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Once Bitten Twice Shy
by TJ
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five  Part Six  Part Seven  Part Eight  Part Nine  Part Ten  Part Eleven  Part Twelve  Part Thirteen  Part Fourteen  Part Fifteen  Part Sixteen 

Part One  

Looking at the bleached one again trying to work out
the washing machine knobs, I wonder whatever possessed
me that night to claim him as my own. I still don't
even remotely like the prick.

Sure, he does give great blowjobs and I have really
come to crave them. I think the fact that he is for
one, a male and the fact that he is a male *vampire*
at that is going to give me the ick factor for a long
time in the future. Yesterday, I opened my eyes
during the one that he was giving me infront of the
t.v. to see him smiling around my cock that was in his
mouth. It made me feel weird and a bit possessive of
his talents at giving head.

Not even Anya made me feel possessive. I can't
understand what is making me feel that I have to look
out for him yet not being able to like him at the same
time. I would have thought that after a year of
living together, I would have at least learn't to like
the arsehole. I think that maybe it's a little bit of
guilt on my part that I've got going now since he
wrote me that if I had gone out straight away that
night looking for him, I probably could have stopped
most of what had happened to him. I don't like to
dwell on that fact for too long, it makes me feel
angry and as Spike has come to know, me being angry is
not a pretty sight.

Occassionaly in one of my worse tempers, I've slapped
at him. He makes me so angry at times when he just
won't stop crying after I've told him to. I can't
help the urge to smack at the vampire for not doing
what I've repeatedly asked him to do. I keep telling
him that if only he would just shut the crying up, I
wouldn't be forced to smack at him.

He will probably learn in the future. The future, now
that is a funny thing to think about. When the blonde
first moved into the basement with me, I could't wait
for him to move out so that I could get my bed to
myself again. I've grown so used to the cool body
next to mine and the grasping smaller hand that
latches onto mine during the night that signalls what
is going to be a doozy of a nightmare for the other
man. I just automatically reach my hand up and run it
through his hair in a move that I know is soothing for
him. I don't think that I could sleep alone now.
Even after I moved into an apartment, I just assumend
that the blonde would be coming with me. I didn't
even think of asking him if he wanted to and the fact
that he didn't even try to argue with me made me feel
good, it felt right to have him with me in the new

The scooby gang think that he sleeps on the second
hand couch I have in the living room. None of the
others even remotley know what our living arangements
are like. They think that I am too soft hearted for
my own good. I'm careful never to show the temper
that's getting worse to them, I just wait until I get
back to the apartment and let it fly. True, it does
scare Spike and thats part of what makes me angry, the
way he cringes from me and cries.

I'm not my father, I'm not just going to belt the crap
out of him for no reason. I've been having weird
thoughts lately of what it would be like to take Spike
from behind. At first it was freaking me out, I tried
to stay away from the vampire for a few days, not
letting him give me head but that ended up confusing
and upsetting him. I don't like to see him upset, it
makes me feel weird and funny in the pit of my
I like it when he smiles at me when I give some little
thing that I pick up at shopping, thinking that he
would like it.

I don't like him. I shouldn't feel like that but like
these thought of screwing Spike, I can't seem to help

Looking again at the blonde currently kicking at the
stubborn machine, I get up and walk over to him. I
lay a soothing hand on the soft hair and tell him not
to worry and that I can do it myself. Watching him
amble towards the bathroom to go and wash his dirty
hands, I look at the way his arse moves in the tight
confines of the black jeans I bought him a couple of
weeks ago and think to myself yet again what it would
be like to dive into the tightness between the well
shaped buttocks.

Part Two  

Lovely little pat on the head that was, thanks mate! I
think to myself as i walk to the bathroom to wash the
grease off my hands.

If you someone had told me a year ago that I would be
living in an apartment with the Harris whelp and be
giving him daily blow jobs, I think that even with the
chip in my head, I still would have figured a way of
tearing their limbs off one by one. I can feel his
eyes on my arse even as I pass out of his view and
into the bathroom.

I don't exactly know when it was that I decided that
enough was enough and to just go with the flow. That
first night in the basement when he shoved his cock
down my throat and then patted at me as I cried was
what I think sent me on the way to being a pet for the
human. He was so nice to me the next day. He
apologised for coming on my face. He apologised for
his temper and for sending me into a flood of tears.

The whelp doesn't know it but it wasn't his temper
that first time that sent me into hysterics, but the
hissy fit I copped sure as hell didn't help matters.
I had started crying when the clock ticked over from
5.59 and into 6pm that Monday night. The boy had said
that he would be home by 6pm and he wasn't. All day I
had been worried that something might have happened to
him. I hate being alone. I hate not smelling another
flesh scent. I hate not being able to see another
figure from just about any where in a room. If I
can't see one, then just the knowledge that someone is
nearby is sometimes enough. I think that's why I
stuck with Dru for so long. I'm terrified that one
day I will be all alone. All my life I have made sure
that someone is around me. I was frightened that the
whelp had left me, that I would be alone once more.
Stupid, I know, I was bloody well living in *his*

Christ, I wish I had a fag. Funny, I haven't had a
smoke since the night of the crypt. Just makes me
sick to think of the taste of those things. Still
want one though, still want the comfort that they used
to offer. Turns out the chip had been damaged more
than the Watcher had first thought. It had become
pretty obvious that it had damaged my speech centre,
as the blonde binty witch had said. Ooohhh yes, all
the others had agreed. I had sat there as far away
from Cornfed as I could in old Stuffy's house. Not
being able to say anything apart from these pathetic
grunts and squeals, I sat there and let them pretend
that I couldn't hear anything, let them just overlook
my prescence as they had used to with the Harris
whelp. Before I lost my speech, even though the boy
was a part of the scooby gang, I had still ranked
higher on the importance scale than himself.

It's probably the fact that he now ranks over me in
the pecking order that makes him able to show his
emotions when we are the only two around. He has seen
the way I look at Iowa. He see's the nervousness that
I try to hide whenever Slaggy brings her fucktoy
around to the apartment. The first time that Riley
had come over, I didn't leave the bedroom until he had
gone. The whelp had come in and just taken one look
at me down on the floor and had sat beside me stroking
my hair and holding me tight against his side. I was
crying and he was telling me that I would probably be
like that around most males for a long time
considering what I had been through.

I would have laughed at him if I hadn't been busy
crying from the fact that one of my attackers had been
in such close quarters to me again. I still haven't
told Xander who worked me over that night. He know's
what happened that night and for now it's enough. I
might tell him who in the future but for now I'm
settling for not pissing off a Slayer with accusations
about her boyfriend, I mean really, who are they going
to believe. Me?, I don't think that anyone is going
to believe a demon who can't talk and now thank's to
the sodding damaged chip in it's head, still cries at
the drop of a hat. The Watcher and the two witches
think that the stupid thing must have shorted out my
emotional area in my brain as well as the speech
centre that they all like to go on about. I think
some day's they are right, some days all I seem to do
is cry. Especially when Xander is in one of his
moods. I keep trying to stop as he asks, but once I
start, it is so hard to stop. Maybe one day I will
learn how.

Looking down at my hands, I sigh and scrub harder the
the grease marks all over them.

I'm just so sick of trying anymore. I can't be
bothered trying to be someone that I no longer can be.
I can't be the Big Bad anymore, I can't be William the
Bloody any more. All I am now is a pet to a human
with a temper that is slowly growing out of control.
Being a kept man isn't as bad as I thought it would
be. Yeah, I have been slapped around a few times by
the boy and as humiliating as that is, he isn't too
bad. It's only a few slaps here and there and
although in all likelihood that it will get worse, I
can't bring myself to leave. Where would I go, what
would I do for blood money. Who else is going to let
me hold their hand at night when the nightmares
threaten to overwhelm me?

I can sense the growing lust for my arse in the boy.
I only have to bend over in front of the brunette some
days now and I can smell the waft of desire float
through the room. I suppose that I have been lucky so
far that he hasn't yet tried to go there. The routine
of blowjobs being only in the morning and night
changed when we moved to our current address. The
first few weeks had been busy for the boy at work and
so a few missed blow here and there and now it's more
or less whenever the whelp wants it. The only time
that he actively stopped me from performing the task
was a few weeks ago when I first noticed the the smell
of arousal getting stronger and not from just blowing
him. It was pretty much right after he had barged in
one me in the shower. He copped a really good view as
I had accidently torn the shower curtain and we hadn't
gotten around to getting a new one.

The next few days was full of him pushing me away
whenever I approached him to give him a blow job. I
usually didn't wait for him to ask, I wasn't about to
let him force me again, so whenever I smell the
arousal build, I go over to wherever he might be and
kneel in front of him and just go for it. Sometimes
he can get rough but he has only really forced me on
two other occasions since that night in the basement.
He confused me when he started to push me away from
him. I knew that he smelt hornier that usual but I
didn't even think about the shower incident, later I
put two and two together. But, at that time, all that
was running through my head was that the boy was
preparing to throw me out on my arse. I was upset
because I knew I was giving great head and I was
scared that I would be alone again.

The boy had claimed me as his that night and even
though he isn't a vampire, the claiming thing is
something that Angelus and Darla had pretty much
beaten the meaning into both Dru and me. For
vampires, it meant that you belonged to your Sire as a
Childe and not a minion. The whole difference between
a Childe and a minion wasn't due to the extra Sire
blood that a Childe would eventually get, it was only
down to the difference of being either pissed on or
cum on at the time of turning. Pissed on, minion.
Cum on, Childe.

The boy could have pissed on me. That really would
have been the last straw for me. He didn't though, he
came on me instead, whore I may be but minion I will
never be.

Turning off the tap, I replace the soap into it's dish
and dry my hands on the towel beside the ceramic

Sniffing the air, I can smell the boy's growing
arousal. If only the witches knew how useful I still

Part Three  

"Christ! How long does it take to get just one
shopping trolley?" muttered Xander under his breath.
Tapping his foot in an annoyed manner, he waited for
the vampire to return with the requested item.
Seeing the vampire ambling towards him having picked
what was quite possibly the squeakiest trolley the
supermarket owned, he strode into the candy aisle.

"Important things first"

Grabbing numerous different chocolate bars and packets
of chips, he walked towards the popcorn shelf.
Waiting for the blonde to catch up to him, he looked
at the selection in front of him. Knowing that the
smaller man liked all kinds of the salty produce to
float in his mug when watching a movie on t.v. or
video, he threw his armload into the trolley as the
demon made his choice. Once made, Xander strode ahead
again and into the next most important aisle, the one
containing the cereals and fruit juices.

Scanning the shelves full of boxes that promised to
clear the bowel, reduce heart diseases and other
wonderous things, he grabbed a large box of Cornflakes
and after a moments hesitation, snatched up a smaller
box of Weetbix. Walking further up the aisle, he
looked for his favourite apple and cranberry juice.
Seeing that it was on special, he lugged two down from
the high shelf, placing them both in the bottom of the
trolley behind him that was being pushed by a bored
looking blonde.
Walking up and down the numerous aisles in the large
supermarket, grabbing at this and that with the
trolley trailing behind him, the two men finished what
had started out small and had ended up being large.

Paying the chirpy checkout chick on their register,
Xander handed the car keys to the quiet male.

"Put these in the car please, I've forgotten

~ Sure pet, not a problem. Do you want me to blow you
now? ~

Discreetly sniffing in the direction of the boy's
retreating back, the demon knew that it was going to
be either that night or the following one, that the
whelp was going to make a move on his arse. Knowing
that there was no lube in the apartment, he guessed
that was what the boy was going back for.

~ Lucky me! At least I get lubed this time. At least
it's only going to be the one cock ~

Snorting to himself, he pushed the laden trolley back
to where the rusting heap the boy's uncle had sold him
after having a D.U.I. finally stick to him, was
Thinking of the not so small size of the whelps cock,
he could feel his stomach start to swirl at the
thought of someone breaching his arse once more.
Reaching the car, he leaned the trolley against the
rear bumper bar and slid the key into the bootlock.
Twisting the key around in the rusty hole, he wrenched
the boot lid up and leaned over the trolley to start
placing the numerous bags into the deep trunk.

Hearing footsteps behind him, thinking it was the boy
coming back, he sniffed at the air only to freeze
halfway into putting the last plastic bag of groceries
into the car.

"Well, well. If it isn't the tame little vampire.
Look Martinez, it's our favourite hostile!"

Hearing the two males behind him laughing, Spike
jerked his head upwards, hitting his scalp along the
edge of the boot lid, in reaction to the hand that was
currently feeling his buttocks. Not wanting to turn
around, he knew that if he had still been human, he
would have pissed himself in fright already. As it
was, he could feel a major panic attack coming on.
He, like Xander and his moods, didn't have them very
often. Usually when he was forced to go out by
himself. He didn't mind if it was close to the
apartment but any further than the little park at the
end of the street and he had minor panic attacks.

Starting to pant, he could feel the tears starting to
well up behind his tightly shut eyes.

"Mmmm, been thinking of getting Riley to invite that
Harris kid over one night, you know, make friends.
That sort of thing" came the deep voice.

"Yeah. That way, he would have to return the favour.
Hear he has a nice little apartment. Should teach him
how to get the best out certain blondes" the
sniggering Corey said.

~ Go away, go away, go away ~

Chanting the words to himself as he panted harder, he
could feel them edge closer towards him. With his
hands knotted tightly in the white plastic between his
fingers, he mentally pleaded for Xander to hurry up.

~ Xander, where are you? Please hurry up! ~

Hoping that the boy would come back quickly, he stood
glued to the spot as one of the men ran his fingers
down his black clad back.

"Wow, do you hear him panting? He sure does like it"

"Shit yeah, maybe he's already putting out for Buffy's
little friend."

Hearing them snickering behind him, Spike could smell
the emerging arousal from one of the men, smelling it
get a little heavier.

~ Xan, pet, where are you. I need you, please ~

Getting desperate for the boy to return to the car,
he breathed a sigh of relief when after a hard grab to
his arse, he heard them walk away muttering about how
funny Riley and the others would find it to be. It
wasn't as if he hadn't seen them after the attack.

When going shopping at the Mall with Xander and
occasionally the witches, he had seen them, either in
a large group or in pairs and singly. The worst they
had been able to do in the public place was to blow
kisses and wolf whistle in his direction.
The witches had giggled, thinking that the whistle's
had been directed at them. Spike had looked around at
who had uttered the sound only to see the pointed
finger of Graham in his direction to know that it had
been directed at him. As a consequence. he rarely
went out unless some one else was with him. The
person he was most comfortable with was Xander.
Whenever they went out, he could feel the
possessiveness radiating off the boy. It made him
feel safe, wanted even. Sometimes, it vaguely reminded
him of his Sire.

Wiping at the stream of tears, he sniffed for the
scent of the Iniative men, not smelling them anywhere
near, he slammed the boot shut, jumping at the sound.
Walking on almost numb legs, he dragged the trolley
behind him towards the rack, placing it in the with
the others. Almost running back to the car, he opened
the passenger side door and slid into the seat.
Looking around for the boy, he continued to pant in

Seeing the vampire sitting in the car, Xander ran
towards it. He hadn't meant to take so long, just
that there was so many new lubes on the market since
he had bought any. He was going to to do what his cock
had been wanting to do for over a month now, after
catching Spike in the shower. He hadn't been able to
choose, he had also bought a packet of condoms, not
knowing if you could catch things from vampires or
not. Couldn't hurt he thought to himself.

Reaching the car, he opened the drivers side and
climbed in, throwing the bag on the floor at Spikes
feet. Hearing the harsh panting and knowing that the
vampire only did so when really distressed, he turned
his head towards the sound only two see bright tear
filled blue eyes look almost unseeing right back at

"Jesus Spike, what the hell is the problem now?"

