Part 5            

            “So, Liz, what exactly happened? Where did you go? Wh—“

            “Max, chill!” Michael exclaimed, interrupting a hysterical Max’s ranting.  “She’ll tell you guys everything you want to know and probably more.”

            Liz smiled at her brother.

            “Thanks, Michael.  Now, I understand that you all will have questions, but let me say everything I have to say first.  On Antar, our—your home planet, there were four people known as the Royal Four.  The four consisted of King Zan, his sister, Vilandra, her fiancé, Rath, and Zan’s wife, Ava.  That much you already know.  What you don’t know are the details of Ava’s life and death.  

            Well, Ava and Rath were brother and sister and had a little sister named Serena.  Ava was a fierce warrior who served as General of Antar’s military before marrying Zan.  Rath took over for her afterwards, though she was still pretty much in charge of the army.  A man she trained named Khivar rebelled against Zan and Ava about two years after they’d married.  He was a renegade who disliked the amount of control Ava had over the planet.  This was mainly because he had no respect for women whatsoever.  Anyways, in the first month of battle, Khivar killed Ava and made sure that Zan was there to see it.  Needless to say,  Zan was devastated.

             Two months later, Khivar and his younger brother, Niko, killed the three remaining royals.  Poor Serena was married to Niko and killed herself after their actions were disclosed.  Desperate to save her planet, Zan and Vilandra’s mother worked with several scientists to recreate her precious children and children-in-law.  They put the essences of Zan, Ava, Rath and Lonnie into four new bodies and created duplicates designed to protect the real Royal Four.  Jocasta even took pity on Serena and recreated her as well.  Unfortunately, Khivar found out what Jocasta and Larek had done was furious, so he sent his cousin, Tessala, to destroy them.  She had always had a thing for Zan and quickly came up with a plan—destroy them from the inside. 

            When she finally arrived on Earth in 1983, she located the pods that held the real royalty and took Ava out.  She was going to kill the baby, but a hiker came across them, grabbed Ava and ran.  Tessala didn’t even bother to chase after them.  Instead, she moved to New York, taking the dupes with her.  When you emerged from the pods six years later, she was waiting and mind warped you into thinking that Ava’s pod was still there and that she was a young blonde child.  After you left, she waited around until Nasedo showed up and mind warped him for years to hide her true identity from him.  I think you see where I’m going with this.”

            Her dumbfounded friends just stared at her.

            Finally, Isabel murmured, “You’re Ava?”

            “Yeah, I am.  Before you ask me more questions, let me finish my story.  Anyways, Tess and Nasedo moved to Roswell and she began her quest to destroy all of us, but me above all when she found out not only was I alive, but Max and I were together.  Her plan worked even better with Jocasta's damn message that she sent you.

            After I walked away from you guys in the cave that day, Serena found me walking on the side of the road.  I guess meeting her set off a reaction that allowed me to remember my past.  I left with her to begin training as Queen and prepare to face Khivar.  I’d only been gone for a week when I dream walked Michael and found out that he’d also recovered his memories.  That’s when I sent him the letter Max found.  He’s been my informant ever since—giving me updates on everyone and stuff.  We weren’t supposed to meet again until the alignment, when our powers reach their fullest, but Khivar is on his way and we need at least some time to prepare.  So, anymore questions?”

            Michael and Liz looked at their shell-shocked friends and laughed.

             “So…you and I really are destined together,” Max stammered in amazement.

             A brilliant smile lit up Liz’s face.

             “Yes, we are, and nothing will ever come between us again.  I love you, Max.”

             It was Max’s turn to smile.

             “I love you, too,” he whispered as he pulled her into another tight embrace.

             Michael rolled his eyes.

             “My God, you only found out she was alive an hour ago, and now you’re professing your love.  How mushy can you get?”

             “Liz! Oh my God…” Zan panted, running into the room with an equally confused Serena.

             “What’s wrong?” the Queen demanded, going into business mode.

             “Lonnie.  I think Khivar’s found her out.” 

            Liz and Serena paled.

             “What makes you think that?” the fuchsia haired girl asked.

             “I was talking to her and telling her about what’s happened when Niko stormed into her room.  He looked at the telecomm and asked her who she was talking to.  She told him that she didn’t have to tell him anything so he stormed out of the room, only to bring Khivar back with him.  Shortly after he entered the room, the screen went blank and our connection was cut.  I tried to contact her telepathically, but she wouldn’t respond.  I’m worried, Liz.”

             Liz sighed and rubbed her temples.  After a moment she turned to her friends and narrowed her eyes.

             “What?” Alex asked.

             “How long do you think it would take you guys to learn a few new tricks with your powers?”

             Max shrugged.

             “I have no idea.  Why?”

             “Because we’re going after that son of a bitch and we’re going to bring Lonnie home,” Liz said with a spark in her eyes.

             “Here we go again,” Zan and Serena muttered in unison.
