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Genie Francis and Tony Geary appear on The View

Here we go...a play by play of a very exciting day.

I was determined...really determined to see that show. I was in line for a standby ticket at 7AM even though they didn't give out standby tickets until 10:30. As the ticket holders line started to form, I asked every ticket holder if I could buy a ticket from them. Finally a group from Canada arrived with a spare. They graciously gave it to me. I was the 30th person in line. The theater only holds 188 people. Even though the studio appears large on TV, it is really quite small. Because people get their tickets a year in advance, they have no idea just who the guests will be on a given date. Most people did not have a clue as to who LnL were. There were a few GH fans in line, but most of the audience only had a vague memory of the wedding of this couple.

I was about 30 feet from the stage. When Tony and Genie came out, I was just blown away.

First let me say that Genie is much more than what comes across our screens. She has a lovely figure, beautiful hair and smile. She radiates warmth. GH needs to do something about dressing her. Her clothes on the show are ill-fitting and unflattering. Believe me, she is breathtaking. Tony looked great and very at ease.

I basically saw what you saw. When they broke away to show the wedding scene, Tony leaned over to Rosie and said, "I hate this!" He really can't stand that that wedding is still following him. I also felt Genie's pain when they mentioned Tony's many Emmy's. She actually winced over it. Darn those people at ABC. They should SEE to it that this woman gets an Emmy nomination.

They gave out some lovely prizes. I have a ring that Luke gave Laura, a LnL tee shirt (my husband says that he wants to wear it!). They gave out a $100 gift certificate to Sears, a ticket to "Tarzan", a recording (DVD) from "Tarzan". The crew gave each audience member fruit juice and cookies...guess they didn't want anyone to faint as people were in line for as much as 4 hours before taping!

After the show was over, I quickly ran back to our apartment (right around the corner) and grabbed my little Maltese. She had been waiting there patiently for me since 6:30 AM. I walked back to the studio hoping that I might see Tony and Genie leaving. I saw the black limosine arrive to pick them up. He announced to the security person that he was taking Tony Geary and Genie Francis. I was the only person standing at the security gate. I spoke to the guard and asked if the limo would stop. He said that sometimes it did. Some stars even got out of cars to talk to fans. So Tootsie (my Maltese) and I waited patiently. Finally the black limo came to the gate. As he waited for the light, I knocked on the window opposite the driver. I could not see in as the windows were totally black. The driver opened the window. I said, "I just want to tell Tony and Genie how much they are loved." He rolled up the window and drove away. I think they heard it, though.

It was a great day for me. I hardly slept last night, and I am VERY tired now. But at least I saw them together. I feel very complete, in a way, that I was able to give them that message at the end. How I love this couple!!!!!
