You'll notice, that as you go through life, especially one that is and will continue to be as long as mine has been, that things are never black and white. Occasionally gray, but sometimes filled with the brilliant colors that one only has a few chances to see and admire. Like when I look at Dawn.
No longer an awkward teenager, she has definitely come into her own as the last of the Summer's women, unless Buffy's dad has remarried, which I prefer not to think about. Because if I do, I will remember the sad look on Joyce's face while she talked about the past, and made me hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows, and I will want to go kill the slimy bastard.
But enough about the past, I am looking forward to the future, which I hope Dawn will have a long one. But the odds are definitely against her, but with me on her side I am hoping whatever they send after her will fail every time.
A month ago, she was called as the Slayer. The dreams began, as they'd had with her sister, and her aunt before that. Dawn and Buffy came from a long line of Slayers, though I suspect they didn't know, and the Watcher didn't either, seeing as how he never informed Buffy.
But then again, maybe he did. I've always wondered whether his vested interest in her was strictly watcherly, and that fact may point towards another opinion. But I wasn't talking about Buffy and Giles, nor what relationship they might have had.
I was expounding on the wonders of Dawn. I remember my last sunrise, you know. Not like in those trashy Anne Rice novels, where she tries to describe it uses words. It could never be described using the baseness of speech. Broken down, maybe. But the essence of it, knowing that you will never again see the richness of color, the splendor of the clouds..... *sighs*
I thought I'd never see it again. But I've found it, in her. And I think I am finally learning, that nothing is ever truely in black and white.