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Full Circle
by TJ
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen

Part One  

~ Arseholes, pricks and fuck the military!!!! ~

All these words and many more offensive ones in even
more offensive languages were running through the pain
in Spikes's head.

~ Oh, Ha BLOODY Ha!! I've already been fucked more
than once by the military, My life can only get
better. ~

Spike watched through the burning light that was
coming from behind his eyes as the last of the
Iniative grunts walked out of the crypt doorway and
into the dawning light of a new day. He could almost
see the stench of alcohol, cum, blood and sweat follow
him up the steps to the doorway.

He followed the sound of laughter and heartbeats as it
got dimmer and further away from him and let out a
shuddering sight that finally his 'lucky night of male
bonding' courtesy of Riley and friends was over.

~ Until the next time. After all, Slaggy's bump and
grind toy knows where i live. ~

The pain from the previous hours of fun and games was
starting to grab hold with a vengeance that Anya would
probably be proud of. The intensely sharp/dull pain
coming from the chipped side of his head was really
starting to make him nauseas and he could hear his
stomach gurgling at the thought of how much cum and
blood he had swallowed in the past hours.

~ Christ, what a *good* boy i am, not a drop spilled
from any of the fuckers! ~

Well, at least not after the first blowjob. He had
still been pretty angry then, not scared as he had
been in the last few times. The two broken ribs he
had received from letting Grahams seed spill from his
mouth had convinced him to swallow everyone else's
rank tasting residue. Let no-one tell him that cum
tastes good, it tastes like salty sour fish and after
five different lots, it really tasted no better!

And that was only after the first round of 'Lets
demean the disabled little vampire'

~ I wonder when the board game to that comes in to
shops? ~

He could feel the sticky residue of cum and his blood
mixing together underneath him. Shit, it wasn't only
underneath him, it was covering his buttocks, thighs
and still rolling out of his torn and bruised hole.

Tracing his broken fingers along the bruised and
finger marked jawline, he gingerly wiped at the drying
blood and cum on his lips and from the sides of his
mouth. Reaching up further and wiping at the tears of
shame and humiliation that were starting to stop.
Shame, that he had once again been in a sub position
to another male that was not his Sire and humiliation
that he, as a Master vampire could not even begin to
stop what had happened apart from the ever useful

Bad enough that he had cried at all, but to cry in
front of those arseholes, those *human* arseholes was
just too much to think about.

~ Just colour me the great broody poof,im soft.
Peaches did more than this to me when i was a fledge
and i still didn't give up as easily as this. Then
again, one chip and pig's blood make for a not so well
vamp ~

Drawing his knees up to his chest as much as he could,
he winced with pain, gasping with the sharp shocks of
pain coursing through his ribs and hips.

~ bastards! I think they dislocated my hips. ~

Snorting in disdain to himself for being weak, he
turned his attention to his back and the fire that was
currently raging from his neck to the tops of his
thighs. Every one of the welts dealt to him by
Cornfed was standing to attention and clambering to be
known. Dealt to him with remarkable accuracy by a
human using his favourite belt.

Thinking back as to why it was his favourite belt, he
let his minder wander back to the day that Dru had
seen the belt on some wanker cowboy and decided that
only her Spikey could do the belt the justice of
wearing it. It was just an ordinary belt, nothing
special until Dru decided that she wanted only him to
wear it and who was he to deny his only princess.
Smiling as much as his torn lips could allow at that
distant memory, he let his tongue probe and
investigate the torn ragged insides of his bruised
mouth and sore throat.


Or at least that's what should have come out.

Not a sound, bar a dry wheeze issued forth into the
chilly air. Waiting for a few moments, he tried



He could feel his tongue and bruised throat forming
the words and the correct movements for that
particular speech pattern, but what came out was
barely a whispered grunt. What the hell was
The nausea grew worse with every second that he tried
to think about what this could mean.
Moving his head from the protective cocoon of his
bruised arms, he noticed that the light from behind
his eyes was starting to dull. Rolling from his
relatively unmarked right side to a position more on
his front so that the cool breeze coming from the open
doorway could at least soothe some of his back, was a
move that he quickly regretted.

The tears that has ceased as he had counted the welts
upon his battered body started again when he jarred
his head and neck on the cold, uneven floor. Although
the numerous hands that had held him down across the
marble slab were gone, the protesting muscles in his
neck and upper shoulders shrieked at him that it was
all a lie and that they were still there, holding him
face down, in a more accessible position for the
numerous arse fuckings he had endured from his 'new
found friends'.

~ I wonder if Bitchy knows what Cornfed and pricks do
on a weekend off? ~

Sobbing in both self-pity and helplessness, he
wondered when help would arrive. It was not as if he
was going very far with the broken ankle and his hips
in the condition that they were in. He doubted very
much that sitting up would be on the agenda for at
least a few more days. Even with quick vampire
healing, the diet of pigs blood had him feeling more
physically weak than normal. He was still stronger
than at least 3 strapping humans but what good was
that with the stupid chip in his head.

Not even bothering to curse it, he lay in the dust and
urine shivering in the cold morning breeze.

~ At least I'm out of way for the sun later today.~

~ Shit, what if Harmony finds me? ~

Part Two  

Xander slammed the door hard, rattling the windows and
the frame surrounding the door. Grumbling to himself,
he wondered why that he and only *he* got to have the
honour of looking for the Bleached Wonder before the
next Scooby meeting.
The next meeting being tomorrow night of course.
Apparently some sort of three armed liver eating
weirdo of a demon had decided to make Sunnydale its
private playground. On the good side, they were
pretty peaceable folk and would give up their claim on
Sunnydale if it was proven that someone else had a
claim on it first. Some-one like the slayer for

Bad side and of course this being the Hellmouth, there
was always a bad side, they would only relinquish a
claim if it was spoken to them in their own language.
Giles had looked almost sick when trying to produce
the cat like purring sounds that was their language.
Spike, being a vampire would have more luck in
producing the sounds decided Giles. So far, no blood
shed from the demons side of things, so no great hurry
but as Buffy had said "Sooner is always better
concerning demons"

Anya had been pissed when faced with the thought of
losing out on a morning and probably an early
afternoon of missed orgasms. No orgasms for both of
them, Xander had polietly pointed out. "So not the
point!" had come back from ex-demon.

Holding his hands up in self-defence, trying to
placate his visibly steaming girlfriend, he had
promised to make it up to her.

Just his luck that Iowa Boy was coming back tomorrow
night from visiting his family down on the farm.
Buffy had declared that she couldn't help in the
search because she wanted to "pretty herself up" so
Riley would know in the future that farms were not the
only thing to inspire dreamy sunfilled memories. So
of course, no help from the Buffster.
He really couldn't fault the two witches, they did
have classes in the morning and ones that they
couldn't really miss no matter what they might say.

Giles had tactfully declined stating that he was sure
stocktake had to be done in his new shop. Xander
snorted to himself, sure himself that a shop as new as
G-Man's really didn't need one this early into trading
business. But then again, who was he to know what
went on in a shop, and after tasting the construction
workers life, he really didn't want to know, so he had
let that one slide right by with a grateful look from

Of course, that had been until his lovely girlfriend
had jumped onto the excuse bandwagon by declaring that
since her current ambition was to be a nightclub 'door
bitch', helping Giles in the store would be invaluable
experience for her. Listening to her badger Giles
into letting her point at things in the shop for him
was actually quite amusing and he had been convinced
that the ex-librarian would stick to his guns and
continue to say no. He had been disappointed when
Giles, after a thorough glasses' clean, had finally
said yes to her.

"So, let me guess" he mused to himself outloud. "That
means this whole demon situation rests on my
shoulders to find Spike"
"Joy! I love being the depended upon one" he said
with a snarky tone to his voice.

Doing the buttons up on his thick shirt, he continued
to walk home in the chilly night air. Winter wouldn't
be too far away Xander thought. Looking in the
letterbox beside his driveway, briefly wondering why
he still did it when he knew that his parents threw
out anything that wasn't address to them or didn't
contain things to be swapped for money or even better,
alcohol. Seeing that nothing was there anymore, he
continued to walk to the basement doorway and unlocked
the door.
Turning on the light so that he could see his way down
the stairs and hopeful avoid the rotten step that
threatened to twist his ankle everytime he encountered
it. He debated with himself wether or not it would be
a good idea for him to look for Spike tonight.

Get sleep and a twinkie.


Look for Fangless.


Twinkie first, shower and then sleep.


Look for Fangless and get more tired and cranky.


Two Twinkies, shower and sleep.


Look for Fangless, get tired and cranky and be unable
to perform for a seriously pissed girlfriend the next


After a few rounds rattling in his skull, he settled
for 2 Twinkies, using all the hot water left, getting
a sugar hyper and then come crashing down into a
hopefully dreamless sleep.

Bleachboy could wait until tomorrow to get his useful
boyscout badge.

Turning off the water that had begun to cool, he
gathered the wet Twinkie wrappers in his hand and
leaned over the shower recess to grab a towel. drying
himself with the coarse prickly material, he walked
from the bathroom into the little kitchen to deposit
the wrappers in the bin.
Wrapping the towel around his waist, his more
musclular waist now that he had been in the
construction job a month, he opened the plastic bag
that had been placed on the bench and took the blood
packets from it and placed them in the vegetable
crisper right next to the carrots. The really gross
looking mouldy carrots. Sighing, he threw the
offending items into the bin on top of the candy

Briefly wondering what had been so important that
Spike had missed the Scooby meeting if only to pick up
his weekly supply of blood, he walked across the
threadbare carpet covering cold concreted to his
inviting looking bed. Dropping the towel on the floor
beside his bed. Wearily he climbed into the
threadbare welcome of blankets and sheets. Throwing
himself around the squeaky mattress, he succeeded in
getting himself thoroughly tangled in the meagre
warmth the bedclothes offered.

Making a mental note to himself to get some better
blankets or better yet, a thermal sleeping bag, maybe
one of the ones that zippered right out. Thumping his
pillow into a more servicable shape, he closed his
eyes and let himself drift into a Twinkie induced
dream of epic proportions.
His last coherent thought was to never eat Twinkies in
the shower again.



Scowling to himself, he picked himself up from upon
the floor on which he had landed after tripping over
his forgotten towel. Reaching down to his knees, he
dusted off his new cargo pants and inspected them for
any rips and tears. Anya loved him in cargo pants and
had repeatedly told him that his arse looked really
'hot and biteable' in them.

Hopefully wearing them would go a long way to making
missed out orgasms up Anya. Really, why he had to
look for the english wanker on his rostered day off
from work was still a good guess. Anya had leapt onto
Giles' excuse with an amount of gusto that had
surprised him.
Even when he had pointed out the benefits of having
her help him look for Spike would be more time for
more orgasms sooner.

The sound of 'errrkkkk' coming from Buffy hadn't
worried him, neither had the giggles from Wills and
Tara. Giles' politley worded 'Ah!" and quick glasses'
clean also hadn't bothered him.
What had annoyed him had been the response from his
beloved. A response that had gone something along the
lines of ' Your the man, you do the dirty work. Im

Henceforth the door slamming episode at Giles' place
last night.

Checking the amount in his wallet, he was pleasantly
surprised to see $10 still left in there after his
afternoon workbreak chocolate attack. He decided that
while he had to look in every crypt in Sunnydale, not
being sure which one or even which cemetary Spike was
now in, he would have breakfast at the little diner
opposite sunnydales oldest cemetary. "The diner
probably made most of its money from holding wakes"
mused Xander.

