to working
with his hands again. Before being turned, he had
been famous for his thieving skills all around London.
He had the hands for it, small with long fingers that
were still ultra sensitive. After being turned, he
had put them to just as good use as thieving by
learning to peel off layers of skin and how to
separate tendons with out splitting them. Angelus had
taught him how to do it and he had been a good
teacher, the young William just didn't have the
patience to do it very often, preferring more brutal
straightforward approach to torture. Ways that got
the information pretty much straight away.

T.v. now ignored totally, the vampire started to fill
in the form that Xander had gotten sent to them when
he had rung up to find out more about the woodwork
course after Spike had told him that he was interested
in that one.

~ Name, William Lavelle (the fucking Bloody!!!)
Address, 3/3 Amberliquid Road ( Sodding Poof would
like that one)
Phone no, 9783 3056 ( Ring and leave a message, Boy
will get back to you)
Nearest major town, Pennington
Postcode, ? ( how the fuck should I know?)
Course, Woodwork - Beginners (and a short course
on how to remove a bint of a chip from ones brain!)
Method of payment, Mastercard (insert relevant
numbers, thanks luv) ~

Hearing a car in the distance, Spike wasn't too
worried until he recognised Xanders brand of gear
change, quick glance at the clock telling him that it
was still early, only around quarter to nine. Stomach
dropping in dread as the car door slammed, the vampire
sniffed the air as he opened the door for the younger
man. The anger staining the air slapped at him
causing him to take a step back.

~ Ok, here goes the hissy fit I've been expecting all
week then ~

With that thought, he stood well out of the way as the
brunette stomped into the house, currently swelling
black eye plain to see.

"Hello dear, how are you? As you can see, I've had a
great day having a friendly little chat with the
charming men at work " The calm tone was betrayed by
the nasty look on the boys face as he said the words
to a blonde that was trying to stay out of arms

~ Uh-oh, one slapping coming up! ~

Not knowing whether to smile or sympathise with the
seething male, the vampire slowly walked to the
kitchen and got out a packet of frozen peas from the
freezer as Xander sat himself down on the couch and
stared at the blank wall in front of him. Peas
snatched out his hand, Spike stood beside the couch,
not wanting to anything that was going to set the
other man off.

" Don't just stand there like a fucking moron, sit and
tell me all the things you've done today, you know
like sat around doing nothing but watch tv, that sort
of thing"

As he took a seat next to the boy, the blonde wished
he hadn't after he heard the last of the words come
out of his mouth. The annoyance and anger were
rolling off the youths body in waves. Almost yelping
in fright, he froze as a warm hand rested itself on
his thigh.

" You know, I got punched by one of the guys tonight,
it was preceded by a fantastic night at a local bar
full of gay jokes and what to do with dead faggots.
The black eye is apprantly a warning for me not to
look at my workmates arses."

Xander directed this comment to the wall, something
that was starting to upset the vampire a lot. So far,
the boy hadn't looked at him since walking through the
front door. The hand started to slowly stroke his

~ Talk to me pet, it's good that your getting it out ~

Nodding beside the younger man, Spike was wondering
when he was going to get hit and how hard.

" Told them that I already had a blonde at home that
would get jealous if I did look anywhere else and you
know what? It's great that I told them because now we
are both invited to Mac's house for pre Auction Night
drinks. They would like to meet the "little woman" I
have at home, oh don't worry, they already know what
you look like" snarled Xander. "Of course, I said yes
and don't worry about the eye, it'll heal I said to

~ Ok, been called lots of things but "the little
woman" is a new one and one that I hope is not bandied
around a lot. Bunch of Deliverance arseholes ~

Wall still being stared at, the brunette could feel
himself getting more and more angry as the minutes
passed. His workmates had been really on his back
that morning after the company had faxed the time and
date of the Auction Night to the little office in
Pennington. With comments of what a good looking boy
like him was doing in Alaska and other things of how
could a man compete with faces like his and his
cousins around, Xander had told them pretty much as
soon as lunch had started after being tripped by one
of the older guys. Silence had surrounded the men at
first and then a few muttered "goddamned faggots" had
been tossed around, Xander being saved by Josessi
slapping him on the back with the comment of at least
the two pretty boys were out of the competition.

Laughter had started slowly at first then had gone
into a full gale force as the workmates had realised
that Josessi had been right and that it meant more
chances at a woman for them. Xander hurriedly
suggesting a few rounds at the local with him buying
the first round as a consolation for lying to them.
The workmen agreeing after a few more "homo" comments
thrown his way.

Work had gone on pretty much as normal but with the
name of Baxter being directed to him. It wasn't
"Xander can you pass that for me" it was now "Baxter
can you pass that for me, if your not too limp
wristed". The teasing he could put up with, he had
gotten that type of crap at home all his life and he
was used to it. How ironic he thought that both his
father and uncle had ended up being right. The name
Baxter was starting to get to him, he knew that it had
a homosexual connotation to it but what it was had
Xander puzzled. The punch had also been unexpected,
especially as he had ended up buying the first two
rounds. It was the threat to do the same to the
blonde that had him angry. No-one touched what was
his and he had pretty much roared that at the shocked
men who had backed down as soon as they had seen him
get into a temper.

Xander was upset that he had shown his temper to his
workmates after having successfully hiding it for so
many years. If he hadn't claimed the fucking blonde,
then none of this would be happening right this
For the first time since that night in the basement,
Xander regretted his actions. Getting up, he shoved
the blonde away as he trudged to the bedroom, firmly
closing the door in the vampires face.

Spike watched the door close, almost banging his nose.
He was confused, didn't the boy want him anymore? He
was an adored, claimants never did this to those they
adored. They never shut them out of the bedroom and
their life. Spike panted, maybe he was overreacting
and the actions would be explained in a few hours once
the boy calmed down some. Sitting on the couch while
waiting for the whelp to bring to the bed, he felt the
tears of being ignored slide down his face.

Part Eleven
21 October 2000

6 pm Mac's house

Xander and Spike trudged up the gravel driveway,
nodding and smiling at the men whispering and staring
at them. The vampire wishing that he could go into
game face and scare the fuck out of them all. The boy
had only started talking to him again yesterday
morning and he was still confused as to why he had
been pushed away that night. During that time, the
blonde had been pretty much in tears every moment he
had been awake even though he had been guided into bed
with the boy after a few hours of sitting on the couch
by himself. After not being spoken to for a week, he
had been overjoyed at hearing the whelp speak to him
again even if it had been a direct order to drink as
he was getting severely dehydrated from not eating

The slap on the back brought him back to reality,
standing next to a huge bristly looking man and
surrounded by lots more, the vampire was reminded just
how slender he really was compared to the whelp.

~ I suppose in this case, "little woman" does apply.
Not my fault that London had crap food, even if you
were lucky enough to get some ~

Doing his best not to give the finger all round to the
circle of men surrounding both him and Xander, he
smiled and nodded as each man was introduced. He
watched as Xander explained his sunlight "phobia" and
his inability to speak due to a car accident, laughing
with the men as they poked fun at the phobia and
sympathised over the accident.

~ Bunch of dumbfucks! If only I could just rip the
head off one, not all, just the one and that's all I
ask for. A head mounted on the wall ~

Twinge going through his head at the thought, he could
feel his scalp get warm as the chip sent tingling
currents from the base of his skull to right behind
his eyes. Hand on Xander for support as a bright
light flashed behind his eyes, he scowled and sneered
in the direction of the "Oh, look! How cute, their
hugging" comment while Xander muttered at him to just
ignore it and to stop grabbing at him.

~ Fuck off pet! This light is new, never had it
before and it's worrying ~

Beers shoved into their hands, the two men were
basically paraded around Xander's work mates house as
objects to be stared at. Looking around at the new
men introduced, Spike shuddered when he realised that
what he thought was crap clothing was in actual fact
probably their best clothing. With a thought that if
ever Xander decided to grow a beard, he would put up
with numerous beatings just to tie the boy down and
shave it off. All the men looked the same to the
vampire, large, bristly and ignorant. He was relieved
to see Lukas and another dark man he didn't recognise
coming towards him. Introduced to Josessi, he left
Xander to the mercy of his work mates and went outside
with the Kava demon in the hopes of at least a decent
one sided conversation.

The first thing that Lukas did was shove a phone
number at him and told him that if he let the phone
ring three times, he would come over and visit him at
home and if he let it ring four times, for the vampire
to come over to his house instead. Huge smile on his
face, the blonde hoped that he didn't look as pathetic
as he felt. The phone number tucked away safely, he
listened to the demons explanation of what Auction
Night actually was. Apparently, the men who
participated in the auction got up on stage and the
woman who was the successful bidder got to have the
first dance with their chosen man. The question of
where the money went written for the larger man to
read, Spike noticed a pair of Chinese men looking
their way. Quick nudge to Lukas and he made a small
gesture at the two men.

Lukas following the gesture, laughed and indicated for
the men to come over and introduce themselves. Mi Wai
and Quong De were the owners of the local Chinese
shops in both Pennington and a couple in Fairbanks
itself. Polite greetings all round from the two men,
Spike quickly wrote in the note book and gave it to
the older of the men. Raised eyebrows later, he
explained again by writing in the book that he had
lived in China for a few years during the Boxer
rebellion that's why he knew a few different dialects
in Chinese. Smiles breaking over the stern faces, the
conversation developed into loud comments flung back
and forth between the four men as it was made known
that they too had been in the Boxer rebellion. Asked
if his human could drop him off one night for a round
of green tea after the restaurant closed, the blonde
agreed not bothering to point out that he actually
belonged to the human and not the other way around.

He wasn't actually sure what type of demons they were
but they didn't smell one iota like a human.

~ Things may just be looking up, two new demons to
hang with and best of all they don't know about the
chip or my dealings with the Slayer ~

Happy, the vampire looked for the brunette, getting
slightly nervy at being away from him in the company
of so many other people he didn't know. Writing a
goodbye and see you later to the two Chinese demons
and Lukas, he gently pushed his way through the
milling men towards the spot that he had left the
whelp. Not seeing him anywhere near, he surprised to
find a beer thrust at him by one of the work mates
that he had been earlier introduced to. Nod of the
head and a mouthed thank you, he was slightly
unsettled by the way the dark bearded Stan was staring
at him.

" Just wondering what would make a kid like Baxter
pick a fairy like you? "

Choking on his beer at the words, the vampire decided
it was time to move right away from the Stan creature
continuing to look at him, something he tried to do
until the man stood right in front of him, making it
impossible to get out of the kitchen. Spike, standing
still while he continued to down the beer, tried to
will the other man to go away.

" Got a build like a girl, suppose with the light off,
it would be pretty much the same from behind "

Tempted to throw the beer bottle at Stan, he finished
the beer off and placed it on the kitchen bench. Now
completly worried and starting to panic, he stood with
arms crossed watching the much larger man continue to
stare at him.

Xander watched as the loud shouts coming from outside
involved two men babbling something in Chinese,
something that the blonde was able to understand with
Lukas laughing at what was being said. Turning back
to the present conversation about some of the dud
women who turned up at the Auction, he was reassured
by the fact that the vampire looked like he was having
a good time. Conversation followed for a good half
hour, the brunette noticed that it was quiet and that
there was no longer any shouting from outside. Beer
in his hand empty, he asked if any body wanted another
and was directed to the kitchen. Walking up behind
Stan standing in the door, he was shocked when he saw
that his work mate had a hold of Spikes shirt and was
shaking the blonde who looked like he was trying not
to cry.

With a tap on the broad shoulder, he got Stan's
attention and asked what he was doing to the smaller
blonde. Xander, aware that it had gone quiet behind
him and that a crowd had gathered around the kitchen
entrance, asked Stan again what he was doing with
someone obviously smaller than himself. Angered when
the answer was nothing and the vampire spun around and
shoved at him, he lay a hand on the large arm
preventing the other man from walking away. Spike in
full panic attack was led away from the two men
circling each other by Lukas and Josessi. Xander
asking what "nothing" meant, knew that a fight was now
inescapable and that if he lost, he would be forever
on the bottom of the pecking order, something that he
had sworn never to be again after leaving Sunnydale.

In a low voice full of menace, the younger man told
both the male he was circling and the entire room that
no-one put a hand on what was his, ever. A cat call
of "get him boy!" echoed loudly through the deathly
quiet room. " Your going to get what you deserve Stan"
was the next call, followed by a chorus of men
agreeing with the statement. Stan roared and charged
at the quicker man who easily dodged out of the way
and as the larger man turned to run at him again,
punched as hard as he could at the mans ear. Hearing
the man squeal in pain as he felt his fist connect,
Xander clasped both his fists together in a move that
saw him thunder down across the mans lower back,
connecting with the kidneys. Stan clutched at both
his ear and his lower back, allowing the brunette to
give him a punch to the stomach before being punched
himself across the jaw. Stumbling backwards at the
sudden stars shooting across his vision, Xander swung
out blindly with one leg in the hope of connecting.
With a groan at the jarring motion his leg felt when
he swept the bearded mens legs from under him, he
ignored the pain currently shooting up his thigh and
into his lower back to give Stan a couple of good
stomps with his heavy boots.

Screaming at the older man to apologise for touching
what didn't belong to him, he was pulled off the dark
haired man when the others in the room realised that
Stan had been stomped unconscious onto the carpet.
Dazed, Xander was surprised when he was handed a beer
and Stan was rolled outside and left there.
Apologising to Mac for his hissy fit, he was laughed
at and told that the other man had a history of doing
the same thing to other men's girlfriends and sisters
and that it hadn't been a surprise for him to try
something on the younger mans partner. The partner in
question still being calmed down by the two Fijians.

Men he had only just been introduced to that night
came up to him and congratulated him on teaching Stan
a lesson that he wasn't likely to forget too soon in
the future. Going to sit next to Spike, he tried to
reassure the smaller man that everything was now ok.
After a few minutes of soothing words, something
Xander knew was being watched, the vampire nodded and
got up to get a beer for himself. Mac moved over to
the blonde while he was in the kitchen, aware himself
that he was being watched by the brunette and offered
him something a bit stronger.

"It's not your fault that Stan is such a prick, just
don't let him get to you. He's only got until the
start of Spring left on his contract and I don't think
the company will re-new it with all the complaints
it's had about him." With that said, the red head,
built pretty close to Xander, handed him a scotch on
the rocks and asked him what he was going to do for a
job when the winter dark finally settled in.

Shoulders shrugged, Spike got out his note book and
wrote that he had applied for a correspondance course
in woodwork mainly to keep him occupied in Summer due
to his phobia. Weak smile as the red head tried not
to laugh at the mention of the phobia, he was
surprised when Mac told him that he had also done the
woodwork course as well as a few other. Due to the
lack of sunlight in the winter months, a lot of the
men around Fairbanks and Pennington had decided about
five years ago to make the most of the time at home
and picked one new course a year to study or if
possible, continue on in a selected field. Making his
interest known, the vampire asked what course Mac
would be doing that year, laughing softly when the
other man replied that he would be doing a quilting

Not quite imagining the burly builder sewing, he was
informed that it was a good thing to learn as it could
be applied to sewing hides and torn tarps in the

~ Don't feel so poofy now. Love my pet for real now,
might tell him one day ~

Scotch downed and asked if he wanted another, Spike
nodded and leant against the counter listening to the
other man extolling the virtues of doing the woodwork
course and any others he could get his hands on.
Every few minutes, he was looking to see if Xander was
still sitting on the couch playing cards with Jason,
Spit and Fitzy. Embarrassed that he had been caught
looking by Xander, he was reassured with a smile that
things were ok between them. Game finished and most
of the beer in the fridge drunk, Mac indicated that it
was now 8.30 and time to get to Pennington Hall for
the Auction.

Whoops and hollers rebounding off the walls, Spike and
Xander were surrounded by forty excited men, who
according to them all were off to meet the loves of
their lives. The younger men followed the numerous
pickups and four-wheel drives to the brightly decked
hall and sat for most of the evening, laughing between
themselves, the two Fijians who weren't involved in
the Auction and the restaurant owners who were both
married and stated that this was really the only
opportunity that their wives let them out for a night
on the town. The sight of hairy burly and very
uncoordinated men trying to mince their way down the
raised catwalk in an effort to impress the ladies
bidding on them was hilarious and despite what had
happened earlier that evening, the brunette and the
blonde couldn't really remember laughing so hard at
anything for a long time.

Part Twelve
22 October 2000

Sometime in the early afternoon

Xander groaned and ventured to open one eye that he
was sure was stuck with superglue. How the hell he
had gotten into bed, God only knew and he was pretty
sure that the supreme being had nothing to do with him
being naked and having a stomach that was currently
threatening to jump around the room by itself.

Trying not to bang around too loudly in the small
kitchen, the blonde vampire heard the heartbeat
accelerate, indicating that the brunette was awake.
He smirked to himself, remembering how drunk the older
men had gotten the boy after acknowledging that for a
faggot, the blonde could drink like a man. Xander had
been plied with drinks almost continuously after Spike
had drunk three large lumber mill workers under the
table, one after the other. He had had to carry the
whelp out, slung over his shoulder much to the
amazement of the other men. They had head off home
with him driving and Xander unconscious next to him,
with the new nicknames ringing in his ears. Xander
was now apparently Baxter and he was, much to his
disgust, still being called the little woman.

He had decided that when the boy knew what his
nickname stood for, he was going to hide himself away
for a damn good laugh, until then, he was going to
plead complete ignorance.

Paracetamol and a glass of water in hand, the smaller
man made his way to the dark bedroom, not really much
darker than the rest of the small cabin. Gently, he
sat on the edge of the bed and watched as the still
slightly drunk younger man took the two tablets and
swallowed the glass of water.

"Umm, urgh. Bathroom"

Stated the heaving boy. Helping the staggering
brunette to the wood panelled room, he hoped that they
made it before Xanders stomach decided to take action.
Only just. Head firmly leaned over the porcelain
altar, the sick man proceeded to throw up everything
that was in his stomach from the night before, once
that stopped, he took a deep breathe and continued to
give the white bowl the previous 3 days meals as well.
Spike sat on the edge of the bath, smoothing the
sweat damp hair away from the wet forehead.

~ Whelp has to get a haircut soon, not too much. Like
the way it hangs over those stick out ears of his. ~

The smell setting off his sensitive sinuses, the
blonde left the bathroom as fast as possible,
shutting the door behind him in the hopes of
containing the vile odour. Able to hear the sound of
Xander being sick every few minutes, he thought that
it had been an alright night after all. He hadn't
been too sure what had been going to happen after Stan
had grabbed at him and expressed his disgust at having
to work with a "queer" every week by shaking him. All
he knew was that he had been damned glad when he had
seen Xanders black eyes peering over the builders

With the thought of what could have happened to him if
his claimant hadn't gotten there before it had turned
nastier, he walked over to the small woodpile he had
brought in the night before after settling the
brunette into bed. Hadn't been hard, the boy had
still been unconscious. Wood heater door open, he
threw a couple of logs into the belly of the small
iron contraption in the hopes that the heat that was
soon to be roaring around the cabin would sweat most
of the alcohol out of the whelp. Match lit and a
couple of fire starter bricks thrown in as well for
good measure, Spike hurriedly lit the wood, slammed
the door and stood well away from one of the few
things that could destroy his breed in a matter of

A small glow appeared out of the grill to match the
one that had settled in his stomach as he thought back
to the way he had been defended. It was now not just
the once, but twice, Xander had gotten into a fight on
his behalf and it was this that made the vampire
realise that he was totally in love with the whelp.

~ Fucking sod it all! I'm the great Poncing Soul
filled Poof now, aren't I. Me, William the Bloody, in
love with a human! ~

With a snort, he turned and smiled at the wreck that
came out of the bathroom. Head shaken at the truly
terrible visage, he guided the human back to the
bedroom, leaving the door open so that the heat would
be able to work it's magic. Broom handle picked up,
he prodded carefully at the thick curtains to see if
it was still snowing. It had been snowing on and off
for almost two weeks now, still only light drafts but
enough to make the temperature drop sharply during the
night. A few nights had seen the two men almost
inside each other to try and get warm, eventually
taking the doona from underneath them and throwing it
over the top.

Standing well out of the deadly rays of light, Spike
could see the white curtain brush lightly past the
window. Water boiled for coffee for both himself and
the whelp, he sat on the edge of the bed once more and
watched as the boy slowly sipped at the nasty black

Xander gagged at the taste of the liquid, hoping that
he didn't throw up again. With the thought that even
the stuff Barney used to give him from Australia was
better than the Alaskan home brand, he made a mental
note to phone Barney and ask if it would be possible
to send some up his way. He hadn't been too impressed
with the Nescafe blend 43 or something like that at
first but he had developed a taste for it after being
given a jumbo sized tin by his old boss one day.
A quick glance at the vampire told him that the other
man felt the same way. Weak smile plastered across
his face, he thanked the blonde for his help in the
bathroom and asked for his track pants and white
singlet. Those handed to him, the brunette made the
tortuous effort to get dressed.

A knock on the front door, brought the men out of
their private thoughts. Xander, startled by the
sudden sound, cleared his throat and after a few false
starts, asked who was there. Similtanious groans
rebounded around the small bedroom when the answering
reply was Stuart.

" Bit sick here Stuart, are you able to come back at

" No, Got your mail and something from Steph at the
chemist, only take a minute or are you doing some
"homo" thing?" came the curious voice.

Xander rose slowly out of the bed and crept towards
the front door, opening it to reveal a black toothed
Stuart clutching a bundle of envelopes and a cardboard
box with holes poked through it. Mail taken from the
ferret like man, he indicated at what was in the box.
Stuart handed it gently to the curious man, stating
that it was one of the last kittens left at Steph's
house and that it was now theirs. Shocked as to why
someone he didn't even know let alone had met before
would thrust a small fluffy creature at him, he gaped
at the grinning delivery man.

"Steph's pregnant and the doc told her that she can't
be around cats due to her allergy, you know she swells
and stuff around fur. Being knocked up, she can't
take them pills that make her alright." laughed the
rotten toothed male. "Everybody's taking one until the
baby is out, like I said, It's the last one left and
she was gettin desperate to find a place for this

"But, but! I mean, why me and Spike?" asked the
still in shock younger man, having a sneaking
suspicion that it was due to his now "out" status.

