This is an introduction to the episode guide to show you what the ep guide has in store for each episode. What are such things asBehind the scene, quotes, ratings? Well you'll find out here. It's pretty simplistic really...
Title: Simply...the title number followed by the title will inherit the very first of the page. Easy ins;t it?
Written By: This portion tells who write that particular episode. It may include the co-writer if any.
Directed By: Tells who directed each episode.
Music By: Explains who composed that episodes music if there was any at all mentioned.
Edited By: Tells you who edited that episode.
Production Numner: This tells you the prod #. It means which episode was produced when. For example, the first episode would be something like WK-0101...WK "Wife & Kids" 01 being the season number 1 and 01 being episode 1.
Airdate:The date the episode originally aired on the ABC network. For example, "The Pilot" aired on March 28th, 2001.
Neilson Rating: This explains to you how many million viewers were watching the show according to the Tv neilsons.
Pitch:This tells the pitch of the episode...for example--"Michael and Janet discover Junior and his friend have been smoking marijuana, instead of punishing him at first they decide to play with his head". This would be the pitch for the episode "Grassy Knoll".
Synopsis: This briefly sums up the story of each episode, explianing the conflict and the solution....from beginning to end.
Details: This tells the details of what we learn about the family in the episode, forinstance in "The Pilot" we learn that the Kyle's live in The this would be a detail about the show.
Character Information: Here is where we explian new things about each episode that we learn about the characters. For example in "The Pilot" we learn that Michael once worked for U.P.S. So that additional character info would go under this category...or for example in "The Pilot" we learn that Junior's favorite rapper in M.C. Murder Death..the same thing applies under this category.
Quotes:Is this category you'll find the funniest quotes by whichever character's one-liner or two-liner I decide to put in here...they're mostly the most memorable ones which made you laugh out loud.
Michael's Insult-of-the-week:This has Michael's most memorable insult of every week..only one. For example in "Grassy Knoll" when Junior is playing the guitar and seeks guidance from Michael Michael says: "You need a melody is my family..Mike Tyson's is staying out of jail" They're so funny and serious that you just have to laugh out loud...Damon Wayan's at his funniest one-liner of the week more or less.
Behind the scenes: In this portion there might be something that you wouldn;t know about this particular episode..for example the original working title for "Th Pilot/My Wife and KIds" was "Not The Cosby's".
Guest Starring: This portion shows who was the guest star(s) of the week.