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Forced to his knees
by TJ
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen Part Fourteen Part Fifteen Part Sixteen Part Seventeen Part Eighteen Part Nineteen Part Twenty Part Twenty-one Part Twenty-two Part Twenty-three Part Twenty-four Part Twenty-Five Part Twenty-Six Part Twenty-Seven

Part One

1 January 2001

Head pounding, Xander groaned at how heavy his whole
body felt. He could feel all four of his limbs as
well as the thing mounted firmly atop of his neck that
was currently trying to separate itself from his
spine, his arms and legs were tingling as if just
recovering from a bad dose of "pins and needles".

His eyes were open, he knew they were because he felt
his long lashes brush against the one hand he had
finally managed to move to his face as he blinked. It
was pitch black wherever he was and he was worried
because he didn't really know why he was lying on what
felt like a thin camping mattress.

Moving his aching head from the pillow underneath it,
the brunette, still tingling all over, tried to sit up
as he realized that not only was he in a place that he
didn't recognise, he was in total darkness and quite
obviously naked. Shaky hands run up and down his
body, checking for any bruises, lumps and other
nasties, he swore to himself as he tried to moisten
his mouth with a dry furry tongue. He couldn't feel
and bruises or lumps but that didn't mean a thing as
he couldn't really feel anything but the strange all
over body buzzing sensation.

Body slid off the thin mattress, the boy yelped in
shock as his bare knees met a hard cold surface. 
Gingerly feeling around in front of him with hesitant
out stretched arms, he slowly crawled his way across
the rough floor. More swearing filled the darkness as
he banged his fingers into a solid wall that was only,
from what he could tell in the darkness, about 5 feet
from the furthest edge of the mattress. Desperate for
a drink of water to clear the metallic taste and furry
residue in his mouth, Xander continued to crawl around
the small room.

So far he had estimated that the room in which he was
in was small, only being around 5 foot wide and a bit
longer, maybe 7 foot long. He hadn't bothered to keep
crawling after he had smacked his already aching head
into what felt like a metal object. Reaching both
hands up and slowly in front of him, the confused
youth cautiously patted at the cool metallic object in
front of him. Horrified, he snatched his hands away,
after discovering that it felt like a toilet bowl.

"What the hell is this? Hello? Hello, come on, this
isn't funny!"

Dry lips cracked, Xander ran his tongue over them,
wincing slightly as his saliva stung the tiny cracks. 
He was now officially worried and getting shitty. He
had no idea where he was. The last thing he
remembered was waving goodbye to Anya, Buffy and the
rest of the Scooby Gang including Spike who had
somehow managed to get invited to Joyce 's New Years
Party. He had left by himself just after the
countdown, having made sure that he had given his
demanding girlfriend a great hot and heavy pashing
session that had made everyone else in the room cough
in their general direction. The blonde vampire had
just smirked at him and made horribly rude gestures at
them that had him embarrassed and Anya nodding back.

After a few eyebrows were raised at him leaving early,
he had explained that due to the great pay on public
holidays, he had volunteered to work that day starting
at 6.30 am and that he was going home to get some rest
before heading off.

The thirst reaching out to strangle him, Xander
figured that if there was a toilet in the tiny room,
there might just be a basin that he could get a drink
from. Hands held out again, he felt for the metal
bowl and grabbing as tightly as his heavy limbs would
allow, he hauled himself up carefully. Almost
stumbling backwards, the young man held himself still
as his head flopped heavily backwards. Groans fleshed
out the oppressing darkness as he forced his overly
large feeling head forwards again. Step by step, he
carefully navigated his way along the stone walls.

Fingers gently running along the walls as he made his
way round the room, Xander jumped in shock as his
digits made contact with what felt like a door hinge. 
Hope blooming in his warm body, he horridly ran both
hands across what turned out to be a solid metal door
with a hatch about his face height in the middle of
Tapping at the door at first, he tried banging and
calling for help. After what seemed like hours, the
exhausted boy stopped kicking and thumping at the non
responsive metal object infront of him when it was
clear that no-one was going to come. Tears running
down his face, thirst now overwhelming, he slid down
the door with his back firmly against it. Knees
pressed into his chest, he sat and waited for someone
to come and find him.

"I don't think I'm in Kansas anymore Toto!"

Part Two

1 January 2004

Willow watched as everyone around her kissed and
hugged each other when the countdown was finished. 
Tara stood by her side with one soft hand placed
gently on her bare shoulder, radiating compassion.

"H..He could still s..spring from anywhere tomorrow
you know?" stuttered the pale blonde witch to her red
haired girlfriend. The short haired girl sighed and
nodded in agreement as the tears threatened to
overflow once again on what was the third anniversary
of her best friend's disappearance. The last time she
had seen Xander, it had been at the party held by
Buffy's mother for New Years 2001. That was three
long years ago and the red head thought about him
every day and wondered just where he was in the world.

It just didn't seem right that everybody around her
was having the time of their lives while the heart of
the Scooby gang was still no where to be found.

"Come on, lets go back to the apartment and ring in
the New Years our own way?" smiled the encouraging
long haired blonde. Grasping Willow's hand, she led
the quiet girl through the masses of hollering and
excited college students in the direction of the front
door to the house they were currently in. Once
outside, Tara fished out the car keys to the little
red hatch back they had brought together and held them
with one key poking out between her clenched fist as
they had both been taught in self defence class. So
far neither of them had had to test the skills they
had learnt in the course they had taken while trying
to distract themselves from the disappearance.

Driving back to the apartment that was still leased in
Xanders name, the worried older girl kept glancing at
her silent companion. Willow would more than likely
be weepy for a few days until the New Year had passed.
She was sad that her girlfriend had lost such great
childhood playmate and hated to see the normally
vivacious and prattling girl so upset. She knew from
her own experiences that just by being around Willow,
a person was allowed to enter a full bloom of
personality. Tara hadn't really known Xander very
well, due to the fact that her and the redhead had
only really started to go out together and Anya had
been very jealous of any time that the boy had spend
with the two witches.

Ironically Anya had become one of their best friends
in time even after she had married one of Angel's
workmates, Gunn and was now pregnant with twins. The
tall dark man had become an official member of the
Scooby Gang after he had started dating the ex demon
when they had met during one of the three monthly
meetings Giles still held to update on their search
for the young man. Initially Anya had been wary of
starting to date again, both out of respect for Xander
and the worry that the blossoming friendships with the
L.A. team would falter to a halt. It was only after a
giant session of crying, remembering and laughing that
had included Buffy, the two witches, Cordelia and
Joyce, that Anya had been given a firm allowance to
even look in Gunns direction.

Car parked in the spot once occupied by Xanders old
car before it had been given to Spike for his use, the
two girls got out of the car and made their way up to
the darkened apartment. Once inisde, Willow went
straight to the bedroom and lay down, letting her
silent tears finally have the sound she had been
struggling to keep hidden. The pale blonde hesitated
before slipping onto the double bed still fully
clothed. One hand smoothing itself over the short red
hair, Tara let her girlfriend cry herself to sleep as
she fell into a dream only seconds later.



The young man sat on the large bed, waiting for the
person that was showering to come and join him. 
Fingers playing with the thin solid circle of silver
that adorned his left wrist, identical to the one on
his other wrist, he was impatient for it to just be
over with. He hated New Years and wanted to go back
to the safety of his room, the New Year reminded him
of things that were better left as distant memories,
things that could never be had again. A hand with
well manicured nails reached up to rub at his tired
muscles, the soft skin making contact with a few of
the links of silver that made up the solid chain, that
matched the bracelets, around his tanned neck.

Water turned off, the youth with blue-black hair and
green eyes, heard the shower door slam open with a
clatter. Jumping at the sudden sound, he quickly
scrambled off the bed and stood with eyes cast down as
a white robed figure appeared in the steamy doorway.

Malcolm leaned against the bathroom door and with arms
crossed, looked in admiration at the tanned skin on
show in front of him, he hadn't had this one before
but Christopher had been recommended by a few of his
friends so after the young boy's current contract had
been finished, he had put forth a large sum to lease
the male from his owners for a few weeks.

"Knees Christopher!" gulped the older grey haired man
as the green eyed teenager obliged with speed that
impressed the wealthy man. If only all his short term
hires were that well trained. So impressive for one
so young and relatively new to the game. The boy
would only have to be around 16-17 at the most and
very delectable.

Smile growing at the thought of the sweet little mouth
on his growing cock, Malcolm strode across the room
and gripped the thick black hair in his hands,
thrusting his hips upwards in a gesture all too clear
for the boy to read.

Part Three

Sometime in the year 2001

So thirsty. What he wouldn't give for some water. He
didn't know how long he had been left alone in the
darkness, sitting back on the thin mattress again.
Xander had gone round and round the small room enough
times to make him dizzy by just thinking about it and
no where was there a basin to be found. If he could
pee, he would probably drink it, he was getting that
desperate. His tongue was swollen from the lack of
moisture and he could feel his skin getting dry as
well. Blinking rapidly to wet his eyes, he whirled
his head around in what he thought was the direction
of the door. He was sure that he had heard a door
opening on the other side.

"Errkk, ughn... H..Hello?" said the brunette with
great difficulty due to his dry throat. Tongue
sticking to the roof of his mouth, he lifted his hand
and prodded at the dry organ wondering if he would be
left to dehydrate to death and his tongue would be the
first casualty.


Uttering a dry scream at the sudden voice that echoed
all around the small room, Xander nodded into the
darkness. Unable to tell where the voice came from, he
made sure that he repeated the action in what he hoped
was all four corners. The silence that followed
dragged into what he thought was many minutes but
could possibly be only be one or two. Stomach
rumbling as he moved his stiff legs and faced the
direction that hopefully housed the iron door, he
tried to keep himself from crying, knowing that it
could all be a trick and that he wouldn't get any
thing to drink and that crying would only make his
thirst worse.


Jumping at the disembodied voice that once again
boomed into the oppressing darkness, he eagerly
nodded, stomach clenching at the thought of getting
some food. He had no idea why he was being called
"little girl" but at the moment he didn't really give
a fuck as long as his bodies needs were going to be


"Xander, can I please get something to eat and drink,
please" pleaded the exhausted and confused youth. He
wasn't going to cause a fuss until he had been given
something to drink at least.


"What do you mean, my name is Alexander Lavelle
Harris. Please, I'm so thirsty" he couldn't tell if
the voice booming around the stone walls was a male or
female. He knew what his name was and whoever had his
clothes and wallet sure as hell knew it as well.



"What the fuck is this, I just told you what it is!"
replied Xander, yelling as much as his dry throat
would allow, stumbling over the words as his tongue
continued it's fight to stay stuck to the roof of his
mouth. Tears welling up into his eyes, stinging the
dry skin on his face as they made their way down his
face, he suddenly twigged to what the person was
trying to get him to do.

"Little girl, my name is Little girl? Am I right?"
asked the brunette as he lay on his side hoping with
all his being that it was the correct answer, not
being sure that in four hours he would be conscious
enough to answer the question if it was given again.

The silence was deafening. Choking down the tears past
the great lump in his throat, he was relieved and wary
at the same time as he heard what sounded like another
door being opened but this time almost right outside
his little room.



Slowly Xander raised himself from the matress and
knelt as requested. Heart beating fast at the thought
of water, he heard a key being turned in the lock of
the metal door behind him. Unable to stop his head
from turning, he was blinded as a great gust of white
light flooded into the room. Head whipped around
again in a effort to escape the painful experience,
the gasping boy ground the heels of his palms into his
eyes, trying to stem the pain the sudden light had
caused him. As quickly as the light came, it was gone
again along with the sound of the door being closed
and locked.


Gradually Xander relieved the pressure on his eyes as
he realised that there was now some light illuminating
the small room. Black dot's dancing in front of his
eyes from the prolonged pressure, he looked around
him, eyes straining to see in the extremely dim light
that was coming from holes in the walls far up,
almost roof height. Trying to take this new thing in,
he let out a sob as what was left of his meagre saliva
managed to drool out of the side of his mouth as the
aroma of food tickled his nose. Not thinking he could
stand, he turned around carefully and crawled towards
the items that were placed on the floor near the

A shaky hand reached out and grasped at the plastic
cup holding the water. Gulping it down fast so that
it dribbled down his chin, Xander moaned as his tongue
literally opened all pores and soaked the moisture up.
Not caring that the cool water stung his cracked
lips, he finished all that was in the cup and looked
for more. Unable to see any, he threw the cup into a
corner and reached for what looked like porridge in a
disposable bowl. Looking around for a spoon and not
finding one, the hungry boy shrugged and scooped some
of the thick mixture out with a couple of fingers.

Sniffing at it cautiously before tasting it, Xander
prepared himself for a vile taste only to be surprised
when he detected what he thought was honey and banana
mixed through the chunky sticky mass. Stomach growling
at the smell, he threw caution to the wind and
hurriedly at all that was in the throw away bowl. 
Fingers licked clean, he felt better now that much of
his thirst was sated and his stomach was full.

The realisation hit him as he continued to look around
that there were still items on the floor beside the
door. Looking again, he found a roll of toilet paper
and a pair of what looked like white cotton pants that
did up with a couple of snaps instead of a fly. Pants
pulled on and the matching loose long sleeved shirt
put on over the his upper body and waited for
something to happen.

Part Four

15 January 2001

Spike grumbled to himself as he was relegated to the
top floor of the hotel. The stupid bint on the front
desk, Cordelia, had decided that she wanted to move in
with Doyle, Irish Potato no.2. No.1 of course being
the Sodding Poof himself, Angel. Apparently the ill
dressed Irishman had decided to pop the question to
his dear heart. She said yes rather loudly, he could
still hear the ringing in his ears from the unearthly
screech that had erupted from the girls lips. The
upshot of it all? He, no-one else, had to move his
belongings into another room on another floor.

"Stupid fucking slag, why should *I* move? Oh, that's
right, the ballerina who wants to be Sire will kick
the crap out of me!"

An early wedding present from The Prince of Hair Gel
was to decorate the entire third floor for the happy
newly engaged couple. Spike, however couldn't give a
continental fuck about how happy they were together,
he was mourning the loss of a great drinking
companion. The half demon, once fired up and that
never took long, was a right little firecracker that
was soon to be doused by one ex-cheerleader from hell.

"Now all I've got to drink with is that useless git,
Wankley. Shame to see such a great talent go to

If it hadn't been for the stupid cow in Sunnydale
getting knocked up, he would still be happily living
in his little crypt in his favourite cemetery. But
nooo, why should he be winging? After all, he had
gotten a car shoved at him and told to pack his stuff
and move to L.A.

And stupidly enough, he had done it and now look where
being nice for once had gotten him? Shoved up onto
the rarely cleaned fourth floor that abounded with
dust bunnies and old used tissue zombies. He had been
swapped like a piece of luggage so that the proud
father to be could be with his nice little
ex-vengeance demon. She had finally found herself a
man that she couldn't intimidate and the Shiny Headed
One had found himself with his hands full of horny
blonde and unable to resist, he had duffed her up on
the second date, marrying her on the fifth one.

Carrying his stereo up the last three steps of the
staircase, he chose a door at random and kicked it
open. Eyes stinging at the dust trying to detach his
retinas, he plonked the large black disc stacker onto
the sagging bed, sighing when after a few squeaks and
groans, it collapsed onto the floor surrounded by the
timber of the bed frame that was supposed to keep it
from the dirty carpet.

"Bloody fuck! Just why do I bother?"

Stereo left nestled securely on the mattress, he
peered out into the hall and looked at the closed
white doors that lined the hallway. Maybe he should
have dragged Harmony up with him, she would have been
good for a laugh at least. Spike smirked at the
thought of the ditzy blonde asking what dust bunnies
ate. She would probably stake herself at the thought
of being relegated to what was known as the
"unfashionable" floor of the former hotel. At least,
she would have been able to keep Pom-Pom off his back.
He could just see it now, the two former Sunnydale
High bitch queens going hammer and tong at each other
over who had the worst loser boyfriend.

"Oi! Stupid chip, never meant to think that. Sooo not
bloody true. Fuck, now I sound like the bint as well."

Scowl replacing the smirk that had formed when his
thoughts had stripped both girls naked as they fought,
he stomped his way across the hallway and proceed to
kick the door down. Hearing the roar from downstairs
as his Sire finally got an idea of who was causing the
noisy racket, he quickly ran down the hallway.
Stopping in front of each door, he kicked them off
their hinges, not caring that they clattered to the
floor, each one louder than the one before. All the
better to piss off the Poncy Bastard he thought. 
Christ, he sooo needs to get laid, like right now.

"Damn it! It's fucking rubbed off on me, I've got
Sunndydale Speak Syndrome"

Snarling and snapping in game face as a nervous
ex-watcher bounced up the stairs in the hopes of
finding out what was causing the noise, Spike clutched
at his head as the familiar tingling warmed his scalp
up for the inevitable inner brain slap. Thinking that
it was really not his day, he spun the blushing taller
man around as he patted him on the backside, ignoring
the sputtered requests for him to stop. Once he had
found what he had been looking for, he sneered at the
deep red, aroused male still gasping for breath at the
shock of being pawed at by his mortal enemy.

"Not a fucking chance pet! Why don't you go and offer
yourself to the demon git downstairs, every man
deserves a virgin once in his life and lets face it,
the wannabe-never going to be actress sure as hell
isn't one"

With that, Spike brushed past the embarrassed man who
was gulping like a fish as he tried to think of a
witty reply that didn't incriminate any of the afore
mentioned. Sneer still plastered to his face, the
blonde vampire pocketed the lifted wallet, almost
running out of the hotel before the watcher noticed it
gone and tattled on him to the Broody Bastard. 
Something he would deal with later. Right now, he
wanted a fuck and judging by the weight of Woosleys
wallet, he would be able to afford a high price bar in
order to pick up. He wanted something a little

A few hours later, he found himself sitting on a red
velvet couch in a high class male brothel. Heads had
won, Tails, being for girls, had obviously lost the
coin toss that night. After running down the street
with the angry demands of his Sire to come back
following him, he had ended up in a little demon bar
in the upper class area that usually served lawyers
and business men and women. Sitting at the bar for a
few rounds of Jack, he had overheard part of a
conversation between two men discussing a certain
young male who worked in a well known brothel that
provided for "that way" inclined older men.

Curious, he had remained at the bar, with his back
turned to them, during their whole conversation. The
oldest of them was thanking the other for recommending
someone called Christopher. Claiming that the boy had
done some things that he had never even heard about,
he had actually given his drinking friend a voucher
from Eternal to use at his leisure. Spike knew where
Eternal was, he had just never been able to afford it
before. Normally he would never pay for sex,
prefering to charm the pants off some young thing that
took his fancy. It wasn't unknown for him though to
pay for it, sometimes having well used was good and
just a bit different, you never knew what little
parlour tricks one had picked up from somewhere. He
knew that even the Great Poof himself paid for it
every now and again, something that he took great
pains to hide from his still unsuspecting staff.

Quiet snort to himself as he thought of his Sire's
face when he had bumped into him in the middle of a
hallway on the second floor of Eros, a demon clientele
based brothel, Spike checked how much money he still
had left to spend. Happy with the amount tucked into
the brown leather wallet, he threw what he owed
including a generous tip onto the remarkably dry
counter. Flagging down a taxi, he told the driver to
take the long route to the place requested. It wasn't
his money, there for the inclination to be generous.
Taking in the scenery, the vampire felt his cock
harden just at the thought of a warm body again. It
had been too long since the last one. 1970-something
he thought to himself. All those damn hippies, all
you had to do back then was smile and Abracadabra!
Legs opened.

Not like these days, now, you have almost hand in your
damn resume and bank balance before you can even talk
to some hot looking young chit. Feeling the taxi slow
down, he thrust a few notes at the driver and got
out. Body stretched a few times due to the drive
actually taking longer than the usual long route, he
bounced up the steps that led to the main entrance of

"Ah, Welcome to Eternal. How are you tonight?"
simpered the middle aged man coming towards him. A
discreet sniff in his general direction told Spike
that the other man was wholly human. Scowl showing
through his fast flicked game face, he was taken aback
at how accepting the other man was of his demon

"Bloody fine thanks. Want to see Christopher. He
available?" snapped the blonde. He knew the Armani
clad man was human so why wasn't he throwing the boy
down at him for free? He usually got what he wanted
for free when he did that.

Hands rubbed together in a gesture of apology, the
older looking man told Spike that since he was a
little "different", he would have to pick someone else
as Christopher only worked with the regular clients. 
Annoyed and starting to growl at the still calm man,
the vampire demanded to see what else was on offer. 
Armani man smiled in what was probably relief, the
demon having no care for him, told the other man to
sit for a minute.

And now here he was, waiting to be led into another
room for a private viewing so that he could choose his
bed partner for the next two hours. Another reason
why it was so expensive, Eternal only sold in two hour
or full night blocks. Just two hours was going to set
Wesley back around $450.00 and that included pretty
much anything he wanted to do within reason. Having
an idea, Spike jumped up after rifling through the
wallet again, waving the credit card he had found
under Armanis nose demanding to know that if he paid
for a full night, would that change Christophers mind.

After replying that nothing changed Christophers mind
and would he please step this way, it was added that
if he paid in advance for a full night, he could stay
in another room for free with provided blood until the
following dusk. Knowing just how much was left to
spend on Wankleys credit card, he readily agreed to
the $1800.00 charge. Paying for it and signing the
epeliptic signature that was the watchers, was pleased
that the wanker had been too stupid to notice his
wallet was gone. Probably still remembering my
luscious hands on his arse he thought, sniggering at
the memory of the red faced embarrassment it had left.

"Poor bastard's still a virgin and at his age as well!
Should offer to take care of that for him in lieu of
the money I'm going to owe him after tonight when the
Sodding Poof catches me"

Wondering why his Sire hadn't yet managed to take
advantage of the sweet smelling male that sat almost
everyday in the office and lived on the same floor as
his employer, he asked Mr Simper to repeat the
question he had so obviously been just asked and of
course missed. Question repeated of did he have any
preferences, the vampire thought for a minute. With
the chip in his head, it had been a while since he had
been in a position to have a preference. But he did
know what he wanted tonight.

"Brunette and something that doesn't gabble on too
much, would be great and a drink of whatever is on the
house. O positive, I belive it was?"

Smirked the blonde at the nodding man. Assured that
it wasn't a problem, he indicated that he had a few of
what was requested in the boys that were specifically
for his kind and various other types. Politely asked
once again to wait, the suit clad man left the room to
gather the boys in question. A few minutes later, a
clatter of footsteps came to a stop just behind the
narrow door off the the left corner of the small
sitting room. Door opened by Mr Slimey, four dark
haired boys walked out and stood in a line in front of
the red velvet couch the vampire was sitting on. All
were barefoot and dressed in white pants, leaving
their upper bodies bare.

"Nice, all very nice. What ages are they and what
talents do they have?" inquired Spike, genuinely
curious as to how such young looking youths got to be
in a legal brothel. They only looked around 16, 17
each and at a push maybe 20 in a harsh light. Nodding
his blonde head at his correct guess in the ages of
the young males, he next heard the talents listed.

The first one, Jonathan, was well trained in giving
head. Andrew was extremely capable in any position
due to his lean flexible body, Matthew was apparently
great at taking any size and a screamer. The last
one, Patrick was a fantastic all rounder with

Dismissing Matthew on the possibility of setting off
his chip, he next let go of Jonathan because he had
had enough of Harmony giving it to him. He ended up
choosing Patrick, the oldest looking one of them all.
Shy smile at being introduced, Patrick took Spikes
hand and led the smaller man up the stairs towards his
allotted room for the night. As he was being led
along the red carpeted passageway, he ignored the
muted screams and moaning coming from the rooms being
passed and concentrated on the odd odour he had caught
while waiting downstairs for Slimebag to get back with
what was available that night. The smell was familiar
to him, it was a human smell and one that he should
know but for the unlife of him, he couldn't place it.

Thought put totally out of his head as he was let into
a room containing a massive bed, spa bath and a huge
rug infront of an unlit fireplace, a doorway leading
off to a wood panelled bathroom that fitted in with
the general rustic theme of the room. 

"What would you like me to do first Sir? asked the
timid taller youth. He stood patiently, dressed in
only a pair of white almost see through cotton
trousers that were held up by a simple cord. Eyes
cast down at the floor, the boy with hands crossed
behind his back waited for an answer. Spike was
slightly astounded at how passive the teenager was
towards him, he usually liked a bit more spirit in his
whores. Sensing the boy was starting to tense the
longer he waited for an answer, something that was
going to make penetration harder, Spike made a
suggestion of having a spa together after Patrick had
undressed the demon. 

"Of course Sir, Is there any particular way you would
like it tonight Sir?" questioned the boy who still
stood with his eyes cast down at the floor, hands
crossed behind his back. With an answer that they
would take it easy and that they had all night to do
things, Spike took the boys chin in his hand and
lifted, looking into the fear filled eyes. It was an
emotion that normal humans would confuse with lust,
they both made the eyes gleam madly. Being a vampire,
he could smell the residual fear and the customers
from the previous night still on the boy. Slightly
turned off by that fact, he ordered the boy to start
undressing him.

His black long sleeved t shirt was gently tugged over
his head, belt undone and jeans opened to reveal a
white hardening cock. Patrick paused for a moment
before kneeling down and taking off the doc martens
that enclosed both feet. Once done, he pulled the
black jeans down and helped the vampire to step out of
them. The blonde was naked, proudly jutting penis
leaking precum onto the carpet. With a gesture from
the blonde, Patrick undid the cord holding his pants
up, letting them slide to the floor, exposing his
naked body to the achingly hard demon. Spike took in
the view of the boy, his tanned skin was offset by the
the bracelets he wore on each wrist and the matching
chain link necklace. Patrick had almost shoulder
length curly hair, flawless skin covering an almost
girlishly fine face that featured lage dark blue eyes
that were framed by thick black lashes.

The boy was beautiful and with the amount of money
that was demanded by the establishment, he really
hadn't expected anything less. Slapping the boy on the
bare buttocks gently so as not to set off the chip, he
told the brunette to start the spa and to then spread
himself on the rug, on his back. With a "Yes Sir",
something that was making the demon harder with each
time he heard it, Patrick fired up the spa and then
proceeded to walk back slowly and got down on the
thick rug, lying on his back with legs slightly

Moaning at the sight spread out in front of him, Spike
wished he didn't have the damn chip so that he could
just take the boy right there, dry and hard enough to
make the boy scream his head off. Almost running to
the bathroom, the blonde picked up the various bottles
arranged along the basin in a desperate search for
lube. Finally finding a tube in one of the drawers, he
strode over to the dark haired beauty arranged,
impatiently lubing himself up. Throwing the tube at
the boy, he ordered him to spread his legs wider and
to prepare himself. He had noticed that although the
boy was younger than himself physically, he had larger
hands and fingers and by getting Patrick to lube
himself, he wasn't running the risk of setting off the

Settling on the couch to enjoy the show, he took a
great whiff of the arousal rolling of both himself and
the squirming boy on the rug. Brow furrowed in frown,
he recognised a soft scent that was the same as the
one he had smelt downstairs before. Who ever the
scent belonged to, they had been in this very room
only a day or so ago. Head shaken, he slid of the
couch and watched closely as Patrick introduced three
fingers into his loosening hole. The thrusting motion
by the digits was watched for a few minutes until
Spike stopped the boys hands. Moving so that he was
in between the brunettes legs, he grasped the boys
calves and pulled him closer. Long legs thrown over
each shoulder, Spike lined himself up and with gritted
teeth, thrust into Patrick. Once fully sheathed by
the hot body, with no regard to the small gasps and
moans coming from the teenager other than to make sure
that continuing to thrust wasn't going to set off the
chip, the vampire started to speed up.

Pressure of each thrust increasing, Spike whispered to
the moaning boy to scream. He was curious to know if
the boy screamed, would it set off the chip even
though he was doing the teenager no harm. Patrick,
not even missing a beat, started to breath a little
faster and harder. Each moan became a little louder
until he was screaming as he was being pounded into.
The vampire was ecstatic, this was joy at last. Not
as good of course as actually causing real physical
pain, but at the moment it was a hell of a lot better
than what he had been getting even with Harmony who
had a tendency to say she was bored after a few
screams on her part. Pissed that he had thought of
the stupid bind back in Sunnydale, Spike felt his
balls tingle as he could hear the harsh screaming
reverberate around the room.

Gushing into the boy who was now pretending to
whimper, the blonde felt fantastic as he felt months
of tension disappear up the whores arse. His stomach
was wet from Patrick's own cum but he really didn't
give a shit, he was already planning on how to steal
another credit card for another night with the one who
was into gymnastics just for something different. 
Soft cock pulled out, he got up and walked to the spa.
Hand swirled around in the barely warm water, he sat
on the edge of the bath and waited for Patrick to
crawl on his hands and knees as requested to come and
lick him clean while the water heated.

As the warm tongue met his cool penis, Spike moaned at
just how lucky Wankley was tha

Part Five

Sometime in 2001

He had waited for something to happen after he had
finished shoving the porridge down his throat and
dressed in the clothes provided by whomever had him or
in his luck, whatever. Being the demon magnet he was,
it could be any number of species. Sure enough, he
hadn't had to wait long for it to happen. It, being
the nice floaty feeling his head was currently
experiencing along with the returned heavy limb
sensation that had him sprawled across the mattress
again on his back.

Giggling to himself, Xander was highly amused that his
mouth wouldn't form the correct words that he wanted. 
He was trying to tell himself off for being so stupid
as to have eaten the food provided, after all Buffy
would find him soon enough. The Scooby Gang was
probably already at the door anyway. He could hear
the key in the lock, obviously Giles as the Buffster
would just kick it down. Unable to roll himself from
the position he had collapsed in, the laughing boy
waited for his heroes to appear in the dim light.