A suspicion confirmed when Stuart replied that because
they were both, you know "fags", they were probably
good with cats and decorating. With that, the balding
man left a stunned Xander standing on the front porch.
Coughing behind him and the squeaks from inside the
box, brought him back to reality. Box shoved at a
startled vampire who had felt the tiny heartbeat
continue after the other man had left, had come out to
see it was all just a horrible joke played upon them
by a bunch of ignorant arseholes.

~ Well then, apparently not. What the hell do I do
with this and why is the whelp so upset, I'm the one
fucking standing in a room holding a creature that i
wouldn't even have snacked on before this sodding
chip! ~

One hand gripped around a struggling black kitten, he
sat on the couch, swearing to himself when he
remembered that his coffee was still in the bedroom.
Leaving the squeaking kitten on the floor, Spike
walked back to the bedroom and lay down next to the
younger man who was surprisingly laughing to himself.

" I..I thought that Alaska would be quiet, nothing to
do but nooo, never possible is it?" stomach forgotten
for the moment, the boy had tears streaming down his
face. "Lets see shall we? First, I meet another demon
because my *boyfriend* needs blood to survive, get
advised to come *out* of the closet, do this and get
punched and a nickname that I have no idea of what it
means, find my *life partner* being intimidated by a
fellow work mate, proceed to punch this fellow work
mate in the effort to prove that I'm not a limp
wristed fag, go to a weird auction while hanging
around with the two Fijians one of whom is the
original demon and two new chinese ones and finally we
get a helpless animal foisted onto us because
obviously being gay, we are both good with fluffy

Spike had also cracked up during this monologue that
had spouted forth from the still laughing boy.
He hadn't been too worried himself about being thought
of as gay, most vampires swinging both ways and only a
small percentage having a preference when it came to
choosing bed partners. The blonde fully admitted that
he was an equal opportunist when it came to sex.
Female wasn't willing, then a male would do or
vice-versa. He was however, pleased that the boy was
taking it so well and he continued to laugh until a
hot slap stopped him. Hurt blue eyes took in the
sight of the brunette just sitting on the bed looking
at him.

" This is all your fault you know? Everything. The
Iniative thing, the claiming, the move here, me being
labled a faggot." said the boy ever so calmly, the
surrounding air being the only one to betray the anger
radiating off the younger man. " With that fucking
kitten, it looks like everyone knows now, doesn't it?"

"What was that? I didn't *hear* you say anything,
thats right, you depend on me now don't you?"

Head nodding while he could see the whelps fists ball
up in readiness to punch him, Spike was somewhat
relieved that the beating was finally going to happen.
The odour coming off the whelp for the entire week of
not speaking to him had confused him a lot, he had
been sure that he was going to receive a beating but
when day after day it hadn't eventuated, he had broken
down into tears almost every waking hour until the boy
had shouted at him to drink his blood. Even while not
speaking to him, he had still been fucked by the boy.


"Yep, you rely on me. Take my money that I earn, eat
the food that I buy, drink that fucking blood that *I*
buy with *my* money all the while you just sit at home
on your arse watching that fucking tv and occasionally
when you decide that you feel like it, you cook a
dinner." The quiet words were nicely spoken with a
smile on the brunettes face.


~ Sorry pet, give me something to do and I'll fucking
do it alright? Just don't hurt me, I'm sorry! ~

Still smiling, Xander in between punches and slaps
told the vampire that he had better not disappoint him
with the woodwork course, that he didn't want his
money going to waste, that the blonde had better find
a job during the winter or he could expect more of his
current treatment.

The vampire on his back on the floor with Xander
punching him, thought desperately of who to ask for a
job, groaning in pain when a slap made contact with
the chipped side of his head. He still hadn't told
Xander about the white light and he was fairly sure
that this wasn't going to be the right time.

All action suddenly stopped, the blonde was pulled
into a solid grasp as the heaving boy rested the
bruising sore body of the vampire against his hot
chest saying over and over that he was sorry and that
it really wasn't his fault.

~ Your the prick that claimed me, it's your fault this
has all happened not mine. For once this is not my
fault ~

Wishing that he could scream that for everyone for
miles around to hear, he settled for snuggling into
the larger clasp and listening to the boy tell him why
he hadn't spoken to him for the week before.
Apparently, the claiming had been regretted by the boy
and the week had been taken up by him thinking about
what the two were now immersed in for the next two
years. Tears made their pink tinged way down the
vampires face as he was told that his claimant
regretted his actions.

~ Not fair! Why did this happen to me? Didn't ask for
it, want the boy. Want him to love me ~

Xander,instead of yelling and slapping more at the
blonde when he saw the tears, reassured the almost
hysterical male with a few words.

" You are mine. You will always be mine until either
I die or your dusted, it's just taken me a while to
get a real handle on this. I mean we are well away
from the Hellmouth now and things are still weird?"

Face rubbed against the hot chest, Spike felt himself
calming down the more the boy told him that he
belonged to younger man.

"What the hell do we call the cat?"

Part Thirteen

27 October 2000

Friday 4.30 pm, The Vestal Gardens

Spike was not enjoying himself so far. It was his
first shift as a general pot washer in the restaraunt
owned by Mi Wai and Quong De. Half an hour into the
washing process and he was already certain that he
would be having "dish pan hands" no matter what his
vampire biology said about it. Letting his mind
drift, he thought about what had happened during the
earlier week. As soon as Xander had set off for work
the next Monday morning, he had been on the phone to
Lukas, letting it ring 3 times before hanging it up.
The phone had rung a few minutes later, disconnecting
after 3 rings itself.

Jittery until the Kava demon had turned up at his
front door, Spike had paced the small cabin all the
while trying not to trip over the black bundle that
followed him up and down, attacking his feet. The
demon had taken one look at his mostly healed face,
and had asked what was going on between both him and
the boy. A few coffees later, with Lukas apologising
for not bringing beer or even kava, the story had come
out in bits and pieces.

Highly humiliated, the vampire had been afraid the
other demon would laugh at him. The dark man had
however said nothing about the many skimmed over parts
to what was the most interesting story he had ever
heard of. He hadn't been surprised when the other man
indicated that he knew about the chip from Willy. The
blonde guessed that it was just one more person to
feel sorry for him. Lukas did however demand to know
how the human had ended up claiming him. Spike told
him in a few words that it had actually been the
safest thing for him back in Sunnydale, he just hadn't
been aware of the boy's violent tendencies until it
had been too late and even if he had known, there
would have been nothing that he could have done to
prevent it.

Nodding at the words, Lukas had sat there looking at
the vampire wondering himself just how a Master Vamp
had gotten into the position he was now in. He knew
all the ins and outs of a claim, one of his cousins
was the adored of a local Master Vampire back in Suva
and he was aware of just how a difficult position the
smaller demon was in. The blonde hadn't told him all
the details like how he had come to have the chip or
even staying in the boys basement but he figured what
was done now, couldn't really be taken back and from
what he and the other men had seen at the party, the
boy didn't take his claiming lightly. A few minutes
of silence led to the question of how Spike came to
have the bruises on his face.

Sighing, the vampire replied that the boy was sick of
him sitting at home while the brunette went out to
work to pay for all the necessary items as well as the
blood bags. The blonde was uncomfortable, he really
didn't want to discuss this with the other demon but
it felt good to have a third party involved in a
strange way. Lukas said no more for a good ten
minutes, the men sitting there watching the kitten
attempt to stalk the vampires feet. The silence had
been broken by the dark man asking if the kitten was
one of Steph's kittens, seeing the nod for yes, he
told the blonde that originally Steph had around 34
cats and kittens until she had gotten pregnant and
that he also had a small ginger furball staying with

Coffee finished, the Kava demon had told the vampire
not to worry and to leave it in the other man's hands.
Grateful smile overrode the embarrassment of being so
helpless. He hadn't however expected the session of
slapping he had received from Xander that night after
he had told the boy he had asked the Kava demon about
a job. The first question had been if the other man
had seen his now totally healed face, Spike had nodded
without thinking about what the result would be. The
brunette had been on top of him, punching him and
calling him fucking stupid for letting someone see
Screaming at him, the larger man told him never to do
that again and to wait until he had healed totally
before seeing someone or going somewhere.

Snort behind him bringing him back to reality, he
loaded the dishwasher with the dirty pans brought in
by the waitresses and commenced to put away the clean
ones. Pans were steaming and the large white tiled
kitchen was filled with the sounds of sizzling meat,
vegetables and loud numerous voices shouting at each
other in one of the few Chinese dialects he could both
write and understand. He was so far only going to be
working Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at the
Gardens. The two half breed demons he had met the
previous Saturday night had agreed to hire the vampire
on the proviso of him later being taught how to cook
in case one of the regular cooks got sick during the
winter, something that happened often with the new
staff that had just been hired for the beginning
restaraunt, also happy in the fact that they could now
take the ad out of the local paper that was asking for
a kitchen junior. They were happy because they
wouldn't have to pay the vampire award rates due to
the fact he didn't have a tax number.

Turning at the sound of his name shouted in Chinese,
Spike was beckoned over to a bench stacked high with
the vegetables he had washed pretty much as soon as he
had stepped through the door. Briefly shown how the
head cook wanted them cut, the vampire nodded and sat
on the stool provided, taking off the thin gloves he
wore in case he came into contact with the garlic that
was pretty much prevelant through out the white tiled
room. The gloves weren't really much use, the water
had just poured over the top of them, basically
drowning his fingers in smelly oily water as he had
rinsed the plates before stacking the dishwasher.

The smell of the garlic didn't bother him and he
admitted that he actually liked the odour as it cooked
in the immensely hot woks, it was the welts and itchy
skin it left if he actually touched it that bothered
him. God only knew what would happen if he should
happen to ever swallow some by accident. Carrot
grasped in one slender hand, he proceeded to grate the
skin off the orange vegetable as fast as he could with
a weird little white plastic thing. Carrots all done,
he started cutting them in to little rounds with the
zucchini cut in small sections and then into sticks.

This he continued to do all night in between sessions
of dish rinsing and dishwasher loading. Xander was let
into the kitchen as he put the last of the dishes
away. The look of pride in the chocolate brown eyes
was worth the whole humiliating evening. Handed a
green tea, he smirked at the boy's expression as he
tried the lightly flavoured liquid. He drank his own
down as the brunette tried asking one of the
waitress's why it was called a green tea if it wasn't
green. Both men herded out of the kitchen with plastic
containers full of left over special fried rice and
what looked like black bean beef, they exited through
the back door and walked to the small car park where
the commodore was parked.

Back home, the men climbed into the shower after
feeding the still un-named bundle of fluff that had
leapt at them from the back of the sofa, a favourite
place already for the kitten to sleep. Holding each
other as the warm water coursed down their bodies, the
soft kisses rained upon the shorter mans face went a
long way to soothe his battered emotions. Turned
around gently so that he faced the corner, Spike
thrust back eagerly as the blunt fingers of the larger
man started to loosen him. Bath oil spread over his
fingers, Xander moaned into the pale nape of the
vampires neck as he wiggled his two digits inside of
the gasping male. Inserting a third finger turned the
gasps into soft groans, encouraging the brunette to
speed up his thrusting.

