
          Harry was awake, but he didn’t want to open his eyes. He prayed that it was a dream, that he’d look around and see the four-post bed that was next to Ron’s in the familiar dorm room at Hogwarts Academy.

         “Ron…oh God, let it be a dream.”  He slowly opened his eyes and immediately burst into tears.  He was still in the cold, dark alley in London, exactly where he had been knocked unconscious after falling from the fifth story window.  The smell of blood matched perfectly the dank corner littered with rotting boxes and, of course, the rats.  He tried to get up but his leg was bent in a way that shouldn’t have been possible.  That really didn’t matter, however, because his back was broken (he had landed on something hard) and he couldn’t move anything below the waist.  He lifted his head and fainted from the pain.

 Chapter 1

3 months earlier…

 “…and he’s always talking to her.  Are you listening to me?”

 Harry looked over at his best friend and blinked.  It was hard to believe that in three years scrawny Ron Weasley could have grown into what most considered a mature young man.  He was certainly no longer scrawny.  Standing half a foot taller than Harry, Ron was well built.  The scar that stretched from his temple to the corner of his eye gave him an edgy look that contrasted his red hair and freckles.  But Ron’s personality hadn’t changed; Harry could tell by the mischievous glean in his bright green eyes.  Sometimes it was as if nothing had changed, that they were only two boys sitting at the edge of the lake tossing pebbles at the resident squid on a Saturday afternoon. 

“Er…sorry, no.”

 “Right then.  What is sooo fascinating as to distract you so much?” Ron asked.

 “Ginny.”  Harry sighed then looked down quickly so as not to have to see Ron’s face.

 “Oh…I’m really sorry man, but it has been a month, ya know.”

 “Yeah, I know,” said Harry, “But I just can’t believe that she dumped me for Creevy.  I mean, Christ!  It’s bloody CREEVY!  I’m sorry Ron, it’s gotta be weird for you too.  What were you saying?”

 “Right.  Malfoy!” Ron said shaking his fists.


 “Yup.  Malfoy has been hitting on MY girlfriend!  The nerve of that guy.  I’d like to just…and then I’d…” A slender brunette approached the pair, trying to walk up behind Ron unnoticed. 

“Hermione!” Harry shouted, earning a glare from the pretty 18-year-old.

 “And then I’d take his…Hello, dear,” Ron said, bending down to kiss her.

 “Hi, Ron.  Er…why were you twitching just now?” she asked with a worried frown, “Are you alright?”

 “Yeah, he’s fine Hermione,” Harry laughed.  Ron kicked him in the shin, and then laughed too.  After many confused looks from Hermione, Harry said, “Well, I have to go see Albus, he wants to talk to me.”

 “Alright, I’ll see you later.”  “Bye, Harry.”  He wasn’t sure who had said which, they interrupted each other constantly.  As he walked across the grounds toward the looming castle that was Hogwarts, Harry thought about all that had happened since the night that Voldemort had risen.  A few scattered attempts were made to attack Hogwarts; one of which resulted in the scar on Ron’s face.  That was when Hermione had realized how much Ron meant to her, and that she loved him.  Harry studied Defense against the Dark Arts mostly, and Ron, though he was much better at Herbology, followed suit.  Hermione, of course, mainly studied Arithmancy.  Over the past three years Voldemort had grown in power.  All across the country crime had risen, and people had become generally meaner, even Muggles.  It was as if he was infesting the world with his evil.  And then there was Ginny.  He had finally agreed to go out with her last year, and last month she had told him that she had been idolizing him for so long that he didn’t hold up to her fantasy, whatever that meant.  He wasn’t exactly crushed, but he had liked her well enough.  The thing that made him angry was that the next day she had gone after Colin Creevy.  He was small, annoying, obsessive, obnoxious, and…

 “Ow!  Watch where you’re going Potter!” yelled the silvery-blonde haired boy that Harry, lost in thought, had run into.  Draco Malfoy picked himself off of the floor and brushed off his robes very slowly, then turned to ice blue eyes filled with hatred to look into Harry’s brilliant green ones.  Then he proceeded, in his usual drawling tone, to say, “Stupid gits who can’t pay attention to what they’re doing shouldn’t infest hallways with their idiocy,” and stalked off towards the main hall.

