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They don't rerun this episode very much. This is the episode when Gabrielle shows a yearning to learn to fight. So that she can help Xena. Xena warns her that once she picks up a sword that she becomes a targit. They come upon this little town and Xena and Gabby stop to pick up some needs. Gabby goes into a weapons shop and purchases a breast daggert. When she returns to Xena there is a noticeable difference in her carriage, if you know what I mean. Xena gives her a strange look, "What?" Gabby asks. Suddenly the dagger come falling to the ground. "Now how did that get in there? You never know what you get when you wear borrowed clothes?" Xena stoops and picks it up. She places it into the proper place. Gabby says, "As if your breast aren't dangerous enough." I'm not sure that the wording is exact but that's the jist. I had to include it because it makes me laugh just thinking about it.
Battle on,
Xena Girl Fighter

I agree...that part is the best! lol! I also love how Xena tells her about fighting. Like if there are more than one, let them fight each other, ect. I don't know the exact quote. I love the dress that Gabrielle wears at the's so pretty! And I also loved that ending quote about the pond and the rock. It's a great quote, even for today! I really liked this epsiode. I've probably seen it at least 5 times, but not for a while.

Oh yeah...I loved that part! :o) I also love when Xena gives wisdom at the end of the ep. It's Xena's first shot at teaching, and she did a good job!