Sounding harsher than he had meant to, he reached his
hand out to the shaking shoulder and started to gently
run his larger hand hand up and down the the upper arm
of the sobbing male in the hopes of calming him down.

Feeling the shaking starting to slow down after a good
ten minutes, he wondered what had happened to set the
vampire off this time. The bleached blonde was pretty
weepy after the attack but something serious must
have happened to cause both the panting and the
shaking. It was normally either one or the other,
rarely both together. The only other time that he had
seen Spike this bad was when Riley had come around for
the first time to the new apartment. It had taken
Xander ages to calm him down again. He had just put
it down to the fact that Captain America was a male.

Spike, still dry heaving, reached into his jeans
pocket, pulled out the little notebook that he kept on
him always since Xander still hadn't gotten around to
teaching him sign language. Scrabbling around on the
car floor near his feet, he grabbed at the pen he
found. Flicking the pages to a fresh sheet, he
scribbled in shaky writing that he wanted to tell
Xander what happened in the crypt.

Looking at the hastily written sentences, Xander felt
a flare of anger go through him as he thought of that
night. Seeing the blonde cringe at the smell of his
emotion, he patted calmingly at one black clad thigh.
Turning his attention to starting the car, he
indicated to turn out of his parking spot. Slowly
driving out of the supermarket car park, he turned the
rusty hulk towards his apartment. Once on the road,
he glanced at the vampire panting slower beside him.
Frowning at what the vampire could possibly tell him,
after all he knew that the demon had been both beaten
and raped, he wondered why it was now that the
decision had been made to tell him in full what had

Concentrating on the drive home, he let one hand rest
on the cool thigh.

~Please believe me pet! Don't laugh at me, I don't
think I could take it after tonight ~

Part Four  

After settling the nervously fiddling vampire on the
couch in the living room, Xander raced outside to the
car to get the groceries. Hefting them in both hands,
he managed to nudge the boot lid half way down with
his chin and then to close it shut with a straining
hand. Walking back to the apartment, he was thankful
to all the extra bulk and muscle that he had gained
since he started in his current job of construction
worker. Now being there over a year, he had bulked up
to the point that he was wearing a shirt a whole size
bigger than he had before and his stomach muscles
looked quite decent next to the current Calvin Klein

Striding forward, his thoughts entirely on what the
vampire could possibly tell him once he had calmed
down completely, he smacked into the door frame
leading into his apartment. Adjusting both himself
and the bags in his hand, he headed straight for the
little kitchenette. Quickly shoving the milk and
frozen goods into their respective areas before he
forgot about them, he left the rest of the items
laying on the bench. Reaching into the cupboard, he
grasped at two glasses. Walking towards the sink, he
could hear the hiccups coming from the the couch as
Spike tried to muffle the sounds coming from deep
within his chest.

Watching the water fill the second glass, he turned
off the water and headed back in the direction of the
living room. Frowning, he handed the nearest glass to
the vampire who grasped at it with a pale shaking
hand. Noting to himself that most of the shaking was
gone, he could still hear the quiet panting.
Sitting beside the blonde, not quite touching thighs,
he gestured for the telling to begin.

Looking closely at the person beside him start to
fiddle with the pen clutched tightly in his other
hand, Xander patted at the black covered shoulder,
running one finger along the pale neck. Lightly
caressing the cool expanse below the earlobe, he could
see the fiddling start to slow down. With it still
not completely halted, Xander asked.


With a deep hiccup that he hoped was his last, Spike
took a long sip of the cold water. Gulping it down in
haste, he choked a bit and ran the back of his hand
across his mouth to remove the excess moisture.
Leaning down, he placed the water on the floor beside
his feet.

~ Pet, I'm scared.~

Looking briefly at the brunette beside him, he dropped
his eyes as the boy repeated the question. Sighing,
he opened the spiral bound note book once more and
wrote down four names and one question mark. Panting
hard again, he handed the book to Xander and waited.


"What the hell does that mean?"

~ Those bastards, their coming for me again,safe here,
safe with you ~

Spike panting, pointed to the names and then pointed
to himself making sure that the whelp followed his

"So, you're telling me that Riley, Graham, Corey,
Martinez and a question mark did you over that night?"

Pant, nod, pant.

Gulping at the feel of his dry throat, Spike watched
as the boy leapt to his feet and started pacing the

"Right, let me get this straight, Buffy's *boyfriend*,
a fellow scooby member and someone that I have had
over here, and his army friends decided to fuck you
over that night?"


As the whelp turned towards him, fists clenched, his
eyes rapidly turning from chocolate to pitch black,
the demon felt his stomach drop at the scent of the
billowing anger.

Stomping towards the pale blonde on the couch, Xander
could see from the way he was being stared at, that
the other man wasn't lying.

"Probably to get back at you for the whole Adam fiasco

Wincing at the calm tone that was underlined with
menace, he clutched the pen tightly, snapping it, in
reaction to the person stopping to stand a hands
distance in front of him.

"Why tell me tonight, why not before?"

~ Because this is the first time they have touched me
again. Hate them Pet, help me? ~

Scribbling again with the mangled pen in the pad he
had retrieved from the floor where Xander had thrown
it, he wrote the truth about the night in the crypt
and also what had happened in the supermarket car park
that night. Snatching the book from the trembling
fingers, Xander scanned what was written.

"Fuck the bastards!"

~ Thank god, I thing he believes me ~

Feeling himself go light headed as a flood of relief
washed over him, the vampire watched nervously as the
boy paced the room again.

"So! They touched what's mine did they?, I don't give
a flying fuck what happened in the crypt, but you
belong to me now and no-one touches you but me!"

~ Your's Harris. Just keep me safe, please ~

Starting to cry hard as Xander suddenly shoved his
face into his own pale one, Spike knew that the boy
had just erupted into a major hissy fit and that his
crying would more than likely only make it worse.
Holding his hand across his mouth, trying to both
muffle the sound and blink away the tears, Spike
squealed as the boy roughly pulled at him.

Xander sitting back on the couch and manhandling the
demon into his lap at the same time, placed the blonde
head against his shoulder and patted the blonde hair
as he made frustrated sounds of his own.

"Knew Farm Boy was too shiney and Captain America to
be any good"

~ No shit Whelp! I learnt the hard way ~

Feeling the head cradled against his shoulder nod,
Xander continued to stare at the blank wall in front
of him. Those pricks, not just anyone had touched his
property. It was true, he didn't really give a shit
about the crypt but Spike hadn't belonged to him then
and now that the vampire was in his care, that made
him his property, claimed and all.

Rubbing his fingers along the lobe of the small cool
ear, he told the smaller man that the soldiers would
pay. If not soon, then one day in the future.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Spike felt a small glow of
happiness as the boy's rage calmed down and into the
comfortable protectiveness that he had come to crave.
Closing his eyes, he nestled closer into the heat
being thrown off the younger man.

Hearing the panting stop, and the shaking subside,
Xander looked down at the worn out blonde in his lap.
Gently stroking the hair back from the sleeping mans
face, he saw a cut running along the scalp, a cut he
knew hadn't been there that afternoon.

"Fuck them, they not only touch what is mine, they
dare to hurt it as well!"

Seething once more, the boy sat for a long time, just
staring at the wall in front of him, rocking the
slumbering male in his arms gently. The bag left on
the car floor, all but forgotten for the moment.

Part Five  

Xander rose carefully out of the warm bed, throwing
back the new blankets only purchased the week before.
Trying not the rouse the blonde next to him who was
still out like a light, he stood and wondered if
Barney would let him take a day off. He was still
pissed off from last night but at least he could think
a little clearer now. He didn't really want to have a
hissy fit at work and pretty much anything was going
to set him off today.

Sighing, he padded with bare feet across the apartment
towards the phone. Reaching underneath the beige
object, he opened the little book and flicked the
page to rest open at the letter B. Seeing only two
phone numbers listed under that particular letter, he
read the second number and then punched it into the
phone. While waiting for the person on the other end
pick up, he ran his hand through his thick hair in
frustration at the thought of what to do.

He may now be the same size as that cornfed prick but
he didn't have the same hand to hand combat experience
of the older man so that pretty much left out the
direct attack route for the blonde soldier and his
four arsehole friends as well.

"Going to have to be something else then!" thought a
boy, disappointed that he didn't have any soldier
memories of garroting people after his second

Hearing the phone pick up on the other end after
numerous rings, he turned his attention into trying to
get a day off from work.

"Mmmm, Barney, better be good?"

", hi Barney. It's Xander"

"Oh, shit,what time is it?"

Chuckling into the phone at the thought of waking the
burly foreman from a deep sleep, he replied that it
was time for the older man to be up anyway.

"Watch it Sonnyboy, what's up?"

"Can't come in today, something has cropped up"

Hearing the other man yawn into the phone, he waited
for the next question to appear from the following
coughing fit.

"Personal or are you sick?"

"Do I get paid if it's personal?"

"I'll put you down as sick, ok?"

Asserting his answer as a yes, Xander thanked the
potbellied male and made promises to buy the first
round of drinks next time that they went out after
work for beers. Laughing again at the older man
telling him that because he was the youngest, he would
always buy the first round, he broke off the
conversation with a promise to see the other man the
next day.

Hearing a grunt from behind him, he put the receiver
down the same time he felt his cock jump at the sound
. Hearing another soft cough, he turned around to see
the sleepy vampire sitting on the couch clad in only
the black boxers that he favoured. Briefly wondering
if he would be able to get the pale man into any other
colour in the future, he leaned against the wall and
waited for the demon to indicate at something or
toddle back to bed.

Looking at the larger brunette standing by the phone,
he wondered what was going to happen now that the boy
knew the whole story about both the night at the crypt
and the previous night. He had heard the conversation
with the boys boss and that was what had made him get
up. Having met the work mates on one occasion when he
had had a major panic attack at the thought of Xander
leaving him alone in the new apartment, the boy had
finally given up trying to convince him that he would
return and had dragged the vampire down to the car
while shaking him and warning him to just sit there.

Doing as he had been asked, he was given free beer all
night after being passed off as Xander's not quite
right cousin who was visiting. Spike hadn't been
happy at the thought of more people pitying him but he
had been close to the brunette all night and that was
what had mattered. Smirking to himself at the thought
of all the beer he had drunk, his smile died just as
fast it had appeared when the next memory was of the
hissy fit and slapping he had received when he had
tried to pull the same stunt after learning the whelp
was going out with his work mates again. Sure, he
hadn't really been upset that time but he had thought
it would be enough to fool the obviously not so fooled
Glancing up at the taller man looking at him, he
rubbed at his pale stomach to indicate his hunger.

Nodding, Xander felt his own stomach grumble with a
load roar at the thought of eggs and bacon. Usually
weekend breakfast food, he thought that after last
night they both deserved a little treat and it would
be a good way to apologise to the blonde for making
him cry. Asking the awakening vampire if he wanted
both his usual blood as well as some bacon and eggs,
he felt a little flutter of possessiveness at the
small smile he received in return.

Following Xander into the kitchen, he perched himself
on the formica bench and watched him as he rummaged
through the bottom of the fridge. Grunting a yes to
the mushroom and tomatoes being waved in his
direction, licked his lips as he smelt the bacon being
unwrapped. The yes and no had been worked out early
in the living together. A high pitched grunt meant yes
and a lower sounding grunt meant no. The two witches
sometimes got them mixed up but on the whole they were
pretty good. Giles and the other two blondes usually
ignored him at all times, except for Rileys glaring
when he thought no one was watching.

Hearing the hiss of the bacon as it hit the well
heated frypan, he could feel himself begin to drool as
the smell hit his sensitive nose. Watching the boy
crack the eggs into a jug and pour in milk before
fluffing the mixture with a fork, he smelt the bacon
start to brown in the pan.

Setting down the jug containing the eggs and milk,
Xander quickly relieved the pan of the numerous strips
of bacon and lay them out on a plate. Handing one
rasher to the vampire, he felt his dick harden at the
sight of the pale fingers being slowly sucked into the
cool mouth as the smaller man licked at the flavoured
grease coating his fingers. Knowing the other man
could smell him, he smiled widely as the demon leapt
from his perch on the bench and padded across the
floor towards him. Feeling his breathe quicken as the
blonde knelt in front of him, he closed his eyes to
the touch of a cool hand to his tenting boxers. As
the cotton was pulled from his hips and down to his
knees, he moaned at the little brushes of cool air the
vampire blew over the weeping slit.

Placing his hands on the soft hair, he bit his bottom
lip as the head of his cock was introduced to a cool
mouth. He swore and thrust his hips upwards at the
tentative tongue licking slowly around the swollen

Spike let the head fall from his lips and slowly ran
his tongue from tip to base in long sweeps, all along
the shaft eliciting deep moans from the heavily
breathing brunette. Taking the head deep inside his
mouth once more, he braced himself with one arm
wrapped around the lightly haired knee as he reached
his other hand up to play with the boy's sac.
Swirling his tongue along the underside of the hot
flesh, he relaxed his throat muscles and in one fast
gulp, he took the shaft deep into his throat.
Nestling his nose in the hair covering the whelp' s
groin, he felt the hands in his hair tighten as he
made a swallowing motion with his throat muscles.
Slowly rubbing and tugging the testicles in his
occupied hand, he could smell the boy getting close as
the minutes passed.

Listening to the moaning punctuated with cursing
getting loader, he slid the cock out of his mouth and
gently feathered his tongue around the rosy head.
Letting the boy guide his cock back into his cool
mouth, he started applying more pressure on the sac.
Deepthroating the hard shaft once more, he gave the
scrotum one last hard tug. Hearing Xander come with a
roar, he swallowed the thick hot liquid as it poured
down his throat. Feeling the hand release their hold
on his hair, he licked the last of the cum off the
boy's cock.

" Damn! That was great!"

Xander helping the vampire from his knees, rested one
hand on the cool buttocks as the blonde turned to walk
back to the bench. Standing there in the kitchen,
feeling the well shaped flesh covered by the black
cotton, he took a step closer to the vampire and
rested his chest against the cool back. Rubbing his
spent cock against the material, he could feel the
tension in the smaller mans body. Reaching one hand
up to stroke the pale expanse of the demons nape, he
slid one arm around the waist and held the male close
to his own hot body.

"I'm going to do you tonight. I'm not going to hurt
you like the others did. I want to claim you

Nodding as he pressed back against the hot chest,
savouring the heat of the younger man, Spike wondered
if now was a good time to tell the boy that he had to
first break the claim the soldiers has unwittingly
forced upon him when they had pissed on him. No
matter how many times the boy would fuck him, although
he had been cum on by him, the soldiers claim on him
would stand up first. It was just part of the reason
he didn't like to go out alone.

If the soldiers knew what pissing on him had meant to
the vampire, they would pretty much have an on call
whore. They would just have to click their fingers
and he would jump to their command. He had been
scared the night before that he wouldn't have been
able to resist if they had decided that they wanted to
screw him again, partly because of the chip but mostly
due to the piss claim.

~I'll tell the whelp after breakfast. I hope he
doesn't kill me for keeping this from him ~

Part Six  

With the last of the pieces of cutlery in the dish
drainer, Spike rinsed the remnants of blood out of his
mug and placed it alongside the plastic drainer.
Wiping his hands on the teatowel Xander held out to
him, he strode towards the bathroom with his mind on
the subject of raising the claim issue with the boy.
The whelp was still angry, he could smell the emotion
in the air surrounding the tall brunette and had
guessed that was pretty much the reason the younger
man hadn't wanted to go to work.