 “Where did he come from?” Harry wondered.  There was nothing down this hallway except classrooms, unused on the weekends.  He would have to check it out later; he was late to speak with the headmaster.  Harry walked through the familiar hallways to the gargoyle guarding Albus Dumbledore’s office. 

“Exploding Mint Creams,” he said.  That was one of Fred and George Weasley’s new inventions that they sold in their store in Diagon Alley.  They were so successful that “The Weasley Works” was a common household name.  The gargoyle jumped away revealing a rotating staircase that Harry took to the large door of Dumbledore’s office.  As soon as he stepped onto the landing he heard Dumbledore say “Come in, Harry, you’re right on time.”

 Harry stepped into the office and looked admiringly at the man with sparkling blue eyes and a long, snow-white beard. 

“Hallo, Albus.  You wanted to speak with me?”

 “Actually,” the older man said with a smile, “Severus needs to ask you something.”  He pointed behind Harry and the dark haired boy whirled around to face a stark, gaunt man with long, lank, dark hair and a look of hatred in his near-black eyes.

Chapter 2

 “Potter, I…” the professor cut off.  Harry walked up to him and extended a hand.  Almost flinching and with an obvious effort the man placed his hand in Harry’s.

 “Good to know that you’re still safe, Snape,” Harry said.  Blinking in surprise, Snape drew back his hand and said, “Thank you.”  It was strange to see him back at Hogwarts after so long.  He had been sent to spy on Voldemort, reestablishing himself as a Death Eater.  Harry hoped it was only for Dumbledore, that Snape didn’t really want to return to his old master.

 “Yes, well, should we discuss the business at hand?”  Harry had almost forgotten that Dumbledore was in the room until he had spoken.  “Please, both of you have a seat.”  The two old enemies sat down next to each other and Snape turned to face Harry with a pained look.

 “This is hard for me to do, Potter, but I need to ask a favor of you.”  Snape forced a smile that reminded Harry of a snake eyeing its prey.

 “What kind of a favor?” he asked slowly.

 “I cannot tell you all the details now because even here there may be dangers.  I need you to guard…something for me.  You are quite possibly the most powerful student here, and I know that you will do anything to get something done.  This thing is very important to me, nothing must happen to it.”

 Harry was stunned.  Did Snape just give him a compliment?  He realized that both older men were looking at him, waiting for his answer.

 “Yes.  I mean, I’ll do it,” Snape breathed out, a look of relief on his face.” 

“Good.  Tomorrow I will meet you at Hogsmeade Station to pick it up…thank you, Harry.” 

“You’re welcome…Severus.”  The thin man, thinner each time Harry saw him, nodded to Dumbledore and walked to the door pausing only to say, “Tomorrow, then.”

“Tomorrow,” replied Harry.  It was strange to respect the man he had hated for so long, but something had passed between them, an understanding, maybe, a trust.  He looked up at Dumbledore, who smiled and said, “Alright, Harry, you may go now.  I’m sure I don’t need to ask you not to say anything, not even to Mr. Weasley.”

 “No, sir.  Goodbye then.”  Harry stood to leave but said, “He doesn’t look well.”

 “He’ll be fine.”  Harry nodded and left the office.

 Chapter 3

 Harry was running from something.  The forest was flying past him.  He had to get away.  Suddenly, the forest was gone and he was in a clearing.  There was someone else there but he couldn’t see who it was.  All he could see was the eyes, beautiful eyes.  They were brilliant green and golden brown.  He could drown in those eyes and he felt safe.  That was when the evil behind him reached him and dug its claws into his…

 “AHHHHH!”  Harry woke in a panic to find something sitting on him.  “AHHHHH!”

 “Oh shut up, you stupid git, it’s just me,” Ron said, poking Harry in the ribs.  Harry tried to push him away. 

“Gerroff ya loony!  Do you get your jollies from harassing unconscious people, now?”

 “Well, you’re just so cute when you’re sleeping.”  Ron kissed Harry’s forehead and jumped away.  The dark-haired boy promptly fell off the bed.

 “What is with you today?” asked Harry, scrubbing his forehead.

 “Today,” said Ron, “is Hermione and my 2 year anniversary and we are going down to Hogsmeade.”

 “You’re going to Hogsmeade?!” yelled Harry, “Today?!!”

 “Yeah, and she said she has a surprise for me.  I think I’m in love…”

“Er, that’s cute Ron…like puppies or something.”

