Does a Pair of Amazon Queens Beat a Warrior Princess?--Gabrielle's Scroll (Conclusion)

She wouldn't run from Xena's command. I sat up and folded my legs beneath me. She walked out of the woods slowly and with fear covering her face. The uncertainty in her eyes made her look like a trapped animal.

"Come here, Varia." I held out my hand for her. She didn't have any idea what was going to happen. I felt her hand trembling as she took my hand.

With a knowing look, Xena reached for her other hand, and we pulled her to her knees between us.

Varia began to attempt explaining what she was doing in the woods. "Don't talk," I whispered, and I leaned in a kissed her. It's strange how much different a kiss with someone you're not used to. A strange excitement, really. The differences in mouths, lips, how they use their tongue… I pulled back and guided Xena to kiss her. I heard her moan into Xena's mouth.

I helped Varia undress, and laid her down. Her breasts were full and inviting. I motioned for Xena to start touching her with me. Varia was obviously feeling the effects. With our mouths on her, she began moving, silently begging for someone to put out the fire. I sat up and watched Xena move along her body. They were both very beautiful, alike in many ways, but so different in others.

My own passion was rising again, and I stopped Xena for a moment and captured her mouth with mine. I could have stopped right here and begged her to take me, but this wasn't about me. We were about to get lost in each other, and I had to pull away. "Xena, I believe you have a job to fulfill?"

Varia was watching us, whose eyes were wide open in wonderment. Xena said, "Varia, I told Gabrielle what you asked me earlier today. And she doesn't mind if I fulfill your request." She seemed rather relieved at the news. And Xena continued, "But I want her to be very much a part of this as well."

"I want that too." She looked at both of us, and stopped as she looked at me. "I would be most honored."

Xena kissed her again, and Varia let herself go a little more. I was shocked when Xena told her she knew that Varia had been touching herself while watching us. I don't know why that surprised me…it certainly wasn't the fact that Xena had noticed. She noticed everything. I guess it was the fact that she faced Varia with the facts.

Varia was looking increasingly uncomfortable, her gaze lingering on Xena for far longer periods than she looked at me. I knew what she was thinking, and more importantly, what she was wanting. She was wanting permission to touch the woman she had been dreaming about in intimate ways. Could I share Xena with her? For one night, I resigned myself not to be selfish. I told Xena to lay back. I invited Varia to begin caressing her, because I knew it would make sure she was much more ready and not as nervous. I sort of took lead, and was grateful for the excuse to stroke my love as I told Varia to touch her everywhere. Varia let out a moan as she went inside Xena, feeling the magnificent warmth and moisture. I couldn't let it go on for long, because I was rather protective of who made my Warrior Princess climax. Unless it was I, then it was the wrong person.

At Xena's request, I helped Varia finish undressing. Her strong form and physique was quite breathtaking. "She is beautiful," Xena said. "Touch her, Gabrielle. Make sure she's ready."

She was still standing, and I ran my hand through her wetness, wondering why Xena wanted me to be the one to use my mouth. Xena had been my only woman lover, and perhaps she was wanting me to experience how two women could be different. I dunno. I do know that Varia visibly weakened by my touch. Xena helped cushion her collapse and supported her weight as Xena sat on her knees and held Varia's head in her lap. I gently spread her legs and licked my tongue up her sex. "Gods…" I heard Varia pant. I continued to stroke her with my tongue, and barely paid any attention to her clit. I wasn't going to let her come. We were saving that all for Xena.

I don't think I was consciously drawing comparisons between the intimate spots of Xena and Varia's body, but I was aware that Varia's clitoris was tiny compared to Xena. It was retreated behind its little hood whereas Xena's always made its demands known immediately. Varia's labia were darker in color, and Xena's were more fleshy and pink. Each had their own merits, but I found my eyes traveling toward Xena's, above Varia's head. It was her center I wished my mouth was burrowed into.

I heard Xena begin to talk to her, and it turned me on even more. Varia quickly responded to her words, as I always did, and began moving her hips. I could tell she was becoming even more drenched. "Xena, it's time."

