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by Xandria
A missing scene

Taking a shortcut down an alleyway, Xander saw a beautiful redhead in a tight leather outfit and stiletto heels. // Nice! // He thought before she turned her head and he saw it was his best friend, Willow.

"Hey Willow! I thought you weren't Bronzing it tonight? But you look great!" He stared at her outfit admiringly.

"Xander? How did you get here?" She came over to him and began to sniff him, which made him nervous.

"Uh. The usual way, Will. I walked. What are you doing!? What about Oz?"


"Your boyfriend? Plays guitar for the Dingoes and turns into a wolf three days a month? Suddenly she licked his throat, making him jump.

"You are so full of life."

"What is the matter with you?! We can't do this!" Ignoring him, Willow began to kiss him and he stops struggling for a minute.

"No! This isn't right! Oh that feels good. What am I saying?!" Xander really tries to push her this time and gets scared when he can't.

"This could be a new beginning, Xander, a way to start again."

"Willow? You're really giving me the wiggins here," the boy said, still trying to get away.

"It's alright Xander. You know I would never hurt you. Much" And she changed her face to show the demons. Xander yelped and struggled in earnest this time, now knowing why he couldn't break away from her vampire strength.

"Who did this to you!? Look, we could get Giles and cast the spell put on Angel."

"Puppy?! Why would I want to be weak like him!? The Master made me to be strong, Xander. You too, in my world. But I'm here and my Xander isn't. So I'll make you strong, like me. Then I won't be alone." She lowered her head and pulled down his shirt before biting the boy's throat, drinking his blood. Weakly, he raised his hands to beat her off, but gave up as she lifted her head and kisses him.

"No." He whispered but she only laughed and kissed him again. And he realised her mouth was full of blood and he's just swallowed it. She stopped suddenly when she heard something and lifted her head. She gazed into his eyes .

"Forget this. See things as they really are."

VampWillow walked away into the Bronze while Xander stood there another minute staring blankly in front of him before going on into the Bronze as well.

End of missing scene.

Two days later Willow and Giles entered the library to find Xander there already, sitting next to Cordelia while reading a book. They stopped in surprise and stared. Neither one was fighting, and Xander actually seemed to be studying.

"Hi guys. So what's the prophecy or demon of the week?" he said quietly. He was pale and had blue shadows under his eyes. As he looked up at them he seemed to be shaking slightly as well.

"Are you okay?" Willow asked worriedly

"Yeah. I had to do some research. I know my marks aren't that good but I want to see if I can at least get a good result on my last assignments here."

"Shouldn't you have been doing that before?"

"What for? I'm not smart enough for a scholarship and that's the only way I'd make it into college G-man."

"Don't call me that. Are you feeling all right? You look rather pale actually." The boy sat up straight and glared at the Englishman, who is surprised by the feverish intensity of his gaze.

"Why the sudden concern? It's not as if what happens to me has ever bothered you before."

"Well really, Xander..."

"Forget about it! Why bother now anyway?!"

"Xander, if there is a problem I'd..."

"Hey guys! Angels coming over when it gets dark, he says he has some info that could help" Buffy said, interrupting everything. Xander sat down and began to read, ignoring the looks cast his way by Willow and Giles. The Slayer, oblivious to any undercurrents, engaged them in various trivialities.

An hour later, Xander shut his book with a loud bang, causing everyone to jump slightly. They stared at him as he got up and began to leave.

"See you later, guys." Buffy ran around in front of him to stop him, angry. "Look Xander, you've got to get over this jealousy you have of Angel. I.." The boy stared at her and began to laugh.

"You think this is about you!? Get over yourself. I am so over that. My going has nothing to do with you. Or Deadboy, okay? Now get out of my way!" He glared at her and surprised, the Slayer moved.

"Xander. Will you be able to make it home?"

"I'm fine, Giles. Things are the same as they've ever been, okay?" the boy said and slammed out the door.