Pulled out with a wet slurp, he shakily coated his own
cock with a little of the oil and lined himself up
with his head brushing against the loosened muscles.
Short firm push saw him buried half way into the
blonde, both males taking a moment to savour the
pleasure. Another firm push teamed with a thrust back
had the larger man entirely sheathed by the cool body.
A slow motion of thrusting and pulling back combined
with the wriggles of the blonde had the steamy room
filled with harsh panting and soft moans.

Spike was meeting every thrust with a push back of his
own until he felt something on his painfully erect
cock that he knew wasn't his own hand. Eyes snapped
open in fright that either a spider or the kitten had
made his penis their playtoy, he was astounded to see
the fingers of his claimant hesitantly brushing
against the marble skin. Resisting the urge to force
the warm hand around his hard cock, the vampire knew
that with even a few more brushes, that he was going
to come. As he felt Xander speed up, signalling his
own release, the vampire came across the shower wall.

His hand close to the other mans penis so that his
fingers brushed against it on every thrust and
withdrawl, Xander was curious as to how it would be if
he one day gave the vampire a hand job. The brushing
of his fingers across the satiny smooth cool skin was
interrupted when he felt the solid flesh jerk and
twitch. Feeling his fingers coated in thick liquid,
he was slightly horrified to realise that it was
vampire cum and he was actually aroused by it. With
one last thrust, he shot his hot load deep into the
smaller mans bowels and pulled out. Still holding his
hand out in contemplation, he was shocked speechless
when the blonde gently took his hand and licked his
coated hand clean in long slow strokes.

Somewhat stunned at the new thoughts racing through
his head, the brunette let the demon lead him to the
bedroom after they had towelled themselves off. In
bed with the vampire wrapped firmly in his arms, he
went to sleep with the sound of purring next to his
ear. Thinking that the kitten had sneaked into bed
with them, he drifted off oblivious to the fact that
the kitten was softly snoring on the back of the

Part Fourteen   

28 October 2000

11.32 am


Got the biscuits you sent me and the whelp.
Tasted really good mixed with the usual tea,
you know the stuff my kind likes.
Winter is now pretty much on us, cold all day

and worse at night. Got the wood heater
almost every day now, bloody dirty thing.
The yokels are full of themselves about
telling the boy and me about how this is so
far a "mild" winter, I sneer when I can.
The jacket is coming in useful. Some bint
foisted a kitten on us, it's sodding well
useless so far and just craps and eats.
The night is becoming longer and I'm pretty
much getting off on that. You going to send
more biscuits?
If you write again, I will drop you another
little note.

Your favourite blonde.

Spike sighed and looked at what he had written, it was
the third try and it still didn't look any good. He
wasn't the writer in the family, Angelus was and if he
had been the one answering the letter sent by the
Slayer's mother, it would probably take an elephant to
tow it across the states as well as a few poncy
drawings of the local scenery. Dru would have
probably have told the stars to wave a reply to Joyce.

The whelp in question was still in bed, both taking
advantage of the weekend and angsting over having
touched another mans penis. It had been *very* nice
to finally have another hand on his dick apart from
his own, the boy still had a long way to go before
really accepting his sexuality. The vampire was
hoping that step by step, the brunette would come to
see that touching another male's cock wasn't all that
bad. He wasn't going to hold out too much
expectation, he was the bottom in this relationship
and while it wasn't unknown for a sub to fuck the dom
occasionally, it was always done with extremely
explicit orders and the sub was almost always in some
way restrained by the dom, be it by leash or tied
spread eagle across a bed with the top straddling the
others cock.

He knew that Xander was a back door virgin, he still
practically screamed the scent at him whenever the boy
got horny. Angelus had only ever let him fuck him
once and that was with his Grandsire Darla looking on,
it had been the anniversary of her turning and his
Sire had wanted to give her something special. The
only male Angelus ever submitted to was the Master and
that had only been on direct orders from either his
Sire Darla or the Master himself. His Grandsire had
never been allowed to watch her Sire and her Childe
together and had been constantly curious about how
Angelus took it. Darla, knowing how much her Childe
hated another male taking him, had never really pushed
him to perform for her. She had been delighted and
nice to Spike for the whole next day as a reward for
giving her a precious anniversary.

The boy, whom he could still hear arguing with himself
as to why it wasn't bad to give another male a hand
job as opposed to why it was completely wrong, would
probably never let it get that far. Maybe a handjob
every now and again and if he was really lucky, even a
blowjob, after all Angelus had gone down on him a fair
number of times during their time together if only to
display his dominance by not allowing the younger vamp
to come until the older male felt like it. Briefly
thinking that he should introduce rimming into the
relationship, Spike wondered if the brunette would do
that even.

Mind slipping straight back down memory lane, he
recalled the only time he had dived into his Sire. He
had been all prepared for an extremely tight fuck,
Angelus hadn't been requested by the Master for
months. All oiled up and hard as a rock, Spike or Will
as he had been known as then, Will had started to push
in as gently as a vampire knew how until it had dawned
on him that Angelus hadn't been turned a virgin in
either sense. It was a strange irony that when a
vampire was turned a virgin, even though they may be
an absolute whore in the bedroom and go through a clan
a night, they would still put off a faint odour of
virginity. The odour returning to the body as it
rebounded into the original tightness. You had to get
up really close to smell it though.

There were 3 distinct virgin smells.
A sweet, almost rose like scent for a female who was a
total virgin as opposed to the muskier, heavy sharp
tang that was left in the virginity still to be
plucked from an arse fucking and vice versa. In a
male, it was a heady scent of what smelt like wood
that had been newly rained upon. A scent that pretty
much smacked you in the face. A male who had screwed
numerous partners still put out the scent if he hadn't
taken it up the arse, ever. Once turned, these smells
were still present but in such diluted amounts, they
only made themselves known if you were either having
sex or sitting beside the vamp in question for a
marathon sitting session of at least 40 hours.
Adored's were different, they constantly smelt
virginlike if turned as one even if not aroused. It
was something that, when asked why, Angelus hadn't
been able to answer and Spike hadn't found an answer
to it in the watchers book either.

He had been momentarily stunned not to find the scent
as he could see that his Sire was aroused by having
Darla watch them, and after thrusting into Angelus
easier than expected, he had come to the realisation
that his Sire's cherry had been plucked early and by
someone who had done it often enough to cause some
major permanent damage for him to be so loose, not as
tight as a vamp that had been arse fucked a few times
and then turned. Will had almost wilted when he
realised that his own arse would have been the same,
if not looser if he had stayed home that night, so
many years before. It was the fact that he had been
allowed into his Sire that had him all eager again and
he had commenced to put on a great show much to the
appreciation of Darla.

It had been in the early hours of the following
morning that he had been woken by his Sire sitting on
his bed, just absently stroking his long dark hair
from his forehead. Angelus, an odd sad look in his
dark eyes, had said nothing about the way his Childe
had tried to take it slow and easy for him in direct
opposition to the commands Darla had moaned out while
squirming in the chair beside the bed. His Sire had
finally had to tell Will to obey his Grandsire's
demands. Nothing was ever said about that night and
it had never been repeated, much to Will's

In a decision that saw the letter to Joyce sealed in
an envelope and addressed in scrawled almost old
fashioned black writing, Spike pushed the memory back
into the furthest corner of his mind and got up from
the couch to make coffee's for himself and the whelp.
Twatcat followed the vampire in the hopes of getting
some of the pale yellow stuff that her "mother" had
started giving her. Her "mother" being the one who
squeaked and purred with her when "warm" wasnt around.

Hearing the following rapid heartbeat, the blonde
pulled a cheese slice out of the fridge along with the
milk and proceeded to give the yellow eyed kitten a
few pieces before eating the rest himself while he
waited for the kettle to boil. Once the kettle
whistled, he turned off the gas burner and filled the
two mugs, stirring the milk into the nasty black brew
that they still both drank while waiting for Barney to
send up a large tin of the Australian coffee.

Careful not to tread on the black fluff that was
trying to climb up his legs, Spike hissed as one of
the claws penetrated the loose grey track pants and
into his pale skin while taking a coffee into the now
silent bedroom.

Xander started to laugh as Twatcat swung off the track
pants that the vampire was wearing as he was handed a
mug of noxious smelling coffee. Eyeing the blonde as
he downed the brew, he wondered just what the other
man had thought when he had kept brushing his fingers
along the cool organ the night before. He knew that
the other man had heard his debate with himself before
and he wasn't too sure how to go about even iniating a
hand job, the pro side having eventually won on the
compromise of if he didn't like it, he wouldn't have
to do it again. Cat thrown onto the bed by a
disgruntled vampire, Xander ignored the kneading
fluffball and continued to laugh at the pout on the
blondes face who was gesturing at the scratch on his
leg that was already beginning to heal.

Coffee placed on the floor beside the mattress, the
brunette opened his arms for the smaller man to crawl
into as he continued to pout and flutter his eyelashes
at the younger man.

"Looks nasty. Might just have to kiss it all better."

~ Yeah pet, kiss it and while you there, kiss
something else too! ~

Smirk overriding the pout, the vampire started to
laugh his soft grunts as the whelp pretended to study
the now totally healed leg.

"Don't know, I think the leg has to come off. Wait
there, I have to go and get a teaspoon and saw it off"

said Xander, laughing harder at the sight of the
vampire being dived upon by an all claws extended
black dynamo. The kitten had taken a real shine to
the blonde after spending a few days with the demon.
Spike had finally suggested the name of Twatcat to
Xander who had agreed in good humour after he had
found out what twat had meant. The word twat was
apparently a nickname for "pussy", that in itself a
crude term for female sexual organs in England and
they had both laughed long and hard at the thought of
coming home to a "little pussy" hence the name

Kitten pulled off the gasping in laughter blonde and
was deposited on the floor before galloping across the
floorboards in search of something to stalk and

The leg of the vampire was now being covered in soft
wet kisses. A loud raspberry later complete with more
laughing from the two males and they started to calm
down all the while looking into each others eyes.
Xander hesitantly put both of his hands on the
waistband of the track pants worn by the blonde,
gently tugging down the tenting pants. Spike, lying
on his back while the whelp knelt on the bed in
between his spread legs, had a sudden fear that the
whelp was going to try and fuck him like a woman. He
knew why he hated that particular position. It was one
that male prostitutes used to assume when servicing
clients back in the days when he was still a human and
the very thought of men doing it together and
especially in a 'womens" position was a hatred that
had carried over into his unlife. In a weird
Victorian quirk of law, homosexuality was banned and a
major crime unless it was established by both parties
that one had assumed the role of a woman, therefore it
not being two men but a man and "woman", the client
obviously having had no choice but to pick a male.

After learning what his mam had wanted to do to him
when he was younger, he had gone to visit a whore
house that specialised in male prostitutes out of a
burning sick obsession to find out what he could have
become. It wasn't the thought of being with another
male that made him ill, although that was quite
revolting in itself, it was when the whore had
stripped off and laid down with legs spread in a
feminine way that had made him angry and appalled. He
had left, running down the hallway while trying not to
heave his dinner onto the expensive rugs. Later, back
at his rented hovel, he had cried at the thought of
how lucky he had been to escape that fate. He knew
that most of the young boys who had been sold to rich
county lords as playthings, ended up being sold back
into whore houses when they had reached their use by
date in the country. His slim body and blue eyes
would have been in demand in a male brothel.

