Does a Pair of Amazon Queens Beat a Warrior Princess?--Varia's Scroll (Conclusion)

Oh sweet Hera, I'd been had! They knew I was watching them, and the tone in Xena's voice told me I had better not try anything stupid like trying to run. In a trance, I forced my legs to move me in their direction. Xena's expression was totally unreadable. But Gabrielle looked slightly amused.

I saw Xena move off Gabrielle, who then called me to come closer. I took Gabrielle's outstretched hand, and Xena took my other hand. They pulled me down to my knees between them.

I had to come up with some reason for being out here, but as I tried to make an excuse, Gabrielle told me to shut up and she began to kiss me. Goddess, her lips nibbled at my intensely until I opened my mouth and she slid inside. I could feel Xena running her hand up over my bicep, and then Gabrielle was pulling back from me. I started to whimper in neglect, but my heart skipped a beat when Gabrielle pushed my head toward Xena's lush lips. I just closed my eyes and fell into her touch and taste, which I knew was partly Gabrielle's flavoring. I didn't ever want to wake up from this dream, for surely that's all this was.

But this dream Gabrielle had an amazingly real touch as it pressed me to lie down and slid off my top. I could feel the cold night's air kiss my nipples, and then saw one of each of their hands reaching for me. I had to close my eyes as the sensations showered through me again.

The touch of their mouths was very much the same, yet very different as they sucked my nipples and stroked me. My center was awash with juices, and I had to wriggle around, trying to make my demands known. When I felt their mouths leave my breasts, I opened my eyes, and the sight of them kissing above me was even more exciting, if that were possible. Gabrielle stopped the kiss, though; reminding Xena she had work to do.

I wasn't quite sure what that meant, and tried to ascertain what she was saying, but Xena told me what was going on. She had told Gabrielle what I had asked her for that day. Gabrielle gave us her consent to fulfill what I had asked for, but Xena wanted Gabrielle to be a part of it.

I moaned with the thought of it, and told them I wanted Gabrielle to be a part too. When I told them I would be honored to have her there. I wasn't lying.

If they were playing a game, I couldn't detect it, as the air was thick with arousal around all three of us. When Xena kissed me again, I grew much bolder and wound my fingers through her luscious dark tresses, so much more silky than mine. My other hand came up to stroke those exquisitely chiseled cheekbones I had waited so long to touch.

Xena startled me when she grabbed that hand, saying; "You were touching yourself while watching us, weren't you? I can smell it on your fingers."

I was beyond any pretense now, and admitted that I couldn't help it. "You two are so perfect together…I'm sorry." I suddenly felt shame for spying on them, but Gabrielle eased my discomfort.

"You don't have to apologize," she crooned. "Seeing Xena makes me want to touch myself all the time. She's magnificent isn't she?"

Goddess, I couldn't lie about that and hissed out my agreement.

The look Gabrielle gave me then was almost conspiratorial. "Let's show this magnificent creature how much she pleases us. Your turn to lay back, Xena." Oh yes, I should have known my fellow queen would understand the strong urge I had to bring Xena pleasure!

Xena lay back then, and I knelt on one side of her, while Gabrielle kneeled on the other. She told me to touch Xena, feeling her silky smoothness and her taut power.

I had wanted to do this for so long! I found just a very light touch brought the most beautiful texture to her smooth flesh, and hearing Xena moan at my ministrations was fueling the fire in my cunt. When Gabrielle urged me to touch Xena's sex, I didn't hesitate. I felt the little bundle of nerves that was the center of her pleasure. It evaded my fingers as if it had a mind of its own, and I had use two fingers to be able to hang onto it. Gabrielle urged me to go inside Xena and I did. She was warm and wet and tightened around my fingers.

Goddess, my mind was spiraling out of control at the feel of Xena's inner flesh and the sounds of her groans in my ears. My body shuddered with excitement, and I had to concentrate to understand that Xena was saying something about my needing to get the rest of my clothes off.

It was with great reluctance that I pulled my probing fingers from Xena's cove, and allowed Gabrielle to pull my skirt and underwear off. I was as naked as they were now, and although I knew I had a nice body, there was no way it could compete with the curviness of Gabrielle's or the magnificence of Xena's.

I heard Gabrielle whisper that I was beautiful, and then Xena's agreement on it. I blushed with pleasure at their words, and then gulped as I heard Xena tell Gabrielle to touch me and make sure I was ready.

As much as I desired their touch, I wasn't prepared when Gabrielle obeyed and ran her hand across my sex. I sunk to my knees, and had the glorious experience of being cradled against the warrior princess. I didn't know which felt better, Xena's firm flesh pressed into my back and under my thighs, or Gabrielle's eyes on my center. But then her mouth descended, and she began to taste and lick me.

