Part 9


             Men are retards.  Seriously, they are.  And Michael Guerin is the biggest one of them all.  Why? I don’t know—he just is.  Let me tell you what that idiot did to me today…

             “Alexis? Are you awake?” a woman’s voice asked.

             I slowly opened my eyes, only to see Senora Salinas and my entire Pre-AP Spanish 2 class staring at me.

             “I am now,” I mumbled and sat up. 

             “Lex? You okay?” Jen whispered.

             I just ignored her.  What? I just didn’t want to deal with her, okay? Anyway, the bell rang shortly after that and I met Zac, Serena, and Danny at my Jeep.

             “Where are we going?” Zac asked.

              I shrugged.  I really didn’t have a destination; I was just driving.  We eventually ended up at EZ’s.  That’s when I felt him.

 “Oh my God,” Serena hissed.

 I knew then that the others felt it—Michael and Isabel were inside.  We rushed inside and our eyes were immediately drawn to the back corner booth.  Michael and Isabel looked up and I went into some sort of trance.  I couldn’t help it! I mean—the guy is gorgeous! Moving on…the next thing I know, Michael is storming over, demanding to know who we are.  Automatically, I put up an invisible shield around Zac, Serena, and Danny.  Invisible, at least, to humans.  Michael and Isabel, however, saw it and completely freaked.

 “What the hell?” Isabel murmured.

 Michael grabbed my arm and began to drag be outside.

 “Lex!” Zac screamed.

 I turned and gave him a tight smile and then followed my arrogant soul mate outside.   

“You’re coming with us to our hotel and we’re going to have a little talk.  Behave and you’ll be okay,” Michael growled into my ear. 

 I just nodded and climbed into the back of the Jetta.

Michael POV

             Okay, I have to interrupt now.  Lex is making me sound all crazy and angry and stuff.  That girl is such a pill.  I think she’s a witch.  Let me tell you what she did next…

             “So, who are you?” I asked calmly once we reached the room.

             Yes, calmly.  I think I did a pretty good job of controlling myself.

             “Name’s Alexis Johnson, but you can call me Lex,” the redhead replied.

             Alexis? Lex? Alexisana? I was starting to feel a connection.

             “Are you an alien?” Maria blurted out.

             I still cannot believe she did that.  Lex just raised an eyebrow.

             “As a matter of fact, I am.  My formal name would be Alexisana.”

             Holy fuck.

             “You know who we are, don’t you?” Isabel asked.

             Lex nodded.  “You’re Vilandra, aka Isabel Evans; Michael used to be Arthur, er, Rath; and I’m guessing the two humans are Kyle and Maria.”

             “Who are you?” I asked again.

             “I am, or rather, was Queen Alexisana of Antar, sister to the fallen King Zanar and Princess Vilandra.”

             “M-my sister?” Isabel stammered.


             “Who were the others you were with at the restaurant?” Kyle asked. 

            “The twins are Zac and Serena, Michael’s siblings; and the other boy is Danny, Liz’s brother.”

             “Liz? What the hell does Liz have to do with this?” I demanded.

             “Yeah, and since when does she have a brother?” Maria added.

             Lex looked at us with an amused expression on her face.

            “Liz is the real Ava—Tess was a Skin who tried to kill Liz and take her place, but it didn’t work.  Claudia Parker stumbled upon Liz back in 1983, after Tess dumped her in the middle of the desert looking like a baby, and gave Liz to her son and daughter-in-law to raise as their own.  So, Tess wasn’t destined to be with Max—Liz is.”

             We all had tears in our eyes at the mention of Max and Liz.

             “Um, Lex? I hate to be the one to break it to you, but Max and Liz…Max and Liz are dead,” I choked out. 

            “No, they’re not,” she whispered almost inaudibly. 

            The others didn’t hear her, but I did. 

            “We’ll be right back,” I mumbled and pulled Lex into my adjoining room.  “What did you mean by that?”

             “Mean by what?” she asked with wide eyes.

             “About Liz and Max not being dead.” 

            The small girl just stared at her feet. 

            “They’re not, and neither is Alex Whitman.”

             ‘They’re alive? Oh, thank God,’ was all I could think.  I’m pretty sure that this was the precise moment I realized I believed in God.  I looked back over at Lex and caught her staring at me. 

            “What?” I asked self-consciously.

             She jumped, startled.

             “Um…nothing.  You just haven’t changed a bit, that’s all.”

             “What aren’t you saying?”

             She blushed and looked in every direction but mine. 

             “Well, it’s just--you and I were together as Alexisana and Rath and I remember how much I loved you.  We were so happy…but, we’re different people now.  Plus, you’re with Maria and I’m with Zac.  Nothing can ever happen between us.”

             “You’re with my little brother?!”  For some reason that made me really jealous.

            Lex nodded.  I think this is when the little witch cast a spell on me because the next thing I know…

 Lex POV

             He kissed me! What the hell? But I didn’t fight.  I know I should have, but I didn’t.  We pulled apart and he uttered the words I never thought I’d hear: “I remember you.”

             This brings us to our current situation.  Michael and I are now making out, ignoring the LOUD voices in our heads that are screaming about how bad of an idea this is.  Any minute now, Maria or one of the others is going to catch us and that’s the last thing we need.

             “Um…Michael, God, Michael…shouldn’t we, uh, stop?” I manage to say with great difficulty.

             He pulls away and stares at me for a moment.

             “I guess you’re right.  But, Lex? I saw flashes when we kissed.”

             I gulp.

             “Which ones?”

             He touches my arm and we instantly connect.

             **Zac, Danny, Serena, and me breaking out of our pods in Kerrville**

             **Richard and Eliza Johnson finding me in the middle of the valley, searching for the other three**

             **Me using my powers for the first time to blow up my third grade teacher’s desk**

             **Watching Michael, Max, Liz, and Isabel over the years from a distance** 

            **Kissing Zac for the first time**

             **Saving Alex from Latessa, yet not knowing who exactly Alex is**

             **Finding out my parents were dead**

             **Max, Liz and Alex showing up at my door**

             **Talking to Max about Michael**

             “You’ve been watching out for us all along and we never knew it.”

             “Yeah, well, we all swore that we’d do anything to prevent the past from repeating.  It nearly killed us when you died last time and Khivar used your deaths to eventually kill the four of us.”

             Michael sighs.

             “I guess we need to get back to the others and you have to take us to Max, Liz and Alex.”

             “Great,” I mumble, “Max is going to be thrilled.”

             We casually walk back into the common room, but Isabel and Maria barely notice.  Kyle, however, gives me an ‘I-know-what-you-two-were-doing’ look.  I don’t like him already.  He’s too…too guyish.  Yes, I know he’s a guy, but he’s way too…MACHO! That’s the word.  He’s way too freakin’ macho for my taste.

             “Can I use the phone to call my friends? They’re probably freaking out right now.” 

            Isabel hands me her phone and I call my house.

             “Hello?” Max screams into the phone.

             “Hey Max.”

             “Lex! Where are you? Why are you blocking me? Wh—“

             “Max! Chill out.  I’m with Michael, Isabel, Kyle and Maria.  I’m fine.”

             “Shit! Do they know?”

             “Michael does.”

             Great.” I can practically feel Max rolling his eyes.

             “Look, I’ll see you guys soon.  Bye.”


             I hang up and look around at the confused and slightly annoyed people in the room.

             “I know I’m not drunk, so I didn’t imagine that phone call.  That said, who the hell is Max?” Maria demands.

             Michael and I look at each other and grimace.  This is not going to be pretty.