~ Couldn't have a hissy fit at work now could we! ~

Door closed, he grabbed a fresh towel from the
dwindling stack in the cupboard, placing it over the
shower rail making sure that it would hang out of the
way of the water. Boxer's landed a few inches short
of the dirty linen basket. The water turned on, Spike
climbed into the shower and groaned as the heat warmed
his borrowed blood. Letting the warmth loosen his
tensed muscles, he frowned at the thought of the
whelps unusually thick cock entering him. It wasn't
the length that bothered him, it was the massive
His Sire had been long and of a normal thickness but
he had never seen or had such one like the boys before
and he wasn't even going to think of the crypt.

~Jesus, I'm such a woosy boy. I knew this day would
come sooner or later ~

Once the shampoo was rinsed from his hair, grabbed the
special conditioner that kept his hair from becoming
brassy. Rubbing it through his hair, he waited for a
few minutes before rinsing again.

~ I'm gonna get a slapping! ~

He sang to himself. The whole claiming issue was
tricky and he was sure that the whelp was going to go
mental when he was told about what the soldiers had
unknowingly done. It wasn't as if he could ignore it,
he figured that he was lucky that Riley hadn't yet
read the book Xander had so obviously read to know
about the cum claim. He had told Xander everything
about that night bar the pissing bit and he really had
to tell him soon, like right after the shower soon.

Although the boy was visibly relaxed after the
blowjob, he was still going to be narky all day. The
only ways of releasing a claim that he knew of was to
either kill the other claimant and then fuck the
adored in the old claimants ash, something he couldn't
see the boy going for or making the adored drink the
blood of the old claimant, relegating the old claimant
as subservient to the adored, breaking the claim. How
it was going to work with humans, he didn't know and
the adored one could only drink the blood by biting.
Only vampires did the claiming rituals as far as he
knew, he didn't know of such a case as his. He didn't
want to belong to the ex soldiers and he really didn't
want to belong to Xander either but seeing the boy was
the lesser of two evils, he really didn't have much

~ I could always ask Peach's for help? No fucking
way, I'd rather belong to Harris for all of his short
mortal life than ask the Wanky Souled One! ~

Maybe it would work out. Maybe it wouldn't as he
couldn't bite and he was sure that the whelp wasn't
going to kill any of the soldiers especially Binty's

Right, he thought with a towel wrapped around his
waist. He walked through the doorway followed by a
billowing cloud of steam towards the couch the
brunette was currently sitting on, waiting for him it
looked like. Stomach clenching, he sat on the couch
on the spot indicated by Xander's patting hand.

~ Please don't hurt me too much Pet, I'm sorry that I
didn't tell you the night that you *claimed* me in the
basement, just didn't think they would come for me
again ~

A cum claim was strong but a first claim was still
stronger whether it was piss or cum. His Sire's cum
claim, not having been renewed every five years as
required after Angelus got his soul back, had run out.
Every vampire who put such a claim into action never
bothered about the five year requirement usually
prefering to state claim every few months or so.
Vampires were possessive about such things.

With that thought, Spike leaned down to pick up the
small note book from off the floor and took the broken
pen from Xander. Writing in short jerky sentences, he
described what the soldiers had unwittingly done and
also wrote the only two ways he knew of how to break
it. Eyes closed, he handed the book to the smiling
boy and waited for the enevitable explosion.

~ With luck, I shouldn't get too much of a slapping ~


More waiting

More silence

After what seemed like hours but was only a few
minutes, he peeked at the boy sitting next to him.
Xander just sat looking at him with an odd little half
smile on his face and the blackest eyes Spike had ever
seen since moving in with the whelp.

~ Ooops! Should have told him that night, I think I'm
in for it now ~

"So! My claim on you is nothing until the other is

Whine, nod.

"Let's see shall we? I either have to kill the
arseholes and then fuck you or get you to bite them
all, drink their blood which is something that you
*can't* do and then fuck you, this is correct is it

Gulp, nod, whine

"Well then, what to do?"

With a low voice vibrating with menace, he didn't know
whether to slap at the vampire and then get the book
from Giles' place in which he had only quickly read
about cum claim or get the book and then slap the

"You do know that I'm pissed off don't you?"

Gasp, nod and yes grunt

"Good, just thought that I would let you know"

They both sat in silence.


The heat bloomed across the pale cheek.

~ Not going to cry, not going to cry ~


~ I'm sorry, I was frightened that this would happen,
so stupid, stupid, not going to cry ~


~ Oooff, that hurt, should have just told him that
night. Was getting hit anyway. Not going to cry ~

The slaps and alternate smacking and punching were
landing on his body slowly, allowing each one to make
it's precense known separate to all the other that
came before and the ones to come after it. Turning
his head away from the seething brunette, Spike sat
there and let the blows redden his body while trying
to blink away the tears.

~ Not going to cry, not going to cry ~

Xander was fuming. His mind was racing at the thought
that those arseholes were able to make a claim on what
was supposed to be his and his only. He had read
about the claiming when bored at Giles' one day. He
must have missed the page mentioning the other type of
claim. The irate male did however remember reading
about the Sire/Childe thing and realising that Angel
had lost his claim on Spike after five years of being
gone which was why he had thought he had claimed the
blonde as his own.

"You don't go out unless it's with me. Do I make
myself clear?, not even down the park. You don't
leave the apartment for anything, not one thing!"

Spike, being shaken, nodded his head with his eyes
averted from the boy, could feel the cage get tighter.

~ Yes, I want this fixed as much as you, trust me ~

His body hurting from the numerous blows, watched as
the boy stomped towards the door and opened the door.

"Going to Giles' place to get the book. Was going to
get a video for us to watch, but I guess that can wait
now, can't it?"

Setting the lock so that it couldn't be opened from
within, he slammed the door and adjusted his collar to
protect his neck from the cold air. He felt his car
keys digging into his hip from their place in his
jeans, wishing that he had put on warmer clothes as
the vampire showered. With a shake of his head, he
let the thought of going back for a jacket go, he knew
that if he went back, he would just lay into the
blonde again and his hands were hurting.

Part Seven  

"Jesus, I hope to god that prick hasn't got his hands
on that fucking book!"

With a mutter to himself as he slammed the rusting
door to the death trap he drove. Shake of his head at
the thought of the possibility that the Buffster might
have picked this week to actually read up about the
main demon she destroyed virtually every night.

"Not a chance in a million years, not enough pictures
for her"

Sniggering to himself, he could feel some of the
earlier anger drain away at the thought of the little
blond asking a stuttering Giles' what an adored was.
Well, he was the claimant so that would make Spike the
adored one he figured. He had been too upset to ask
the actual meanings of the words once he had got the
general gist of what the vampire was telling him.

"Stupid shit, if he had just told me earlier, I
wouldn't have had to smack him" he said under his
breathe as he lifted a hand to knock on the solid
wooded door in front of him. The only thing that
could make that morning worse for him would be if his
not so missed Anya opened the door. Shoving the waist
of the long sleeved t-shirt he wore into his jeans to
try and conserve some of the bodyheat he was steadily
leaking, he heard the door open and looked up into the
scowling face of fate. Crap! he shouted in his mind.

"Uhh,, Hi Anya... is the G-Man home?" smiling as
much as he could without giving into the temptation to
just shove the girl aside and stomp on through.

"Oh. It's you! What do *you* want?"

" Really great, thanks for asking Anya and you, how
are you? I would like to come in and talk to Giles'"

The door held open just a smidgen wider than before,
Xander grabbed th opportunity and tried not to barge
his way into the ex-librarians house as much as
possible. No G-Man in sight as he looked around the
living room, he turned his back to the scowling, foot
tapping girl behind him.

"Hey, Giles'! are you here?" loudly echoed through
the house. With no answer being presented to him from
the otherwise empty rooms, he sucked in his breath and
prepared to be patient with the now tutting person
behind him.

"So, where is the old man anyway? and how come you are
here by yourself. Are you cleaning his house in
payment for whatever you broke this week?"

Trying to dodge the oncoming slap, he felt it catch
him on the shoulder as the ex-demon took offence to
his comment. No surprise there anyway, ever since the
breakup she had taken umbrage at almost anything he
said and they tried to avoid each other as much as
possible. Probably not the smartest move having an
ex-vengeance demon as both an old girlfriend and
someone who now didn't really like him.

"Did not break anything worth much this week. I'm
waiting for Giles' to get back with a video. He wants
to give me orgasms."

"Whaaa.. are you mental? When the hell did he tell
you this?" Momentarily speechless, Xander stared at
the smirking girl. What on earth could have possessed
the former Watcher, was he just horny, desperate and
that was getting pretty icky, so don't want to think
of the G-Man and Anya. Actually the thought of Giles'
and anyone was pretty much vile making. The man was
old. Then again, this was Anya, she pretty much
thought everyone wanted to give her orgasms. One day
she had thought an old man in the chemist had wanted
her until Xander had pointed out that winking was due
to the man having just put in eye drops. She had
probably just misunderstood the older watcher.

"No I am not,what did you call me, mental. It's true,
he touched my breast last week at work. He is older
than you and I'm happy that he will be able to give me
more different sex than you could" with that
statement said loud so that almost all Sunnydale could
hear, she left the stunned looking younger man in the
living room and walked towards the kitchen to make a
pot of the tea she had become so fond of since working
for the magic shop.

"Urggh, Ok then, I think" Head spinning with the
thought of the ex watcher getting sex from his ex
girlfriend, and why that was wrong on so many levels,
he shuffled towards the bookcase that dominated the
plainly decorated room. Yeah, like right the old man
just grabbed her. The poor bastard probably just
accidently brushed against her. But no, the Anya who
is orgasm obessessed, thinks that yet again no male is
immune from her all powerful pulling of lust. Wonder
if I should give him pointers on how to keep her
Probably doesn't even know he has been ear marked for
the use of one horny ex-demon.

Coughing into the laugh that had erupted at the
thought of what the older man's face would be like
when he realised that his only shop assistant had
decided to make him her very own flesh covered
vibrator. With the towering bookcase in front of him,
he started to look for anything on the mating habits
and rituals of vampires. " No, no, no and no again"
this is useless. He knew what the book looked like.
It was large, dusty and leather bound with weird
scrawly writing on the spine and cover.

"Hang on, this is it!" sarcastically said as he
indicated virtually every book in the room. What
colour was it again, brown? Light brown or was it the
dark brown of the ten over there? "Crap!" he scowled
at the line of books in direct view of him. Gold or
gold lettering? He would have to hurry before Giles'
got back or before Anya decided to hound him again
over why he broke up with her. It's been a fucking
year, you would think she would just stop asking, it
wasn't as if it stopped her going out and having sex
with other guys. With a hope that one day she would
do just that, he spotted what looked like the right
book. Dropping the one he held in his hands onto the
floor, one that he quickly picked up and replace on
the shelf.

Heart beating fast, he could feel his mouth dry up as
he reached for the thick volume. Book open, he
flicked the pages looking for the small chocolate
stain he had gotten on it without Giles' noticing.

"Yes!" loudly echoed through the room. He spun round
quickly to face the curious person, making indignant
sounds behind him. She stood looking at him with a
little smile on her face and a pot of tea clutched in
her hand. With a snort of derision directed at him,
Anya walked back to the couch, placed the tea on the
coffee table with the one mug and the matching teacup
and saucer.

"G-Man coming back real soon is he? now nervous
because he had the book in his hands, he really didn't
want to tell the older man why he was borrowing
Duplties Book of Vampire Habits. Ever so the original
title for a book he thought scanning his options of
how to get the girl to not tell Giles that he had been
there and had stolen on of his precious books. Having
an idea, he said

"Uh... Anya?"

"You are still here? Why? If my boss comes home with
you still here, it's going to be impossible to have
sex. I don't think he is going to like a threesome
the first time" came the annoyed reply.

Eyes closed at the thought of the whole thing, Xander
wondered how he had ever let himself get involved with
the girl. So sorry G-man but she is all yours whether
you know it yet or not.

"No, not really an option from this side here. Just
want to give you a few things that you left at my
basement. You know, the videos and the other
things....thought you might like them. Help warm up
things, you know?" hoping that the girl would go for
it, he knew that by asking straight out, she would
only run to tell Giles' that he had taken one of the
books. With the smile that was crossing the ex-demons
face, he knew that she had gone for it.

"Ok, here's the deal. Don't tell Giles' about the
book and I will give them to you tomorrow?" eagerly
wanting to just get out and away from his old
girlfriend before she decided that since he was
already there, he would do for sex.

"Alright, I guess that I can wait then. He is already
getting a naughty video anyway. Fantasia or something
like that. You'll have to give them to me at the

"Oh my god" thought Xander. He so doesn't know what
he is in for, and she is really mental if she thinks a
Walt Disney is a porno. With a quick turn, he walked
out of the house as fast as possible so that she
couldn't see the huge smile on his face. Suppressing
the laughter until he reached the car, he leaned
weakly against the rusting metal as he allowed the
mirth erupt.

"Fuck me! What an absolute classic! Fantasia, a

Eyes wiped of the tears of laughter that had sprouted
when he thought of the hissy fit yet to erupt at the
older mans house that night, he knew he just had to
tell Spike what she had said. The blonde was going to
find it hilarious. Not even thinking of what had gone
on before he had left, Xander did up his seatbelt and
turned the ignition, wrenching the gearstick into
drive as he noticed the ex-librarians car come around
the corner.

Car pushed to the limit around the corner, he hoped
that he hadn't been seen. Might as well get a video
anyway. Keep the Bleached Wonder occupied while I
read into this claiming business.

"Hope that I go the right book. No way am I going
back tonight. Anya would think I've come for a bit of
bump and grind with her and Giles'"

Icking to himself for all he was worth, Xander turned
the car towards the local Video Easy and hoped that he
hadn't any more fines registered on his video card.
In a great mood now that he had what he hoped was the
correct volume, he wondered if he should get some more
blood instead of letting Spike go out for it himself.

"No. No, I can't trust them not to be waiting for
him. Not after the car park. Not until this claim is
cleaned up."

With a snort to himself as to how he would be able to
do that, he pulled into the parking space and killed
the engine.

Part Eight  

"Hey Blondie, Your'e never going to guess who Anya has
set her sights on this time?" yelled the smiling boy
as he barged into the apartment. With the bags
containing the video he had chosen flung onto the
floor by the t.v., he walked through the living room
clutching the one bag in his left hand. Fridge open,
he dragged out the vegetable crisper in the bottom of
the cold appliance, shoving the blood bags into the
small container. Once done, he closed the fridge and
looked around for the vampire.

A frown lining his face, he walked to the bathroom.
Not seeing the smaller man in the white tiled room,
his frown deepened into a scowl. Striding back
through the spartan main room, he entered the dark
bedroom. While he waited for his eyes to adjust to
the oppressing darkness, he asked "Spike, are you in

Not really expecting an answer to the question, a
small form in bed started to appear to his now
adjusted eyes. The scowl left his face to be replaced
by a small smile and a tingly feeling in the pit of
his stomach. Quietly shucking off his clothes and
leaving his boxers on, he quickly got into the
inviting bed. With nothing said when the cool body
turned to face him, he held his arms open wide.

~ What the hell is he playing at now? The calm before
another storm? ~

Hesitating before moving in closer to the heat pouring
off the younger man, Spike snuggled into the firm

~ Ok, this is different. Not going to turn the offer
aside though. The heat is unbelievable. No wonder
some vamps get addicted to human snuggle bunnies. ~

The boy had only really held him properly for the
first time since sleeping in the same bed the night
before. He hadn't really thought that it had happened
at all. It was nice to be held. Briefly wondering
whether the boy would one day spontaneously combust
due to the heat in his body, he turned his mind to the
few times that he had ever been held since being
turned. Not that many it seemed. Could be counted on
one hand the times that Angelus had done this and that
had only been after a particularly vicious fuck from

Dru had never once volunteered to wrap her arms around
him, not once in all the time that they had been
together. It had always been him that had to be the
protector, be the strong one and everyone knew that
the strong ones never got to be held.

~ Oh yeah, that's it. I'm the bloody Peached One now
aren't I? Just proves what a loser I am, being held
by a fucking mortal and liking it ~

With a soft sigh, he let his body relax into the
strong warm embrace. Warm breath gusting down his
cool neck, he listened to the whelps breath start to
slow down signalling the dream state he was currently
lapsing into.

~ Hope the whelp got the book. I'm screwed literally
if Prick and Arseholes Inc. have gotten their hands on
it. We should just move until the time is up. Can't
see the boy going for it though ~

He hated feeling so dependent on the younger man, but
he had come to the realisation that the whelp was the
only one who even cared if he continued to be one of
the undead, pretty early into his new unlife.
Unbeknown to the ex-watcher and the boy himself, he
had heard the phone conversation between his Sire in
L.A. and the shop owner. He had cried to himself when
he had heard his old Sire state that he didn't want to
know about his once favoured Childe as he had enough
problems of his own, that since Spike was in the
Slayer's territory, he was now her responsibility.

Yeah, he had heard that all too well. The sodding
Poof was all too much trademark Angelus in that one
statement. Just like his old Sire to throw away what
could not work properly in that exact instant whether
or not it could be fixed in the future. The Binty
bitch had gladly fobbed the vampire off onto the
Harris whelp after whinging about the mess her clothes
and newly washed hair would be like after she had
dusted him. The witches had been the only ones to
actually put up fight, for the second time, as to why
he couldn't be dusted.

Not sure if he was still useful they had said. With
him sitting on the couch as far away from the glares
that Cornfed kept shooting him, just being ignored
again by everyone. After all if you couldn't speak,
it was quite obvious that you couldn't hear as well.

Gently untangling himself from the slumbering male, he
quietly slid out of the blankets and sheets so as not
to wake him. With a soft grunt, he sat on the sofa
with the book held in his shaking hands. He had found
it in one of the video bags along with the lube and
condoms that the boy had obviously bought the night

~Why the hell did he buy rubbers? What does he think
he is going to catch, Vampirism or is he worried that
he is going to knock me up? ~

Book open, with visions of himself pregnant, he
flicked the pages. Scanning the words briefly until
he reached the section on claiming, he wondered how
the writer was so knowledgeable on vampire habits,
especially the claiming when he himself barely knew
what to do. Or, not so knowledgeable as it turned
He already knew pretty much what was written about the
claiming. He knew that he was the adored one and that
Xander was the new claimant and the soldiers were
unknowingly the current claimants. Nothing new there.

Head held between his hands, he shook his blonde hair
in frustration. All the book had informed him of was
that if neither the two options of how to break a
claim appealed, then it was better to just move away
until the claim ran out and then to renew the claim
with the new claimant. He supposed that he was lucky
and could actually pinpoint the exact time that he had
been claimed by the ex-soldiers there for making the
timing easy.

The book had had some other useful information about
the claimant stating that sometimes the adored one was
actually killed in fits of rage by the claimant.
Apparently in extreme cases the claimant would become
hyper aggressive towards the adored one due to the
fact of an overload of aggressive behaviour
influencing their lives before and after being turned.

With a snort at this information, thinking to himself
that almost all behaviour was aggressive after being
turned, he could relate to the before turned
behaviour of his Sire. His Sire had been a drunk, a
man who liked to whore around and had been famous for
his rowdy bar room brawls. He had also kept the new
fledge on a tight leash for the first 10 years or so
displaying a type of behaviour that made him renew his
claim on the younger vampire almost every week,
something that other claimants had thought obsessive
to the extreme.

The Harris whelp looked like he would be just the
same, not as aggressive as a vampire but probably
enough to be labeled a hyper aggressive anyway. How
his behaviour would change after claiming Spike
properly was anyones guess. Maybe humans didn't get
all thingy about stuff like this.

Spike knew that if the boys behaviour changed, it
would be for the worst. It couldn't possibly go for
the better, not after experiencing what the younger
man was like in his moods. It was still a possibility
that the boy would keep on going like he was, goofy
most of the time and really sweet with a wicked sense
of humour and letting off steam about once a month,
slapping into the vampire when really pissed at

The writer thought that it was also due to certain
scents put out by both parties that made the two
parties stay in their made roles. The adored one
usually had a weaker smell than their claimant. It
was the smell of the claimant on the adored that
warned all other vampires off. If another vampire
came across an adored that he wanted, he usually
smelled the current claimant first before issuing a
challenge, if the scent was weaker than their own then
it was pretty much a given that the fight would be won
by the new claimant.

Deep down in the pit of his stomach, he felt it do
flip flops at the thought of seeing the whelp in a
bigger hissy fit than he had so far shown. With the
snoring in the bedroom getting louder, he picked up a
video and looked at it.

~ Fantasia? What the hell possessed the boy to rent

Part Nine  

Xander woke to the sound of the closing credits of the
Walt Disney classic, Fantasia. The grin on his face
grew bigger when he thought of what was probably going
on at the ex watchers house right about now. Yawning,
he looked at the bedside clock, 5.22 pm. "Damn "he
thought "just where has my free day gotten to?" With
his stomach grumbling at his moving off the bed and
standing up, he looked for Spike in the living room.

One hand rubbing his protesting belly, he sat on the
couch next to the bleached blonde fingering the book
he had stolen from Giles'. Another yawn and the
thought that he wouldn't sleep too well tonight, he
looked at the smaller man doing his best not to look
back at him.

"So, read the book did you? What does it say?" asked
the sleepy young man.

With a shrug of his shoulders at Xanders question,
Spike handed the book already opened at the claiming
chapter to the hand reaching out to take it from him.
Waiting while the brunette read about what the book
had to say, he moved to lean against the hot body
beside him. Absently, the reading man grabbed at the
cooler body against his and shifted in his seat so
that they were both more comfortable. Gently running
his fingertips up and down the smooth pale arm of the
man beside him, Xander finished reading what little
information the book had on claiming.

" Well then. Doesn't look too good does it?" sighed
the taller man into the white hair on the head that
was currently tucked underneath his chin.

Quick shake of the head from the vampire and he
wondered again what the hell he was going to do. The
chances of avoiding Riley and his mates for another
four years was pretty impossible since one of his
friends was currently dating one of the ex- soldiers.
Sunnydale, though not really small, it was still small
enough so that it was inevitable that they were going
to run into each other again. He figured that he
could move but the good job and friends that he had
here, were things that he would miss and everyone
would think that he was possessed if he just pulled up
stakes and with the Bleached One in tow, just moved.

He felt the shoulder of the vampire move. What he was
doing, Xander didn't really know. A note was shoved
into his face. Taking the note from the slim fingers,
he read what was written in the scrawly black writing.

" Move? I don't know about that, I mean where would
we go? How do I explain to the others about why you
are coming with me?"

He could feel the small flare of excitement flicker at
the thought of getting out of Sunnyhell. It was a
good reason after all. Get out of town to avoid a
group of people that were most likely going to hassle
what was his for as long as they were still here.
Yeah, it was a really good idea.

" I could ask at work for a reference. I'm sure that
Barney would give me one. There's pretty much nothing
else we can do, is there?"

Another shake of the blonde head and he felt a rising
surge of excitement. Road trip, a very long road
trip. Four year long road trip. It wasn't as if the
others would even miss him that much. Buffy was too
wrapped up in Captain America, slaying and college to
do anything with him apart from the occasional video
at Giles' place. Even then, it was usually delayed
and put off most of the time due to either exams and
avoiding the latest ending of the world business. As
much as he loved Willow, she was also pretty into her
Wicca studies and her little blonde friend.

With the two witches powers getting better by the day,
Xander was hardly ever needed by the slayer to help
with the patrolling noways. Buffy just preffered to
get the bad guys blasted with the two witches talents
and then run in and do the actual slaying if anyone
was left intact after the initial blast.

Tummy rumbling, he thought of the ex-librarian. He
was sure that Giles' would think that he was both
crazy and irresponsible. Crazy because he was leaving
for the big wide world and irresponsible for taking a
non verbal vampire away from under the slayers beady
eyes. Yes, her eyes were beady, especially when she
was trying to think.

Big smirk on his face at that thought, he rubbed his
nose in the soft hair. Excitement mounting, he
shifted the vampire off his lap and stood. With eyes
glowing at the very thought of finally blowing
Sunnydale, he looked deep into the nervous blue orbs
of the blonde man still sitting on the couch.

" Yeah, I reckon we could do it. But first I have to
find another job somewhere. Shouldn't be too hard,
Barney has contacts all over." exclaimed the boy as he
started pacing the room.

Spike sighing a breath of relief also at the thought
of getting away from the hell hole he was currently
trapped in, watched as the younger male excitedly
paced the room, reasoning with himself as to why he
shouldn't move. This was good, this was *really*
Maybe if they moved, it would give them both a fresh
start. New friends for the boy, ones that wouldn't
keep thinking him a immature youngster from high
school when it was obvious he had matured. Ones that
would appreciate him and not ignore him.

If that was in store for the boy, then maybe he would
be not so frightened to go out by himself if he knew
that his attackers were no longer near enough to
harass or hurt him. Maybe he could claim a bit of
independence for himself or as much as Xander would
allow him once they moved.

" Sudden descion, but I'm sure we can pull it off"
chatted the brunette as he plonked himself back onto
the couch having finally convinced himself that he
would do it. With one arm thrown around the cool
shoulders, he pulled the smaller man towards him and
looked once again into the bright blue. Everything
stopped around him as he lost himself into the feeling
that was present in the vampires eyes.

Both sitting still as they stared at each other,
Xander finally broke the stillness by leaning forward
and with heart beating fast, gently placed his warm
lips over soft cooler ones. With a body that had
tensed as the brunette moved his head towards his,
Spike was at first shocked when the warm kiss met his
mouth. Never in a million years did he think that the
whelp was going to go all the way and display this
closeness. Sure, fucking him wasn't going to be a
problem but the actual intimacy of this gesture was
something that he had thought he would never receive.

Leaning into the kiss, he opened his mouth slightly,
letting the warm tongue gently probe its way into his
coolness. The whelp was breathing heavily and he
could smell the arousal stronger than it had ever been
on him.

~ Well then, looks like its time to get the show on
the road, so to speak. ~

Butterflies in his stomach, he pulled away from the
younger man, allowing him to breath. Heavy, dark eyes
looked back at him from a flushed face.

" I... I don't know why I did that, but I'm not sorry
that I did. Your mine."

The combination of nervousness, excitement and lust
pouring off the younger man panting beside him was a
heady mixture. He was himself nervous but he was also
getting excited at the thought of what he knew was
definitely going to happen tonight, he was still
apprehensive about the whelps size. It was going to
hurt no matter how easy the brunette tried to make it.
His Sire had been long but he had made sure to take it
slow until Spike had gotten used to it. That had been
about the only kindness Angelus had showed him when it
had come to the bedroom.

He hoped that the whelp had the sense to take it slow,
it was good when you got used to it. Sometimes it was
*really* good as his Sire had shown him. Remembering
positions and certain angles, he shuddered as a warm
finger slipped into his mouth. Rolling his cool
tongue around the large digit, he looked into almost
black eyes as the boy licked his lips, emitting small
groans of desire when Spike gave his finger the whole
blowjob routine that he like to receive.

"Spike, I want you now.....I want to be in you, I want
to fuck you soooo bad" he moaned as his finger left
the talented mouth and a hand reached below to cup his
rock hard cock. With one hand wrapped around the soft
strands of hair, he pulled the object of his lust
closer towards him. Licking his lips, he could feel
the excitement of the other man as he too leaned
closer for another kiss. This time he didn't wait for
Spike to let him in, he firmly pushed his way into the
waiting mouth and sucked on the tongue hard. Feeling
every groove of the other's mouth, he pulled out when
he remembered that he had to breath.

~ Jesus! The whelp can bloody well kiss alright, want
more now ~

In an aggressive move that had Spike pinned firmly
underneath the heavier man, Xander ran his tongue down
the white neck, delighting in the shudders and soft
moans that came as he lightly nipped at the flesh
covering long dead veins.

After he had been flipped underneath the youth, the
vampire closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of a
warm tongue running itself along his throat, gasping
everytime he felt the blunt teeth nip at his flesh.
He could feel the boys solid cock pressing into his
thigh and he was pretty sure that the whelp could feel
his own hard on as well. He didn't think that the boy
would offer to take care of his cock, pretty much a
usual thing in the adored/claimant bond.

Xander could feel the other mans hard on pressing
against his stomach as he lay ontop of the smaller
man. He sure as hell wasn't going to do anything
about it himself, it wasn't as if he was gay or
anything. Switching his mind off, he let himself arch
backwards as cool nimble fingers found his nipples and
proceed to both rub and tug them into hard hot peaks.

" Good, good...keep going,....oh just there" he
exclaimed as the cool body wriggled underneath him so
that his left nipple was being teased by a talented
tongue. Anya had never done this to him before.
Obviously Spike had talents left unexplored. Rubbing
his hard cock against the tight stomach beneath him,
he knew it was going to be soon if he didn't get up.

Once standing, he looked at the sight before him. The
vampire was sprawled over the couch in such a way it
made his cock harder than he thought was possible.
With his boxers flung accross the room, his weeping
dick was free of the tight confines of cotton.
Stroking his cock gently with one hand, he gesture
with the other for the blonde to get the lube.

The butterflies going berserk, the panting man reached
into one of the plastic bags on the floor and pulled
out the non scented, non flavoured tube of water based
lube. Curious as to how this was going to go, he knew
where everything was going to go, he was just unsure
of what position he would be in.

" Spread yourself over the couch" directed the almost
bursting male. While he waited for the vampire to
make himself comfortable, he was unsure as how to go
about it. He was pretty thick and he didn't really
want to hurt the other man. Upon seeing the pale
globe present themsleves to him, he groaned and felt
his cock twitch at the sight. Flipping the lid of the
lube that Spike had handed to him, he shakily squeezed
a small amount onto his hand.

With the cold lube making his fingers sticky, he was
sure that he had to do something to prepare the blonde
for his leaping cock. Not really sure, he walked
towards the arse staring at him and tried to recall
some of the locker room talk he had overheard in his
years of high school.

The knowledge slamming into his mind as he recalled a
particularly cock hardening conversation about a girl
who liked it "that way", he slowly rubbed his non
lubed hand over the smooth whiteness. Taking a
breath, he dipped one finger into the lube and reached
down to circle around the tight ring between the
perfect buttocks. The tightness he felt through the
muscles as he worked one finger into the coolness made
him gasp and bite his bottom lip.

" Oh god, tight,..I wont hurt you much, you know
that. Just relax" he moaned as he slipped another
finger into the clenching rosebud. Working his
fingers slowly back and forth, he could feel the
vampire relaxing into the fingering as the minutes
ticked by. A slight shift in position from the man
spread over the arm of the couch and he felt his
fingers nudge against something inside. Startled at
the jump of the blonde when his brushed against what
he could only presume was the prostrate, he pulled
both fingers out with a little wet sound.

"I'm going to start, just relax" biting his lip, he
coated what was left of the lube onto his weeping
cock. With a step closer to the blonde, he could feel
the head of his penis brush against loosened muscles.
Deep breath and he pushed firmly into the shocking
coolness of the other man.

Spike gasped in shock and pain as he felt his hole
being stretched by the boys thick cock. Thank god he
prepared me was the thought running through the pain
as the boy slowly pushed more of his throbbing organ
into his tightness. With the boy standing still, he
tried to relax his muscles as much as possible but the
feeling of the massive thickness made tears spring to
his eyes. Blinking them away, he wriggled against
the younger man to signal that he was as relaxed as he
was ever going to be. The realisation that the whelp
was only halfway in him made his head spin as he felt
himself tearing inside. As the boy pulled out so that
only the tip was inside, Spike clenched his fists in
the cheap cushion material.

"God! This is great, so tight" was the thought running
through his mind as he couldn't help himself slam back
hard into the bent over male. Hearing the soft yelp of
pain, he tried to slow his hard thrusting. Unable to
do it, he started to go faster and harder, the small
groans and yelps speeding him on. With his balls
starting to tingle, he pushed as hard as possible
into the confining tightness ignoring the panting
beneath him. Four hard slams later, he let out a roar
as he filled the cool body with his hot cum.

Feeling the hotness shoot its way up his arse and deep
into his body, Spike groaned in both agony and
pleasure as he came onto the couch, staining the
material due to the friction of his cock rubbing
against the couch arm, the agony was due to the boy
pulling his spent cock out of his spasming hole. He
had known it was going to hurt but even after a year
of blowjobs, he hadn't really realised just how thick
the whelps cock had been. He knew that he was
bleeding and would do so until his body got used to
this type of action again. Being turned a virgin, he
would always have trouble getting used to cocks unless
it was going to be everyday. He would always go back
to being as tight as the day he was turned without
regular fucking. Angelus had known that and had
punished him sometimes by waiting for a few weeks and
then ramming into him as hard as possible, knowing
that it would cause great pain.

" Shit, you're bleeding! I'm so sorry, I couldn't
help it, wait there!"

Xander ran to the bathroom and grabbed a cloth from
the hand rail, wetting it under the running water, he
raced back to the vampire still spread out over the
couch arm. He gently wiped at the blood and cum
rolling from out of the blonde. Once the smaller man
was cleaned up, he cleaned the blood from his own
With the cloth thrown in the bin, he really didn't
want to use it again, they both tiredly moved back
towards the bedroom.

Part Ten  

This is in Xanders point of view

With the cool body of the vampire cradled in my arms,
I'm thinking of what it would be like to blow this
town permanently. It's true, what I thought before,
my friends really don't need me anymore. I go out
more with my workmates now than I ever see any of the
people I relied upon in high school. Occasionaly we
all get together for a video and popcorn at Giles'
place, sometimes I take Spike along but I usually take
it as an opportunity to escape the constant clinging
prescence of the blonde.

I don't mind too much him always around me as soon as
I walk in the front door. Pretty much used to it but
sometimes it drives me nuts and I feel that I just
have to get away. Probably the reason that I go out
with Barney, Jack, Willis and the others when I can.

I will miss them almost as much as Buffy, Willow,
Giles and the others that we have managed to pick up
and incorporate into the goup along the way, hell, I
might even miss Anya in a weird way. What it all
boils down to, is that I have a responsibility and it
is something that I take seriously. If I have to move
away to be able to continue taking care of what is
mine, then so be it. It doesn't really matter that
the responsibility is a weepy bleached blonde vampire,
now does it?

It's weird though, at first all that mattered was
getting him out of my basement and my bed back to
myself. Just sort of got used to it all, didn't even
think when we moved into the new apartment that he
might not come with me. The fact that he did move in
with me made me feel good, still didn't really like
him though. I'm not sure what to feel about him now
that we have actually "gone all the way", fucked, did
the deed, that sort of thing. He still shits me when I
ask him do something and he doesn't. I know that I
shouldn't really slap at him but it's not like he is a
woman or anything is it? I'm not like my father and
just lash out without a reason. He's a vampire not a
human. It wasn't really what I expected, it was
definately a lot better. The tightness was brilliant,
so much better than Anya, not that I ever did it like
that with her. She wanted to try it but I felt weird
doing it like that with her, not quite right.

With Spike, it felt like it was finally all in place,
it doesn't make me gay though. Just because I've done
it with a guy doesn't mean that I am going to declare
myself as out of a closet that I am not even in. How
can I be gay if the receiving party is technically
dead and a non verbal demon with limited demon skills?
The male bit is soooo not a factor in this.

Hadn't wanted to make him bleed though, just couldn't
stop myself from going hard. The coolnes surrounding
my dick was so different to the hot wetness of Anya,
it just set me off, I think it actually made me harder
if that was even possible. Have to admit that it was
also the the quiet whimpering that made me go hard,
made me feel hot. Not a nice thought that one, but I
can't help replaying the little sounds he made while I
was fucking him in my mind. Those gaspy pants and
soft yelps when I slammed back into him.

I can feel my dick starting to harden at the thought
of those sounds.

The blood scared me, I didn't think that he would
bleed. I mean, he has done it that way before, it's
not like he is an arse virgin. I've read those books
that Giles' likes to think that he has hidden away
from everybody, I don't think he knows that I have had
my hands on them. Spike was Angelus' bed buddy for at
least until he got his soul back and I don't think
that Deadboy would have taken a "not tonight dear"
excuse from him. Then there is the crypt thing with
Riley and the rest of the arseholes. Sure, that was
pretty much an overkill of the old arse banditry but
it's not like he wouldn't have ever had it rough

He is mine now and from now on it is going to be just
me. Really don't want to share him with anybody.
Hope that he doesn't bleed too much next time, I don't
want to have to keep throwing away face washers. Not
really cheap items and I really don't want to use them
again after cleaning all that ick up.

God, it's almost 6 am and I still have'nt slept all
that much. Might nudge blondie awake and have a
morning glory while I am literally up. Barney keeps
mentioning this old Australian friend down in New
Orleans, I think I will ask him if there are any jobs
going down there. Never been there before and I'm not
sure if Spike has been there either. At least he can
share in the driving with me.

Mmmm, oh yeah. Just look at that arse. Definately
going to morning glory it.

Part Eleven  

This is in Spikes point of view.

I can feel his hard on nudging at me, it has been for
about 5 minutes now. He is awake, I know because I
can hear his heart beating at an awake rate.
Probably going to fuck me again. Hope he isn't going
to take me hard again, I'm only about half healed from
last night. Doing it hard is just going to rip me
open again, not that taking it slow with his size
isn't going to do the same, just less tearing.

Suppose that I'm going to have to get used to being a
bottom in bed all over again. Haven't been a bottom
since Angelus' got his poofy soul back and the crypt
doesn't count, that was just plain old rape not me
being a willing sub. Sure, I fought the Prince of
Hair Gel many a time but I always knew that I would
end up with his cock up my arse, the struggling just
turned him on more. More or less was a normal part to
the so called "foreplay" that us vamps have.

I think that the whelp will sometime in the future
like the whole domination game, he won't be a total
sadist like my old Sire , but I know that the more I
yelped in pain when he was driving into me before, the
harder he was panting and his heartbeat was almost off
the scale. Yeah, that turned him on alright. Don't
ever see him raping me outright but I'm sure that if I
ever said no to him, he would be pretty persuasive in
getting me to change my mind.

He wasn't too bad apart from his thick cock. I know
by his clumsiness that it was the first time for him
both with another male and doing it that way. Might
have to start angling myself around his dick if he
doesn't get a clue on how to make it pleasurable for
the receiver sometime down the track. Should get him
the new " Joys of Gay Sex", the updated version.
Probably get a right royal slapping at that though, I
mean how dare anyone think that he was gay! The kid
has to be bi at least. You just don't lean over and
plant a kiss on the male sitting next to you if your
not at least attracted a little and you sure as hell
don't go back for seconds.

Don't blame him for denying it to himself, I heard all
those names his arsehole dad and uncle used to call
him whenever he was cornered by either of them.
Pansy, Faggot, Arse Bandit, Queer Boy, Pillow Biter
and lots of others just as charming. Been bashed into
him that he has to be a full on hetro. Girls still
turn him on, I can smell it when he walks past a
pretty young thing or a shop assistant tries to chat
him up.

Hasn't been out on a bloody date since I started
blowing him and he really isn't taking too much notice
when some bint turns on the charm. He is interested
but not enough to go for it, can't blame him really, I
do give great head.

Well, looks like I am going for a ride in a minute,
whelp is trying to stick his fingers up me. Stupid
brat, no lube of course.

Ow, ooowww, that *fucking hurts*. What does he think,
that I'm not going to move away when there is no
slippery stuff to make it easier for us both? Thank
fuck for that, should have got up for it in the first
place shouldn't he!

Going to bleed again. What he has between his legs is
no small package, going to take a good few weeks of a
couple of fuckings a day to get me used to this again.
Him being a young whelp, I really don't see the
problem in this. If he stops for over a few days,
almost a week, I'm just going to bounce back into the
same original tightness. Vamp healing at it's best,
great for the giver but not so great for the receiver.
It has it's good points like I can feel everything a
lot better than I would have if Mam had had her way
and I had been made loose and then turned.

The sight of the blood scared him, I could smell it on
him. Thats why he was so gentle I think. Cleaned me
up and all, held me in bed until we both drifted off.

Oh, lots better...mmmmm, definitely a lot better!
Lube, good stuff when used right. One finger at the
moment, nice....ooofff, keep going.

Clenching my teeth together, I can feel him adding
another finger so much larger than my own. Nice and
slippery, yep, that's good.

As I roll over onto my hands and knees, the boy is
kneeling behind me, all the while with his two large
fingers up my arse, loosening the muscles in
preparation. Another finger and it's moving away from
the slight discomfort and into the really starting to
hurt now. Must be more tearing than I originally
thought there was. I let out a soft yelp at his now
rough sawing motion and as he slows it down, I can
smell the arousal he is emitting getting stronger the
more I pant. Almost ready then for the big boy.

Ok, relax...think of something nice. Ooohhh, hurting!
Hurting more now, Oh god, how the hell does a human
have a cock like his? Oooffff, I can feel new tears in
my arse. Thank god he's all in. Relax, stop clenching,
stupid hole.

Damn it! Stop yelping, it's just going to make him go
harder like last time.

Come on, you can take it. Just a human, just the one
cock this time. With the whelps cock slamming into me
again, I can feel the tears rolling down my face, this
hurts. It hurts more than I can remember my Sire
hurting me except when I was being punished. Maybe
the fucking chip shorted out my pain centre too?

Panting and whining, panting and yelping. Great way to
not make it harder on myself.

Aaahhh, lucky me! He finally hit my prostrate for the
first time. Please finish soon, I want it to stop.
Not sure if I can take any more. Too much.

Oh god, the little shit is doing it hard again, I can
feel the blood on my thighs. Yeah, this whelp has the
beginnings of a dom written all over him if this is
how it's going to be each time. Ok, ok, stop whining,
he's going to cum any minute now. Prostrate again!!
Just have to learn to take it again. Won't be so bad
each time. Gotta get stretched out again. Don't
think I will ever be stretched enough for his size but
at least after a few more shags, it won't hurt as

Nice, prostrate action. Ahhhhh, over now thank fuck.
Ouch, pulling out hurts. I can feel the hotness
inside me of his cum, all the way deep inside. Weird.

He's gone to get another cloth to clean me up. Where
does he think that I'm going to move to? Hurts a bit
much to move at the moment. That feels good, the cool
cloth. Stings a bit when it rubs at my hole.

I turn my head away from him so that he doesn't notice
my wet cheeks. Would probably set him off for the day
if he noticed. The shower is going, should get up and
get some breakfast. I think that we have got some
weetbix in the cupboard, sure we bought some the other
day? Hope he asks that Barney guy where some jobs

Talked in what little sleep he did have about New
Orleans, not sure if I want to go there, then again I
wont really have much say in where we go will I?
Should just be thankful that I haven't been thrown out
into the "too hard" basket. All the others have, even
Red and Mousegirl despite what they say and the fact
that they sometimes take me shopping.

Have to get up. Gotta clean up the rest of the cum
that's coming out of me. Do a load of washing in the
down stairs Laundromat. Thankfully its well sheltered
all the way up and down to the smelly little room.

Look at me, I'm off to have an exciting day of washing
and then I get to sit at home and watch t.v. until the
man whos screwing me gets home and then all I have to
do is bend over for some dinner.

Yep, good bye pet, have a nice day. Come home nice
and tired so that it goes slow tonight, ok?

Part Twelve  

"Pennington, sounds good but all the way in fucking
Alaska?" Xander wondered as he drove home if he was
just plain nuts. Sure, he wanted to move from
Sunnyhell and he didn't mind moving states but
countries was another thing altogether. When he had
mentioned his problem to Barney that morning, only
telling his burly friend that both himself and his not
quite right cousin that was currently living with him
were sick of Sunnydale and were looking for greener
pastures, his foreman had been disappointed at the
thought of losing both a fellow worker and someone
that had turned into a good drinking buddy and friend.

Having been looked at by the taller man curiously at
his explanation, he had been told to leave it in the
other mans hands. Lunchtime had rolled around and
Barney had asked him to come into the office with him.
He had briefly thought that he was going to get
fired, just an irrational angst moment on his behalf
from all his other previous experiences in being fired
after going into numerous offices with numerous

Barney had sat him down and handed him a list of about
6 jobs and the dates in which he could start. He
hadn't known that his boss knew so many people in the
trade. Two were in Mexico and he had discounted these
straight away as he didn't know any Spanish, not
having paid any attention in school to the required
lessons in that language. One was in L.A. and that
too had been waved away pretty much immediately. He
didn't want to be anywhere near Angel and he knew that
if he was near the older vampire, Giles' would ask the
dark haired male to keep an eye on him and worst of
all Buffy would come to visit, bringing Riley along
with her, therefore defeating the whole purpose of
moving away.

The fourth was provided by the Australian friend down
in New Orleans but that wasn't available until almost
four weeks away when one of the company workers was
getting married and moving himself to Austria. The
other two were ones in Alaska and Las Vegas. Both
were available almost immediately, at the end of the
week actually and Barney had promised him that his
friends would keep the positions open for him for a
few more days than the due closing date if he wanted
one of them.

Las Vegas didn't really appeal either but he supposed
that it could be exciting. Alaska was a whole
eternity away from Sunnydale. Pennington was an up
and coming little town that had just opened a new
lumbermill, restaraunt, supermarket and now boasted a
large bright and shiny mall. All to compliment the
new housing estates that were going up around the

With a sigh, Xander supposed that Las Vegas was closer
and that he would still be in the United States at
least. But the thought of getting away into a whole
new country was really growing on him. Four years in
a nice little country town with lots of flannel
wearing lumberjacks.

He had been told to think about which one to take when
he told his boss of his difficulty in making a choice
between the two of them. Barney had laughed at him,
telling him that he didn't expect him to make a
descion right there and then. When he had asked the
older man which one he would go for himself, Xander
had been told that personally, he would go for the
Alaskan one over the Las Vegas gig due to the newness
of the whole thing. Las Vegas was notorious for
business's going bust and restarting almost the next
day with borrowed mob money. There would be no
guarantee that if it happened to the company Xander
worked for, that he would be able to get his job back
at the same company and he really didn't want the
younger man to get mixed up in anything.

"Where the hell would I get blood for Spike?" mused
the tired brunette as he pulled into the parking spot
reserved for his apartment. Still, it would be a
country town and how much trouble could one human and
one mute vampire get into by themselves. There was a
major town only an hour and a half away from
Pennington. The only down side to that fact was that
the majorness of the town meant that it was smaller
than Sunnydale but not by much he had been assured by
Barney. He had rung back his contact when he was sure
that Xander was seriously considering the Alaskan

A few more details later and the idea really had
started to grow on him with a vengeance. He had
actually been asked by the foreman if his cousin
wanted a job as well, apparently there was an
abundance of positions going. They were having
trouble filling them due to the fact that it was in
Alaska. What was meant by that comment, Xander didn't
really know and hadn't cared.

