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Title: The Chocolate Covered Spike Muse (and how she came to be) 1/1
Author: Mary Ellis
Couple: W/S, S/Mary A/M, S/W/A/M (kind of a Mary Sue fic, deal with it, I'm sick. :)
Disclaimer: Joss owns Willow and Spike and Angel. The banks own me. As well as various and sundry dark creatures. *evil smile*
Summary: How Mary got her muse title.
Dedication: To all my Muse'd family, and Challie for being a kick ass friend. *hugs*
)()()()()()()()()()() Mary banged her head on the keyboard repeatedly. She was stuck in a really good story about Willow and Spike, and Angel kept coming in and trying to mess things up by having the hots for Spike AND Willow, and the fic writer was about ready to explode.

"So am I pregnant yet?" a perky voice asked.

Mary lifted her head slowly and turned to face her roommate and good friend. "Willow. You're not getting pregnant until chapter seventeen. I'm stuck in chapter ten."

The redhead came into the room and launched herself on the bed, head first. After bouncing and giggling her witchy little heart out, she turned to Mary. "So, waht's wrong now?"

"Well, you and Spike are making with the hot monkey love, and Angel's getting all hot and bothered because his childe is in town, and he's still has feelings for Spike, but he also is falling for the innocence in you. Now what Angel doesn't know is that you are so very far from inncoent at this point," Mary paused at a movement from the doorway.

"Yup. Cause me and Spike are havin' hot wild monkey sex. Mostly in the back of his car, but I think we should do something more romantic soon. Like at my house or something, Mary." Willow replied with an enraptured look on her face.

"Okay, Wills. Let me make a note of that. Hot wild sex with Spike someplace ROMANTIC next time. Well, you are going to the Bronze later. How about during patrol in the cemetary?"

"No, luv, I seem to recall that Slutty was the one who liked being bent over tombstones. I didn't know you were all kinky like that." Spike said as he prowled into the room and the girls' conversation. Licking his lips, he lowered himself over Mary and began to nibble on her neck.

Mary sighed and bent her neck away from her sometimes lover. "Spike, go have hot monkey sex with Willow. Maybe you'll inspire me to get past this icky writer's block." Sighing, the writer focused on the screen again and flexed her fingers over the keyboard.

After a page or so, the demon reared it's ugly head again and Mary spun fully away from the computer. She ignored the now nude couple on the bed and walked over the doorway extinguishing the lamp and lighting the candles scattered around the room with a few muttered words. "Good night, darlings." even knowing they couldn't hear her.

She was about to walk out the door when something huge knocked into her, sending her flying back onto the bed in the middle of hot sex. The thing that had bumped into her quickly followed, and she instinctively rolled, feeling something hot and wet spill past her onto Spike's naked back.

"Lumos!" she shouted from the floor. The lights came on and she gasped. What a sight this was. Definitely one for the books. Hers, anyway. Shirtless Angel. Nude Willow. And one very angry, and QUITE lustfilled Spike covered in....liquid fudge?

"Angel, you have ten seconds to explain this to me." Before I start licking Spike from head to toe, the author finished silently. She didn't have a chance though, not for the explaination, nor the licking, although that came later. Much later. The writers block demon which had plagued her for months vanished, and she wrote at a fevered pitch for days, ending with Willow's pregnancy, and a very happy pair of vampires. And another witch who wasn't complaining either.

Sighing, Mary snuggled deeper into the pile of bodies on her bed, missing Willow's sleepy comment.

"Well, I guess this makes her Mary, the Chocolate Covered Spike Muse. Cause really, he started all this."