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Strategy X Episode Guide

A football game plays on at Bayville High School. Star quarterback, Duncan Matthews comes back in from the field, only to have his picture taken by Jean Grey. After their encounter, Duncan sees Todd Tolensky picking pockets from the watchers in the stands. He and a couple of his buddies go back to beat him up.

Scott is chilling on the stand, watching the game and Jean. He's flipping a quarter in his fingers and drops it in the stands. He then notices Todd too and goes underneath to stop him. He goes under to see that Duncan and the others are pushing him around. He asks for them to stop so Todd can give the money back, no problem. They don't back down and throw Todd into a puddle. Duncan and Scott go at it. Scott, with remarkable power that I didn't expect (or remember for awhile anway), throws Duncan into the two other guys. Jean hears the commotion and goes under the bleachers as well. She distracts Scott and he looks towards her, while Duncan pops him good in the face. Scotts sunglasses come flying off and he, caught off guard, forgets to shut his eyes. He blasts away Duncan, and lights off a propane tank.

After the smoke clears, Jean picks up Scott's glasses with her powers and hands them to him, asking if he's all right. Xavier pulls up in his fancy car, surveying the damage. He sends out little psionic waves to the police officer talking to the doctor who is inspecting Duncan, making it seem like there was a leak in the propane tank. Back under the bleachers, Todd thanks Scott for helping him out ealier. Scott just walks away. Todd just stands around, eats a buzzing fly for good measure.

Xavier and Storm next go to the train station where they are to pick up a new student. Off the train comes a teenage boy, dressed head to toe in a cloak.

Wolverine is driving down a country back road on his motorcyle. He stops at a convenience store, picking up a paper with a headline about the trouble at the Bayville game. He also picks up a bottle of water along with that. In seconds, he slices off the top, downs it, and gives it back to the cashier to recycle. Wolverine leaves the store. Over a cliff a little bit away, Sabretooth is seen, growling. "Wolverine..."

Jean and Scott are getting ready to go out, but Xavier stops them to introduce them to Kurt. Kurt reluctantly shakes hands with Scott, showing blue, three-fingered hands. The night before is brought up and Scott is reprimanded for not having control. Kurt is asked about his powers and his *bamfs* (teleports, for those not comic or sound suave) across the room. Jean and Scott: "Whoa." They are clearly amazed.

Todd is called into Prinicipal Darkholme's office. She asks very bluntly about Scott Summers and the powers he has. She mentions that there are others like him at the Xavier Institute. Todd doesn't want to infiltrate, but thanks to some persuasion by Darkholme (she turns into a big scary monster), he leaps out of her office, ready to agree with anything.

Kurt is shown his bedroom, where he catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He is sad about his appearance, so Xavier hands him a watch-looking device which is actually an image inducer. He's all happy now because he looks normal, but Storm says some crap about how what's inside that's normal. (Right, being a mutant is normal... It is cool, however, not normal.) Anyway, they leave and he sees a box on his bed with his new X-Man uniform. He's happy to belong.

Todd stops Scott in the hall on his way to lunch. After showing off his powers a bit by jumping onto the lockers and clinging on, he says that they should talk. Scott brushes him off, so Todd takes his glasses with his tongue. Scott threatens "Give me back my shades before I go nuclear on you." Todd gives them back, not without his tradmark slime. He hops off, and Scott calls back to the institute to tell Xavier about him. Xavier thinks he could be brought in, after he finds out for sure if he is a mutant. He then asks Storm to run a test on him.

Toad comes onto the school ground. He looks up to see Storm flying overhead and then suddenly it starts to rain and thunder. Inside, Kurt is exploring the mansion freely. He hears the thunder outside and all of a sudden, a gust of wind opens the windows and in comes Toad, screaming like a little girl (poor Toad). Toad sees Kurt, wonders what the hell he is. Then Kurt insults his personal hygiene. Now Toad is highly pissed off, so he jumps Kurt. Kurt, thinking smart, bamfs out of the way. Now they bamf and hop after each other, grabbing for each other throats. Xavier rolls into the room with Storm and clarifies that Toad does have the X-gene. While he's doing his little speach, crashes of what can only be considered expensive things are in the background and Toad and Kurt are back on the screen. Kurt then somehow bamfs them both into the Danger Room. Jean and Scott are notified, and they go off to the rescue! (Oh fun!!)

After a couple minutes of dodging all the obstacles and everything is sucessfully turned off, Toad decides that he's booking it the hell out of there. On his way out, he bumps into Wolverine. After little convincing from the professor, Wolverine lets him go and Toad graciously runs, rather hops, away. Kurt, too, is feeling a bit on the "I made a huge mistake and I'm going to go" side so he bamfs away. Scott finds him in the hanger, where he tells Kurt about the SR-77 Blackbird. Kurt tells Scott that he feels that he wouldn't fit in a place like Xavier's but Scott gives him this spiel about mistakes and that we all make them... finally convincing him to stay and telling him that he knows where they hide the sodas. God forbid we'd have caffienated mutants...

Anyway, back to Toad, who is now sitting nervously once again in Principal Darkholme's office. She is angry with him because he doesn't remember a thing, thanks to the "good professor." She screams for him to get out, and once the door is slammed shut, she morphs into her normal form as Mystique, letting out another aggrivated growl. Out of nowhere, this voice echoes actually kind of calmly for her not to be so hard on Toad. "We do not want to thin our ranks." Mystique is obviously afraid of him, which leaves us to wonder how powerful the voice (Magneto, for those not familiar with comics again) really is.

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