By the goddesses, I never dreamed of the sensations that was coursing through me. Gabrielle's tongue tickled me in places that I don't even think my own fingers had touched. She would linger on one spot for a moment, and as I began to focus on moving toward her tongue, she'd pull it away and touch me somewhere else. I didn't think the pleasure could grow anymore, and then I heard the low sexy voice of the warrior princess vibrating my eardrum. "Feel what Gabrielle is doing to you, young queen. Feel her tongue lap at your clit, making your juices flow more freely. You have to be good and wet before I fuck you…I want you to feel every inch I give you. Don't worry that Gabrielle will taste your fluids…your body will just keep pumping them out until I have satisfied you."

The sound of her deep timbre was more than enough to bring me over, and just as my cunt began to pulsate in climax, Gabrielle pulled her head away. I wanted to scream at her in frustration, but Gabrielle said something about it being time. Oh goddess…was my dream finally going to come true?

Xena was talking to Gabrielle, her voice pleasant and relaxed, and then they began to kiss again. I had to get their attention…"Please."

Xena looked down at me like I was surprising her. "Please what?"

I screamed out the words I had screamed in my dreams a thousand times. "Please, Xena, fuck me! Make me a woman!" My body fought with my mind to reach up and grab Xena, pulling her down on top of me.

Gabrielle said something else, but all I could focus on was the sight of her and Xena trading places. Xena was now between my legs, looking at my flooded core, and my head rested on the softness of Gabrielle's thighs. When Gabrielle bent to kiss me, I eagerly met her mouth, but it was brief, and then she was sitting back up, taking my arms and stretching them out over my head and around her body. I dug my fingers into the small of her back, and chanced a look at Xena.

Her intense gaze was focused on my cunt, but then she looked up and met my eyes as her finger moved down the length of my slit. "Gabrielle is very, very good, isn't she?"

All I could do was repeat what I had heard…"Very, very good."

I felt her finger just barely go inside me, until it met the resistance of my maidenhead. Many times in my fevered explorations of my own body, I had been tempted to break through the skin, but now I was so glad I had resisted. I wanted Xena to have the honor.

I could feel her fingernail pressing against it, and fought with Gabrielle to gain my freedom. If the bard weren't so strong, I would have grabbed Xena's arm and thrust my body down on her maddening touch.

I had just opened my mouth to start begging, when I heard Gabrielle say she thought I was near my limit. My heart sang in joy, when I saw Xena nodding her agreement. I felt her finger press harder into me.

There was a sharp, tearing pain, but that was it…far less than I had heard all the stories about. I felt Xena touch me where no one had ever been before. When she asked me if I was okay, I almost laughed at loud. I was more than okay…I was in the Elysian Fields. I told her I wanted her, and pushed myself onto her hand. My eyes fluttered shut as she finally began to move within me.

Her thrusting hand drove me to heights I never knew existed. I began to move my hips in time with her movements, and opened my eyes when I heard a small sound above me. Xena had pressed her mouth to Gabrielle's, and they were making love to each other's mouths as Xena made love to me. The sensations rapidly intensified.

I wanted to tell Xena I was going to come, but all I could get out was her name, before I lost my power of speech. I felt the thickness sliding in and out of me increase in size, and then there was a wonderful insistent pressure at my clitoris. I hovered for one second at the edge of a cliff, and then I tumbled off.

I know I startled them with my scream, but I couldn't bite it back, and then my entire body began to spasm as pleasure rippled me over like waves of fire. Goddess, I was losing control, and it scared me. All I could do was curl up into a ball, and tremble with the feelings.

I lost awareness for a while, and when I could think clearly again, Xena was stretched out beside me, her face feasting between Gabrielle's legs. Gabrielle's eyes were clenched tight, but she opened them briefly and locked her gaze with mine. I was asking her for permission to touch Xena, and she nodded, before her eyes fluttered shut again. I knew I would only have this one night with them, but I was determined to make it last as long as I could.

I thought I might be the first Tribal Queen to ever fall asleep at her own coronation, but stealing glances at Xena stunning form and remembered vividly last night's events helped keep me awake during the ceremony. If I really concentrated, I could still feel a slight soreness between my legs, but it was a soreness that I was strangely proud of. I would forever be grateful with the warrior princess and her bard, for sharing their love with me. That what's they did really…even more than making love to me. They gave me a glimpse into the realm of their perfect love, and even allowed me a taste. I would forever be indebted to them both.

Gabrielle's Scroll (Part 1)
Xena's Scroll (Part 1)
Varia's Scroll (Part 1)
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls