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The Consequences of Ones Actions
by TJ

"Are you finished yet?" 

"Yeah, I'm finished, can't you feel it?" 

"Then get the fuck out of me." 

Pulling his spent cock out of the cool channel, Xander was 
shocked to see blood coating his penis and the pale thighs of 
the vampire. A few paces back and he could see the vampire 
shaking as he reached down to pull his jeans up from around his 
knees. His heart pounding, the brunette was sure that he had 
just done something really wrong but his alcohol addled mind 
couldn't for the life of him figure out what it was. 


"What, you still fucking here? You want another round is that 

"What the hell is your problem?" 

Head shaken, the bleached blond reached up to wipe away the 
tears that were running down his face. Careful not to show the 
display to the youth standing behind him, he sniffed the air for 
a sign of emerging arousal. Not finding anything but the 
overwhelming scent of confusion, he slowly zippered up his 
jeans and buckled up his belt. 

"I fucking well said NO! And you deliberately raped me." 

"No, but...isn't that vampire foreplay? I mean, don't all 
vampires just fuck each other silly? The more blood and pain, 
the better?" 

A step forward, Xander almost tripped on the jeans pooled around 
his ankles. In a few quick motions he pulled them up and 
fastened them once again around his waist. With one hand, he 
reached out to the black clad shoulder, touching the soft 
material gently with an unsteady hand. 

"No...I said no to you more than once Whelp, why didn't you 

"You didn't even try to stop me. If you hadn't wanted me to fuck 
you, you should have put up a fight but you didn't. You just let 
me push you over the couch." 

Turning to face the still drunk youth, Spike sneered bitterly at 
the lost look pasted over the brunettes face. With another 
sniff, the vampire recognised at least three different beer 
aromas mixed in with Jack Daniels. 

"You arsehole, I can't fight HUMANS. You fucking well know that. 
Christ, that's the whole bloody reason you came here isn't it? 
You finally decided to try the other team and picked the one 
male you know that wouldn't be able to fight you off." 

"You got hard as well, don't try to fucking well deny that. You 
wanted it just as much as I did. I saw you cum on the couch just 
before I did, so don't make out that you didn't want it" 

Wincing as he sat down on the couch arm, the vampire wiped again 
at the tears that continued to pour from his blue eyes. Never 
in his whole existence had he ever been in such a situation, 
never as a human and certainly never once he had been turned. He 
just couldn’t believe it was happening to him, his whole unlife 
had finally reached rock bottom. 

"It's called friction, you sodding imbecile. That and the fact 
that your cock kept hitting my bloody prostate. I said no." 

"What the hell is a prostate and why are you crying? I didn't go 
hard at all." 

"Gee Pet, were you just as considerate when you plucked the 
demon bint's cherry or did you save that nice little leg opener 
all for me, you sodding well *hurt* me." 

Burping, Xander rolled his eyes at the relief he felt from his 
protesting stomach. With a snappy tone, he told the vampire to 
keep Anya out of the conversation. He was still puzzled at why 
the vampire was so upset, it might be the blood but he wasn't 
too sure. Spike was a demon and all demons got off on blood, 
didn't they? 

"I'm sorry if I made you bleed. Anyway, it's not like you 
haven't had it up the arse before." 

"I haven't." 

"Bullshit, I've read all those books at the G-mans place. They 
all say that vampires and demons just fuck each other stupid 
regardless of gender." 

Fangs dropped now that the vampire was in gameface, Spike told 
the boy in a barely whispered voice of the numerous myths that 
abounded that dealt with his species. Garlic could actually be 
eaten by all vampires but those who were allergic to the herb 
before being turned. They didn't have to sleep with soil from 
their homeland next to them and vampires could also be 
photographed, very few ever having one taken as they looked too 
white no matter how dark the colour was adjusted to on the 
camera. He went on to explain to the youth that the story of all 
vampires being bi-sexual was also just a myth and one of the 
most inaccurate of them all. Just because a few vamps were, it 
didn't mean that all had no gender preference. 

"I'm a virgin when it comes to men. At least I was before you 
broke me in. Remind me to thank you properly when the chip comes 

"No way, no fucking way. You went all through Europe with 
Angelus and everybody knows he goes both ways. There is no way 
he would have left you alone, he was your Sire and that means 
you have to do whatever he tells you to." 

A bitter laugh echoed through the dank crypt as the bleached 
blonde told the alcohol sozzled youth the truth behind one of 
the greatest myths of his existence. 

"Drusilla is my Sire and she forbade any other vampire from 
getting their hands on me. Angelus is Drusilla's Sire, not mine 
and by all vampire lore and traditions, it's only the one who 
turned you that gets to fuck you unless they give another 
vampire permission. Angelus might have fucked anything with two 
legs regardless of gender but he was a firm believer in obeying 
the traditions." 