What he got however was the appearance of two men, one
of whom was holding a black doctors bag. A slurred
hello from Xander had them both enter the room fully.
A touch, from the one who had put down the bag on the
floor, on one of the stones next to the metal toilet
and the room was flooded with light. Not as harsh on
Xanders eyes as before but still enough for him to
gasp at the sudden appearance. Squinting as he tried
to move his hand up to his eyes and shield them
somewhat, he made small wet sounds of protest as he
was turned onto his back fully by the blonde man in
beige and his limbs arranged so that he was laying
with both of his arms by his side and legs straight

A finger shoved into his mouth soon stopped his
giggling as he felt his jaw being lowered. Head
grasped in both hands by the blonde, he was angled
around gently as a small torch was shone into his open
mouth as the finger firmly poked and prodded its way
around his teeth. Tongue grasped in between a
forefinger and thumb, it was pulled out and stretched
as far as it would go until Xander made a small yelp
in protest, choking a little in the process of trying
to continue the sounds of humour. The piece of flesh
once fully examined was put back into his mouth and
was given a few sips of water from the flask produced
by the red haired man who continued to poke and prod
at his body. Armpits checked, ears, eyes all given
the once over. His arms and legs were all fully felt
over as was his torso, particular attention having
been paid to his feet and hands, especially his

Xander sputtered, halting the snigger's that had
emerged as his nipples were rubbed into hardened nubs,
when he felt a warm hand on his crotch, he couldn't
remember getting naked again, but obviously he was. 
Head still being held by a kneeling man behind him, he
attempted in vain to knock the hands away from
fondling his penis. After a few false starts, he was
able to tell the men admist the laughing, that what
was between his legs only belonged to his girlfriend
Anya and that he wasn't a poofter. He was able to get
those words out, producing a few quiet snorts from the
man stroking him into a hard on, but he was unable to
move his legs or arms. A few more strokes from the
experienced hand and he wasn't sure that he wanted to
move it away anymore.

Once fully erect and almost ready to come, he moaned
in disappointment when the hand left his throbbing
cock. Redhair took up his pen again and made a few
notes into the book he had with him. A few more sips
of water and Xander was giggling once more like a
teenage girl who had just been kissed by her idol. He
continued to snigger to himself even when he was
turned over by both men so that he lay on his front,
squashing his hard on into the thin mattress. Head
held again by the blonde, he laughed into the lap of
the man as he felt hands stroke themselves over his

"Ooohhh!" he uttered as sarcastically as possible
admist the continuing chuckling as he felt his
buttocks being separated, only to yelp in sudden pain
as a blunt finger was jabbed at his hole. A few
strokes of the digit against the relaxed muscles, saw
him moaning again into the mans lap that his head was
resting on. Something wet against his opening made
him gasp in shock at the coldness of it. The finger
continued to stroke through the slippery stuff and he
again felt it trying to force it's way into him, this
time succeeding in getting halfway until another yelp
halted it's progress. Slurring for it to stop and
that he wasn't gay, Xander told the man as coherently
as possible that they would be in trouble when Buffy
found out.

Finger removed to a little slurping sound, he soon
found him self being rubbed all over by the two men
with some sort of lotion. He felt great, it was
really nice and hoped that the others would wait until
he had been given the full body treatment. More
giggling found himself once again on his back, head
resting on the pillow, as his front got the same
treatment as his back had received. 
The finger all forgotten as he wondered if he could
get Anya to give him the same lotion treatment one
day. Both arms and legs were covered in lotion as was
his face and neck. His whole body, not one inch less,
had been completely covered in it. 

Tub of lotion put back in the black bag, Redhair
pulled out a needle and small vial into which the
syringe was quickly plunged into and filled with clear
fluid. Fascinated by it, Xander stared while trying
to move his non cooperating body to have a closer
look, not even flinching when the needle as inserted
into a vein in the crook of his elbow. The men left
him laying there as he totally allowed the upcoming
blackness rush towards and envelope him.

Part Six

20 January 2004

Finally being able to walk further than the bathroom
with out having his Sire come up the stairs in full
game face and yet again beat the shit out of him,
Spike poked his head out of the doorway as a
horrendous scream tore through the empty hallways of
the hotel.

"Well, well! Looks like Poofley just got his bank
statement" gasped the blonde with tears rolling down
his face, stomach clutched in laughter. He really
didn't know why he was finding the continued wailing
funny, he *knew* without a doubt that once the
ex-watcher calmed down enough to tell his employer why
he was having a nervous breakdown, he would, no doubt
receive another of Angel's "little talks" about
respecting other peoples belongings. Thank Christ the
kid had been worth all $1800 charged to Wesleys

"Serves him right for lusting after my hands, not
cancelling the card straightaway as any normal person
would" he groaned as he recognised the heavy feet of
his Sire pounding their way up the stairs towards his
chosen room, or rather the room that he had been
thrown into as he was being disciplined by the older
vampire. A large snort of the anger rolling off the
aforementioned brunette that reached his room well
before the other man did, Spike leaned calmly against
the doorway and waited for the inevitable explosion.

"What's the matter, boy a bit pissy that you turned
down the offer of popping his cherry?" sneered the
blonde as he both ducked and stepped back further into
the large room away from the large hands lunging
towards him. "You should go for it you know, If you
don't I will..eerk, ugh mmffm"

Angel stood with both hands wrapped around his Childes
throat for what seemed the hundreth time since the
younger vampire had been swapped for his well trusted
Gunn, only five months ago. The little bastard had
really out done himself this time, not only had he
stolen a wallet that didn't belong to him, he had used
almost the entire limit of a credit card that belonged
to one of his employers in a brothel. Not just any
one, but one of the most expensive in the area. 
Giving the still smirking smaller man a vicious
shaking, he growled and snapped in pure anger,
throwing him across the bed.

"Do not, I mean it, don't even try to pull
that Xander crap on us again!" snarled Angel as he
stalked over the panting male on the floor whom by
some small miracle, had the smirk still firmly
plastered across his face. He was mostly upset, not
by the way the card had been used, but how the blonde
kept on insisting that he had smelt Xander in a couple
of the rooms. Cordelia had overheard the argument
between the vampires when the youngest had come back
after the little fuck episode and had spent the last
few days either in tears and on the phone to
Sunnydale, just in tears or in tears and hounding
Angel to kill his Childe.

He was furious that his beloved secretary was so
upset, it took a lot to upset the former Sunnydale
cheerleader but it had taken only one mention of a
missing former boyfriend and the whole "I was
conceived a bitch" routine was shot to pieces. God
only knew how Doyle was coping living with the snappy
girl. He knew that the other man was just trying to
get out of a severe beating, he used to make up
stories that had sucked in the former Scourge of
Europe until he had been barely able to remember just
why he was beating on the smaller demon and usually it
worked a treat. But this was different and went
beyond sick, it was just wrong.

"You little prick, if you ever do this again, I will
fucking sell your arse to the goddamned whore house,
better yet, I should just do it anyway so that Wes can
get his money back by coming up your hole" came the
almost spat threat as the blonde had his black tshirt
ripped from his upper body. A few minutes full
punches, kicking and bared teeth by each party, they
stood a couple of feet away from each other in
shredded clothing, panting with unneeded breathe.

"Fine Peaches, won't mention the whelp again. Real
sorry that I did in the first place anyway" snarled
Spike as he wiped away blood that was dripping from
his broken nose. Didn't know why he had tried so hard
to tell his Sire about the boy, it wasn't his problem
the wanker was a poofter. He had been bloody glad
when the annoying sod had gone missing, it had meant
one less Scooby git to kill when he got the chip out.
Laughed himself stupid over all the tears and effort
the others had put into finding the boy. Even his
bloody Sire had put in a few appearances at the
meetings they still held about the brunette, probably
trying to get back into the Slayers pants again.

"Sick fuck, that's what you are! Should just stake you
and present your ashes to Cordelia in a vase. 
Tomorrow, you will make yourself useful to Wesley for
as long as it takes for you to work off that debt on
his card." replied Angel, hoping that the fang that
felt chipped really wasn't. "Sit there and don't
fucking move, understand?"

"Sir, yes Sir!" sneered the sitting blonde, earning a
head stinging slap from a meaty hand. "Demon mate,
that's what I am. Same as you, don't have a poofy
soul to make me a ballerina though. That little gift
is all yours" 

Two more punches into his already sore right shoulder
resulted in another brief tussle that eventuated in
Spike being pinned on his front, arms being held
behind his back by the larger man straddling his hips.

"That's right Spike, it is all mine, you have a chip
that prevents you from being a "real" demon, so what
does that make you?" snapped the older vampire as he
restrained the howling squirming figure beneath him.

After banging the blondes head into the floor a few
times, Angel got up and left the cigarette scented
room. Slowly walking back down the stairs, he passed a
teary eyed Cordelia and groaned inwardly at the sight
of the sniffing girl. Both hands held up in a
placating manner, he told the would be actress that
his Childe would no longer mention anything about the
still missing young man. After being haughtily told
that she should have know that it was all lies, he
watched as she flounced off to find her fiance.

Angel was still furious at the lies told to them all
about Xander. True, he really hadn't liked the boy
when he had been in Sunnydale but after hearing
Cordelia regale the office with the weird and odd
tales that were associated with the brunette, he had
come to feel that the boy would have made a good
friend once they had both gotten over their
differences. He still went to the meetings Giles held
to try and come up with different tactics to find him,
if he could spare the time. He felt that he owed it
to Xander to help find him after putting the other man
through the whole Angelus experience back in
Angel hadn't really hurt him but the knowledge that
when he had lost his soul, he had wanted to kill him
very slowly and painfully, gave him enough guilt to
pitch in with the rest of the Scooby gang.

Ignoring the startled look on Wesley's face as he
strode into his office and slammed the door to avoid
any questions the former watcher might have about his
bloodied and tattered appearance, Angel sat heavily in
his swivel chair. While prodding gently at his
hurting tooth, he admitted that he was still puzzled
over the sudden disappearance of Xander Harris now
over 3 years ago.

Part Seven

Sometime in 2001

According to the Voice that randomly blared its way
around his small room, he had been wherever he was in
for only 6 days/nights. Xander wasn't able to tell
when it was day or night, nor how many hours passed in
between each session of total darkness and being fed
that lead to him being drugged again and felt up by
Redhair while Blonde held his head.

He had woken up from the first drugged episode with
another thumping headache that paled in comparison to
the horror he felt when he realised that he had
actually been felt up by another man. The irate
brunette had threatened the Voice with extreme bodily
harm when he got rescued by Buffy and the rest of the
Gang. Never in a million years did he think that he
would be placed in such a situation. But here he was,
with a thirst that was driving him mad after coping
another half finished hand job from the red haired man
while he was reduced to giggling like a fucking

Yet again in the total darkness, Xander was glad that
apart from the first episode, he hadn't had a finger
shoved up him again, not that the frustration of being
unrelieved wasn't getting to him. It was an emerging
pattern that started with total darkness, being
ordered to face away from the brilliant light while
his food was placed next to the door, him eating and
drinking the drugged offerings while sitting on his
mattress in a dim light, getting light headed and
giggly while he was felt up all over then lotioned
from head to toe including a hand job, being stuck
with a needle that snapped him out in seconds and then
waking up with a thumping headache to total darkness
again with the Voice congratulating him on doing so
well and telling him how many days he had been there
so far all the while suffering from a horrible thirst.

Xander huffed to himself as he shook his groggy head
at the thought of what these people were doing to him.
It was getting to the point that he would line up for
the hand job voluntarily if it got him some relief for
his dry throat and swollen tongue. Always the same
questions from the Voice, was he thirsty? Was he
hungry? And that really annoying name of "Little
Girl". Another few minutes and he could start his
tirade of threats against both men and whomever the
Voice belonged to, man or woman, he was still unable
to tell. He was pretty sure that whoever it was, was
able to see in the darkness that surrounded him. They
had to be able to, for them to ask the questions when
he thought that he would collapse from the thirst. 
Xander knew that he shouldn't eat or drink from the
obviously drugged things provided for him, but he was
unable to stop himself as soon as he saw the water,
and once that was gone, he might as well eat the food


A little jump from the startled brunette. Christ,
here we go again, what will this be? Round number 8?
Quickly quelling that thought, he was wary of the
change in routine, so far the Voice had let him steam
off before starting the questions. This time, how
ever, it looked like questions first, steam later.

"Little Girl" replied Xander, running his tongue over
his dry lips.



"What the fuck?" screamed the stunned youth as much as
his raw throat would let him. The letter 'S', why that


"You forgot to mention the hand job!" Xander muttered
under his breathe as he scanned his memory for a name
beginning with the required letter. All he could
think of was Sylvester Stallone, and that was not
going to be an option as far as he was concerned. Sly,
Scott, Sam, Samson, Steven?


Shit, what the hell do I say? wondered the parched
young man. Scott? Yeah that will do, not going to be
here for much longer anyway. Buffy will get me soon
enough, won't have to worry about 'ol Mister Pokey
Finger then.

"Scott, if that is all right?" came the answer
bouncing off all walls. He didn't even know how high
up the roof was, spending almost 99% of his time
drugged on the mattress or taking the occasional
change of scenery on the toilet provided.


"Uuhh, sure. Speak when spoken to and only answer to
Scott. What could be simpler?" snorted the annoyed
male. He just wanted a drink, drugged or not. The
thought of a whole litre of ice cold water at his
disposal sent shudders down his body.


Fuck! This is now creeping me out more than I thought
possible. I thought that I was all icked out already!
Were the thoughts racing around his mind as he
replied a yes to the question. He didn't want to die
before being found, he was already worried about Anya
and the others. If he was dead when they found him,
he didn't know what would happen.


A big sigh and Xander got into the now familiar
position of facing the wall opposite the iron door
while kneeling on the mattress, waiting for the
inevitable painful light to illuminate the small room.
He wondered if he was going to get a sponge bath again
like he had every alternate feel up time. Crossing his
arms behind his back, he heard the lock jiggle, crying
out in pain as the brightness hit his sensitive eyes
leaving him temporarily blind like always.

However, when he felt his hands grabbed by stronger
ones and a bag placed over his head, cutting out the
light totally, he allowed himself to give in to the
panic that had been building inside of him since
waking up naked the first time. Hands let go now that
they were cuffed behind him with what felt like wide
straps, Xander started screaming for help so loudly,
he could feel something in his throat threatening to 


Still on his knees, facing the wall as far as he could
tell, the terrified brunette let his screams for help
die into a quiet whimper, tears rolling down his face
for the first time. He was more terrified of what the
Voice was promising than what was going to happen
next. Something that he had no idea about. It he
hadn't been so dry, he would have pissed himself
already. Xander jerked his head from side to side when
he felt rough fingers shove something into each ear,
muffling the sound of movement behind him to an almost
non- existent murmur of noise.

Chest heaving from the effort not to start screaming
again, he choked as a rag was forced into his
hiccupping mouth and secured around the back of his
head. Head shaking increased, he felt his head grabbed
firmly. Held still for a moment, Xander snorted in
disgust as the smell of Vicks assaulted his nostrils. 
Feeling the heat from it being spread just under his
nose, the brunette wondered if now was a good time to
start praying. Gag being moaned into, he felt hands
under each armpit gently lift him from his knees and
into a standing position.

He couldn't hear much going on around him due to the
ear plugs, but he thought that he could detect the low
murmur of voices as he was led slowly forward. Xander
had been somewhat relieved when he realised that his
captors were most likely human, now however he was
fully terrified of what was going to happen to him.
Barefeet slapping against the stone floor in unsteady
steps, he was progressively walked forward for what
seemed a good ten minutes. More minutes of twists and
turns with the occasional feel of carpet and wooden
boards under his feet, he could only assume that he
was in a huge house. Hope rising when he thought that
it might be the mansion, they were dashed when he
couldn't remember it ever having floorboards.

Screaming again into the gag, he felt himself being
lifted by the two people guiding him and carried up a
few flights of stairs. Still being carried, all
action stopped suddenly and with heart pounding, he
realised that they were just standing still. A gasp
and he was carried forward again. Deposited onto what
felt like a bed, Xander wondered what the hell was
going to happen now.

Part Eight

Sometime in 2001


Starting to hyperventilate, Xander struggled to get
his wrists free so that he could remove whatever was
in his mouth so that he could breath easier. He
couldn't hear anything going on around him due to the
earplugs, didn't know if there was anyone near him. 
The Vicks shielded any other smell that would give him
a hint of where he was and he sure as hell couldn't
see what was going on either. He could however feel
the soft material underneath what skin was not covered
by the soft clothing he had been dressed in after his
last touch up session.

A touch on his head saw him flinch away in shock.
Still making grunting noises at whoever had touched
him, Xander tried to convey the fact that he needed to
breath more air than the gag was letting him have. 
After struggling on his front, hands tied behind his
back, for what seemed like forever, he collapsed
heavily on his front due to exhaustion, thirst and
lack of air. He screamed into the gag when in a
sudden movement, the bag that had been covering his
head was ripped off. Head arcing wildly in all
directions, he saw that he was lying on his front on a
large four poster bed in a medium sized room. It was
a plain white four walled room and from what he could
see the bed was the main feature of it.

Continuing to pant and struggle now that he could
finally see, he froze as he sensed movement behind
him. A few kicks from his unfettered white clothed
legs and he gasped when he felt hands grab each ankle
and spread his legs as wide as they would go until he
grunted in pain. What felt like wide cuffs were wound
around each one and his ankles hoisted high into the
air so that his back was arced painfully, his lower
body just rising from the bed. In this position,
Xander quickly realized that he couldn't really move
much unless he wanted to snap his spine.

Able to move his head from side to side, he continued
to do it in the hopes of seeing something that would
eventually get him out, he knew that his captors
wouldn't be able to keep him tied like he was if they
wanted to keep him in a good way. All the body lotion
proved to him that they wanted him kept in one piece,
unless they were going to sacrifice him to a kinky
demon, which being Sunnydale, was only all too

A hand coming towards his right side caught his
attention, turning his head, Xander recognised the red
haired man from his lotion sessions. Skin crawling,
he tried to wriggle away from the laughing male as
much as the pain in his back would allow him. He
could'nt really hear what the other man was mouthing
at him except for a continual murmur, and judging from
the highly amused expression, Xander doubted that he
really wanted to. Finger digging into his right ear
and all of a sudden he could hear a rush of sound
coming towards him. The same finger stuck into his
left ear as the redhead leaned over his body and
everything became noise filled.

Xander couldn't angle his body around to see behind
him but the words being tossed around as he lay on the
bed still trying to get his hands free had him almost
screaming into the gag. He could hear what sounded
like 4 separate voices discussing Scotts skin tone and
hair colour. Wasn't it nice that Scott was so fiesty
unlike some of the other new ones from the Hellmouth. 
If they all had such lovely eyes and and thick hair
like Scott. Thankfull that all the latest crop were
virgins and that they shouldn't lose out too much
money over the fact that they were a bit older than
the usual demand.

Gorge rising, Xander really did start screaming into
the restrictive gag as he heard the last sentence. 
Why the hell did being from the Hellmouth have to do
anything with being a virgin? Ideas and scenarios
running through his mind were making him sick.
Someone must have noticed the increase in the noise
coming from the bed as they started to stroke along
his spine in what they thought was a calming manner,
Xander however just wanted them to fuck off, get a
glass of water and to get the hell out of there and
pretty much in that order.

The conversation continued behind him as he listened
to what was being said about him, he knew it was him
as they were talking about Scott and he had chosen the
name after being requested by the Voice. He now knew
the reason why the redhead had stuck a finger into
him, he had been tested as to if he was a virgin,
Xander didn't know if he should start crying or not.

"Isn't he great, he's going to prove such a challenge
for the person who gets to break him in" came the
quiet voice of what sounded like an older man.

"Scott's eyes are beautiful, if I had the money, I
would put a bid on for him myself" replied someone

He was almost beside himself with worry now, he had
some idea of what was happening but that sort of thing
only happened to idiots trapped in foreign countries
not innocent guys just walking home from a New Year's
Party? Who were the other's they were talking about?
Flinching when he felt a hand rest itself on his back
side, he wished he could wriggle enough to indicate to
the person to remove the offending body part.

'Ok, lets get the show on the road shall we? Show the
bidder's up and let them see him first" said a voice
as it got further away from the bed.

Oh my god, how the hell are they going to find me if I
get moved from here? Xander renewed his struggle,
ignoring the hand that was still resting on his
buttocks. He heard the clatter of feet coming towards
him and a round of ooh's and aah's dircted at him. No
one really got into his direct line of vision so all
he saw was dark suits and what looked like on one
figure, a red skirt. He was humiliated that a woman
would be seeing him like this, feeling his face go red
as he felt numerous hand's run themselves over him,
pinching and squeezing him here and there.

As he choked into the gag, he heard his shirt ripped
from his upper body and cut away from his arms and
wrists, finally pulled out from underneath his body. 
Shaking motions on his leg cuffs and they were
montarily released along with spasms of pain shooting
down his thighs and buttocks. Flipped over onto his
back so that he rested on his bound hands, Xander was
horrified to see that all the people in the room were
human and paying his obvious distress no regard as his
nipples were pinched and rubbed into hardened nubs by
the red haired man. He wasn't really paying much
attention to what was being said by the 6 men and 1
woman crowding around the bed as his legs were once
again opened wide and bound to the bed posts,
preventing him from wriggleing around too much. 
His back side was lifted into the air by the blonde
and red head while a pillow was placed underneath his
lower back easing some of the pain radiating out of
his spine.

Just wishing the earth would swallow him, he tried not
to cry as various people peered at his face and
especially his eyes, touching his hair and stroking
the skin on his face and chest. Panicking when he saw
a pair of scissors appear in the blondes hands, Xander
was humiliated when his thin trousers were cut from
his body, exposing him fully to the hard stares.

"Right! You have seen Scott in full. The bidding
starts above the usual base price as he is still a
virgin and as a bonus is Hellmouth born and raised"

A round of suprised looks greeted this statement. The
woman snorting a reply of Scott being too old for

"You know what Hellmouth born and raised means, do I
hear 50?" asked the blonde haired man to the small

Xander tuned out, all he wanted was a drink and if he
had to voluntarily walk over and smile as he recieved
a hand job in front of everybody, he would. He was
now officially that desperate for fluids. With a
start, he was back in the world of reality as he saw
the gathering leave except for the red haired man and
an older white haired man. Straining to hear the
quiet conversation that obviously concerned him, he
was suddenly frightened when the red head left the
older man alone with him.

"Well Scott, I own you now and until you die or I get
sick of you and pass you along. Bet you have no idea
of just how special you are do you?"

All this was being said as the older man was
undressing and neatly folding his clothes, placing on
a chair that Xander had been unable to see before due
to the people standing infront of it. Fear was
coursing through the brunette as he thought that
whatever was going to happen next was not going to be

"My name is Randall and you will adress me as such,
all other will be adressed as either Sir, Madam or
Miss. I'm not going to lie and tell you that your job
is going to be easy, but you will get used to it and
even come to like it."

Randall was now fully naked and stroking his thick
penis erect as he walked over to the bed on which
Xander lay struggling as much as his tied legs would
let him. He finally couldn't deny what he knew was
going to happen next. He tried to relax his body as
he stopped struggling and lay quietly as Randall stood
before him touching his limp penis, fondling his
lightly haired ball sac. In a conversation with Larry
that he really hadn't wanted to have with the
footballer, Larry had described the sudden discomfort
of being penetrated for the first time, something that
had made Xander shudder. He knew that if he tensed
up, it would be more painful for him and if it was
going to happen, the less pain the better.

"Be a good boy Scott and I'll be easy on you. Same as
things back in the house, you do the right thing and
don't give me any trouble and I won't have to
discipline you ok?"

At Xander's hesitant nod, Randall smiled and ran his
finger along the brunettes raised enterance hole,
producing sounds of denial and scowling. Spitting on
his hand, the white haired man coated a finger with
his saliva and pushed the digit into Xander's
clenching muscles as the boy yelped into the gag at
the sudden pain.

"Jesus, you are a tight one aren't you? It'll hurt a
bit, just don't squirm around too much" panted the
heavy set older man as he moved the finger around in a
tensing male. More spit on his finger and another
digit was added to the one already inside of the
younger man. Xander was in pain, his whole resolve to
relax and get it over with, was shot down in a bundle
of flames. He did not like this at all and was trying
hard not to cry at the humiliation and the pain of
having two fingers jabbing and poking around in him.

Sigh in relief when the rough fingers were removed, he
started crying heavily when he heard the other man
spit into his hand again. A large blunter head was
placed at his spasming entrance. Randall patted at
his tears, smiling as he grasped his penis in one hand
while steadying himself with the other on Xander's
outstretched left thigh. Hole rubbed a few times with
the hot head, Randall pushed and leaned down over the
crying brunette at the same time.

Xander felt himself being stretched wider than he
thought was possible. Larry was wrong, it wasn't
discomfort, it was agony. Hot, burning, painful
Not even trying to stop himself, he screamed into the
gag as he was forcibly entered. Feeling the progress
halt as something in his body halted the progress,
Xander sobbed as Randall continued to push harder into
him. His gaze full of dancing black dot's, he
screamed louder when he felt something give way that
let the rest of the thick cock to enter his body

Eyes screwed shut tightly, the young man tried to shut
out the sounds of the older male grunting and moaning
as he started to thrust in and out of the clenching
hole. The pain was horrible, he wasn't designed for
this sort of thing. Flesh slapping together sped up
as the white haired man pumped in and out of the
barely concious male beneath him.

Xander could feel wetness on his thighs and hoped that
it wasn't blood, groaning in agony each time Randall
pulled out fully and slammed back into him. There
wasn't enough moisture left in his throat to scream
anymore. Thrust's speeding up with the heavier man
now fully on top of him, he didn't even bother to move
his head away as he was licked and sloppily kissed by
the grunting man. Suddenly he could feel twitching
from the cock inside of him and hotness spurt up into
him as Randall held his position of lying ontop of the
shaking younger man.

Great loud coughing noises from the man above him and
Xander assumed that it was all over. He had'nt
however counted upon the pain of the cock being
withdrawn, sending his arse muscles into a spasm
frenzy that renewed the flood of tears.

"Good boy Scott, you'll be well liked in the house."

came the laughing commentary of the older man as he
wiped his blood coated cock on a towel taken from a
packet of baby wipes from his coat pocket. The
distressed youth lay on the bed as he was tied with
blood and cum coating his thighs and wondered what
hell was meant by that statement. He just wanted to
die and didn't want any of his friends to see him like
this, he was too ashamed.

Part Nine

1 March 2004

Giles put away the last of the dishes. Cupboard
closed now that the tea cups were in their places
again, he glanced around the quiet room before
flicking off the kitchen light. Glasses taken off, he
rubbed wearily at his eyes, sure that he needed to get
his eyes checked again. He had hosted a meeting that
was dedicated to finding the still missing original
Scooby Gang member. Xander had now been missing for
over three years and they were no closer to finding

The boy had vanished into literal thin air after
leaving Joyce 's New Year's party. Excuses made that
he had to go and get some sleep before working later
on that morning, no-one had any doubt that they would
see him again in a few days time for Tara's birthday.
Willow had organised a small gathering for a cake and
some drinks at Giles' house. When Anya had called
later that night and asked for Xander, Giles' had
presumed that he had gone to see the two witches
before the party to find out what Tara wanted for her

He had been mildly disturbed when Anya had said that
she had already tried the witches and that he wasn't
with any of his workmates as there had been a call on
the answering machine demanding to know why he hadn't
turned up at work. Trying to calm the annoyed
ex-demon down, he had invited the girl over so that
they could figure out where he was together. Anya had
come over armed with an address book clutched in a
slender hand. She had made the older man call every
number listed in the book, due to the fact that she
thought Xander might be hiding from her for some
reason or another.

Every number called in the bright blue book with no
success, Willow and Tara had been phoned again and had
agreed with a now thoroughly worried store owner that
Xander would never just miss work and not tell someone
what was happening. After living with the knowledge
of assorted monster's and demons, none of the Scooby
Gang went any where without telling someone, however
weird the telling may end up being. The thought of a
missing friend was starting to wig them all out and
after contacting Buffy and Riley, even Spike, they had
made Giles' living room the headquarters for
"Operation find Xander".

Buffy and Riley went patrolling through every
cemetery, the two witches checked out all the
abandoned buildings while dragging a whingeing blonde
vampire with them. Anya had waited by the phone night
and day for any little sign from the brunette boy. 
Giles had put ads in the newspapers after the second
week he had been missing. Poster's stuck on numerous
walls and telephone poles followed when a month had
gone by, Joyce adding a poster to her art gallery
foyer. After being faced with all her missing son's
friends standing on her doorstep, Mrs Harris had
finally agreed to register her son as an official
missing person, 3 months after he had been noticed

It was also the first time that Angel had driven down
to sit in on a meeting. He had brought with him a new
book that listed spells on locating people. Hugs and
whoops of joy had gone echoing around the living room
when Giles had recognised the spell components as
pretty much all stocked in his store.

Climbing the stairs, Giles acknowledged the feeling of
loss that ran through his body as he thought of how
hard they had all tried not to let the disappointment
overwhelm them when the spell had failed 3 times in a
row. Nothing could be made out in the locating bowl
of water, Anya had brought along one of Xanders
unwashed pairs of boxer shorts as an anchor. Everyone
had icked, then laughed at the thought of Xander being
forever thankful to a pair of dirty knickers as Spike
had called them. The spell hadn't really failed, it
just hadn't been able to penetrate the thick layer of
whatever was shielding the boy.

It had however given them the determination to go on
and keep trying to find the youth. After all, the
spell hadn't told them that he was dead, he was just
unable to be seen. Willow and Tara repeated the magic
at every meeting and Giles' suspected also every first
of the month. The answer being the same always.

Clothes slowly stripped off his aging body, the
ex-librarian thought of how glowing Anya had been
earlier that night. Pregnancy agreed with the girl
and she absolutly adored her still new husband,
Charles. He had been suprised that she had asked his
opinion on whether to date the large black man before
asking the other females who all attended the
meetings. So far none had missed one, even Cordelia
drove all the way from L.A. to come. Angel
occasionally fronted up if he had nothing to do that
night, putting in a quiet word here and there. He had
almost cried when his shop assistant had told him that
because Xander had thought of him as almost being his
father, she had felt it right to ask him first. 

Funny, he thought. Xander's disappearance had finally
fixed the broken fences between Buffy and Angel,
bringing them closer together but only as friends. 
Buffy had let go of her schoolgirl crush, accepting
Riley finally as a true contender to her heart and
letting him have it without a thought backwards. 
Angel at first made small talk with Riley, if only to
discuss possibilities with the former soldier. They
were never going to have a drinking buddy relationship
but it no longer held the animosity they had felt
towards each other. Seeing how good Riley was with
Buffy had made him realise that he too could get over
her and was currently making small steps towards a
certain someone that he refused to name, grinning
slightly whenever anyone teased him about it.