Even after being turned,it was a hatred of that
position that had followed him. The whole male to
male thing had gone to be replaced by an eagerness to
be fucked by his Sire. His absolute determination not
to be screwed in that position had led to him
sometimes being beaten unconscious, only to wake up
and find himself being taken like a woman by his
bastard of a Sire. Of course if the whelp decided to
take him that way, he wouldn't be able to do much
about it except kick and struggle until either he set
the chip off, was tied down or was beaten unconscious.

Xander saw the look of panic being replaced by an
expression of pure determination. Wondering just what
the hell had happened, the brunette let go of the
track pants that were half way down the blondes legs,
exposing a rapidly wilting cock. Stunned, the boy sat
back on his heels and watched as the vampire pulled up
the pants, got up and walked from the bedroom and sat
on the couch.

~ Don't care if I love you Xanny, not going to let you
do it this way. Stake me if you want, but I *won't*
be a woman for anyone! ~

"Spike? What the hell happened back there, what's

The brunette sat down on the couch next to the
bleached blonde, his own emerging hard on now
completely gone. Hand gently rubbing up and down the
cool thigh. He didn't know what was wrong, this was
the first time that the smaller man had denied him
anything. Surprisingly, he wasn't angry. The
panicked look had made his stomach crawl, if he had
been angry, it was pretty much accepted but he had
only been going to attempt his first handjob, not kick
the shit out him.

"I wasn't going to hurt you, I,..I
want to touch you. I want to feel your cock."

Lip bitten, Xander sighed when the vampire shook his

~ I didn't know that was what you wanted, sorry pet,
but I'm really not in the mood now. Don't think I can
get it up at the moment even with you touching me. ~

Being fucked like a woman never got him hard, and when
threatened by Angelus with it, it was never an easy
thing to get him ready to fuck anything for at least
a few hours and after a particularly horrible night
with his Sire screwing him for hours in the attempt to
get him used to doing it that way, it had taken him a
few days before he had wanted to do anything. His
Sire had eventually given up trying to make the
younger vampire like it and had reserved it for

" I thought that you might like me to touch you. You
don't want me to?"

Hand on his thigh moving to just beside his crotch,
radiating heat, was doing nothing to arouse him. It
might as well have been cut off, that was how dead he
was feeling at the moment. Smelling a tiny waft of
annoyance from the boy, Spike thought about just going
down on the boy and not bother to explain what had
made him deny his claimant.

"Please tell me Spike, I *want* to know what gave you
a case of the old Foster's Flop back there, you've
never done that before."

~ Sod it all! Might as well just have a fucking sex
change and spend the rest of my days watching that
Oprah bint. I can't believe I'm going to tell the
whelp. ~

Blonde head nodding at the boys demand, the vampire
reached for the note pad and pen that were placed
permanently on the wobbly coffee table. Silence
filled the room, the only sounds being two heartbeats
and a dripping tap in the kitchen, as the smaller man
wrote for almost half an hour in the spiral bound

Xander wondered just what story he would get this
time. It seemed like every time Spike wrote for
longer than 10 minutes in one of the little pads,
something was going to come up and bite them on the
arse. Almost finished with his tale, the demon tacked
on a last sentence of "Oh yeah, at Mac's party, I
grabbed onto you that time because when I had a nasty
thought involving a head mounted on wall, I had a
white light flash behind my eyes and that is the first
time it has happened since that time in the crypt.

The many pages handed to the curious brunette, Spike
got up and un tangled Twatcat from the curtain that
was threatening to adjust itself onto the floor. He
wasn't worried about the sun as it was almost 3 pm and
it was already starting to get a little dark, the
storm that was brewing outside helping ease the first
time winter onto the men.

"Jesus Christ, just how much more emotional baggage is
left to come? Oh and your *mother* a

Completly agreeing with the pacing brunette, he waited
for the next question.

"Ok, now that's said, what about this light thing?"

Shoulders shrugged, the two men stood and contemplated
just what it could mean.

Part Fifteen   

1 November 2000

7.38 pm

Dear Cordy,

Thanks for all the magazines you sent us, it
must cost you heaps of money to send them. I don't
know if the Cosmo and Womens Health will be read but
the others will be useful to go through in the snowed
in days that are going to come up. How is the acting
thing going? Glad you got that second audition for
the toothpaste ad, your teeth are great, if only a
little scary at times. (Ha Ha, don't kill me, I'm only
joking!!) You and short hair, I would never have
thought to see the day and of course the photo does no
justice to you. How did you get Broodboy into a green
shirt? And why is Wes looking so drunk and finally we
get to put a face to the name Gunn. Don't know why you
whinge so often about him, he looks reliable.

Job is going well, made lots of friends among a few
disagreements. The state of Alaska is officially
obsessed with Spam, almost every day now both me and
Spike are getting recipes on how to make different
things with the tinned yuck. And this Pilot bread
stuff, you sooo don't want to know what can be teamed
with that. Let's just say that pickled salmon is one
of the nicest suggestions that we've had so far.

You know the auction I told you about when I called
last week? Got invited to a marriage between Cyril
and a hot looking Indian woman who had won him that
night. Hit it off real well apparently. Lack of
available women means that Spike is my "friend" in the
invite. Don't think I told you that he had actually
got himself a job as an apprentice cook in the local
chinese restraunt in Pennington. He hates it so far
but with the cost of human during the summer, it's
going to take a lot more than my pay each week to
supply the stuff. Thinking that my credit card will
be running hot at the local post office.

Worked out that it's going to cost at least $750.00
per month if he only has one bag every second day,
Lukas suggested at least two on those days for the
first winter. Finished the bank job and we have
started a indoor recreation complex. Apparently
Pennington is being advertised to all the rich people
as being a fantastic summer holiday spot and by the
amount of inquires about how fast a house can be
finished, I believe that the bait is being taken.
It's weird to work in the darkness with only portable
stadium lighting to give us some light.

Cold, it is now so cold that the heater is going non
stop as soon as one of us is home. Ended up having to
quickly knock up a wood pile box with a lid to keep it
from getting wet. Spike ended up doing most of it as
he only works three nights a week in the kitchen, came
out pretty good too. He's applied to the local
college of Faribanks to do a course in woodwork while
he is at home all day in spring and summer. Can't
believe just how domestic he is now. Remember how
many times he tried to off us all? Ended up starting
up a second bank account so that he could put his
money in the bank, not much to buy around the mall.

Lets see, what else can I tell you that i didn't when
I talked to you last? The days are getting shorter,
the Bleached Wonder is all happy and glowy at that.
The cat is mental (wonder if Dru has been dusted and
come back as a cat!), it insists on trying to rip
great chunks of my leg hairs out and all I can say is
that it does hurt. Don't know how you girls put up
with waxing? Finally met the woman who "gifted" us
with the little brat. Steph is starting to show, she
introduced herself when we were in the chemist last
week. Really nice girl, looks a bit like a cat
herself with the green eyes. Turns out that one of
the guys I met at Mac's house a few weeks ago is the
father but it was a drunken fling to start with. Both
taking the relationship slowly.

Ok, can't think of anything else to say, so I will
ring you next time in the office. Next week, around
my time 6pm on Wednesday? Say hello to the Broody
beast and the others. Take care of yourself.

Thanks for everything.

Xander and Spike.

Xander wondered if getting a fantastic blowjob from
your current "boyfriend" while writing to your
ex-girlfriend was wrong. With a hope that it wasn't,
he put the finished letter down as his heavy sac was
sucked into a cool mouth, a small finger was run along
the sensitive patch of skin just behind his balls.

"Ooohhh, that's it. Keep going"

Moaned the hard boy. The sight of the bleached head
bobbing up and down in his crotch was making him
harder than he had first thought possible. Of course,
the blonde being naked and down on his knees did have
something to do with it as well. He could make out
the well defined muscles moving underneath the white
skin. The vampire wasn't so much skinny as he was
just slender and actually quite muscular for his size.
His looks were deceiving, his size indicated no
defined muscles at all. Xander had been surprised the
first time that he had seen the pale form for the
first time without the bruises adorning it. At that
time though, he had still been in denial over being

Feeling lazy, the brunette let the blonde do all the
work instead of thrusting upwards to meet the coolness
offered by the vampire. He sat back into the
comfortable couch as he felt the tell tale tingle in
his balls indicate that he almost ready to cum.
Almost screaming as his thick member was deep throated
and held with the one hand still rolling his balls,
Xander laid both of his hand on top of the short soft
hair, grunting in pleasure as the vampire vibrated his
throat around the sensitive head. Cock released from
the throat until just the head was left between the
pale lips, he could feel his cock twitch and jerk.
Sac tugged hard by a cool hand, the young man shot his
cum into the waiting mouth of his companion.

"Good, soooo good! I want to touch you, your still
hard" gasped Xander as his cock was cleaned off by a
rough tongue. Grasped by his upper arms, Spike was
helped off his knees and onto the couch next to the
panting brunette. Gently pushed so that he lay on his
back with legs spread, one foot on the floor and the
other shifted so that it was between Xander and the
couch, he was still very unsettled to be in this
position even after the whelp had assured him
repeatedly that he had no interest in doing him that

~ Don't care how many beatings you give me, If you
even give one hint of changing your mind, I'm locking
myself in that bloody bathroom again! ~

Spike lay exposed to the boys hot gaze. Arms folded
behind his head as instructed, he gave a shudder in
excitement as he felt the heat of the boy's hand
engulf his already hard cock. The brunette had only
touched his penis here and there hesitantly after the
shower incident and the demon was almost beside
himself in the anticipation of a full hand job. While
the boy sat with one leg tucked underneath him,
between the vampires spread legs, one hand was placed
on the thigh of the leg that owned the foot on the
floor. The heat coming from the boys large hand and
fingers was getting to be unbearable. He still didn't
know how the boy could be so hot and not burst into
flames at any minute. Grasp tightened around his cool
shaft, he squeaked at the feel of a hot thumb rub over
the weeping slit of his cock.

Desperately trying not to encircle one of his own
hands around the whelp's, he started to squirm into
the slowly pumping hand. Xander had never felt
anything so soft but hard at the same time. He had
played with his own cock so many times before but the
skin covering the cool organ was much silkier to the
touch than his own. Staring down at the writhing male
laid across the couch, he pumped and thumbed at the
groaning mans shaft, only briefly touching the lightly
haired ball sac here and there. He was getting
excited again, he could feel himself hardening at the
sight of the pale form thrusting up into his hand.
Xander knew just how good it felt to do it when Spike
gave him a hand job and from the small grunts and
squeaks coming from the vampire, he apparently wasn't
doing too badly.

Spike was in heaven, it had been so long since another
hand had been wrapped around his cock bar his own and
he could feel his cum building already. Opening his
eyes, he tried to get the boys attention that was
focused on what was going on between the fingers of
his hand that was pumping harder and faster. Without
enough warning, cum shot over his chest, the couch and
over Xanders broad chest and the hand still wrapped
around his penis.

