The Rheingold

First off, my own personal preparation of this episode...virtually none. I read Beowulf for college, but it left such an impression on me that I remember absolutely NOTHING of it (and it wasn't that long ago.). I'm sure there will be much discussion of the bastardization of XWP's take on the whole deal, but I don't care about that. I watch XWP because of the characters of Xena and Gabrielle, and don't care how TPTB twist history and literature to fit into their plots. Also, there are no sign or mention of Virgil or Eve in this episode. Awwww...

With that said, let's move on to the show. During the course of this episode, the moon is always full. In the flashbacks and in the present time. It's interesting how the exact same cloud formations manage to move in front of the moon in the past as in the present. Hee hee. The very first scene is of Evil Xena (whom I shall refer to as EX), sitting by a campfire admiring her jewelry. I know it's EX because of the evil looks on her face, and her mascara makes her eyelashes look different. She's wearing the outfit seen in the previews, including the hat with the wings. I've never been a fan of Xena in hats, but I must admit this one bothers me far less than any of the others she was forced to wear. Seems that among her many skills, she learned jewelry making, and she's made herself a gold ring that seems to make her feel powerful. She doesn't seem surprised when a growling slobbering beast comes up behind her. No, it's not Ares (heh heh), it's Grendel ( a name I do remember), and apparently, the ring summons him from where ever Grendels come from. Xena and Grendel fight, and evenutally Xena pulls a chain from her outfit (Can you say S&M?) and manages to cage the beast. During the course of struggling to lock him up, Grendel manages to pull the ring from her finger, but EX just screams, "Don't think you've won ANYTHING! These chains will hold you for eternity and you'll never use the power of the ring! Never!" As the creatures continues to roar, Xena's horse approaches...and uh...I know it's not Argo because I don't think I've ever seen Argo fly! Yep, Xena takes off at a gallop down a runway and mounts to the sky, literally! Get used to flying horses, because they're in this episode a lot.

Cut to "35 Years Later", which is what the screen proclaims. I've heard a lot of comments about how everything seemed to happen to Xena 10 years ago, and since she and Gabs were frozen cavewomen for 25 years, looks like Xena managed to pack one more thing into this time period. Xena and Gabs are in a tavern, and I know I've seen the exterior of that building before. Could it be Gabs' very own home from Potodeia? Those who pay more attention to that kind of detail will be able to tell.

Let me digress a second and say, I don't think I've heard much of the musical score for this episode before, and it's very very appropriate. I'm pretty sure I heard strains of it in The Abyss last week.

Okay, I started having flashbacks of my own during this scene...

Gabs: What?
Xena (eyeing Gabs' plate): You gonna finish that?
G: All of it.
X: I thought the portions here are kind of small.
G (waving her fork menacingly): You're not getting mine.
X: Come on, Gabrielle, you're playing with your food.
G: I'm relishing it.

Funny thing is, they're playing this scene with no humor. Xena's pretty cranky, that's obvious. And Gabs ain't sharing. When I was little, I loved pork chops and would always eat everything else and save the pork chop for was the best part. My oldest sister used to torment me to get that chop from me, and would sometimes put a big old dirty sister finger on it or stick a big old dirty sister fork in it, so I would get upset and end up throwing it at her. I know, I know, I was a very odd child. I swear, if they weren't interupted, Xena was going to make Gabs cry to get that food from her!

Okay, back to the real world...

Cranky Xena notices someone's watching them, and gets even crankier with him "I don't appreciate being stared at while I'm eating." The stranger approaches, confirms it's Xena, and lays down an item on the table. Xena takes one look at it, says "I've got to talk to this man, Gabrielle," and gets up leaving Gabs at the table. Gabs studies the object, it's a lock with two ravens on it. From the first part of the teaser, we know it's the lock that held Grendel in his cage. Oh yeah, the guy's name is Beowulf.

After the first commercial break, Xena is still talking to the guy while Gabrielle watches, and it's obvious to her and us that Xena is upset. She returns to the table, and apparently the mind manipulations Xena learned from my sister are at work still, because when Xena says the conversation was about nothing, Gab's who has obviously been guilt-ridden since the early part of the scene offers her food to Xena. Nope, Xena's lost her appetite. Hmmm....maybe she didn't study with my sister afterall...

Xena's being all secretive and stuff, and we have the set up for what could be a big conflict. Here's how it plays out...

Cut to the tavern at night, and Xena and Gabrielle are settling in for the night. I have no idea what village they're in, but it's cold again.