Varia became impatient as Xena and I took a little time for a kiss before I sent her on her task at hand. As we kissed above her, Varia's pleading voice whimpered, "Please…" Xena didn't immediately give in, although she knew exactly what Varia wanted. "Please what?" she asked, smirking and loving the control.

"Please, Xena, fuck me. Make me a woman!" I recognized the desperate tones in Varia's voice. The gods know my own voice had pleaded with Xena enough to get her to do the things that would bring me over.

Xena looked at me, and I said, "She is a queen, Xena. You have to do as she tells you."

Xena and I changed positions where I now had Varia's head and upper body on my lap, and Xena knelt between Varia's legs. I bent over and gave Varia another kiss, then gently pulled the young Amazon's arms back around my waist. .

"Oh yes, you are very wet…" Xena said, as she ran her fingers across Varia's sex. "Gabrielle is very, very good, isn't she?"

"Very…very good…"

I watched as Xena carefully slipped in one finger, not penetrating too far. Xena had most likely been several "firsts", and I was amazed at how gently she was treating this situation. "Xena, please!" Varia cried straining against my grip, wanting Xena to touch her.

"Xena, I don't think she can take much more," I said looking into Xena's eyes. The truth was, I couldn't take much more either. My sodden cunt was soaking the bedroll beneath me as I felt the power in Varia's body fight against me. But no matter how powerful the Amazon queen was, Xena was far more powerful, and she was mine. Whatever she was about to do, it would only result in a few moments of pleasure for Varia. Then Xena was mine for the rest of our lives. Xena locked her eyes on mine as she slowly pushed through Varia's maidenhead.

Varia grunted from the pain, but in no time her body adjusted to Xena's movements. I could see that Xena was able to move deep within her. "Are you okay, Varia?" Xena was certain to be sure Varia wanted to continue.

"Yes…" she hissed…

Xena's look of determination to please Varia took over. She began fucking Varia in a steady rhythm. She leaned forward and caught my mouth as she continued thrusting inside Varia. It was an incredible sensation, not feeling it, but knowing how good it did feel. I wanted her between my legs desperately, but had to settle on letting her make love by her kiss. Somehow, with her kiss she reassured me that I was who she was thinking about. She was remembering our first time together, and I'm sure she wished I had a maidenhead to give her. I may have already lost that thin fabric of skin to Perdicus, but Xena was the one who had taught me the pleasures our bodies could produce. My virginity would always belong to her.

"Xena…" I heard Varia's voice through my own trance, and silently urged Xena to finish her task. Varia was very close now, and Xena changed the position of her hand so that she could stroke her clit. Varia came just seconds later, not holding back the thrill of her ride. Varia had broken loose from my firm grip, the veins in her arms protruding from the straining. She rolled to her side holding her stomach, and I was afraid that maybe Xena had hurt her.

Xena smiled at me, and I knew then Varia was okay. "Looks like the Amazons have a very vocal queen," Xena said as she crawled to me. She laid me back and put her face to my center. "Your turn," she said as she stretched out and began sucking me, finding me so close to coming again. I remembered we had company and looked over to see Varia looking at me. She stretched her hand out to touch Xena's back, looking as if she was asking permission to touch my lover. For a brief second, I considered it, but knowing Varia was wanting to return some of the pleasure Xena had just brought her was a very real part of true lovemaking. I nodded to her and went back to letting Xena love me. I knew that she truly did.

The decorations and setting was beautiful for the Queening ceremony. So many bright colors from the leaders' outfits blended together. "You look like a proud mother," Xena teased, as we watched Varia make her way to the front. All eyes were upon her. She seemed at peace with herself.

"Hush, Xena," as I elbowed her in the ribs. Xena chuckled and made me smile.

Varia looked stunning in her robe. She took her oaths as the new Supreme leader. As I made my pledge to support her and to train her, our eyes never lost contact and I could see that last night had made her very grateful. We had been through so much this past year, and what she had gained from it all would enhance the rest of her life. It also bonded our friendship with her even further.

Varia was going to do just fine.

Gabrielle's Scroll (Part 1)
Varia's Scroll
Xena's Scroll
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls