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News & Upates
Gilmore Girls Web


N E W S & U P D A T E S

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July 11, 2001:

~~~~Website was opened & introduction was added.
~~~~~~~~Side Note: If you already didn't know Gilmore Girls will be returning to the WB next fall on Tuesday nights at 8:00 p.m.

July 12, 2001:

~~~~The main page is now up & new links were added to the introduction.
~~~~~~~~Side Note: The re-run "Kiss & Tell" will air tonight at 8:00 p.m.

July 13, 2001:

~~~~The media page has been added along with several media related pages. Awards were posted along with topsites to vote for GGWeb at.

July 14, 2001:

~~~~A new curser was added along with several pages and links.
~~~~~~~~Side Note: Your webmistress will be going on vacation for a week, so I will update when I get back.

August 2, 2001:

~~~~Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been very busy since I came back from vacation. Now that the new season of Gilmore Girls is getting closer I'll be updating more frequently. Today, I added some more pictures and pages.
~~~~~~~~Side Note: Gilmore Girls moves to the WB Tuesday night starting next week with a special two hour event including: "That Damn Donna Reid" & "Christopher Returns". You can still catch Gilmore Girls on the WB Thursday night until October.

August 3, 2001:

~~~~Today, I added a new fan art and link.

August 5, 2001:

~~~~I added 8 fan arts, the cast list page, and 1 desktop wallpaper.

August 7, 2001:

~~~~A new fan art was added along with a new button to link GGWeb to other sites with. I also updated the "up next..." page.
~~~~~~~~Side Note: There is a two page add in the Sept. 2001 issue of Teen People for Gilmore Girls, it makes a wonderful poster so go pick up a copy at your local book store! P.S.- I'm currently working on a fan fiction for my fan fic. page, so check back soon for it to be added along with my other projects in progress like the character profile page and more.

August 11, 2001:

~~~~I updated the individual news and the up next... page today.

August 15, 2001:

~~~~I've been working on trying to create a new layout. I've got tons of pictures to sort and label, but I'll try and get them up ASAP.

August 16, 2001:

~~~~The new layout is almost ready to be put up. I started to transfer the introduction page over, so be sure and check that out!

August 17, 2001:

~~~~The main page has been converted to the new layout.

August 19, 2001:

~~~~Starting to convert pages over too new layout...!
~~~~~~~~Side Note: Be sure and watch the TEEN CHOICE AWARDS tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. on Fox. Gilmore Girls has been nominated for 2 awards!

August 21, 2001:

~~~~Converted more pages over to the new layout. I added a calender for November in Desktop and updated the individual news page.

August 22, 2001:

~~~~Converted more pages over to the new layout & added pictures to the gallery.

August 23, 2001:

~~~~Added more pictures to the gallery.

August 24, 2001:

~~~~I converted more pages over to the new layout, added fan art, and updated the up next page.

August 26, 2001:

~~~~I converted more pages over to the new layout and updated the individual news.

September 1, 2001:

~~~~Edited & converted pages over to the new layout.
~~~~~~~~Side Note: Gilmore Girls is featured in the Sept. 14 issue of TV Guide.

September 4, 2001:

~~~~I updated the individual news section. This weekend hopefully, I'll be able to add a new bunch of pictures, so check back shortly!

September 8, 2001:

~~~~I updated the up next page. Still working on sorting those pictures & writing fan fiction, so check back for that! The new season of Gilmore Girls starts in about three weeks which means....!!! pictures, episodes, and more!

October 8, 2001:

~~~~Hello, everyone I'm sorry for the lack of updates. Schools kept me so busy lately! I updated the individual news, added fan art, added links, and added an award. In the next update I will be adding some great fan fiction by Barb! The new season starts in one day!

October 14, 2001:

~~~~Today, I was scrolling around online working on my spanish project and I came upon some awesome news. I don't have time for a full update today, but I will add the news because it is really good! On Oct. 9th the first brand new episode of Gilmore Girls in it's new time slot it achieved a rating of 6.0! That's very important to the show and it a reason to party! Keep watching Gilmore Girls every week, lets make this a regular number! The new update will be coming ASAP with that amazing fan fiction addition!