Xander was already dreaming of eggs, bacon,

"Mmmmmm" He thought to himself. "I'll be good and save
it till last", that way if he ate breakfast close to
lunchtime, he wouldn't have to buy lunch and that
meant both saving money and having more stamina for
Anya later on that day.
"Wow, with that kind of planning, I should be a shoein
for Havard"

Snickering to himself, he bounded up the stairs bing
careful to step on the squeaky step and miss the
mouldy one. Pushing the basement door open, he
stepped out in to the sunny but slightly chilly day.

Part Three  

Not having moved from the neck jarring position that
he had rolled himself into previously, spike could
feel the cold from the crypt floor creeping into his
limbs rendering them fairly numb after hours of aching
stillness. He had been afraid to move for fear of
doing more more damage to his lower thighs muscles
that had been torn when both Graham and Riley had
wrenched his knees apart so that the other's in the
fuck party could all screw like a girl.

He had hated it when Angelus had insisted on taking
him that way and he hated it now even more. Just
thinking of the humiliating little practice was
threatening to let the tears flow again.

Choking them back, determined not to cry again, he
took a break from mentally singing all the punkrock
songs that he to himself. Drawing an uneeded breathe,
he looked at the weak shard of light coursing through
the doorway. Judging from the strength of the deadly
beam, he took it it be around noon if not just after.

His throat, though still sore, was starting to feel
better than it had been before.

"No thanks to that overgrown human cracker!"

Once again he knew that he could could speak not only
english but a few other languages as well. Seeing
that english was not going to be happening for him
today at least, he tried a few others. 
Rolling his his head so that his bruised right cheek
was no longer pressed into the paste that was dirt,
blood and urine, he tried the same sentence in
Varrsht, Breraxthor, XXanrgon, and his personal
favourite, Stuol.

Zilch, nada and yet again nothing.

Feeling the nausea rising, he dry retched from both
the hunger and the pain in his head.

~ Way to soothe a sore throat Dickhead~

Admonishing himself for being such a girl, he turned
his attention to thinking that his Dru would probably
have gotten off on this. Hell, probably wasnt the
right word for it. He knew that Dru would have taken
a second round if offered and then come back and asked
for a third. That girl had allways loved cock and the
nastier the fuck, the better.

~Me, I've had more than enough cock for the time
being. Thank you very much, you bunch of wankers! ~

Sighing, he looked at the very uninteresting ceiling
above him and listened to the birds and various other
insects. Listening to their small, rapid heartbeats.
Detecting a much larger, stronger heartbeat coming his
way, he wondered whether or not it was one of the
grunts from last night, coming back to finish the job
and stake him. Feeling as he was, he welcomed the

The footsteps that had been coming closer, stopped
just before the doorway. Spike looked up as a shadow
blocked most of the light that he had been lucky to
avoid all day.

~ Just pure, dumb luck to be pushed off the slab as
hard as I was to land over here. Fantasticly,
wonderfully lucky! ~

Hearing the coughing and slight snorting noises, male
noises, he wondered when whoever it was would just
either just get their arse inside or just sod right

~ Well then, please just come right in ~

He thought is his best sarcastic voice.

~ Fuck me, of all people it's the bloody Whelp! ~

He watched as Xander descended the crumbling steps
while attempting to stop the smell of the crypt
getting to his nose by covering it with both his
t-shirt and overshirt. Quite obviously offended by the
stench that permeated the surrounding air.

~ Try lying in what causes it all night mate. ~

Xander didn't see Spike lying on the floor right away
due to his eyes adjusting to the much dimmer light
once inside the cold stone room.
Only turning his head sharply to peer behind him when
he heard the sound of someone trying to be sick and
not succeeding.

"Who's there?"

~ Me! You fucking imbecile. ~

Spike though to himself while trying to make more than
the soft grunting noises and dry retching sounds that
was coming from his tired and sore throat.
Trying not to jar his fingers too much on the uneven
floor, he scabbled them towards a broken piece of
mortar. Picking it up, he winced when one sharp edge
caught on the bone sticking from his little finger.

Ignoring his shrieking muscles as they protested being
woken from the cold slumber, he managed to throw it
lightly in the boys general direction.


Turning his head to the side and looking down at the
same time to see both a bit of crumbled stone and to
also see it lying in a puddle of what he could only
presume was what was causing the smell in the dank
room. He shuddered at the thought of what was mixed
with the blood on the floor.
Thinking to himself that he had been hanging with
Buffy too long for him to automatically know that it
was blood, he let his line of vision trail along the
gloopey looking puddle to just beyond into the darker

Seeing a pale form moving, Xander instintively started
to turn and run when a another softer retching sound
came from the shadowy figure.


~ To quote the pom-pom bint, well duh!~

Opening and closing his mouth, trying to form words
that he knew come out, Spike only succeeded in issuing
forth a whispered grunt.

"What the hell happened to you?"

Walking towards the stricken vampire and taking in his
obviously battered form, Xander still held the clothes
between his nose and the vile air. He really couldnt
make out much with all the shadows, he knew from the
way Spike was lying and the sounds coming from him,
the bleached wonder was hurt pretty badly.
Looking closer at blonde, he could see that from the
twisted angles of the body, that quite a few bones
were broken and he could hardly see any un dented

Whether that was from the shadows and being unable to
see properly in the inadequate light, he wasnt sure.
With the clothes muffling his words, he got onto the
important task of asking How, Who, Why and so on.

Rolling his eyes at the idiot standing over him
looking down, Spike mouthed the words that he thought
he would never in his undead life ask of this
particular slayerette.


"Wha... yeah, huh? Oh yep of course"

"Hang on, how?"

Xander knew that he was staring at the prone form on
the floor but he was fascinated by what was in the
vamps hair, the stuff that completely disguised the
blonde. What it was he didnt know and he wasnt sure
that he would like to know.

"I'll go get Giles"

At the barley shaken head, he stopped turning away and
looked yet again down at the sight below him.

"What, no Giles?"

Slight nod.

"Well, who then?"

A painfull looking digit puched the air towards Xander
is gesture that he knew was probably hurting the odd
looking finger making it.

"Are you nuts?" He yelled at the nauseaus looking male
before him.

"You just want to lie there in that puddle of god
knows what until you heal, is that it?"

Looking at the angry brunette pacing beside him, Spike
closed his eyes to the actions that was making his
stomach gurgle once again.
Frustrated by having no voice, he made another fast
vicious jab at what he hoped was Xanders general

~ Jesus, I knew the lad was stupid at times but this
is taking the bloody cake. ~

Xander caught the forcefull gesture that was aimed
towards him, slightly dazed that for once it wasnt the
usual salute. Suddenly it dawned on him what the
grunts were trying to tell him.

"What, back to my place?"

This time seeing an almost barely perceptible nod from
the hurt blonde.

Standing still with his arms crossed firmly, he
glanced down with disdain as his nose copped the smell
full force.

"You do know Anya will be pissed, don't you?"

Another slight nod.

Letting out another sigh, Xander strode towards the
steps. Looking back at Spike, Xander told him that he
would be back in about an hour and would try to find a
large enough tarp to wrap around him.

"I'll be back with my uncles car. Lucky for you that
my parents have taken him to court again for his
latest D.I.U."

With that, he stepped into the clean fresh air from
Spike watched him go with a tear making its presence
known. Not bothering to wipe at it he let his mind
relax now that he knew he would get at least some sort
of help from the whelp.

Darkness was shooting towards him and Spike leant into
it embrace as it enveloped around his tortured mind.

Part Four  

Scuffling his feet as he hefted the tarp into an
easier grip, Xander hoped to god that whatever it was
that anointed Spike, wouldn't get on his uncles car

If anything got on his uncle Rory's car, he knew that
his uncle would complain to his dad and then his dad
would *complain* to Xander whether or not it was his
fault. He could almost see his mother looking at him
while saying that it was always his fault.
Bitterly thinking to himself that no matter what he
did at home, that it would always be his fault, he
gathered up the edge of the tarp that threatened to
drag along in the cemetery dust.

Pushing the strap that had dropped to rest in the
crook of his elbow containing a couple of old
pillowcases that he hoped his mother wouldn't miss,
water, gaffa tape and a blood packet back up to his
shoulder, he reached the crypt and was once again
almost overwhelmed by the powerful odour that rolled
from inside.

Gathering up his wits enough to encourage himself to
ignore the vile air he was about to enter, he walked
carefully down the steps trying to avoid tripping on
the tarp corner that was once again dangling down.
Placing both the tarp and bag ontop of the stone
coffin avoiding the mess of blood and other substances
that were one one side of the slab.

Xander sighed and thought about the task ahead of him.
He *so* did not want to do this. He didn't like
cleaning anyone up, let alone a nasty arsehole
However, if Spike was going to go back to his house or
really the basement in his uncles car, then he would
have to at least get some of the muck off him before
wrapping the creature in the tarp.

Looking at the twitching vampire lying on the floor,
he wondered whether or not he should have brought more
cloths and water with him. He wasnt sure that even
with what he had got with him, it would be enough to
wash even half of what was covering the shaking body

Spike lay on the floor more or less lying on his
relatively unmarked front. He was shaking and
twitching as much as his abused body would allow, his
eyes moving back and forth rapidly behind tightly shut
lids. Little breathy gasps were being uttered every
few moments amongst what sounded like to Xander,
deeper groans of pain.

Sighing once again, he leant down to roll the vampire
from the drying horror that he was currently twitching
in. Placing both hands upon the pale form, he had
tried to find a place that wasnt too battered but
deciding that wherever he put his hands, it would hurt
Spike anyway.
Xander took a breath and firmly rolled the blonde from
the stick floor and onto an area just beyond that was
dusty but cleaner than what the vampire had been lying
in before.

Squealing in strangled, whispered cry, Spike started
to sob with tears forming as his tortured hip took all
his solid weight. Opening his eyes a fraction, he saw
that Harris had moved him from the vileness that he
had lay in since playing "Twister". Only this twister
had invloved his limbs and the five members of
Arseholes Inc.

Frowning in both annoyance and disgust at what he
could see dried on the white globes infront of him,
Xander left the sobbing figure as he was and walked
back to the bag waiting for him. Xander had a
sneaking suspicion as to what the white substance was
on the bruised and welted buttocks but he firmly
pushed that thought to the back of his mind.
Zippering the bag open, he reached inside for the
pillowcases and the water bottle. Acknowledging to
himself that he hadn't brought enough of either the
water or rags, he walked back to the moaning vampire
to get a closer look.

"Well, some one did a good job on you"

` No shit Einstein! ~

Thought Spike gasping and moaning at the hot waves of
pain radiating from the hip in contact with the floor.
He could feel little bits of broken mortar pressing
themsleves into the bruises that were starting to
flower into a full bloom.

~ Fuck, a few more hours and I'll be able to beat that
great git Barney in the purple awards! ~

"I'm going to wipe some of that *whatever* off you.
This is going to hurt."

~ Oh, just great. This is sooooo what I need at the
moment, more pain. ~

was the thought between the choking sobs and the
effort not to cry infront of the whelp.