Giles was sure that Cordelia knew who it was but she
was keeping it a firm secret and was telling no-one.
The only fly in the ointment was Spike, he had been
repeatedly told not to turn up to the meetings if all
he was going to do was laugh at what they were doing. 
He had complied and hadn't showed up after the third
one when Joyce had almost succeeded in staking him
with a broken pencil. They had been appalled and
excited at the same time when Cordelia had called,
telling them about the overheard argument between the
two vampires. She had told them that Spike swore
black and blue that he had smelt Xander in the
brothel, and a recent smell as well.

All hopes had been dashed admist floods of tears when
Angel had called them later on that day and informed
them that his Childe had only lied while trying to get
out of a beating for stealing Wesleys credit card so
that he could go and get a decent shag as he had put
it according to an apologetic Sire. Giles' hadn't
been too sure that it was lies, he couldn't quite put
his finger on it but he trusted Angel's judgement in
matters concerning his Childe.

Tonight 's meeting had been quick when dealing with
the dissapearance. There really wasn't much else to
do anymore bar renew the posters when they got too
tattered and ring the police station each month to see
if anyone had seen him. The women had been excited by
Anya's rapidly expanding stomach especially Cordelia
who hadn't seen the girl since the last meeting. Lots
of patting and rubbing later, she had dropped her own
bombshell of marriage to the half demon that worked
for Angel in L.A. Doyle had accompined the hopeful
actress on almost each meeting and everyone had been
impressed with the Irish man. When Gunn had come the
first time instead of Angel or Wesley to deliver a
book that Cordelia had forgotten to take back to
Giles, everybody except for Anya had been a little
wary of the tall man. Anya however had declared her
intentions pretty much straightaway after getting the
go a head from all she had asked.

Gunn had been surprised at first but hadn't passed up
the opportunity when it had so obviously come with
blessings all round. Now married with twins on the
way, Giles had to admit that they made a great couple.
Arranging for Spike to be swapped to L.A. for Gunn had
been easier than imagined, Angel had been happy to
take his Childe out of the Scooby Gang so that the
happy father to be could be with his beloved. Gone
were all his snide remarks that were designed to upset
the friends. Gone were the sneers and rolled eyes
when someone came up with a suggestion as to the boys

"And gone is the arsehole himself, thank Christ"
muttered the naked man as he pulled back the blankets
and sheets, clambering into the inviting bed. He
missed the laughter and groans that always greeted the
brunettes bad jokes, the horror that were his shirts
when Anya didn't pick out his clothes that day. His
ability to come up with quips that always guaranteed a
relieving of tension no matter the situation. Giles
only held out hope that wherever the young man was, he
was safe and healthy. Light turned off, the
ex-watcher rolled over and closed his eyes in an
effort to chase away the worry that was always with
him after a Xander meeting.

Part Ten

Sometime in 2001


Fiddling with one of the silver bracelets that he had
woken up with wearing, Xander had no idea where he was
this time.

After Randall had finished cleaning himself off, he
had wiped down the youth while telling the brunette
that it wasn't going to be like that each time and
that he would eventually end up liking it, if not for
the first few times. Xander had been too shocked at
the time for the words to really register in his mind,
he had been thirsty, in pain and ashamed of himself.

He had passed out during the process of having his
legs lowered, his muscles screaming in agony and
protest of their rough treatment, now he had woken up
in a totally different room again.

Reaching his hand up to play with the short necklace
around his neck, he looked around the bare room once
more. It didn't contain much at all, just a bunk bed
that he was laying on, bolted to the wall and floor as
well as three shelves on the opposite side of the aqua
coloured room, a metal toilet. Concrete floor, no
window and only one solid door that featured two
sealed peep holes. One was eye level while the larger
one was around waist height. The only light coming
from a globe directly built into the ceiling.

No on/off switch, Xander had already looked while
stiffly shuffling around the small room. He was
valiantly trying not to think of what had been forced
onto him earlier that day or had it been night?
Randall 's words kept zooming back to him and he
couldn't ignore the dull ache in his backside whenever
he moved. What the older man had said was really
frightening him, he had a small idea of what Randall
meant by those words but like the ache, he was trying
to ignore them as well.

The sore youth had no idea how the two bracelets and
necklace got to be on him but after a lot of tugging
and a few minutes of chewing at the bracelets, he had
come to the reluctant conclusion of that they were
there to stay for a while at least. He wasn't happy
that he was naked once again but after what had
happened to the cotton clothing, there was no way he
would have been able to wear it again anyway.

A sticky tongue run over dry lips, he once again just
wanted some water. Xander was sure that this method
of treatment was used on prisoner's in Third World
countries as an effective form of torture and
information retrieval, he was pretty much ready to
give up any information they may want on anything if
he was guaranteed a glass of water. If ever he was
asked about how effective it was, he knew that he
could give it a hearty thumbs up.

As ashamed and upset as he was, the brunette wasn't
actually sure which was the worst so far. The rape or
the constant thirst. He was so dry, he couldn't cry
anymore. Randall had physically hurt him terribly and
he never wanted to go through that again but being
denied sufficient water for so long was really wearing
him down. He was scared that Buffy and the rest of
the Scooby Gang wouldn't be able to find him now that
he had been moved twice and before he did something
stupid for anything drinkable.

Jerking his head from resting upon the bare mattress,
he swung himself off the bed and towards the door as
he heard something being rattled. With a dry croaked
"Hello?", Xander took a step back as the waist high
peephole opened to reveal a tray sliding into the
slots provided. Curiously the boy leaned down,
wincing at the shooting pain in his arse, trying to
see what was beyond the room. Plastic cup placed onto
the tray before he got a look at something other than
what seemed like a white hallway, the brunette
snatched at the little cup and swallowed what was in
it in a few large gulps.

Bitterly disappointed when he had finished, he
hesitantly asked whoever it was out there if he could
have some more. In answer to his question, a bowl of
porridge was slipped onto the tray and pushed towards
him. Stomach clenching in a hunger that he didn't
even realise he was feeling, Xander shoved the thick
mixture into his mouth using the fingers of his right
hand, cup still clutched tightly in the other. It
tasted a bit different, more flavoured with honey than
it had been when hosted by the Voice.

Food finished all too quickly, he shrugged to himself
and placed the empty cup and bowl back on the tray. 
Asking again for more water got him no response from
the person who was now pushing through a blanket.
Catching it before it fell on the ground, Xander
fingered the light material, snidely asking if there
was a pillow to go with it.
He jumped in sudden fright as the tray was noisily
removed and the peephole slammed shut and locked from
the outside. Thirst sated a little for the minute, he
was shocked out of his cursing when he heard Randall
's voice fill the room, much like the Voice had in his
old room.

"You were told to only speak when spoken to. No use
in being pissy, you only have yourself to blame for
not having a pillow."

Xander stood motionless as sweat somehow managed to
form across his dry brow. Heart beating fast, he
wondered if the pervert was going to come at him again
sometime soon. Not daring to answer back, he waited
for Randall to continue.

"There is a reward system Scott. You do the right
thing and you get things in return, pillow, room with
a shower, books. Sounds good doesn't it Scott?. 
Behave yourself and we will see how the water
situation can improve"

Nodding before he could catch himself, the youth
almost wept at the thought of a whole jug of water,
disgusted with himself at how weak he was and ashamed
that he was actually agreeing with his rapist.

"Good boy Scott. I like your feisty nature but you
have to learn how we do things here at The House. Go
and get some sleep, you must be tired."

At the mere suggestion of sleep, Xander felt how heavy
his eyes got and realised that he was physically and
mentally exhausted. Stumbling over to the plain
mattress, he climbed onto the cool material while
trying not to jar his still aching muscles. Head lay
upon the mattress, he arranged his limbs underneath
the thin blanket as comfortably as possible. A few
dry heaves and he found himself mouthing quiet words
of a prayer he dimly remembered from Sunday School in
the hopes that it would somehow speed up his
inevitable rescue.
He knew that he would be saved but he didn't know

Part Eleven

27th of March 2004

Wincing as he felt the shriek actually shake the chip
in his head, the disgruntled blonde sneered at the
thought of the ex-demon finding out she was having

"Just what the Wanky Gang needs, more girls to get
them thoroughly pussy whipped!" 

He managed to step out of the way in time for Cordelia
to clunk her way from the front desk as fast as her
new red Oscar shoes would let her, still shrieking the
news for all to hear. Head shaken, Spike thought that
with just one more of the high pitched squeals, either
his brain would explode due to a malfunctioning chip
or bats would take up residence in the front lobby of
the former hotel.

"Squeals-like-pig would probably think they were some
of Noncy's relatives, stupid chit"

Hearing the clunk's that signalled the beaming
secretary's return his way, the vampire literally ran
up the stairs so that he could avoid an encounter with
the girl he was sure was related to a phirana. With
teeth like hers, there had to be one in there
somewhere, he thought. Room reached and door kicked
open like usual, he stepped through the the clutter of
cd's on the floor that were arranged tastefully around
old beer cans and dirty shirts.

"Looks like Sadie needs a kick up his arse, hasn't
been cleaned in weeks, useless Ponce!"

A few shrugs later, Spike decided to just move into a
different room again rather than actually touch any of
the mess. He knew from past experiences that his Sire
would eventually give up trying to pretend that he was
wearing a different shirt each day when it became
obvious that he had been wearing the same one for two
weeks running. After a few arguments between the two,
Angelman would be all noncy and horrified to see what
the room looked like after deciding that only *he*
could find a clean shirt for the younger vampire to
wear. An imagined heart attack later followed by a
few threats of bodily violence and Spike would have a
clean room and clothes again.

He didn't really like wearing a shirt for 2 weeks
running but if it got him out of cleaning, then he was
all prepared to do the right thing and ignore the held
noses and boxes of washing powder thrust at him by
Wankerman's team of do-gooders. Throwing bundles of
clothing around as he looked for his favourite cd, he
came across one of the pieces of underwear he had
stolen from the effeminate watcher who resided only a
few doors down from his Sire. Held to his nose, Spike
inhaled the sweet virgin smell that anointed the denim
blue boxers. He still didn't know how Angel hadn't
punched his cherry as of yet, he himself, was actually
having a hard time keeping his hands off the taller

"Dipshit does everything but bend over naked for the
great Fairy and does he notice? Nooo, that would be
actually doing something other than brooding and we
can't have that now can we?"

snapped the frustrated blonde as he sat on the messy
bed, back cushioned by a few pillows. One hand on his
tenting pants, he rubbed himself through his tight
jeans as he thought of how nice it would be to just
push the thin man over and with lots of blushing and
stuttering on Wesley 's part, basically relieve the
other man of his virginity. Shirt and t-shirt pulled
off and a cock now rock hard and straining at the
zipper, Spike undid it slowly, taking care not to trap
his foreskin in the metal teeth. Teeth clenched, he
gently thumbed at the glistening precum that adorned
his head.

Letting go for a minute, he lifted himself and slid
down his jeans so that they were sitting around his
upper thighs, metal teeth well away from his sensitive
foreskin. A good hard grip on his penis and a head
full of the younger man sucking him off, he was pretty
much guaranteed a nice wank. Wank he did even as he
heard the footsteps coming towards him, sniffing the
air, he was delighted to find that the object of his
current lust was coming towards his room.

Not bothering to stop, he continued to slide his fist
up and down his cock. With Wesley almost at his
doorway, the blonde shifted himself so that the other
man would cop a great view of what he had so
frequently turned the offer down of.

"Ah, Spike can are you, oh my god..ah"
stuttered the embarrassed man, standing stock still in
the white doorway while staring at the vampire
leisurely stroking an organ of considerable size. 
Wesley had been approached by Spike on numerous
occasions since the vampire had moved into the hotel
with an offer to help with his 'problem'. Unable to
stop looking at the stroking that was getting faster,
he knew he was blushing at the moans of pleasure the
other man was making. Now seeing what had been offered
so many times, he could feel himself getting hard.

"Come on Wes, I won't bite. You can touch me if you
like?" smirked the vampire, taking in the shy man's
tenting pants and wave of lust rolling through the
room. Spike was getting pretty close due to the
intoxicating smell coming off the still staring man.

"Umm, no. No! I bloody well don't think so,!" yelled the aroused man, stomping
off, horrified that he had been thinking of going over
and helping finish him off before the vampire had even
opened his mouth. Down the stairs he went, walking as
fast as he could to his own room, ignoring the blondes
parting comment in an effort not to just come in his
pants before he could have a wank himself.

"Prick is the appropriate word, Virginboy!" called out
the blonde as he saw the other man gasp like a fish,
yell at him and then run off from view. Hearing the
man thunder down the stairs, he tightened his fist and
jerked twice more, groaning as he came over his chest.
As he caught his unneeded breathe, he wiped himself
off with a shirt grabbed from the floor. He was
curious as to what the other man had wanted, no one
ever came up to his floor except his Sire and that was
when his room needed cleaning. Woosley was still
pretty nervous around him even after having to sit
together in the same office as Spike made hand written
copies of the books that the watcher had wanted to buy
but had only managed to borrow for a while.

It had been boring so the blonde had tried to make the
time pass quicker by starting to harass the other male
with questions as to why he was still a virgin and did
he want some help with getting plucked. After a while
they had ceased to make Woos squirm in discomfort and
he had moved onto the big guns of how did he want
Angel to take his arse and could he watch when it
happened. It was after those questions that his Sire
had decided that Spike had finished his punishment for
stealing Wesley's credit card. He had, however, still
been confined to his room.

In whingeing and complaining, he had gotten himself
only confined to the hotel premises which had left him
clear to start harassing Angels employees again and
bribing Doyle into getting him alcohol, not that the
half breed had needed to be bribed much. He had
continued to offer Wes assistance with getting a leg
over because every time they went near each other, he
could smell a slight hint of arousal on the quiet man.

Thoughts pondered for a while, he made the decision to
see what the watcher had wanted to speak to him about.
A quick rummage through his clothes produced a
somewhat less dirty shirt than the rest and after
putting it on with the thought that it was good humans
didn't have vamp's smell capacity, he headed off down
the stairs to find Wesley.

Following the smell of arousal the other man had left
trailing after him like neon beacons, Spike was
disappointed to find the door locked and the scent of
recent cum tainting the air. With an inward leer, he
was pleased that he had been the one to start it even
if he had not been there to see it. A couple of loud
bangs on the door later, saw it opened to reveal a
flushed male grappling to put his glasses back on.

Pushing past the protesting man, Spike barely looked
around the book filled room wondering why the stupid
sod just didn't use another room as a library after
all it was a hotel and there were still heaps of
unfilled ones.

"Mmmm, smells great Wes. What are you wearing? Is
that the new Eau De Wanke?" sniggered the blonde as
the rogue demon hunters face turned the red up a
Plonked on the bed, the smaller man watched as Wesley
tried to think of an answer to the question.

", er. Just shut up!" commanded the embarrassed
male. "What do you want and can you please leave?"

"Came to ask you what *you* wanted before, must be
important for you to come up and see me?" replied the
vampire as he suggestively rubbed his upper thigh much
to the horror of Wesley who was trying not to look.

Wesley 's brow furrowed in thought of how he could put
the question to the blonde currently stretching
himself out on his bed. Deciding that the direct
approach was probably the only way to go, he went for

"Did you lie when you said you smelt Xander at the
brothel earlier this year?" demanded the Watcher.

"Oi! I haven't said anything about that for ages and
if this is a ploy for you to get the Poof to bash me,
well, I don't bloody like it!" snapped Spike, annoyed
that one of the few occasions he had actually been
telling the truth and disbelieved, was being brought
up again. "What do you ask that for again?"

Wesley found himself being eyed suspiciously, glad
that the vampire hadn't actually left yet. Explaining
that he had found a new bookstore with a limited
supply of reading material dedicated to the occult and
various things he researched, he told the bored male
that he had read of a truth spell and wanted to do it
on Spike before offering it's services to any of
Angel's up and coming missions.

"So, you want to see if it's a dud or not,is that
right? said Spike still eyeing the watcher warily from
his position of being sprawled onto the bed. "What do
I get out of it?"

"Giles didn't think that you lied, Angel told him that
it was without a doubt that you did and he believed
Angel. I just want to see if it works or not."

"Yeah, that's bloody great because like *I* said from
the start, the whelp is a poof and likes his boys
young. What do I get out of it though?" monotoned the
vampire with bored expression on his face. He knew
full well that he had told the truth but it was a
shock to find out the the older watcher had believed
him. It was so like his Sire to not see anything bar
what he wanted to whether it was correct or not.

After telling the blonde that he would get the
satisfaction of seeing Angel in a major "woe is me"
tantrum and having the younger vampire roll around on
the bed in laughter, he got the necessary ingredients
ready for the spell.

Part Twelve

Sometime in 2001

On shaky legs, Xander turned away from Randall and
positioned his upper body on the cool mattress, feet
wide apart on the concrete floor, arse in easy access
for the older man. After what seemed like day's of a
steadily dwindling supply of water that wasn't even
enough to begin with, he couldn't believe that it had
come to this. That he would voluntarily offer himself
for a full glass of water but here he was, legs spread
and arse in the air waiting for Randall to violate him

He had been offered the choice of either never having
water again or letting this happen. He was deeply
ashamed that it had taken him less than five minutes
to make up his mind. The descion had been made after
his last plastic cup had held not even a mouthful. 
Xander felt like he was on fire, his body was so dry. 
His skin was scaly and flaking from the lack of
moisture, tongue swollen again. Once shiny locks of
hair now limp and greasy. Every time he moved, his
mind spun with the effort. It hadn't really been a 

Eyes screwed shut when he felt soft touches along his
back and buttocks, he hoped that it wouldn't hurt as
badly as it had before. A deep voice was murmuring
something and he tried to concentrate on what was
being said but it was hard. Cool liquid was swirled
around his hot opening, gentle fingers rubbed it
around and just inside of him.

"Good boy Scott, relax and it won't hurt, ok?"

A dry grunt made itself known in the small room in
response to the question. The brunette was anxious to
have it over and done with in return for his promised
reward, three cups of water.

"It's alright, you don't have to answer. Just think
of the water. Mmmm, sounds like heaven, three cups
all for you."

Small whimper and he felt a finger being inserted into
him, it stung but with the wet stuff surrounding the
digit, it wasn't too bad. Another finger and Xander
started to tense up again, prompting Randall to stroke
along his spine in long smooth motions. In and out
the fingers went, occasionally twisting from side to
side in an effort to stretch him.

"Your doing so well Scott, I'm proud of you. I can
see you getting a room with a shower really soon,
maybe in the next few days if you keep up with this
attitude towards work."

Three fingers inside of him now and he had his hands
twisted in the thin blanket in response to the
increase of discomfort radiating from his backside. 
Randall was being gentle with him and taking his time
to prepare him, he knew that but he couldn't care less
at the moment, he had only one thing on his mind and
that was the ever present thought of water. Any
minute now, the pain would hit when the digits were
replace with something a lot bigger.

"If you're this good for me tomorrow, after we have
finished, I'll see about that new room for you. Would
you like that Scott?"

Nod and a grunt that turned into a moan as the fingers
were pulled out with a slick slurp, Xander knew that
he was about to hurt again. Unable to stop himself
tensing up again, he started to dry heave as the older
man pushed into him with his blunt head. Teeth
gritted as he was filled with an organ much bigger and
wider than the three fingers, he rolled his head from
side to side in an effort to clear the stars from his
watering eyes.

"It's alright, sshhh, sshh. Come on Scott, don't get
upset. Breathe, that's it! Just breath and it won't
hurt as much."

Xander felt like vomiting, he could feel himself
getting filled with each thrust from the older man
while being patted along his spine in an attempt to
get him calmed down. It was hurting so much, he
couldn't understand why people did this for fun. 
Thrusts speeding up and he was unable to stop the dry
grunts from coming out. God, he just wanted it over
with, why was it taking so long?

"Almost done, just about there Scott. Such a good
I really like you, so glad that I got you and no-one
else did."

Rubbing his face into the mattress in an effort to
stop the salty tears from stinging his dry face, the
youth was unable to unclench his hands from around the
thin covering. One, two, three and four more solid
thrusts against his flesh and he felt his muscles
tighten around the spasming cock in his arse. Warmth
shooting up into him as Randall loudly announced that
he had finished. Breathless as the heavier man
collapsed onto his hot back, Xander wondered if the
extra weight would suffocate him before he got his
reward for being so good.

Not daring to move in case Randall changed his mind
about the water, the dry younger man waited. He felt
so dirty and humiliated that he had allowed this to
happen to him again. None of the others would have
let this happen to them, of that, he was sure. A loud
whimper dragged out of him as he felt the flaccid
penis slide out of his tender hole. Xander wasn't
sure that he could move without collapsing onto the
floor but he wanted that water so badly.

"Wait there Scott, I'll clean you up in a minute
alright, then you can have some water" stated the
white haired man, sliding out of the exhausted youth
and reaching into a coat pocket for an ever present
packet of baby wipes. He was pleased at how well the
new boy was responding to training. Scott was taking a
little longer than normal due to his smart mouth and
tendency to kick at the door once he had enough fluids
in him to get him energised, but he had decided not to
completely take the smartness out of him. It was one
of the traits that had been so attractive when viewing
the video of recent stock that had been acquired for

Randall wiped at his blood coated penis, cleaning the
remanents of cum from his length while looking fondly
at his latest possession. He liked all his boys but
this one was special, he had been Hellmouth born and
raised which made him all the more special. Sure, he
was older than the usual demand but in a few weeks, it
wouldn't be a problem anymore as his last 3 purchases
had found out.

Walking over to the still boy lying half on the
mattress, he gently stroked the limp hair from the
forehead, disappointed to find that the youth had
passed out. With a shrug, he lifted Scotts legs fully
onto the bunk and covered him with the blanket after
managing to untangle the tight hands. Finger run
along one of the bracelets, he was once again thankful
for finding the strange metal. He had no idea how it
worked but somehow it stopped the ageing process on
some of his boys.

A few soft knocks on the solid door and he was let out
of the room by one of his trusted employees. After
telling Walter to organise three cups of water, new
toilet roll and a bowl of porridge, he set off down
the white hallway. Passing the three other learning
cells that doubled for confinement rooms, he thought
back to when one of his best clients had gifted a
favourite boy with two bracelets and a matching
necklace made from an odd silver like metal. Randall
had only been in the business of providing pleasure
via others for a few years and normally discouraged
those sort of things. He wanted his boys loyal to him
not the customers. 

Jeremy had been one of his favourites as well and had
given in after a long pouting session by the boy. It
had been years until they had noticed that Jeremy
wasn't developing like a 23 year old should have been.
At first they had thought that it was just good
bloodlines on both parents sides but when his still
looked like a 16 year old at 25, they had put their
heads together but had been unable to come up with
anything. After Jeremy had been accidently killed by
a client who was "chastised", he had given the
jewellery to another boy who had aged normally as did
the ones who followed until 13 years ago, he had given
it to a boy who still hadn't aged beyond his 18 years.

Excited but confused, he finally put it down to the
jewellery and had questioned the client closely about
the mysterious jewellery. He had sit there astounded
by tales of a "mouth of hell" that was situated in a
small town in California. If the ageing client hadn't
been such a good customer, he would have told him not
to come back. In all, it was told that the boy was
probably from around the area and that the metal was
just reacting to the residual magic that was lying
dormant in his cells.

Sitting in his chair while absently fingering colour
schemes for Scotts new room, Randall let his mind
drift back to the day he had finally accepted that
there were such things as demons and other sorts of
things walking around as normal looking human beings.
A map produced and pins stuck in where the boys who
had each worn the jewellery were born, there were only
two pins standing right in the middle of the supposed
Hellmouth, Jeremy and the current wearer of the
jewellery. Astounded, the brothel owner was beside
himself with thoughts of a whole stable of never aging

Desperate he had asked for some more jewellery from
the client and had offered to pay huge amounts of
money when he had been stopped by the question of how
he would find such willing boys to wear it. He hadn't
thought of an answer right away and had thought about
it all night those five long years ago. Randall had
come to the conclusion that it was business and in the
end, it was sink or swim and swim was what he decided
to do. He had begged the client to provide him with
some more when finally after giving in, the other man
had revealed himself to be a regular at a bar where
Randall could get some help in what he wanted.

So to the bar he had gone and spend weeks and lots of
money before anyone would talk to him. He had been
approached by a green scaly creature asking what he
wanted with livestock from the Hellmouth. Not going
into details, he had explained that he wanted unique
boys to work at his place of business. He had been
relieved when told that there was already a small ring
who stole boys around the area. Apparently it had
only been started up a few years ago due to the
increase of demons who wanted to have humans for a
night without the bother of killing and disposing of
the body the next morning.

To avoid suspicion, the ring only took as many as 10
boys a year from the Hellmouth. Asked why, the demon
had explained that although the general population had
decided to ignore the local creatures, it had been
found that the ones from Sunnydale didn't freak out as
much when confronted with various demons, therefore
they were more valuable in the trade and less likely
to die of fright during an act. Randall had expressed
his interest in buying at least two boys a year if the
price was right. Aghast when told that the starting
price was usually 45 grand for used goods not from the
Hellmouth, he had sat for a few minutes before
agreeing when he contemplated how much he could make
from them in the future.

Excited, he had rushed home and worked at setting up a
brothel just housing the boys from Sunnydale and after
months of work and many compromises, he had opened
Eternal. A normal male brothel to anyone else but
with two sets of workers, normal prostitutes that
ranged in age from the legal 18 to 45 and another set
that never got seen except by a few regulars that paid
through the nose and his new demon clientele. He
couldn't afford to stock entirely from Sunnydale for
the demons so he also bought cheap used goods from his
new contacts and polished them up with a few lessons
in manners and various body treatments before
reselling them to a video company that made speciality
tapes once they had gone round the block a few times
on the demon side.

Finally Randall picked a soft warm pumpkin with
lighter tones to co ordinate Scotts room. He wanted
his special boys to be as comfortable as possible
during their stay at Eternal. Startled out of his
thoughts when the phone rang, he was relieved to find
out that Scott had drunk the water and had finished
the porridge in full. Thanking Walter for the upgrade
in the new boys situation, he hung up and quickly
dialled out of the office to make preparations for the
decorating to begin. Only using a couple of Ertqug
demons to do it as they could be relied upon to do the
job with out telling everybody, Randall felt himself
get hard when his mind shifted to the thought of
taking Scott again the next day.

Part Thirteen

22 April 2004

Buffy was frustrated. All the time that Angel and the
L.A. team had put into watching Eternal and still
nothing. They still hadn't tried the direct route of
just going up with a photo of Xander and asking if he
paid for sex with other men.

She had been sure that the blonde vampire was lying
but after Wesley had personally driven down with Spike
in tow and had performed the spell once again with
everyone around, Buffy had been forced to admit that
for once, the vampire was telling the truth.

Everyone had been shocked at the thought of Xander
being gay. They couldn't understand why he had chosen
to just disappear instead of coming out. Anya had
taken the news really badly, crying that he had
probably been scared of how she would have reacted. 
Gunn had had to eventually take her home and later to
the hospital with false labour pains.

Of course, it was sneers and "I told you so" all round
from the bleached blonde. This time it was Tara who
almost staked him with a chopstick clutched tightly in
a fist, being held back by a snarling Gunn. 

It had been decided to just watch the brothel to see
if he bounded up the stairs to rent a service. Angel,
Wesley, Doyle and even Cordelia had been watching the
entrance round the clock since the truth spell had
first been performed in L.A. almost a month ago and
nothing had happened.

Hair pushed back into a ponytail, the petite blonde
fixed the collar on her new cream shirt. She was
going down to help take over the watching for a while
along with Willow and Tara. Riley was too busy
helping Gunn decorate the nursery for the any day
birth of the twins. She shuddered at the names that
the couple were arguing over. Gunn wanted African
American names which were semi alright but Anya wanted
traditional demon names that were virtually

Smoothing down the dark blue jacket and matching
slacks, Buffy admired her reflection in the full
length mirror in the master bedroom. Riley had
finally persuaded her to move in with him only a few
months ago along with one of his old Initative
friends, Graham who rented out the spare bedroom. 
They weren't entirely by themselves but it would do
for the moment as they sorted out the quirks of living
together. She was looking forward to seeing Cordy and
the others again especially Angel.

She just wished that it was under better
circumstances. It was funny how just one thing like a
friend disappearing turned everything on it's ear. 
Apart from Xander still being missing, everything was
perfect. Anya and Gunn were great together, she and
Riley were settling down and enjoying a new step in
their relation ship. Cordy was getting married in a
few months to a half demon, someone that wouldn't have
rated a look when she had lived in Sunnydale which
just proved how much everyone had matured since high
school. Even Angel had finally started to make ever
so subtle moves on Wesley.

Buffy fully admitted that she was shocked that the
lanky ex-watcher had been the one on her old
boyfriends mind but after Angel had explained it to
her, she could see the attraction. Wesley himself,
was no longer the stuck up prim and proper man who had
tried to throw his weight around so long ago in
Sunnydale. Angel was a nurturer at heart and even
though Wes had more confidence with himself, he still
needed to be taken care of as far as the protective
vampire was concerned.

Giggling to herself as she recalled her weekly phone
calls to Cordelia, she wondered when the tall brunette
would finally stop dancing around and just ask his
employee out. According to the wannabe actress, the
two men were throwing out attraction signals at almost
every opportunity but they were both two shy and
insecure to do anything about it. The only one who
was getting any pleasure from the painful dance was
Spike, who delighted in making suggestions to Wesley
and then rubbing Angels nose in it.

A loud honk from downstairs told her that Willow and
Tara were waiting for her in the driveway. Bag
grabbed along with the new flyers featuring a touched
up image of Xander, she bounded down the stairs making
sure that she grabbed her keys from the door and
didn't lock everybody out like she had last time.

Broad smiles all round and the blonde threw her bag
into the backseat, clambering after it. Willow,
squealing in excitement, pulled out of the driveway
and started off down the street. Watching the houses
go by as the red head babbled about something while
Tara just nodded along, Buffy wondered where her old
friend was and thought about the massive stack of road
trip snacks he would have brought along. She missed
him and his unique sense of humour that always
guaranteed a laugh no matter how bad the joke was. 
She couldn't believe how the time was flying, over
three years he had been missing now. Didn't matter
though, they would find him one day, of that she was

Turning her attention back to the excitement that was
brimming over from the front seats, she joined in on
the conversation of just how they should use the time
to get Angel and Wesley together permantley.

