Indiana Shana In Shorts


Shana looked down at the kitchen floor. There it was...the remains of her hand-mirror she had just dropped. As she swept up the mess with her dustpan and brush,she was thinking,"Am I going to have seven years' bad luck? Well,I don't THINK so."

Her supper was in the oven,and she had about an hour to wait,so she thought about paying a short visit to her friends in the Xenaverse...just to say hello.

Her time machine ready,she emerged to see Autolycus in his home village.

SHANA: Hello, are you?

AUTOLYCUS:Indiana Shana! Great to see you.Call me Auto.

He rushed to her and planted a big kiss on her lips. After about thirty seconds,he broke away. Shana gasped a bit,coming up for air.

S:Well,it's nice to see you,too.

A:You know it,baby.

He then kissed her neck,this time really bearing down.

S:Ow! That hurts.

A:Oops...sorry...I think that's going to leave a mark.

S:Jeeze!...oh, WALLET,please.

A: Oh,sorry...just reflex,I guess.

S:Gotta go...see ya.

Next,she emerged to see Gabrielle practicing with her staff.

GABBY: Indiana Shana! I haven't seen you since pizza-night. Hey! Where did you get THAT?(pointing to the hickey on Shana's neck).

S: Well,I just was with Auto...

G:I KNEW it! I just KNEW he had a thing for you! Hey! Want to try the staff? I'll show you a few basic moves.

S:I don't think that...

G:Here!(She tosses her other staff to Shana,who catches it easily).That is the one Ephiny gave to me. Hold it like,make like you're going to try to kill me.


Quick as a flash,Gabby knocked the staff from Shana's hands. On the return stroke,the staff hit Shana on top of the head,luckily,not too hard,but hard enough to leave a nice goose egg.

S:Ow! Gawd! That hurts! Why did you whack me?

G:Oh,sorry...just reflex,I guess.

S:Gotta go.

G:Come back soon.

Next,Shana emerged to see her favorite heroine,Xena.


XENA: What in Tartaras happened to you?

S:Well,I just met up with...

X:Never's what you do if anyone tries that again.

Xena put the dreaded Pinch on Shana,who immediately went to her knees,clutching at her throat.



S:Take it off...PLEASE!

X:Okay...sorry...just reflex,I guess.(She releases her).

S:Gotta go.

X:Don't you want to know how do do the Pinch?

S:Maybe next time.

Back at home,Shana looked at the clock.Only fifteen minutes had elapsed. Her supper still had a way to go.Thankfully,it was not pizza.

Shana went into the bathroom to look in the mirror. "By the gods",she thought..."what a disaster. I have a bloody nose from the Pinch,a goose egg on my head,and a hickey on my neck the size of a silver dollar...all from my FRIENDS. Yes,I have many ills. Thanks, I have to wear a turtle-neck to work,and the weather is getting warmer.Jeeze!"

She thought that a hot shower would make her feel better. As she stepped into the shower,she was thinking about her various wounds. Unfortunately,she didn't notice the bar of soap on the shower floor.

The end.

Adventures of Indiana Shana