~ Wonder what I'll get for not crying this time?
Knowing my luck, a great big Peachy smelling soul! ~

Kneeling down and immediatley regretting his new
cargo's, Xander took one of the pillowcases in both
hands and ripped fast down the frayed edges. Taking
one of the three strips he had made, he took the the
cap off the bottle of water and then proceeded to get
the cloth wet.

Spike gritted his teeth, choking off the sobs and
tried not to vamp out in reaction to the pain that
started when he felt the cool wet touch upon one of
the welts on the small of his back. Still trembling
from the shock that had set in when he realised what
had been going to happen last night, the former Big
Bad tried to turn his attention to other things than
what his mind was throwing at him.

Trying not to think of all the names he had been
called and the resulting sounds of laughter they had
caused when any of the five bastards had come up with
a wittier one than the one before. Trying not to
think of the great whoops and the rounds of
backslapping when the mexican prick (Martinez?) had
breeched the tight ring of muscles in his protesting
arse, and for the ones who had gone rutting at his
torn, sore hole after the first barstard had shot his
load while forcing him down onto all fours. When you
get turned a virgin, the thing was, you were always a
virgin and hadn't Angelus loved that fact. The fact
that he would always heal to be as tight as the day he
was turned.

He had known as soon as he let out the yelp in pain,
that he had sealed his own fate of being the favoured
form of entertainment for the ex-commandos that night.

He had been sure that Bunney's fuck toy would have put
a stop to it way before this but nothing had prepared
him for the look of both venom and dangerous arousal
on Iowas face when he had had both of his arms
stretched over the slab. He had been pushed into the
position by a dark haired soldier who had wanted to
'have a go' while standing up. Both Graham and Riley
had held his arms stretched over the coffin while
Martinez and some other one that he had never caught
the name of held both of his legs apart for Corey.
Easy access apparently as he was shorter than all of
them, they had to slightly lift him as well, adding to
the pain in his thighs as their large blunt fingers
dug into his already heavily bruised flesh. He could
feel his stomach muscles protest as he thought of the
bruises he had gotten accross them from being in
contact with the edge of the heavy marble as they had
alternatly pounded into him from behind.

All his struggles, all the gamefaced snapping and
snarling had only earned him a head bashing on one of
the heavy marble corners, which probably atributted to
the intense pain in his head on his chipped side.

The ever present nausea he felt was growing stronger
due to the little flares of heat as Xander none too
gently dabbed at the numerous welts accross his back.

Spike felt the boys hands hesitate as they came in
contact with the bruised buttocks and the blackness
between them.

"Um, do you want me to go there?"


Slight nod.

"Ok then, but just for the record, I'm not doing this
again, next time its going to be Giles whether you
like it or not!"

Shake of the head.

"Why not Giles?"

~ Because this is bloody humiliating enough with you
seeing me like this let alone that wanker of a

All Spike could do was give another head shake as
strong as his protesting neck muscles would allow.

Part Five  

Xander finished wrapping the vampire up like an
Egyptian mummy, so that he would be protected from the
deadly sun. Sealing the corners and little gaps with
the black gaffa tape he had found in the back of the
car, he looked carefully for any little rips and tears
that might make it possible for the sun to dust the
stricken male. Giles would be pissed that he would
have to do the demon translating if Spike suddenly
dissapeared into billowing dust.

Chuckling to himself at the memory of the
ex-librarians face as he had tried to work out what
purr went before which almost meow, Xander started to
shove the filthy rags and rements of Spikes ripped and
torn clothes into his bag. Thinking better, he
gathered them all together and with one hurl, threw
the soiled cloth into a dark corner closely followed
by the empty water bottle.


shouted Xander. Looking down at the bundle laying at
his feet, he was thankfull that Spike had passed out
when he had started to wrap the tarp around the
shivering body, now at least the annoying sounds had
stopped. Thinking no more about the ceased noise, he
bent down once again making sure that both his knees
were bent and that his back was straight as he had
been taught at work. Lucky for him, he had a good boss
who like to make sure that his workers did their job
correctly even if it was just to save on the insurance
claims, Xander was thankfull for it. He was also
thankfull for the extra strength that he seemed to be
gathering now that he had been working solidly at the
demanding job for almost more than a month now.

Bracing himself, he slid one hand under what he
presumed were the knees and the other one under the
vampires shoulder blades. Gathering himself, he
lifted and rose at the same time, stumbling at the
sudden weight in his arms. It wasn't that Spike was
heavy, it was the fact that the smaller man was a lot
lighter than he had thought.

"Jesus, I bet Will's is heavier than you and I so hope
that she never hears that from me!"

Shaking his head at the thought of what could happen
to him if the red haired witch ever found out what he
had said, he regarded the bulky object draped accross
his arms. This obviously wasnt going to be so
difficult after all.

"The only thing I have to worry about is getting
busted for grave robbing. I mean technically you are a
corpse Bleach Boy"

Getting no answer and really not expecting one, he
started accross the dusty little graveyard after
peering out of the doorway to make sure that there was
no-one else in the yard besides them. Xander
continued to walk to the car that he had parked as
close to the iron gated entrance as he could. Stopping
only to adjust the vampire so that he didnt slide out
of his arms, He stepped through the gates without
banging the blondes legs on the iron fence surrounding
the cemetary.

Xander made the walk to the car with minimum effort
and balanced the bundle with one hand against the car
while he opened the door to the backseat. Lifting and
sliding at the same time, he managed to slide the
quiet form into the backseat with little fuss.

"Yep, thankfull indeed, I knew all that practice at
heavy lifting would finally pay off."

Paranoid that somehow he had gotten blood or dirt on
the car interior, he made a quick inspection of the
cars backseat. Seeing none, Xander shut the door and
made his way to the front drivers side. sliding the
key into the ignition, the tired boy looked unseeing
into the street ahead of him. Thinking that Anya was
going to be beyond pissed now that it was late
afternoon. He wondered that despite the wonderful
orgasms that they both had if it was worth staying
with the ex-demon. He knew that his temper was going
to go beyond nasty if he put up with Anya's tactless
remarks for much longer.

Sighing for what seemed the hundreth time that day, he
realised that he had been sitting in the car staring
into space for at least a good 15 minutes. Turning
the key in the car's ignition, Xander looked over his
shoulder and into the backseat, checking for any
motion. Not seeing any, he wrenched the gearstick
from park and into drive when the engine finally
kicked in. Indicating, he turned the car from the
kerb and into the street.

"I hope that the olds are still out with Uncle Rory,
their probably still down at the local celebrating
Uncle Rory's latest triumph over justice."

Shaking his head as he wondered just how his uncle
kept getting out of his numerous D.U.I's, Xander
indicated to turn into his street. Sure enough, his
parents car wasn't parked in the driveway. Taking
advantage of the opportunity that had been presented
to him, he drove as close to the basement door as
Angling his head to all sides, Xander saw that no-one
was around.

Throwing off his seatbelt, he got around to the back
door. Having a better thought, he raced to the
basement door and unlocked it. Turning on the light
for the stairs, he bounded down them and turned on the
lights in both the kitchen and the bathroom. With the
high wattage in the bathroom, he would be able to see
exactly what and how many of Spikes bones were broken.

Running back up the stairs and avoiding the mouldy
one, he opened the back door and dragged the bulky
tarp from the car seat. Pausing to get a firmer hold
on the slick plastic, Xander hefted the vampire into
his arms once more after taking the time to look
around to see if anyone had come out of their house to
stare at what the weird Harris boy was doing this

Balancing on one foot, he reached behind him with the
other to kick the door of the car closed. He covered
the short distance to his basement still concerned
that some-one would seem and he didnt really want to
explain a dead blonde guy in his room to both his dad
and Uncle Rory.
Reaching the steps he proceed to climb down with
utter care.


Reaching the bottom of the steps and walking towards
the bathroom with the bundle, he remembered that he
had left his bag in the crypt.

"Damn it!, now I'll have to go back and face that
lovely aroma again"

Muttering curses to himself, he set Spike down on the
cool, chipped white tiles of the bathroom floor.
Xander walked back to the kitchen to get a knife so
that he could start to unwrap the passed out vampire.
Choosing one, he decided that the sooner he had
finished cleaning the blonde, the sooner he would call
Anya to tell her that it was a 'no go' for tonight. He
could almost see the air around him start to shake
with the thought of an Anya hissy fit. He kept
reminding himself that she provided good orgasms.

Striding towards the bathroom once again, Xander
stopped and looked down at the condition his not so
beige cargo pants were in. Taking a deep breath, he
winced when his nose caught the smell of blood vomit
coming from his splattered pants. He should have know
not to give Spike the cold blood after he had finished
cleaning the vampire off, but he had seen how hungry
the shivering male had been.

Spike had gulped at the blood eagerly, his eyes
rolling in delight until he stopped drinking suddenly
and had just looked at Xander with fearful blue eyes
and had then proceed to vomit forth a bright wave of
blood that had covered most of the new cargo pants
while the boy still clutched a blood bag in the hand
that held it to the trembling lips.

Grimacing at what had to be his favourite memory of
the day so far, the weary boy leant over the plastic
in front of him and started to attack the tape hold
the tarp together.
Having unwrapped the still comatose figure, Xander
suddenly stood up and stepped back. Choking back his
own sudden urge to vomit, Xander stared down at the
scene before him.

"I dont give a flying fuck about you not wanting

"I'm calling right now!"

Part Six  

Running to the phone while chanting what would
probably become his own personal mantra (oh shit, oh
shit, oh shit!),Xander skidded to a halt in front of
the small table holding the phone, picking it up in
one shaky hand and punching the speed dial to Gile's
shop at the same time, The freaked boy let his mind
try to take in what he had unwrapped in the bathroom.

" Come on G-Man, be there already? "

Listening to the phone ring while pacing back and
forth as much as the short cord would allow him,
Xander contemplated what lay on the bathroom tiles.
He had seen beaten before mainly courtesy of the
'punch and judy show' that his parents liked to
display when pretty drunk, but he had never seen
anything quite to the extent of Spikes injuries.

Whomever or whatever had attacked the chipped vampire
had been quite vicious in the torment. Judging from
the look of the bones sticking from the shredded skin
of the right hand, the breaking of bones had taken a
few hours. He knew that when his dad punched his
mother, it usually took his dad a few hits to break
anything. Vampire bones were much stronger, therefore
it had probably taken much longer to be able to break

Dismissing the thought entirely from his mind as he
heard the phone connect, Xander started to speak but
was beaten by an obviously annoyed female.


"Anya, its me, Xander! Can you please go and get
Giles for me, I *really* need to talk to him."


Inwardly groaning, Xander cursed whoever it was who
decided the fate so the already whinging ex-demon
would pick up the phone.

"Yes, go and get Giles right *now*!"

'When are you going to give me orgasms?"

"Anya, not now! Can you just go and get the G-Man. I
found Spike and he's at my place. I need help."

"So," came the icy reply. "You would rather hang
around with that disgusting creature than give me the
orgasms that YOU owe me and your going to ask Giles
to help you with the hanging!"

Hearing a brief scuffle on the other side of the line,
Xander was relieved to hear Giles on the phone.

"Xander, whats happened?"

"Oh, thank god it's you Giles. Dont you know by now to
keep her away from phones?"

"What... Oh, yes. I should know that all too well by
now" the ex-librarian said in a long suffering tone.

"Now, tell me, what's happened, are you hurt? Did you
do something?"

