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So does everyone remember "Callisto"? That was a GOOD EP!! I think I should go watch it, and I'll be sure to remember to search through my pics later to find some from the ep! TTYL! Please post! Anybody!!! lol...

My favorite part of the episode when Joxer keeps trying to attack Gabby and she keeps hitting him and hitting him and hitting him. I thought it was hillarious.
Xena Girl Fighter

agreed! was their first "bonding" moment...but was it between gab and joxer or was it between joxer and that staff!

I remember Callisto, it was a great ep!! One of the only 1st seasons I have on tape. I love how they introduced Callisto, it was really unique and she had a connection with Xena, always a good thing. And I love the scene where Gabby beats up poor Joxer!! It's so funny and it's the first Gab/Joxer moment. The ladder scene at the end was neat too. I was watching The Musketeer a while ago and at the end of that movie there was a ladder fight scene. Wonder if they got the idea from Xena. Anyone else notice that? I found that intresting! Well, what does everyone else think??

either one was certainly an eye closing experience. lol.
Xena Girl Fighter