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Xena the mighty

Come gather ‘round ya village people
And for a bottle of wine and some bread
I will tell you a story of sorrow and happy
One like which you have never heard.

Many years ago in times of Gods and kings
Lived a fearless woman, a mighty heroine
Her hair was raven black her eyes - a piercing blue
Taller than most men, she fought better than all of them too.

She was known as The Warrior princess
Though she had no royal blood in her
For her real name was Xena The Mighty
And she was the people's defender.

The country she roamed riding her white mare
Her weapons a chakram and a deadly sword
A skillful master of all martial arts
She could overcome any army or warlord.

Ares – God of war taught her how to move her body
The brave Borias taught her fighting tactics
LaoMa of Chin showed her the power of Mind
And Alti – black witchcraft and magic.

But her greatest teacher was also her best friend
Gabrielle- the gentle-strong warrior bard.
And wherever they went, they went together
On Earth or beneath it – they were never apart.

Gabby taught her respect, compassion and love
And opened her heart to the beauty of the World.
In return Xena showed Gabrielle how to fight
And that friendship was more than just a word.

They lived for each other and have died for each other
And came back from the dead together.
One without the other was only half-alive,
For their souls were bonded forever.

I tell you the story of Xena the warrior of Amphipolis
And of her soul mate, Gabrielle, the Potedia bard.
Their names will always be whispered as one word
And their memory still lives in our hearts.