" Me, why do you always think that I did something?
No, its the Big Bad, he's been beaten really badly and
I don't know what to do."

Sighing into the phone, Giles told the nervous boy
that he would be at Xanders place as soon as possible
with some more blood and various first aid items.

Hanging up, Xander breathed deeply in relief. Angry by
Anyas attitude and her obssession with *her* pleasure,
he had heard the girl demanding in the background that
Giles find out when her orgasms were going to be
fulfilled. Cringing in towards himself, he decided
once and for all that no matter how good the sex was,
he just couldn't take anymore of the hassle and
constant embarrassment that his girlfriend directed
his way.

Walking reluctantly back towards the bathroom and the
waiting figure, he slid down beside the tarp and once
again looking at the vampire, he drew his knees up to
his chest to wait for Giles.

Staring at the multitude of injuries that had been
inflicted on the once pale body,he started to take
into account what was actually wrong with the blonde.
Seeing that the most obvious of them all were the
broken left ankle, the welts upon the back and
buttocks and the bones that were sticking out of the
flesh on the right hand, Xander forced himself to keep
looking and to take note of the ribs that certainly
looked broken as well. They looked like that a few on
each side were affected.

It was hard to see how much bruising was on the
vampire as the thin scabs that had formed over most of
the welts had broken, covering the comatose blonde
with blood again after being pushed and slide around
while wrapped in the thick plastic. Looking down the
lower region, Xander felt a small blush adorn his
cheeks as he took in the relatively unmarked genitals,
trying not to stare at the size of the organ, he let
his gaze rest upon the thighs. Gasping, he realized
with shock that the blackness of the skin covering the
twisted limbs was due to severe bruising and not dirt
from the crypt floor as he had first thought.

Shuddering to himself, Xander forced his gaze from the
tortured thighs and upon the face. Looking at the
twitching, whimpering male, he could see a line of
finger sized bruises covering the jawline almost from
ear to ear. Leaning his head against the cool tiled
wall behind him, the disgusted boy wondered if the
fact that he felt no pity for the battered visage
before him made him a bad person.

Deciding that it didnt and that who ever it was had
just beaten the vampire finally at his own game, he
hollered "Come in" in the direction of the stairs as
he heard the knocking.
Knowing it would be Giles as only he would knock,
anyone esle would just barge on down the stairs, he
waited for the ex-watcher to join him in the bathroom.

"Bleedin heck, what the hell happened to him?" came
from the suprised question as Giles joined him in
staring at the vampire.

Part Seven  

Giles stood beside Xander's double bed that now
contained a clean but nauseaus looking restored blonde
vampire. Giving his glasses one last polish with his
tissues, he replaced the tissues in his front trouser
pocket while adjusting his glasses on the bridge of
his nose.

"Right then. Let's try this again shall we?"

Indicating to the vampire to try telling him what had
happened to him once more, he looked at the mountains
of tape that held the demon together thinking that if
Spike had been a human, he would have died from the
injuries. The whole getting Spike clean process had
taken well over two hours due to the fact that neither
himself or the increasingly annoyed but well meaning
boy had wanted to cause the battered vampire any more
pain than was neccessary to get him clean. It had
taken so long also due to the fact that Xander had
been put off by the oddly soft queals and grunts of
pain that the barely concious male had been uttering,
also due to the fact that they had really started to
worry Giles as well who had tried not to show it to
the already frustrated boy.

Having shoved Xander in the direction of the bathroom
once more while arming him with cleaning spray and
cloths and telling it was best to start cleaning now,
Giles turned his attention to the pitiful form in the
bed. Telling the sore demon to relax his throat again
and to start slowly, he waited for the onslaught of
vile words to start coming forth.

Spike closed his eyes to the sight of one of the two
men that he had never wanted to see him like this.

~ If that fucking Nancy Boy comes down those stairs,
I'll bloody well stake myself. ~

~ I don't think I could cope with both the watcher and
Poof looking at me like I'm like this ~

Drawing in a shuddering breath that was not needed, he
tried to concentrate on relaxing his tired throat
muscle as asked by the ex-watcher. Finally feeling
his muscles relax as much as possible, he ventured
forth with a sentence.

"Gasp, nnnnrght, retch, cough!"

Unable to choke back the tears that had been threating
to fall all night when he had found out the Whelp had
contacted the Watcher, Spike lay in the saggy mattress
letting the pink tinged tears slide down his bruised
cheeks, the tears kept rolling down his battered
jawline and finally staining the pale pillowcase.

Shoulders shaking in a combination of shock,
tiredness, anger that he felt so stupid and the effort
from crying itself, the worn out demon sobbed without
looking up at the increasingly flustered man aheming
and arhing beside him.

Wiping at his eyes with his taped right hand, he
jabbed at his face with his broken fingers a little
too hard, letting out another soft retch when his
fingers grazed the sore jawline.

~ Bloody Hell, why don't they just do me a favour and
stake me? I'm useless. ~

With this thought, the distraught male started sobbing
all the more.

Giles, not knowing what to do for once, reached down
with a hesitant hand to pat at the bruised shoulder,
only to quickly snatch it away when he felt the
vampire flinch at the touch he could feel through the
layers of tape holding his joints together. Whether
it was in reaction to the weight of his hand or it had
been the revulsion that Spike felt for the other man,
one that he had made obvious when living with Giles,
he didnt know, and the former librarian really didn't
want to know.

Leaving the snuffling and snorting demon in the bed,
he walked to the bathroom to see how Xander was going
with the clean up progress. Xander was on his knees
with his back facing the bed doing his best to ignore
the sounds. Scrubbing at the bloodstained tarp, he
wondered where the hell he was going to sleep. "I'm
sure as hell sharing a bed with that arsehole." "I'm
not a bloody poofter to quote the Big Bad" he thought
to himself.

Hearing Giles' scuffing his feet behind him, Xander
stopped the work that he was fast considering useless
and turned to look at the older man.

"How long do you think that he will be here?" was the
first question in a bitter tone.

"I, I really don't know. The watchers books state
that when a vampire is so injured, any other vampires
usually take the time to drain it as it is considered
useless and basically culled from the pack."

"Gross, so other vampires really do kill their own?"

Speaking with a bit more knowledge, Giles told Xander
that essentially, vampires, being almost like pack
animals, that when one was injured beyond what would
be a days healing, the other members of the pack would
literally kill it in order to retain the strength of
the pack. Of course that had only been observed
amongst minions, Spike having been a once favoured
childe, Giles acknowleged that he didn't know of a
case like this.

"We'll talk tomorrow Xander, for now, lets just get
some sleep and we can think clearer tomorrow."

Nodding at that wise descion, Xander grinned tiredly
at the older man. Struggling to get to his feet, the
worn out young man tried not to collapse onto the now
not so white tiles. Both of them hearing that the
snuffling wet sounds had stopped, they looked towards
the bed only to see that the vampire had cried himself
to sleep. They quietly walked towards the stairs
trying not to to disturb him lest it bring on a fresh
flood of tears.

Stopping at the base of the staircase, Giles turned to
face the boy standing behind him.

"Xander" Giles started softly, "he's going to need
full time care for probably over a week."

"But what about my job, I mean I'm actually good at
this and I can't afford to lose it" came the flustered

"Don't worry. It's Saturday tomorrow, actually really
only in a few hours" Giles said as he noticed the time
from the clock hanging in Xander's kitchen. "Lets
think of that tomorrow."

Shrugging his reply as the exhausted older man started
up the stairs, Xander watched him go through the
basement door with gust of cold air that descended to
swirl around the dank room. Half turning, half
stumbling towards the bed, he sank heavily on the
unoccuppied side of the bed.

"This is so what I didn't get this double bed for,
Bleach Boy" he whispered softly to himself. Sure, the
bed had been on sale at the Goodwill store but the
fact remained that he had originally bought the bed so
that he and his soon to be ex-girlfriend would have
room to roll around and experiment with.
Yawning as he removed both his grotty outer shirt and
sweaty t-shirt in one swift movement, he then bent
down to remove his shoes and socks.

Rolling his socks into a firm ball and throwing into a
corner of the softly illuminated room, he muttered
"score" under his breath. Standing again to undo his
ruined pants, he slid them down past his knees and let
them puddle around his ankles on the floor. Stepping
out of the pool of clothing surrounding his feet,
Xander turned back the bed covers on his side of the
bed. Climbing into the beckoning comfort while trying
not to hit a squeaky spring, he scratched at the cheap
material holding his boxers together.

Getting comfortable underneath the covers, he resisted
the temptation to shove the comatose vampire onto the
floor in order to regain all of his bed. Turning off
his bedside lamp, plunging the basement into total
darkness, he turned onto his side away from his
unwanted bed companion and closed his eyes getting
dragged down into a deep slumber almost immediatley.

Part Eight  

Xander sat back in the hard chair, struggling to get
comfortable in the confines of prickly material
covering the old piece of furniture. Looking at the
slumbering male that was still confined to the one
side of his bed, as he had been for the past three
days, he once again wondered who had worked the
vampire over. Everytime that either he or Giles' had
asked, the distraught male had burst into very
unvampire like tears.

Whoever, and both him and Giles' had come to the
conclusion that it had been human/humans someone due
to the fact that Spike could fight fellow demons, had
really done their best to injure the blonde short of
actually staking him.

Thinking back to the conversation that he and fellow
scoobie's including Riley had had with the
ex-librarian that following late saturday morning,
Xander frowned with annoyance at the sounds of gasping
and moaning that came from the bed once again.
Trying to shut out what had become the only noises
that the vampire was now able to make, he recalled the

Giles' had been especially worried by the fact that
Spike had been unable to keep any of the blood down
that he had been fed after being settled into the
saggy bed. Snorting to himself, Xander thought that
Giles' had been lucky not to be splattered by the red
shower that had sprung forth from the weeping demon.
Another worry had been the obvioulsy cracked skull on
what was known as the chipped side of the vampire's

Tara had suprisingly come up with the possibility that
Spikes inability to utter more than the soft grunts
and whispered squeals that now constituted for speech,
that maybe it was due to the fact that the chip had
been damaged in the attack. Willow, looking at her
girlfriend with pride had agreed with the idea. Giles
and Xander, both thinking about the consequences of
this information had finally agreed with the blonde

Sitting on the sofa, as close to Riley as she could
get short of actually sitting in his lap, Buffy tossed
her hair and declared that maybe now Spike would just
finally stake himself and save her the trouble of
getting "icky demon particles" out of her new clothes
that she had bought to impress the now returned
farmboy with. Riley holding his lover's hand firmly
in his large grasp agreed with Buffy, stating that if
the blonde could no longer talk, then he was
essentially useless and should be removed instead of
letting the damaged individual continue being undead.

After protests from the witches who pointed out that
they still didn't know if Spike was good for anything
else, the other four scooby members reluctantly
agreed to see how the recovery progressed. Once this
had been decided, Giles' left with Buffy and Riley,
who were engaging in major snoggdom, to speak with the
new army of demons and try to convince the "meows" as
they had been named, to leave Sunnydale to the Slayer.

The demons had regretfully complied with the
ex-watchers request to leave but only after offering
the blonde dynamo her own slice of Sunnydale. Having
instructed Giles' to tell the demons that it was a 'no
go', various "meows" gathered their possessions and
stepped into the swirling void that had appeared at
the cloven feet of their leader.