With a loud slam of the rusting car door, he wondered
wether his car would make it to another town let alone
another country. It would take lots of driving by
both him and the bleached blonde to get there but it
was a comforting thought that they would both be away
from the ex-soldiers. He didn't want anything to do
with Riley now, not a thing. He knew of two others on
Spikes list, Graham and Martinez. He had had a few
conversations with Graham and had actually liked the
tall man, Martinez, he had only spoken to twice but
had nodded to him when they had passed each other in
the street. Who the other two were, he had no idea,
Corey and the question mark that even Spike didn't

Giving the key a vicious twist in the apartment front
door lock, he wondered wether Anya would like to take
up the lease on the place, hopefully placating his
soon to be pissed landlady. The sound of a Passion
re-run came to greet him as he pushed the door open,
stepping through, he saw the vampire engrossed in his
favourite program.

" Hey Blondie, Whats happening? Felice leave Damien
for Lane? Did Janet have a boy or a girl?"

Tired, he plonked himself on the couch next to the
vampire and watched the closing credits with the
totally engaged man. It wasn't as if the blonde
hadn't already seen this episode, the show was run
twice a day much like that strange Australian show,
Neighbours in England. Spike had spouted off numerous
times about the "friggin shit of a show" to know that
it should only be Passions that should be shown twice
a day and nothing else. Smile on his face as he
recalled the tantrum that always erupted when he said
the word "Neighbours", he pulled the smaller man onto
his lap.

Spikes cool body in his lap was giving his crotch
ideas. The morning glory he had put into use earlier
on that day had been hard and fast. He hadn't meant
to make the blonde bleed again, just that once again
he couldn't stop himself from going for it. He had
been feeling slightly guilty at the thought of getting
off on the vampires pain all day and had stopped at
the mall on the way home. With not much change from
twenty dollars, he had purchased one of Revlons latest
colour nail polishes, a fresh bottle of nail polish
remover and a bag of cotton wipes. Spike hated cotton
balls, writing him that the tiny fibres marred his
freshly done polish so now only cotton wipes would do.

Weird quirk for a vampire but it was pretty harmless
and Xander really didn't mind indulging the blonde
with it. Bag ripped open, he waved the new bottle of
polish in front of the vampire.

"Look, Lagoon Blue!" teased the brunette.
Indicating that the smaller man should start taking
off his old polish, he moved the vampire off his lap
and walked into the kitchen, opening the freezer
section of the fridge, he pulled out a microwave meal.
Too tired to cook a real meal for himself, he also
pulled out a blood bag. With the smell of polish
remover wafting through the small apartment, he
wondered whether he should sell his furniture and buy
new secondhand stuff or hire a u-haul and tow it all
to wherever he was going.

The bond he would get back from his landlady would be
used up on petrol and food along the way and although
he did have some savings in the bank, he hadn't been
able to save much due to the fact that he fed and
clothed two on a wage for one.

The sounds of the whelp bustling around in the kitchen
assaulted the blondes ears. Busy wiping off his old
chipped polish of Lancome Midnight Blue that Xander
had gotten him after a slapping a few months ago,
Spike wondered if the boy had talked to his boss.

~ Would really like to move very soon pet. What the
hell made him choose this one ~

A twist of the cap with his now unadorned fingertips,
he looked closely at the colour. Tentatively, he
wiped a small line across his thumbnail and waited for
it to dry to its true colour. Maybe it would need two
coats, but usually Revlon polishes were pretty thick
and only needed one. Briefly he wondered whether the
boy was going to paint his nails for him again like he
had when gifted with the other polish a few months

~ Hmmm, not bad a colour. Give the whelp credit in
the colour choosing department, hasn't really picked a
bad one yet. Pity it take a bit of pain for me to get
something though. ~

Snorting to himself at the self pity that went
coursing through his body, he proceeded to paint the
rest of his nails as the boy hadn't specifically told
him not to. Cool breath blowing over the freshly done
nails and he could smell his dinner as the microwave
pinged. Lips thoroughly licked, he reached up to take
the warm mug from the boy as he sat next to him,
balancing a lasagne on his lap.

Dinner eaten quietly and quickly while the t.v.
dramatised the events of the day, the demon looked at
the boy while in game face and wondered what was
making the boy nervous and excited at the same time.
He knew that it couldn't be the sex to come later on
that night as the boy now didn't have a reason to be
nervous. Fingers drumming upon the black clad thighs,
Spike waited for the boy to make an announcement of
some sort. The plate and cutlery clattering against
the coffee table, Xander turned to look at the
gamefaced demon sitting beside him finishing his own
type of dinner. Spike usually sipped slowly at his
mugs of blood now that it was the only time that he
went into gameface. He liked to savour the moment, so
to speak. After living with the vampire for so long,
it didn't bother xander anymore.

With his throat cleared with a slight cough, he waited
for the vampire to put down his empty mug on the table
that his socked feet were resting upon. The blondes
attention focused fully on the brunette.

" So. How do you feel about Alaska?"

~ What the bloody fuck does he mean by that? Why do I
get the impression that I should have taken notes last
time I watched Deliverance?

Shocked blue eyes looked into humorous dark brown ones
and both wondered if the young boy had gone completely

Part Thirteen  

With his legs swinging back and forth, Spike was
trying to ignore the inner voice that was telling him
to go back to the apartment and wait for Xander to
come home from the supermarket. As he sat on the
broken swing in the little park down the street from
his place of residence, he turned his thoughts to what
had caused the huge bruise currently blooming across
his pale left cheek.

~ Jesus, all I did was helpfully point out to the
whelp that Alaska was one of the States of America,
didn't think it would cause a fucking slapping fit ~

Xander had come home the night before all excited and
had mentioned Alaska to the vampire. Shocked at
first, the boy's excitement had eventually rubbed off
onto the older male. With the brunette telling him
all that he had learnt from Barney, not actually being
much, he had thought of how far away he would be from
the soldiers and the sodding scooby gang, not to
mention his prick of a Sire. When he had nodded at
the taller man in agreement to the plan, he had been
rewarded with a long hot and steamy pashing session
that had eventually landed them both in bed. The
whelp had actually taken it a lot slower that time.
Still bled but not really enough to worry about.
He had managed to hit the prostate pretty much each
time he had thrust into the vampire causing the blonde
to cum himself without the need for friction.

A look around the park and up at the stars shining
down through the clear night sky, Spike climbed off
the creaky swing and went to sit on the small set of
iron monkey bars next to the empty sandpit. He had
had a good day at home while waiting for the boy to
come home with some more information about where they
were going to move. On Passions, his favourite
character had given birth to a girl and the show's
trouble maker, Bethany, had caused trouble by stealing
the baby. Smiled hard at that, had even laughed when
writing the whelp what had happened. Xander had
teased him by telling him that he supposed Spike had
been happy at the baby stealing. He hadn't denied
that fact at all.

All blew up of course when the boy had been telling
him about his new position in the great country of
Alaska. With soft grunting laughter, he wrote the boy
of the fact that Alaska was a State, not another
country. The look on the face of the brunette had
been priceless and he had continued to laugh until it
registered that the other man wasn't laughing with
A few minutes later found him curled on his side, face
and body hot from the heavily delivered slaps and
punches, the younger man towering over him with a foot
firmly planted on either side of his shaking body.

Words screamed at him in a black rage. What an
arsehole he was, how ungrateful, how dare he laugh,
not everybody could be like Giles' or Willow so
fucking stop laughing. Words punctuated with a few
kicks to his ribs. First time he had been kicked by
the whelp.

The angry male had spat out that he was going to the
supermarket before he really started getting nasty.
How much nastier the boy could get, Spike really
didn't want to know. With the door not locked so that
he couldn't get out, the blonde had taken advantage of
it and had limped down to the small park to just get
away for a little while. He liked the park, it being
close enough to home so that he didn't have panic
attacks when he went down by himself sometimes when
Xander went out drinking with his work mates.

~ Going to get it worse if I don't get back before
him. Major hissy fit in the works tonight. Probably
hit tomorrow night ~

Having only been in the park for less than an hour,
Spike knew that the boy would be back in around
another hour. Content to just sit and take in the
view, something that he had never really done before
the chip not even with Dru in one of her more lucid
moments, he really didn't take any notice of what was
going around him. Didn't notice the two men who had
followed him from the apartment that they had been
watching for a few nights. Didn't know that they
were sitting downwind from him not very far at all.

They were sitting as far away from him as they could
while still being able to see him. Not that hard on
such a clear night with the great moonlight. Using
military hand signals, Martinez and Corey talked to
each other while finishing their beers. They couldn't
believe that the vampire hadn't spotted them yet and
they were waiting until he did before making a move on
him. They had noticed the way the blonde limped down
to the park and they had certainly taken notice when
the Harris kid had stormed out to his car.

The three of them continued to sit in their places,
one completely oblivious and the other two waiting to
pounce and maim something that they both hated
intensely. With a shift of his legs on the monkey
bars, Spike copped a good whiff of the air surrounding
him. Not taking any notice to begin with, he turned
his head to the opposite direction and whined inwardly
when he recognised the two scents that he feared the
most. Martinez and Corey.

~ Bloody fuck! What am I going to do? Their going to
be on me the moment I move. ~

Trying to sit as still as possible, he fought down the
rising nausea and tears at the stupidity of being
caught alone in a deserted park. Not even a lit car
park had stopped them from copping a feel, what was
going to stop them from raping him again?

~ Oh god, Xander I'm so sorry. Please come and find
me. I promise I won't do anything so stupid again,
please hurry and get back and come looking for me ~

Knowing that this would be the first place the younger
man would look for him when he was to be found missing
from the apartment, Spike started to pant in
nervousness. He hoped that the soldiers couldn't hear
him, feeling the tears break free as he sniffed the
air again recognising the bitter smell of beer
intermingled with anger and arousal.

Eyes snapped shut as he heard the scuffing of leaves
steadily increasing towards him, the beer scent
drifting over before he caught the sound of two
heartbeats only paces behind him. The arousal was
roiling off Martinez, Corey only slightly behind him
in the horny stakes. With the smell causing him to
pant harder,he continued to sit still on top of the
monkey bars with his back turned towards the drunk

~ Where are you Xander, please, please come and find
me. I want to go home. ~

Squealing in both pain and fright as he was wrenched
from the monkey bars, landing upon his sore ribs on
the hard ground, he lay on his back looking up at the
two men standing over him, slugging back what little
beer they had left.

" See Corey, told you he was turned on that time in
the car park, listen to him pant, he sooo wants us to
fuck him again " slurred the hardening Martinez.

" Don't want to screw the prick just yet, lets soften
him up, get him nice and pretty like he was the first
time" Corey replied with a kick to the crying mans

Tears pouring down his face, Spike grunted as the
heavy boot connected with his t-shirt clad stomach,
dry retching from the blow, he tried to crawl away
from the two laughing men as they continued to kick
him wherever they could land a heavy boot. Arms
around his head, protecting his chipped side, he lay
on the ground in the hope that if he just took it,
they might lose interest or just beat him unconscious.

After a few solid kicks to the small of his back, the
vampire felt hands wrap themselves in his bleached
hair. Shaking in pain and fright, he was dragged by
Corey to one of the two park benches that were
situated by the park fence. With grunts and soft
squeals, Spike was struggling for all he was worth,
praying for his claimant to hurry up and find him.

The hands of Martinez were running over his backside
as he was pushed onto his knees, upper body forced to
lean over the thin planks of wood. Not satisfied,
Corey settled his heavy frame on the coolness of
Spikes back, squashing the smaller mans chest into the
uncomfortable bench. Knees on either side of the
vampires body, Corey wriggled around on the back
before sitting firmly, facing Martinez as the other
soldier finished undoing the the belt and fly holding
the black jeans up.

~ No, no, no not again, please stop. You don't have
to do this. I'm moving, you'll never see me again.
You can forget all about me. Please stop ~

Hissing in pain as a large blunt finger was shoved
into his clenching hole, he shook his head from side
to side, wondering if he had a please abuse me sign
tattooed upon his forehead. What was it that made
everyone want to fuck him rough ?

With a shudder at the feel of the finger being
withdrawn, he whined at what he knew was going to come
next. Or at least what should have come next if
Xander wasn't on top of Corey beating at him with both
fists while trying to keep the other soldier at bay at
the same time. Now free, Spike grasped at his belt
and quickly did up his jeans. A deep breath, and he
smashed at the thin planks of the park bench, ready to
throw the plank towards his claimant when the
opportunity presented it's self.

The brunette was going pretty much mental, yelling at
the older men to just fuck off and leave what was his
alone. He wasn't going too badly against the other
two by himself. Obviously all the nights patrolling
and helping Binty slay was paying off and the muscle
he had put on because of his job was handy as well.

~ Come on pet, get the fuckers. Kill them, rip them
apart limb by limb. No mercy luv! ~

Wincing when he saw the brunette get his legs kicked
out from under him so that the younger man landed with
a thud onto his back, he was distracted by a car
pulling to a halt at the park entrance. With a hope
that it wasn't the arseholes mates, he looked at the
three men leaping out of the car in fear only to have
it replaced with relief when he recognised Barney and
two others of the whelps work mates.

Barney, Willis and Jack ran towards the downed boy who
was currently being kicked and punched by the more
skilled men. Roaring their displeasure at the sight
of one of their work mates being overpowered in an
unfair fight, the three burly men leapt into the
melee, eager to pay back someone who dared pick on one
of their own. The drunk soldiers never really knew
what hit them with the mass and strength of a train.
Martinez literally bounced off Barney's large frame,
allowing the balding foreman to get the mexican in a
steelgripped bearhug, squeezing the younger man with
all his might till he heard the other man start
gasping for breath.

Jack and Willis pulled Corey off Xander, alternately
punching the soldier with large meaty hands and asking
if the gasping younger man on the ground was ok.
Xander wearily got up and promptly kicked Corey
between the legs as hard as he could much to the
delight of Spike who had run up with the plank of wood
still in his grasp. Seeing that Corey was pretty much
taken care of, too hurt and winded to make a sound as
he rolled on the ground with Xander kicking him in the
ribs, the vampire turned his attention to Barney and
the gasping for breathe Martinez still pinned in the
huge arms of the foreman.

Smile beaming across his face, ignoring the pain it
was causing and doing nothing to dispel the story of
being "not quite right" that Xander had told his work
mates, Spike waved the plank in Xanders direction
indicating to the boy that he should bash Martinez
with all the strength that he had left. With a wave
of his hand, the tired brunette told the vampire to
drop the plank as Barney head butted the dark haired
male in his grasp after being repeatedly kicked at by
the man struggling for air. Dropped on the ground by
the large man, the soldier wheezed and gasped for the
reviving air. Xander stomped over and started kicking
at the man rolling on the ground. After a few well
placed kicks also to the groin, Willis stopped the
angry boy from going too far.

Spike was sore but it was being overridden by
happiness at two of his attackers finally being beaten
and him having been lucky enough to see it. Unable to
stop himself from hugging the younger man tightly,
they both yelped at their respective sore ribs.
Barney looked at them both and gestured for them to
walk to the car with Willis and Jack. They were given
a lift home with Xander inviting them in for a beer
and an explanation.

Xander told the three men that moving away was
partially due to the two men in the park and their
three other friends. Jack and Willis sat on the couch
while Barney was on one of the kitchen stools with
Xander on the old beanbag, Spike sitting next to him
on the floor. All sipping at the cold beer that the
blonde had handed around, Jack told them that they had
stopped at the apartment to see if they wanted to go
out for one last beer at the local before they moved
away. Not being any answer to the loud knocks, they
had given up and drove past the park, slowing down to
stare at the fight happening. It had been only chance
that Willis had recognised Xanders cousin and the fact
that the brunette, when he had gone down on his back,
he had turned his face towards the road.

