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The Return of Luke and Laura: Part 3

One of the most rewarding things I had seen during the whole days of the taping were the scenes from the Triple L Diner.

Obviously at this time, I had no idea what the story was going to be about. So for the longest time, we saw 2 people in masks, one big person and one smaller person going into the diner. (This turned out to be Luke and Lucky when they sneak in to scare Laura.)
Something that they shot over and over and over and over again. The other was the local lady who was picking up a pie, leaving the diner and getting into a car. I had heard that they were going to blow up a car, so every time she went into the car, stupid me was waiting for it to blow up. Duh, like they would do that with her in it. LOL But then they started showing the lady in the car driving away, so with my quick wit, I realized she was not going to be blown up. The other scene that they did do over and over and ...well you get the picture was the old man coming out of the diner and getting into the truck. By this time, I heard that it was the truck that would be blown up (A security guard told me that it was the truck that was going to be blown up). But we did not know that the truck was going to turn out to be Luke's truck. Me, not being fooled twice, realized that they would not blow up the truck while the man was in it. In fact, when they did blow up the truck, it was hours and hours later. And they made sure that nobody was within it a 10 mile radius.

One thing that I am not sure if you noticed, but the scenes in the diner start out at daylight (even though it was really a gray day), and when the truck is blown up it was night time. I am sure no one else but me noticed because I was there and knew, but they filmed the old man going into the truck at day time and it was blown up at night.

Ok that out of the way, let me tell you the BEST part. From my pictures you will see I am not the greatest photographer there is. But I am the smoothest and flirtiest talker around. I had started out way far back, and slowly but steadily moved closer and closer. The guards out there were the nicest you could hope for. They knew what I was doing. When they would say something, I would smile, bat my eyes and say in my sexiest voice, "Did I move? It won't hurt will it, right? But since I have moved, can I move up further, etc., etc." I actually ended up in a very good spot. Of course that all changed when they were getting ready to blow up the truck. No one, and I mean no one was allowed anywhere near there. Not even Tony and Genie.

After the scene of Luke and Lucky scaring Laura was done. They began shooting the 3 of them in the diner. They were laughing and hugging and kissing (sigh). But back to the best part. And that is Tony/Luke and Genie/Laura dancing in the diner and laughing.BR> Again I had no idea why they were dancing or laughing. But I was the first to see them (Could it have been my spot in line? (tic)). I screamed "They are dancing!" Everyone and I mean everyone (over 300 people) started smiling and went Ahhhh and clapped. And they did the dancing scenes over and over, etc., but I could never get enough of watching them dancing, so it didn't matter to me how many takes it took. During all of this filming, Tony, Genie and Jonathan would come out and wave to us. Tony more than one time said to the crowd (but he was really only talking to me (tic)) that we were all crazy to be standing in the cold rainy weather for so long. He said he was overwhelmed at how much the fans loved L&L, etc. Tony is and always will be the best in my book.

And before this day was over, I did get to be a part of history, well at least my car did. When Lucky/Jonathan left the diner and went home on his bike, (again shot over and over and over again) he drove right by my car. It is a black LaBaron with NY license plates and the windshield wipers are on the windshield, since they were broken and didn't go down all the way. In case you have the tape and want to look for it. That will be my part in the history of L&L&L. Obviously my car didn't need a "card" to be an extra. LOL

It was a very long day standing out in the cold wet weather. But to watch all the scenes being shot, and seeing them dance and KISS, and being that close to Genie and Tony it was all worth it. As for Genie and Tony, these are two people who care for each other so much. They are so in sync with each other. And so many times when the taping was stopped they were always standing close to each other, talking, laughing. To tell you the truth, if Genie wasn't married, I would have thought in real life that they were a couple in love. But probably even better than that is that they are a couple who are each other's best friend. One word to describe their relationship is SPECIAL!