Or at least he had been told that it had swirled.
Xander sighed, coming back to the present. Still
bitter that he was forced into the role of nurse for
the injured male, he was grateful that Giles' had been
able to speak directly to his understanding boss.
His boss had agreed to the time off from work for
Xander after the ex-librarian had spun a tale of home
nursing, sick parent, and a week or more off from
His boss had understood alright and had agreed to let
Xander off work for up to two weeks all the while
going without pay but having the advantage of a job
waiting for him when he was able to work again.
Giles' posing as Xander's uncle had been more than
happy with the agreement.

Seeing that the vampire was starting to come out of a
deep slumber, he rose from the chair and padded with
bare feet across the floor to the kitchen. Opening
the fridge and selecting a blood packet from the
overflowing shelf, the boy hoped that the former Big
Bad would be able to keep this one down.

Jerking awake as he heard the microwave ding when it
had finished heating, Spike was instantly relieved to
be away from the nightmare that had featured the five
members of Arseholes Inc. beating into him again.
Watching as the boy walked from the kitchen clutching
a mug in his hand and a teatowel in the other, Spike
felt his stomach muscles clench in anticipation at the
warm meal.

He hoped that he would be able to keep most of this
one down.

~ I'll be giving that Twiggy bint a run for her money
if this keeps up ! ~

came the nervous thought. Feeling slightly scared as
he watched the Harris whelp approach, he licked the
now healed lips with an eager tongue.
Harris, scowling at him, placed the warm mug in his
left hand, helping him to hold the mug due to the
arkward position that he had been forced to lay in due
to his ribs and marred back.

Trying to sip slowly, Spike felt his face vamp out as
teh blood hit his tastebuds.

~Fucking awful, but christ, I'm sooooo hungry. ~

Gulping a little faster, he visibly flinced when
Xander reached towards his face to wipe at the excess
blood trickling down his chin, threatening the colour
of the bedsheets.

~ Wow, don't I feel *manly* with the whelp being all
Mr. Mom on me. That's right Spikey, remember former
Master Vampire. ~

Slightly smiling to himself in triumph that the blood
so far had kept itself contained for the first time
since he had been found, the weary male closed his
tired eyes again trying not to fall straight back into
the game of "Twister" that he had previoulsy been

Xander stood with the empty mug clutched in his hand.
Unable to stop himself, he reached out with a cautious
hand to lightly stroke at the once again blonde hair.
Frowning in confusion as to why he had doone it, he
walked back to the kitchen. Standing in front of the
metal basin, he tried to figure out why he had touched
the vampire in such a way.

Spike, meanwhile, whimpered as the soft caress on his
still aching head left and he was once again left
alone to look at the five figures coming towards him.

Alone as he always seemed to be.

Part Nine  

Xander was tired from both the stress of being a full
time nursemaid and from living in such close confines
with some one that he disliked. He didn't know what
to do at the reactions that the vampire displayed
whenever he made sudden movements or caused loud
noises. The flinching whenever he approached the
uncomfortable male, and as for the cringing motions
displayed whenever he touched Spike, well, they were
really starting to wear his nerves thin.

He had more or less been in a constant state of
annoyance since the vampire had moved in. He was sure
that the healing man could smell the emotion on him,
therefore not really helping the situation. Hearing
the shower turn on, he muttered that the blonde should
just really get over it, it had was now a week and a
half since the demon had been found. It wasn't as if
he hadn't been seriously hurt before thought Xander
recalling the time that Spike had spent in the

"Im sure that he didn't act this way with Dru and that
bastard Angelus" whispered Xander. Knowing what the
dark haired male vampire was capable of, Xander had
come to the conclusion that if Spike had acted this
way when in the wheelchair, Angelus would have put the
blonde out of his misery for just daring to be so

Knowing that something really terrible must have
happened in the crypt to get the blonde acting this
way, Xander sighed. It wasn't as if Spike had so far
been capable of telling them what had happened as his
voice showed no definite signs of improvement and the
tape holding the bones together in the vampires right
hand made the task of writing nigh on impossible and
of course fate being kind had made the demon right
handed at most things and that had included writing.

Now no longer having to help the smaller man in the
bathroom since the day before, something that Xander
was mightly thankfull for, he poured the milk ontop of
the cereal covering the bottom of the blue bowl.
Trying to shovel as much as he could into his mouth,
he lifted a hand to wipe at the milk spluttering from
the sides of the overloaded spoon. With no signs
coming from the bathroom that the water would shut off
anytime soon, the happily crunching boy turned his
mind to the only time that he had seen Spikes type of
current behaviour.

There had been girl in his biology class in his second
year of high school who had acted pretty much the same
way that the bleached blonde was now displaying. That
same girl had later committed suicide and no-one had
known why until a few months later when the distraught
parents found the well hidden note explaining the
suicide. Turned out that Stacii had been sexually
molested by an uncle and was too ashamed to tell

The word had gotten around the school like wildfire,
Principal Flutie had organised counselling for the
whole of the school and had demanded that the sex ed
classes include lessons on how to spot a victim of
abuse, be it verbal, sexual or physical. Xander
hadn't really paid any attention to the classes, being
more interested in scribbling rude pictures in his
text books.

She had displayed the same crying fits and odd
behaviour of nervousness whenever anyone approached
her or even looked like coming her way.

Hearing the water shut off and the crinkling of the
shower curtain, Xander dropped his empty bowl and wet
spoon into the sink. He felt himself pale when the
sudden thought hit him like a train.

"Oh my god!!!!" It couldn't be true! The same
behaviour, was it even possible that it had happened
to the former Big Bad? It would go a long way to
explaining some of the injuries the blonde had

Shaking his head in disbelief and hoping that for once
he wasn't right, Xander spun around at the sound of
the bathroom door opening only to stare open-mouthed
at the still slightly wet figure before him.

"You were raped, weren't you?" he demanded from the
vampire. Mentally cursing himself when he saw the
smaller man look at him with the bluest eyes he had
ever seen, eyes that were current filling with pink
tinged tears.

Spike had stopped dead in his tracks at the accusing
tone in the question. Looking into the whelps deep
chocolate eyes while feeling the tears well up yet
again that felt like the thousandth time since he had
been rescued, the Master Vampire dropped his gaze onto
the floor in an act of total submission. Leaning
against the frame of the doorway, he lifted his taped
hand to fiddle with the paint that was flaking off the
timber. Picking at the tiny bits and watching them
drop on the floor, he nodded his head at the visibly
shocked boy all the while keeping his eyes fixed
firmly on the glistening tiles.

Xander was stunned to see the vampire so defeated,
something that he had never thought to see in his life
time. The big Bad reduced to crying in full force
while leaning against a bathroom doorway. Wishing now
that he had paid at least some attention in the class,
the angry and disgusted boy walked towards the
bathroom while ignoring the the way the demon cringed
away from Xander and into the surrounding frame.

Reaching the hysterical man, Xander lifted out his
larger hand and started to stroke the wet blonde hair
in what he hoped was a soothing motion. Making
arkward shushing noises in his throat in an attempt to
slow the crying, Xander gently ran his fingers through
the limp soft strands of hair.

Spike, shaking from the closeness of the other male,
unconciously leaned into the comforting caress.
Having not had such attention from anyone in years,the
attention that his Dru and Sire had showed him
consisted of mad passion, blood and screaming, he
could feel the boys fingers lightly stroking at the
place where the Iniative had placed the much cursed
chip. Hoping that the pleasant touching wouldn't stop
too soon in the near future, he felt the tears
dwindling to a slow halt.

Xander looked at the still sobbing man in front of him
and wondered why he was even bothering to try and
comfort someone who had tried to kill not only himself
but his friends as well over a long period of time.

Seeing that the tears had stopped plopping on to the
tiles, the still angry boy guided the now dry heaving
vampire back to his side of the bed. Helping the
exhausted male to climb into the bed, Xander looked
down at the demon trying to curl into the fetal
position as much as his still ruined hip would allow.
Wondering if he should call Gile's and tell him of the
update, he continued to run his fingers in the damp
hair, lightly stroking the strands from the vampires
cold forehead.

Spike looked up at the person who stood beside him.
He wondered when he would have to leave what had
become his own little safe haven. He thought that
Riley and cohorts wouldn't be stupid enough to come at
him again while living in the whelps basement and if
this was the type of treatment that he could expect
from now on, why should he leave. Not even trying to
deny to himself that he didn't like the way the boy's
hand was running through his hair, he tried to think
of a way to convince the boy to let him stay for a bit
longer. Smelling the anger that surround every pore
on the scooby, he tried to ignore the almost acrid
aroma that assulted his sensitive nostrils. Glad that
he had finally been able to tell someone at least
partially what had happened that night, he closed his
eyes and fell almost immediatly into a deep sleep.

Seeing the vampire close his eyes and the heavy
heaving starting to slow, Xander thought about who
would be so sadistic as to go beyond a brutal beating
and actually destroy a once proud being, an evil but
proud being all the same.

Sitting at the edge of the bed while still caressing
the drying hair, he wondered what would happen now.

Part Ten

Running from one corner of the crypt to the other,
trying to get away from the taller five in the small
room with him, Spike was trying to tell them to leave
him alone, confused when he kept hearing himself tell
the laughing males to do whatever they liked to him.

"Do what you like mate, I don't give a shit"

Shaking his head, denying what he had just heard
himself say, he made a dash for the crumbling stairs.

Pushed to the ground, he was quickly surrounded by the
camoflage wearing group. Lying on his back, Spike
looked up at the intense smirking faces in panic.

"Im just a slut, fuck me over, I'm begging for it"

Widening his eyes in shock at the words, he struggled
in vain as the larger hands grabbed at him once again.
As he was being hauled towards the stone slab, he
pulled with all his might, trying to get free from the
the five who were agreeing with him. 

Pussy, Whore, Slag, Fuck Toy.

"Damn, you boys are getting me hot, keep going and I'm
going to explode"

Whimpering as he recognised the betraying voice, he
was thrown face down on the cold hard slab, feeling it
slam into his stomach that was aching from the punches
that Riley and Martinez has gifted him with, he felt
rough hands reaching around to his lower front. 

Feeling his shoulder muscles and ligaments protesting
as he was streched over the wide expanse with Riley
and Graham on each arm hauling his upper body towards
them as they stood on the other side snickering at
Spike kicked at the hands on either leg that were
helping the soldier behind him work his tight black
jeans down his trembling legs. Feeling the movements
stop as the clothing reached his still attached boots,
his stomach clenched in both pain and fear as he saw
the beam of one of the torches glinting off a knife
that Graham tossed to the people behind and either
side of him. Hearing the knife work its way into his
docs, he started kicking harder at the hands holding
on to his legs, connecting with one of them, he felt
the pain in his head send him into a temporary

Coming to when he heard the ripping sounds of his
already torn t-shirt, he whimpered at them to stop but
his mouth having better ideas only told the men that
the rougher it was, the better it would be for him.

Howling with laughter,the ex-commando standing
directly behind him slapped hard at each exposed
buttock. All the while, he tried to shut out the
sound of his voice telling the man to slap him harder
and not to spare anything. Shutting his eyes tightly
at the request of the mexican that he was going to be
lifted up for easier access, he squealed in pain when
he felt the large blunt fingertips dig into the
already bruised flesh where he had been kicked

"If your going to fuck me, I just wanna let ya know
that I want it hard and long"

came the words from his trembling lips. Unable to
stop himself, Spike instinctivly clenched at the
feeling of a finger probe at the protesting ring, he
gritted his teeth at what he knew was to come.

