About the Authors

Xan                               Ava

Xan is a sixteen year old Junior from San Antonio, Tx.  She takes AP (honor) classes and sings in her school choir.  Xan's been a member of choir since the 6th grade and will be serving as "web mistress" this upcoming school year.  Besides singing and writing, she loves dancing, horseback riding, watching TVs/movies, reading, traveling, shopping, driving, and obsessing about Harry Potter.  

Ava, Xan's "good twin", is a seventeen year old Senior from San Antonio, Tx.  She, too, is a genius and sings in choir at school.  Ava will be serving as Parliamentarian in the upcoming school year.  She enjoys swimming, dancing, flag twirling (she's on the color guard), shopping, reading, traveling, shopping, acting out Rocky Horror, acting, and obsessing about Harry Potter. 