"You're a virgin?" 

"Yeah, I *was*. Congratulations Mate, you just managed to pop 
William the Bloody's cherry. Hope you're fucking proud of 
yourself. Go on, go and run to the rest of the Scooby gang. I'm 
sure that the're going to be really happy for you, I mean after 
all, you’re just a great big stud now." 

Legs collapsing from under him as the full ramifications caught 
up with him, Xander felt himself sink down onto the dusty crypt 
floor. Staring up at the yellow-eyed male still sitting on the 
couch, the brunette wondered just how he was going to make it up 
to the vampire. Whimpering numerous apologies, he clutched at 
the vampire's black jeans as the blond went to pass him. 

"I think you've touched me enough tonight, get your filthy 
fucking hands off me. You know, I have never once wondered what 
it would be like to take a dick up me but thanks to you, I now 
know what I've been missing out on for so many years." 

"Spike..I'm so sorry..I.I just thought...." 

"Thought what? Thought that I would be happy to break you into 
batting for both teams, hmmmm? Is that what you thought?" 

The youth on the floor cringed from the venom aimed at him, 
suddenly sober for the first time that evening. He had been 
drinking with Larry and his new boyfriend down at the local bar, 
just catching up on what the former high school football captain 
was doing with himself. The more alcohol he had consumed, the 
better the light pawing and occasional kissing between the two 
men had looked. He wasn't too sure when the decision to visit 
Spike had been made but it had been either a choice of Riley, 
Giles or the vampire. Riley was straight as the military 
demanded and Giles was just too much like his father to be 
considered. That had left only Spike and after recalling what 
he had read in the large books housed at the former watchers 
place, he had come to the conclusion that the vampire would be 
all for it. In his addled mind, he had honestly thought that the 
vampire's often said no, had really been a yes. After all, no 
vampire would turn away a willing partner. 

"No..yes..I mean, I thought that you were bi-sexual and would 
like it. I'm sorry but it never crossed my mind that you were 
heterosexual. I really am sorry." 

"Not much fucking well crosses your mind does it Harris?" 

With a huge effort, the brunette managed not to flinch away too 
much as the blond crouched on the ground next to him. Blue eyes 
staring at him, Xander wondered just what would happen next as 
he shook his head to the vampires snarled question. Spike 
reached out one hand and gently turned the weeping boy's face 
towards his own. The older males tears had dried up, making him 
feel light-headed. Slowly he spoke to the youth in an effort to 
make sure that his words penetrated the layers of alcohol. He 
had seen the boys face go white as he had sunk to the floor and 
was pretty sure that the Whelp was feeling close to sober but he 
really wanted to make sure that his words were understood. 

"You're a very silly boy. You have violated the body of a 
Childe in line for the leadership of the Order of Aurealius. I 
could tell Angel and I could certainly tell my Sire, Drusilla. 
Angel probably won't care but you know Dru, she would show no 
mercy to you if she got her hands on you. One time when a human 
pissed her off, she turned him so that she could spend more time 
torturing him." 

"Do you understand?" 

Breath gulped as his stomach roiled, Xander started to cry 
harder at the vampires softly spoken words. He wasn't sure what 
was the worst, what he had inflicted on Spike or the threat of 
what the blond’s Sire would do to him when she found out. With a 
shaky nod, he tried to apologise again only to have his words 
stilled by a cool finger across his lips. 

"Ssshhhh. It's alright pet, I won't tell either of them. It'll 
be just between you and me, alright?" 

Once again nodding, the brunette felt himself become overwhelmed 
by having his death sentence overturned. Collapsing onto his 
side, he was arranged comfortably by the vampire. Not quite 
understanding why the blond was being so nice to him after all 
that Xander had done to him, he stared as Spike stood again. 

"Remember luv, just between you and me. Don't go around telling 
anyone will you?" 

Head shaken, Xander whispered that he would keep his word to the 
vampire. His heartbeat started to slow as Spike smiled down at 
him. After a few minutes of smiling at each other, the blond 
watched the emerging sunrise pour through the open doorway. With 
a finger raised to his lips, the blonde crumbled into dust as 
the deadly shafts reached him. 

Laying his head back down as the last of the swirling dust 
settled beside him, Xander closed his eyes in an effort to wake 
from the nightmare he had found himself in. It had to be a 
nightmare, vampires burst into flames when the sun hit them 
didn't they? They didn't just crumble from the feet upwards? 
Giles' books said that they burst into flames. 

A sob broke through the silence of the light filled crypt as 
Xander realised just why Spike had had no intention of telling 
his Sire. The vampire had been right, it was their secret. 

The end.