The moonlight had made it clear enough to see his
Thanking them all profusely, Xander hated to think of
what would have happened if his friends hadn't come by
when they did. Spike sure wouldn't have been able to
do anything. Barney asked Xander why he was being
picked on by the two men in the park. The smaller
blonde had flinched at the question, something that
didn't go unnoticed by the the other men in the room.

Jack asked if it was something to do with his cousin
being a bit "special". Spike scowled at that while
the young man had blushed and nodded, saying that
until the five had made it their personal agenda to
thump at his cousin at every opportunity they could,
knowing that the slender male wouldn't fight back, it
hadn't been a problem and that he still didn't know
why they had chosen his cousin to pick on.

More beer gotten out of the fridge by Spike, the
conversation turned to what Alaska would be like,
really weird weather, strange odd people, wilderness
and lots of flannel. Laughter bounced off the walls
at some of the stories that were shared around.
Xander felt his heart constrict at the thought of
leaving these good friends he had made, he was sure
that he would make another set of good mates in
Pennington but these were actually the first set of
friends he had made outside of the scooby group so
they were something special. With the work next day
looming close, goodbyes were said all round, Spike
smiling and nodding at the claps on the back by people
heedless to the bruising.

Didn't really matter he thought after what they had
done for the whelp.

Part Fourteen  

"Your what? With who?" exclaimed the six stunned
people sitting in the ex-watchers living room.

"Moving to Alaska with Spike!" replied Xander,
resisting the urge to giggle at the astounded
expressions that Anya, Giles', Willow, Tara, Buffy and
Riley had plastered on their faces.

He was the only one standing in the cluttered room,
everyone else having sat down pretty fast after his
announcement. He just thanked god for the opportunity
that Anya had presented him with. Originally,
everyone had been invited to the G-Man's place at the
behest of both the ex-demon and her employer. Well,
now newly announced boyfriend, according to them both.

Apparently all had gone well the night of Xander's
little theiving exercise even after Anya's initial
disappointment with the fact that Fantasia wasn't a
porno movie. Giles', while trying to explain the
concept of the movie to her, had finally given into
the girls demands for a porno after a few drinks of
the strong whisky that he had hidden away from the
time when Spike had been living with him. Both had
gotten pretty tiddly on the stuff, done lots of
interesting things according to Anya. That said with
a surrounding chorus of "icks" and "we don't want to
know", the feelings of lust hadn't gone away the next
morning, completely overriding the hangovers.

All said with the new couple arm in arm, Xander
thought that now everyone he wanted to tell and one he
wanted to castrate and let bleed slowly to death were
in the room anyway, he might as well use the
opportunity to tell his friends about his plans. The
fact that it was now Wednesday night and he planned to
be gone by the following Thursday, he knew that he had
to tell them pretty much now.

Jerking back to reality when he felt Giles' gently
shake his arm, he looked at the older man
questioningly. The ex librarian repeated the question
of had Xander gone mad. With a shake of his head, the
boy explained that he was bored with Sunnydale and had
been given an opportunity to make more money in Alaska
than he could situated where he was. Taking the
vampire with him would only ease their burdens.

Everyone nodding at that piece of wisdom, he was asked
by Buffy if he was sure that he didn't want her to
just stake the blonde anyway. Xander, thankful that
he had left Spike in the care of Barney, shook his
head and explained that the other man would come in
handy for taking turns driving up there. Toss of the
head and a quick pat down of invisible dust on her new
sweater, Buffy agreed, stating that as long as the
idiot was gone, she really didn't care what happened
to him.

Inwardly seething when he saw how quick the blonde
soldier was in agreeing with his girlfriend, he came
to the sudden realisation that what had happened in
the crypt so long ago probably hadn't been Riley's
idea at all. It had been something suggested and
Riley being so used to not having to think for
himself, letting the army do it for him and now Buffy,
had probably just jumped at the idea of spending time
with his old mates and hadn't been fussed with what it

If he was right, that meant someone else in the group
had been the ringleader. Shoving the thought to the
back of his mind, Xander tried to be calm and patient
at all the questions being fired at him. Answering
them the best he could, he could feel himself getting

"Alaska, Spike and Me, that's it!" sighed the annoyed
boy. Then Giles' asked the one question that he had
been unable to answer himself, where to get blood for
Spike?. Shoulders shrugged at that, Giles' looked at
the young man in worry. It was obvious that it was a
spur of the moment decision. He could see that no
matter what reasoning was brought up, the decision to
go had been made and there would be no turning back.
The older man was happy for the boy, happy that he
would finally get out and experience the world. Not
really on his own of course, at least he would have a
bit of company with him. Asking where abouts in
Alaska got him the answer of near Fairbanks.

"Oh, I know where that is, it's the second largest
city. Anchorage is the largest" piped up Willow,
getting over the shock that had so far held her
speechless. Tara, holding her hand in a death grip,
shyly nodded at her girlfriends statement. She could
feel the redhead getting upset about her best friend
moving away from her.

With more confidence now that Willow had spoken, Tara
softly asked if Willy would know from his connections
where around Fairbanks, blood could be bought.

"I'll go right down there now and beat it out of him"
declared a not really caring blonde Slayer. She
thought that Xander leaving wouldn't really affect the
patrolling, not having needed him in months apart from
a bit of research for the usual monthly "end of the
world" alert. The vampire being gone would just be a
bonus. She figured that she would miss Xander for a
bit but then again they had been growing apart in the
last year, him having other friends and her having a
great studmuffin to devote herself to.

Giles' agreed with the idea apart from the violence
bit and asked about the apartment and if he was going
to haul everything up with him. Telling the
interested gathering that the company he was going to
work for pretty much provided their workers sparsely
furnished one or two bedroom log cabins at a low rent,
he said that he had talked to his landlady who was
glad that he was leaving because now she could put the
rent up. The furnishings of his apartment were going
to be sold if they could or just given away. He had
already faxed a list of items that he wanted to be
waiting for him at his new address to the company.

The company provided a settling service that helped
get things in order for new workers, easing the stress
of moving. Xander had been told by Barney that they
did this in reality before the new workers arrived due
to the fact that if the buying of necessary items was
done after people arrived, things like mattresses,
chairs and even pillowcases took up to 5 weeks to
arrive at their required destination. As it was,
Xander had been told that the list he had ordered, he
was pushing it with the time factor.

After about another hour of continued questions from
the friends, Giles' indicated that he wanted everyone
to go by just asking them to. Anya, to everyones
horror including the ex-librarians, had agreed stating
that she could now do with some pleasuring.
Snickering to himself, the brunette was glad for the
new couple but he just couldn't bring himself to feel
sorry for the older man. Giles' had certainly had
seen what his girlfriends skill at tact was like
before her precious little gem of a statement.

With the knowledge of just how blunt his ex girlfiend
could get, he said his goodbyes promising not to leave
without seeing everyone again. Tiredly he got into
the car, started the engine and strapped himself in.
He still had to get Spike from Barneys place, he
hadn't been about to leave the vampire by himself. He
didn't trust the soldiers not to try anything again.
Worried sick at the thought of leaving the blonde
alone all day while he was at work, he had paid one of
his neighbours to let the smaller man stay with them
until he came to pick him up again. Mrs Naptha was an
old Italian widow who didn't really speak English and
had been happy to look after the surprisingly
non-protesting vampire. Xander had left Spike in the
company of an Italian babbling woman who had been
happier at the thought of spending time with someone
who wouldn't interrupt her "back in the old day"
stories than she had been with the money offered.

He had been fairly certain that the soldiers wouldn't
try anything with another person around especially a
much loved and respected old woman.

A glance at his watch told him it was around 9.30pm.
Hand run through his hair as he pulled up outside his
foremans place, the tired boy got out of the car and
walked to the large white door. Bell rung, he waited
for Barney or his wife, Loretta to answer the door.
The door opened to reveal the dark haired mumu wearing
wife of his boss. Invited in, he walked behind the
short round woman and into the pride of the house, the
sports room. Spike and Barney were sitting on the
tattered couch, both nursing beers while watching the
latest footy match sent over to him from Australia.

Barney had explained one day after work that he had
become devoted to Aussie Rules during enforced re-runs
when he had lived with his New Orleans mate years ago.

Seeing that while the balding man was enthusiastically
shouting at the white attired umpires, Spike was
almost comatose in what indicted extreme boredom.
Guilt wafted quickly over the brunette at forcing the
vampire into watching what he thought was "crap", he
cleared his throat, a flutter going through him when
the anxious blue eyes turned to him, literally begging
him to get the blonde out of there as quickly as
possible. With a smile and liberal thanks for the
Spike sitting, which Barney hadn't minded as he had a
soft spot for "special" people, the two males made
their excuses not to stay and headed home.

On the way back to the apartment, Spike was filled in
with what had happened at the ex-watchers house. Both
laughing at some of the questions asked and what
Xander had said in reply, the brunette told the
smaller man that tomorrow night, he would be telling
his parents and uncle where he was going. Not wanting
to push Barneys good nature, he explained to the
vampire, that as it was only going to be a quick visit
to his old house, the blonde could wait in the car
while he got shouted at.

Part Fifteen  

Stomping out of his parents house with the sound of
laughter still ringing in his ears, the upset boy
wrenched open the car door and thumped down into the
drivers seat. Hands gripped around the steering wheel
as hard as possible, Xander sat staring at the road in
front of him.

"Why is it, that no matter what I do, nothing is ever
good enough for them?" whispered an upset young man to
his blonde companion.

~ Shouldn't worry pet, you won't see them for a few
years now. Know how you feel though, Angelus was the
same. Never did anything right for that prick either

With a hesitant hand, Spike reached over and softly
patted at the younger mans shoulder. A larger hand
reached up to grip tightly at the smaller cool one.
Sitting together quietly for a few minutes, Xander
started the engine and pulled away from the kerb with
a screech of the tires. Heading home using the back
routes, he continued to grip the slender fingers in
his right hand. Absently he rubbed his thumb
backwards and forwards over the cool soft flesh.

It had started off pretty good. Both his parents had
been fairly sober and his uncle was barely comatose
when he had arrived after dinner. He had left the
vampire in the car, not wanting to leave him alone
until after they arrived in Alaska. Mrs Naptha had
been overjoyed the Spike was staying at her apartment
again and had prattled on about biscuits for the
slender blonde. Apparently Spike needed a good hard
feeding in her opinion. She didn't even mind the
smaller mans phobia to sunlight. In her broken
English, she had made a joke that with the curtains
closed for the past few days, her friends probably
thought that she had a new male companion. Xander had
laughed at the vampires mortified expression and left
him to the company of the already cooking woman with a
blown kiss and a wink.

After picking him up from Mrs Naptha complete with a
huge tin of home made biscuits that the old woman
promised to send to Alaska for them, they had driven
over to his parents house to see if they could be
caught somewhat sober and non-violent. Leaving the
vampire in the car, he had been surprised at the small
levels of alcohol already consumed by the three. Lots
of small talk later, he had dived into the subject of
his moving. Stunned expressions all round at first,
he had waited for the questions to begin.

His father had slowly started laughing, his mother
joining in after a minute or two. His parents had sat
there, stating in between great gusts of humour, that
he was too useless for the hard living of Alaska, he
wouldn't last two weeks, not smart enough. Uncle Rory
had woken up and asked what was so funny. His mother
told him and he too joined in the derogatory
commenting of the young man. What had sent him off
outside was the comment that they weren't going to pay
for his body to be flown back when he was bashed to
death for being a Homo.

Back to reality now that the car had somehow parked
itself in the usual spot, he shook his head at the
remembered comments thinking that he shouldn't have
gotten upset at what he had copped pretty much all his
life. Living away from them all had however coloured
his world rose. Glancing down into his lap, he saw
that he still gripped the smaller hand with his larger
hotter one.

"Come on Mr Naptha, lets go inside. Need some
chocolate, lots of chocolate. The good stuff I

With a scowl at the name, Spike squeezed the warm hand
and climbed out of the car, following the younger man
up to the apartment. Door opened, tv flicked on and
the sounds of rustling in the fridge as Xander
rummaged around looking for his white mousse lindor
chocolate balls. Blood packet for Spike and he was
set for brooding. The blonde sat on the couch smelling
the warm blood coming towards him. Mug handed to him,
he slowly sipped at the salty mixture, only mildly
frowning at the now accustomed taste of the pigs
blood. Nose twitching at the aroma of the premium
white chocolate being unwrapped by the now not so
upset boy, he held out his half empty mug towards the
munching brunette in the hopes of getting at least one
of the enticing little balls.

" Oh, errkk! That is just so gross, I cant believe you
want me to put one of these pure bliss balls in that
mug of yuck!" said the already unwrapping Xander.
With a plunk, the white chocolate was dropped into the
mug, melting into the red that was still warm enough
to do it. White swirling into the red, making it a
lovely pink colour, Spike sipped at the mixture.

"Bloody Hell! That is just brilliant, the best thing
since sliced bread and intestines for tinsel. No
wonder the whelp likes these so much! ~

Watching the look of bliss cross the vampires game
face, Xander laughed as the blonde made small sounds
of contentment then annoyance as he finished what was
in his mug. One ball shoved into the startled
vampires mouth, the younger man leaned over and kissed
the smaller man hard, forcing his tongue into the
others mouth, tasting the unmelted chocolate filling
the coolness. A few body shifts later saw the blonde
straddling the lap of the brunette, sitting with both
knees either side of the taller man, facing the
flushed youth.

Shirt opened, Spikes hands working their way
underneath the t-shirt towards the hot nipples, Xander
shuddered as he felt the cool fingers start to tease
the nubs into hard peaks. Cock hard, he let the
smaller man continue to alternately pinch and rub the
sensitive nipples. The boys shirt tugged off between
them both, Spike helped lift off the t-shirt over out
stretched arms. Tongue slowly licking at the right
nub, he circled his cool index finger around the left.

He could feel the hardness underneath him, a few
grinds of his hips later earned him a hard possessive
kiss, almost a bite to his panting mouth. The whelp
had gone slow the previous night and this morning so
that he hadn't bled, however with the amount of
arousal pouring off the boy, he was sure that it was
going to be hard and fast this time. Now that he was
stretched out a bit more, he was looking forward to
it, still a bit hesitantly but looking forward to it
all the same. More grinding down into the hot
hardness beneath him and he was ordered to get off and
strip. Fast. Virtually ripping his clothes off in a
hurry to please the whelp, the vampire once naked, ran
to the bedroom to get the lube left on the night stand
beside the bed.

Xander was so hot, he thought that he was going to
melt. He knew that it couldn't possibly have been the
rushed striptease that the blonde had presented him
with. It was the chocolate coursing through him that
had him all pantylike of course, not the slim toned
body, the chocolate. Not waiting for the vampire to
get back and help undress the rest of him, he got up
and kicked off his shoes into opposite corners of the
living room. Hearing the banging around in the
bedroom, he knew that the lube was being looked for
while he struggled out of his now too tight jeans and
boxers. Face flushed, he sat back down on the couch
just as the smaller male raced back with the almost
empty lube tube.

Cock aching at the thought of the vampire sitting on
his lap facing him, Xander patted at his lap,
indicating to the other male just how he wanted it to
go this time.

~ God, I hate it when I have to see faces. Don't want
to piss him off though, don't want to do it this

Impatiently, the brunette grabbed at the still
standing blonde beside him and manouvered him into the
spot on the couch beside him. A large hand placed a
smaller cooler one around the throbbing cock between
the larger mans legs. Spike firmly ran his hand up
and down the hot length, gently thumbing the weeping
slit to coat the dick with precum, making it slick.
With the moaning of the whelp beside, he thought of
how to get out of that particular position. He
reasoned with himself that at least, he wasn't on his
back being fucked like a woman. Something that he
hated even his Sire doing. A few licks to the hot
head and he felt his head being held down in that
position, not being able to do anything but continue
to lick and suck at the swollen organ.

