I really loved this episode.It had a few ideas similar to A Day in the
Life,which is my fav comedy of all time. I will refer to it as DAY.
First,it is Gabby's birthday,or the day before,and Xena is up to her old
practical jokes on Gabby.There will be pranks or no gift.Gabby pokes Xena's
breastplate armor,as in DAY,when she climbed it when she fell off the
roof,trying to ambush Xena.There was a sound of a horn going off in DAY,but
this was just a sight gag.
Xena makes Gab beg over and over,saying PLEASE! not to do any tricks. Xena
agrees,but has her fingers crossed.Oh-oh.
Xena is carrying the helmet of Hermes,which allows people to fly. She is
bringing it to a coronation.We do not know how she got it.Hermes,never
mentioned before,must be a god she did not kill.
Xena's first prank is to get Gab to look thru a spyglass. Gab does,and gets
a black ring around her right eye,which looked pretty funny.
Next is the scene of a virgin sacrifice by the Zealots,as they are called.
The girl will be thrown over a cliff,down a chute to her death as a
sacrifice so that a warlord will not attack them in the future.The cranking
of a handle was a lot like in Blind Faith,when Gab was going to be burned to
Xena and Gab fight the zealots,and the virgin,Genia,falls.Xena used the bag
with the helmet as a weapon,and Gab used her sais. Xena dons the helmet,and
flies to rescue the girl,with the sound of wind as in Superman.
The helmet looks like the one Gab had on in Antony and Cleopatra...very
nice-looking on Xena.
Xena lands with the girl,and the girl laments the fact that she was not
sacrificed...she was raised for it and is mad at Xena.She then thinks Xena
is a goddess,and says,"Take thy humble servant to your bosom."
Xena replies that it is already spoken for. What a great line.I wonder who
claimed it? Hint-hint...Gabby?
Many Happy Returns Part 1
Many Happy Returns Part 3