Part Fourteen

Sometime in 2001

"You want me to what?" questioned an astounded

"Suck me off" replied a calm Randall. He stood naked
in front of Scott who was on his knees, hands cuffed
behind his back. Randall could see the boy fighting
with himself. Scott was offering himself pretty much
voluntarily just for water and it was time to
introduce new aspects to the pretty lad. He already
had customers expressing their interest even with the
youth being only half trained. He had flashed around
a video of Scott during Speciality Night and had been
pleased at the response he had gotten from some of the

Randall was amused, he had thought that now Scott was
getting used to how things worked, he would just open
up and say ahhh. Apparently not. As much as the
brothel owner liked the attitude on the boy, it wasn't
going to be easy to get him to do this. Maybe half
trained was being a bit optimistic, might just have to
reduce the water from one cup to smaller quantities

"Don't make it hard on yourself Scott, you do this and
I'll have you moved into a room so that you can have a
shower, ok?" gently prompted the older man, looking
down as Xander kneeled with jaws clenched together
tightly and shaking his head. "Fine, have it the hard
way then. Stay there like that until you ask to do

Xander knelt where he was, in shock as Randall slowly
put his clothes own and with one last glance back,
strode out of the small room. Door slammed shut and
the brunette was left alone once more with his
thoughts. He really didn't want to put his mouth
anywhere near another mans penis especially one that
had been inside of him. Hell, he didn't even want to
have anything up him but he was frightened that he
wouldn't get his water anymore if he didn't go through
with it.

With tears rolling down his face, the brunette knew
that it was only a matter of time until he asked to
blow the older man. After all, it wasn't that much
more than bending over was it? It just seemed like it
was so much more personal than what he was already
doing. So far, he had lay there and tried to think of
other things while Randall went through him but with
this, he would actually have keep his mind on it.

He was in desperate need of a shower and a room with
one provided was sounding really great, almost right
up there with the water promise, another 3 cups if he
sucked on Randall's cock. His water had been reduced
again to only one cup a day and it was the promise of
if he kept bending over, he would continue to get
liquids. Shoulders shaking as the sobs wracked his
tired body, Xander was humiliated to catch himself
thinking that it might not be so bad, after all Anya
really liked giving it at times.

Xander hadn't expected to be handcuffed again. When
Randall had told him to kneel facing away from the
door, he had done it with out thinking. He had
started screaming when he felt two pairs of hands grab
at him only seconds before a bag was placed over his
head again. Hands forced behind him and strapped
together with wide cuffs, he had been left with the
bag on for only a few minutes until Randall had come
into the room. Trying to soothe him, the older man
had taken the hood off and stroked at his shoulders
and neck until the screams had died down into a
whimper. That was when he had been asked to suck the
naked man off.

Head hung in defeat, Xander just wanted the inevitable
over with. Hiccups bouncing off the solid walls, he
tried to gather his breathe until he was calm enough
to call back the older man. It surely couldn't be
that bad, could it? He had already gone all the way
with Randall, what was a bit of added extras for his
rapist? Bitter laugh echoing around the room, he
licked his dry lips and gathered his courage.

"Randall, I'll do it" whispered a tired brunette.
He really hoped that no-one from Sunnydale found out
about it. Only he, Xander Lavelle Harris could get
into a situation like this. It was to a point where
he would welcome Spike with open arms if he came
through the door. He just couldn't understand why he
had been taken and was being made to do these
humiliating things.

Voice raised a bit, he informed the four walls that he
would do it. Jumping at the sound of Randall 's voice
filling the small room, he waited on sore knees.

"Well done Scott, I knew that you were smart and would
do the right thing soon enough"

Tears streaming again, Xander listened as the door
opened and his captor cast a light shadow on the wall
as he stepped through the door way. He flinched at
the soft touch on his lank hair, Randall coming around
to stand in front of him, crotch directly in his face.

"It's alright, don't cry Scott. It's pretty easy to
do, not hard at all. You'll like it soon enough
anyway" came the soothing voice as a zipper was slowly
undone before a youths wide eyes.

Yeah, right I will! thought the brunette, feeling his
stomach starting to heave. Oh my god, I can't believe
I'm doing this! Lips licked, he stared at the hard
length only inches away from his face. What do I do,
just open up? Xander dry retched as the leaking tip
was brushed against his lips, twisting his head away
from Randall 's steadying hand.

"Don't do that! You will do this and that is final,
whether I have to get someone in to help you do it,
remains to be seen!" snapped the older man, slowly
pumping his erect penis. Damn, the sooner Scott did
this, the sooner the boy could be clean again. He was
really starting to get on his nose. One hand placed
on the dark head again, fingers twisted through the
hair just tight enough to give a hint, he placed his
cock just before the sobbing boys mouth.

More humiliated at the thought of someone else other
than Randall seeing him do this, Xander opened his
mouth slightly as the hard length approached. Trying
not to gag as it entered his mouth, he hesitantly
closed his lips over the hot head. With just the head
in his mouth, the brunette wiggled his tongue
underneath the penis just like Anya used to. 
Valiantly trying to ignore the soft swear words and
grunts coming from the man standing infront of him, he
allowed more of the length to fill him as it was
pushed forward, choking when it hit the back of his

"Ok, sorry. We'll do that later. Just make me cum
this time, fancy stuff can come later." panted the
older man as the heaving male moved his mouth
backwards and forwards over his throbbing penis.

Ignoring his stinging cheeks as his tears made their
way down them, the horrified youth started to suck at
the horrible tasting essence leaking from the
twitching head. Xander was really hoping that Randall
pulled out before it reached that stage, he was pretty
sure that he would vomit his last meal if he had to
swallow cum. His hair grasped tighter, he tried not
to dry retch too much as the length was shoved in and
out of his open mouth. After what seemed like a good
five minutes, his mouth already sore from being
stretched open for so long, Xander felt the his hair
grasped so tightly he was sure some was being pulled

Randall had two fist fulls of the lank hair as he
increased his thrusts into the hot mouth below him, he
was almost ready to cum. He had no intention of
getting Scott to swallow just yet but he was excited
by the thought. Pulling out of the gagging youths
mouth, he pumped twice, emptying himself onto the
brunettes face, neck and heaving chest. With the one
hand still wrapped in the dark hair, he rubbed his
cock into the struggling boys face, spreading the
thick cum so that it covered every inch of the exposed

"Good boy! I'm so proud of you Scott, I told you it
was easy didn't I?" beamed Randall, leaving the boy to
collapse sideways onto the concrete as he retched his
breakfast up. "Come on, don't be silly. You'll choke
it you do that" Mildly annoyed, he dragged the
brunette across towards the toilet and held the still
vomiting boy's head over the bowl. After the heaves
dried up, he ordered Scott to stay where he was. 
Wiping himself off and doing up his zipper, he opened
the door and gestured for the employee waiting outside
to hand him back the black bag. 

Smell ignored, the older man walked back over to the
distressed youth and with one swift movement, shoved
the bag back over his head. Screams of panic
dismissed, Randall got the waiting employees to take
one side each and get the boy to his feet in readiness
to be moved to the room he had just earnt for himself.

Part Fifteen

25 April 2004

Beaming from ear to ear, Doyle looked to his princess
with pride. Cordelia was in total hostess mode,
making sure that everybody had their drinks filled and
were making conversation with at least two other
people amongst the small crowd filling the foyer of
Angels residence. He was so proud of his soon to be
wife, nothing ever got her down for long. Once you
managed to slip behind the bitch queen exterior she
presented, you were rewarded with someone who would
constantly go out of her way to help with any little
thing. Sure, she had had a bit of a cry when writing
the wedding invitations earlier on. After making one
out to Xander, she had burst into tears at the thought
of him missing the wedding but now no one would guess
that she had been curled up on the sofa completly
miserable only a few hours ago.

With one eye on Angel making yet another too subtle
approach on his object of affection, the Irishman
wondered how the two witches were going watching
Eternal. So far nothing had been noted that was of
any connection to the missing Scooby member. Plenty
of dark haired men had been observed coming and going
but they were either too old or just not right to fit
the man's profile. Finishing the last of his scotch
on the rocks, he wandered over towards the front desk
that was serving as a temporary bar for the small

Nodding and smiling at anyone who looked over at him,
he poured himself another drink and grabbed a couple
of beers for the blonde that was confined to his room
upstairs. Seeing that Cordy had everything well under
control for the moment, he quickly dashed upstairs.
laughing quietly as Angel oh so smoothly leaned
against the wall next to Wesley. He knew that he
shouldn't laugh at his employers attempt to woo his
current choice of partner but it was just so damned
funny to see a 240 year vampire intimidated by today's
dating etiquette. He wished that they would just get
a clue as Buffy had said earlier.

More nodding and hellos to those returning from the
bathrooms on the second level, Doyle continued up to
the fourth floor, following the increasingly noisy
crap that the blonde like to call classic music. 
Spikes head poked out from his room of the month and
threw a grin Doyle's way when he spied the beer that
was coming his way.

"Bout time mutt, getting dry up here!" 

Sniffing the air as he entered the trashed room, the
half demon was sure that he could smell something else
other than the regular cigarette aroma that usually
tainted the air. He knew what it was as soon as he
spied the half smoked joint laying in the ashtray on
top of the stack of pornos beside the vampires bed.
Doyle shook his head, no wonder the blonde had been so
agreeable to being kept to his floor that evening. He
was partial to a bit of chuff every now and again as
well. Joint picked up and lit with the lighter from
the floor, he took a couple of puffs only to have it
snatched out of his hand by an amused vampire.

"Now now, Princess will kill us both if you go
downstairs smelling of this." sniggered a slightly
high blonde. Swigging back a mouthful of beer, Spike
sat heavily on the bed, facing the dark haired demon.

"What she doesn't know wont hurt her, she's busy being
the complete hostess downstairs anyway" laughed Doyle
as he gestured for the small joint to come his way
again. Large mock frown crossing his face at the
vampires refusal to hand it back to him, he shrugged
and made a move to go back downstairs, stopping when a
cool hand placed itself on his shoulder.

"Don't go yet mate, been bloody bored up here by
myself, heard back from Red and the cardboard cutout?"

Doyle, taking pity on the blonde, decided that the
other man must really be bored if he asked about the
two witches, sat down next to the half dressed vampire
and described the painful scene downstairs that
featured one employer and an ex-watcher. Taking a
couple of hits from the joint before it was noticed
missing from the others hand, the younger man laughed
along with the blonde who was calling his Sire any
name that he could think of that stood for Poof.

"This is really good chuff, where did you get it
from?" inquired a curious Irishman. He could feel it
already going to his head, thinking that he had better
stop before Cordelia noticed him missing, gave it back
to a still laughing blonde.

"Got it from Wankleys room, found it in his undies"
gasped Spike, rolling around the bed, ignoring the
held out joint. Doyle stared for a minute before
laughing at the thought of Wesley relaxing one night
with a joint. Caution thrown to the wind, the half
demon finished what was left of the small smoke. Butt
stubbed out in the ashtray, he sat back on the bed as
his head started to swirl. He didn't even want to
know why Spike had been looking in Wesleys underwear.

"Oi! That was mine, you finished it. Just as well I
took his whole stash then, isn't it?" uttered the
blonde as he tried to finish his beer without sloshing
it down his bare chest. The two demons looked at each
other for a few seconds before erupting into fresh
round of giggles. "Gonna roll me another, want one?"

"Nah, better go back downstairs before Cordy releases
the hounds. If I hear anything from Willow and Tara,
I'll make sure that you know" replied Doyle, trying to
quell the rising laughter before he went back to the
party that was being held for benefit of the agency's

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Probably find the stupid git is
working there, wonder how much his arse is for a
night" was the off hand comment as Spike concentrated
on rolling another joint from his stolen stash. 
Swearing as he dropped the pack of wrappers, he took
no notice of the suddenly sober demon staring at him
in horror.

"Wha..What did you say? stumbled the dark haired man. 
He knew exactly what the vampire had said but he just
wanted to hear it again, to make sure that he had
heard right.

Still concentrating on the finished rollie, the blonde
started singing along to one of the songs that was
blaring from the cd player on the floor beside the
bathroom door. Finally noticing that Doyle was
looking at him weirdly as he was halfway through the
song, Spike asked the other man what he was staring

"You said something about Xander just before, what did
you say?" 

"Um, er. Poof, working, how much?" ventured the
vampire. He really wasn't sure what he had said but
it sound right and it seemed to satisfy a rapidly
disappearing half demon. "Ok, bye then"
Giving the empty doorway a little wave and giggle, he
flicked the lighter and inhaled deeply from the lit
joint. Damn it, he thought. If his poof of a Sire
wanted him upstairs for the night, then he was going
to make sure that he enjoyed himself.

Thumping down the stairs as fast as his swirling head
would allow him, he made his way over to Angel and
Wesley. Ignoring the fact that it looked like they
were finally making progress, he stopped and gathered
his breathe before telling an annoyed employer what
his precious childe had said.

"Bullshit! That is total crap, what the fuck is that
arsehole up to this time? Have you been smoking
dope?" demanded an irate older vampire, sniffing in
Doyles direction. If looks could kill, Doyle was
pretty sure that he and half the hotel would have been
melted by now. Sheepishly nodding at the question, he
looked at Wesley, begging him to come to the rescue.

Wesley sighed as he took in the puppy dog eyes from
the half demon, gently laying a steadying hand on one
broad shoulder, he reminded Angel that it could be
possible. After all, they still hadn't seen Xander
come or go from the main entrance so maybe he was
using a staff entrance.

"Fine, we'll go through that possibility tomorrow,
no-one mentions it to Buffy, Cordelia or anyone else
until then ok?" snapped the brunette vampire, unhappy
to be interrupted in his progress with Wesley and for
an undesirable idea to be dragged to the forefront.

Both Doyle and Wesley nodding in agreement, Angel was
hoping that it wasn't the truth.

Part Sixteen

Somewhere in 2001

Laying on his new bed, Xander read the list that had
been left for him. If it wasn't so upsetting, he
would have laughed at what was written on the white
sheets of paper. This was the third time that he had
read the demeaning words and he still couldn't get his
head around what they said.

Welcome Scott,

As I said to you earlier, your job won't always be
easy but given time, you will find it enjoyable.

You are in the room that will be yours for as long as
you stay with us. This is yours alone and no-one else
will allowed to enter it except myself and other
employees. No clients will be tolerated at all.
The following are just a few rules to help you
integrate fully into the position.

1. Your name is Scott and this is the only name that
you will answer to.

2. You will speak only when spoken to unless the
client specifies otherwise.

3. What the client wants, the client gets unless it
is on the no-no list. If the client insists on doing
it, leave the room and wait outside the door until
Fletcher, Adam or myself comes to get you. We always
know what goes on in a room, we will come to get you. 
If it is not possible, stall for time until one of us
comes to get you.

4. All clients are to be addressed as Sir unless
otherwise specified in the beginning. You will not
raise your voice, scream or yell unless asked to do
so. You will not kick, bite, punch or struggle unless
asked to do so. Any attempt on your behalf to harm a
client or fellow employee is strictly forbidden. 
Failure to meet these standards will result in water

5. After each session, you will return to your room
immediately. Once in your room, you will shower then
apply the lotion provided if necessary and wait until
you are requested once more.

6. The light above your door will flash twice to
indicate that you make your way down to the
introduction room. Five minutes after the initial
flashing, there will be reminder buzzer. You have ten
minutes in total to present yourself, do not make us
come and collect you. The failure to present yourself
will result in water deprivation. On the possibility
of not being chosen, you will not linger around, you
will return immediately to your room and wait.

7. You will treat all clients with the proper respect
that they are entitled to. Once you have proved that
you can be trusted, you will be rewarded.

8. You will NEVER allow a client to bareback. You
will always use the condoms provided. Once again, if
the client insists on trying, wait outside in the
hallway for someone to collect you.

9. Every morning you will be provided with fresh
towels, make sure you put the used ones in the bin
provided. This also goes for your clothing,
especially your undergarments. Fresh clothing will be
provided every day.

10. Every second day you will place your sheets and
pillow cases in the bin provided and each morning you
will give said bin to either Fletcher or Adam as
You will then remake your bed using the fresh bed
linen provided.

11. The only sections of the house that you will be
allowed to occupy are your personal room, the
introduction room, client rooms and when you have
proven trustworthy, the library/tv room. Reading is
encouraged at all times. If you are by some chance
found to be outside of the specified areas, you will
be persuaded not to stray again.

12. Each month you will be provided with three day's
off and how you spend the time is up to you but once
again, you will not leave the designated areas. These
days are yours unless a regular requests you. Every
measure will be made to ensure that this will not
occur but unfortunately these things happen.

Meals will be provided three times a day on the day's
that you are not working. The days that you are, they
will be provided an hour before you go on shift and
again as soon as you are finished. This is to ensure
that you are clean. Small snacks will be allowed if
needed, ask before indulging.

Provided you do the right thing, you will find that
this is a pleasurable business. Remember, I do own you
and if you do not follow these instructions, there are
numerous ways of helping you to abide by them.

Once you have read these and understand them, knock on
the door and you will be provided with a meal, the
water to your shower will also be turned on and you
will recieve a set of clean clothes. 


Mind spinning at what the words indicated, Xander knew
that if Angelus, in all his arsehole glory, stepped
through the doorway, he would wouldn't even think
twice in going with the prick of a vampire. He was
horrified at what Randall was going to get him to do. 
It was one thing to bend over for the older man, but
to do it for 'clients' was another thing totally and
one that he was determined never to do.

He had already kicked and screamed his way around the
orange room and been told to keep quiet, so he had sat
himself on the bed and read the list, hoping that he
had just read it wrong. Unfortunately, he had
obviously read it just right and that was really
freaking him out.

What was he in, Youth Camp from Hell? He already
thought that Randall was nutty but this just proved
how much.
If the older man owned a whore house, why didn't he
just hire prostitutes? What was the deal with him
being born and raised on the Hellmouth? God, when was
someone coming to get him, he wasn't sure how much
more he could take.

Tears pricking at his eyes in what felt like the
hundreth time since waking up in the total darkness
the first time, Xander let them flow down his dirty
cheeks. What the hell had he done ever to get this
kind of Karma rebounding onto him? He was filled with
disgust that he had already let someone fuck him, the
thought of other men doing the same was beyond

"I want to go home!" the brunette shrieked, holding
his head between his hands. "Please, I just want to
go home!" Huge sobs racking his body, Xander was
determined never to do what Randall planned for him.
Trying to ignore the whispering voice that was telling
him that he would anyway, he sat crying until he fell

Part Seventeen

8 May 2004

The lobby to Eternal was decorated in that subtle way
that just couldn't help but scream that whatever you
laid a finger on cost more than your total weeks wage.
Cream and gold made up most of the colour scheme with
splashes of russet, ocean blue and light wood
panelling to match the floor boards that most likely
ran throughout the whole brothel. Very tastefully
done was the thought running through the older
vampires mind as he waited in the sitting room on the
red velvet couch provided while Spike strolled around
the similarly decorated room.

Angel hoped that the simpering man who had greeted
both himself and Spike didn't come too close next
time, he just wanted to pound into the greasy little
twerp. With Wesley's mastercard clutched in Spikes
hand and himself right beside the blonde, they had
made their way up the stairs of Eternal on the
pretence of the blonde treating the taller man to a
night at the brothel. All explained with smiles and
briefly flashed game faces, they had been asked what
they preffered for the night and with Spike handing
over the card, they had requested a brunette over 20
if possible.

Laughing, Angel had explained that he found the older
ones a bit more accepting of what he and his friend
wanted to do. The Armani clad man, simpering and
rubbing his hands together in agreement over what they
had requested, had shown them into the sitting room
that was off to the one side. Explaining that because
they were a little 'different', they were not to go
making faces at anyone until they were in the
designated room, Clark asked them to wait while he saw
what was available for them.

Waiting for about a minute after the smaller man had
left the room, closing the door, Angel smelled his way
around the cream and gold room. The smell was there,
it was a little off, but it was undoubtedly Xander's
scent. He reached across to the right and smacked the
younger upside of the head, ignoring the protesting
yelp that halted the snickers.

"Sodding Poof, what did you do that for?" whinged the
blonde, rubbing his head that stung from his Sire's
heavy hand. "Not my fault this is funny!"

Sitting quickly at the quiet growl coming from beside
him, Spike wished he had a camera to take at least one
photo of Angels face when confronted with a
Xanderwhore. Hell, he wanted one of the whelp as
well. How stupid can you get he thought. Why would
you leave a horny ex-demon like the Anya bint to go
and work in a brothel? It was the explanation to that
little question that had finally convinced him to
accompany his Sire to Eternal. He really didn't give
a shit if the moron was a pillow biter or not.

Angel could feel himself getting increasingly annoyed
with the Childe sitting beside him, if the blonde
hadn't already set himself up as a customer in
Wesley's name, he would have come in alone to scope
things out. It had been decided by the four men to
use Spikes earlier criminal activity to an advantage,
Wesley only having a minor heart attack at what the
credit company would be thinking of him. The brunette
vampire had to smile at the image of the ex-watcher
huffing and puffing around the office before agreeing
to let his card get used again. It had been a really
nice sight.

After the idea of Xander working as a prostitute had
been laughed at and finally tossed around the group of
friends, the front entrance had stopped being watched,
concentrating on the small back entrance in the alley
beside the building. It was there that it was
discovered that it dealt with not only vampires and
humans but numerous other humanoid demons. All coming
and going via the back entrance so as not to alarm the
regular clients. Very rarely did a demon who passed
for human go through the main doors, and they were
usually vampires.

A few 'clients' carefully cornered by Angel after a
few more weeks of watching, were more than happy to
recommend the services of Eternal, stating that the
establishment had boys trained especially for the
separate demon clientele. That single statement rang
the alarm bells deep within Angels head, discussing it
with his employees back at work in between Doyle's
visions and other paid hire, all had agreed that it
was worrying. Xander still hadn't been seen around
the back entrance but Angel knew that he worked in the
brothel, he had smelt the man on one of the demons he
had talked to.

Everyone except a smirking Spike had been horrified at
the thought of Xander not only working in a brothel
but one that catered for demons as well. It was one
thing for the missing Scooby member to be gay and in
the long run, be working in a brothel but they had all
agreed and surprisingly Spike as well, that there was
no way that he would voluntarily work as a prostitute
for demons, not after experiencing the Hellmouth. 
Angel was adamant that he had smelt the boy on one of
the demons. Buffy and the gang from Sunnydale had
been upset at not being able to get away from the
commitments that held them in place and had left the
decision of what to do squarely with the L.A. friends.

After a lot more discussion by everybody, it had been
decided to just go and try to rent Xander for a
session to at least find out what the hell was going
on which had led the two vampires to where they were
now. They were going to talk with the boy until it
was proved that he needed rescuing. After all,
everybody could be wrong and Xander really was
voluntarily working as a demon whore. That thought
was doing nothing to silence the warning bells that
continued to ring in Angels mind.

The blonde was impatient for the fun and angst to
begin, Poof had been pretty miserable when he had
found out that it hadn't been a lie but as far as
Spike was concerned, the more angst for the older
vampire meant more fun that he could have poking fun
at him.

Both vampires turned as one to face the door set into
one corner, the multiple footsteps halting as the door
was pushed open. Four brunettes stepped out of the
corridor and lined up in front of the waiting men.
All were wearing white pants,leaving their chests
Hands clasped behind their backs, they stood patiently
as Clark listed their names and talents.

Spike and Angel shot each other a confused look,
Xander was in the room but the only one who looked
anything like him was someone who was just bordering
on the age of 18, had clear green eyes and was a good
head shorter than what the other brunette should be.
Xander would be around 23 or 24 at least and had dark
brown eyes, defiantly not green or blue as two of the
other males had. The blonde got up from the couch and
circled each one closely, sniffing discreetly. 
Stopping beside the boy with the green eyes, he asked
Clark what the name was again.


With a motion for his Sire to join him at the boy's
side, he made a few faces at Angel. He was stumped. 
Scott smelled pretty much like Xander, the scent was
just a bit off, and had the looks almost down pat but
something was obviously not right. Shrugging, he
watched as Angel ran a finger down Scott's arm in the
hopes of producing an emotion that would do something
to the scent coming from the boy. No fear, no flinch
at his Sires cool finger and certainly no accelerated
heartbeat. Pretty much like the one he had rented
earlier that year. He was sure that he could smell
the other boy in the room as well but none of the
others looked anything like Patrick not even the ones
with blue eyes.

Waving Clark off as he explained that all his boys
were trained to different types of clients, the taller
vampire informed the lobby jockey that Scott would be
the one for them that night. Once the other
prostitutes were led back to the side door again and
sent through, Scott shyly grasped Angels hand and
started to lead them towards a small staircase,
separate to the larger one in the main foyer.

Spike was honestly curious as to how someone other
than Xander could have so much of the boys original
scent on him. It wasn't a shagging scent, it just was
Xander's scent. Following closely behind an equally
curious Angel, he wondered if he would get a screw
from the boy anyway, after all they had paid for two
hours. Stopping in front of a solid wood door, one of
six in the small corridor, the blonde recognised it as
the one he had used before and wondered if this was
Scott's regular room to conduct business in.

Door open and all trooping through, Scott closed the
door and went to stand at the side of the bed. Hands
behind his back, eyes looking to the floor, he waited.


"I'm sorry Sir, my name is Scott. Is there any
particular way you would like to do this tonight?"

"Oi, Whelp. Don't stuff around, what are you doing
here?" snapped Spike. He had no idea what was going
on but had finally come to the conclusion that the
male standing before him was Xander, just a different
Xander that he was used to.

"I don't understand Sir, what would you like me to do
first?" came the quiet reply as Scott continued to
stand by the bed.

Taking a few steps forward, Angel stood chest to chest
with the shorter male. Noting that finally a flicker
of emotion passed over Scott's face, he wrapped his
arms around the startled boys upper body, mouth placed
alongside his ear. Positioning his upper arm so that
it hid his mouth, he asked if there was anyone
watching them. Feeling hesitant arms go around his
own waist, he waited for an answer from the lad.

"I don't understand Sir, it can be arranged if you
would like at only a small charge but at the moment
only your blonde friend is watching."

Ignoring the snort of disgust from behind him, the
vampire tried again with a question of if anyone was
listening to them. Groaning in frustration when the
answer was that only his blonde friend was listening
to them and yet again for a small charge, someone else
could be brought in to listen to them. The smell was
slightly off and the male didn't look exactly the same
or anywhere near as old as Xander should and the
height was a worry but he knew this was Xander. Arms
unwrapped from the quiet boy, he instructed Scott to
stay where he was and dragged Spike over to the couch,
sitting them both down.

"It's him isn't it? What the hell is going on?"
whispered the blonde, one eye on the submissive male. 
Seeing his Sire nod and then shrug, he quietly told
the other man about his time with Patrick and how he
was sure that he could smell the boy in the room even
with the others looking nothing like him, the scent
radiating off of the brown eyed boy.

"This is more than a simple glamour cast over him,
it's a whole bone structure change. I mean, just look
at the height, Xander is definitely taller than that."

With that, Angel got up from the couch and grasped
Scott arm, leading the quiet boy over back towards
Spike and the couch. Settling the younger brunette on
the floor, he went into full game face, instructing
the blonde to do so as well. Both vampires were
confused, even if Xander was voluntarily working in a
male brothel, his first instinct should still have
been to either try and stake them or at least run for
his life. However, nothing was said nor did the boy
flinch from having Spike shove his game face
completely into his own. Somehow all the patrolling
instincts had been removed completely, something that
should have been nearly impossible to do. Obviously
the training that Clark had mentioned.

Maybe they were wrong and this wasn't Xander? Looking
at each other, Angel was shocked to see the same
expression of disbelief on his Childe's face.
Both were jerked out of their thoughts by a quiet
voice coming from the floor.

"Please Sirs, if you don't want me to do anything,
then would you care to have a discussion about any
topic in particular?" 

" ok Scott, just let me talk to Wes here and
we'll do something in a minute" flustered the brunette

"Hey pet, why don't you fire up the spa and get it
ready for us" prompted the blonde, gently pushing the
boy towards the large tub taking up a full corner of
wood panelled room. Both men watched as Scott shot
them a grin and literally prowled over to run the hot
water and start the noisy jets.

"Don't even think about it Spike, something is
seriously wrong here" Angel growled as he noticed his
Childe getting aroused at the sight of brunette
sitting on the edge of the spa, swinging his legs all
the while shooting them little smiles as the water
heated up. 'Ok, he's been altered but that could just
be his working image. Maybe this is why we haven't
been able to spot him coming or going.'

Nodding while admiring the view, Spike made a comment
of wasn't it funny that four brunettes had been found
from the boys reserved only for demons. They had
already been informed that there were only about 6
males working that side of the brothel.

"Glamoured to order, just choose hair and eye colour
and even the age?" 

Another nod at Angels comment produced a soft swear
from the older vampire, the blonde replying that they
hadn't specified an eye colour. Maybe the eye colour
and height were left over from the previous client
they could smell on him. The boy had obviously
showered after the last session but the sensitive
noses of the vampires could still detect the last few
clients. Something that was making Angel feel a
little sick.

"Sirs, the water is hot enough now, would you like me
to undress you both?" came the soft enquiry. Scott
got up from sitting on the spa edge and slowly walked
towards the leering blonde and stunned brunette. 
Crossing the thick rug, he stood in front of a
flustered older vampire. Giving his silver bracelets
a lengthy rub, Scott suddenly swung his legs over
Angel, seating himself firmly in the older mans lap.

Spike laughed hard at his Sires face, Angel was trying
to hard to hide his growing erection from Scott but
was having no luck as the boy shifted himself so that
he was straddling the firm thighs, a leg on each side
of the vampire. Rubbing a finger over the raised game
face ridges the older vampire had sprouted, Scott
asked a very simple question in a barely audible
whisper, lips not even moving.

"Would you like to go first or is your Childe allowed
to go before his Sire?"

8 May 2004 

"What the bloody fuck did you just say?" demanded a 
suddenly serious blonde. 

They could both smell the rising fear from the boy as 
he continued to lightly run his fingers along Angels 
face. At Spikes whispered question, the scent only 
grew stronger. The older vampire gently grasped at the 
youths hands, as much as he was actually enjoying the 
touching, he wanted the boy's full attention. The fear 
wasn't directed at them and he wanted to know why. 

Throat cleared, Angel quietly asked what Scott was 
afraid of, sighing when the reply was for him not to 
be so silly and did he want Scott to touch him 
anywhere else. They had already been in the room for 
half an hour and so far no progress from the boy who 
was determined to provide Angel with some sort of 
sexual gratification. As soon as the brunette vampire 
knocked the youths hands away from his belt buckle, 
the fear increased a few more notches. 

"Not used to taking it so slow Pet? drawled the wary 
younger vampire. "Someone get a bit angsty beside the 
great Poof here, do they?" 
Ignoring the glare from his Sire, Spike wrapped his 
arms around Scott, half dragging and lifting the youth 
off the brunettes lap and onto his own. 

"I've got bit of a nickname, you can give the great 
Broody beast a handjob if you can guess it, ok?" 
smirked the smaller man, turning only to briefy hiss a 
warning at the protest that formed on the others lips. 
He was pretty sure that there were video cameras in 
the room and if it looked like Scott was doing a bad 
job with a client, there would be consequences for the 
lad. The boy was already afraid that he was doing a 
bad job, obviously used to just being fucked pretty 
much as soon as the door was closed. 

"Come on, don't be shy." prompted Spike, running a 
finger along the tanned skin covering the ribcage, 
eliciting a few giggles from the smiling boy. He was 
hiding the fear as much as possible, if the blonde 
hadn't been a vampire, there was no way he would have 
known the lad was afraid. How the hell Xander got to 
be so shy, was one of the questions leading to the 
million dollars. The scooby he had known back in 
Sunnydale might have been a total dickhead in his 
opinion but he had never been this submissive even 
when pinned under the ex-demons thumb. 

Glancing back at Angel who was watching with a worried 
expression but so far leaving it in Spikes hands, he 
gestured for the other male to get undressed. Snapping 
a face full of fang at his Sire's protests, he shifted 
the boy off his lap and told him to stay put, ignoring 
the increased waft of fear. One hand grabbing Angel, 
he walked them both over to the spa. Once Spike was 
certain that their words would be hidden by the noisy 
spa jets, he proceeded to inform his Sire what he 
thought was going on with the boy. 

"Pretty much what I was thinking as well, I'm not 
having sex with him though and neither are you. Thats 
Xander sitting there, not some faceless whore no 
matter how addled his mind is at the moment." 

"Don't have a choice Peaches, gonna get the whelp into 
trouble if something doesn't happen that looks good 
for the cameras" 

"Um, strip and get into the spa then, that will be 
good enough for the moment while we decide what to do, 
its not just Xander. Those other boys have to be under 
the same sort of threats." 

Suprised to see his Childe agree with him for once, he 
went on to state his theroy of Xander letting them 
know subtly with the previous question of Sire and 
Childe, that he wanted to get out. The scent of fear 
just proving that he was being forced into the role, 
if he was there voluntarily, there would be no need to 
be afraid. Calling Scott over to them, he was 
disturbed by how the boys face lit up when he saw the 
vampires taking off their clothes. He just needed 
Xander to relax a bit so that he would open up and 
they could get some answers from him. 

"Is your nickname the Bleached Wonder?" ventured the 
youth as he shed his white pants. Leaving them by the 
side of the spa, Scott climbed into the bubbling water 
completely naked, smiling softly as Angel reached up 
to help him in. Shooting a look at his Sire as they 
could smell the fear starting to dissapate, Spike 
shook his head stating that it was actually Stake. 

"I would have thought that Spike suits you better" 
commented a serious looking brunette youth. Beaming 
once again as he saw the vampires nod encouragingly at 
him, Scott moved over to the blonde and straddled his 
lap with a leg on either side of the grinning male. 
Fingers run over his face, he lowered his head and 
brushed his lips lightly over a startled vampires cool 

"I'm frightened you're not real, are you real or are 
you a trick?" he whispered almost silently in the 
males ear, one hand disappearing into the water and 
grasping a cool length. 

"Real Whelp" answered Spike, enjoying the brunettes 
hand rubbing his hard cock underneath the bubbles. He 
knew his Sire could smell what was going on but he 
decided to let Scott continue his handjob until the 
great Poof got all angsty and broke it up. Which only 
took about one minute for Angel to start growling and 
then move closer to the youth. Hand grasped firmly 
around the pulsing organ, he started to pump faster, 
encouraged by the blondes moaning. 

"Hello Deadboy, would you like one next?" Scott asked 
as quietly as possible, green eyes boring into dark 
brown ones, silently begging the older vampire to say 
yes. The planned objections to what Scott was doing 
to his Childe died on his lips as Angel took in the 
brief glimmer of despair and pain that radiated from 
Scott/Xanders eyes. He was sickened when the boy 
automatically covered the pain with a well practised 
smile. Just what the hell had this place done to him. 

Unable to speak, he nodded at the younger brunette, 
watching as Scott pumped Spike faster all the while 
sucking and nibbling on the blondes nipples. Angel 
couldn't help himself from getting hard again, the 
smell of arousal pouring off the other vamp mixed with 
the groans and gaspy breaths was a heady concoction 
that was impossible to resist. His own hand strayed 
down underneath the warm water to stroke his length as 
his Childe came with a roar, pulling Scotts head in 
close for a punishing kiss. 

Scott, giving the blonde a quick peck on the cheek 
once he was allowed up for much needed air, got up 
from his comfortable seat and gestured for Angel to 
sitin the place where Spike was currently occupying. 
Shoving a protesting vampire out of the way, the older 
vampire settled in the indicated spot wondering why 
this particular position. It was answered when Scott 
straddled him again and whispered that the camera 
would be facing his back and the control room wouldn't 
be able to see him talking. 

"Talk to me Scott, tell me all you can and we *will* 
get you out, ok?" asked Angel, grunting in both 
pleasure and shock when Xander/Scott took his hard 
length in one hand, lifted himself and with a swift 
movement, impaled himself fully onto his cock. 
Gasping as the youth started to ride him, he was 
horrified at how loose the boy was. Sharing a look 
with his staring Childe, he tried to concentrate fully 
on what was being whispered in his ear as Scott leaned 
close to him. The name of who owned him, how many 
other males like him there were, the six rooms below 
this corridor where they lived, everything he could. 

"Are you really going to take me home?" 

Angels heart almost broke when he opened his eyes and 
saw the hope shining in the clear green orbs, even 
with his cock buried deep inside of the boy, he felt 
himself lose his erection. Stuttering his apologies, 
he embarrassedly shoved Scott off him and went to get 
out of the spa, stopping when he felt a cool hand on 
his arm. Seeing Spikes scowl, he looked back towards 
the visibly upset boy still facing away from the 
camera. The almost invisible rocking of the body and 
the whispered words of "You get used to it" drove 
Angel to sit down and place him back onto his lap, the 
blonde kneeling behind the younger brunette. 

One hand one his Sire's knee, Spike with a long look 
between himself and Angel, wrapped the other hand 
around a limp penis. Gently thumbing the head, he 
slowly stroked the organ into hardness. Smirking as 
the older vampire started to rub at the boys nipples, 
he took his hand off the knee and placed a finger at 
the puckered enterance of Scott/Xander. The smirk 
turned into frown when he realised just what had 
helped to turn his Sire off, the boy was obviously 
well used, there was virtually no resistance left. 
Still continuing to fist the hard flesh between his 
fingers, he didn't think that the youth even realised 
that there was a finger up him. Inserting another, he 
gently probed for the prostrate. 

Angel was saddened that this small gesture was the 
only thing that they could do for Scott until they 
could come back and get both himself and the other 
boys without ensuring the death of them all. Rubbing 
at the hardened nubs beneath his fingers, he rested 
his forehead against Scotts as the youth moaned in 
pleasure at what Spike was doing. Quiet words of 
reassurance were directed towards him, promises that 
he would go home very soon. 

Scott was panting as the digits inside of him 
continuily found their mark, shuddering as he came 
without a sound against Angels stomach. Angel wanted 
to do nothing but wrap the boy in a soft towel and 
take him straight back home, looking at the warning 
glance shot at him by an unusually quiet blonde, he 
got out of the water and started to dry himself with 
one of the towels left by the side of the spa. Spike 
pulled his fingers out and let go of the now limp 
again penis. Standing up, he told Scott to wait in 
the tub while he got dried. 

Both men wrinkled their noses at the brief flash of 
fear. The blonde, barely dry, went around to his 
Sires side. Telling Angel that they only had about 20 
minutes left, he threw a towel at Scott, ignoring the 
glare he received from the older male. 

"Treat him like the whore he is for the moment, what 
do you want them to do? Their already probably 
suspicious of the soft way we've treated him." 
snapped Spike, reminding the other man that they were 
vampires and that the boy should be all screamed out 
by now. "He could be sold tonight if he poses even a 
hint of trouble" 

"I know, I know. What do you want me to do, rape him?" 
snarled an angry brunette. Dropping his voice, he 
told the blonde that he wouldn't be able to get it up 
again to do it. 

Rolling his eyes, the younger vampire ordered Scott 
out of the tub and onto the floor as soon as he was 
dry. Telling Angel to sit himself on the couch and to 
think of something featuring Wesley in a dress to wank 
to, he roughly told a waiting Scott to get down onto 
all fours. Kneeling behind him, he grasped the thick 
hair with one hand and twisted the boys head back as 
hard as he could without setting off the chip. 
Leaning over towards his ear, Spike told Scott to 
scream as if he was being hurt. 

"Yes Sir" 

Those magic words getting the blonde hard again in an 
instant, held a few fingers up to Scotts mouth only to 
be pleasantly suprised when he found his digits in 
Angels cool mouth. Yellow eyes looking at him, he 
allowed his Sire to suck leisurly at his slim fingers. 
Feeling his own game face slip into place, he 
withdrew his fingers after a minute and started to wet 
around Scotts hole. He watched his Sire move around 
so that Scotts face was in direct line with his 

Stroking himself hard, Angel pretended that the hot 
breathe he felt on his cock was Wesleys and not the 
poor bastard they had found. He was ashamed to have 
to do this to Scott/Xander but his Childe was right, 
if ordinary vamps had hired the boy, he would have 
been beaten and fucked repeatedly by now. Hopefully 
what they were about to do would go a small way in 
helping to avoid getting Scott into trouble. 

A grunt alerted the older vampire that Spike had 
entered the boy, soft slapping confirming it. Groans 
that started out soft steadily rose in volume until 
they were harsh grunts. Eyes closed, Angel pumped his 
length in time to the sound of flesh meeting flesh. 
The emerging screams almost made the older brunette 
lose his concentration and he had to quickley rummage 
up another image of Wesley before he went soft again. 

Spike was speeding up his thrusts, trying to make it 
look like he was actually hurting the now screaming 
Scott. Snapping and snarling as he pumped in and out 
of the boy, he was watching his Sire wank infront of 
him. He had seen the older man almost lose it when 
the screaming had started and was determined to finish 
before the Poof really lost it next time, it just 
wouldn't look good to those watching. Feeling his 
balls tingle, he gave a few more hard thrusts, filling 
the boys bowels with his cool seed. 

He tightened his hand around his cock as he smelt 
Spike cum into Scott. Imagining that he was being 
given head by the ex-watcher, he ran his thumb over 
his leaking tip until he felt himself explode. Angel 
knew exactly where his cum would land, on Scotts face. 
Hoping that the youth would one day forgive him, he 
ordered the brunette to clean him off. 

As Scott licked his Sire clean, Spike knew that the 
other man was just about to shut down into a major 
angst and this time he really couldn't blame him. Not 
bothering to clean himself up, he gathered the clothes 
from around the spa and started to get dressed as 
Scott and Angel finished up. Ignoring the boy 
totally, they could smell fear once again taint the 
room. It wasn't the earlier acrid fear of not doing a 
good job but a heavier scent, the fear of them never 
coming back for him. Pants thrown at a cum covered 
whore, the blonde waited for the older vampire to get 
fully dressed before opening the door and entering the 

Angel joining his Childe in the wood pannelled 
hallway, watching as a dressed Scott walked past them 
and passed through another door that was almost 
invisible when closed, blending totally into the wall. 
With nothing to say to each other, they went down the 
small flight of stairs, passing Clark who asked them 
if everything had gone alright. Spike answering that 
Scott had been better than expected, guided his souled 
Sire back into the street still unable to start 
picking on him due to the now official brood. 

Part Eighteen

Eternal, sometime in 2001 

"Damn it! I can't get it off me" sobbed Xander as he 
tried to scrub the mans sweat off him. He had finally 
crumbled and had agreed, much to his shame, to have 
sex with another man other than Randall after 2 days 
of no water and this time, no food. 

Once he had agreed, he had been rewarded with a jug of 
water and a decent sized bowl of soup with a few 
slices of buttered bread. Allowed to have a shower 
and presented with soap, shampoo, conditioner and a 
large tub of sorbelene and glycerin cream as well as a 
hair brush and comb, he would have enjoyed his first 
shower in days if it weren't for the humiliation that 
refused to go away. 

That had been yesterday. This morning he had been 
woken up with a demand for his dirty linen and 
Handed fresh bed linen, 3 towels and clothes, he had 
remade his bed and dressed after a quick shower. He 
hadn't wanted to do what Randall wanted but he feared 
the repercussions if he didn't. Once dressed and fed, 
he had been guided from his room by a chatting Randall 
and a new man, Adam. Gripped tightly around his right 
upper arm by the huge black male, he had been led down 
a short corridor that featured five more doors other 
than his own. 

Randall had proudly informed him about the five other 
boys from the Hellmouth who were his work colleagues. 
Xander refrained from spitting at the older man, 
pretty sure that he would get into trouble. Listening 
to the non stop babble, he had been led to another 
door at the end of the hallway. A solid push by 
Randall and it swung open, the older man telling him 
that a button unlocked it from the control room and if 
Xander wasn't allowed to go through it, then it 
wouldn't open for him. Asking a question about the 
control room, he had been told to stay silent until he 
was asked to speak. 

The door lead to a few sets of steps that went up to 
another level, following the grey haired brothel 
owner, he had climbed the stairs all the while being 
clutched by the grim faced Adam. Once at the top of 
the stairs, another push opened the door that greeted 
them and they passed through and into a wood panelled 
hallway. Directly to his left was a small wooden 
staircase, 3 doors on each side of the cream and gold 
corridor and a plain white door set into the wall at 
the other end of the corridor. A quick glance back 
and he had discovered that the door blended in 
perfectly with the wall it was set into, virtually 

Tugging Xander along behind him, Adam strode after 
Randall who stopped in the middle of the floorboards 
and pointed to the last doorway to the right, telling 
him that it was his working room. The brunette was 
startled to realise that it was directly above his 
room on the lower level. Face flushed at the thought 
of actually being assigned a working room, he was 
humiliated to be led through the heavy wood door. 

He barely noticed the things that Randall pointed at, 
just wanting the earth to swallow him. Dully, he took 
in the huge four poster bed and the spa in one corner, 
only briefly glancing at the three seater sofa and 
thick blue rug covering the floorboards. After a few 
minutes of the older man telling him how to work the 
spa, it was pointed out to him that there were cameras 
in the small bathroom and larger bedroom, the same 
type that were in every corridor and the introduction 
room including his own room. A nod from him and they 
left the room. Xander had felt himself crumble a 
little more at the knowledge that other people would 
be watching his every act with a client. 

Stopped at the white door, it had been explained that 
once he had been requested, he would go from his room, 
up the stairs and down this corridor and use the white 
door to go down to the introduction room. He was to 
wait just outside the doorway until Clark came to 
collect him, he was never to just walk through without 
Clark. Scott must never use the client stairs to go 
down into the introduction room. It was only for him 
to bring the clients up to the service rooms. Xander 
had nodded, trying not to cry whenever the word client 
came into the older mans speech. 

Through the white door they had gone and down the 
short flight of steps that were just beyond it, coming 
out into the tastefully decorated room that Randall 
had described as the introduction room. Xander had 
already discovered a hatred of the word client and as 
soon as he saw the cream and gold room, he added 
introduction to the list. Led towards the closed 
french doors only a few feet from the staircase, 
Xander had been released and told to sit on the velvet 
couch for a minute. A dark haired suit clad man 
opened the solid wood doors and after telling Xander 
that he was Clark, had made small talk with Randall 
and Adam while the door were left open. 

Xander had sit there trying not to just run straight 
through them, impatiently waiting until it looked like 
all three older men were engrossed in conversation. 
After a few minutes, he hadn't been able to wait any 
longer and had run as fast as he could towards the 
open doors. And run he had until he had hit what felt 
like a solid brick wall. On the ground in shock at 
having been stopped so suddenly, he had been 
speechless as he watched Clark go through the doors 
with no problems at all. Xander had leant forward, 
tapping at the solidness in front of him and bursting 
into tears when Adam walked through a few times 
without hesitation. There had been nothing to see, 
just an invisible wall. 

He had flinched away from Randall as the older man 
stroked his bare shoulders and back. Xander had tried 
to ignore the soothing words that the other man 
directed at him as he was hauled up from the floor by 
a smiling Adam and led up the wooden staircase that 
dominated one corner of the room. The brunette hadn't 
taken much notice of where he had been led, too 
shocked at having realised that there wasn't a way 
Barely recognising the room that had been set aside 
for him, he had allowed Adam to shut the door after 
they were both inside. 

Shoved towards the bed, he had been told to stand with 
his hands behind his back and eyes looking to the 
floor. Startled, Xander had glanced up at the large 
man who was undressing, causing his stomach to knot up 
in dread. Told again to assume the position, he had 
complied when it was explained that this was how he 
was to stand until the client informed him of what was 
going to happen during the session. With tears 
running down his face, he had listened to Adam as he 
described the various positions and gave tips on how 
to improve a blow job. 

Shower turned off, Xander grabbed at a towel, limping 
as he walked out from behind the concrete wall. Adam 
hadn't been too gentle with him while getting him to 
do it in different positions and it hurt to walk. He 
had been torn inside, the blood spotting the face 
washer only agreeing with the pain radiating out of 
him. Xander desperately wanted to brush his teeth, 
the taste of semen still coating his tongue even after 
rinsing repeatedly in the shower, but so far he hadn't 
been provided with a toothbrush or paste. 

Clearing his sore throat, he slowly made his way over 
to the door. Carefully he bent over, groaning at the 
throbbing in his anus, and grabbed the water that had 
been left for him. Water finished, he brushed at the 
drying tears and smiled bitterly around the room. 
He hadn't even tried to struggle with Adam, knowing 
that it would be no good, so he had placed himself as 
ordered each time. He now knew how to have sex with a 
cock up his arse in four different positions, he also 
knew how to provide a crude handjob and assumed that 
one day cum would be easy to swallow on request. 

It had hurt, every thrust into him. Xander had given 
up trying to hold back his cries of agony after his 
begging for it to stop met with no reply. Adam had 
used him twice before much to his horror, he had been 
replaced with Randall who had continued in showing him 
what to do in a hand job and after getting fucked 
again by Adam in a sideways position then manouvered 
around into a missionary for the finish, had attempted 
his first cum swallow. 

With much gagging, dry retching and finally a round of 
vomiting, he had admist, the tears and pain come 
through it all. The only thing Randall had said 
during the whole time apart from a few words of 
supposed encouragement was that next time he should 
try to smile a bit more. Apparently sobbing tends to 
turn some clients off. 

Too tired to cry anymore, Xander shuffled over to his 
bed and tried to climb into it without hurting himself 
too much. Pillow rearranged a bit, he pulled up the 
two blankets and stared at the concrete shower 
He shuddered at the thought that his first paying 
client wouldn't be too far off now. 

Part Nineteen

10 May 2004 

Seated in the lobby of the Hyperion, the Scooby gang 
and Angel Investigations team argued about the best 
way to rescue Xander. Buffy, Gunn, Anya, Cordelia, 
Doyle, Riley and surprisingly Willow were all in 
favour of just busting in, beating everyone they could 
lay their hands on and taking the boys away as fast as 

Wesley, Tara, Angel, Giles and even Spike were 
advising more caution due to the glamour placed on the 
six males, they didn't know what would happen to the 
boys once they were off the brothels grounds. Joyce 
was torn between the two actions, putting in her 
opinion with no matter what they did, they were going 
to have six severely traumatised people on their 

This was the second full day of discussion, as soon as 
the two vampires had returned to the hotel, everyone 
in Sunnydale had been contacted and asked to come to 
L.A. Everyone had been allocated a room each by the 
time sunrise came around, Anya and Gunn bringing their 
twins and Joyce with them. Originally Joyce had come 
to help take care of the babies but had ended up 
joining in with the debate about Xander. Giles had 
been the last to arrive, bringing arm loads of books 
from his house that contained anything to do with 
glamour and physical alterations. 

In a strong agreement between the vampires, 
surprisingly Angel hadn't had to argue with his Childe 
who stated that he was only doing it to save himself 
from getting staked by an irate Slayer, never was it 
going to be mentioned that they had actually had sex 
with Xander, just telling the gathered friends that 
they had been able to talk with him and he had managed 
to provide them with some information. There had been 
tears and high emotions filling the lobby when the 
tale was finally told, no-one had really thought that 
the brunette had been working as a prostitute and that 
it had been some kind of mistake. To find out that he 
was a virtual slave was upsetting to say the least. 

Giles had reverted back to his Ripper mentality and 
had proceeded to kick and swear his way around the 
hotel, closely followed by a pissed off Slayer and 
ex-vengeance demon. Willow and Tara shed numerous 
tears before grabbing a spell book each and looking up 
the most painful ones they could find, Cordelia 
seeking comfort in Doyles arms who was having a few 
stiff drinks himself. Joyce had run into the kitchen 
and had produced a few plates of odd sandwiches much 
to the amusement of Spike who had sat with Angel, 
Riley, Wesley and Gunn as they opened a new bottle of 
malt whiskey, drinking it neat. 

Everyone had continued to deal with the shock in their 
own way until Joyce had pointed out that it was not 
getting them any closer to Xander coming home. With 
that it had been decided that both Cordelia and Willow 
would look up Eternal 's floor plans on the internet, 
while the ex-watchers looked through their books for 
something to remove the glamours and possible side 
effects of having it applied. Doyle and Gunn hit the 
streets to find out anything more about the brothel, 
Doyle on the demon side and Gunn on the human side. 

The friends still weren't sure if the human side was 
connected or separate to what was happening with the 
six boys. Spike, Riley and Angel went through the 
weapons as soon as Buffy announced that she would 
patrol a three block radius to relieve some of the 
energy she had. Joyce, reassured by a breast feeding 
Anya and Tara who was engrossed by the spell books, 
that her daughter would be fine had at first fluttered 
around offering drinks and food eventually finding 
herself with one of Giles' large books in her lap 
while cradling a baby. 

They had all worked well into the next day, the only 
people leaving the hotel had been Cordelia and Willow, 
after finding out that there was a complete set of 
floor plans in the city's public room. Setting off in 
bad need of some sleep, they had gone to the plans 
office and photocopied the plans after paying the fee 
of $5.00 for the privlige. Excited, they had shopped 
for some more food and diapers and driven back to the 
Hyperion. Handing over the plans to a waiting Angel, 
the two girls followed everyone elses lead and had 
gone upstairs to get some sleep, leaving a brooding 
vampire alone in the lobby. 

After all the friends had gotten up at last and had 
eaten the left over sandwiches and whatever else they 
could find, they had gathered again in the hotel 
Many possibilities were thrown around, some good plans 
were made only to be scrapped when it was realised 
that the main hurdle was the glamour, they just didn't 
know how it would react on the boys bodies. Wesley 
and Giles had found that they were many types of 
glamour. Most were used to just change an eye colour 
or hair from straight to curly, just simple cosmetic 
changes that didn't leave any problems. The ones that 
Spike and Angel had described were more intricate, 
whole face and bone structure had been changed. These 
types of changes were more likely to deform or even 
kill the affected if fiddled around with too much. 

In all, they needed to find out just how severe the 
changes were before attempting any type of magic 
around the boys. The two ex-watchers were uncertain 
if the glamour was linked to the brothel premises or 
to some sort of personal item. Usually an object was 
needed to store the original appearance in before 
changes could be made. 

Angel quickly mentioned the silver bracelets and 
necklace that Xander had been wearing, apologising for 
not thinking them significant enough to bring up 
before. When asked if all the boys he had seen were 
wearing the same sets, he sheepishly nodded before 
slipping into a brood. 

It was finally decided that Giles, Wesley, Angel and 
Spike would visit Eternal in the hopes of finding out 
if it was only the jewellery holding the boys original 
images. If they went in and dragged the six males 
from the brothel without clarifying it, they ran a 
very big risk of not only losing their images and 
having the boys stuck in the ones they were wearing at 
the time of rescue, but also killing them by ripping 
apart the link that bound the glamour to them. 

Needless to say that no body was pleased at delaying 
the rescue for more time than was necessary. The only 
other good news apart from the floor plans was the 
confirmation that the human side of the brothel had 
nothing to do with the demon side and that they only 
had to take care of the one side. 

Part Twenty

Eternal, Four weeks after Scott's arrival? 2001 

He hadn't smiled enough. Thats what Adam had told him 
before he had been told to go to his service room and 
to sit on the chair provided for him in the tiled 
bathroom. With heart beating almost out of control, 
he had climbed the stairs to the first level of the 
brothel from the basement level he was situated on. 
Trying not to get upset at the muted screams and 
grunting coming from the rooms he passed on the way to 
his, he entered the last door on the right. 

No-one else was in the room so he did as he had been 
asked and went into the small white bathroom and sat 
in the wooden school chair provided, facing the door 
way. He had sat quietly for what seemed like ages 
until he heard footsteps echoing off the floorboards. 
Adam popped his head around the doorway, smiling when 
he saw that he was obeying the request. Xander heard 
him leave the room again. only to return a few minutes 
later with a tv and video set up on a rolling trolley 
that was placed just outside the bathroom doorway and 
plugged into the sockets provided on the wall. 

He had been told to wait again while Adam disappeared 
once more out of his sight. Xander had no bad feeling 
about what was about to happen, he wondered just what 
type of video he was going to watch. He had just 
assumed that it was going to be some gay porn movies 
in an attempt to get him used to the type of sex he 
was having. Not smiling during the acts he was having 
to perform was the only rebellion left open to him, 
not smiling was so easy to do as well, he just 
couldn't bring himself to even remotely enjoy another 
males cock up him no matter how many times Randall 
kept telling him that one day he would. How the hell 
he was supposed to smile while getting fucked by both 
older men and then getting his body twisted and 
rearranged in the bondage positions he was currently 
learning was beyond him. 

Ordered to uncross his arms and let them hang by his 
sides, he had complied, only letting himself start 
worrying when his wrists were cuffed to the back of 
the chair by a still smiling Adam. Ankles given the 
same treatment and he had been officially panicked. 
He had tried to ask what was going on, only to be 
reminded that he hadn't been asked to speak and to be 
quiet. If he had known what he had been about to 
watch, he would have cheerfully smiled and laughed for 
all he was worth. 

He had stayed silent as requested while the tv and 
video were turned on. The grey fuzz of the screen was 
soon replaced by a boys face around his own age. Sound 
turned up by Adam who was leaning against the doorway, 
Xander could hear what the boy had been saying. 

That he was sorry for not smiling, that he was sorry 
for biting and kicking at the client and that it 
wouldn't happen again. Please, could he just go back 
to his room. He was sorry for ripping his clothes 
apart, that he would wear anything they wanted him to. 

Xander watched in stunned silence as the boy on the tv 
screen sobbed hysterically into the video lens. He 
saw the dark haired male get dragged along a warehouse 
interior by Adam and another man he hadn't met yet all 
the while he could hear Randall in the background 
stating that David had used up his all his chances and 
that he was going to service one last paying customer. 
Randall was sorry that it had come to this, saying 
although he had spent a lot of money on him, he just 
wasn't worth the time and effort anymore. 

Looking away from the tv had earned him an order from 
Adam to keep watching or his head would be held so 
that he would facing the screen. Not wanting that to 
happen, Xander had kept watching as the video was 
shaken around until steadying when it became obvious 
it had been placed on a tripod. Turned so that it was 
taping the boy being shoved into a kneeling position 
on what looked like a tarp on the ground in between 
two benches, he could make out Randall excusing 
himself and his staff to someone just beyond the 
camera's view. 

That was when the growling had started and he saw the 
slender demon come into direct view. He hadn't been 
too sure what type of demon it was, it just looked a 
mottled brown in a vague snake like way and pissed 
off. The snapping teeth and flicked tongue had been a 
dead give away. Xander had felt his jaw drop when he 
heard the next lot of words from the cringing boy on 
the floor. 

From what he could make out from the screaming and 
crying, this was the client that David had bitten. He 
listened in horror as the youth had begged with all 
his might for the demon to forgive him, that he would 
do anything to make it up. The repeated pleas of 
mercy and forgiveness had gone on for ages all the 
while the demon had removed his simple pants and baggy 
shirt covering his upper body, oblivious to the 
sobbing boy. Xander had chosen that moment to make 
the connection between the demon and the words 'paying 
client' and had started protesting that he wouldn't be 
screwing demons no matter what they did to him, 
yelling at Adam to turn it off. 

Ignored by the large man, he had been unable to stop 
himself watching in sick fascination as David was 
literally thrown around the tarp in some weird 
foreplay before the horned creature had just thumped 
the boy onto his back and rammed straight into him 
without any preparation at all. Watching David scream 
as his legs were bent with his knees touching the 
floor next to his ears, Xander started pulling at his 
cuffs in an effort to get up, he really didn't want to 
see this and hadn't expected it. He had thought at 
first he was going to see some hard core gang bang or 
S/M thing when David had been left on the tarp, not a 
demon porno. 

All his own pleading with Adam for him to turn it off 
had gotten him nowhere. He had told the other man 
that he would smile from now on if that was what was 
wanted only to start gagging when the creature bit off 
one of the youths fingers after finishing with David. 
More begging for it to be turned off and Adam had left 
the room for a minute, returning with a bucket and 
face washers. Xander had had such a bad feeling when 
the bucket was placed in his lap. The question of what 
it was for earned him the answer of he would soon find 
out and to keep watching. 

He had found out what the bucket was for, throwing his 
heart up as the angry creature systematically bit off 
every digit from the beyond hysterical youth. 
True to his word, Adam had held his head straight 
after numerous attempts to not look at the screen 
showing David being raped again in a pool of his own 
blood. More vomiting and a quick face clean with a 
wet face washer and he was instructed to keep his eyes 

So he had been unable to tear his gaze from the screen 
even if he had wanted to as David had his ribs broken 
when squeezed hard, saw him have chunks of hair ripped 
out from being flung around like a rag doll. Xander 
hadn't thought that such a slim fragile looking demon 
could possess the strength to just rip the ears 
straight off a screaming human but it had just looked 
so easy. 