"Giles, I'm worried about him. He only behaves like that when he's really sick and all his defences you think you should go after him?" Willow said.

"No. Let him be for now. I'll see if I can talk to him tomorrow.


"Xander. Will you be able to make it home?"

"I'm fine, Giles. Things are the same as they've ever been, okay?" the boy said and slammed out the door.

"Giles, I'm worried about him. He only behaves like that when he's really sick and all his defences you think you should go after him?" Willow said.

"No. Let him be for now. I'll see if I can talk to him tomorrow.

As he headed home Xander began to feel dizzy, and cut through the park. Finding a seat, he slouched down, laying his head down against the back and closing his eyes. When he opened them again it was fully dark.

"Very smart. Very not stupid. Why don't I wear a sign saying O positive while I'm at it?" he muttered to himself as he began to stagger out of the park.

//That's strange. I don't remember the weather report saying we'd have fog...// he thought before collapsing on the ground. A minute later a white light surrounded him and his body disappeared.

At the end of the next day, Willow rang the Harris house to talk to Xander. "Hello? This is Willow. I just wanted to see if Xander was feeling any better."

"How would I know?! I haven't seen him for a while now. I thought he'd finally left!" Mr Harris said before hanging up.

"I don't like this. He's never run away before."

"You think that's what he's done?"

"I don't know, Buffy. When there were problems at home he used to come over to my place. But not any more since..."

"You and he..."

"Yeah. But if he went out camping instead in his sleeping bag, what if something happened to him."

"Willow, remember Christmas? He's always done it then and been safe."

"But he wasn't sick! He was so pale and he was shaking a little. Why didn't we try harder to make sure he made it home safe? He could be lying on the ground helpless somewhere or..."

"Look, lets go tell Giles. And then we'll all go look for him okay?" Buffy led Willow to the library so they could start the search. They didn't find him that night. Or even hear anything about him for the next week.

He moaned, waking up with a headache. Keeping his eyes shut he groped across his bed for the clock. When he found nothing but more bed he opened them to see he was lying on a strange bed in a strange room.

//This just gets better and better. At least I still have clothes on. I've got to get out of here!// He tried to move off the bed and that was when he discovered his left ankle was chained to it. //What kind of sick thing is this?!// He tried tugging at the chain but it only rattled. The door opened abruptly and he turned his head to see VampWillow and VampXander come in.

"You're me! Boy do I look good in leather. Did I say that out loud?" VampXander smirked and nodded. The two vampires sat down on the bed on either side of the young human and began to kiss each other, leaning over his body.

"See? I wasn't unfaithful. How could I be when it was you?" She leaned down and kissed the human Xander, who yelped but couldn't move, trapped by the body on either side of him.

"You have good taste, Willow. What do I taste like?"

"Delicious. Try him" VampXander leant down and ripped open the boys throat and drank his blood. The vampire smiled and lifted his head, mouth filled with his counterpart's blood and kissed Willow again.

"He does taste good."

"Let me go."

"Where to? A house where they hit you? To school where they make fun of you? If you become a vamp, that wont happen. You can do what I did when I was turned and return the favour to our parents and uncles."

"No." Xander moaned as both vampires lowered their heads and began to drink.

"Yes. And there'll be two Xanders having fun in two worlds." Willow said before kissing the human Xander. To his horror he discovered that her mouth was filled with blood and she forced him to drink it. Both vampires began to drink in earnest when they were interrupted by a knock on the door. They lifted their heads up with a snarl and glared.

"What do you want?!"

"Its time to go. The Master wants us to be there for the opening ceremony." The vampires got up then, leaving Xander laying on the bed.

"We should have stopped anyway. Amy's spell will send him back in a few minutes."

"But who will sire him?"

"Willow, I couldn't and you couldn't anyway. We want him to live and he won't without a Sire there to guide him properly. Amy's spell will put my counterpart in a place close to the best possible Sire for him."

