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Kevin Smith Memorial

As the news of this tragedy spreads and the fact becomes undeniable, I keep thinking about Kevin's children. As the years go on, it's harder and harder to remember even the simplest of details about the person you lost. This is just an incomprehensible tragedy. I keep asking why, and I just can't come up with an answer.

When my Mom died, I was just a kid, and I thought that I did something that caused my Mom to die. Like that I was being punished. I couldn't understand why God would choose for me to grow up without my Mom, the woman I cherished above anyone else in this world. Then I realized that maybe God took my Mom to save her from the pain and tragedy in this world. That maybe He had greater plans for her.

I'm sure that God has greater plans for Kevin. Maybe He needs Kevin to be a guardian angel to someone, to help someone, to save someone. This is the only way I can understand such a tragedy as this.

The coming time will be very difficult for Kevin's family, and we must remember to keep them all in our prayers. Pray for Kevin's children that they may cherish the memories of their father forever. That his widow may find the strenghth to continue on and raise the children that are an everyday reminder of the love they shared.

We must remember the man who made us love to hate Ares, yet in later years portrayed a kinder loving Ares that touched us all, and made this character a beloved favorite, that we all had a soft spot for. Remember the man that Kevin was, a father, a husband, a brother, a son, a friend, and an idol. The world has truly lost a great man oday, but may his death allow us to see the important things in life. This is a time to reflect and comfort one another, turn away from hate and violence and be at peace with one another. Try it, do it. Do it for Kevin.

Kevin Tod Smith
March 1963 - February 2002
'We'll never forget you.'

RIP Kevin Smith "We'll miss you"
ROC fan for all time!!!!

Click Here for More Kevin Smith Memorials

Kevin Smith's Death News

Kevin Smith Poems

Kind Words From Lucy Lawless

Kevin/Ares Picture Memories

Rest In Peace Kevin....