Hercules and The Amazon Women

Hercules and the Amazon Women isn’t the best made-for-television ever, but it is watchable, if only to see Lucy with her natural hair color.

Lucy gets sixth place in the credits, which seems just about right for her role in this one.

Right away, it’s obvious this one was shot in New Zealand. All the children playing in the beginning have Kiwi accents.

Iolas looks extra-young in this one…the movie isn’t THAT old.

I’m sorry, but the little girl in the woods has SUCH a fake cry. How could Hercules have fallen for that?

Franco is, of course, played by David Taylor, who later appeared as Xena’s son Solan.

I love the Amazon masks! Very cool!

Iolas cracks me up with his “Oww!”

Hey, that Lysia chick looks an awful lot like Xena!

Sorry, I couldn’t resist!

It’s easy to see some early flashes of Xena in her.

Wow! Nice long shot of Kevin’s naked butt! Looks like the real deal, too!

It is just inconceivable to me that Rona Downey was considered to play the role of Xena. She is a fine actress, I’m sure, but doesn’t have near the presence or strength of character that Lucy has.

Lucy certainly looks different with the brown hair, but there’s no hiding those eyes!

Wow, Lysia really, REALLY hates men. Is it just her conditioning, or is there another reason for that?

She tells Hercules pointblank, “If it were up to me, you’d be buried.”

Zeus sums her up with, “You know, normally I like a woman with a little fire in her eyes, but this one is all fire.”

His delivery on the line is wrong…he puts the emphasis on the wrong words.

Hera has sure changed a lot by the time she shows up on XWP’s fifth season!

I love Hippolyta’s instruction to her troops…”Just take what you need and be quick about It.”

One of the men says to Hercules, “What about the Horde?” Thank the gods they didn’t appear!

Am I mistaken, or was one of the men waiting on his Amazon lover played by the same guy who played Hower?

Hercules tactics aren’t too unusual, and a bit over-used. They included wine, using the girl’s name in a song, Franco (which was dirty pool), and the “be gentle approach” used on Lysia.

Franco is definitely a Kiwi. There wasn’t any attempt to disguise his accent.

The rules, as Lysia states them, are to the point…”No small talk; just sex.”

Heh heh…Lysia ended up with Zeus. Not bad!

And she seems to be enjoying herself, “This feels like heaven…” Zeus responds “Heaven was never like this,” and I would think he would know!

They must have kept busy, as Lysia admits later that she and her man “didn’t get around to much talking.”

A good night of sex sure loosened her up…she’s even joking and conversing with the other women.

But when Hippolyta calls for it, Lysia becomes serious immediately; ready to follow the Queen’s orders regardless of how she’d been feeling.

When Hippolyta orders her to kill Franco’s father, Lysia hops down off that horse without any hesitation.

But when Franco’s mother cries out for mercy, she just can’t do it. She has a heart after all!

And gives a searing look in the process.

That was quite a harpoon she was carrying!

Roma Downey doesn’t look nearly as capable as Lucy in a sword fight…yet another reason she would have been the wrong choice.

To be honest, this movie really doesn’t have a lot going on that is of interest to me. If it weren’t for Lucy, it wouldn’t be able to hold my attention at all. Still, it was fun to see Lucy in such an early role.

Hercules episodes