"Oh goody. Could we do it to my counterpart next?"

"Sure. After the opening."

//Sire?! I don't want to be a vampire! I just want to go home! This is not my week.// Suddenly he felt a burning sensation all over and a bright flash of light.

Spike wandered through Sunnydale Park, whistling. He'd been unsuccessful in getting Dru back so had come back to Sunnydale again at a loose end. //Wonder what the Slayer's up to?//

As he lit a cigarette he saw a bright flash from behind a bush so walked around to see what it was. And came upon Xander, sprawled on his back, blood running down his neck and from his mouth. //Now who'd leave a morsel like that alone? Now this is going to be fun// he thought as he picked the boy up.

________________________________________________________________________ Spike wandered through Sunnydale Park, whistling. He'd been unsuccessful in getting Dru back so had come back to Sunnydale again at a loose end. //Wonder what the Slayer's up to?//

As he lit a cigarette he saw a bright flash from behind a bush so walked around to see what it was. And came upon Xander, sprawled on his back, blood running down his neck and from his mouth. //Now who'd leave a morsel like that alone? Now this is going to be fun// he thought as he picked the boy up.

Some time later he placed the boy on his bed in his hideout and lay beside him, waiting for him to wake up. After ten minutes he flicked the boy on the noise.

"Come on mate, we don't have all night you know." Xander opened his eyes and groaned.

"Spike? I thought you weren't coming back to Sunnydale?"

"I changed my mind."

"Swell. You want Willow to do another spell? I don't think I'd be a good hostage for you, we haven't been close lately."

"Not the best thing to say when you can't get away, mate." Xander opened his eyes and looked at Spike.

"I don't care. My life has not been good lately. Do you know that this conversation is the best thing that's happened for a while? You do what you like. I know how much blood Willow and I drank. I know I'm either gonna die or become a vamp. I..."

"Wait a minute, mate. Someone turned the little redhead? And how could you drink your own blood?"

"Another universe, Spike. Buffy never came to Sunnydale and the Master sired Willow and me. And Angel is their puppy. A spell took me there. Apparently they thought it would be fun to turn me." Spike laughed.

"Talk about self-destructive, mate. Xander, you're gonna become a vampire."


"Well, you can't sire yourself and I'm bored. And I want to see what kind of vampire you'll be. Plus you're very tempting to me right now. All that blood, it's delicious."

"I've been told that. Look, I don't want to be a vampire." The blond vampire ignored him and leant over the boy , sniffing at the wounds on his throat. He lifted his head up and smiled.

"I didn't say you had a choice, mate." Then he lowered his head and drank, ignoring Xander's hands, which tried to push him off.

"I was wrong, I do care. Get off me!" Ignoring him, the vampire ripped open his wrist, holding the wound over the boy's mouth. Xander turned his head away to let the blood drip on his face, keeping his mouth shut.

"Alright, we'll do it the other way. Spike put his other hand over the boy's nose until he had to breathe through his mouth. Then he bit down on his tongue until his mouth was full of blood. Then he pressed his lips to Xander's, forcing the boys mouth open and filling it with blood before putting his hand back over his mouth. He held it there until the boy swallowed. He glared at the blond vampire.

"Why are all the bloodsucker's kissing me!"

"Well Luv, you are very good looking."

"I hate you!"

"That's good. Use the hate! Hate leads to the dark side. What am I saying?! Damn, I've got to stop reading those Starwars fics before going to bed. Oh well." Spike leant down and took the last of the blood from the boy. Sighing he lay down to wait for his new childes transformation to finish.

Six hours later Xander opened his eyes and smiled at his Sire, before reaching over and kissing him.

"Do you like bloodsports?"


"And you like to drink."

"Yeah. Where's this going?"

"I'd like to suggest my first meal."

"All right. But it better be good. I'm hungry."

