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A Xena Satire

Callisto was once a great warrior. She battled many warlords and fought bravely for she had no heart. All her life she looked to avenge her deceased mother and sister by killing the one who had killed them...Ares! She searched all over Greece leaving a path of destruction wherever she went. Then one day, after many years of searching, she came across a little girl who lived in Amphipolis. This girl was a free spirit who dreamed of a life away from the boredom of living on a farm and arranged marriages. She decided to take this girl to be her avenger. If something would ever happen to her, this girl would take her place. This special girls name was Xena. Over the year Xena grew from a beautiful girl to an even more beautiful woman. As her eyes were opened by the great warrior, her heart never hardened completely. She was still open to the ideas of hope and love but never had a second thought about killing an innocent.

Xena grew away from the now aging warrior. Callisto's rage of fire had gone out. Her quest was lost and her apprentice was drawing away from the dark side. The dark haired girl traveled all over the ancient isles. She had many adventures over many years. As she grew older into her late twenties, she decided that Callisto had taught her something useful in their time together. She decided to go back to Greece and find a worthy apprentice.

Xena looked all over for a worthy student for her teaching. She finally found one in a rich city of Poteidaia. At first this spoiled little princess didn't seem all that appealing to the warrior, but after many weeks staying at the city she found that this girl, named Gabrielle, had a passion for the unknown and got what she wanted no matter how hard she had to work to achieve the goal.

The two left Poteidaia and had many travels together. Xena taught Gabrielle many skills that included fighting. As their friendship grew Xena became aware of Gabrielle changing. She had been quite taken with a friend of Xena's, the God Ares. This greatly disturbed Xena, for she had secretly loved Ares for many years. Ares who had fought for good for many years he knew of the warriors love for him but he was in love with Aphrodite.

Many of you may ask, "Why did Ares destroy a village out of cold blood if he fought for good?" Well as you may have guessed there is many forms of good, some in war and others in peace. Ares destroyed the village because it contained the followers of the evil God Dayhawk. It was necessary to destroy the village because the only way to fight fire, is with fire as some great people have said. The victory was a milestone in the paths for good's fight.

Ares grew up like normal god, spoiled to ever extent, money or power was not a problem, for the God's had much to spare. He had never met anyone as beautiful as Aphrodite. He has no relation to the goddess of love what so ever, as some have heard. The two grew up together and know each other well.

Well, enough of the God of War for now, that's not when our story starts. It starts on a sunny day, how original, and Xena and Gabrielle were having a quarrel: "You broke my flat edged, specially made dagger!" roared Gabrielle. "Well, what happened to my important document for the King of Eskas?" Xena inquired, equally steamed.

As they quarreled Ares and Aphrodite were quietly strolling by, totally absorbed in each other. Xena and Gabrielle's fight rotated over to where the two lovers were. The fight stopped suddenly as the two noticed the couple. Both of the warriors hearts were in flames! Who was this half dressed tramp in ink stealing their hunky God of War? Well they would soon get struck by the agony of what we call reality.

Ares, knowing of the warriors love for him, felt that a fight could be brewing. He had seen in past experiences that when Xena and Gabrielle worked together, anything can and will get accomplished.

Aphrodite knowing about Xena and Gab's adventures, written in The Xena Scrolls, knew that she could take them on! In a flash of fury, hearts, and sword blades, the fight was on. But before it could get very far the whole scene got blurry and turned into mass confusion...

...A scene came of two women, one young and fair haired, the other older, and wiser with hair the color of a raven, lying around a smoldering campfire. The sun was just rising in the horizon, spreading beautiful colors over the two. They awoke with a start. The blond one saying, "I just had the weirdest dream." Xena answered with a sleepy, "Me too..."