The pain came in one hot punch as the soldier ploughed
his way through the protective muscles in one
unlubricated push with his hard cock. With the tears
streaming down his face, Spike yelped in agony at
being brutally penetrated with no preperation.

"Jesus mate, you can do better than that, just go
harder and I'll lay over easy for your mate's as well"

Shaking his head from side to side, trying to clear
the haze that had sprung up from behind his eyes, the
vampire felt his head connect with a loud thump on the
hard marble when Riley reached over with an unoccupied
hand to still his head. 

Laughing and telling the soldier that was currently
slamming into his bleeding arse to go harder, spike
tried to shut his mind as to what was happening to
After what seemed like hours, but what could only have
been minutes, he felt the hot cum in his brutalised
passage sting the tears in the sensitive tissue.
Gasping as the man pulled out to a resounding chorus
of cheers, he saw the man blow kisses at him while
relieving Graham from the hold on his right arm.
Graham, slapping the dark haired male on the back in
praise, walked around the back of Spike all the while
undoing his belt and pulling at the zipper keeping his
army pants up.

Moving his head from side to side again as he felt the
soldiers hands on each hip, the blonde sucked in his
breath but was once again unable to stop him self from
saying do it harder baby to the man who was currently
pushing his way through the steadily bruising tissue.

The trembling man moaned in pain as he was unable to
do anything but put up with feeling the other 3
members of the team stretch his arse beyond the limits
of normal. His stomach was gurgling and leaping in
reaction to the much swallowed cum from before this
little turn of events and he was sure that the banging
of his tender muscles against the hard stone wasn't
helping at all either.

Now crying in full force in front of the former
Initiative members, Spike was humiliated to hear
himelf say the he had enjoyed it thoroughly and to
reward them all for one of the best arse fucks he had
ever received, he was going to personally clean off
the taller mens cocks, all five of them. Reminding
them that he was really good at this, Spike asked for
the first to step up so that he could begin. With
shoulders shaking in pain and fright, he could't
understand why he was saying the very opposite to what
he wanted to say, he was shoved off the slab with such
a force that he landed a good few feet from the stone

Feeling the ribs that must have been broken by Grahams
numerous kicks when he had spat out the soldiers seed
after being forced to suck the man off, he was forced
onto all fours by two of the shorter men. All the men
had pulled up their pants after screwing Spike but
hadn't zippered them up and it looked like a very long
night the vampire thought.

Swallowing in nervous fright as he saw Corey approach
his open mouth while fiddling his open pants to get
his already hardening dick out again, Spike could hear
a noise behind him. Listening to what would hopefully
take his mind off the revolting task infront of him,
he closed his mind and eyes to what his mouth was
doing with the hot flesh inserted firmly between his
lips. Hearing what sounded like his name being said
louder and louder, the blonde felt soft hands running
through his hair, panicking that the soldier was
preparing to shove his cock down his throat as far as
it go, Spike started gagging in fear.


"Spike, wake up!"


Xander was running his fingers gently through the
gagging blondes hair as he shouted at the male to wake
up from whatever obvious nightmare that he was
currently stuck in.

He had gone to sleep with not a problem earlier on
only to wake up to the whimpering noises that had
grown steadly louder from next to him. Leaning over
to turn on the bedside light, he had been stunned to
see the vampire in the throes of what seemed to be a
very vivid dream. Watching in sleepy annoyance tinged
with growing concern for the demons state of mind, he
had looked on as the almost healed man had started to
sob from whatever was being played out inside his
tortured mind.

"Come on Spike, I know that you can hear me. Just
wake up and everything will be all right."

Xander continued to stroke his long fingers through
the soft down like hair. Frowning as he could see
that the dream had too much of a hold on the demon, he
reached out his hand and with a little pause, he
slapped none too gently at the totally healed face.

Jerking awake at the warm bloom across his cheek, the
startled vampire looked wildly around the room to see
if his jumbled dreams had somehow come true.

~ Bloody Hell, the whelp must have slapped me! ~

"Are you ok?"

Hearing the concern for him in the boys sleepy voice,
Spike turned to face the brunette laying beside him.

~No, not really. But I'm fucking glad you woke me up
boy. ~

Nodding his head in the boys direction, Spike sighed
as the last of his tears tapered off. Embarassed that
he had been once again crying after almost 2 weeks
after his attack, he threw back the worn blankets and
sheets and hobbled to the kitchen. Reaching into the
cupboard with a shaking hand and pulling out 2
glasses, he looked over at Xander and shook one of the
empty vesels at him.

Xander nodded his head at the visibly trembling man.

"Um..yeah, thanks"

~ Not a bloody problem Harris, least that the former
Sunnydale Terror can do for his human keeper ~

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Shaking his head and making a few strangled noises in
the boys direction, Spike finished filling the second
glass and hobbled back towards the bed only spilling a
few drops of water from each glass due to his ungainly

Handing one to the steadily awakening boy, he placed
his own glass on the floor beside the bed as he
climbed back into it. Not looking at Xander in
humiliation as the young scooby member sipped at the
cold water, he lay on his virtually healed back with
only minimum discomfort and tried to find solace from
his nightmare in the scungy roof.

"I have to go back to work on Monday. You will have to
look after yourself now, maybe you could find another
crypt or even an abandoned warehouse or factory that
you could move into now that your pretty much right."

~ Don't want to leave pet. I hate that I'm like this,
I hate the way I feel. I'm a bloody demon, William
the Fucking Bloody and I dont want to leave here
because I'm scared! ~

Unable to voice his fears to the person next to him,
Spike shrugged, grunted and turned on his side away
from Xander.

~ What the hell do I do if Arsewipe and Pricks find me
again because they sure as hell won't leave me alive
next time. I don't really want to die just yet, I may
have thoughts of how easy it would be to just blow
away but when it comes down to the crunch of it, my
survival instinct is too strong. ~

Xander sighed at the blonde rolling onto his side so
that his hack was facing him, he thought about the
people who had beaten and raped the demon. Not
knowing who they were and therefore being unable to
take that threat away for the vampire, he was
concerned for the smaller mans saftey. He still
didn't like the vampire but just thinking about the
damage to the disabled blondes body got him hot under
the collar. He wanted the vampire to leave but he
also didn't want to deliver the man straight back into

Turning off the lamp on the table beside his side of
the bed, he snuggled down into barly warm cover. 
Feeling the vampire move around the bed, he started to
feel himself get tired again and closing his eyes, the
last thing that registered on his mind was the feel of
a smaller hand clutch at his larger warmer hand and
hold onto it tightly. Not being bothered to shake the
other hand off, he let the images rush towards him
that signalled the beginning of a technicolour dream.

Part Eleven  

Monday morning finally rolled around and Xander
gathered up his hardhat and looking at the vampire
sitting in his uncomfortable chair who was looking at
everything in the damp basement bar Xander himself.

"Spike?...I will be back around 5.30, 6.00 tonight,

Seeing the vampire still ignoring him, he started up
the creaking stairs and pushed at the top door, trying
not to fill the dark basement with light. Thinking
that he shouldn't have worried as he looked up at the
large thunderclouds gathering overhead, he started off
in the direction of his latest constuction triumph.
Xander wondered what the bleached wonder was going to
do now that he was essentially back to normal. It was
really only the still healing ankle and fingers that
were causing any problems.

Mulling this over in his head, Xander reached the
corner of his street and headed off towards the centre
of Sunnydale. Glancing down at his watch and seeing
that he would make the work site with lots of time to
spare, he slowed down his pace and tried to take in
the scenery as he passed it by. Not having much luck
in taking the houses and bare gardens into his
interest, he thought to himself that so far he had
been quite lucky that neither his parents or Uncle
Rory had come barging into the basement with Spike
still living there with him.

Knowing that his dad or Uncle Rory would kick the crap
out of him for having not only a guest staying with
him but a male guest at that and not even paying any
rent, Xander was thinking of the number of abandonded
warehouses and and factorys that dotted the Sunnydale
suburb. Wondering if any were possibly suitable to
the vampire, he recognised the building site up ahead
of him. Reaching the front gates, he greeted the
security guard and passed through the security check
that was now routine. Smiling at all of his workmates
who were vocally greeting him back after his abscene,
he put all thoughts of Spike right out of his head and
proceeded to be sucked into the heavy days work.


~ No problem pet, you just go and leave the *manly*
man of a demon all by his little old self. ~

Snorting to himself at the wave of fear that washed
over him as he saw the boy head out into the cold day,
Spike sat in the scratchy piece of furniture and gazed
arount the room again. Seeing that there wasn't much
to do apart from watching the old t.v., he grabbed
the remote from the floor beside the chair and pointed
it towards the blank box facing him.

The t.v., lighting up into an old episode of Sally
Jesse Raphael, crackled in response to the screech
that was the bespectaled womans voice coming out of
its worn speakers. Tapping his fingers on the arm of
the chair, he glanced at the kitchen clock and seeing
that it was only 8.44 in the morning, he tried to
think of the various places around Sunnydale that he
was now barred from that he once could have seeked
shelter in. Running up an impressive list in his
head, he wondered if the Watcher would like to have
him back until the feelings of continual dispair and
fear went away.

~ For fuck's sake, I, Spike the Bloody, do not have
feelings of fear! ~

Hearing another little voice in his head confirm his
fear that, yes, he did fear for his safety, he
wondered if a daily blowjob for the Whelp would
convince the boy to let him stay. Rubbing his eyes at
the very idea of blowing the scoobie, he launched
himself out of the armchair and into the kitchen.
Limping towards the full sink, he tried to walk
normally with his ankles taking an even weight.
Stumbling as he tried to do so, he shifted his weight
back onto his right side and continued his way to the
metal tub.

~ Oooohhhh, look at the tame domestic vampire. Roll
right up and see the freak as it does the dishes! ~

Bitterly having the thought and reaching underneath
the sink at the same time, grabbing the half empty
dishwashing liquid in his left hand, Spike smiled
slightly to himself that if Dru could only see him
now, it would definatly seal her decsion to be glad
she had left the blonde.

~ Of course a great steaming pile of Fungus demon
would always win hand's down against Billy Boy ~

Thinking that he could still probably do dishes better
than the green furry prick that Dru had chosen over
him, he put the plug underneath the tetering tower in
the sink and turned the hot water on. Squeezing a
small amount of liquid into the steaming water, he
waited for the sink to fill. Having watched the boy
do the same thing from his bed in the first few days
of staying there, he knew that the amount he had put
in was just enough for the amount of things that had
to be washed.

~ Christ, I can't beleive it has come to this. How
bloody stupid and pathetic am I? ~

Shaking his head as he turned the water off before it
threatened to overflow the shallow basin, he plunged
his hands into the burning liquid and wincing at the
amount of heat his hands were receiving, Spike started
washing the numerous pieces of cutlery.

Hearing the studio audience screeching in laughter to
something the show host had said on the t.v., he
turned his attention to not thinking about the little
tremors of panic that were running up and down his
body. Xander had really only left him alone for the
first time this morning since being found and brought
back to the dingy basement. He knew that he had grown
used to the boy's prescence being almost constantly
around him. Waking up after the monsterous nightmare
he had had only a few nights ago, he remembered with
embarrassment at memory of his clutching at the warm
larger hand.