G: Still keeping secrets from me, after all these years?
X: Look, it's something I did a long time before I met you. I just don't feel like talking about it right now.
G (sounding a wee bit hurt): All right.
X: I'm not trying to shut you out. You know our friendship's the most important thing in my life. In this case-
G: Xena... you don't have to tell me. Part of being a friend is letting people keep secrets. I respect that.
X: Okay.

I couldn't help but think how different this scene would have played out in first or second season. Gabs would have been hurt Xena wouldn't open up to her, but now she expects it, and doesn't seem bothered by it. She knows Xena will tell her in her own good time.

Gab's turns over and goes to sleep while Xena looks at some burning candles. Uh oh...I had a feeling what was going to happen. I was right.

The sun comes up and Gabrielle pops up in bed, her eyes immediately going to Xena's empty bed. There's a scroll laying on Xena's pillow. Hope it's not a Dear John note!

X (in a voice over), Gabrielle, I've gone to take care of some unfinished business. This mission is so dangerous, I'm afraid I won't survive. I can't ask you to die with me once again. Whatever happens, know that my love for you is endless. Xena.

When you guys see this episode...look at that scroll that Gabs is reading. Look at the last symbol. It is a lipstick kiss!! I kid you not, a big opened mouth lipstick kiss! It's even in a dark red, while the rest of the words are in black! It's right by the X, which may be Xena's signature, I don't know, I can't read her warrior handwriting! Subtexters, go to work on this one! Another interesting tidbit about the scroll is the fact that you can plainly see Lucy's name in it. Check out the bottom line of text. You can see "L", "U" "C", and "Y" as you look at it. I love it!

We cut to Gabs riding through the forest, doing her own voice over. There are shots of her writing in her scroll as she follows Xena. She says she debatied following Xena, but her path is with Xena's so she has to go. I like that! She's still barding, still riding, and still following Xena. She says she has gone farther north than she's ever been before. There's snow on the ground and the horse breath is visible, but Gabs is sill wearing her abbreviated clothes under that flimsy white and tan coat. Her legs would have to be cold!

But I'm digressing again...Gabs rides into a village and spots a man with a tapestry. One of the figures on the tapestry catches her attention. The man says the women on horses are Valkyris, who were taught by Odin, King of the Norse Gods through runes (chants) and had almost mystical powers. Gabs points to the one dark haired figure on the tapestry and says that one looks different. Who is it? As the man tries to remember, a feminine voice guess it...Xena. Gabs turns to meet the speaker, and meets Brunhilda. She's a blonde who I suppose could be called pretty, but has a pretty sour look on her face. She can't be much older than Gabs. Studying Xena is the passion of Brun's life. She refers to Xena's reign of terror which ended long ago, and says Xena has long since disappeared.

Gabs pounces on this, naturally, and wants to know what Brunhilda knows about Xena. Get ready for flashbacks. Brunhilda tells Gabs that Xena arrived from the far east, a land Xena called Chin. Aha, so now we know what happens after the Lao Ma story! And I will say, I'm very familiar with the Debt, and LL's characterization of EX in this episode is very, VERY consistent with her work in The Debt, looks and all. There are a couple of points that are debatable, but I always found EX in The Debt to not always be the smartest person in the world, and this will continue here. Brunhilda says they don't think of Chin as Chin, they call it "the land that sent us a demon".

EX with a big EX grin on her face rides up to a man crucified on a tree. "Hey there! Who'd you mess with?" The man tells her he wouldn't allow anyone to crucify him, he wouldn't be there if he didn't want to be, and Xena says "What kind of an idiot would allow himself to be crucified?" That line makes me laugh! I don't know why. Xena finds out the man is Odin, and it's his duty to bring peace, but he's desparing because they're living in a constant state of endless conflict.

EX's response: Damn straight! (Heh heh!) That's what makes life so worth living. You know everyday I wake up and I feel pumped by the knowledge that there's always someone around the next corner, someone for me to challenge, to fight, and to conquer. Hee hee...that's what I like about EX...always looking for a good tussle! Xena gives a few more verbal jabs, and Odin gets curious. Apparently, he wasn't so ready to die. As Brun explains, Xena's lust for life brought Odin out of his despair. He, in turn, made her one of the Valkyris. Cut to more flying horses.