"One house. Four alcoholics, plus more drinks if you want to add anything. And I have the keys." "Sounds good to me. Lets go." //Oh yeah. This is definitely more fun.// Half an hour later they arrived outside a dilapidated two-story house. Loud music, yells and thuds could be heard from inside as they walked up to the door and Xander unlocked it. Suddenly it swung open and a hand reached out, grabbing Xander.

"Get in here, you!" And brought the young vampire inside. he grinned and waved at his Sire.

"Come on in, Spike. This is my family. One reason I fought vampires was I felt safer on the street than in here. "

"Hell, mate."

"No anymore. This is payback. You do what you want with the others, I just want to have a father son talk." Xander smiled and morphed into his vampire mode.

Soon more screams could be heard from the house. But the neighbours ignored them like they always did.


Three days later

Giles was having a break in the library, drinking a cup of tea and reading the paper. One article in particular caught his eye and he spit out the tea he'd just sipped.

"Oh. Oh dear." //I'd better call the others.//

An hour later the Scooby gang were all gathered together in the library. Buffy sat on the counter, swinging her feet, next to Angel who leaned against it with his arms crossed. Willow, Oz and Cordelia sat at the table while Giles paced up and down in front of them.

"Okay Giles, give! You've been walking up and down in front of us for the last five minutes now." Buffy said. The Englishman paused and opened his mouth then shut it again. He tried to say something several times before shaking his head and turning away. Finally he tried again and succeeded this time.

"Have any of you read today's paper?"

"No. It's full of lies. You know the Mayor has them reporting what he wants them to."

"Yes. Well I read it so I know what the enemy is thinking. And this was in it!" He pointed to the article that had caught his attention earlier. "What is it Giles?" Willow asked.

"Someone broke into Xander's house and killed everyone. The bodies were drained of blood and then torn apart."

"Oh no! Is Xander...?"

"No! Actually he's a suspect."

"Of course. They don't look for an actual criminal, just whoever's closest." "Well actually it seems he had a pretty good motive."

"Hey he could have done something before if he was going to. Xander could never kill anyone." Willow said.

"He killed Jesse."

"After he was turned into a vampire, Cordy!"

"Well, I don't believe Xander would do this either. He doesn't have it in him."



"In my vision of my vampire counterparts world, the vampire Xander was quite vicious."

"Didn't the neighbours notice anything Giles?" the Slayer demanded.

"If the neighbours bothered to pay attention then Xander would have been taken away from his parents years ago. You think all those bruises were just from slayer stuff? And what about before? What!? You think I wouldn't notice something like that!?" Cordy demanded. The others looked away, ashamed that they had never really noticed, while the one they thought of as vain and shallow did.

"Are you saying he was abused!?" Buffy said.

"Yeah. He used to come to my place when things got too hard at his place, but not lately." Willow said quietly, clutching Oz who hugged her.

"I disappeared from my friends and family for a week once. When I was first turned into a vampire. I killed them all." Angel said.

"You don't think...?"

"I don't know, I'm just saying that's what happened to me. Willow, you were worried about him being sick. He could be in hospital. Or maybe he decided to just leave."

"I said it before and I'll say it again. It's not like Xander to run away. He'd rather stay and face his problems! Oh! Sorry Buffy."

"No. At least I came back. Look, he wasn't acting like himself the other day. Maybe..."

"No. When he gets sick all the masks go away. That was the real Xander, more bitter than usual though." Cordy said thoughtfully. "Oh come on! Are you telling me it wasn't obvious to all the jokes were an act!? He's been in pain for quite a while now."

"Cordelia, I owe you an apology. I've misjudged you." Giles said.

"Hey, you get down and dirty with a guy you learn a bit about him." The cheerleader replied.

"Maybe not" the Englishman muttered.


Spike and Xander travelled down the highway in Spike's car, the younger one snuggled against his Sire.

"Where are we going?" Xander asked.

"Chicago. There's a large vampire community there and good hunting."



The end?