He had stopped asking for it to be turned off, he 
couldn't talk anymore, too horrified at what was 
happening on the screen in front of him. Another face 
clean after seeing the youth forced to eat a toe on 
the promise that he would die quickly if he did. 
For over two hours he had watched David get skinned 
from knees to ankles, raped again, have his hands cut 
off and see them tossed into a corner like rubbish. 

Stomach constantly heaving even though he had thrown 
up all he could, he was just staring at the boy who 
was beyond screaming and just whimpering as he was 
rolled around on the blood and gore soaked tarp. It 
hadn't been the ripping off of the testicles and penis 
that had made him piss himself. It had been when 
finally just when it looked like David was dead, 
certainly there was no sound coming from him, the 
demon had made two little slits under the gaping holes 
where the ears used to be. With both hands gripping 
the boys bottom jaw while sitting on David's chest, he 
had twisted and tugged at the jaw until the whole 
thing had separated from the boy. 

David had jerked and screamed as best as he could with 
out a bottom jaw and tongue, blood spraying over the 
happy looking demon who ws holding the jaw tightly in 
one clawed hand like a trophy. Finally after what 
seemed like an eternity, the jerking had stopped and 
the boy had finally died. Never in his whole life had 
Xander thanked god that someone had died, he had been 
mentally praying for the boy to die quickly after he 
had the skin ripped from his lower legs. 

Xander was still sitting in the bathroom wearing his 
urine soaked clothing, he hadn't even felt himself do 
it. He knew without a doubt that he would be smiling 
every time and he would be happy to take a demons cock 
up his arse. There was no way that he wanted to die 
like Jonathan had. Randall may have called the youth 
David but Xander recognised an old school mate when he 
saw one. He also hadn't missed the silver jewellery 
Jonathan had been wearing, exactly like his own. 

He hadn't even known Jonathan was missing. He had 
never really been a friend and now he would never get 
the chance to find out if they could have been. 

Jonathan, David. 

Xander, Scott. 

There was nothing left to decide now. 

Part Twenty-one

8 May 2004 

"I can't believe, you of all people, would stoop so 
low as to take advantage of someone in Xander's 
position" steamed a Ripperish Giles' standing over 
Angel who was rubbing at the jaw that just had a fist 
connect with it, sprawled on the floor. 

The sound of clapping came from the chair seating a 
laughing blonde. Spike was absolutely loving this 
side of the usually gentle ex-librarian, if only he 
had been this much fun to live with when he had been 
first chipped. His Sire ignored for the moment, he 
turned his head to look at Woosley who was just 
sitting there glaring at the broody vampire. 

"And don't even get me started on you, you little 

Beer splurting from his nose, the blonde laughed even 
harder when both the Poofs and his bangboy's jaws 
dropped at the language coming from an irate shop 
owner as he stomped his way from corner to corner in 
Angels office. The air was literally blue with 
profanity and Spike was hoping that Giles would hit 
the brunette vampire a few more times before calming 

"Wes, Giles. Please understand, we really didn't have 
a choice. Xander would have been punished if it 
looked like he was disappointing a client." 

Angel pleaded with the two humans to use their brains 
and to think of the possible consequences if they 
hadn't put on a show for the cameras. He explained 
about the fear that had poured off the youth when they 
had tried to just talk with him. He pointed at Spike 
who was nodding at what his Sire's words. The older 
vampire told the men about the selection process, the 
layout of the introduction room and the rooms above 
Angel kept trying to make eye contact with Wesley who 
was steadfastly refusing to look at him now that he 
was done with the glaring. Having no luck, he got up 
from the floor and sat back behind his desk. 

"I don't like what you have done but I can understand 
why you did it. Lets just hope that Xander will." 
stated a calm Wesley, still refusing to look at Angel. 
He threw his bottle of beer at the blonde vampire when 
he sniggered a reply that the whelp had been all for 

"Oi! That wasn't very nice now!" 
Spike's reply was cut off as Angel wrapped his hands 
around the white neck and squeezed as hard as he could 
while shaking the slender vampire. Kicks aimed at his 
knees ignored, Angel very politely asked his Childe to 
shut up for as long as he was in the office. Blonde 
dropped on the floor with a thud, Angel turned his 
back and sat next to Wesley on the well worn couch. 

"How do we go about this then?" demanded a still irate 
Giles. He knew that if Spike made just one more 
comment about anything, even the colour of the couch, 
there would be one less vampire in the office. It 
would just be a matter of who got to him first. 
Trying not to just thump the pouting blonde anyway, 
Giles seated himself on the desk and waited for an 
idea to be tossed up. 

"I think that the only possible way of pulling this 
off will be if we pair up, Angel and I with Spike and 
Giles going together." 

Nodding at Wesley's suggestion, Angel went on to add 
that because Xander's side of the brothel only catered 
for demon clients, it might be best for the men to 
play along with being the vampires consorts. Giles 
agreed with the logic, warning Spike that he didn't 
care if he couldn't fight back, he could expect a 
thumping if he gave the shop keeper any trouble. 

Snort and two fingered salute ignored for the time 
being, as was the quiet mimicking of the various 
accents, Spike finished the rest of his beer and tried 
to decide whether it was worth the risk of being 
strangled again for another one. He listened as it 
was decided to ring Eternal and try to book Xander and 
another boy for around 8.30 that night. A suggestion 
of Patrick earned him glares all round especially when 
he pointed out that Wesley had already paid for him 

"As much as it disgusts me, I have to agree with 
Spike. Both Xander and the other boy have been 
officially altered according to you both." sighed a 
weary Giles. Now that the anger had finally flowed 
out of him, he was seeing things a little more clearly 
and had to agree with what Spike and Angel had done in 
the brothel. As much as it upset him, they had only 
done enough to ensure that Xander didn't get into 
trouble. He was pretty sure that he was going to have 
to do something as well and he didn't know how 
Whyndham -Pryce was going to take what he had to say 
next. " We really don't know if the other boys have 
been altered or not. I mean, its entirely possible 
they haven't been." 

Which brought Giles to the next subject only to curse 
when Spike beat him to it. 

"You know the boys are going to get shagged for the 
cameras don't you?" smirked the blonde, taking in the 
warning frown of his Sire and the shocked expression 
of the man sitting next to him. Only Giles had the 
grace not to look too annoyed with the younger 
watchers naievity. 

Angel groaned. He had hoped to let Wes in on that 
course of action as gently as possible. As much as he 
desired him, there were times when the other mans 
innocence stood out like a beacon and for it shine now 
was not going to be a good thing. His attempt to talk 
with Wesley was interrupted when his Childe chose that 
moment to inform the room that Angel hadn't been able 
to get it up to shag Xander. 

No-one said anything, all choosing to pretend that 
they hadn't heard a thing. Wes just gently patting at 
Angels forearm a few times before letting his hand 
rest upon the black clad limb. A loud mutter of what 
a bunch of dick heads came from a corner housing a yet 
again pouting blonde. Silence descended upon the room 
for a few minute while the men took in the thought of 
possibly having sex with the two boys. 

"You know, we don't have to have sex with them. We 
could just watch while they shagged each other" 

With that, Giles could hold back no longer and let his 
fists fly into the protesting blonde much to the 
appreciation of the other two men on the couch. 
Another solid punch and the ex-watcher stood back, 
grabbed the phone and demanded that the whining demon 
call Eternal and book Xander and Patrick unless he 
wanted his fangs removed with a blunt fork. 

"Blunt teaspoon. More digging." added an annoyed 
younger human. The three males sat quietly as Spike, 
calling himself Wesley, called the brothel and 
arranged with Clark to have the boys saved for 8.30 
that night. Angel shuddered as he listened to Spike 
laugh and explain that he wanted to give his consort a 
treat, telling the lobby jockey that his friend from 
the other night would be accompanying him with his 
consort as well. Phone hung up, the blonde snapped a 
question of if there was anything else he could 

At the growl of his Sire, he backed out of the room, 
ready to leave the men to a collective brood before 
getting ready to go to Eternal. Unable to help 
himself, he gave the men a parting gem of wisdom. 

"You know, Wankly is believable as the Poofs arse boy 
but no-one is going to belive that the Wrinkled Prune 
over there is mine" 

With that, he ran as fast as he could before a trio of 
angry males managed to make their way out of the 
office once they untangled themselves. 

Part Twenty-two

Eternal.  6 months after Scotts arrival? 2001


"Come on Scott, wakey, wakies."

Xander rolled over, groaning as he rubbed the sleep
from his eyes.  It was time to get up for another
night of providing service.  After a few minutes of
staring up at the ceiling, he threw his legs over the
side of the bed and proceeded to strip off the bed
covers and pillowcase.  All rolled into a bundle in
his arms, he padded his way across the dimly lit room
towards his still locked door and waited for either
Adam or Fletcher to open it up.

The sound of a key turning the lock in his door and
Xander presented a dark haired Fletcher with his
bundle, only turning away to get his used clothing and
towels from the day before.  Once done, he turned off
the night light that kept away the nightmares of
Jonathan, turning on the main light in the small room,
waiting for his clean linen.  Directly across the
hallway was Patrick, another boy who was around his
age.  Giving a sleepy red head a quick nod, he was
surprised to see the youth was in his natural image
that day.  Red heads were not usually in demand from
the clients.  Xander, himself rarely got more than his
eye or hair colour changed. Patrick was almost always
getting the whole hair, eyes, skin colour and height
deal done. His last service the night before must have
wanted him natural.

Shuddering, he remembered just how uncomfortable it
had been when a client had requested him to be shorter
than he actually was for the first time, his bones had
creaked and groaned throughout the whole change.  His
skin had burned before snapping itself taught across
his new bone structure.  The pain had only lasted a
few minutes but he had been thankful when Randall had
changed him back again after a few days of being
It had been just weird to find that he was clumsier
around things as his senses tried to adjust to the
height difference. 

Fresh laundry shoved at him, he remade his bed and
placed his folded towels on the shelves provided next
to his clean white pants and boxers he wore to sleep
in.  Standing in the open doorway again, he waited for
his breakfast.  He could hear his stomach growling at
the smell of the buttered toast.  Fletcher presented
him with a tray that held the toast as well as a fruit
platter, bowl of porridge, glass of pink juice and a
jug of water. Tray placed on the ground, Xander sat
cross legged in the doorway as did each boy and ate
what was provided.

Once finished, he handed the tray back to the slim
Asian man, keeping the glass and jug of water set
aside in one corner of the room.  The brunette
stripped off his boxers and placed them in the dirty
lined basket.  Water turned on, toothbrush and paste
grabbed, he had a quick rinse while brushing his
teeth.  He checked his fingernails for dirt before
hopping out and drying himself off.  Towel slung over
the divider wall, he proceeded to smother himself from
head to toe with the moisturising cream provided.

On the bed again once the cream had soaked into his
body a little, he picked up a copy of 'The Rowan' by
Anne McCaffrey and turned to the place he had left off
from the day before.  The book had been a reward from
Randall for resisting a human clients attempt to get
him to have sex with out a condom.  Apart from
Christopher, the other five boys rarely serviced
humans, usually only when Christopher was already
busy.  For almost an hour, Xander read slowly as The
Rowan explored her mental talents, only stopping the
once to use the toilet, until the light above his door
flashed twice to indicate that there was a waiting

Setting the book down, the brunette got up and grabbed
a pair of white pants, checking once again if he was
suitable before quickly putting them on.  Out the door
he went and joined the others in the hallway before
the warning buzzer could go off.  As each room echoed
with the warning buzzer, five boys trooped down the
hallway and walked down the flight of stairs that led
to the service room level.  Wooden staircase passed,
they continued down the hall and through the door at
the end of the passage way.  At the bottom of the
steps they waited for Clark to come and get them.  

The door at the bottom of the stairs opened, admitting
a perpetually suit clad man.  Clark gave them all a
once over to make sure that they were presentable. The
client hadn't requested anything special so there was
no need to make any alterations.  Just to be on the
safe side, he stopped in front of Jonathan and with a
few quiet words, he enhanced the boys natural milk
coffee colouring into a much darker brown.  Mathew and
Xander only had their constant tans renewed.  Andrew
and Patrick had their light skin left alone for the
time being.

Xander felt a sudden burn envelope his body as his
skin heated from the inside, lasting for a few
seconds.  He was pretty much used to it now.  The
first time, he had panicked, thinking that he was
experiencing a spontaneous combustion.  The only thing
he couldn't get used to was how he was sometimes aged
to clients requests once he was chosen.  A few of the
clients had wanted him aged to around 30 and Clark had
complied, Xander hadn't really felt anything as it was
taking place.  When he had dared himself to look in
the mirror, he was shocked to see a combination of his
father and uncle looking back at him.  After that he
never looked again, not even when he was changed to a
10 year old for a regular client, going through the
whole height change as well as hair colour.

He just couldn't bring himself to look.  It would be
admitting that the demon was a child molester and it
was something he tried to forget each time.  He knew
that Christopher was almost always in a child form and
was rarely requested to be older than 15.  As a
result, the blond green eyed man was a bit mental.
Xander didn't blame him either, what he was going
through each day was horrible but to be a 18 year old
male and to spend 90% of your time trapped in a little
boys body while servicing adult human males, was just
beyond words. It could always be worse, he liked to
remind himself when smiling was hard, he could be like
Christopher or die like David/Jonathan had.

Once Clark was happy with the way they looked with the
enhancements, they were led through the narrow door
and left to line up infront of the couch.  Xander
immediately clasped his hands behind his back with his
head held straight and eyes trained to the heavy rug
on the floor. It was just an automatic reaction now,
he didn't even have to think about it.  He waited
patiently as the large grey scaled demon huffed and
snorted while making up his mind.  The brunette had
serviced this particular one a few times before and
apart from its tendency to dribble on his back and
face while pounding into him, it really wasn't a bad
way to start a day.

Feeling a warm dry hand clamp down on his shoulder,
Xander knew he had just started his service.  Wide
smile gracing his face, he took the demons clawed hand
in his own and turned to face the wooden stairs while
the others disappeared back through the door they had
appeared from earlier.  He started climbing the stairs
slowly as the male followed him to the top and
continued to follow till they reached Xander's room. 
With the door opened, they both stepped through, the
brunette shutting it firmly after them.  Walking to
the bed, he stood with hands clasped behind his back
and eyes on the floor, he spoke for the first time
that night.

"Hello Sir, how would you like to do this tonight?"

Head tilted up by a large digit, he smiled as the
demon licked its cow like face with a long tongue. The
scaly demon looked rather like the mythical Minotaur
but without the horns. A small push sent him sprawling
across the bed, a hand raised in a stop signal ensured
that he stayed where he was.  Listening as the demon
clattered around the small bathroom, Xander thanked
his good luck that this was one of the few demons who
actually took the time to allow him to prepare
himself.  Usually it was either a two second rimming
or a few spit covered digits shoved up him.  Sometimes
it was nothing and he was bent over the nearest thing,
pants ripped off and just rammed straight into.

If he didn't relax himself immediately, he sometimes
had to have help from Adam or Fletcher in returning to
his room.  The only consolation being that he was
usually let off for a few hours, depending on how bad
his arse was.  The demon who inflicted the injuries,
almost always agreed to be more careful after being
threatened with being barred from Eternal if they did
it again.

A big smile at the demon as he waved a lube tube at
the brunette, Xander slid off his pants and threw them
on the floor.  On his back, he parted his legs,
drawing his knees up. He shivered briefly as the cold
lube touched his puckered entrance, the demon
smothering the gel over him. That was about all the
help with the preparation this demon could provide,
having once accidently ripped the tender flesh inside
of Andrew's anus with one of his claws.  After a few
apologies, he had promised never to do it again. 
Randall still hadn't been happy as Andrew had had to
have 2 days off while he recovered.

He had his legs held up and apart by the demon while
Xander used a few fingers to rub the gel over and
inside of him.  Once the demon was satisfied that
Xander was ready for him, the brunette was turned over
onto his front, dragged by his ankles to the edge of
the large bed and raised to his hands and knees.  The
much taller grey creature shed his black pants,
dropping them on the floor next to the blue shirt he
had been wearing.  

Xander waited for the demon to enter him.  He felt dry
hands grip each hip and willed himself to relax. A hot
head was rubbed against him a few times and then the
pushing began.  Teeth clenched together, he groaned a
little as inch by inch, the length was slowly pushed
into him. He was thankful that most demon penises were
pretty much like humans, just skin covered.  He really
didn't want to know what it would be like to have
something covered in scales up him. The brunette was
able to take most sizes after servicing for a while
now but it was still uncomfortable. Given a few
seconds to adjust while his muscles clenched around
the hot shaft, he started to moan as the slow
thrusting began.

He was still humiliated when he was able to take a
cock into him with out crying in pain but the brunette
was relieved overall to find that it wasn't always
Xander had been shocked and upset the first time he
had orgasmed during servicing a client.  The demon had
kept brushing against something inside of him and as
much as he hated that he had a penis inside of him, he
hadn't been able to deny that he had experienced some
sort of enjoyment during it.  After a few days of deep
shame and embarrassment, he had talked with Patrick
about it, only to discover that the others also had
similar experiences at times.  Patrick had advised him
to enjoy it when he could and that 99% of the clients
didn't care if he came or not.  He wasn't there for
his own enjoyment.

It was the left over 1% that either went mental or
actually hired the boys in a effort to provide the
prostitutes with pleasure.
Xander had been unable to believe that a demon would
hire a human so that they could give a human a 'happy'
as Patrick had put it.  So far he hadn't had a client
like that.

Groaning as the thrusting got harder and faster,
Xander concentrated on keeping his balance on the
shaking bed.  He mentally gagged as the first droplets
of demon spit fell against his back, ignoring the
snuffling and increased pressure of the thrusting.
From past experiences with this particular demon, he
knew that the wetter his back became, the sooner the
fuck was over.  To help the demon along, he started to
push back in time with the thrusts into him, the
saliva flowing like a small river down his back. 
Gasping when his prostrate was brushed against, he
panted as he lost his balance and was rammed into
twice more before he felt a flood of semen gush up
inside of him.

Only wincing slightly when the cock was removed, he
was given a few shoves back onto the bed and had a
hand indicate that he should stay there for the time
being.  Each time with this demon it was the same. 
First a screw on the bed with him doggy style, then a
blow job in the shower, a rimming with that long
tongue and finally a another screw with him in a
missionary position with a towel covering his face. 
He had at first wondered about the towel but with the
creatures dribbling habit, he was glad that it didn't
actually touch his face.  It was bad enough just
knowing that it was being stopped by white cloth.

Then it would be back to his room for a shower, a
drink of water, a piece of fruit or chocolate and then
wait for the next client.


The end of Scotts shift.

Xander was tired, it had been a hard night, like
nearly every night was.  After the dribble demon, he
had serviced a large blue horned thing that had gotten
him to blow it for almost half an hour before it
finally came, a screw in the spa and then the brunette
had rimmed the client.  That had been followed by a
vampire that had been pretty rough with him, making
him cry at the treatment. He had been slapped around
and thrown across the furniture, pretty usual for a
vampire but when he had had his head held under the
water in the spa, Adam and Randall had been forced
warn the vampire against such treatment.
The dark skinned vampire had sullenly agreed to tone
it down and had just gotten him to deep throat until
Xander had almost passed out from the lack of air.
The youth had been fucked dry 4 times during the two
hour session and entry had hurt like hell each time
until he had managed to relax and just take it.

He was sure that his scalp was bruised from his hair
being pulled so hard and the rug burn wasn't pleasant
either.  Clark had been forced to use the enhancement
to cover the blooming bruises that adorned his upper
body in readiness for the next client. It had just
wanted to pet and stroke at him while sitting in the
spa.  The creature had been basically humanoid in an
odd cat like way, certainly the eyes reminded him of a
cat as did the fine hair covering the entire body.  It
had chirped and mewled at him for the entire session. 
Xander had been clueless as to what it had wanted so
he had just sat in the bubbling water with a big smile
on his face.

The whole time, it had petted at his face and hair. 
Running its hands over his upper body and played with
his nipples.  He hadn't minded that, it meant that he
really hadn't had to do anything although by the time
the session had been up, he had started to wish he was
deaf.  The creature hadn't let up once with the small
noises and it had eventually gotten on his nerves. 
Every time he had reached for it's penis in an effort
to provide it with some sort of pleasure, his hands
had been knocked away and the petting had concentrated
on his head for a few minutes. So he had been good and
had sat with a smile, just letting the creature do
what ever it wanted all the time filled with fear that
he was doing something wrong.  Neither Randall or Adam
talked to him so he had been relieved to find that he
hadn't done anything wrong.

Now finally he could have some dinner and get some
sleep, he felt like a wrinkled old man and was sure
that he looked like one as well.  His stomach was
rumbling, he was so used to just snacking during the
night that his hunger only announced itself as soon as
he knew the last session was over for the night. 
Making his way down the concrete corridor to his room,
he tried to avoid staring at Christopher as he lay
howling on his bed.  Obviously a nasty night for
He was still in child form and Xander wondered if he
should try to calm him down before Adam came to sedate

The six males weren't encouraged to talk to each other
but Randall didn't mind too much. As long as it didn't
interfere with servicing and they didn't argue, he was
happy to let them talk to each other.  Fletcher
usually just ignored them all and did his job of
cleaning the rooms and providing them with their meals
and fresh laundry, Adam however was a different story.
 If he caught them talking with each other with less
width than the corridor between them, he confiscated
their books for a week and locked the offenders in
their rooms between each session so that there was no
chance to talk.  Xander had had his taken a few times
and after the periods of pure boredom that ensued, he
made sure to stay in his doorway when talking to any
of the other boys.

It was an unspoken rule not to talk about what their
lives had been like before ending up at Eternal.  Not
only did it make them all upset, it sent Christopher
off on a screaming fit until Adam was able to sedate
him.  The conversations were usually about what book
someone was currently reading or what documentaries
they had watched in the tv/library room during their 3
days off.  Xander had never read so much in his life,
he was sure that he was reading more than he had while
helping research back in Sunnydale, he was liking it
as well.  So far science fiction was his favourite.

His room reached, he sat down on the floor inbetween
the door frame and waited with the others for their
dinner to arrive while trying to ignore the howls
echoing from the first door on the left.  While
waiting, the usual discussion erupted into life. The
five youths each described their weirdo of the night,
with Xander throwing in his last client as a
Andrews description of a cross eyed vampire
masturbating while the youth had read a book that the
vampire had provided, hadn't been weird until he had
pointed out that it had been written in German.

The resulting laughter had died off when Adam had
stormed through the door at the end of the hallway and
straight into Christopher's room.  After a few
minutes, the howling had quietened and after telling
them all to shut up for the night, he had held the
door open for Fletcher before going through.  A wave
of growling was heard through the corridor as
everybody's stomach snarled at the waft of food.

Xander was ravenous, he didn't care what was on the
tray, he just wanted something.  The food he was now
receiving each night was fantastic, he had been
started off on soup and then the more clients he had
serviced, the better his food had become.  Eagerly
grasping for the tray held out to him, he was pleased
to see a glass of coke and downed that before he
touched anything else.  They didn't get fizzy drinks
often, it was mostly fruit juices and smoothies.  

Taking the plastic wrap off his plate, he attacked the
chicken with the plastic knife and fork provided.  It
was moist, having been baked with some sort of tomato
and bacon mixture topping it off.  Alternately eating
the chicken and the carrot's, potato, pumpkin and
mushrooms surrounding it, Xander finished every last
scrap of his meal.  He sipped slowly at the glass of
water provided while the others finished their meals.

Handing back the empty glasses and plate stacked on
the tray along with the cutlery, he reached up again
for his dessert, two apples and an orange.  The next
two hours were classed as free time.  They were
allowed to read, get a book from the library under
Adam or Randall's supervision or just sit in their
doorways and talk until it was time for lock up. 
Tonight, Xander opted for reading the last few
chapters of his book and lay on his bed until the
light above his doorway flashed twice.  Usually used
to indicate a waiting client, after dinner it told the
six boys that they had ten minutes to finish up what
they were doing.  

Xander put the book down, not quite finished yet, he
got up and crossed the room.  He switched his little
night light on.  The brunette was too afraid to sleep
in the dark now, he knew that Christopher and Mathew
also used one but it didn't make it any less
embarrassing.  Getting changed into his boxers, he
heard the warning buzzer indicate that they had five
minutes until lights off.  Although they all had
switches for the room lights next to their doors, they
were unable to be turned on again until they were
woken by Fletcher banging on their doors.  Xander
heard the doors being locked one by one until his was
reached and locked as well until the sun went down.

The youth climbed back into bed and rearranged the
pillow into a better shape. Blankets pulled around his
body, he waited for the room to illuminated by only a
soft golden glow of the night light.  As the light
snapped off, he mouthed the words to the prayer he
still recited each night.  He was still sure that
Buffy and everyone would find him but he was uncertain
as to when.  

Part Twenty-three

8 May 2004 

Eternal, 8.30 pm 

"But I don't like redheads!" whined a pouting Wesley, 
with one hand raised, playing with the brunette 
vampires ear. Sitting on Angel's lap, he stunned the 
others with his portrayal of a spoilt consort. Spike 
at first stared then began to snicker at his Sires 
attempts to stop laughing himself, turning the 
starting smile into a muttered 'spoiled brat'. 

The younger vampire had almost had a fit when the 
older human had appeared in the lobby of the Hyperion 
decked out in full tweed armour right down to the 
pocket watch on a chain. Angel was dressed in his 
rarely used leather pants and blood red shirt while a 
nervous virgin had been attired in full disco slut 
wear, black leather pants, motorbike boots and a tight 
silver mesh top that left nothing to the imagination. 
Wesley had even broken out the contact lenses for the 

Spike had just dressed as he normally did, tight black 
jeans, red shirt over a black t-shirt, boots and 
duster. After much complaining on his behalf, he had 
grudgingly admitted that the contrast between himself 
and Giles was appropriate. Young punk with the older 
conservative. Even Angel and Wesley looked good 
together, a tall and dark brooding man with his 
flighty bright plaything. 

Once Graham had arrived from Sunnydale especially with 
Giles' requested clothing, Buffy and the rest of the 
girls had gone shopping for more food and to get 
Wesley his slut wear. It had been the women who had 
come up with the idea of complete opposites for them 
all to play. Wesley however, had drawn the line 
regarding an ear piercing, stating that it just wasn't 
him. Spike had laughed, knowing from the 
disappointment rolling off his Sire, that the younger 
man would end up getting one anyway if Angel had 
anything to say about it. 

Gunn, Riley and Doyle had spent the rest of the 
afternoon filling in the ex-army man, thinking that 
while he was in L.A., he might as well help. Once 
filled in, Graham had agreed, sickened at the thought 
of anyone being forced against their will. Until it 
had been time to get ready, there really hadn't been 
much to do. Anya, Willow and Tara had made up six 
rooms for the boys to stay in while they figured out 
what to to do with them. Joyce and Cordelia had kept 
pretty much to the kitchen in an effort to make dinner 
for them all, entertaining Iesha and Gonturan while 
their parents had a break from them. 

Wesley and Giles had spent the rest of the afternoon 
memorising glamour detection spells for both people 
and buildings. Once the words were recited, any 
person in a room with a hint of glamour would shine 
brightly for a few seconds as would the holding object 
for the original images. The two men also memorised a 
spell that would light up anything remotely touched by 
magic, making the said object bright red for a second 
or two, not just to pick up glamour but even little 
things like a stain removal or a cloaking spell. 

Buffy had been short on temper and full of energy 
until Giles had pleaded with her to just do something, 
leading to a sparring session with Angel while Spike 
shouted insults of how fat and slow they were at them 
both. 7.30 had come and the four men had stopped what 
they were doing and had gone to their rooms to get 
ready, although the blonde vampire had just grabbed a 
beer and waited for the others to come back down 
stairs. Once the three men had finished dressing and 
had joined the others back down in the lobby, they had 
gone through the floor plan of the brothel a last 

Angel's eyes had almost shot out of his head when he 
had seen a shy demure Wesley replaced with a pouting, 
spoilt brat, come prowling down the stairs, only to 
lose the look when he had blushed at the round of wolf 
whistles that had been directed at him. He had hardly 
been able to look at the blue prints, not wanting to 
tear his eyes off the younger human and had certainly 
taken no notice of his Childes objections to being 
paired with Old Stuffy. 

Admist the calls of good luck and be carefuls, they 
had set off in Angel's car to Eternal, parking a few 
streets away. They had used the alley entrance for 
the first time, wanting to check it out before they 
rescued the six males. The door had been set in the 
wall about halfway down the short alley, a man hole 
just in front of it. One plan was to gather the 
prostitutes and take them back to the hotel via the 
sewers, hopefully avoiding anything that was sent out 
after them. 

The corridor leading from the alley entrance to the 
sitting room inside of Eternal had only showed some 
sort of barrier placed at either end, the whole 
corridor had been flooded with bright light shining 
from the red walls that had appeared in front of the 
two doors when Wesley had mouthed the required words. 
All four males hoped that there hadn't been a camera 
to catch the abrupt flare of red. After the red had 
died down, they had trooped through the wooden door at 
the far end of the corridor, pushing aside the curtain 
that was used to cover the doorway. As each of the 
men had passed through, a buzzer had sounded through 
out the sitting room. 

Clark had coming towards them from through the solid 
french doors on the other side of the gold and cream 
room, wringing his hands and smiling at the four men. 
Angel had sat down straight away, pulling Wesley down 
onto his lap in an attempt to stop himself lashing out 
at the greasy man. The younger ex-watcher had 
snuggled into the brunettes arms, stroking at Angels 
human face and glancing around the comfy room. Giles 
had planted himself firmly behind a shorter blond 
vampire, making sure that Clark would notice him 
rubbing against Spike, not even changing his 
expression when the blond had pushed himself back into 
the older humans crotch. 

After asking if they had any preference for the night, 
the simpering man had gone to get Patrick and Scott as 
requested after the answer had been no, that they 
wanted the boys natural for the session. Wesley had 
continued to pat and stroke at Angel, who was nipping 
at his silver tipped fingers, for a few minutes after 
Clark had left the room. Spike had left off grinding 
his backside into the shop owner and sat down next to 
his Sire on the couch. Both vampires had heard a low 
muttering from Giles and they hoped that the spell 
would work. 

Just before leaving, Willow and Tara had raced up to 
them, all excited by a spell they had found. One of 
the books that had been copied by Spike during his 
punishment had featured spells and incantations for 
the modern day. Amongst them had been a spell that 
disrupted all electricity for brief periods. The 
spell didn't state how long or how wide the area would 
be that was disrupted, but they had been sure that it 
would be useful for the cameras. 