Shocked at how cool the vampires cum felt, the
brunette continued to stare at the twitching softening
organ enclosed in his hand. White fluid covered his
hand, a few spurts had made contact with his chest.
Gently laying the penis against a white thigh, he
leant over the panting male to present his hand to the
opening mouth. A tongue sneaked out of the fang
filled mouth and ran itself along the sticky coated

fang filled?

"Uh, Spike? Why do you have fangs when your not even face?" asked the curious boy, delighting
in the sensation of his hand being cleaned by a cool
tongue, having his fingers alternately sucked into an
awaiting orifice. Surprisingly enough, he wasn't
afraid of the long sharp teeth that had appeared as
the vampire had opened his mouth to receive his sticky
fingers. Careful not to cut himself, he ran a finger
down one of the elongated eye teeth. With arms still
tucked behind his head, the vampires eyes flew open
again as he realised that the whelp was right.

~ Jesus Christ! One hand job and I've got fangs
again, this is fucking great. Maybe after a few more
and a good suck, I'll get my whole face back? ~

Boy's hand knocked away from his mouth, only briefly
wincing at the buzzing sensations the chip sent around
his scalp, he gingerly stuck his forefinger into his
mouth and prodded at his two magically appeared fangs.
Now sitting up with the brunette still between his
spread legs, the vampire lurched forward and into the
younger man's arms as a blinding light flashed from
behind his eyes.

Xander laughed as the bleached blonde shoved his hand
away so that he could feel his teeth. He was pleased
for the demon, he knew how much it stressed the other
man not to be able to go into game face on will. He
continued to laugh until the the blondes face went
suddenly blank and he fell into his arms unconscious.

"Spike...Spike are you alright?" asked the worried
boy. Giving the vampire a shake, he was alarmed at
the way the head lolled around like it didn't belong
on the end of a neck. Hesitant to move the demon, he
nether the less gathered the smaller man up and hefted
him into the bedroom. The vampire had gained back his
original turning weight after Xander had made sure
that his adored had enough blood to satisfy him each
day. He would never go over the weight he had been on
the day he was turned but oddly enough, vampires could
and did in some cases loose weight and even starve to
death. He was now heavier than he looked, making
Xander glad once again that his job kept him fit and

With the blonde laid down on the bed, he thought to
himself that there was now no longer any other choice
in what to do. The book he had stolen from Giles' had
given them no clue as what to do about the light. He
only assumed that was what had made the vampire
unconscious. Hoping that the older man was still
awake, Xander rushed to the phone and punched in the
required number.

Part Sixteen   

1 November 2000

8.23 pm

Foot tapping as he waited for Giles or even Anya to
pick up the phone as it rung continually down in the
Californian household, Xander was hoping that the
vampire wasn't going to be out for much longer. It
wasn't as if he could take the blonde to the local
doctor or even drive him to the major hospital in
Fairbanks. The ex-watcher was the closest thing the
demon had to a doctor at the moment and he was someone
who was thousands of miles away.

"Come on, come on. Where are you G-man?" asked the
agitated brunette. Almost screaming in relief as he
heard the older mans voice, Xander got the greetings
away as quickly as possible. Deliberatley ignoring
the question of how they were coping with the cold, he
stunned the watcher into silence as he was told of the
first flashing light incident.

"He's collapsed totally this time, I don't know what
to do? I've settled him down in our bed, I wrapped
him in the doona and made sure he was warm before
ringing you."

Giles on the other side of the line, tactfully kept
quiet over the younger mans slip up over the sleeping
arrangements. He knew that the cabin had two
bedrooms, he had enjoyed the whole explanation from
Xander, agreeing that the brunette should have
squeezed the company for more before signing the
contract. The thought of the vampire and his
pseudo-son in the same bed together was a little
disturbing to say the least. Asking what had been
going on before the collapse got an explanation of the
re-emergence of Spike's fangs without even feeding.

Excited as to how it had happened, when he asked the
boy how, all he got was a silence broken by a few um's
and ah's.

Xander was stumped. Just what did he tell his former
mentor? He didn't want to inform the older man that
he had given a vampire a hand job but if that was what
lead to the teeth coming back and if that in turn lead
to the collapse of the blonde, then the watcher needed
the full story with as much left out as possible.
Embarrassment and horror swallowed, but not gone, he
asked if there was anybody else in the house with the
the older man. Getting an answer of no, he proceeded
to tell the ex-librarian of what lead to the
unconscious state the vampire was now in. With lots of
stuttering and embarrassed noises, he finally got the
whole story out and waited for the screamed
accusations of just how stupid are you and why are you
taking advantage of someone who was now classed as
When none came forward, he asked if the other man was
still there.

Stating a yes, Giles was stunned by what the younger
man had described. He would never have thought that
Xander was in the least bit interested in other males,
let alone a vampire but he thought that after all the
time they had spent together both in the basement and
apartment and now all the way in Alaska, maybe that
was why Xander hadn't had a female friend since Anya.
Idly wondering if there was more to the move than just
work prospects, he asked if he was being careful
around the locals when he was in the company of the
blonde vampire.

With a sigh at how much more embarrassment he was
still to go through in one simple phone call, he told
Giles all about the hard time he had been given about
being single and how when he had come out to his work
mates, it had actually made making friends with the
other males a lot easier because he and Spike were no
longer considered a threat. Xander could just imagine
the furious glasses cleaning ritual going on in
Sunnydale if he was to judge from the assorted polite
English sounds being thrown at him. Prompting Giles
with the question of what was going on with the
blonde, he also asked for his sexuality to be kept a
secret between them. Sagging in relief when the reply
was a indignant "of course", he was told that Giles
would really like to be able to see the vampire in

Out of sheer desperation, Xander threw a statement out
of how he wished there was a spell that could be
performed that would enable the other man to at least
look at the bleached blonde. Silence met the
statement as an idea formed in the other man's head.
Telling the youth that it might just be possible, he
said that he would have to look in his books as he was
sure that he had seen one that more or less fit the

"Thank god, if you need to have Will and Taras help,
please don't tell them know..?" letting the
question trail off, he knew that he really hadn't
needed to ask. After a hurried goodbye, he hung up
the phone after asking the other man to ring back even
if he didn't find the spell, with any information that
he could find out about Spikes condition.

Mind reeling that he had actually come out to the
G-man, Xander walked back into the bedroom and lay
next to the still unconscious blonde. After a few
minutes of stoking the soft hair, he gently pulled the
bedclothes from around the other male. Getting up to
find some clean track pants for both himself and the
vampire, Xander wondered at just how cold it was in
the bedroom already and made a decision of maybe
rearranging the cabin so that the bed was in the
living area during the worsening winter. Dressed, he
started making sure that he got the cool body clothed
in the grey track pants and in an after thought, he
put on one of the much hated flannel shirts he had
bought the vampire as a joke one day on the smaller
mans upper body. Re-wrapping the unconscious male in
the thick doona, Xander walked back out and threw a
few more logs into the continually going little

Stepping back from the sudden flare of heat that was
thrown off, he sat down on the couch and stared at the
shadows that were being played against the wall. He
really didn't know what he would do if anything else
went wrong with the vampire. It was so easy to forget
that the other man was once hell bent on destroying
himself and all his friends only a few years ago. He
admitted to himself that he was really worried by what
was happening to Spike, he was happy that the smaller
man had his fangs back but at what cost? And would the
rest of his game face come back and would that make
him sick as well?

All those questions and more were twirling around his
head and he knew that if Giles didn't have an answer,
he might just be forced to ask the blondes Sire and
that was something that he really didn't want to do.
Until he had properly claimed Spike for his own, the
Childe/Sire claim would override any objections that
Xander could make if Angel decided to take the blonde
away. They might not have an adored/claimant thing
happening anymore but the Sire claim was still a valid
one and could be used to force the younger vampire
back into his Sires arms. Unless there was an
adored/claimant on a vampire, then the Sire had every
right to the Childe. Childer sometimes got out of
unsavoury claims by other vampires that were not their
Sire by actually goading their Sire into a claim fight
in the hope of getting released and only having to
spend a minimum of five years before being free again.

If all went well then their Sire won and if not, the
current claimant won and the adored was back to square
one. Xander had been astounded when he had read the
written words provided by Spike, it was those words
that had made him skip going to L.A. as well as the
threat of Buffy visiting. Brought back to reality as
the fire snapped and crackled, he sighed deeply and
waited for the phone to ring.

Part Seventeen   

2 November 2000


Spike opened his eyes. Glancing around the dark
bedroom, he looked for his claimant. A whine echoed
through the cabin in response to both his headache and
from not seeing the brunette. He couldn't remember
ever waking up without the younger man beside him or
at least being given a hint of noise to his
Nothing was to be heard except the crackling of the
fire and two hearbeats. Two? Tears welling up in the
relief of hearing at least the beating heart of the
person he belonged to, the blonde unwrapped himself
from the tightly wound doona. Quick sniff saw the
tears dry up and pointed the way into the living room.

Slowly getting up, trying not to fall over at the
sudden wave of dizziness, the vampire noticed that he
was dressed in the flannel that he hated. Not
worrying about it for once, he stepped out of the cold
bedroom and made his way over to the couch on which
the brunette was stretched out, asleep. Twatcat gave
the smaller man a sleepy little mewl before closing
her eyes and went back to chasing rodents that she had
never before seen but instinct demanded that she do,
she too stretched out on the back of the couch.

Spike looked down at the male stretched out before
him, still clutching the portable phone to his chest.
A warm wave flowed through his body, one he recognised
as a feeling of love, one he used to get when he was
with Dru. Gently shifting the heavy legs over behind
him as he plonked himself down on the couch, the
vampire tugged the phone from the lax grip and placed
it on the coffee table in front of the brown couch. A
frown lined his face as he spied one of his notebooks
opened to a fresh page. Ignoring his pounding head,
he picked it up and flicked back a few pages, reading
what Xander had written down. By what was written the
whelp could only have talked to the ex-watcher about
his problem.

Strangely enough, he didn't mind being talked about by
the two men. He was pleased that the whelp had taken
the time to contact the older man in an effort to help
him. Feeling the warmth spread through him again, he
continued to read what was written. Apparantly the
librarian thought the human blood given to him by
Lukas was what had kick started the healing process
for his demon. It made sense, he knew that he was
weaker than usual due to the diet of animal blood and
had certainly healed a lot slower after the crypt
incident than if he had been drinking human.

Excited, Spike wondered if he drank more human blood,
if he would get his voice back as well as the rest of
his game face that Giles thought he would if he
continued to drink human. It had taken a few weeks
for it to kick in but it had only been two bags and
after more than a year of it only showing during
feeding, he was more than happy to wait until the
whole lot appeared without the lure of blood beneath
his nose.

Written words continuing to be read, the vampire felt
a heavy drop of his stomach as he read that the store
owner thought that the damage the chip did to his
brain was irreversable as he was still behaving overly
emotional. Quite obvioulsy the whelp had told the
other man pretty much everything if old Rupert
suggested more handjobs by the boy. Now he had read
everything there was to read. If old Stuffy advocated
sex between a human and a demon in an attempt to
stimulate more of the game face in coming out, then it
looked like he could stop reading pretty much forever
now. It could work, before the head bashing in the
crypt, he had still been able to go into game face
whenever he had wanted especially during sex.