 “Puppies?!  There are no puppies here!  This is the real thing.  Anyway, what are you doing today?” Ron asked.

 “I am sleeping today.  Now get out, go be a puppy,” said Harry.  He pushed Ron out the door and shut it in his face.

 “I am not a puppy!  I am manly and…oh, bugger off, Seamus!”  Ron’s yells were only slightly muffled from behind the door.  Harry laughed as he pulled on jeans and an old shirt.  He didn’t want anyone to recognize him at the station.  He slipped his father’s Invisibility Cloak over his head and grabbed the duffle bag he meant to put “it” in, whatever “it” was.  He only hoped that it wasn’t something evil…or slimy.  Slimy was definitely bad.

 Harry opened the door a crack to see if Ron was gone, then slipped out and headed down to the Gryffindor common room just in time to slip out behind Colin Creevy.  He resisted the urge to trip him and headed for the main hall.

 Chapter 4

 It was windy at the station.  The air smelled like smoke and every gust of wind sent whirls of leaves down the track.  It would be Halloween soon and Harry stood enjoying his favorite type of weather.  He idly kicked the duffle bag that now held his cloak.

 “Please don’t be something slimy,” he said to himself.

 “What is this about slime, Potter?” Harry jumped and spun around to face Snape.

 “You have got to stop doing that,” he said, “it’s spooky.”

 “I think it’s sexy,” Snape muttered.

 “What did you say?”

 “Nothing…look it’s the train,” Snape said quickly.  Harry raised an eyebrow but turned to watch the Hogsmeade #901 roll in exactly on time.  The train screeched to a halt, and passengers began spilling out onto the platform.  Snape was looking intently at the passengers.  Was one of them carrying “it?” 

“Uncle Sevie!” a voice like music called across the platform.  Suddenly, a girl was running towards them through the crowd.  She threw her arms around Snape.  Then she stepped back and Harry was frozen.  She was about his age and only a little shorter than him (which must have been about 5’9”).  Her long, jet-black hair hung loose down to her back.  She was wearing boots, a short black leather skirt, and a tight green top that showed off her curves.  But none of that mattered to Harry.  He was staring at her eyes: brilliant green and golden brown.

 “Hi, I’m Ava,” she said, drawing back full lips in a perfect smile, “Ava Solis.”

 “Harry, this is my niece, Ava.  You will protect her at all costs and take her everywhere with you,” said Snape. 

Harry stood gaping at first Snape, then his niece before finally saying, “I don’t think you’ll fit in my bag.”

 “Nor do I think she is slimy,” Snape responded.  Ava laughed and waved over a man with her baggage.  When he was gone Snape said, “She is and old friend of yours from America come to visit, and is staying in Gryffindor.  That is all I can help you with.  I have to leave now, before I am missed, you understand?” 

“Yes, I understand, and I won’t fail you,” Harry said solemnly.  Ava hugged her uncle again and wiped a tear from her eye.

 “Goodbye, Uncle Sevie,” she said, “and be careful.”  Snape nodded and disappeared into the crowd.

 “I hate it when he does that,” said Harry.

 “He thinks it’s sexy,” Ava said and laughed at the look on Harry’s face.  “Well, he does!”  Harry picked up her bags and they found a bench to sit on.

 “So,” said Harry, “I’m supposed to protect you, but I don’t know from what, or who.” 

“Well, it’s kind of a long story.  Are you sure you want to hear it now?”  Harry nodded.  “OK,” Ava continued, “Well, Severus’ twin sister, Serena, was my mother.  They were orphans, so she was all he had and he loved her very much.  But he had so much anger, and he needed some purpose to put it too, so he became a Death Eater.  She found out and asked him to quit, so he did.  A few years later she had my si…well, she had me, and that night He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named murdered her.  It was almost as if He had waited till I was born to kill her.  Anyway, that was the same night that He killed your parents.  After he was defeated, my dad and I moved to America, but we always came back during the summer to visit Uncle Sevie.  After You-Know-Who rose again we were really scared and last month m…my…my dad was killed, so I came here…” Tears began to well up in her eyes.  Harry didn’t know what to do so he put his arm around her.

