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by TJ



Wet dishes rubbing and squeaking against each other, Xander
rummaged with both hands along the bottom of the half filled
sink in an effort to find a clean teaspoon. Cursing inwardly as
he jammed a finger between two heavy glass tumblers, the
brunette reminded himself to refuse Spike a blow job when he
next asked for one, punishment for not doing the dishes.
Actually, asking was stating it too nicely. With the bleached
blond it was more or less get your head dragged down, up or
acrosss, depending on which positons they were in when Spike
felt the 'need' for one. Even that was being polite for the
smaller vampire.

Xander had lost count of how many mornings he had woken up with
a hard cock already halfway into his mouth....not that he was
complaining. Spike and tact just didn't go together. With a
slow smile, the smaller brunette wondered if he should start a
new grinding his teeth while sleeping, just a
little something to put the blond off trying his version of a
'morning glory'. Spike had tried it on with Angel once and
after startling the unprepared still groggy with sleep vampire,
the blond had howled when his Sire had gotten a fang stuck in
his foreskin. Angel and Xander had tried to hide their snickers
while Willow had tenderly seen to the wound once the two
vampires had been untangled. Needless to say, he had never tried
it again...leaving that little pleasure all for his human

Teaspoon held aloft in a display of triumph, Xander found
himself encircled by two strong cool arms. They had to be
Angels arms as Willow and Spike were currently trying to destroy
the bleached blonds bedroom wall via a wooden bedhead, the
rythmic banging sound echoing through the otherwise quiet house.

"Hey Angel...what are you doing?"

Questioned the brunette human as he found his hands being
plunged back into the warm water again, the vampires hands
gripping his wrists firmly. With no answer from the taller
brunette pressed against him, Xander let his lover press a
sponge into his hands as a tongue traced the conture of his

"Mmmmm.. Angel! As much as I like's not my turn to are you doing?"

Xander gasped, leaning back into the solid chest as he felt his
zipper being undone by a large wet hand. Ok..he could go with
this just for the time being but there was no way he was going
to do the wasn't his turn. Sponge dropped back into
the soapy water with a wet sploosh, the human was pleased to
recieved a soft squeeze to his balls even as Angel closed
Xander's hand around the sponge once again.

Hint taken, Xander shakily started to dab at a saucer while he
had his jeans pulled down to his knees. With a little shiver
from feeling cool air tickle his thighs, the youth giggled as
his still silent lover eased the white boxers over his sensitive
hips, gently brushing large fingers over the tanned skin.
Saucer done and almost thrown into the dishdrainer, Xander found
himself clenching in anticipation as he heard Angels zipper
being undone. He thrust back eagerly into the older vampire,
moaning when Angel suddenly grabbed both of his hips in a tight
grip and pulled him back against the taller mans silk boxers.


Nodding as he started to pant, Xander found that he had
momentarily forgotten what he was supposed to be doing.
Slippery mug gathered up into a soapy hand, the youth felt his
insides flutter a little as Angels freed cock came to nestle
inbetween his buttocks. He could feel the cool shaft twitching
against his flesh and with a moan, he demanded that Angel stop
teasing him, earning himself a trace of a fingertip against his
anus. Closing his eyes, the brunette youth purred his lovers


With only one hand on his hip, the youth felt himself getting
held in place as a slick digit was slid into him. Unable to to
thrust back so that he could increase the delightful sensation,
Xander wondered just when Angel had found the time to get the
lube. The thought was blasted from his mind as he soon felt a
much larger hardness rubbing at his eager entrance. Legs spread
as far as they could go, he raised himself onto tipitoes as
Angels cock started to nudge its way in side of him.

Xander yelped softly as he was both filled entirely and a cool
hand placed another mug into his shaky ones. Eyes still
squeezed shut tightly, the youth dropped the mug back into the
water as a slow rocking was started. One hand scrabbling back
into the water for the missing piece of crockery, Xander held
onto the sink edge in an iron grip with the other in an effort
not to lose his balance. Back and forth the two men rocked, the
still air filled with moaning and harsh breathing as the
movement started to speed up.

The minutes passed slowly as the vampire steadily pounded into
his much younger lover, the tempo only broken the once when
Angel relubed his cock with a still wet hand. Face buried in
the crook of Xander's neck, the taller brunette felt his ridges
start rise as his completion drew near. Re-adjusting his hold
on the tanned skin of the panting human, Angel growled softly,
encouraging the youths heartrate into a much higher beat. At
the demand for more, the vampire continued to growl, mock
snapping at one of the hot earlobes. Worrying the slightly
salty flesh for a moment, Angel soon found his cock being
squeezed by Xander's inner muscles as the youth came with a yell
and a groan. Satisfied that his lover was spent, the vampire
increased his thrusts as he felt himself fill the youth with his
cool seed. Content to still be inside of Xander, the older male
slowed down his actions as his cock started to soften.

"Jesus Angel! Sooo good!"


With a lick to the boy's jugular, the older vampire slowly drew
back from the panting male only to freeze in horror as he caught
sight of the buttocks infront of him, fascinated by what was
appearing from between the well rounded flesh. His gaze flew to
his own cock, his stomach clenching as he heard his Childe
behind him.

"Oi Poof...has your cock got Then why is the
Whelps arse frothing?"

The older vampire ignored the laughing bleached blond, watching
as Xander turned to face him, the youths face displaying utter
horror as he clicked to what Angel had used for lube. With one
hand, the brunette human scooped up a few of the bubbles that
were slowly making their way down the back of his legs. With a
wail, Xander asked the first question on his mind.

"ANGEL....tell me you didn't use the dishwashing liquid?"
