Unchained Heart

Without a doubt, this is my favorite Hercules episode of all time.

According to Darphus, Xena is a "traitorous bitch". She sure gets called some mean things!

Salmoneous is a celebrity biographer. Xena just smiles through his spiel, because he isn't picking on her.

Why does Xena ask "What scar?" in regards to Darphus. She had to realize what the man was referring to!

Her armor in this one kind of bugs me. I don't like the way it sticks up near the shoulders and above the cleavage.

But I do love the cape she's wearing!

Lucy is third in the credits after Michael and Robert.

Xena will not cook!

Hercules wants to do the scouting, but Xena won't hear of it. "Oh no, you're cooking."

Salmoneous is hysterical. "I hear tummies rumbling. I'd better catch some Xena…uh quail!"

Watch the scene where Xena sneaks up on the looters. I think the guy says "Look at this bracelet," but it sounds more like "Look at this Chrysler."

I kept expecting, "It's as big as a whale, and it's about to set sail."

Xena doesn't use a war cry in this one, just a long drawn out yell as she runs to the fight.

"Tell Darphus, I'm coming for him!" Sounds like Xena's in the WWF.

I was amused by Iolas's "Oh no, we gotta play rock, parchment, dagger for the last quail."

Xena feels like dirt at Iolas's reaction to seeing her.

Iolas gets hateful. "Oh yeah, is that what she told you when you were rolling around in bed together?'

Hercules responds, "I do not roll around in bed with her." Give it some time.

Salmoneous says Xena smells of "lavender and hyacinth." I would have thought under the current circumstances, she would have smelled of leather and horses.

Xena asks Salmoneous, "Are you a biographer or a bad comedian. Or…have you dreamed up some other get-rich-quick scene?"

Salmoneous answers, "How about love slave? I'm versatile."

"You're deluded," Xena quips back.

She almost sounds pouty when she says in regards to Iolas, "I didn't tell him to stay back there."

Salmoneous is like Bugs Bunny when it comes to "shut up, shutting up."

Salmoneous's freak out in the cave wouldn't be that unusual I would think.

Hercules reminds Salmoneous how he helped Hercules when he had been blinded. Uh…wasn't it Xena that blinded him? Oh yeah, it was just another look-alike!

Xena really shouldn't be surprised that Iolas hates her so.

Hercules gives her a sweet sincere smile, when he tells her he couldn't go back to hating her.

It leads up to one of my favorite lines, "I have done terrible things. I've killed so many men, that I'll never wash their blood from my hands."

The self disgust she says it with proves how much she has changed.

She says there is nothing in her whole life that moves her the way Hercules has been moved.

What about Lyceus?

I knot of feel sorry for her when she knives Darphus and he doesn't die.

Hercules: Is everyone all right?
Iolas: Yeah, but Salmoneous is missing.

Uh…then everyone is NOT all right!

Salmoneous dreams of Xena and Hercules having a life together.

Xena's a full head taller than Iolas.

She lives by a code, despite her wild ways.

"I'll go to my grave regretting that. I was all twisted up by hate. Probably the same feeling you have towards me." She's sincere.

And so is Iolas. "Not anymore."

And most sincere of all is her heartfelt, "Thank you."

Darphus did flee with his men!

But he says, "I never flee. I only live to fight another day."

Why, oh why, did Xena put her hair up in that awful style? What in the world? Thank the gods she only did it once!

Hercules wouldn't come clean with Salmoneous's journal. Coward!

Iolas tells them, "Make a camp, and uh, leave a light burning in the window."

Xena tells Hercules with an amused glint, "I'll go get some wood…but I'm still not going to cook."

As she walks off, Hercules watches her. His eyes are focused on her posterior.

Later, Xena says, "You know, I've been in a hundred other battles, and the only thing that's ever come over me before is a cold rage…but now…Is this what it feels like to be you, Hercules?"

I have a theory in regards to Xena and Hercules's lovemaking. That shouldn't surprise anyone! I think Xena was almost desperate to show her gratitude to Hercules for his help in her changing to good. However, she didn't have any way to thank him other than offering her body. She was used to using sex as a reward system with her men, that much was obvious, and that's all she knew.

She definitely makes the first move.

How many women can say they've had sex with both Hercules and Iolas?

I always laugh when Xena and Hercules are kissing, and slowly stand up. Shouldn't they be heading toward the ground, rather than away from it?

It is some very intense kissing.

And the sounds are rather inspiring…creaking leather, and those little noises Xena makes.

They never take their clothes off.

And boy, are their fingers and legs grubby looking!

They change positions frequently.

And at one point, Xena gets a good handful of Hercules' butt.

They are rolling around on the ground with no blankets or anything.

When Iolas gets back, Xena is still shoeless.

Love it when Xena gets smarmy, "How does it feel to be unconscious?"

She gets pretty feisty with Iolas too: Any closer, and my ear would have been stuck to his chest!

Iolas counters back, "Well, you didn't give me much of an angle."

Xena's response? "I figured you could handle it."

She finally breaks into a reluctant smile though.

I love Iolas's new hat!

I'm glad Salmoneous got a few whacks in with his frying pan! He needed that!

Xena's kind of pouting by her horse at the end.

"You're gonna make me cry; I haven't done that since I was a child."

That final kiss was pretty hot.

Hercules gets a piece of her nose when he's finishing up.

Xena says it herself, "You already have. You unchained my heart."

Why does Xena have to leave him? It's obvious she feels for him, and he feels for her. Couldn't they have worked together?

At least she flashes some teeth at him before he goes.

I like Hercules final line, "At least, the good guys won."

This was Lucy's last appearance on Hercules, before the beginning of X:WP. Many elements of her personality were already in place, and I like the way the series are faithful to each other. This is truly a historic episode!

Hercules Episodes