Xena excelled as a Valkyris, but it was only a matter of time before Xena tangles with Grinhilda (not to be confused with Brunhilda), who was the leader of the Valkyris and Odin's lover. The conflict comes in the form of some men Norsemen being chased by Berzerkers. Just go with me here... Grinhilda wants the men to surrender, but EX will have none of that. She gives one of those EX inspirational speeches we all know and love (did someone say Kill em all!?) and the Norse regain their confidence. They run down the hill, cut to a shot from the opening credits, and the Norse side...uh...loses. EX doesn't seem to care though...she's got that demented "A new Xena is born tonight" look on her face. Man, does that woman love carnage!!

We move to Valhala, and Xena's making a few moves on Odin.

O: And what exactly do you desire?
X: Pour me some wine and I'll show you after dinner. (throaty chuckle)

EX and Grinhilda have a tangle of words. To EX, the fundamentals of life are greed, sex, and the will to power. In that order? I don't know, she doesn't say. You don't have to have love in your life, declares EX. It's obvious Odin has moved into the Xena camp, and Grinhilda leaves, saying there's no room for both her and Xena. I love watching EX as Grinhilda leaves. She's eying Odin in that EX way that says she's got him exactly where she wants him. Her mind tricks might not have worked on Lao Ma, but they're working well on Odin.

Cut to Gabs and Brunhilda. "Poor Xena", Gabs declares. LMAO! I love this girl's faithfulness. Brun tells her she hasn't been listening very well. Gabs says Xena is her friend, and she knows Xena can't live without love. Gabs wants more details, and Brunhilda tells her to camp there, and tonight she'll tell Gabs more.

Gabs is scroll writing again. She says she doesn't know what Xena's mission is but she knows what her goal is. She wants to correct a past wrong she did. "My dear friend's curse is to spend the rest of her life seeking a redemption she'll never allow herself." That pretty well sums up the whole theme for XWP, doesn't it? I know Gab's isn't just now realizing it, but it's nice to see it put so succinctly. And another thing, how many times is the word "friend" going to be used in this episode?

While Gabs is writing she hears a disturbance in the bushes. Must be time for a commercial...

Guess who's in the bushes? It's Brunhilda, sword in hand. She attacks Gabrielle, who despite having her sais, uses Brunhilda's own sword to cut Brun's thigh. Gabs is knocked down, and Burnhilda tells her she's pretty good. She offers her hand and Gab, reminescent of Xena, slaps it away wanting to know why Brun attacked. Oh brother, Brun is another Tara, Eris, Amarice Xena-wannabe! She wanted to prove she was good enough to fight with Xena! Gabs has to be sick of this kind of thing, but after a few seconds, accepts the hand, and it's time for more talk. Brunhilda is now dying to meet the "Great Xena" and Gabs says if she tells her all she knows, she might be able to figure out where Xena is. Time for more flashbacks.

Xena's been holding back on her many skills. All this time she's been blowing fire, when Odin taught her how to create it with a wave of her hand. Xena's not to impressed. She laughingly tells him she can do the same thing by rubbing two sticks together. Odin (I'm so glad he has a short name!) tells her she will soon be able to harness all her energy into a fire that can't be put out.

EX: Turn all my bodily energy into a bonfire. (only it sounds like barnfire) Sounds like self-sacrifice, I'm not into that,
Odin. It's easy to tell Odin is smitten with EX. He tells her she has everything all the other Valkryis have, but EX wants more. She approaches him with sparkly tear-filled eyes, and wants to know about the Rheingold. When he hesitates she turns away. He wants to know where she's going and when she turns back around she's crying. Does EX cry? I know she's manipulative, but it seems rather out of character for her. I'm used to EX getting her way through force, but maybe something else happened in Chin. She tells Odin she can't give him her love if he doesn't trust her. Huh? I was nearly as confused as Odin! She had just told him that people don't have to have love. When he asks her about it, she says "I lied." How can she demand his trust when he can't trust her? EX isn't always incredibly smart, but I'll give her credit for this...she's way smarter than Odin. She really turns on the water works now, and he gives in to the tears immediately. He gives her a hug, and all you can see of her face is one eye and eyebrow. That one eye and eyebrow are more revealing than another person's whole body could ever be! EX has won this skirmish!

Grinhilda is much smarter. She knows EX pretended to love Odin to get the information she wanted. Xena was wanting to find the Rheingold, and now has that information from Odin. Grinhilda wants the command of the Valkyris back, and Odin gives it to her. Hmmm....maybe EX shouldn't have trusted him afterall!