Note book put down, Spike sighed at the continuing
pounding as elephants tapdanced themselves across his
brow. With a wonder if some paracetamol would help,
he got up and made his way to the small stash in the
bathroom. Smelling himself, he realised that the boy
handn't yet cleaned them up from the incident on the
couch before his amazing woman like collapse. Snort
echoing around the chilly bathroom, he rummaged behind
numerous lube tubes in various flavours and grabbed
the painkiller box. Two popped out into his small
hand, he threw the box into the back of the cupboard
and smiled at his non reflection in the bathroom

Pills popped into his mouth and swallowed with a
grimace as one got stuck halfway down, he stripped off
and turned the shower on. A second later found him
jumping up and down as he was enveloped by icy fingers
of cold while waiting for the shower to warm up.
Second thought thumping him in the head, Spike quickly
ran into the warmer common room and shook at the
sleeping boy.

"Whaaa...oh! Oh, your'e up! Are you ok?" asked the
suddenly anxious younger man, rubbing sleep from his
eyes. Legs slung back over the couch, Xander stood up
and wrapped his arms around the smaller naked man.
Kiss planted firmly on the soft cool lips had them
both moaning as it intensified. Dried cum from both
their chests flaked off onto the red rug, eliciting an
"ick" and a snort from them both. Hand grasped by a
smaller hand, Xander let himself be led towards the
steaming bathroom. Arms held out as he was stripped
of his own flannel shirt and track pants, the brunette
pulled the blonde close up against him, grinding their
penises together. With a thought, the younger man
pulled back and told the vampire that it was probably
best not to tempt fate twice in one night and that he
didn't want the other man to collapse in the bathroom
where he could do more damage to the chip.

Disappointed but understanding where the boy was
coming from, Spike was also a little relieved as his
headache was showing no signs of going away. The two
men stood with arms around each other until the water
cooled around them, forcing them to jump out in a
hurry with towels wrapped around them. Laughing at
the conversation retold to the vampire, they dried
themselves off leisurely infront of the little
potbellied wood heater. Spike was in hysterics,
headache forgotten for the moment, as Twatcat had the
brunettte leaping around the room as she tried to lick
the moisture off his legs before he had the chance to
dry them off.

Holding his stomach as it ached from laughing so much,
the blonde wrote a quick question for the whelp to
read. Xander calmed his own chuckling down and his
face turned serious as he read the written question.
He told the vampire about Giles being able to do a
spell that had enabled him to see the stricken male in
a scrying bowl of water, using one of the lighter's
Spike had left behind at the ex-watchers place as a
focus beacon. Spike was impressed. He hadn't known
that the other man was up to that level in spell
casting, the witches maybe. He might not be able to
do any himself but his black princess Dru had prattled
on enough about magic for him to be pretty well
informed about most of it's apspects. After almost a
century together, he had been able to quote from
memory what ever book Dru herself was using as a
bedtime story that day.

He had never really gotten into it himself and you at
least had to have a bit of talent to start with to
enable you to do even the most simple things and Spike
had not one iota of talent in a single cell of his
body. He thought that the two witches would have been
able to carry it off between them with not a problem
as the spell drain would be halved but for the single
man to do it himself, well that indicated a stronger
than first thought talent.

Tapping at the written question, he indicated for the
boy to answer him. Xander huffed and puffed for a
good minute until he just told the smaller man that
Giles had no idea of what was causing the flahses of
light and that he thought that it was something to do
with the dodgy chip still inside the demons head.
The brunette saw the good mood of the blonde literally
collapse under the uncertainity of what was going on
in his brain. Vampire gathered tightly into his arms,
he told the other man to just let it out. He couldn't
get angry at the crying man for being upset with what
was obviously devestating news that he hadn't wanted
to hear. Xander hand't wanted to know that Giles had
no idea either.

Gently rocking the sobbing man in his arms, the larger
man used all his combined strength and with his arms
full of blonde, he heaved himself off the couch and
strode into the bedroom where he lay weeping while
Xander set the alarm clock to wake him up in time for
work. Doona wrapped securly around them both, he
stroked the soft bleached hair until he was sure that
the smaller man had cried himself to sleep.

The worried claimant lay beside his exhausted adored,
thinking about the feelings that had reared their
heads when the blonde had collapsed. Xander knew he
wasn't in love with the other man but what he was
feeling went beyond just plain like and lust, he
wasn't sure what emotions were being played out in his
confused mind but he would've liked to put a name to
at least one of them. A sigh and he rolled over,
spooning behind the cool body. One arm thrown over the
smaller mans waist and the brunettte closed his eyes
to try and grab some sleep before he had to get up for

Part Eightteen   

4 November 2000


Kitchen of The Vestal Gardens

~ Hate carrots, hate mushrooms and fucking zucchini ~

Spike thought to himself as he was yet again asked to
hurry up with the cutting of the vegetables. He still
hated the kitchen work and doing the dishes. Tonight
however, he had been shown how to cut the meat into
little strips and tenderise it before throwing it into
a pan to soak up the essential ingredients for
numerous dishes. He had finally discovered one joy
about working, he could pound into dead cow strips all
he liked and get paid for it. The vampire had fun
getting some of his chip frustration out onto
defenceless cuts of meat.

The head chef had been impressed with his skills at
tenderising and had given him everything there was to
bash with a meat mallet. What would usually take a
human up to a few hours to get through had only taken
Spike not even half an hour with his demon strength.
The spare time was used constructivly by all putting
their feet up for a round of coffee and green teas
before the onslaught of phone orders, deliveries and
in house orders.

Now however, there wasn't really time to think as it
was a full house. Most people were taking the
opportunity to have a few more nights out before the
winter set in with a vengeance and the cooks were
getting through the vegetables almost faster than he
could cut them. The blonde finished what remained of
the hated carrots, getting up from the low bench stool
and opened the fridge that was full of pans holding
marinating cuts of meat. Requested pan grabbed in one
hand, Spike made his way over to the waiting cook,
Jian. Head nodding at what the tiny man was saying,
he put the chopped pork down onto the bench beside

~ Mmmm, smells really good, wonder if it tastes
better? ~

Actually interested in how to make Kong Pow pork, the
vampire took no notice of where he placed his hands as
he turned his body to face the head cook. A squeal
reverberated around the large room as Spike clutched
his rapidly swelling right hand and wrist close to his
chest. Jumping around in agony while surrounded by
people babbling questions of what had happened, he
pointed repeatedly at the innocent bowl of crushed
garlic that lay smashed on the grimy tiles. Literally
dragged over to the huge sink by one of the
waitresses, he held his arm out towards the cool water
as it ran over his blistering hand and lower arm.

~ Ooowwww! Garlic, of the things to dip into, it's
fucking garlic. Ouch, fuck! Bloody Hell, what's
next? Holy water? ~

Pain radiating through his fingers as he tried to move
them, he hissed as he felt his chest begin to blister
as garlic juice soaked through his long sleeved
t-shirt. Pen and notebook fumbled for in his back
pocket, the vampire attempted to write a request for
ice and for Xander to be called so that he could go
home, all the while abusing himself for not wearing
gloves as soon as the veges had been finished. As
much as he loved the smell of garlic, it was vicious
to his breed. A smaller hand than his own took the
notebook from him with a promise to call his

~ Be home Xanny, please? ~

~ So stupid, should have worn the gloves. Nothing
like dicing with weapons each day is there? ~

A snort in surprise greeted the ice pack shoved up the
front of his top. Looking at his hand and wrist
properly for the first time now that the distraction
of his chest was getting taken care of, Spike groaned
as he took in the massive swelling that completely
obliterated his wrist. His fingers looked like huge
white sausages, covered in small blisters as his skin
burned. Briefly wondering just what else could go
wrong, he sighed in relief as he heard Helen confirm
with Xander for the blonde to be picked up as soon as
possible. The unhappy male had been worried that the
brunette was out drinking with Mac and the rest of the
work crew and that he would have been stuck at work
until he was picked up after 11pm as usual.

With his hand still held under the water, he wondered
if after this, he would have a job in the morning. He
didn't know if it was a good idea to stick around in
a place that constantly dealt with an ingredient which
could kill him if he ingested some by accident or got
covered in enough of the stuff. Scraping noises
behind him, he saw a large matronly woman drag the
stool from the bench over for him to sit on while he
waited for Xander to pick him up. Helen took his
swollen hand in hers, poking and prodding at the sore

"Silly man, you should know that you have to keep away
from the garlic. Watch where you put your hand next
time, ok?" smiled Helen, wrapping the affected limb
tightly in an effort to halt the swelling. Leaning
closer to him, she told him to put his teeth away
before the other's noticed.

~I got fangs again? Haven't had sex yet tonight,
didn't feel them drop though ~

Shocked, Spike ran his tongue over the dropped fangs.
A huge smile on his face as he was able to retract
them fully before flashing the owner's wife a face
full of fang. Helen laughed softly as she watched the
process repeated for a few minutes, sharing in the joy
that the fellow demon obviously felt. She was a bit
confused as to why a vampire was so happy to be
flashing his fangs at her but she wasn't about to ask
questions about this strange creature.

Arm wrapped firmly from elbow to wrist, the vampire
felt stupid for fanging at the helpful Arg'nt Demon
but he just couldn't help himself. It looked like a
mass of sudden stimulation was what was helping the
demon recover his game face in addition to 3 days on
full human blood, four bags each day. Xander had
almost screamed his head off until he realised that
Spike wanted to pay his own way, giving the demon
enough for two bags and asking if Lukas would start a
tab for the blonde. The Kava demon had been more than
happy to float the vampire for a few weeks as long as
he was paid on a regular basis, human blood being
$50.00 per bag regardless of blood type.

Ignoring the sizzling sounds around him, he wrote
Helen the question of him having a job the next day.
Given the answer of yes, Spike was oddly pleased that
he would be able to come back the next Thursday
afternoon. It was now dark enough for him to walk the
40 minutes to the restaurant before he started at 4pm,
not having to rely on Lukas to pick him up so that he
could get to work on time with out frying. The blonde
hated cutting the vegetables and doing the dish work
but he had been genuinely interested in how to prepare
the different sauces and finally cooking the combined

He figured it was because his nose was so sensitive
that he found that he could pick each individual
ingrediant no matter how many dishes were currently
being cooked at one particular time. These thoughts
running through his mind as he tried to take his mind
off the pain radiating down his right arm, Spike
barely took any notice when Mary timidly waved a few
containers in front of his nose.

Helen shouted across the kitchen, much to the
amusement of the other's, that his food didn't contain
any garlic so that he wouldn't have to worry about his
tongue swelling from kissing his boy. Snapped out of
his thoughts, he took the offerings from Mary while
leering at Helen. Soft giggling beside him, the
vampire waggled an eyebrow at the teenager that made
her scurry from the kitchen in mock fright. Lid taken
off one, he took a small snort that identified the
lack of garlic in the assortment of freshly cooked dim
sims and spring rolls.

Excited, the slender man sat on the stool and waited
to be picked up, watching the actions of the busy
kitchen. He was sure that Xander was going to share
in his joy of having fangs again, he hadn't felt any
other part of his game face arise but he hoped that it
would only be a small matter of time.