Once Giles had finished the incantation, the men had 
shrugged their shoulders as the lights remained on 
until suddenly they had just flicked straight off as 
Wesley had made a move to get up from Angels lap. 
With the brunette vampires arms holding him still, 
both Wesley and the other older human had recited the 
magic sensing spell, watching as the french doors lit 
the room in a bright red. Apart from the glow coming 
from underneath the russet curtain hiding the door to 
the corridor, nothing else was seen to be glowing red. 

The men had made sure that it was the only glowing 
object before the light could wane, only seconds 
after it had started, the room had been plunged back 
into total darkness. Wesley had taken the opportunity 
to finally kiss the vampire, slowly sucking the 
brunettes tongue before pulling away and sitting 
quietly in the cool lap, waiting for the lights to 
flick on again. Spike and Giles had stayed where they 
were, only to suddenly rub their eyes as the light 
shone brightly again. The whole time between the 
light going out until it had shone again was only 
around three minutes, very little time indeed. 

An apologising Clark had appeared from out of the 
doorway in one corner of the room, behind him had 
trailed a brunette and a red head. The blonde vampire 
had gotten up from the couch and had stood beside the 
ex-watcher that was pretending to be his consort, 
Spike had smelt the tension and anger on the serious 
male and had known that this would not be a good time 
for it to explode. With one hand on the older humans 
upper arm, he had made a show of running his other 
hand over the tweed clad chest, back facing Clark and 
the two boys. At one glance, he had seen that the 
other man was almost as white as he was. 

Wesley had seen the look on Giles face and had 
delivered his line as an attempt to pull Clark's 
attention away from the blond and the tweed clad 
consort. Sitting on Angels lap, he could feel the 
vampire beneath him trying not to laugh as the silver 
clad man went on and on about Patrick's hair colour. 
It really wasn't a funny situation but Angel just 
couldn't help himself, they still had no idea of how 
they were going to get the six boys out of there. 

Taking his eyes off the man wriggling in his lap for a 
moment, he looked properly at the two prostitutes that 
were standing quietly with eyes down and hands behind 
their backs. Something was wrong, Xander still didn't 
look old enough, he would have to ask the boy why 
later on in the room. One hand placed over Wesley's 
complaing mouth, Angel snarled a demand for Patrick to 
be made a dark blond. Clark nodding and once again 
apologising for the blaming the temporary blackout on 
a power surge in that room only, had complied, 
allowing the four men to see how the glamour worked 
first hand. 

The small suit clad man just laid one hand on the 
taller boys red hair and muttered a few words, the 
hair underneath his hand shimmered and slowly grew 
twisted into individual locks of curly dark blonde 
hair. Spike threw the mastercard at Clark, snapping 
that he should hurry up. Telling Scott and Patrick to 
start, the simpering man left via the french doors to 
charge Wesley's card again. Shy smiles graced the 
boys faces as they finally looked at who had rented 
them for the next two hours. 

The blond vampire felt his hand being grasped and 
turned to see Scott smiling at him. Not glancing at 
Giles, he gently tugged at Spike in an effort to get 
him upstairs. With a sigh, the blond grabbed the 
larger hand of the ex-librarian and pulled him along 
up the stairs and down to Scott's room only to be 
suprised when Patrick led Angel and Wesley into the 
same room. 

Door shut behind them all, Scott and Patrick went to 
stand beside the bed, eyes down and hands behind the 
back again. 

Giles snapped out of his stupor as Spike shoved him 
down on the couch in front of an empty fireplace. He 
just couldn't believe it, even after the two vampires 
had confirmed it, he hadn't been able to grasp that it 
was real. Even now a big part of him was hoping that 
it was all an illusion. Head held between his hands, 
he sat for the moment while trying to gather his 
courage as he felt all the anger flood out of him only 
to be replaced with sorrow. He had thought that 
Wesley was going to be a problem not himself. 

Wesley continued to cling to Angel, mainly because he 
wanted to and just a little for the cameras. He was 
worried at how the older human was doing, he hadn't 
been able to miss the look of anguish that had passed 
over his face as he had stepped into the room. The 
younger ex-watcher had been barely able to suppress a 
shudder himself when the two youths had been led out. 
The only good things so far had been the kiss, now 
knowing that the electrical disruption was limited to 
the room the spell caster was in and being able to see 
how the glamour was performed. So far it looked like 
just external colouring. 

Spike snorted at the whole room and everybody in it, 
he traded a look at his Sire as the two boys asked if 
they had a preference of how it was going to go that 
night. This time Angel took the iniative and ordered 
the boys to start the spa and to wait there until it 
got hot enough, Spike adding for them to put on a show 
while they waited. Scott and Patrick held hands as 
they walked over to the waiting tub that filled one 
corner of the room. Scott quickly set the thing 
firing, running the water until it filled the large 
tub. It would hold four people comfortably but six 
people would be out of the question. He joined the 
now blond Patrick, sitting on the edge of the spa, 
running their hands over each other. 

Angel's cock hardened as he watched the two boys 
lightly paw at each other, thinking that maybe Spikes 
idea of getting them to put on a show wasn't entirely 
a bad idea. He didn't think that Giles would be able 
to cope, the older human was still sitting on the 
couch. Sniffing the air, he turned his attention to 
his Childe, smelling the arousal as the blond absently 
tugged at the front of his black jeans while watching 
the show. God, Spike was nothing but a constant 
erection at times. With Wesley almost inside of him, 
he was that close, he guided the other two men towards 
the couch and Giles. 

Wesley was getting horny. He knew that he shouldn't 
be but he couldn't help it, the show of light petting 
and barely brushed kissing from the two sitting on the 
spa edge was getting to him. The younger human could 
tell that Spike was already just about to pull himself 
out and start wanking, the vampire wouldn't care who 
watched. Standing as Angel seated himself on the 
couch next to a distressed older man who was refusing 
to look towards the spa, he settled himself on Angels 
broad lap while Spike sat on the arm of the couch just 
looking at the show. 

Quietly, Angel asked if the older ex-watcher was 
alright, hissing when he got a shaken head. Shit, 
this hadn't been expected. For Wesley to stuff up, 
yes, but not for Giles to have gone weak on them. 
Getting his Childes attention was hard, he was already 
stroking himself. It was only after Wesley leant over 
and kissed the bleached vampire, lightly biting 
through the duster, did he look back at his growling 
Sire and lapful of rogue demon hunter. With a gesture 
at the lightly sobbing Giles, he indicated for the 
blond to do something, Angel was at a loss as what to 
do. Spike leered at the playful human before hissing 
himself when he saw the older man caught in a 

"For fucks sake, pull yourself together you wanker" 
snarled the irritated blond vampire. "Your not helping 
anyone,least of all Xander" 

The whole room was shocked into stillness as the tweed 
clad man leapt to his feet declaring that Spike no 
longer loved him. Tears running down his face, the 
older human stomped off into the wood panelled 
bathroom, slamming the door after him. The blond and 
brunette vampires looked at each other before Wesley 
got up from Angels lap and crossed over to the closed 
door, tapping at it. With no answer coming from the 
bathroom, he slowly opened the door and walked in. 

Spike glanced over at the motionless boys by the spa, 
snarling at them to continue. Patrick resumed licking 
Scott's nipples, he had serviced mixed couples before 
but never had he experienced a lovers tiff. Scott 
closed his eyes again, not wanting to look over at the 
couch as he played with Patrick's penis through the 
white pants. 
The brunette vampire looked back at the bathroom for a 
moment before tugging at his own tenting pants, 
eliciting a snort from the bleached blond who was 
pumping slowly at his hard length already. 

Wesley and Giles came back out of the bathroom as 
Angel undid his own pants. The younger watcher eyed 
him sternly before declaring that it was his job as a 
consort to be doing that type of thing. Straddling 
the cool thighs, the black and silver clad male leant 
against the broad chest and whispered that Giles would 
be fine as long as he didn't have to touch Xander, 
apparently the boy had thought of the older man as a 
father figure and Giles had likened any touching to be 
as bad as incest. With a grimace, the brunette 
Spike had heard what the younger human had said and 
pulling the tweed clad male around so that his back 
was towards the spa, he loudly stated that he loved 
the older human and that tonight was just a bit of 

"You always wanted to have two blonds in your bed, 
didn't you?" leered the younger vampire as the 
ex-watcher slowly nodded. Giles was relieved that the 
bleached blond wasn't going to make a fuss, he was 
upset enough by the fact that he had been momentarily 
so weak. Looking down, he groaned as the vampire 
continued to masturbate while smirking up at the older 
human. Hand rubbed across his eyes, Giles started to 
undress much to everyones surprise including the 
bleached blond. Wesley, getting the hint, ground 
himself down into a game faced Angel before standing 
and slowly unbuttoning his silver mesh top much to the 
appreciation of Angel. 

Clothes thrown on the floor, Giles stood naked in 
front of Spike. With a barely heard statement of 
'this is all you get', the ex-watcher kneeled down in 
front of a staring vampire and grasped at the thick 
white shaft waving of him. A small squeaked 'ok' and 
the blond stared at the two boys licking and rubbing 
at each other while his cock was slowly pumped by a 
warm hand. 

Wesley ripped his attention away from his former 
mentor giving a chipped vampire a hand job when he 
heard the brunette in front of him growl because he 
had stopped stripping. Giles and Spike, it was 
something that he had never thought to see but he had 
to admit that it was pretty good, but the continuing 
show at the spa was even better. Resuming his clothes 
removal as the groaning from the edge of the couch got 
louder, he let his top fall to the floor. With a move 
that saw him standing in between the vampires wide 
spread legs, he lifted a boot clad foot up to the 
older brunette. Angel almost ripped the boot off, 
doing the same to the other one to the amusement of 
the younger human. Leather pants snapped, the lean 
man stepped out of them, displaying his lack of 
underwear to the amazed viewer. 

Giles had no intention of giving the bleached blond a 
blow job no matter how much he was whining for it in 
between the groans and little pants. He had only ever 
been with one man and that had been Ethan, he really 
didn't want to sully the memories. Hand jerking 
faster and harder, he aimed the penis away from him at 
Spikes quick nod. Nose wrinkled in disgust as the 
thick liquid barely missed him, he was surprised when 
the vampire swooped down and kissed him hard and hot. 
Managing to break free for some air, he just about 
punched the smirking blonde when Spike commented that 
Giles would make a great consort one day. Still on 
his knees, he looked around an undressing blond to see 
Wesley on his knees giving a stunned Angel a blow job. 

"Ooohh, turn you on does it?" teased Spike, as he ran 
his fingers along the older humans hairy chest. 
Fingers slapped away, he got up from the couch and 
walked over to the spa. Ignoring the boys for the 
moment, he stuck his hand in the heating water, 
noticing that it was almost ready. Attention turned 
back to the snogging whores, he sniffed at them, 
shocked that they were both a little aroused. Scott 
had his hand down Patrick's pants and was lightly 
stroking the semi hard shaft as the dark blond was 
pinching and nipping at Scott's nipples. 

All three heads turned towards the couch as Angel 
roared his orgasm, Wesley sitting back and wiping at 
his mouth. Wesley knew that he had just shocked the 
socks off his employer, he may be a virgin but he 
still had plenty of practice at other things. Angel 
just sat there, recovering from one of his best 
fantasies come true and stunned that it had actually 
been so good. He let Wesley unbutton his shirt and 
toss it to the floor, not worried about how wrinkled 
it would be when putting it on later. He felt his 
boots taken off, his socks following. Standing at 
Wesley's urging, his pants soon puddled on the floor. 

Giles had been unable to stop himself masturbating at 
the sight, he had often wondered if the other watcher 
had been as inexperienced as he made out. Virgin of 
course but quite obviously not as clumsy at some 
things. Coming a few seconds after Angels loud 
bellow, he felt himself relax, most of the tension 
flowing out of his body. With a quick glance at the 
blond by the spa, he deliberately grabbed the red 
shirt from the floor and cleaned his chest off, daring 
the blond to argue. He was still upset over Xander 
but he was feeling that he could now at least start to 
deal with the situation. He had put on a show for the 
cameras, played his bit at being a consort to the 
younger vampire, now he hopefully didn't have to do 
anything else. 

"Excuse me Sirs, the water is ready now" 

With that, the spa jets kicked into life, filling the 
room with the sound of bubbling water. Spike hopped 
straight into the water, patting at his lap in an 
indication for Scott to come and join him. With an 
order for Patrick to wait by the side of the spa, he 
leered as Scott undressed and straddled his warming 

Scott was almost beside himself, only the years of 
practice kept the wide smile on his face. He had been 
sure that he would be forgotten about. His nightly 
prayers were just a routine now, he really didn't 
believe the words he spoke. Leaning into the cool 
chest he asked if the vampire was real. 

"Real again Whelp" smirked the blond as the the warm 
hands rubbed his nipples. "One thing, I don't want you 
to touch the old man, alright?" Seeing Scott nod and 
reply 'yes sir', he stroked the boys back as he smelt 
the fear coursing through the boys whole being, again 
it wasn't directed at him. The boy was begining to 
remind him a bit of Dru, damaged goods. He very much 
doubted that Harris and the other boys would ever be 
right in the head again. 

Surprised to see Wesley step into the water with out 
his Sire, Spike took in the lean but muscular body 
that the ex-watcher had. It was rather like his own 
but the other man was taller and had a light tan. 
Quietly muttering that Giles didn't want to be near 
Xander naked, he almost leapt out of the water as a 
cool foot embedded itself in his groin once he sat. 
With a glare at the younger vampire, he took his first 
real close up look at the missing Scooby member. 

"Hello Scott, how are you?" he asked quietly, 
remembering that the camera would be able to see his 
questions. "Would you like to sit on my knee?" 

Wesley patted encouragingly at his lap as Scott/Xander 
nodded shyly, moving off the vampire after giving the 
blond a peck on the cheek. The ex-watcher reminded 
himself to be calm when he was kissed by the lad, he 
was only doing his job. Shifting so that the boy 
could straddle him easier, he pulled the brunette in 
close to his chest. He accepted the small kisses that 
Scott dotted over his face, taking the opportunity to 
look at the silver jewellery that the boys wore. 
Unable to find a clasp, he noticed that the brunette 
was getting a bit fidgety at him fingering the silver 
necklace and bracelet, indicating that the boy was 
nervous. It was confirmed when Spike growled at him, 
frowning slightly until he stopped touching the 

A low growling at the couch told him that the other 
two had found the same problem. For once in his 
life, he was thankful that Spike was able to pick up 
on emotions. The smile on Scott's face hadn't let up 
once, the chocolate eyes were making him feel guilty 
for not believing Spike first off. Wesley was sure 
that the jewellery was what the original image was 
being stored in. Gently whispering in Scott's ear for 
him not to panic, he coughed twice to let Giles know 
that he was ready. A minute later, he heard an 
answering sneeze and waited for the lights to go out. 

A few minutes later, the room was plunged into 
darkness only to have the two boys glow white, their 
jewellery almost blinding them all as both the 
ex-watchers recited the glamour finding spell. 
Everyone ground the heels of their palms into their 
eyes in an effort to stem the pain from the bright 
light before it died off completely leaving the room 
dark again. 

Spike could smell the emotion coming off Scott blast 
into more fear than even he had created on a person. 
Without thinking he grabbed at the boy, dragging him 
off the other mans lap, clutching him tightly to his 
chest. He had no idea of what was causing the roiling 
tidal wave of fear from the boy but the stench of the 
emotion was strong. The boy was shivering in his 
grasp, clinging tightly around the vampires neck. He 
was glad that he didn't breath anymore 

As suddenly as they turned off, the lights switched 
back on revealing an outraged ex-watcher staring at a 
vampire that was being almost throttled by Scott. 
Giles and Angel looked at each other, Angel could 
smell the fear from across the room. Patrick was 
startled by the turn of events but kept smiling even 
though he radiated puzzlement. With a jerk of his 
head, Angel indicated for the blond to let go of the 
distressed youth. Spike untangled the boys arms from 
around his neck, looking at the fear that radiated out 
from the chocolate eyes. 

With a look back at his Sire, the blond gathered the 
boy in his arms and hefted him out of the water, 
splashing an objecting Wesley in the process. Not 
worrying about the water, he made his way to the 
bathroom. The boy was still scared, he looked almost 
ready to go into a coma. Shower door opened, he stood 
the shivering Scott inside and swiftly turned on the 
cold water. After a few seconds, the brunette started 
to jump around the shower trying to get away from the 
cold water, all fear dissipating as his mind 
concentrated on getting away from the icy flow. 

Wesley smiled at Angel, who had come to join him after 
Spike had left with Scott. Giles was getting Patrick 
to massage his shoulders, Patrick was a bit confused 
by what had just happened but didn't mind providing 
the rubbing motions to the older man sitting on the 
floor between his legs. He wondered about Scott and 
the bleached vampire and what was going on in the 
bathroom but finally decided that as long as it didn't 
include him, then he didn't care. 

Angel asked Wesley where he had learnt to blow so 
well, smiling when he was refused an answer. 
Surprising the younger male, he lifted the other man 
out of the water and onto the edge of the spa, 
kneeling in front of him. Wesley's stomach twisted, 
he was really looking forward to what was about to 
With his cock enveloped in a large cool grasp, the 
human moaned as a tongue flicked out of the smiling 
mouth and ran along the weeping slit. Angel engulfed 
the head, wiggling his tongue underneath the sensitive 
shaft as he slowly took the whole length into his 
mouth. With an ear listening to the small cries and 
moans, he made swallowing motions with his throat, 
relishing the hands dug deep into his hair. Faster, he 
slid the rod in and out of his mouth, hands pressing 
Wesley's thighs so that he couldn't thrust up. Angel 
kept making a deep throat plunge every now and again, 
finally leaving the cock buried deep down his throat, 
purring around the shaft as Wesley panted and twisted 
his hair. Letting go of one thigh, he suddenly 
squeezed the sac holding Wesley's testicles as he 
smelt the build up of cum, swallowing the hot essence 
that poured down his throat. 

"Aaahhh!! Jesus Christ, Buddha and The PTB!" 

Rang out in the large room, startling everyone once 
more that night. From the bathroom, Spike started 
laughing only for it turn into a moan as his cock 
drove straight into a waiting Scott. With the water 
now at a comfortable warm temperature, he gave the boy 
a chance to get used to his shaft, wryly noting that 
he really didn't have to. To put it nicely, the boy 
was saggy. Nothing short of surgery was going to fix 
this one, and that probably went for all of the other 
boys as well. A few stitches to tighten him up and no 
fucking for a few months and the boy would be right as 
rain physically, mentally however was looking more and 
more doubtful. Thrusts increasing, he tightened his 
grip on Scott's hips as the youth thrusted back at 

Spike had always wondered if the boy was as great a 
shag as the ex-demon had made out and he decided that 
he probably would have been before being so well used. 
Speeding up the ramming, the blond licked and nibbled 
at the sweet tasting skin on the boys neck wishing he 
could bite a the throbbing vein so close to the 
surface. The pounding was almost brutal, if he had 
known that the whelp would have been able to take this 
kind of thrusting, he would have cheerfully provided 
it in their earlier screw. Scott was moaning, he 
concentrated on trying to thrust back into the 
vampire, he just wanted it over with. Pulling out all 
the stops, he forced himself to clench around the 
shaft inside of him. It wasn't easy anymore, he knew 
that Randall was going to sew him up one day in the 
near future, Mathew, Andrew and Christopher had 
already gone through it after it was discovered that 
the enhancement didn't tighten for very long, no 
matter how many times it was applied. A visiting 
doctor had advised Randall to get it done for 
Christopher, after complaining that the boy was loose. 
Embarrassed to have a complaint against one of his 
staff, he made arrangements for all the boys to be 
done three months apart from each other. The last to 
arrive, Scott and the others were still waiting his 

The doctor had just operated on the other boys while 
they were in their rooms in exchange for free time 
with Christopher. Mathew and Andrew had said that it 
had hurt a lot at first but after having two weeks 
off, only providing non penetration stimulation, they 
had found themselves almost virgin tight again. It 
was something that Scott really wasn't looking forward 

Spike moaned as he felt his cock being gripped by a 
ring of muscles, telling Scott to keep doing it as he 
found himself ready to cum. A few more solid thrusts 
into the warm body and the blond slowly pumped in and 
out as he emptied himself into Scott, howling into the 
boys shoulder. Cock pulled out, he turned the boy 
around, gently shoving him against the shower wall as 
he took Scott's penis in his cool hand. Telling the 
boy to close his eyes, Spike used one hand to pump the 
hardening cock as he played with the lightly haired 
testicles. Gently tugging at the sac, he increased the 
pressure around Scott's shaft as the boys breathing 
turned into panting. The blond vampire was taking in a 
face that hadn't changed since the day he had gone 
missing, it wasn't right. So intent on looking at the 
brunettes face, he didn't notice that the boys hands 
were holding his still. 

"Please don't" 

Stunned, the blond at first didn't think that he had 
heard right but the tired ancient look staring back at 
him made him stop fully. Hands dropped to his sides, 
Scott made a hesitant move forward, cringing in his 
effort. The vampire wondered what was going to happen 
next until he got the shock of his unlife. 

"Can..can you just hold me?" 

A step forward, the blond wrapped his arms around the 
silent brunette. He could feel the heart racing a 
mile a minute, slowly he ran his cool hands up and 
down the warm back until he could detect the heart 
rate starting to go down. There was no fear directed 
at anything, just an overwhelming sadness and the 
scent of pure despair. The boy was standing with his 
arms held stiffly by his sides, he wanted to be held 
but he didn't know how to receive it anymore. 

"Put your arms around me, go on Pet" encouraged the 
vampire, he had no idea why he was doing this but for 
a brief moment he had a flash of Dru and he remembered 
how much she had ached for a cuddle some days and how 
he had loved to provide them for her. He smiled 
bitterly as he thought about where his black princess 
was these days. Even though he was standing with a 
Scooby member in his arms, he just couldn't bring 
himself to push the brunette away, it would be like 
draining an already dead human. No sport at all. 

Scott slowly put his arms around the cool body, not 
quite touching the vampire. At more whispered words, 
he finally closed his grasp around the slender frame, 
allowing himself to briefly enjoy a non sexual touch. 
At the question of 'why', he answered softly, telling 
the blond that he wanted to feel home for a moment. 

The younger vampire was speechless, he suddenly 
realized that Xanders memories of Sunnydale meant that 
everybody and everything had been lumped into one 
category called home and that apparently included him. 
Gently rocking the quiet male, he promised that he 
would be home soon and not to worry. All noises from 
the main room were ignored by both the males, Spike 
even ignored the scent of both Angels and Wesleys cum 
to just stand under the hot water with the brunette. 

"Please don't leave me, take me with you" softly 
pleaded Scott, relaxing enough to rest his head on the 
vampires shoulder. "Take us all with you, 
Christophers not well" 

Shushing noises made, the blond was aghast to find 
himself promising to return for them all tomorrow 
night. He couldn't believe that he had just said that 
but looking into the deep chocolate eyes, he found 
that he had an odd little hurt, just like when he 
promised Dru something that would later turn out to be 
not possible. He knew right then that this Scooby 
would never recover from having been enslaved in the 
brothel, the absolute agony peering at him was just 
too much ever to get repaired in full. He grasped at 
the boy in a strong hug, until the boy relaxed his 
whole body and continued to hold him till his Sire 
told them that time was up. 

Letting go of the brunette, Spike stepped back and was 
annoyed by the re emergence of the wide smile. Head 
shaken, he thought that he had finally gone soft like 
his Sire but he admitted to himself that he was upset 
at seeing the once chirpy and wise cracking boy be so 
unnaturally submissive and quiet. It just wasn't 
right, it wasn't Xander and would probably never would 
be again. Leaving the boy where he was, he stomped 
out of the bathroom to find that everyone else was 
dressed and waiting for him. Throwing on his clothes, 
he ignored the cum stain on his red shirt, pulling his 
duster around him so that it was hidden. 

A final glance around the room, they waited for Xander 
to come out of the bathroom and to get dressed again. 
Once done, the brunette and dark blonde led the way 
out of the door, walking past the wooden staircase and 
disappearing through the blending door. 

Part Twenty-four

Eternal, March 2002 

He couldn't believe it. All that time and money 
invested and look, it's all gone! Randall was 
reviewing his finances after the latest disaster. 
Eternal was going just fine on both sides but it was 
one of his little ventures that had let him down this 

The video place where he got rid of the 'normal' 
stock, had been raided by the police. They had 
swooped down onto the concrete building late one night 
last week during a taping. All four boys that had 
been held in the cells were gone and so was his money. 
Now he couldn't afford to get rid of Christopher. 

Randall groaned as he looked at the first page of the 
newspaper. It was screaming about the 'Death Porn 
Videos' and how disturbing they were. He had known 
what the boys ended up as but he didn't care as long 
as he got his money. Walter was nowhere to be seen, 
obviously skipping the country with the money from the 
sale of the boys. The older man didn't think that his 
once trusted employee would have tipped them off but 
he already had feelers out for the man. 

He would have to pass up on any auctions for a while 
until he regained his finances. It wouldn't have been 
so bad but he had just paid for the demon service 
bathrooms to be wood panelled to match the main 
bedrooms and now the cost of tracking Walter down. 
Besides, there was nowhere for him to train another 
Hellmouth boy now that the old mental hospital was 
going to be demolished. He really didn't have the time 
and money to put in the effort to look for another 
place. Six boys was actually a good number to stop 

It looked like he was stuck with Christopher for a bit 
longer. As much as he liked the boy, he was 
disturbing the other whores too much with his constant 
screaming fits. The boy knew better than to pull one 
during service hours but as soon as he got back into 
his room, the corridor was filled with moaning and 
screaming. He was no longer responding to Randall's 
attempts to calm him down, eventually Adam would have 
to start sedating him as soon as he was clocked off 
each night. 

It was a shame to see the boy so off the planet. When 
he had first started working for Randall, he had been 
such a nice lad, always so eager to get on with his 
work. That was almost 15 years now, and four of those 
at Eternal. Yes, he had made the boy a prisoner in 
the brothel but this was business and you couldn't 
afford to be soft. Really not even a boy anymore, if 
he had aged naturally, he would be around 33 years 
old. If the boy was thinking right, he would have 
considered himself lucky that he was only working with 
the multitude of men that hired him. Yes, nearly all 
of the clients were into little boys but it wasn't as 
if he really was one. 

Pushing the thought of maybe that was why he got so 
upset straight out of his mind, the brothel keeper 
glanced around the small control room. It was filled 
with images of the six boys servicing their clients. 
Settling his gaze on one that showed Andrew pounding 
into Scott while a group of demons looked on, he 
frowned when he thought of just how little the 
brunette had retained of his lovely spirit. 

The boy was polite, smiled on cue and so far hadn't 
given the establishment any trouble apart from a few 
episodes in which his books had been confiscated but 
he was lacking the qualities that had first attracted 
Randall to him. Thinking of the disaster that had 
been David, Randall shuddered when he recalled how the 
boy had died. He had been so sure that the quiet lad 
wouldn't put up much of a fuss, he had been surprised 
and disappointed when he had lashed out at his very 
first client. David had been disciplined but had 
proceeded to rip and tear any clothing that he had 
been given and had clawed and bitten at his last three 

It was only the offer of a massive amount of money 
from the very last client, that Randall had agreed to 
let the demon do whatever he liked, throwing in a 
video camera for memories. Amazing how effect it was 
for training purposes. He had then bought Andrew and 
lastly, Scott just over a year ago. It was almost 
time for Scott to have his time off, he would have to 
book the manicure and pedicure for the brunette. 

Taking out the phone book that was in his top drawer, 
Randall made the necessary arrangements for in two 
days time, confirming with the demon on the other end 
that this was a monthly usual. The greying man 
rummaged through an assortment of videos in a box by 
the stained desk and selected a dozen that he thought 
Scott might like to watch. Most were documentaries on 
wildlife and ancient civilisations and a few that he 
could find that featured science fiction ideals. 
Scott had shown a rising interest in science fiction 
books and he was more than happy to indulge the 

The tapes gathered in his arms, he strode through the 
little corridor that led from the control room and 
down to the equally tiny library/video room, passing 
the kitchen on the way. Managing to open the door 
with out dropping any tapes, he looked quickly around 
the book lined walls and plonked the tapes on top of 
the tv that stood in one corner of the room. The only 
time that the six boys were left alone, not including 
their rooms, was when they spent their 3 days in the 
library/tv room. It didn't matter if they did 
anything, whoever was watching in the control room 
would see it, besides they were locked in until they 
buzzed that they needed something. 

After a quick check to make sure that Fletcher had 
cleaned the room properly, Randall made his way out 
and went to check on the progress of the snacks for 
the boys. Nodding as Fletcher cut up various 
vegetables and fruits into cubes and sticks, he was 
glad that he made sure the six prostitutes ate right. 
He tried to make everything as comfortable as possible 
for the males, there was a good chance that they would 
be here even after he was dead. Turning away from the 
kitchen, he made his way back down the bare concrete 
corridor and climbed the steps that took him from the 
basement level and up to the ground floor. 

Standing in front of the door, he pushed the buzzer 
that rang at the lobby desk. Randall waited for Clark 
to push the releasing lock at his end. Loud buzzing 
sounding through the stair well, he gave the door a 
push and emerged from underneath the main steps of the 
brothel. Clark given a smile, he walked across the 
empty lobby and into his office opposite the french 
doors that lead to the demon side. Whenever he hired 
new staff, he always made it clear that the doors were 
never to be approached. After a few near disasters, 
he had managed to place a spell on them that made them 
appear almost unnoticable to humans. People could see 
that they were there, they just weren't interested in 

The result had been that Christopher's clients had to 
use the alley entrance as well as the demons, it 
wasn't a problem as most knew about the existence of 
other creatures having found out about the 
enhancements from demons they associated with. 

Leaning back in his chair, Randall put his feet up on 
his desk and wondered what he could do to try and 
recoup some of his losses. He figured that he had lost 
almost one and a half million dollars. Both from the 
sale of the four boys and the slice of the profits 
from the video tapes. That didn't include the food 
and training he had wasted on the boys either. 

What to do thought Randall. 

Part Twenty-Five

9 May 2004. early hours of the morning. 


Spike took a last drag of the dwindling cigarette and 
stubbed it out. He gave the little glass ashtray a 
push that prevented it falling off the stack of pornos 
he had beside his bed. As much as he was trying to 
get some sleep, the whole shower incident kept 
throwing itself at him. It was banging around the 
corridors of his mind, refusing to let up. 

