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by Xandria

We were in my parent's room, on the bed. Spike lay on
top of me nuzzling my throat, drinking the blood I had
taken. He lifted his head and kissed me, hard. I
tasted blood, my blood, my father's, and stared at
him, licking my lips. 

I pulled his head down and kissed him back, hard,
before twisting us around. I straddled him, then I
bent my head to his throat and ripped it open,
drinking mine, his, our victims blood. 

He writhed in ecstasy under me, and I smiled before
moving my lips down, sucking and biting, sometimes
soft, sometimes hard. I reached a nipple and moved my
tongue around, tasting. Then I bit deep, drawing blood
and causing Spike to scream as he came. 

I sat up and smiled at him as he panted. Then I yelped
in surprise as he moved us around again. I smiled up
at him, fangs showing, and he grinned, yellow eyes
glinting as he bent down. This time I screamed as he
put his mouth around me and sucked, hard, teeth
scraping my length as he moved up and down. I came,
filling his mouth as he drank all I had, and then he
started licking again.

I whimpered and shook my head from side to side,
clenching the sheets underneath me. His tongue moved
lower, and was suddenly inside me and I whimpered
again as it moved in and out and around, preparing me.
He bit down, hard, and I shrieked, feeling the blood
flowing down my channel. 

My Sire stopped me from coming when he put his fingers
around me and squeezed. I looked up at him, pleading,
and he smiled again as he placed my legs over his
shoulders and moved in in one thrust. I gasped, unable
to make a sound as he moved in and out. 

And he bent his head and kissed me, hard. I tasted
blood and licked my lips. He growled and bit them,
drawing more blood as he came. I felt the wetness on
my stomach and realized I had come, too. I lowered my
legs and sighed happily. 

Spike licked one last time at the blood on my face
before putting his arms around me and falling asleep,
still in me, on top. I lay there and smiled, growing
sleepy. Unlife was good.

The End.