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Kevin Smith Tribute Poems...

Footprints on the sand
where u used to walk
moments in the sun
that only u recalled

words that u have said
your lines, a conversation
taken by the wind
because now u r gone

salty tears of grief
roll hot on many faces
tasting like the ocean
near which where u were born

many hearts were broken
the day u left this world
our God of War
u left us all alone...


I Can't Believe He's Dead
By: Sarah Winters

I can't believe he's dead
I just don't understand
Why something so easily could
Take so great a man

I can't believe he's dead
How can this all be so
Why did he die so young
Why did he have to go

I can't believe he's dead
It just can't all be right
Why did he have to die
On such a fateful night

I can't believe he's dead
He was so kind and true
And at only 38
If only we had knew

I can't believe he's dead
With kids and a wife
Maybe if we had known
He could have led a longer life

I can't believe he's dead
I can't believe he's gone
But at least down in our hearts
His life will always lead on