He had barely said two words to any of the men as they 
drove back to the hotel. Angel and Wesley kept on 
insisting that he tell them what happened in the 
bathroom. The blond had been too distracted to even 
think of a reply. Thinking about it now, he was able 
to come up with some great one liners about Wankly 
being less of a virgin than he was before. The older 
human had cried all the way back to the Hyperion, 
finally taking in that his pseudo son was a prostitute 
and that he had been virtually useless during the 

The vampire still had no idea why he had hugged the 
boy. He recalled the terror that had poured off the 
boy as soon as the room had descended into a deep 
darkness, it had felt just plain wrong for the whelp 
to be so terrified. Dousing him in the cold water had 
been the only thing he could think of to prevent the 
lad going into a daze. After looking into the deep 
brown eyes, he now knew the saying of 'old before 
their time' was sometimes all too true. 

All the others were downstairs thumping out the final 
details to the rescue plan. He had been told to go 
upstairs by his Sire, he didn't want any annoying 
opinions foisted upon them. Spike hadn't bothered to 
argue when Buffy had demanded that they do the rescue 
later the following night. At least he hadn't had to 
tell them what he had promised. 

So, here he was. Sitting on his bed, lighting up 
another cancer stick and running the shower scene 
through his head again. The brats were going to need 
lots of attention and some good therapy, that pretty 
much went without saying. He wondered, out of them 
all, which one was going to put their life on hold 
until Harris was able to take care of himself again. 

He could see the Sunnydale group all fluttering over 
him for the first few months until one by one, they 
just had other things to do that couldn't wait and he 
would be left muddling around by himself again. The 
L.A. crew wouldn't be much different. To put it 
simply, they had lives that they had to get on with 
and one Xander Harris was only going to halt them for 
so long. 

It wasn't that he couldn't tie a shoelace or get 
himself a drink of water, it was how long was it going 
to take the boy before he was able to be in a crowded 
room. Go somewhere public with out breaking down, how 
was he going to cope with the fact that everybody he 
knew from Sunnydale had gotten on with their lives 
while he had been stuck in hell. 

Snorting to himself, Spike took another drag, 
listening to the little fibres crackle as they burnt. 
How did he know all this? Living with Dru had taught 
him a lot about what on going trauma could do to a 
persons mind. The whelp wasn't like his favourite 
girl in full but the boy was going to be a danger to 
himself, pretty much like Dru, probably for the rest 
of his life. 

With all his natural danger reflex's gone, if any 
demon or human male approached him in any way, he was 
just going to bend over for them in an instant. 
Anybody he lived with, was very likely going to be a 
vampire meal, one just knocking on the door, and the 
boy letting them in with smiling 'Yes Sir'. He just 
wasn't afraid of demons. Spike very much doubted that 
the lot downstairs had even thought of that yet, too 
busy with plans to get them out. Not necessarily a 
bad thing though. 

With a snarl, he remembered that the whelp had told 
him that one of the other boys wasn't well. He was 
going to face the Poofs ire and go downstairs. 
Viciously he stubbed out the cigarette, thinking that 
he had successfully completed the pre-requisite for 
the brooding competition between Angel and himself. 



As the older woman sat in the comfy armchair, her mind 
swirled at the action and flurry of words going on 
around her. She had never really seen how much people 
depended on her daughter and she was proud to finally 
be able to see it. Joyce was worried, not only for 
her daughter and her friends safety but at how Xander 
was going to react being taken from his home of more 
than three years. The place was a prison but as with 
all prisons, they were eventually tailored by the 
inmates to make them more comfy and home like. 

It was all very well for them wanting to get the boys 
out, and she wanted it as well, but none of them had 
so far really sat down and thought about what they 
were going to do once they had them all at the hotel. 
If what Mr Giles and the other men had said was true, 
how were they even going to react with seeing females. 
She was pretty sure that the six males were going to 
have on going medical and emotional problems, however 
none of the group taking up the lobby of the Hyperion 
was in any way suited to help with them. 

It had been briefly touched on if they should just 
remove all the magic and then take them to the police 
station where Angels friend, Kate worked. Should they 
get a doctor out to see them all first and then inform 
the families of where their sons were and wait for 
them to be picked up, gleaming over the details as 
politely as possible? 

Running a hand through her hair, she got up and asked 
if anyone wanted coffees. Raised hands counted, Joyce 
made her way into the white kitchen and filled the 
kettle, putting it on to boil. Mugs gathered from the 
dish drainer, they were put out in a neat row along 
the formica surface of the bench. She hoped that her 
daughter was going to keep her mouth closed around the 
boys for the first few days, as much as she loved 
Buffy, she acknowledged that her daughter was low on 
tact. Joyce didn't know if it was from her fathers 
idiot genes or from being a Slayer. From what she had 
overheard from discussions about various adventures, 
tact just wasn't in the Slayer package but then again, 
her husband had been low on the talent as well. 

As the kettle whistled, she wondered how the Harris 
boy was going to adapt back into a suburb full of 
demons, some who very likely had actually paid to have 
sex with him. Mrs Summers thought that it might even 
be for the best if the poor boy never went back but 
she could see the collective objections already. 
Hot water poured into the mugs, she rolled her eyes 
when she saw that she had forgotten to put the coffee 
in them. 

She had originally gone to the 'Find Xander' meetings 
to support her daughter but had found herself amazed 
by what the friends considered everyday life, she 
hoped that because Xander had this knowledge prior to 
being taken, it would help him in the long run. 



The ex-watcher knew shouting at Buffy to concentrate 
and to listen properly was getting him nowhere, only a 
room full of stares but he just couldn't help it. He 
was tired and still upset at seeing Xander in the 
brothel. With a glare at Riley, he told the tall blond 
to make sure that his girlfriend understood it all, 
then to collective dropped jaws, he spun on his heel 
and strode into Angels office. 

Door slammed behind him, he sat heavily at the 
vampires desk as the tears overwhelmed him again. If 
only he had insisted that Angel listen to his Childe, 
they could have spared Xander a few months of the 
degrading work. The older man felt dirty and ashamed 
that he had actually taken the time to enjoy himself 
for a moment while the brunette had been kissing 
Patrick by the spa. 

Giles had wanted so much to touch him and make sure 
that he was real but he hadn't wanted to give the boy 
the impression he wanted sex. He wasn't sure that 
Xander would ever be able to handle being touched by 
another male again, let alone be able to enjoy and 
maintain a normal relationship. 
How he was going to react when he found out about Anya 
and Gunn, was anybody's guess. 

As the first droplets hit the mahogany desk, the man 
was overwhelmed with a sense of failure. He had been 
useless, just point a prophecy his way, throw him a 
spell book and he was all set to help stop the end of 
the world but this time he had been unable to function 
The tears in the bathroom had disturbed Wesley as 
well, the younger man had pointed out that the very 
fact he had let Xander see him, was important. It had 
let the boy know that people knew where he was. 
Angel's promise had been reinforced. 

Shoulders shaking as sobs rang round the four walls, 
Giles wondered if he would ever be able to hug the 
young man again without it being taken as a come on. 
He had been grateful when the bleached vampire had 
told Xander not to approach him, he would have just 
grabbed at him and not been able to let go. 

That was his boy in the brothel, another man might 
have conceived and raised him for the first years but 
it was Giles who had soothed his fears about the 
Master, calmed Xander's worry over the Angelus 
incident, been proud at how he had stood up to the mad 
vampire in the hospital and listened to the boy babble 
on about his life in general. He had never really 
told Xander how much he cared but he would. His boy 
would be coming home very soon. 

With a wipe at the tears on his face, he reached into 
his tweed vest pocket and pulled out a tissue. Glasses 
quickly cleaned, he mopped at the small puddle marring 
the surface of the desk. When he was sure that he 
wasn't going to embarrass himself with tears again, he 
opened the door to the office quietly and stepped 

Part Twenty-Six

September 2002, Eternal. 

Scott is thinking of the Scooby gang. 

Their not coming. No-one is going to come for me 
anymore. Maybe it's because I got moved around too 
much and they can't find me. Have they forgotten 
about me? 

I can't cry anymore, all the tears have dried up. I 
just plod along each night doing my job. As long as I 
get water and food, everything is alright. Smile at 
the clients, let them fuck me. Let them cum over me, 
inside of me, swallow what pours down my throat. 
Get pissed on, used to that now as well. Swallow that 
too. Shitting is on the no-no list, pretty glad for 

Suck cock while another is up my arse. Smile while 
the client is bending my arms and legs into white hot 
agonising positions. If they want me to cry, I can do 
that. Must never look like it bothers me, might not 
get any water for a day. Sit still for the lady who 
does my feet and hands. She makes them all soft and 
nice. I like that. 

Sometimes I don't want them to find me and pray that I 
will just die. Finally have a client that will take 
it one step too far. Won't happen though, Adam and 
Randall will stop it. I can hear Adam yelling at 
Christopher to be quiet. They managed to turn him into 
a girl tonight. Wonder if they will do it to me in 
the future? Take my virginity again, would I be able 
to get pregnant. Somewhere, there is a demon who will 
pay for that. 

I'm too dirty for them to want me back now. Would I 
give them a disease if I touched them? Anya won't 
want me anymore even if they did manage to find me, 
they wont want me to touch anything of theirs because 
I'm unclean. They won't find me though. They have 
probably stopped looking. They all had so much better 
lives than I did. 

Christopher is quiet again, Adam must have sedated 
The sex doesn't hurt anymore, sometimes when a client 
is small, I can barely feel it. I just moan and grunt 
until the warmth or coolness floods into me. Smile 
and say that I enjoyed it if they ask. Cry, if that 
is what they are paying for me to do. I can cry on 
cue now, pretty much the only time that I do. Most 
clients don't care, if I stopped breathing during a 
session, they would still pump away at me. 

Even when they belt me around or throw me into the 
walls, I don't cry until they request it. Sometimes 
it can be really nice, a client will just want to lie 
in bed and spoon against me for the whole session. 
One of my regulars brings me chocolate, Randall 
doesn't like it but it keeps the client coming back. 
The demon likes to see me eat it piece by piece while 
he jerks off. I have to force myself to eat it, it 
reminds me of home too much. Another one just plays 
cards with me, he's taught me a few games. He thinks 
that he is my friend but he is just a client. 

I had sex with Mathew and Andrew a few weeks ago. Not 
unusual but it was the first time in front of a video 
camera. Randall taped us jerking each other off at 
first and then Andrew and I pissed on Mathew. I hope 
that it is for his private use but I don't think so. 
Next time, they are going to give me a white bath. 
Just cum all over me until I'm covered from head to 
foot. Had that done before too. 

Wonder if they will ever watch that? 

I wonder if they really are looking for me. 

Did they notice I am missing? 

I don't think that they will want me to come back with 
them even if they do find me. Wouldn't blame them, 
might infect them with something. I can't be who I 
was before. 

Too dirty. 

Too tired. 

Part Twenty-Seven

9 May 2004. Eternal 

Opening time. 

It had been decided to hit the brothel before any 
possible clients rented one of the boys out. That 
meant about five minutes after the sun set fully. Once 
again the two vampires and the ex-watchers strode 
through the plain white corridor and into the 
tastefully decorated sitting room. However this time, 
they were joined by Gunn and Doyle. Graham and Riley 
were sitting on the couch just out side the french 
doors pretending to have an argument over what to rent 
that night, they were to make sure that no-one entered 
the doors. Buffy, Tara and Willow were waiting in the 
alley beside the already opened manhole, ready to help 
with lowering the boys into the sewers. Buffy was 
there to help any demons change their mind about 
renting for the night. 

The Eternal wasn't that far to walk through the maze 
of tunnels, as long as they didn't get lost or killed 
by any creature loitering around, it was only going to 
take them all around 40 minutes. They hadn't wanted 
to hire a minibus to transport the boys in, for fear 
of being caught in a traffic jam, stressing the boys 
out more than was necessary. Anya and Joyce were 
waiting back at the hotel with medical supplies and 
the strongest sedatives that could be brought without 
a prescription, pretty sure that some of the boys were 
going to be hysterical. Cordelia was waiting for a 
phone call from Angel before she was to call Kate at 
the police station. Kate was ready to start a full 
premises search, citing a rumour of it being an 
amphetamine factory. Angel had told her about the six 
boys and Kate had sworn to find something that would 
stick to the owner, Randall Hargraves. 

The plan was to deactivate all barrier spells on the 
doors while Clark was getting the six males. Once they 
were down stairs, each man would just grab a boy and 
run to the sewers as soon as the lights went out. As 
submissive as the youths were, there was no way they 
were going to argue with someone who was pretending to 
be a client. Unbeknown to the smarmy lobby jockey, he 
was going to come along for the ride as well. The 
four magic users were chomping at the bit to question 
him heavily about the silver jewellery. The lights 
were going to go off 20 minutes after they arrived 
thanks to Willow hacking into the power plants 
computer and managing to organise for the power to go 
out on the whole block that Eternal was sited on. 
No-one had been brave enough to ask what else she 
could do on a laptop. 

Angel glanced at his watch, only five minutes to go 
and Clark still hadn't returned with the boys. Spike 
was standing in full game face, only inches from the 
french doors. If the two ex-marines couldn't keep 
someone from coming through the doors, then hopefully 
they were going to take one look at a pissed off 
vampire and run in the opposite direction. Gunn and 
Doyle had their arms wrapped around the two spell 
casters, hiding their moving lips and busy fingers 
from any cameras. The young street fighter had been 
less than impressed with the idea and had asked why 
Angel didn't do it with Wesley instead. Angel didn't 
want to give the greasy man, Clark, one chance at 
escaping. As it was, the brunette vampire was hoping 
that he didn't kill the arsehole before getting him 
back to the Hyperion. 

Shit, only a couple of minutes more. Wesley and Giles 
were sweating with the concentration and effort of 
taking the walls down. The older shop keeper had 
likened it to taking down a brick wall, brick by 
brick. Hard work, made harder this time by them having 
to de construct three of the magic walls at once. The 
men had come to the conclusion that the three walls 
were meant to keep the six boys in. Angel could smell 
the effort and tiredness getting stronger. A glance at 
his Childe and he knew that the blond could smell it 
as well. Hearing footsteps, he hoped that all six 
boys would be coming out. Clark had tried to argue 
about Christopher only servicing humans and Angel had 
snarled a reply stating that Gunn was only going to 
use him. 

After much dithering by the lobby jockey, Clark had 
agreed to bring them all out for selection on the 
condition of no 'faces' until they were all in their 
rooms. The brunette vampire had already told the suit 
clad man that he agreed, Spike nodding behind his Sire 
and had demanded the boys in whatever form they were 
already in. Changes could be made later. The white 
door in the corner opened and the boys started to 
troop through, following a beaming Armani clad man. 

Angel felt his jaw drop as he saw what was included in 
the line up. Five youths and a boy around 10. 
Forcing himself to sneer, he hoped that the others 
weren't staring. With an ear towards the watchers, he 
found that he couldn't hear any more of the low 
muttering. He let Clark fuss around the boys, 
thankfully the man hadn't taken any notice of the 
blond standing by the french doors. A cough beside him 
and he noticed that the four men were standing next to 
and around him. A glance at Doyle and a nod at the 
young boy, he could see the others horrified 
expressions. The stakes had just been upped. 

One minute to go. Calling Spike back over from the 
door, he more or less had each man lined up before a 
boy. Spike before Xander, Doyle and the little boy, 
Gunn before the tallest one beside Xander. Wesley was 
going to grab the shortest one while Giles would herd 
out the last two before handing one over to the two 
witches. Nodding at Clark, he agreed agreed that they 
looked good. A glance at his watch and he saw that 
there were only 10 seconds to go. He couldn't wait any 
longer. Angel punched the slimey little man as hard 
as he could with out killing him and draped him over 
one broad shoulder. 

Just as the six whores looked up for the first time, 
the lights shut out, blanketing the room in darkness. 
The two vampires almost choked on the instant terror 
that was coming off three of the boys, the rest were 
smelling of confusion. Spike grabbed Xander and 
hauled him towards the little corridor that led to the 
alleyway, trying to ignore the terror coming from the 
male. Holding back the heavy curtain in one hand, he 
held tightly to the quiet boy with the other while 
everyone managed to make their way down the dark 
corridor. The concrete hallway was filled with quiet 
words of encouragement. The last ones to go through, 
Spike heard a fight break out from the other side of 
the double doors and hoped that the marines were 
capable of dealing with it themselves. Giving the 
brunette a little push, they made their way down the 

Buffy was too busy helping everybody down the manhole 
to notice if Xander had already gone through. She 
wasn't going to risk anybodys safety by demanding to 
see him right away. Hearing pounding feet go by the 
entrance of the alleyway and a chorus of 'yeah haa's', 
she was relieved that both Graham and Riley had made 
it out alright. She reached up for the next boy only 
to stop in shock when she saw the child's face. 
Speechless, she gently helped the boy down the last 
few rungs and onto the sewer floor. He was quickly 
followed by Doyle who immediately grasped the child's 
hand, speaking softly in the lilting accent. The 
petite blonde had expected battered young men but not 
a child and it was taking all her effort to not just 
rush up the steps and kill whatever demon she could 
lay her hands on. 

Once the man hole lid was put back into place by 
Buffy, the two witches reached into their backpacks 
and handed the rescuing men a large torch each. 
Willow looked around the gathering of men, she was 
afraid to look for Xander, not really wanting to find 
him amongst the smiling boys. She couldn't believe 
that they were all smiling. Doyle was holding a child 
in his arms, tightly cradling him to his chest and 
whispering soft words of reassurance. The others were 
also telling the boys that they would be alright. 
Angel gave them a minute more and then, shifting the 
weight of the still unconscious man to his other 
shoulder, started off down the main sewer tunnel. 

Tara quickly walked over to the tired older man and 
started to relieve him of one of the smiling but 
bewildered youths. She was forced to pull back from 
the boy as he started to cringe back into Giles, 
almost causing the other two to lose their balance. 
Looking back at Willow and Buffy, she shook her head 
and instead took his heavy torch in her hand and 
pointed it forwards. 
They all stopped momentarily when Doyle swore loudly, 
hurriedly covering it up with a few laughs and more 
reassuring words. Spike frowned as the smell of 
ammonia came drifting over from the half demon, he 
took Xander's larger hand in his and gently tugged the 
dazed lad forward. 

Wesley tiredly glanced at the slender youth walking 
beside him. One hand clasped around the thin arm, he 
kept the torch pointed forward, hoping that they would 
reach the Hyperion sooner than they thought. He felt 
like he had pulled each wall down by hand and he knew 
that Giles felt the same. Almost stumbling, he looked 
down at what it could have been and to his shock, he 
realized that all the boys were barefoot. They hadn't 
been too worried by the bare chests as it was 
relatively warm outside but they had all forgotten 
about them being with out shoes. It was too late to 
bring it up now but he called out to Angel anyway, 
mentioning the lack of footwear and suggesting a 
faster pace. 

A flurry of swearing came from all directions as 
everyones speed picked up. Buffy was bringing up the 
rear, worried about what might come out after them. 
So far it had been 15 minutes and nothing but that 
didn't mean a thing, something could still ambush 
Everyone kept walking for a further ten minutes until 
Angel came to a large intersection. He placed the 
lobby jockey on the cleanest patch of ground he could 
find. Once done, he climbed one of the iron ladder to 
the top, half hanging off the top rung as he contacted 
Cordelia. A few short sentences and the mobile phone 
was tucked back into his pocket, climbing down from 
the ladder. He punched Clark again even though the 
man was still out cold and swung him back over his 
shoulder. Ignoring the quiet muttering behind him, 
Angel set off back down the sewer. 

Spike was quietly telling Xander that they would be 
home soon, worried over the smell of fear and the lack 
of response from the boy. The only one who had really 
responded, was Doyles and that had only been to pee on 
the Irishman. The blond found that he couldn't even 
laugh at that. It was now beyond a joke. He was a 
vampire and he loved to create mayhem, death and 
destruction but his loathing of anyone hurting young 
kids went back from before he was turned. Dru had 
liked youngsters but she had always drained them fast, 
they almost never noticed that they were dying and she 
never hurt them in any other way. It was when people 
deliberately set out to abuse kids that got his back 
With a sideways glance at the young brunette, he 
sighed as the shivering continued. 

The group walked as fast as they could, grips tight on 
the six males. Each member of the Scooby gang and 
L.A. team was thoroughly worried at the lack of 
questions or even little noises from them. Finally 
they reached the man hole that would take them to just 
outside the Hyperion's back entrance. Buffy climbed 
up first so she could move the hole cover, the witches 
torches showing the way. Scraping metal echoed 
through the sewers as the cover was removed. One by 
one, they all climbed the iron rungs up into the balmy 
night air. 

Gunn led the shivering male through the kitchen, 
frowning as the youth started to take an interest as 
to where he was. Small moaning noises came from deep 
within the dark boys chest. Trying to soothe the 
teenager, Gunn guided him through the lobby and up the 
main stairs until the boy suddenly decided to sit 
Ok, he thought, I can deal with this. And he did 
until the lad started to wail loudly for a Randall to 
come and get him. Charles looked frantically around 
for someone to help him as the wailing set the other 
boys off as they came through the kitchen and into the 
lobby. The lobby was filled with the name Randall, 
each boy calling for him. Occassionaly an Adam or 
Fletcher was thrown into the mix. Angel dumped Clark 
on the kitchen floor, curtly telling Buffy to look 
after him and went to find out what the noise was 

The rescuers each tried to calm the hysterical boys 
down, Doyle's taking the opportunity to urinate on him 
again. Angel and the other men had no idea of what to 
do, they were all trying to get them up the stairs to 
their made up rooms but each one had taken the first 
boys idea and sat down, refusing to move. From out of 
his office, Angel saw Cordelia, Joyce and Anya came 
towards them in an effort to help. It was a bad idea 
from the start as the wails turned into high pitched 
screaming, forcing the women back into the office. 
Giles realised that the boys had obviously been too 
shocked to take much notice of the three girls in the 
sewers, the newness of the situation had overridden 
the one boys recognition of a female in an instant. 

Doyle was yelling for someone to get the sedatives, 
all the while trying to ignore the the smell of urine 
that coated him. He was more worried about stopping 
the little boy from hurting himself on the stairs as 
he continued to bang his head against them. Taking 
the chance of that it couldn't get any worse, the 
three women ran out of the office, passing the 
distressed youths, continuing to ask for Randall and 
into the kitchen. Buffy and the two witches were 
crying as they shook out handfuls of the herbal 
sedatives for the men to administer, freezing in shock 
as a loud voice shouted for the noise to stop. 

As if a switch had been thrown, the wailing and 
screaming stopped completely at Spikes request. The 
boys lay sprawled over the steps, shivering and 
shaking but quiet. The blond vampire stared at the 
other men, disgusted that the six males were obviously 
used to such orders. With a nod, the younger vampire 
indicated that the men take a hold of boys and try to 
get them up the stairs again. 

With firm grips around the prostitutes, the older men 
guided the submissive males up the stairs to the 
fourth floor. Spike had been put out that his floor 
was going to host them all but he was now glad that 
the Scooby member was going to be close. Doyle 
instructed the men to show the boys where their 
bathrooms were before placing them in bed. Treat them 
like new pets or little kids was the advice, much to 
everyones disgust. As horrible as it was, the six 
males would probably not look for the bathroom 
themselves once they needed to go, too frightened to 
move from where they were going to be placed. 

A snarl at Gunn for attempting to put his boy in the 
room Spike had picked out for Xander, he ignored the 
parting comment as the big dark man took his charge to 
another room. He switched on the main light, guiding 
the brunette to the bathroom that was through the 
white door in the middle of the far wall. Like all 
the bathrooms the rooms were provided with, it was a 
small compact one with a shower over a bath, toilet, 
small basin and medicine cabinet. 

Spike turned the boy around in the small white 
bathroom a few times, he could see that Xander really 
wasn't taking it in but what was he to do. He slowly 
walked the brunette back to the single bed, all the 
time pointing out the features of the room. The chest 
of drawers with lamp on top of it, two cupboards on 
either side of the bathroom door just like each of the 
rooms. The blond turned Xanders head towards the 
armchair in the corner across the room from his single 
bed. Looking in the youths eyes, he saw that the boy 
was virtually comatose, the exact opposite from the 
scene downstairs. With a vile swear, he knew that the 
other boys would be the same, or not as it soon turned 

A loud wail erupted from down the hall, the vampire 
wondered which one it was this time. On and on the 
thin voice rang through the entire level, carrying 
down the stairs and into the lobby. Tuning his ear to 
the noise a bit more, Spike snarled when he found it 
to be the little boys. He didn't care how much his 
chip was going to hurt him, he was going to find as 
many customers as he could and slowly torture each 
Going a kid just wasn't on, not even good sport for 
the average vampire. 

Trying to ignore it, he sat the brunette down on the 
single bed, getting the boy to sit down for minute. 
With a backwards glance, he went into the bathroom and 
got a face washer. Once it was wet, he proceeded to 
give the filthy feet a through clean. The white pants 
were damp and splashed with sewer muck, a sniff 
telling him that they were disgusting. He quickly 
debated whether he should take them off or not. Still 
deciding, he spun around at a knock on the door and 
saw Riley with a glass of whiskey and a handful of 

Spike got up from his knees, scowling at the former 
Initiatve soldier and snatched the drink out of the 
blonds hands, pills following soon after. Vamping out 
in an effort to make the other man go away, he made 
not one comment about the sigh and rolled eyes as the 
taller man left the doorway. Gently he pushed the 
pills into the boys mouth, noting that Xander probably 
didn't need them and that the small boy should be 
taking the whole bottle himself. Tipping the drink 
into the mouth was a little harder, he tried not to 
let it dribble too much. He was pleased to see the 
natural swallowing reflexes were working as the 
brunette at first choked a little then managed to 
swallow the whisky and pills straight down. 

Probably not the wisest mix, he thought to himself, 
but it was going to get them all off to sleep really 
fast. With a swift motion, he gathered the long legs 
up and swung them on top of the bed and under the 
thick blankets. He wondered just how much his Sire 
had hit David Nabbit up for this time. As much as he 
disliked the nerdy human, he was able to tolerate him 
only because of his total lack of snobbiness. The man 
was almost a billionaire but completely unaffected by 
that fact. Once he was sure that Xander was tucked 
in, he walked over to the lamp and switched it on, 
making a note to tell Doyle and Giles that their boys 
were scared of the dark as well. He had finally 
pinpointed the fear smells as coming from Xander, the 
small boy and one of the others that Giles had taken. 

Quietly walking out of the room, he switched off the 
main light as he downed some of the whisky. The 
vampire winced as the screaming continued from down 
the hallway. He strolled down to the group of men 
standing around shrugging their shoulders 
collectively, noting that each one looked as tired as 
he felt. Spike almost choked on his whisky when he 
caught a glimpse of the watchers, they were almost an 
advertisement for zombies. Grey and staggering down 
the staircase. 

Spike peeked into the screaming boys room, only to see 
Doyle rocking the tiny lad while whispering nursery 
rhymes into the small ear. He was pleased to see that 
the old lamp had already been turned on. The vampire 
vaguely remembered that the half demon had once been a 
primary school teacher before being vision struck, he 
had obviously been a good one too. The blond moved up 
and down the corridor, checking that the lamps were on 
in each room. All the boys were still awake but were 
deathly quiet, just laying there in bed. 

The younger vampire followed the four remaining men 
down the stairs until they all stopped at the bottom 
few that led to the fourth floor. Angel wanted them 
to be checked on every hour, whether they were asleep 
or not. Telling them all to get some sleep, he was 
grateful when Graham volunteered to take the first few 
hours. All of a sudden the screaming stopped and 
everyone sighed a breathe of relief. They were all 
horrified by the small blond boy but the noise had 
been awful. Graham left to check on Doyle, walking 
past the two other youths in their rooms. As he got 
closer to the room that housed the child, he made out 
the soft moaning noises. Peering around the door, he 
saw that the half demon was still rocking the lad and 
that instead of screaming, he was now moaning. He 
nodded at the Irishman's statement of that it was 
going to be a long night. 

He left the two alone again and went back down the 
stairs and listened as Angel was telling the group 
that Wesley and Giles weren't to be disturbed until 
they voluntarily came out of their rooms. The spells 
had taken more out of them than they were willing to 
admit, Angel adding a quip of stubborn Englishmen. 
Graham told the males of what was going on with Doyle 
and his charge, shaking his head along with everyone 
else. The ex-soldier sat down heavily on the stairs 
and waved for the others to go away and get some rest. 

Spike, Angel, Gunn and Riley slowly descended the rest 
of the stair and headed straight for open whiskey 
bottle sitting on the mahogany desk that stood proudly 
in Angels office. Glasses grabbed, he poured out five 
drinks. Gunn declined, saying that Anya would have his 
balls. The other men all nodded, knowing that it was 
all too true, watching as the bald man went to be with 
his family. The blond vampire grabbed three and 
immediately headed off up the stair again much to the 
amusement of the Riley and Angel, shrugging the other 
vampire off, the two men slowly sipped the sharp 
liquid. Once finished, Riley and Angel both walked to 
the kitchen and relieved Buffy of her duty to watch 
Clark. After a few words and tears, Buffy and Riley 
followed everyone else's idea and left to go to bed 
while Angel hogtied and gagged a still unconscious 
lobby jockey. He dragged the man up the stairs much 
to Grahams puzzlement and told the ex-soldier to hit 
him if he wakes up and to keep doing it until he no 
longer was awake. He couldn't even be bothered 
thinking that it had all been too easy anymore. 

A quick glance at the two whiskys and Angel was told 
one was for Doyle when he finally came out from the 
boys room. With that, the brunette vampire staggered 
to his own room and fell asleep almost immediately. 
Spike sat in his room, door open so that he could see 
directly into Xander's room without moving from his 
bed. He slowly finished his whiskey noting that 
tomorrow, the six boys would start the long road to 


Randall watched the news broadcast flabbergastered. 
He was seeing police swarm over his pride and joy 
Eternal. A blonde police woman, Kate something or 
other was telling the reporter that she couldn't 
answer any more questions about the video tapes found 
on the premises. 

The brothel owner felt goose bumps rise all over his 
body. There was only one place to call. Wolfram and 
Hart. After all, they had been so handy in setting up 
his license for business and they had taken the 
trouble to help find Walter. Maybe they could help 
again with this little mess.