Cut to a long drawn out battle on flying horses. Xena certainly stands out as a Valkyris! All the others, along with everyone else in this episode, are blondes. Every last one of them. Xena and her trusty steed lay all the other Valkyris out with her sword, but Grinhilda comes back for more. I'm sorry, but I wasn't too impressed with the special effects of the flying horses. EX knocks the sword out of Grinhilda's hand, but Grinhilda pulls EX off her horse, and they both become one of those long leg-kicking, screaming falls back to earth.

Cut to commercial and previews for next week which look far more interesting than this week. Looks like Gabrielle is going to be a sacrifice again! Hmmm...why is she laying down on that stone slab? Hmmm....

Back to the Rheingold, both women hit the earth hard, but guess who's up first? EX approaches Grinhilda, menacingly dragging her sword along the ground. But why doesn't she kill her? I dunno. She hesitates, and kicks her in the face instead. Xena's flying horse arrives in slo mo, and Xena takes to the sky again, that confident EX look on her face. Now we learn from Brunhilda that only the Rhein maidens stand between EX and ultimate power.

The next scene is interesting. Very interesting. Xena is swimming down the Rhein River, underwater, and as soon as she surfaces, is splashed in the face by a laughing blonde (of course) girl. EX splashes back with an angry smirk, but when she sees the other girl, the smirk instantly transforms itself into a flirtatious smile. The blonde giggles for her sisters to join them as her new friend is delightful, and Xena gives a little shoulder wiggling giggle worthy of the Poppin Fresh Dough Boy (where did THAT come from?). Oh wait, there are three Rheingold maidens, and one of them is a redhead! Okay, ALMOST everyone in this episode is a blonde. Check out this exchange:

Rheingold Maiden 1: I think I love her.
RM2: You fall in love too easily, Sister. (What a nasty smirk Xena gives this Nicole Kidman lookalike!)
RM3: I think I love her too.
RM1: Be quiet. She's my friend.

EX is grinning again, as RM1 dives under the water and do something to the warrior princess to make a little squeaking yelp. It was a happy yelp (just use your imagination like I did), and Xena dives in under the water after her. When they reammerge giggling again (hmmm), EX, still in flirtation mode, whispers in RM1's ear. RM1 says she can't show her that, (heh heh!), and EX says come on just a peek...How can she become a Rhein Maden if she doesn't see it? This pleases RM1, especially after EX adds, "Then I can play with you all day". Oh my my my my!!!

They do a little underwater Blue Lagoon thing, including a little hand holding, and end up in some cave. EX gasps for air, then wants to know where it is. RM1 points, and EX gets that victorious look in her eye. She picks up a hunk of gold...the Rheingold. RM1 says she shouldn't take it, it will bring destruction to those who touch it. EX says only if she hadn't forsaken love. "Have you?" RM1 asks, and her answer is an elbow in the face with a "yup". I guess the romance is over when one girl gives the other girl a very bloody face. EX sticks the gold in her mouth (I thought that's what her cleavage was for), and swims away.

Now we see EX's goldsmithing ability again. I thought it was interesting that in the cave were several items with the same design of the ring that she fashioned. Nice touch.

Cut to a campfire scene with Gabs and Brunhilda, then a scene with present day Xena (finally), with Beowulf. These are good enough write out the dialog...

Br: A ring forged from the Rheingold would give Xena ultimate power. She became invincible.
G: Xena wouldn't need a ring. She's a great fighter. Probably the best.
Br: You love her very much, don't you?
G: She's my best (say it with me now) friend. I know her like my own heart.
Br: A friendship like that is something to be envied.
G: It has a everything.
Br: A price you love paying.
G (contemplating): Yeah.
Br: She feels the same?
G: Hope so.
Br: She must, she must have been on a very dangerous mission, otherwise she probably wouldn't have left you behind.

Note: This is the first scene where I see any kind of "chemistry" between Brunhilda and Gabs and it's all based on admiration for Xena. And it's not a whole lot of chemistry.

G (thoughtfully): That's what her note said.

Now to Xena and Beowulf who are walking down a snowy trail:

Be: You miss your (can you say it again?) friend, don't you? X: Sure.
Be: She's very beautiful.
X: Yes, she is.
Be: I only saw her the one time, but she seemed very special. Who knows how I'd feel if I got to know her. (Uh oh, why did I just picture Beowulf in a red shirt?)
X; Well you'd like her.
Be: Of course, neither one of us will live long enough to see her again anyway. We'll be there soon.
X (who has gone from smiling to grim): Good.
Be: The people up here think of you as a demon.
X: So they should.

The Rheingold Part 2