~ Gonna give you a show whelp! Give you a fang blow
job too if you're lucky! ~

Part Nineteen   

~ Owww! I'm sorry for being so stupid, just stop with
the hitting alright? ~

His head being repeatedly smacked into the car
window, Spike wondered if the brunette was going to
rip out some of his hair, his fist being clenched so
tightly around his blonde locks.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? We can't afford for
you to be doing idiot things like that" snarled the
angry youth as he stopped bashing the blondes head
against the rattling window and instead started to
shake the smaller man as hard as he could. Xander was
annoyed beyond belief. He had been relaxing at home
by himself for once, watching the some movie on the tv
and eating the chocolate bars he had become addicted
to, when Betty had called and asked him to pick up his
boyfriend due to a workplace accident.

Still uncomfortable with the gay tag, he had none the
less rushed straight out with images of a finger less
Spike running through his head. Worried all the 20
minute drive to the restaraunt, he had sped as fast as
the icy road would let him, dashing out from the
hastily parked car only to be confronted by a smirking
vampire happily flashing a face full of fang in his
direction. Momentarily stunned to see the fangs being
dropped and retracted repeatedly, he had asked the
manager what had happened to the blonde that required
him to go home. Xander had felt his temper start
growing as Helen explained about the accident and the
inability of Spike to now use his right hand due to
the reaction to the garlic.

Thanking the short plump woman with a wide smile
plastered on his face, he had said nothing to the
vampire until they had gotten in the car and driven
out of Pennington, stopping along the deserted road
covered in soft powdery snow. Temper now at it's
peak, he had ordered the other man out of the car and
had waited until the bleached blonde was beside him
before punching him onto the ground. Hands wrapped
around the soft hair, he had dragged the other man to
his feet, smacking his head repeatedly into the car
frame all the while asking if this is what he had to
do to ensure that the vampire would learn to use his
brains next time.

"You do not stick your hand in a bowl of garlic, what
did the chip do? Make you a complete retard?" sneered
Xander as he let the smaller man drop to the ground in
tears. "You can shut the crying up as well, I'm not
interested in it."

~ Like I can help it! It's hard not to cry when you
belt the shit out of me. ~

Spike stayed where he was on the ground, jeans getting
wet from the snow, he had learnt to let the other man
pace up and down with no distractions. He understood
that the brunette was lashing out in anger but mostly
worry about what would happen if he lost the job at
The Vestal Gardens. It had been sheer luck and demon
contacts that he had gotten that job, nothing else
apart from storeroom packer in the local pharmacy had
been going. The vampire had tried to write a squiggly
explanation for the boy, handing it to him had only
resulted in the notebook being flung out of the still
moving car.

Now with the car parked in an odd angle on the side of
the main road between Pennington and Fairbanks, Spike
hoped that Xander would calm down quickly as he was
getting to hate the feel of cold wet jeans. Tears
running down his face, he once again berated himself
for being lazy and not wearing the gloves Helen had
provided for him once he had finished the vegetables.
Emitting a squawk as a large hand wrapped around his
ear, the vampire was lifted from the ground and
roughly shoved towards his side of the car by the
still seething male. Quick wipe of the face and he
belted himself into the passenger side of the white

Xander heavily plonked himself into the drivers side,
inserting the key and letting the engine rumble into
life. Car engine warming, he lifted a hand towards
the blonde.


"I thought I told you to shut them up?"

~ Yeah, that's right, you did. I'll stop them just
for you, alright?~

Quick nod, trying to ignore the stinging cheek, Spike
wiped hurriedly at the falling tears. Annoyed with
himself, he sniffed in the boy's general direction,
hoping to scent some of the anger disappearing. Arm
held stiffly across his middle in the attempt of not
banging it against the car interior as the the vehicle
lurched it's way onto the road, he detected the
increasing worry overriding the initial anger. The
inevitable apology was coming any minute now.

"I'm sorry that I slapped you, my temper gets the
better of me sometimes, you know that?"

~Oh look! Right on cue that one was, gee Pet, your
getting better at timing this stuff~

"Please don't lose this job ok? The bills are
starting to come in and we need to buy another
woodpile, I can't afford everything on my own."

A sigh and another nod in the brunettes direction as
the other man went on to ask if he would be more
careful at work next time and did his hand hurt too

~ Going to swallow a jar of the stuff next time just
for the fun of being belted around, of course it
fucking hurts, you Dickhead ~

The car slowly coming to a halt alongside the road
again, Spike suddenly worried that the boy had heard
his thought. Looking over towards Xander, he wondered
what had caught his wondrous gaze. After a brief
hesitation, he got out of the car and stood next to
the brunette, staring in wonder a the display of
coloured lights being played across the sky. They had
both seen the remarkable display dancing above the
earth before but this was the first time they had seen
the rare red lights. Following Xander's move, he
scrambled onto the cold car roof and sat next to the

One arm flung around the slender shoulders, Xander
pulled the blonde closer to him so that he was
snuggled firmly against the broader chest. Both
wearing their gifted check jackets, they sniggered at
the white cloud that came only from the brunettes
mouth. Staring at the display of natures artwork while
protectively embraced against his claimant persuaded
the vampire to forget about his bruised scalp and

Finally the cold creeping into their backsides was too
hard to ignore as was Spikes wet jeans. Reluctantly
they climbed back into the car and headed off towards
their cabin again. Car parked alongside the box that
housed the nearly gone woodpile, Xander kissed and
nibbled at the blonde as they made their way into the
cabin. The bruises already mostly gone due to quick
healing, the smaller man responded with passion as
both males clothing was stripped off in the still warm
bedroom. Inbetween tripping over the discarded
clothing and playful kitten, they continued to kiss
and fondle each other until Spike was positioned on
all fours by a panting brunette.

Hearing the pop of the lube container being opened,
the vampire wiggled his backside at the younger man
enticeingly, moaning when he felt slick fingers start
to prepare him. All too soon the magic digits were
replaced by larger, hotter organ. Rocking back to
meet Xander's hard thrusts, Spike panted in delight,
thankful that he was now used to most of the rough
treatment during sex that the brunette liked to dish
out. Almost knocked off balance due to harshness of
the thrusts that were speeding up, the vampire was
concentrating on keeping his position when he felt a
warm hand encircle his hard cock.

Alternately moving backwards and then forwards so that
he was thrusting into Xanders pumping fist, he could
feel himself almost ready to cum.

Roaring, Xander shot deep into the vampires bowels,
only seconds later finding his fist holding a jerking
penis. Hand covered in cool cum, he moaned as his
limp cock slid out of the tightness when the blonde
turned to start licking his cum coated fingers. As
weird as it seemed, he found himself wondering what
vampire cum tasted like. Hesitantly, he pulled his
finger's out of the fanged mouth and lowered his mouth
to the panting blonde's.

Slowly at first, the two men tasted the cool essence
flowing between them. Xander didn't know what it
tasted like exactly, it was slightly salty and
actually had a hint of garlic but it wasn't entirely
unpleasant and had hints of other flavours mixed into
it. Kiss deepening, he lay the vampire lengthways in
the tangled sheets, lying next to the cool body.

Continuing to kiss and explore the other mans white
body, he played with the sensitive nipples, eliciting
small noises of longing. Oddly pleased that he was
the one to ensure the noises being made, Xander traced
his forefinger along the cheek he had slapped at
earlier, noting that the bruise was almost gone.
Thought pushed out of his mind for the minute, he
touched and stroked the cool body entirely until sleep
caught up with them later that night following another

Spike watched as the boy's breathing deepened,
signalling the capture of dreams. He wasn't upset
over the beating he had received earlier and the sex
had been great especially the kiss in which the whelp
had finally tasted vamp cum for the first time, he was
still upset over being called a retard by the boy.
He knew that he shouldn't let it get to him and before
the chip there was no way it would have but it hurt to
be called names and when his claimant did it even out
of anger, it hurt even more.

Ignoring the pain in his bandaged arm and hand, the
vampire rested his head against the broad warm chest
and closed his eyes in an attempt to get some sleep.

Part Twenty  

15 November 2000

10.43 pm

Spikes point of view

Here I am, sitting on the floor. Huddled into a
corner trying not to cry anymore while the whelp is
screaming and kicking at me to make sure that I
understand that I have to stop. Or else. I would
love to ask what else means but he would probably just
stake me to make a point. Yeah, his temper is getting
that bad.

Ooomph. That one really hurt. Damn it, I can't stop
these bloody tears.

Little shit found out today what Baxter meant. Backs
to the wall boys, here comes Xander. Baxter.
Needless to say someone wasn't a happy little
munchkin, especially when all I could do was laugh at
him. Seriously, the look on his face was priceless.

Oh god, I think he's broken a rib. Please stop,
you're hurting me.

We were at Fitzy's place knocking back a few beers and
playing cards while watching the local ice hockey team
stuff up tapes. Didn't really think that ice hockey
would be a sport that was interesting, but the sheer
violence of it was just fantastic. Brutal and I loved
every minute of that tape. Got me in such a great
mood that I didn't take much notice of Xan asking what
Baxter meant.

No! Don't do it! Aahhh, that fucking hurts!

Heard all the laughing behind me so naturally I turn
around to see whats happening and there's the whelp
looking absolutely horrified. Mac filled me in real
quick on what had happened and with my attention
between the ice hockey and what the laughing was
about, I just nodded my head when the boy asked if I
had known all along.

Owww, owww. I think I'm gonna be sick. My fingers
broken. I can't believe he broke my finger.

Even with all the beer and smoke filling the room, the
stench of anger reached me almost straightaway and I
knew that I was pretty much fucked. A round of
goodbyes and excuses of work the next day and I was
handed the keys to the car and asked to drive home.
Damn glad too, the whelp would have hurt me and
certainly killed himself if he had driven in the mood
he had worked himself into.

I'm trying alright? Stop punching me and I might just
be able to stop the crying.

Drove all the way home in silence. The smell coming
off the boy in the car was making me feel sick. He
certainly had enough time to think of how to get back
at me. Picked a great way too. Got into the cabin
and told me to undress, which I did, then the prick
tells me to lie on my back. I freak because I *know*
exactly what he's going to do because he's taking his
damn clothes off as well.

Please stop Xanny. Why do you hurt me? It was only a
joke. Ooomph, I think another rib has gone.

I go running around towards the bathroom in the hopes
of locking myself in, no way was he going to fuck me
like a woman. He promised me that he would never try
to do it. Didn't count on his longer reach and before
I knew it, I was thrown across the kitchen bench and
landed in the kitchen next to the fridge. Took a few
kicks for me to be where I am now though.

Noooo! You promised, you swore that you would never do
this! Stop, just don't do it.

I can't believe this is happening. He's actually
going to make me do this. Why? I trusted him. Damn
it, the arsehole is strong. I love you, please don't
do it. I'm so stupid, I should have paid attention to
what he was asking me. Should know by now not to
laugh at the whelp.

Ffffuuuck, that hurts! Yeah, just lie back and take
it like the whore I am. Why bother any more.

He promised me that he would never make me do this.
He's the only one I've ever told about why I hate
doing it this way. I can't stop the tears, he's not
asking me to any more but I'm still trying. If I stop
them, maybe he'll stop taking me like a woman.

Still love him though.