~ If the whelp wants it that way, maybe I can just sit
on his cock but facing the other way, compromise, that
sort of thing ~

" Christ Spike, if you don't stop now, I'm going to
come like you wouldn't believe" panted the overheated
young man. "I want to do that thing, you know, sitting
on me."

The head under his hands nodding, he released the
blonde to enable him to get up and sit himself on the
lightly haired thighs, only he was facing the wrong

" Uh, I actually want to see you this time, face me"
ordered the brunette.
The unhappy look on the vampires face pretty much said
it all. Lips licked, the younger man ignored the look
on the face of the other man and reaching around with
one lube covered finger, started to prepare the
slightly loosened muscles. The tightness still
astounded him, how could the vampire stand to have his
cock up there? He felt looser than before but he
figured that it would always be pretty tight no matter
how loose he finally did get. That thought made his
cock jump, brushing the smaller man's semi erect
penis. With both males gasping at the pleasure that
the one small contact brought to them, Xander, at the
same time, worked another finger into the relaxing
muscles and pulled the cool body closer to him. Both
cocks now rubbing against each other as Spike wiggled
back against the fingers firmly embedded in his arse,
Xander pulled the blondes head down for a hot wet
kiss, sucking on the cool tongue, nibbling the soft
pale lips.

Dark brown eyes looked into bright blue, nodding that
he was now pretty much ready, the still unhappy blonde
felt the large fingers leave his body with a slippery
pop. Small hand reaching around behind him, he leant
forward kissing the heavily panting dark haired male.
Not quite being able to do what the younger man
wanted, he indicated that the brunette would have to
slide down in his seat for the other man to be able to
sit on the whelps cock. Almost throwing the smaller
man off his lap in the hurry to slide down as
requested, Xander was just about ready to cum from the
contact of the cool penis on his own much hotter one.
The vampire was now more or less sitting on the
brunettes abdomen, reaching around behind himself once
again, he sighed thinking that if he closed his eyes,
he wouldn't have to see the whelp staring at him.

With the head of his cock brushing against the arse of
the male sitting on him, Xander moaned in pleasure as
he felt the tip of his dick being introduced to the
cool confines of the blonde. Feeling the smaller man
slightly raise himself, he bit his lip when with
little pushing motions, the vampire finally sat firmly
on his cock.

" Oh my god! No, don't move just yet! Just sit for a
moment" groaned the almost cuming man, fingers digging
into the slim hips as he knew that any slight movement
would just set him off and he wanted to savour this.
This was one of his favourites positions, he could
tell that the vampire hated this one but who the hell
cared? Spike sat still upon the wide cock, trying to
get his spasming muscles used to the new position. He
may now be a little looser, but in this position, he
could feel everything a lot better.

Hands running up and down the pale toned sides of the
vampire, Xander bounced his pelvis up and down a few
times, indicating for the panting male to do
something. Anya, in this position had pretty much
taken control of the whole thing, just bouncing up and
down until they had both come. Spike, with an intake
of not needed breath, slowly moved up and down the
thick throbbing cock. Slowly, he traced his cool
fingers around the still hard nipples, eliciting small
groans and swear words. The brunette started moving
his pelvis up and down to match the vampires
increasing movements.

Thrusting his hips up to match the blonde's down
slides, he heard the smaller man start to grunt with
the pressure of his cock brushing against what he
presumed was the prostrate. Hard thrusting on Xanders
part caused the vampire to almost lose his balance,
leaning forward slightly, he gripped at the shoulders
of the man beneath him firmly.

~ Damn, this is hard work, won't be doing this one in
a hurry again, no matter what the whelp says. I
*hate* facing males ~

With little gasps, the whining male could smell the
build up of cum almost ready to be shot swirling
around in the twitching sac beneath him. Fingers
tightening their hold on his hips, he felt himself
being held in position while Xander continued to
thrust up with all his strength into him. Trying to
hold back the yelping as the spearing got more vicious
and hurtful, Spike was released and then with one hard
shove down/thrust up, he yelped loudly as the boy
swore and came, flooding him with hot cum.

Held in position on top of the released boy, he felt
warm fingers lightly running up and down his face.
Eyes opened, he saw the boy looking up at him with an
odd look on his face.

" You don't like it this way do you?" asked the
flushed younger man.

Head shaken in an indication of the word no, the
blonde made a move to get up, letting the spent cock
slide from his wet arsehole. A hand on his thigh
stopped him from going towards the bathroom.

" You didn't come. Do it, I want to see you"

Dark eyes looked heavily at him. Swallowing, the
vampire hesitantly nodded and gestured towards the
bathroom. Might as well do it in the shower for the
boy to watch, was going to jerk off anyway. Pretty
much had done that everyday since living with the
whelp. The blonde knew that if vampires had the
ability to blush, he would have been bright red at the
thought of "putting on a performance" for the younger
man. Didn't like the thought of it, but it was a hell
of a lot better than ending up on his back.

The heat coming from the male walking behind him was
intense, Spike opened the shower curtain while Xander
took out a couple of towels from the cupboard and
stood with arms crossed while the smaller man fiddled
around with the water, trying to get it at the right
temperature. A discreet sniff in the boys direction
and the vampire was shocked that the younger man was
almost ready to go for it again. Water now at the
right temperature, he knew that he couldn't faddle
around too much, he would have to begin. Grabbing his
already half hard cock with one hand, he stood in the
warm water facing the flushed faced male who was
already touching his own hard cock.

The sight of Xander touching himself was nice, better
than he had expected. Spike stroked his now rock hard
cock, using the warm water to lubricate his cool
Slowly he stroked up and down, going faster when the
boy indicated him to. The brunette was giving off a
heady mixture of both arousal and possessiveness,
moving closer to the once again panting blonde, Xander
climbed into the shower with the blonde. There was
enough room, it was one of those really old shower
over a bath deals.

" Face me, I want to see you cum, I want to see what's
mine "

Moaned the younger man, hard again as he watched the
blonde in front of him speed up his jerking actions.
The vampire had a good size cock, not as thick as his
own but certainly not in the small stakes. He had
loved watching Anya get off in front of him especially
after doing it in the same position as he had
instructed the vampire to do on the couch. He was
fascinated, he had thought that he would be repulsed
by the whole thing and had been expecting resistance
when he had commanded the blonde to start. It was of
course different to watching your girlfriend and her
womanly bits get all wet, but this was good too.

Spike bit his lip, he was just about to come and he
was sure that the whelp wouldn't like him shooting his
load towards him. He was unsure of where to aim,
looking at the boy, he tried to think of how to tell
him he was going to cum. Body solving that dilemma for
him, he shot in the boys direction but to the corner
of the shower, inches away from the boys feet.
Gasping in both pleasure and worry that he would get a
slapping for daring to shoot in the boys direction, he
stepped back as the boy took a step towards him, all
the while stroking his own still hard cock.

Xander watched the cum land in the shower corner only
just missing his feet. Not as icky as he had
originally thought that it would be, but not something
that he wanted to see again too soon in the future.
He wanted to see it again, but just not yet. He just
wanted to see part of what he had claimed. With a
step towards the vampire that made the other step
back, he smiled as the warm water ran over his hair
and body.

" Suck me off"

Came the demand from the smiling boy. Gulp and a nod,
the blonde got down on the wet floor and wondered what
had made the boy so demanding that night. Lick and a
tongue roll around the swollen head, he heard the
gasping and felt the hands wrap themselves so firmly
in his wet hair, he thought that a few strands had
been ripped out. Throat relaxing in direction
contrast to the pain radiating out of his scalp, he
figured that the quicker the boy got off, the quicker
the pain would let up.

Hands twisted in the soft blonde hair, Xander knew
what was making him feel like he had to show his
command of the vampire. He liked it though, made him
feel strong. Mind back on what the smaller man was
doing with his tongue and throat, he almost ready to
cum again with the feeling of the small hand rolling
his testicles around. With a few hard thrusts into the
vampires gagging mouth, he came with one last hard
shove as far as he could go, holding the head still as
he felt his cock twitch as it emptied the hot cum once
again. Still holding the head in a iron grip, he
stood for a few minutes, radiating dominance over the
still gagging male kneeling on the bath floor.

He knew that because the vampire didn't have to
breath, he was in no danger of killing the now
struggling blonde. Suddenly releasing the smaller
man, he felt his spent cock slip out of the panting
mouth. Ignoring the weeping man beside his feet,
Xander rinsed himself off. One hand reached down, he
dragged the slender male to his feet and proceeded to
lather the shaking man in chamomile shower gel. Once
the male was all lathered, Xander held the sobbing
smaller man tightly to him and manouvered them both
under the heavy water. With both hands, he washed the
soft smelling lather off the vampire, turning off the
water once it was all gone.

Out of the shower first, he indicated to the smaller
man to stay there and dried himself off as the other
man started to shiver as the cold air got to his still
wet body. Once dry, Xander held up the other towel
for the vampire to step into, wrapping the thick cloth
around the slender body. Rubbing at the shivering
man, the brunette dried him off. With one hand
wrapped around the now dry blonde's smaller one, they
made their way to the bedroom. The vampire settled
himself in the bed next to the larger man all the
while wondering just what the hell he had done to get
the sort of treatment he had copped just before.

"When I want to do different positions, I expect you
to do it with a fucking smile on your face, do you
understand this?" Whispered the brunette to the
smaller man wrapped in his arms.

"You belong to me, valid claim or invalid one, you
don't pick and choose what we do, *I* do!" Xander said
gently kissing the dry heaving blondes temple.

~Ok, whatever. Just don't fuck me like a woman and I
won't put up a fuss. Fucking smile all you like ~

With a nod, the vampire felt the arms tighten around

Part Sixteen 

Friday morning, 5.35am, Holiday Inn.

With bags dumped on the floor, the two weary males
collapsed on the bed. Ceiling scrutinised by both the
bleach blonde and the shaggy haired brunette, they
were content to lay side by side on the large saggy
double bed for a few minutes. Finally getting up, the
vampire moved to the windows and pulled the thick but
faded curtains closed before they both fell asleep and
Xander woke to a pile of dust beside him. Blood bags
found after a rummage through the esky filled with ice
and cold packs, he put the two bags into the little
bar fridge under the bench holding the tv.

They had decided to drive by night and sleep by day if
they could get away with it. Number plates taken off
the car once Spike got behind the wheel to accommodate
his speeding habit, the two men took three hour shifts
once the sun went down. True, Thursday night had only
been the first night and so far all had gone well.
They had said a round of goodbyes to the scooby gang
waving them off, at least Xander had, Spike had sat in
the passenger seat just wanting to go. The witches
had come over and wished him luck. He had snorted at
them and wished he could have talked again if only to
tell them both to get stuffed. All he had done was
pat at their hands condescendingly, he didn't think
that they noticed the look he had been giving them as
they prattled at him. Mrs Naptha was better in his
opinion than they were, at least he got biscuits from
the old woman.

As the witches left to cry and hug Xander, then hug
and cry at the boy again, the watcher had come over
and handed him a list of places on the way to Alaska
and in Fairbanks itself of where to get blood. Giles'
had let it slip that sometimes the place in Fairbanks
had human blood in the long Alaskan winter and that if
possible, Spike should have at least one human bag per
week to maintain his health. The vampire had stared
at the shop owner at the very thought of what had
passed through the other mans lips, Giles' noticed the
look and had said softly that the human blood was sold
legally by willing donors, something not tolerated
around Sunnydale for various reasons and ones that he
didn't know.

Buffy and Captain Fuckhead had stood around nodding
and smiling at Xander, obviously wanting the boy to
just get going. From the impatient looks on their
faces, they had something better to do than wave off
one of Binty's old high school friends. Xander
sliding into the driving seat finally, started the
engine and had driven slowly off down the street
radiating sadness tinged with excitement. They had
both been a little hung over from the night before.
Barney and the rest of the whelps work mates had taken
them both out on a pub crawl that had lasted until
late that Thursday morning. Getting back to the now
bare apartment bar from the few bags of clothes,
packed tent with double layered black lining that had
actually been guaranteed by the sales assistant to
block all sunlight, blow up double mattress and a
large esky for blood having sold all the furniture,
dishes and even the mismatched cutlery to a horde of
Uni students after Willow had put up a sale sticker on
the notice board at the University.

Xander hadn't bothered to see his parents again and
didn't even give them a contact address, one he had
handed out to the whole gang including Anya who had
sniffled at him stating that she wished she had a
souvinour of the time that they had spent together.
Spike had silently laughed to himself, sure that he
knew exactly what type of *souvinier* that the
ex-demon was thinking of. Xander, coming to the same
conclusion as the vampire, had hurriedly pushed his ex
girl friend at her latest squeeze. With promises from
everybody to stay in contact, they had set off.

Xander let his gaze fall from the ceiling to the
vampire placing blood bags in the little fridge.
Rolling off the bed with a grunt, he staggered to the
bleached blonde and wrapped his arms around the
slender male. One hand gripped by his hotter one, he
led the yawning male towards the bathroom. Both
stopping in amazement at the size of the shower and
the numerous hand rails, smiles crossed the weary
faces of how much fun could be had in a shower meant
for a wheelchair. The vampire had been spoiled by the
younger mans continuing good mood since his
performance in the shower. Having settled down again
when around the brunette, he was actually looking
forward to a shag in the shower.

Clothes stripped off and then thrown on the white
tiled floor, the blonde stepped into the shower and
started the warm water flowing. Steam filling the
room, Xander threw his boxers in the general direction
of the vampires clothes and moulded himself to the
slender mans cool body. Tongue licking a trail from
the white shoulders, up the neck and finally allowing
the delicate earlobe to be nibbled on, the younger man
ground his hardening cock into the firm white buttocks
in front of him, eliciting small moans from them both.

A few steps further into the shower and Spike was
covered with a warm jet of water, soaking him
instantly. A rock hard penis making itself known, he
felt fingers stroking his relaxing hole, the warm
water relaxing his whole body. Large digit shoved
firmly inside, working its way gently around the tight
muscles. Groaning filled the steamy air, breathy
pants from the smaller blonde, soft swearing from the
taller brunette. Two fingers twisting around and the
vampire was ready to come from the continuing rubbing
against his prostate, thrusting himself back hard
against the ready male, he felt the fingers leave his
body only to be replace with a much larger, blunter

Hands braced against the shower, the blonde pushed
back as he felt the hot grip of the brunette tighten
around his hips when he pushed forward into the
coolness. Both still to savour the feeling, they
stood for a minute to gather their bearings. Gently
pulling out until only the tip was inside the
tightness, Xander pushed hard up and into the opening
body, feeling the vampire push back down at him as he
rammed upwards. Hard, cave man like grunting overrode
the soft panting as the blonde was taken hard against
the shower wall, hot water flowing over them both.

Xander continued to pound into the slender male,
gripping his hips in a strong manner. One, Two, Three
and one more hard push and he came with a roar,
spilling his hot seed deep into the coolness. Pulling
out, he saw the vampire come after a few strokes of
his cock. Not as icky as before he thought, gathering
the smaller man in his arms, standing together under
the continuing warmth. Kisses feathering the pale
face, he turned the water off and reached for the
white towels hanging on the hand rail just beyond the
reach of the water. One given to the blonde, they
dried themselves off, dropping the damp items on the
floor near their clothes.

Tongue slid into the others mouth, Xander kissed hot
and heavy as they made their way to the bed. Ripping
back the threadbare covers, they tangled themselves
into the bed. The larger brunette spooning around the
slimmer blonde. The air punctuated with yawns, the
males closed their eyes only dimly aware of the
numerous nights driving in front of them to reach
their new destination.