~ Thank fuck the Whelp was too tired to realise it
was me. Big girl, that's what I am, no doubt about it
then, looks like I'm turning into the Poof. ~

Knowing that even with his do good soul, his Sire
would never have had needed to feel the touch of
another person, the blonde shook his head once again
at the embarrassment he could feel. It had felt good
to touch the boy, safe even. Remembering that he had
woken in the morning with his hand still clenched
around the larger one, he scowled at the feeling of
loss he had felt when he had gently removed his hand
before the boy had woken up.

~ Christ Almighty, I'm over a hundred bloody years old
and I can't beleive that I'm looking for a bit of
comfort in a boy barely finishing his second decade in
life! ~

Shrugging his shoulders at the embarrassment tinged
with a slight warmth that he felt in the pit of his
stomach, the vampire finished shoving wet pieces of
crockery into the large dishdrainer. Pulling the plug
and wiping his hands on the teatowel hanging from the
drawer handle beside the sink,he made his arkward way
back to the t.v.

From the earliest memory he could dredge up from his
brief time as a human, he had always hated being alone
and he really was growing to destest the gnawing
feeling in his stomach at the thought of the boy not
coming home at all. When he had been a human, he
would always go out of his way to make sure that at
least someone was with him a all times. The only time
that he hadn't wanted company was when he was doing
his proffessional breaking and entering that he had
been pretty famous for in the murky circles that he
had lived in.

Settling down into the hard chair, he watched the car
ad state that only HP premium motor oil would do the
trick. After some time, feeling his stomach begin to
rumble, Spike looked towards the clock and saw that it
was now around 2pm in the afternoon. As he stood to
make his way back to the kitchen that contained the
fridge and bloodbags, he felt the roll of thunder and
heard the almost dfeaning crack of lightening that
finally signalled the begining of the major storm that
had been threatening to start all morning.

Standing still in front of the open fridge, he
listened at the now howling wind as it ushered the
storm into full force. Grabbing a bag from the
dwindling stock on the shelf, he thought as to how the
whelp would be doing his job in such foul weather.


Xander finished shoving his change into his wallet,
replacing the item back into his pocket, he gathered
up his numerous plastic bags. He had been overwhelmed
with humiliation when most of the work crew had
surrounded him during the lunch break and presented
him with a bulging envelope. Nervously taking the
white packet from the out stretched hand of the crew
leader, Barney, he looked at the expectant faces
grinning at him. Not saying a word, he had opened the
packet only to feel faint and sit back down onto the
bench behind him when he had seen the numerous notes
of money in the envelope.

Looking back up from playing with the edges of the
notes, he asked the towering balding Barney why.
Laughing, the older man told him that himself and a
few of the other guys had put in some money to make up
a bit towards his two weeks lost wages. The
potbellied leader had been impressed when the
construction boss had told him why Xander wouldn't be
in for a couple of weeks. The other guy's surrounding
the stunned boy nodded at Barneys words as he was told
that he was a good kid to forgo his wages in order to
take care of his sick mother unlike so many other
little shits that had worked for the company over the
years. It hadn't quite made up the two weeks pay in
total but Xander hadn't been about to tell the older
men that.

Thanking them all in nervous fear for what could
happen if they really found out about his missed weeks
at work, the men had taken turns in slapping his back
and telling him that they wished more youngsters were
as unselfish as he had shown them to be.

All at once as they had started to walk back from the
end of lunch, the skies had opened up with a vengence
and combined with the wind strength that had been
picking up steadily during the day, it was decided
that work would stop for the afternoon. Cheerfully,
Xander had accepted a lift to the Sunnydale Mall with
one of the guys who was closer to his own age, being
around 25 or so. Chatting all the way about little
things, Xander explained that his uncle was now able
to take care of his mother.

Feeling his ears burn at remembering the lies that had
come easy to him, he walked through the security bars
standing at the Wal Mart enterance. Thinking about
what he had bought, he mentally went through the
purchases he made with the gift money.

He hoped that he had picked the right size t-shirts
and jeans for the vampire waiting at home. Choosing 2
black simple t-shirts, a pair of black socks, a thick
blue shirt to go over the black, he had needed help
with purchasing the right size jeans and boots. The
sales assistant had been pretty dumb in a ditzy way
but she had known what she was on about when he had
requested her help with the last two items. Asking
the height of the person who was going to wear the
jeans, Xander had indicated someone smaller than
himself saying that he wasn,t really sure how tall,
but they were definately slimmer than himself.

Nodding at him, the girl had hmmmm'd at him and had
then gone off to rumage through the many pairs of
jeans. Stating that he would only buy black, Xander
had asked if he could bring them back if they weren't
right. Agreeing and finally finding a pair that
looked like they would fit Spike, she then moved him
onto the shoe section. Not being able to afford the
new shoes, let alone a pair of docs for the blonde, he
asked for a pair of lace up work boots. Once again he
requested if he could bring them back if not right.

Agreeing again, the girl had then asked the
embarrassing question of did he need any underpants
with those purchases. Staring at her and feeling his
face burn at the question, he had paused and then
nodded a yes at her, not trusting himself to do
anything but squeak. Following her through the
menswear section, Xander wished for the floor to
swallow him. Reaching the underwear, she had asked
him another embarrassing question of whether it was to
be boxers or breifs.

Recalling that the vampire had been wearing his overly
large boxers for a couple of weeks now, he replied
that only black boxers would do. Giggling at his
request for black again, the sales assistant had
wondered out loud if his friend was a vampire.
Nervously laughing with her, he had told her that he
was just a unimaginative dresser. Nodding at his
explaination, she then proceeded to lead him towards
the checkout with two pairs of black cotton boxers
clutched in her hand.

Looking at his watch, Xander stepped up his pace and
headed towards the outer doors of the Mall. He had
been almost ready to weep with gratitude when he had
learnt that Wal Mart was having a pre December 15%
off everything sale so that they could make room for
all the Christmas stock coming from overseas.
Everything had come to a much less amount than he had
expected. He considered asking Giles and the witches
to put intowards the bill for Spikes new clothing, he
didn't even think that Buffy would consider clothing a
neccessatie for the recovering vampire.

Seeing the time was now almost 6.30, he hurried
towards his way home trying to keep as dry as possible
under the trees hanging over the wet footpath.

Part Twelve  

Running towards his house, trying not to slip on the
wet concrete, Xander banged straight into one of the
people that he really didn't want to see on what had
been a great day so far.


Glaring at the panting wary looking male in front of
her, the ex-demon brushed imaginary dirt from her top.

"Xander, your so clumsy, can't you ever look where you
are going?"

"Sorry Anya. I'll be more careful in future ok?"

"Why aren't you at home. I just came from there and
there was no answer to the door knocking thing that
you like, are those presents for me? Are you going to
apologise for dumping me, I told Buffy that you would"

The girl said as she eyed the bags Xander was holding
with a hungry look. Looking back at the man in front
of her, she dared him with eye's narrowed to tell her
that she didn't have a present amongst the bags.

Groaning in frustration directed at the pushy attitude
he was receiving, he shook his head.

"No Anya, these are clothes for Spike. He has been
wearing my clothes for the past 2 weeks and since he
is going soon, he wont be able to take them with him."

"So, you bought someone else a present instead of
buying me, your girlfriend, the present that *you* owe
me for dumping me!"

"Shit Anya, youre my *ex-girlfriend* so that means
there will be no more presents for you, not now and
definately not in the future! Xander yelled at the
pouting girl as he pushed his way past the person
blocking his way forward. "Will you just FUCK OFF and
leave me alone, actually how about you do everybody a
favour and just piss off out of town, you stupid

Watching him as he roughly shoved her aside, the
ex-vengence demon was shocked at the anger in her old
lovers words. Willow had warned her once that Xander
sometime had a temper that was hard to control, but
scoffing at the witch, she had been sure that her
status as an ex demon would be enough to place the
brunette firmly under her thumb. Closing her open
mouth, she thought to herself that maybe he had
actually done her a favour, and that she was lucky to
get out of the relationship before it developed into
a continuing screaming match. Recalling the screaming
matches that went on overhead of the dank basement,
she thought that Xander had sounded remarkably like
his chronically bad tempered father and Uncle.

Stomping his way down the street towards his house,
he fumed with almost black anger at the audactiy the
girl had showed him. How fucking dare she talk to him
like that he thought to himself. What gives her the
bloody right to treat him like a piece of crap between
her toes, he wasn't going to be like his mother and
just take it from all sides. Almost spitting in rage
as he thought of all the times Anya had humiliated him
in public, his face was a grim mask of cold fury.

He rarely went into intense rages but he couldn't help
himself this time, reaching his house, he yanked open
the letterbox and seeing it empty, he kicked it until
the wooden mast cracked and it fell with a clatter on
the ground. Bloody pricks have probably stolen his
mail again came the angry thoughts as he considered
the fact his parents weren't home.

"Thank god for that!" he growled to himself. In the
mood he was now in thanks to his ex orgasm buddy, he
would have probably hit back if his father or uncle
had been there and had gone for him as they liked to
do. Hitting back would only earn him a bigger beating
from either of the larger men. With that thought,
Xander felt his mind cloud over, completing his
transition from his usual normally goofy self and into
one of his rarely seen black moods that he had
inherited from his paternal side of the family.

Unlocking the basment door in a flurry of curses, he
kicked it open when the key finally turned in the
rusty lock. Slamming on the light for the stairs,
threw the bags in his hand from his position on the
front stair through the air and watched them with a
cold smile on his face as they landed in a pile next
to the bed.

Pausing at the sight of the clothing spilling out of
the tangled mess on the floor, Xander searched the
room for the blonde vampire. Nostrils flaring, he
thumped heavily down the stairs, fists clenching in

"Spikey, where are you?"

"Come out, little one"

Xander sang out into the cold basement air, his tone
of voice radiating the anger he was currently feeling.

"Where are you, you fucking prick?"

Growling, as he stalked around the small room looking
for the vampire, he tossed piles of clothing around
the floor. Reaching his bed, he peered over the side
into the space between the bed and wall to see the
vampire curled up on the floor, wearing one of his
favourite shirts and grey trackpants, rocking himself
with eyes closed and tears coursing down his cheeks.

"Jesus, arn't you just a bit old for crying like a
baby Spikey?"

Xander sneered down as the vampire snapped open his
eyes and looked up at him with fightened blue orbs,
from his position on the floor. Laughing as the
terrified man tried to crawl under the bed, the larger
man grabbed at one pale ankle and pulled the thrashing
vampire accross the carpet towards the centre of the

Dropping the ankle with thump, Xander spread his legs
and stood over the vampire with one leg on either side
of the heaving demon.

"You know what you are Spike? What, no backchat, no
get stuffed mate?"

Kneeling down so that he was sitting firmly on the
brightly covered chest, he leant down, putting his
face close to the other males.

"You are a piece of shit. You are nothing, not a
Master Vampire, not the Big Bad, not even a mouthy
little demon anymore."

"You are a lush. All you do is take, take, take.
Guess, what?

Laughing as he saw the adams apple bob up and down in
the pale throat, reached a hand out hand out and
stroked the trembling demons face. Hearing the
strangling whispered grunts coming from the other
male, Xander grinned ferally.

"What not even going to try and guess, geez, really
unsporting of you sweety. Oh, hang on, that's right,
you cant talk can you!"