 “I never knew any of that,” Harry said, “but I know what it’s like never to have known your mum, and to lose your family.  Don’t worry, I promise I won’t let anything happen to you.”  She fought back her tears and Harry helped her up.  He took her into Hogsmeade to show her around (and get help with her luggage).  After touring the town, they headed to The Three Broomsticks to have a drink.  As they stepped into the room, Harry’s eyes had to adjust to the dim light.  It took him awhile to notice Ron and Hermione at a table in the corner.

 “Buggah, I completely forgot!” said Harry.

 “What?” asked Ava.

 “Harry!” yelled Ron. 

“Ron!” yelled Harry. 

“Who?” asked Ava. 

“Stop that right now!” Hermione said, standing up, “Harry, come sit with us and introduce us to your friend.”  Harry and Ava walked over to the table and Ron extended his hand.

 “Friend…er…yes…er…well…” Harry stuttered.

 “Hi, I’m Ava.  Harry and I were friends before I moved to America.  I’m visiting him here,” the raven-haired girl jumped in.  She shook Ron’s hand, then Hermione’s. 

“Er, yes.” Harry muttered.

 “Nice to meet you,” said Hermione, “We are Harry’s friends from Hogwarts.  Do you go to a wizarding school?”

 “Yes, I go to the Alamo School for Witchcraft and Wizardry in San Antonio, Texas.  It’s really new.”  Hermione and Ava began to talk about America and Texas and how different England was. So Harry sat down beside Ron. 

“So what was the surprise, puppy-boy?” he asked.  Ron lifted his hand to show Harry a ring carved with a fire design.  “Is there an inscription?” Harry asked.

 “Yeah, but you don’t get to read it.  She’s got a matching one, too.  But who is this girl?  I thought you were sleeping today.”

 “Er…I wanted to surprise you guys.  She’s gonna stay in Gryffindor, that’s what I was talking to Albus about.”

 “Well, I was certainly surprised, and it looks like Hermione is having a blast,” Ron said, looking at his girlfriend.  “She said she hadn’t noticed Malfoy acting strangely.  I guess I was just being paranoid.”  The four spent the rest of the afternoon showing Ava around Hogwarts.

 Chapter 5

 Harry woke from the dream again, the same dream he had been having for a month.  Only this time he knew that the eyes belonged to Ava, Snape’s niece.  He had only met her that day, but he felt like he had always known her.  He got out of bed and walked down the stairs to the Gryffindor common room.  He was surprised to see Ava there.  She was wearing a white robe with her hair in one long braid to her waist and staring out the window.

 “Ava?  What are you doing here?” he asked softly.  She turned around and stared at him with those green eyes that seemed to glow in the dim light.

 “Nightmares,” she said, sitting down on a couch, “You?”

 “Nightmares,” said Harry.  He joined her on the couch.  “You tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine.”  After discovering that there dreams were much the same they talked for hours, and eventually fell asleep on the couch together.

 The next morning, Harry took Ava to all of his classes with him.  She actually participated and did well.  He thought she might have been as smart as Hermione, if not quite as studious.  At lunch they sat with the Gryffindor table, and everyone wanted to know about America.  In the middle of explaining the word “elevator,” she caught Harry’s eye and they shared a smile.

 “Yeah,” thought Harry, “this is going to be alright.”


 Draco couldn’t believe it when he heard the name of Potter’s friend.  He had followed them until he could be sure it was really her.  Then he ran down the nearest hallway and ducked into an empty classroom.  He dug a mirror out of his pocket and it immediately grew to full length and began to hum softly.

 “Darling!” Draco said urgently, “Darling, are you there?”  The mirror shimmered and the image of a girl appeared.  She was tall and slender with long, flame-red hair that hung in hundreds of tiny braids to her waist.  She had piecing green and golden brown eyes.

 “Yes, Draco, I am here,” she said in a voice like music.  He put his hand on the glass and she placed hers with it from the other side.

 “I wish I could really touch you,” he said.

 “I know, but why did you call me so urgently?”

 “She’s here, darling, here at Hogwarts!”

 “You’ve found her!” exclaimed the girl.  Draco told her all that he had seen.  “Wonderful, luv, and just within my reach.”

“How?” he asked.

 “You, Draco.  You must wait until she truly cares for these idiots, then…” He talked to the image for nearly an hour before saying goodbye to the red-haired girl.  He kissed the glass as the mirror shimmered back, then compressed it and tucked it into his pocket.
