The Warrior Princess

Xena makes an eye catching first appearance.

She's in a red dress, artfully ripped at the bottom.

And within 30 seconds, the Warrior Princess music kicks in.

She's weaponless in that first fight.

And if she has on shoes, they're barely existent. She almost appears barefoot!

Her first onscreen word was "Pathetic."

She is certainly dark and deadly!

And she flashes all kinds of thigh during that fight.

Lucy is second in the credits after Michael.

I hate to see Xena crippling that horse!

She does play a fairly convincing damsel-in-distress.

Xena says about Iolas…"He made sure I got here without anyone else bothering me." Does that mean Iolas did bother her?

I love it when Xena tells Iolas,:"Not just one man, but many of them," in regards to who's waiting on her.

It's cool the way the kiss turns from Iolas to Theodorus!

Xena tells Theodorus, "Better to go without than to share a bed with Hercules' best friend." Hmmm…

It's rather interesting to see Xena using her feminine wiles.

Hercules' mom says there must be a lot of other Xena's in the world. How come she never ran into any?

Xena doesn't give a "fig" about Hercules. Such language!

Somehow, she twists it around to make Hercules out as "selfish to the bone."

I suppose Iolas could believe he was a better man than Hercules.

But I would have thought he would have been concerned when Xena outfought him.

Xena has to bend way the heck over to enter the fort.

She's already letting flashes of the real her float through with Iolas. He doesn't seem to mind.

As for the hot tub scene, let me say, "Grrr".

Xena says her father and three brothers were killed in battle. Huh?

Iolas: You do that for all your warriors?
Xena: Only for special ones,
Iolas: I hope there aren't many of them.
Xena: Right now, there's only you.

I'm not sure, but I think she checks her watch before she delivers that last line!

Iolas does a fine job of keeping his eyes front and center.

Xena sure changes clothes a lot in this one.

This Xena constantly challenges men's egos…"Unless you're not man enough."

When Iolas wakes up and sees Xena leaving, it's a really bad stunt double.

Estragon was not the brightest warlord ever.

Nice ploy by Xena, dirtying up her own face, and beating herself up.

"I don't care how quickly my little man dies," Xena says in reference to Iolas. I'll bet he wouldn't like that!

And she delivers the famous last words, "You haven't heard the last of me, Hercules!"

This was a great introduction for Xena. We see her as a femme fatale, and far smarter than the men she commands. Next up is The Gauntlet, and the beginning of the change.

Hercules Episodes