Shaking his head from side to side in panic, Spike
raised his hands to push at the heavy weight ontop of
him, trying to get the boy to get off. Gasping is
terror when the angry boy grabbed his wrists in one
fast motion, the demon looked into the almost black

"Time to pay up boy. You want to stay here with me.
No, no, don't try to deny it. I felt you grab my hand
that night."

Choking, the sobbing man nodded up at the grinning

"Ah, see that wasn't too hard was it? Well, you can
stay....but you know that youre going to have to earn
it don't you?"

Nodding once more,the vampire gently tugged his wrists
from the hot firm hold. With shaky hands, he moved
them towards the jeans in front of him. Hesitantly he
looked for approval, seeing it given in a terse nod,
he touched the button and zipper gently. Running a
finger down the zipper, he heard a moan and a sharp
intake of breath coming from above him.

"Jesus, will you cut the crap and just do it already"

Shuddering in fear, Spike nimbly undid the button and
zipper to reveal the already hardening cock. Gasping
sounds that were letting him know to continue, he
slowly carresed the stiff member through the cheap
cotton material of the boxers.

"Oh man, that is sooooo good"

Biting his bottom lip, Xander shifted his weight up
and off the smaller man. Holding his jeans up with one
hand, he reached down and grasped the blonde hair with
a large hand and started dragging the vampire towards
the bed. Hearing the squealing from the hurting
vampire, he laughed.

"Don't worry Sweety, give me a decent blow job tonight
and I'll leave the other stuff for another night"

Sitting down on the bed so that the sobbing man was
between his open thighs, he gestured down to his
throbbing crotch. Sighing in frustration, he grabbed
the blonde head and shoved it towards his cock.

Grunting in pain and fear from the intense smell of
anger and lust rolling off the panting male in front
of him, Spike gestured for Xander to stand up, once
the boy was standing, he started to gently tug the
jeans down the muscular thighs. Stopping at the
boots, he glanced in worry up at the other man.

Lifting one boot clad foot, he gestured for the blonde
to undo the shoe and to take both that one and the
other right off. As the second shoe followed the
first in laying on the floor, he felt his socks soon
follow. The cool hands ran up his bare thighs, gently
touching here and there until they reached the boxers
sitting on his upper thighs. Thrusting his crotch
into the face before him, he watched his boxers slide
down his legs to meet his jeans on the floor.

His lowerer half now completly naked, his erection
leaked precum on to the carpet. Seeing Spike look up
into his eyes briefly before dropping his gaze so that
it rest on his aching cock, he sat back down onto the
bed with a load groan.

Gulping with a suddenly dry throat, the vampire
reached out with hesitant tongue to lightly lick at
the precum gathering on the tip of the engorged
Flinching back at the hiss and hip jerk it produced,
he made a longer, more firmer lick at the rosy head.

"Come on Sweety, you can do better than that"

Hearing the low voice, Spike took the head into his
mouth and swirled his tongue along the underside of
the shaft. Tracing the thick vein, he reached out
with one hand to carress the boys sac while using his
other hand to brace himself against the lightly haired

Moaning, he thrust his cock into the not so willing
mouth, not letting that fact bother him, he grasped
the soft hair with both hands and rammed his hips
upwards in a vicious motion. Feeling the vampire gag
around his cock, he patted the head beneath his hands
in calming manner.
The skilled tongue and the cool mouth were doing magic
on his cock while the one hand gently kneaded and
softly tugged at his testicles. Knowing that he was
going to come any minute, he stopped the deep
throating motion.

Letting most of the pulsing cock slip out of his
mouth, Spike could smell that the brunette was only
seconds away from coming. Lightly feathering his
tongue around the thick head, he could smell the cum
builing in the balls he was rolling around in his left
hand. As Xander pulled his hot flesh entirely from his
mouth, Spike shuddered and flinched back as his face
and chest was covered in hot sticky cum. Gagging from
the smell of it, he cringed from the hand patting him
on the head.

"Good boy! That was fucking great, after that effort,
I suppose you can stay."

Getting up on rubbery legs and leaving the stunned
vampire sitting on the floor beside the bed, Xander
padded accross to the bathroom. Grabbing some toilet
paper from the roll hanging on the dispenser, he
cleaned his softening dick and then flushed the wet
sticky mass. He reached into the cupboard and found a
facecloth, turning on the basin, he wet the cloth and
squeezed out the excess water. Turning back to the
main room, he walked to the vampire who was once again
trying to curl into the fetal position.

Kneeling down beside the quivering male, Xander
reached out with the cloth and proceeded to wipe at
the sticky mass on the pale face. Looking closely at
the smaller man, he dropped the cloth onto the floor
and pulled the struggling man towards him.

"Sshhh, don't get me angry again. I wont hurt you.
You belong to me now, thats why i pulled out when I
did, I read in those book at Giles' place that it was
vampires did to mark their property"

Hugging the shaking, sobbing male tightly to his side,
Xander ran his fingers through the ungeled hair.

"You dont have to worry anymore, I still don't like
you but your mine so that means I'm going to take care
of you from now on"

"I'm sorry if I scared you, Spike. I,....I just get
angry from time to time and you just happened to be

Closing his eyes, Spike felt the touching through his
hair soothe his battered emotions into a dark slumber.
Laying there together on the floor, the males drifted
off into their respective dreams.

One drifted off into dust filled horror that featured
6 males when before there had only been 5. He
shuddered in his sleep as the 5 greeted the new

The other sank deeply into dreams that were showing
how much like his father and the previous male members
of his family he was and that no matter how hard he
tried not to be, sometimes nature would always get the
better of certain people.

Part Thirteen

I'm sitting here on the side of the bed watching the
brunette whelp sleep.

After that first time he forced me to suck him off in
the basement, he hasn't so far raised his hand to me
in anger as of yet. I know he will one day, I can see
it in his eyes. The way they go from the deep
chocolate brown and into the almost pitch black when
he is angry.
He is so good at hiding his emotions beneath the
chirpy, goofy donut boy exterior that he has going.
Hell, I missed it the first time that i lived in the
basement with him. I think its only the fact that
this time my survival depends on him that made me pay
closer attention to his moods.

He will get close to my face, shoving his into mine
when he does finally get angry enough to lose control.
I can usually smell the anger pouring out of him for
day's before he lets loose in the tiny basement away
from anybody else who may see him and suddenly realise
that there is more to the boy than donuts and
construction work. More than goofey little grins and
eternally bad jokes.

Most of the time he doesn't acknowledge his mood
swings and usually ignores the fact they set my tears
off. It's been almost three months now since that
first blowjob in the basement. He likes me to give
him one when he wakes up and then again just before we
climb into bed together, we sleep together but he
doesn't touch me. I sometimes wish he would do more
than hold me after a bad dream.

He sort of just runs his fingers through my hair in
response to the nightmares I still have. I still like
the way it feels. So far, he hasn't approached me in
a way that indicates that he wants to fuck me up the
arse, but I know that he is going to one day. He has
never once touched my dick of his own accord, and I
know that this he will definatley never do unless
things change dramatically in this realtionship that
is still having the lines decided upon.

I can't believe at times, just how far I have fallen.
From being one of the famous Scourge of Europes
favoured Childe's to being a whore to a much younger
man. Being a whore is something that I know all
about. Before being turned by the high and mighty
Angelus, I was a pretty good little thief.

I had turned to theiving when I found out just what
sort of family business my mother had wanted to
introduce me to. One day she had bought around a well
dressed man, a gentleman, who looking around our dingy
hovel in disgust, had turned his attention on me and
his face had lit up into a huge smile. He had
whispered somthing to my mam that had upset her at
first but at the urgings and soothing whispers he kept
directing her way, she had finally said that she would
think about it. I, being only around 9 at the time,
had no idea what she was upset about so I went back to
playing by the dying hearth. I knew what she did with
all the men she bought home. The walls were thin and
if I hadn't guessed, my friends had all told me what
my mother did for living.

Snorting at myself for the memory, I let myself drift
back to things that I haven't thought about in over a

A few months after the gentlemens first visit, he came
back with mam one night reeking of cheap whisky that
the tavern my mother whored in served. I had been
sleeping but had woken when I heard them stumble in
the door. While my parent had been cleaning herself
from the spilled whisky, the man had come to sit on my
bed and was telling me all about his large property in
the country and the many horses he had stabled there.

My mother had come to stand in the doorway and
drunkenly told me that in a couple of days, I would be
going to live with Mr Spencer and if I was really
lucky, then it wouldn't hurt too much. Being confused
at to what she was on about, I asked what she meant.
Mr Spencer had laughed at the question and kissed me.
Not on the cheek, not on the top of my head but right
smack bang full on the lips. Wiping at his smelly
breath and the wetness on my lips, I had just snuggled
back into the blankets.

I had felt a touch on my face and that was what had
woken me up. Looking up in the dim light, I had seen
the man towering over me, not wearing a stitch, he sat
again on my bed. Not saying anything, my bedclothes
were wrenched away from my shivering body. I could
see the man doing something strange with his hand
between his thighs. Trying to ignore what he was
doing as i had been still tired, I had rolled over to
face away from him when I felt large hands grab me and
haul me towards him. Screaming for my mam, I heard
her get up and run towards me.

She had slapped at the man saying that because she
hadn't yet been paid, the man didn't get to touch me.
Trembling in fright, I had slipped out of my bed and
sneaking around them, I had run straight out of the
door. I headed for the one person whom I could rely
upon, an old customer of my mams who had always been
kind to me and had sometime bought me sweets.

He had told me where he lived and said for me to come
to him if things got too bad at home. Running as
fast as i could that night, I reached the mans house
and knocking on the door, I had asked for shelter that
night and had never gone back to my mams as i had
started my theiving apprenticeship that very night.

Later on in my professional working relationship with
the old theif, he had told me what the well dressed
gentleman had wanted my mam to do. Realising that you
had almost been sold into virtual slavery made you
kind of mad at the world and to find out that your own
mother was going to do it willingly, well that
probably explained the whole parenting issues that I
had with Angelus.

Sighing, I look down at the stirring boy. Glancing at
the clock, I can see that it is almost time to deliver
the first blowjob of the day. I don't really mind
doing it now, I'ts really not that bad and I'm
starting to like it when he doesn't go too rough.

Red asked me one day why I didn't just move from
Sunnydale, I had just shrugged and grunted at her. I
mean, what do I say? Tell her that I'm still scared
that Riley and his mates would track me down. Tell
her that now matter where I went, the tale of a
vampire who was unable to speak and bite, one who
didn't even go into gameface now except when feeding
would spread like wildfire through the demon ranks.

It's not that bad living with the whelp now that our
whole relationship has changed from what it had
previoulsy been. He took me out to the movies last
week, something violent that he had let me choose.
Even bought me popcorn. He's been telling me that he
is going to teach me sign language. I think he is
sick of trying to read my bad hand writing, don't
really blame him afterall it is pretty crappy.

As I reach down to stroke at the awakening bulge in
the boy's boxers, I think of my long dead mother.

Look mam, look at what little Billy has become.

He's certainly in the family business now, if not for
money, its for blood and a sheltering roof over his
blonde head.

Shivering as I feel my life complete the circle of
what I should have become when I was younger, I can
see the that the full circle of fate is now complete
and that I am now in the place that has been vacant
since I slipped out that front door all those years