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Mistress and her bitches
by TJ


"Goddamn it! What did I just say?" 

Three males voices quickly answered the question, all afraid of 
what the red haired witch might do if they didn't answer 
straight away. 

"Harder Mistress" 

"That's right my lovely bitches and what I want..." 

"Is what you get, Mistress" 

Once again the two brunettes and one blonde jumped at the small 
womans commands. Resuming their panting, the three men ground 
against each other, attempting to alleviate some of the anger 
being directed towards them from the large chair. At yet 
another scream from the corner of the room, Xander grunted as he 
was slammed into by a 240 year old vampire. Eyes closed, he 
opened his mouth, ready to take the thick penis of the younger 
vampire. Swirling his tongue around the shaft, he gently nipped 
and sucked as Spike groaned in pleasure. 

"What the hell is this? A fucking school camp?" 

"No Mistress" 

"Damn right! Don't make me tell you sluts what to do again" 

This time only the vampires answered their demanding Mistress, 
the sole human male being too occupied in turning his 
pleasurable sucking into something that bordered on pain for the 
recipient. Angel twisted his hips, ensuring that his angle now 
completely missed the previously aimed for prostrate. Pounding 
as hard as he could into the hot channel, he hoped that he was 
performing to all expectations. At the demand for blood, he 
leaned over the hot body he was imbedded in, grabbing a handful 
of bleached blond hair. Spike was on the fine edge of 
pleasure/pain. Just one little nip from those blunt teeth and 
his shriek would echo throughout the room. Something his 
Mistress had demanded on more than one occassion during the past 
few weeks. Hands twisted in the thick dark hair of the human, 
he held the youths head down in a firm and steadying grip. 

"Mmmm, good boys. You *can* do better, come on, play a bit 

Fangs dropping, Angel thrust his tongue into his Childes mouth, 
slicing the bottom lip with the sharp canines as he wrenched the 
head closer towards him. A moan from the chair was taken as a 
good sign as a few drops of blood fell onto Xanders hot sweaty 
back. Tongues dueling for dominence, the vampires blood dripping 
from their chins as both bottom lips were repeatedly torn into. 
Full game faces emerged, eliciting a growl of satisfaction from 
the chair. Both vampires took this as an opportunity to relax 
just a moment, couldn't do it for too long. Heaven forbid if 
Mistress caught them looking on the way to satisfaction before 
she had fully gotten off. 

"Whore, jerk Slut off" 

Angel let go of his Childes hair, snaking his hand around 
Xanders erect penis, careful to not to touch the cock ring. 
Thumbing the slit for a moment, the brunette vampire wished he 
had taken the opportunity to at least wet his hand with 
something before attempting a hand job on the whimpering boy. 
Continuing to pound mercilessly into the loosened human, he kept 
his game face on as he took in Spikes expression. The bleached 
blond didn't think he could take it for much longer. Between the 
hot wetness of Xanders mouth, tasting his Sires blood and the 
aroma of arousal from the corner of the bedroom, he was almost 
bursting and it was really starting to hurt. 

"Ohhhh, whats the matter Cunt? Things getting a bit too much 
for you?" 

Oh fuck! Spikes eyes flew open at the venom dripping off the 
words. He was now in deep shit and he would be lucky if his 
cock ring was coming off that night. The youngest vampire felt 
both Angel and Xander pause for little under a second each and 
his heart jumped at the upspoken words of sympathy from them 

"RIGHT! Since someones too selfish to wait until her Mistress 
gets off, Cunt doesn't get to come" 

"Yes Mistress" 

The vampire resigned himself to the feeling of swollen balls for 
the entire night. Commanded to stop his sucking of the thick 
white shaft, Xander was suprised when he was allowed to take off 
his cock ring. Two strokes from Angels larger hand and he came 
over Spikes lower legs, almost collapsing from the sudden head 
rush. With a grunt he felt Angel pull out as he too was allowed 
to his own cock ring off, only to yelp when the vampire rammed 
straight back into him. It took only a further minute for 
Xander to feel the coolness well up deep inside of him. The 
older vampire howled as he continued to pump into the youths 
body, slowing down his motions as he felt the last few hours of 
fucking catch up to him. His legs finally giving up under his 
weight, Angel collapsed onto the bed beside the sated brunette 

"Good bitches. Whore, Slut, get some sleep. Cunt, come here" 

Almost trembling, Spike shot off the bed, walking in a direct 
line to his Mistress. Kneeling beside the petite redhead, he 
wondered what his punishment would be tonight. A resounding slap 
echoed through the room, his cheek on fire as his Mistress 
demonstrated her displeasure. Willow took in the lowered blue 
eyes of the vampire on his knees beside her, her long cherry red 
hair just covering her erect nipples. Gently chewing on the ends 
of a few strands, she gave the vampire a small smile. 

"You really aren't much use are you?" 

"No Mistress" 

"What ever shall I do with you?" 

"Whatever you deem appropriate Mistress" 

"Well now, let me thi...Ahhhh! Oh GOD, FUCK!" 

"Mistress, Willow are you alright?" 

"Oh, God Angel, Xander. Call the ambulance, I think the baby is 
on its way" 

With that sentence, the three males sighed a breath of relief. 
From the moment Willow had fallen pregnant, she had become a 
totally different woman. Don't get them wrong, they all liked 
the change but the last few weeks they all had a better 
appreciation of "Shy Willow". 

"Move, you stupid bitches. I *want* the ambulance and I want it 

What men will do to entertain a pregnant woman.